Wednesday, September 20, 2006

BK Rana: Death Of A Democracy


- B. K. Rana


Nepal's current political upheaval is not the result of inefficient politicians' greed for power only. There are a number of governing factors. The squabbling political parties and unstable governments, rampant corruption and poverty and by far the most the unrelenting Maoists insurgency have certainly induced a modestly ambitious King to take over this week. As soon as he ascended the throne following the infamous royal massacre of June 1, 2001 - Nepalese people had no doubt in mind that the king would take over one day and democracy would die out in Nepal. Now that democracy has died out and King’s rule has prevailed in Nepal - human rights such as right to expression and the likes have been curtailed enormously.

The king, however, has reiterated in front of the Nepalese people that his administration would 'revitalize' multiparty democracy bringing in peace, prosperity to the people in the next three years' time. The timeline of three years appears less and therefore a question pops up will he bring in peace and security amidst such a chaos in the country? If he did, he would be able to restore his integrity otherwise; Nepal could lose its sovereignty. It is therefore not a time to only blame a king for the royal coup détat. There are lot more others who also are responsible for the recent political development in the country, however, a widespread speculation is that Maoist insurgents had once in the past some kind of relationship with the royalists.

Growth of Communist Force:

To nullify the democratic forces backed by neighboring India the king's father Mahendra had dismissed the elected Prime Minister Bisheshowr Prasad Koirala in 1960, introduced party less Panchyat system and counter-produced communist force which has now created havoc and apparently become a radical political force to uproot the monarchy itself.

The Maoist ideology essentially is that 'enemy' should be eliminated by utilizing its own resources by any means. The Monarch and the Maoists have offered an impression to the people that they are now dead enemies. The communist force grew up in Nepal with a loving King Mahendra who thought it more important to lean on China than on India. During cold war era, the dissolved Soviet Union had also shown interest in Nepal, however, the US was already present there with some basic programs in the country. A rather underdeveloped small Himalayan kingdom could not fascinate those super powers; however, India never stopped keeping its keen eyes on it. The kings could never have a sound relationship with India. They thought to better rely on communist activists. It is therefore understandable why king Gyanendra has as many as four communist leaders and rest others the monarchists in his 10-member cabinet. In Nepal, the right- wing viewpoint is that the communists are progressive nationalist element and democratic forces - the antinationalist ones.

A Foiled Democracy:

A small backdrop might provide some insight into Nepal's foiled democracy and the recent royal take over. The political parties of the land could never have consensus on some fundamental issues as: paving ways to social transformation and equal access to the national resources and eliminating corruption and disqualifying nepotism. Since the Rana regime, that ruled Nepal for 104 years until its elimination in 1951, a vast majority of peoples have been left behind uncared, disgraced and disadvantaged. After the restoration of democracy also the state never attempted to bring those peoples into the mainstream Nepalese life. The gap between haves and have-nots continues widening. This has been one of the major causes of Maoists uprising in the country.

The largest political party of the country - the Nepali Congress Party chief, Girija Prasad Koirala, who virtually always portrays himself as the guardian of 'Nepalese democracy' has an unceasing lust for power. He asserts that Koirala family has sacrificed for Nepalese democracy and therefore, the family deserves all political privileges than others forgetting the fact a number of others have also sacrificed no lesser than the Koiralas. During the past 15 years of Nepalese democracy, Koirala has the honor of being a long serving prime minister who has also earned a fame of being the leader that promoted nepotism in Nepal, however, it is in existence since long. There are quite a lot more examples to his credit here. He did not hesitate to compel his colleague, the founding member of Nepali Congress Party and the freedom fighter Krishna Prasad Bhattrai to resign from the post of prime minister in 2000. After submitting his resignation, Mr. Bhattrai wept bitterly in a rostrum of parliament, which was live telecast from state television.

And, later on Mr. Koirala could not enjoy seeing Sher Bahadur Deuba become the prime minister of Nepal because Mr. Deuba is one of his lieutenants from the west - the most underdeveloped part of the country. A dismissed Mr. Deuba also had formed a jumbo 49-member cabinet to stabilize his government in 1997. His acts also helped foil democracy. Mr. Deuba has obtained an honor of being a puppet of the king and become very unfortunate getting dismissed twice by the latter. The Nepalese King by tradition keeps on reappointing his ministers time and again - this is how a king rules over his - in a medieval style. He always enjoys being above the constitution - therefore the constitution of 1991 could not stop him dismissing an elected government in 2002. The democratic constitution could not preserve democracy. Now, the king has dismissed the government which he had unconstitutionally formed in June 2004. And, by tradition again, he is always the supreme commander of armed forces and it is therefore, he and his family members do not have to fear anybody to foil the democratic values in the country.

King by Tradition:

The kings of Nepal want to stick to traditions because rural populations take them as the incarnation of Vishnu - the preserver in the Hindu trinity. The country of Hindu majority by 80% percentile is predominantly orthodox in nature. The Vishnu factor provides Nepalese kings an enormous amount of will power to rule.

During his visit to the eastern mountains in early sixties, peoples put on their forehead some dust from King Mahendra's feet, believing that the dust would bring in prosperity to them. This is how the king resides in the heart of the rustic folks whose population is over 85% of the total population of 25.7 million in the country [2004]. The late king Birendra's family photo could be seen hanging around a corner of almost every household in the rural areas. The Vishnu factor has an enormous effect in Nepalese socio-political life.

Indian Security Concerns:

Having the same languages and cultures, India and Nepal enjoy an age-old cultural relationship and share mostly the same social values. They have open borders. They do not need issuing passports to their citizens who want to visit any of the countries. After Nepal's entering the United Nations in 1955, India has begun treating Nepal as an independent country. But, Nepalese feel their independence bothers India or in other words India does not want Nepal act as an independent country particularly on security concerns. India always persuades Nepal not to have intimate relationship with China. Contrarily, China does not hesitate to provide some support to Nepal. King Mahendra had great respect for the Chinese. India also argues Nepal allows Pakistanis or some other Islamic radicals to act against Indian interest from Nepalese soil. Nepal always denies Indian allegations.

Big Brother Factor:

It is a fact that India is an emerging economic power in South Asia. There is no denying that in India's economic development, other neighboring countries will also prosper. This fact prompts India to pose itself as 'the big brother' among seven South Asian countries. But, none of the neighboring countries accepts the big brother posture of India. This kind of big brother factor creates tensions among the South Asian countries. The problem in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Kashmir and Nepal are the results of India's 'big brother' posture.

In the event of terrorist attacks in different parts of India including her parliament, Indian government also doubts Nepal as the playground of ISI [Pakistani Spy Agency] agents and other terrorist networks, which Nepal does not accept. The RAW [Indian Spy Agency] agents shot dead Mirza Dilshad Beg, a serving member of Nepalese parliament, in one of the streets of Kathmandu. Mr. Dilshad Beg, as India believed, was an agent to Dawood Ibrahim. Nepal protested the event. In reciprocity, India has offered shelters to the Maoist leaders. All Maoist leaders are underground in India. Elite Nepalese believe India supplies arms and ammunitions to the Maoists rebels. But the other fact is that India also suffers from Naxalite movement in some of its provinces. Those Naxalites and Nepalese Maoists have working relationships which India fully understands.

Parallel Governments:

Nepal is almost paralyzed by current conflicts. No Nepalese government agency could be found functioning in rural communities. The Maoists have seized rural communities. The existence of Nepalese government may be realized in district headquarters, cities and Kathmandu - the capital city only. Apparently, there are two parallel governments: Nepal Government in cities, district headquarters and capital and Maoist Government in rural areas. The helpless people are trapped in between these two 'parallel governments'. The Maoists want to abolish monarchy and establish radical communist government in Nepal. The king wants to contain the Maoists. He formed four different governments in his four years of rule. But, all of the governments failed to negotiate with the Maoists.


The king cannot abandon the throne. In his address to the nation, he did not miss out to provide some glimpses of his fighter forefather King Prithivi Narayan Shah, who is credited to have unified Nepal in 1768. King Prithivi, as historians hold, was a cruel ruler. King Gyanendra wants to preserve the tradition laid by Prithivi Narayan Shah and his father Mahendra.

The recent closure of Dalai Lama's offices in Kathmandu provides some instance that Nepal will endeavor to obtain support from China. But it may be unwise to depend on this formula to secure peace in the country. Obviously, there will be more bloodshed and gross human rights violation in coming days in Nepal. The victims would mostly be the rural folks who are allured by the Maoists propaganda. The international community has reportedly condemned the take over. It may have served the purpose of 'supporting democracy and opposing autocracy' for the time being only. The condemnation will eventually fade out. The king appears confident that the international community will have no choice to back him in his fight against Maoist insurgents. But, will the king become able to restore peace in the country? On the other hand will the Maoists become able to work together with Koirala, Deuba or other communist leaders to abolish the monarchy? Or, will the Maoists dramatically alter their strategies and shake hands with the king? Virtually, the answer could be that the Vishnu factor will work out for sometime, there will be more bloodshed in the country in the days ahead and the country may lose sovereignty.
Cambridge MA,
February 5, 2005

Peace Journalism
Nepal Research 1

In The News

Draft of Nepal Citizenship Act 2006 tabled People's Daily Online, China an individual who was born in Nepal before April 1990 and has permanent domicile in Nepal will be a citizen of Nepal on the basis of birth. ...... Any person born of parents who are the citizens of Nepal will be a citizen of Nepal on the basis of descent and every minor found in Nepal whose parents' whereabouts is not known will be considered the citizen of Nepal on the basis of descent until the whereabouts of the parents is known. ..... A person who is more than 16 years old and who wants to acquire citizenship certificate on the basis of birth or descent is required to apply for the same by including with the application the Nepali citizenship certificate of one's father, mother or the close relative in his lineage, one's birth certificate, the certificate attesting one's lineage, the recommendation of the Village Development Committee or Municipality concerned, the land-ownership certificate in one's name, father's name or mother's name, or the receipt of the house tax. ..... The government can also dispatch the citizenship distribution teams for the purpose of distributing citizenship certificates if it deems necessary
Citizenship bill helps foreigners to outnumber Nepali people People's Daily Online
Experts call to scrap citizenship
Experts Call to Scrap Proposed Citizenship Bill Himalayan Times
Coup Not Possible in Nepal: Koirala Himalayan Times, Nepal
Nepali political parties condemn Thai coup
Coup in Thailand: Generals, Go Back To Democracy! United We Blog
Thai coup unfortunate: PM
Civil-Military Relations in Nepal*, Nepal
Govt, Maoists hold marathon meetings for summit talks Kantipur Online the Maoist leadership has already directed the PLA to finalize the cantonment areas. ..... the constituent assembly elections should be held by mid-May next year.
Nepal won't be another Thailand: Koirala Telugu Portal, India
Denmark interested in joining peace process in Nepal Zee News, India
PM rules out possibility of coup in Nepal People's Daily Online, China
Dalit Protest Racial Attack on Temple-goers in West Nepal Nepal human Rights News, Nepal

RPP Not in Favour of Monarch: Pashupati Rana Himalayan Times though RPP has always been accused of being a pro-monarchy party, RPP was not in favour of monarchy anymore. ..... The party activists throughout the country are also of same view.” ..... King had a role in dividing RPP into three factions. ... the main objective the party was to achieve federal system in the country. ..... Rana claimed that RPP would lead a huge section of people dissatisfied by seven parties and the Maoists.
40 Arrested Near PM's Residence
Demoted SC Judge Jha Ready to Work at Appellate Court
Sherchan Wants Political, Arms Issues Tackled Together
MPs Flay Govt for Poor Security, Delay in Interim Statute
Govt presents Citizenship Bill in House Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula tabled the bill stating that citizenship certificates will be distributed easily and systematically. ..... The government can distribute citizenship certificates by setting up mobile teams after the endorsement of the bill by the House. ..... A 16-year-old person can apply for a citizenship certificate along with the citizenship certificate of his or her father or mother, birth certificate, relation certificate, recommendation of VDC and the land ownership certificate. If one has no such evidences, he or she can apply along with the recommendation of three citizens and if his or her name is registered in the previous voters’ list before the commencement of the Act. ....... One can file a case in appellate court if a government authority refuses to distribute a citizenship certificate. ..... If a foreigner gets a Nepali citizenship certificate in a fraudulent manner, he or she can face up to five years’ jail sentence or Rs 20,000 fine or both. Those who help any foreigner to acquire a citizenship certificate fraudulently can face 6 months to 3 years jail sentence or Rs 5,000 to Rs 50,000 fine or both. Up to one year to five-year jail sentence or Rs 20,000 to Rs one lakh fine or both can be imposed on anyone if he or she produces false details to acquire a certificate.
NC, NC-D unity possible before Tihar: Deuba “Perhaps the PM is not serious about the unification, but I am serious about it.” ...... a united NC will win the election. ..... he said the Maoists’ character has not improved yet.
Evidence being destroyed, fears Rayamajhi expressed concern over the government “appointing to key posts” those within the scope of the panel’s investigation. ..... the King may be asked for his statement prior to the Dashain festival. “We may visit the palace or simply send questionnaires to record his statement” .....

Deuba stresses on arms mgmt, defends Moriarty's visit to western Nepal Kantipur Publications
PM says Thai coup "unfortunate", rules out any such possibility in Nepal
Families of Janaandolan martyrs to receive Rs. 5000 monthly
Amendments sought in NRN bill
MPs draw govt attention to Shaileshwori temple incident, demand action against guilty
न्यायाधीश झा पुनरावेदनमा
समानता विधेयक आयो
संविधानसभा एजेण्डा
एकीकरणको टुंगो चाँडै ः देउवा
राजाविरुद्ध मुद्दा दर्ता भएन
ँनागरिक समाजलाई सरकारमा लानु हुन्न’

Madhesi Rights

Madhesi Rights 1
Madhesi Rights 2
Madhesi Rights 3
Madhesi Rights 4
Madhesi Rights 5
Madhesi Rights 6
Madhesi Rights 7
Madhesi Rights 8
Madhesi Rights 9
Madhesi Rights 10
Madhesi Rights 11
Madhesi Rights 12

Peace Talks

Nepal Peace Talks 1
Nepal Peace Talks 2
Nepal Peace Talks 3
Nepal Peace Talks 4
Nepal Peace Talks 5
Nepal Peace Talks 6
Nepal Peace Talks 7

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Three Emerging Poles

The momentum towards a Congress unification should send a clear message to the other non-Congress parties. They are going to have to respond, otherwise you will be looking at another decade of Congress dominated politics. A democracy where one party dominates is not a healthy democracy.

I am surprised the Maoists see the UML as their rivals. I think they overestimate their electoral prospects. In a free and fair election, the Maoists are not going to emerge the majority party or the largest party. They are going to emerge one of the largest parties where no one party has a clear majority. But then even that might change if the two Congress factions unify. If a unified Congress attains a majority, the Maoists will be left sulking in a corner. So the first thing for them to do is to face the reality. The second thing is to seek a strong friendship with the UML. Then it is for them to reach out to all the left parties to form a Left Front that is not a single party, but that acts like one.

Only such a Left Front could hope to be a counterbalance to a unified Congress. If they can position themselves to be a ready substitute to the Congress in power, they stand a strong chance of doing good work in education, health, micro credit and land reform. I think such a Left Front could end up being crucial for pushing the literacy rate in the country to above 90%. If you combine regular education with adult education, you can hope to achieve something like that within a decade. There is something about the communist ideology, and the emphasis within communist parties on their cadres that tells me the Left Front is more likely to achieve the literacy goals than the Congress. It is the communists in Kerala who are exemplary in India on that one. It is the communists in West Bengal who have done a good job on land reform.

Whether or not there will be a third front will depend on if or not the two Sadbhavana factions are willing to unify like the two Congress factions. If they do not come together, both stand the chance of losing their national party status. Other larger parties are getting ready to eat their social justice lunch. All big parties are for federalism. The citizenship and reservation issues are about to get settled. Not only that, the Sadbhavana will have to make the decision to move beyond its traditional Madhesi vote bank. They can hope to do that by trying to rope in the organized Janajati and Dalit groups.

The Congress and the Left Front might be coming around to issues of social justice, but their leadership is still dominated by the hill Bahuns. That is where the Sadbhavana should see an opening.

When I got to meet Dr. Om Gurung in New York City, he told me his federation was at the forefront of the April Revolution in at least 25 districts, as in they were the ones in the lead. (Nepal Janajati Statement From NYC, Janajati Sammelan At The New School)

The Sadbhavana could take the lead on forming a Third Front for the DaMaJaMa coalition. It could shape a central committee that is 20-30-30-20, as in 20% Dalit, 30% Janajati, 30% Madhesi, and 20% open seats. And women would get 33% across the board in each category. There would also be a 33% reservation for women in every party committee at every level. If the party president be Madhesi, then there would be three vice presidents, one Janajati, one Dalit, one woman. If the party president be Janajati, the same formula would apply to the Madhesi.

No party has done anything this drastic. If the Sadbhavana were to do something this drastic, it can hope to emerge a Third Front that is either indispensable to the other two fronts, or goes on to rival both in size down the line.

The name of the combined party still would be Nepal Sadbhavana Party. The Janajati and Dalit federations would continue to exist because they are more like NGOs than political parties, but the leaders in those organizations would act crucial to the combined party. That is the proposal.

Janajati, Madhesi: Too Vague, Dalit: Not Assertive Enough
Nepal In 2006 Is Not Russia In 1917
Rajendra Mahto: नागरिकता विधेयक खोतल्दा
Baburam Bhattarai On The Impending Peace Talks
Nepali Convention: Management
Public Scholarships In Private Schools
Hands Off The Madhesi Activists
Girija Prachanda Brinkmanship
Arguing With The Maoists
Sumit Pokharel: Maps
All Members To The Constituent Assembly Must Be Directly Elected
Prachanda, Madhav, Devendra
Madhesi Self Hate
Time For A New Nepali Congress
Prachanda: Not In Tune With The April Revolution

In The News

MPs demand Home Minister’s resignation over weakening security situation NepalNews
Visiting Danish minister starts deliberations on Nepal's peace process
Decision on Congress unification within a month: Deuba
Businessmen rally in Birgunj demanding industrial security
Dalits protest Doti incident; demand high-level probe committee
NTV now available in Europe and Gulf countries
Interim government to be formed by mid November: UML General Secy.
Unblocking ambassadorial appointments, Blocking cronyism
Maoists sell `revolutionary dreams' to young students
Nepal successful in cutting down child mortality rate, despite conflict: UNICEF
PAC asks lawyers to submit proof for initiating impeachment process against justices
Pariyar died due to Maoist torture: Rights group
Maoist leader Bhusal refutes claims of forceful collection of donations
Vice-Chairman of People's Front Nepal, Lila Mani Pokhrel speaking
Fifth national convention of Akhil Nepal Women Federation
Junior Health workers protest

NEPAL: Rebels and government to hold decisive peace talks Reuters AlertNet, UK
Business executives rally in south Nepal to demand protection ... International Herald Tribune, France

Final hearing on Gajurel's fate on Friday Kantipur Publications
Govt tables Citizenship Bill at House of Representatives
Permanent Fiasco?
Finance Minister Mahat meets WB president
Deuba requests Koirala to finalise unification details Deuba expressed his dissatisfaction over the unification modalities as publicised by Koirala and said whether congress unification take place or not will be decided very soon. ..... Deuba had accused Koirala of not approaching the unification with a sense of sacrifice but as an attempt to weaken the NC-D and to win over some cadres. .... "There should be no space for another "Koirala camp" and "Deuba camp" to continue internal strife inside the unified congress", Deuba said adding that if those "camps" are allowed to remain active, then there will be another clash. ...... Deuba also said that differences in principles and inclusiveness still exist between the NC and NC-D.
HR situation improving in Nepal, says UN rights chief
Rebels rob family, bar from leaving village
‘Raxaul-Amlekhgunj oil pipeline feasible’
Bhattarai in unification rush, mounts pressure on Deuba Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, signalled to him to either to fall in step for party unification or face isolation. ..... about 35 out of 39 NC(D) MPs have already agreed to rejoin the mother NC party under the leadership of Bhattarai if Deuba fails to expedite the unification process ...... urged him to be ready for "unconditional unification." ...... Deuba in return asked for three days' time to set forth his modality for a respectful unification of the party. ...... "Koirala has taken the unification modality positively and has agreed to give NC(D) units equal status at every level." ..... "The unified party will retain the active members of both sides, give charge of the district committees to the more senior of the two disrtict presidents in each district, form a 5-7 member committee to deal with differences at the district level, and give equal status to the central leaders of both sides". .... Koirala has also agreed to hold a general convention within 6-8 months to select a new leadership ...... Deuba has already agreed to respect Koirala as president. He also said NC Vice-President Sushil Koirala has hinted at quitting his post to pave the way for Deuba to become the party president's immediate deputy. ..... "Deuba has proposed formation of a task force but the other side does not seem ready for that," said Rijal. "It has increased suspicions about the future of NC(D) cadres after unification"
What 1st -- arms or political issues? UN is still seeking an answer
नर्वे र डेनमार्कले तीन अर्ब सघाउने
गृहकार्य सुरु
अन्तरिम संविधान र संविधानसभाको टुंगो दसैंअघि’
दुई नेताको भेट सकारात्मक’
कोइरालालाई राष्ट्रपति बनाउन तयार’
घरघरै गएर दलितलाई कुटपिट डोटी सदरमुकाम सिलगढीमा गैरदलित समूहले सोमबार दोस्रो दिन पनि घरघरमै गएर कुटपिट गर्न थालेपछि दलितहरू भागेका छन् । ..... उक्त समूहले सोमबार अबेरसम्मै 'राजा आऊ, देश बचाऊ' नारा लगाउँदै बजार नियन्त्रणमा लिएर दलित र पत्रकारहरूको खोजी गरिरहेको स्थानीय प्रेम नेपालीले बताए । ..... 'हिजो राति १२ बजेसम्म हाम्रो घर नजिकै आएर आक्रमण गर्न खोजे । कति बेला आएर कुटपिट गर्छन् भन्ने त्रासले हामी सबै महिला रातभर एउटै घरमा जम्मा भएर बस्यौं,' स्थानीय तमन्ना वाणचन्दले भनिन्- 'तीन छाकदेखि खाना पनि खाएको छैन । अब भागेर अन्त जानुको विकल्प छैन ।' ...... प्रशासन र राजनीतिक दलले समेत चासो नदेखाएका कारण बालबच्चासहित भाग्नुपरेको उनीहरूको गुनासो छ । ..... नेपाल दलित मुक्ति मोर्चा, एमाले, डोटी र विभिन्न संघसंस्थाले आक्रमणकारीमाथि कारबाहीको माग गरेका छन् । ...... प्रहरी नायब उपरीक्षक मोतीसिंह धामीका अनुसार दिपायलबाट सुरक्षा बल बोलाएर स्थिति नियन्त्रणको प्रयास भइरहेको छ । तोडफोड र आक्रमणमा संलग्नलाई पक्रने प्रयास भइरहेको उनले बताए । राजवादीहरू संलग्न उक्त समूहमा केही कर्मचारी र शिक्षकसमेत संलग्न थिए ।
कणर्ाली राजमार्ग पूरा गर्न निर्देशन
हल्लाको भरमा पार्टी एकीकरण हुँदैन ः देउवा
आत्मनिर्णयको अधिकार र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानुन
समस्या चर्काउने नागरिकता विधेयक

समस्या चर्काउने नागरिकता विधेयक

सीताराम अग्रवाल

नागरिकता ऐन, ०६३ विधेयकका रूपमा संसद्मा प्रस्तुत भइसकेको छ । विधेयकले इमानदारीपूर्वक नागरिकता समस्या समाधान गर्न खोजेको छ त ? यसतर्फ मधेसी समुदाय गम्भीर बन्नुपर्छ ।

विधेयक, नागरिकता समस्या समाधानतर्फ उन्मुख छैन । यसले जटिलता निम्त्याउने पक्का छ । संसद्मा विचाराधीन विधेयकले नागरिकता समस्या समाधान गर्न सक्तैन भनी सात दलभित्रकै सद्भावना पार्टी -आनन्दीदेवी) का महासचिव राजेन्द्र महतोले सार्वजनिक अभिव्यक्ति दिइसकेका छन् । विधेयकले सरकारको मधेसप्रतिको मानसिकता नागरिकता सन्दर्भमा नंग्याइदिएको छ ।

अंगीकृत नागरिकता

विधेयकले अंगीकृत, जन्मसिद्ध तथा वंशज गरी तीन किसिमले नागरिकता दिने व्यवस्था गरेको छ । ०४७ को संविधानले १५ वर्षसम्म नेपालमा बसोवास गरेकालाई अंगीकृत नागरिकता दिने व्यवस्था गरेको थियो । विधेयकले भने विज्ञान, दर्शनशास्त्र, कला, साहित्य, विश्वशान्ति, मानव कल्याण, औद्योगिक, आर्थिक वा सामाजिक उन्नतिमा विशेष योगदान पुर्‍याएको वा पुर्‍याउन सक्ने भनी सरकारले ठहर्‍याएको व्यक्तिले मात्र यस्तो नागरिकता पाउन सक्ने व्यवस्था गरेको छ । साविकको व्यवस्थाअनुसार आमजनताले अंगीकृत नागरिकता पाउनमा रोक लगाइएको छ । सीमा तोकिनु र सरकारबाट ठहर भएको हुनुपर्ने बाध्यात्मक व्यवस्थाले अंगीकृत नागरिकता सरल तवरबाट पाउन सक्ने देखिँदैन ।

नेपालीलाई नागरिकता दिने कानुनी व्यवस्था भएका मुलुकका नागरिकलाई मात्र अंगीकृत दिने व्यवस्था छ । तोकिदिएको योग्य व्यक्ति अभावमा अंगीकृत नागरिकतासम्बन्धी कानुन कार्यान्वयनमा आउन सक्तैन । यस्तो नागरिकता दिने व्यवस्था साविकभन्दा जटिल भएर आएको छ ।

पतिपत्नीले अंगीकृत नागरिकता पाउन सक्ने व्यवस्था विधेयकमा छैन । उसको नजिकको नाता पति, पत्नी र सन्तानलाई अनिवार्यरूपमा नागरिकता दिनुपर्ने हो । पहिलेको सन्तानले नागरिकता पाउने व्यवस्था भए पनि नागरिकता पाएपश्चात् नेपालकै भूमिमा अंगीकृत नागरिकबाट जन्मेको सन्तानले पाउन नसक्ने गरी विधेयक आएको छ ।

वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध भएकी विदेशी महिलाले अंगीकृत नागरिकता पाउने व्यवस्था छ । नागरिकता सन्दर्भमा महिला र पुरुषबीच असमान भएको आवाज उठिरहेको छ । विदेशी महिला नभएर पुरुष पनि हुनसक्छ । नेपाली महिलाले विदेशीसँग विवाह गरे र त्यो श्रीमान् आफ्नो देशको नागरिकता त्याग्छ भने उसले नेपाली नागरिकता किन नपाउने ?

जन्मसिद्ध नागरिकता

०४६ चैतभन्दा अघि नेपालमा जन्म भई स्थायी बसोवास गरेकाले जन्मका आधारमा नागरिकता पाउने व्यवस्था विधेयकले गरेको छ । त्यसपछि जन्मेकाले नागरिकता नपाउने व्यवस्थालाई ठीक भन्न मिल्दैन । यस किसिमले नागरिकता पाउन दुई विषयको योग्यता पुगेकै हुनुपर्छ ः -क) नेपाल सरहदमै जन्मेको हुनुपर्ने -ख) स्थायीरूपले बसोवास गरेको हुनुपर्ने ।

स्थायी बसोवास गर्ने तर नागरिकता पाउन नसकेका बाबु-आमा विदेशमा रहँदा ०४६ चैतअघि जन्मेका सन्तान नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र पाउनबाट बन्चित हुनेछन् । सन्तान नेपालमा जन्मेको रहेछ भने मात्र उसले नागरिकता पाउन सक्छ । विदेशमा जन्म भएकै कारण नागरिकताबाट बन्चित गर्नु अन्याय हो । स्थायी बसोवास प्रमाणको अभावमा पनि ०४६ चैतभन्दा अघि जन्मेकाले नागरिकता पाउन सजिलो छैन ।

वंशज नागरिकता

वंशजको नाताले नागरिकतासम्बन्धी व्यवस्था गर्दा पुरुष र महिलाबीच असमान व्यवहार गरिएको छ । आमाको नाताले नागरिकता पाउन कठिन व्यवस्था राखिएको छ । जसको बाबुको नागरिकता छैन र आमाको मात्र छ भने उसको नेपालमा स्थायी बसोवास भएकै हुनुपर्ने थप व्यवस्था प्रतिबन्धात्मक वाक्यांश उल्लेख छ । बाबुको नागरिकताका आधारमा पाउन स्थायी बसोवास भएको अनिवार्य नरहेको र आमाको नागरिकताका आधारमा स्थायी बसोवास अनिवार्यले पनि महिला र पुरुषबीच असमान व्यवहार गरिएको छ ।

सरकारले महिला र पुरुषबीच समान व्यवहार गर्न खोजिरहेको हो त ? विदेशीसँग विवाह गरेर उतै स्थायी तवरले बस्ने नेपाली नेपालमा स्थायी बसोवास अभावले नागरिकता पाउन सक्दैन । ती आमाका सन्तानले नेपालको नागरिक हुन स्थायी बसोवास अनिवार्य कायम गरिएको छ । दुई देशको नागरिकता प्राप्त हुने अवस्था भएमा त्यस्तोले १६ वर्ष उमेर पुगेको दुई वर्षभित्र कुनै एक मुलुकको नागरिकता रोज्नुपर्ने, सो समयभित्र नरोजे नेपाली नागरिकता कायम नरहने व्यवस्था छ । यति हुँदाहुँदै महिला र पुरुषबीच असमान व्यवहार देखिने गरी भएको प्रतिबन्धात्मक वाक्यांश जरुरी थिएन । नागरिकता रोज्ने सन्दर्भमा हदम्याद तोकिनु गलत हो । पहिले रोजिएको देशको नागरिक हुने व्यवस्था गरे यहाँ गल्ती हुने थिएन ।

बाबुको नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र नभए पनि यहाँ स्थायी बसोवास रहेका र विदेशी नागरिकता नलिएकालाई नेपालकै नागरिक मान्नुपर्छ । यसमा विधेयकको ध्यान पुगेको छैन । यस्तो अवस्थाका व्यक्तिलाई विदेशी भनी मान्ने किसिमबाट आएको विधेयकले समस्या समाधान गर्न सक्दैन । तिनलाई विदेशी मान्नेले प्रमाण दिनुपर्ने व्यवस्था भए स्वतः नागरिकता समस्या समाधान हुन जान्छ, । नागरिकता सन्दर्भमा कस्तो कठिनाइ छ र त्यसलाई कसरी समाधान गर्न सकिने हो त्यो सात दल सम्मिलित सरकारले पनि थाहा पाउन कोसिस गरेको छैन वा बुझेर पनि बुझ पचाएको हुनसक्छ । नेपालमा स्थायी बसोवास रहेको तथा अन्य कुनै देशको नागरिकता नलिएकालाई अन्यथा प्रमाणित नभएसम्म नेपाली मान्नुपर्छ । सबै नेपालीले नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र पाउनुपर्छ । नागरिकता नपाएका नेपालीलाई अरू बढी ठग्ने काम बन्द गरियोस् ।

नेपाल सरहदभित्र फेला परेका नाबालक बाबु-आमा पत्ता नलागुन्जेलसम्म नेपालको नागरिक मानिने व्यवस्था विधेयकमा छ । त्यस्ता नाबालकले नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र पाउन सक्दैनन् । नागरिक मानिने व्यवस्था नाबालकको हकमा मात्र छ । बालिग भएपश्चात् विदेशी मान्ने व्यवस्था भएकाले यसले सामान्य मानव अधिकार पालनासम्म गर्न नसकेको देखिन्छ । सम्पूर्ण नेपालीको नजिकको नाता बुबा, आमा, दाइ, भाइ, बहिनी, दिदी, सन्तानले स्वतः नागरिकता पाउने व्यवस्था हुनुपर्छ । परिवारको १ जना नागरिक र अरू गैरनागरिकका रूपमा रहने परिस्थिति राखिनु उचित हुँदैन । परिवारको कुनै १ जनालाई नागरिक मान्ने हो र त्यसको पूरा परिवारलाई नागरिकताविहीन गरिराखी छाड्ने हो भने यसले समस्यालाई झन् जटिल बनाउँछ ।

नेपालभित्र गाभिने गरी कुनै क्षेत्र प्राप्त भए तोकेको मितिदेखि हाम्रो नागरिक मानिने व्यवस्था विधेयकमा छ । साविकमा गाभिएको क्षेत्र जस्तै बाँके, बर्दिया, कैलाली, कञ्चनपुरको सन्दर्भ उल्लेख छैन । गाभिएकाले त्यस क्षेत्रका अधिकांश व्यक्ति नागरिकता पाउन नसकेर समस्यामा छन् । समस्या समाधान गर्ने उपाय खोजिएन । गाभिएकै मितिमा त्यो क्षेत्रका बासिन्दा गाभिएको देशको नागरिक स्वतः हुनुपर्छ । तोकेको मितिदेखि नागरिक मान्ने व्यवस्थाले त्यसअघिको मितिसम्म गाभिएको क्षेत्रका बासिन्दालाई नागरिकताविहीन बनाउने गरी विधेयक प्रस्तुत भएको छ । नागरिकप्रतिको राज्यको कर्तव्य र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मान्यतासमेत तोड्ने काम यसबाट हुनेछ ।

दण्डको सन्दर्भमा कठोर सजायको व्यवस्था विधेयकले लिएर आएको छ । कुनै कसुरमा मुद्दा चलाउने हदम्यादसम्बन्धी व्यवस्था अनिवार्य रूपले हुँदै आएकामा साविकदेखि कायम रहेको हदम्याद नराख्ने व्यवस्था यहाँ छ । कारबाही गर्न हदम्याद व्यवस्था गरिनु अनिवार्य छ । कहिलेसम्म नागरिकता पाउनेले आफ्नो प्रमाण सुरक्षितसाथ राखोस् ? जहिलेसुकै कारबाही गर्नसक्ने व्यवस्थाले दण्ड गर्ने अधिकारी र नागरिकता वितरण गर्ने कर्मचारीको त्रास नागरिकता लिनेको पासमा सुरक्षित राखी राख्नु उचित हुँदैन । झूटो विवरण दिएको नागरिकता रद्द हुने व्यवस्था उल्लेख छ भने अर्कोतर्फ विवरण सच्याउने व्यवस्था । दुवै व्यवस्था परस्पर बाझिएको अवस्था छ । जुन विवरणबाट गैरनागरिकले नागरिकता पाएको कायम हुन सक्दैन, त्यस्तो झूटो विवरणका आधारमा नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र रद्द गरी नागरिकताविहीन बनाउने काम लोकतान्त्रिक सरकारको आचरणभित्र पर्न सक्दैन ।

यहाँ नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्रलाई बढी जटिल बनाइएको छ । नागरिकता नभई केही पनि गर्न नपाउनेजस्तो व्यवस्था कार्यान्वयनमा ल्याइएको छ । अर्कोतर्फ नागरिकलाई नागरिकता दिनबाट रोक लगाउने परम्परा छ । नागरिकता समस्याको वास्तविक समाधान कसैले पनि चाहेको छैन । नागरिकता मधेसीका लागि ठूलो समस्या बनेको छ । विधेयक एउटा धोका हो यसले आंशिक रूपमा पनि नागरिकता समस्या समाधान गर्न सक्दैन । समस्यालाई झन् चर्काउने उद्देश्य लिई आएको विधेयक असंवैधानिक छ । मधेसी र नागरिकताको माग दबाउने मनसाय बोकेर आएको छ यो विधयेक । हिमाल, पहाड र तराई सबैतिर बस्ने नेपालीको साझा अभिभावक बन्नुपर्छ सरकार ।

त्यसैले मधेसविरुद्धको मानसिकता परिवर्तन गराउन सबै अग्रसर हुनैपर्छ ।

-लेखक अधिवक्ता हुन्)

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Monday, September 18, 2006

If The Monarch Gets Restive, Dump Him Now

The idea that the fate of the monarchy has to be decided during the constituent assembly elections is not an idea where the king actively gets to try to campaign for himself, only willing political parties may do so. The idea definitely is not that he might start bribing people, politicians of various shades. The idea is not that he gets to address the nation. All that are disallowed.

The king has to remember that two more days of the April Revolution, and he would have been history, perhaps in an unpleasant fashion.

The parties are talking in terms of him being a citizen and a businessman. The parties have the option of talking in terms of throwing him behind bars for the April atrocities, and the atrocities prior.

This magnanimity is not weakness. The people behind the people power of the April Revolution are still around. Should there be a need for another mass movement, no political leader will be able to convince the masses to spare the monarchy for a little longer.

The eight parties still have the option to do away with the monarchy right away through a political decision. And they should exercise that option should they see signs the monarch is going activist again.

The reports that the monarch is getting active again should be enough for the seven party alliance and the Maoists to realize their compulsions that gave shape to the 12 point agreement are still there. There is a continued need for the eight party alliance.

For the king to think the army is still under him would be a grave mistake. The army has been brought firmly under the parliament. A more agile Prime Minister would have fired a few generals by now.

The seven parties have to fear the people. The Maoists have to fear the people. They do not have to fear the army. They most certainly do not have to fear the king.

The king has to stay politically inactive. And he may not spend his money in efforts to try to save the monarchy. Only when those two conditions are met will he be given the constituent assembly treatment. Otherwise the monarchy has to be dumped right away. It can be done.

The issue, if there is, is between a strictly ceremonial monarchy and a republic. It is not between an activist monarchy and a republic.

The King Should Abdicate

British Prime Minister Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler. That is widely perceived to have been a big mistake. You don't appease the monarch, not the rotten generals. You cash on people power to draw the line, and stick to it.

The army has to be under the parliament totally, and the monarchy has to obey the referendum. Those are the only options they have.

In The News

Nepal a world leader in boosting child survival: UNICEF Kantipur Publications
PAC proposes impeachment against SC justices two justices of the Supreme Court (SC) who issued a controversial verdict scrapping the decision to blacklist the Maha Laxmi Sugar Mills. .... verdict in January this year ..... involved in the "financial terrorism" ...... the Mills owned by businessman Binod Kumar Chaudhary. .... over 1.22 billion from the troubled company. ....
IMF to extend PRGF by a year
Katuwal requests govt to help NA complete road projects
CoAS takes oath of office from PM
50 dalits injured in temple row Dalits had entered the temple following an agreement last week between representatives of seven parties, Maoists, civil society, and district administration allowing dalits to enter the temple under the supervision of district police office. The district administration had reached an agreement with the temple's priest as well to allow this. .... because of the district administration's negligence .... The vandals chanted slogans against the seven parties and journalists in favor of the king. ...... accused the local administration of being a mute spectator to blatant violation of law. The statement says that Silgadi bazaar is tense and dalits are either fleeing the place or hiding in groups.
Special tribunal proposed for army graft trial a "special tribunal", comprising both civilian and military prosecutors, to investigate corruption within the army and recommend punishment. ..... "The accused can file an appeal [on the tribunal's decision] at the Supreme Court." ...... Until now, despite allegations of "rampant corruption" within the army organization, there was no civilian access to probe the allegations. ...... "The army shouldn't take this attempt to make the army more timely, professional, transparent and responsible, otherwise." ...... a provision in the proposed Army Act to try cases of serious human rights violations by the army on civilians, the army is saying that the Military Court should deal with all cases except two - related to murder and rape. ..... we have been insisting that the cases related to murder, rape, theft, torture and disappearance committed by army personnel against civilians should be tried in a civilian court
कोइराला-प्रचण्ड भेटवार्ता 'प्रधानमन्त्री र माओवादी अध्यक्ष्ा प्रचण्डबीचको भेटघाट आफैंंमा महत्त्वपूर्ण हो । ..... 'सेना-हतियार व्यवस्थापन, अन्तरिम संविधानको निर्माणलगायत समग्र विषयमा संक्षिप्त छलफल भयो,' सिटौलाले भने । .... अहिलेसम्म उठेका सबै विषयमा छलफल भएको भन्ने अध्यक्ष्ा प्रचण्डको भनाइ .... शिखर वार्ताका लािग तयारी गर्ने, अन्तरिम संविधानको टुंगो लगाउने, अन्तरिम सरकार, व्यवस्थापिका, राजाको स्थान र हतियार व्यवस्थापन सम्बन्धमा छलफल भएको थियो । सबै विषयहरूको टुंगो लगाउन कार्यदलले व्यापक गृहकार्य गरेर शिखर बैठक बस्नुपर्नेमा दुवै पक्ष्ा सहमत भएका छन् । .....
सर्वोच्चबाट न्यायाधीश झालाई हटाइने
क्रान्तिकारी महिलाको नयाँ नेतृत्व
हतियारको नाममा विदेशी चलखेल’
ँदलबाट पनि सूचना पाउनुपर्ने’
सहमतिअनुरूप चल्न माओवादी आग्रह
ज्यादतीको पराकाष्ठा
विदेशी हितमा निर्णय
राजमार्गमा रमिता
विचित्रका विरोध
संक्रमणकालको विस्फोटक राजनीति
वर्तामा बादल
वार्तामा मडारिएको बादल अझै फाटेको छैन । तैपनि, शिखरवार्ताको प्रतीक्ष र गतिरोध अन्त्यको आशा कायमै छ।
राजधानीका केही ठाउँमा टायरहरू बल्न थाले भने माओवादीले मुलुकभर चक्काजाम तथा हडताल गर्‍यो । ..... एक महिना पाँच दिनदेखि अवरुद्ध हुँदै आएको शान्तिवार्तालाई गति प्रदान गर्न अनौपचारकि पहल शुरू भएको छ । ..... संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन पर सार्ने प्रमुख सत्तारुढ दलहरूको भित्री चाहना ..... संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन गराउने मामलामा सत्तारुढ दलहरू अर्को वर्षको असोजसम्मको म्याद तोकिरहेका छन् भने माओवादीहरू आगामी वैशाख-जेठतिरै चुनाव गराउनुपर्ने तर्क अघि सार्दै आएका छन् । ...... संविधानसभाको चुनावी अवधिभर माओवादी सेनाको भरणपोषण सरकारी पक्षले बेहोर्ने आन्तरकि सहमति बनेको माओवादी स्रोतको दाबी छ । ....... "साउन २४ गतेयता प्रधानमन्त्री र हाम्रा अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डबीच टेलिफोनमा सामान्य कुराकानीसमेत भएको छैन, बाहिर हल्ला अनेक चल्नसक्छ । तर, शीर्षस्थ तहमा संवाद भइरहेको छैन । यसबाट के पुष्टि हुन्छ भने सरकार अग्रगामी निकास चाहँदैन ।" ...... १२ बुँदे सहमतिले पहिलोपटक माओवादीलाई दलको मान्यता दिएको र आठबुँदे सहमतिमा माओवादीको सेना र सत्ता स्वीकार गरएिको उसको दाबी छ । ..... माओवादीले आठबुँदे सहमतिलाई कुनै पनि विदेशी शक्ति र दरबारको सहभागिताबिना नेपाली मात्रको सहमति मान्दै आएको छ । ...... सरकारले भने संयुक्त राष्ट्रसङ्घसमक्ष पठाइएको पाँचबुँदे सहमतिलाई त्यस्तै अनुकूल ठानेको छ । पाँचबुँदे सहमतिमा माओवादीका सेनालाई लडाकूको मात्र दर्जा दिई तिनीहरूलाई निश्चित क्याम्पमा राखेर हतियारको प्रमाणीकरण तथा अनुगमन गर्ने रहेको छ । ...... यसो गर्दा पनि नभएमा पूरै शहरमा सशस्त्र विद्रोह थाल्ने योजना बनाएका छन् उनीहरूले । ..... हालसालै अमेरकिी सेनाबाट दिइएको 'काउण्टर इन्सर्जेन्सी' सम्बन्धी दुई तालिमको मुख्य उद्देश्य शहरी विद्रोह रोक्ने रहेको छ । ..... शीर्षस्थ तहमा संवादहीनताको अवस्था जारी छ । ..... सहमतिको घेरा तोड्ने खालका गतिविधि यही रफ्तारमा बढ्दै गएमा माओवादीको दबाब रणनीति भिडन्तमा बदलिने सम्भावनालाई नकार्न सकिन्न । ..... राजदरबार पुनः चलमलाउन थालेको सङ्केत ...... दरबारले आफ्ना सम्पूर्ण 'संयन्त्र' लाई पुनः सक्रिय तुल्याएको छ । ..... दरबारले सरकार र माओवादीबीच चाँडै नै हुने भनिएको शिखरवार्ता भाँड्ने, १२ बुँदे समझदारी भङ्ग गराउने र संसद्वादी दल, सरकार र माओवादीबीचको सम्बन्ध भत्काउने अभियान थालेका गतिविधिहरू सतहमा आउन थालेका छन् । उच्च सैनिक स्रोतका अनुसार, दरबारमा रहेका चारवटै सचिवालय -सैनिक, प्रमुख, संवाद र निजी) लाई सक्रिय तुल्याइएको छ । दरबारको चौघेराभित्र निरश र एकलास जीवन बिताइरहेका भनिएका राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रले गत सातादेखि नागार्जुन दरबारमा 'परामर्श' अभियान तीव्र बनाएका छन् । नारायणहिटी राजदरबारभित्र दुई हजार पाँच सयको सङ्ख्यामा रहेको सेनाको एक बि्रगेड रक्षक बाहिनी, नेपाली सेनाकै डीएमआई विभाग र आफूनिकट 'सिभिलियन' र सेनाभित्रका अवकाशप्राप्त 'थिङ्क ट्याङ्क' हरूको प्रयोग तीव्र पारएिको छ । ..... "दरबारले आफ्नो थैली खोल्न थालेको छ ।" .... लोकतान्त्रिक सरकारले खारेज गरसिक्दा पनि अटेर गरेर अझै दरबारको सेवामा हाजिर भइरहेको सैनिक सचिवालयले सात दल र माओवादीविरोधी अभियानको समन्वयन गररिहेको छ । जुन अभियानको शीर्षक हो, 'मिशन दत्तात्रेय' । ....... दरबारले माओवादी पुनः युद्घमा ओर्लिने विश्लेषण गरेको छ । ..... माओवादीलाई पुनः युद्घमा फर्काउने, सात दल गठबन्धनको वर्तमान सरकारलाई असफल सावित गराउने र पुनः शासनसत्तामा कब्जा जमाउने महत्त्वाकाङ्क्षा पलाएपछि दरबारले आफ् नो सक्रियता बढाएको हो । ..... मुलुक शान्ति, लोकतन्त्र र संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनतर्फ अग्रसर भएमा आफ्नो कुनै अस्तित्व नरहने ठहरमा पुगेको दरबार ..... लाखौँ जनता सडकमा उत्रिएको ऐतिहासिक जनआन्दोलनको ताप सेलाउन नपाउँदै पुनः शासनसत्ता हत्याउन सकिने ठहरमा दरबार पुग्नु र त्यस्तो महत्त्वाकाङ्क्षा प्रकट हुनुमा सात दल र सरकारको गैरजिम्मेवार एवम् जनआकाङ्क्षा उपेक्षा गर्ने कार्यशैली जिम्मेवार रहेको देखिन्छ । ....... "षड्यन्त्रप्रति सजग रहनुपर्ने बेलामा षड्यन्त्रका लागि अनुकूल वातावरण सिर्जना गर्ने काम संसद्वादी दलहरूबाट पनि भएकै हो ....... उच्च सैनिक स्रोतका अनुसार, दरबारले सेनाकै जासुसी निकाय डीएमआईमार्फत भदौ २७ गते मध्यरातमा विभिन्न्ा सञ्चारमाध्यमलाई प्रयोग गर्दै 'नेपाली सेनाले भारतबाट राजधानीमा हतियार भित्र्याएको' हल्ला चलाएको हो । ...... भदौ २६ गते साँझ अमेरकिी राजदूत जेम्स एफ मोरयिार्टीले कान्तिपथस्थित फोहोरा दरबारमा अमेरकिी नागरकिहरूलाई नेपालको अवस्थाका बारेमा जानकारी गराउँदै थिए, "दल र माओवादीबीच सम्झौता हुने सम्भावना छैन । नेपालको सत्ता माओवादीले कब्जा गर्नसक्छ । त्यसकारण नेपाल पुनः घमासान युद्धको अवस्थामा जान पनि सक्छ ।" ...... केही समयदेखि महामहिम अमेरकिी राजदूत र प्रधानमन्त्री गिरजिाप्रसाद कोइरालाको भाषा मिल्दै आएको छ । शान्ति-प्रक्रिया अघि बढ्न सकेको छैन । ...... माओवादीले हतियार र राजनीतिक मुद्दाहरू एकसाथ 'प्याकेज' का रूपमा अघि बढाउनुपर्ने तर्क अघिसारेको छ । ....... आन्दोलन सफल भएको पाँच महिना पुग्न लागिसक्दा पनि अन्तरमि सरकार बन्न सकेको छैन । अहिले पुनः देशभित्रका यथास्थितिवादी शक्तिहरू दल र दरबार मिलाएर माओवादीलाई पुनः जङ्गल फर्काउन प्रयत्नशील भएका छन् । पर्दापछाडि बसेर अमेरकिा यस कार्यमा लागिपरेको माओवादीको आरोप छ । ...... कुनै पनि हिसाबले नेपालका माओवादी शक्तिमा आए भने ल्याटिन अमेरकिाजस् तै 'एन्टी-अमेरकिन' सोचाइ दक्षिण एशियामा पनि फैलेला भन्ने डर उसमा छ । ....... माओवादीलाई अन्तरमि सरकारमा नपुर्‍याई समस्या समाधान हुँदैन भन्ने भारतको निष्कर्ष छ । ...... यूरोपेली, नर्डिक र स् क्यानडेभियन .... यी देशका कूटनीतिज्ञहरू अमेरकिी भूमिकाप्रति सन्तुष्ट छैनन् । ...... अमेरकिी सैनिक अधिकारीहरू गोप्य रूपमा नेपाल आइरहेका छन् । राजदूत माओवादी प्रभावित जिल्ला-जिल्लाका ब्यारेक भ्रमण गरेर माओवादीविरुद्ध 'लबिङ्' गररिहेका छन् । ...... शान्ति-प्रक्रियामा सात दलका सातभन्दा बढी मार्गचित्र छन् भने सरकारको मन्त्रीपिच्छेका फरक-फरक 'रोडम्याप' छन् । ...... पाँच महिना बित्न लाग्दा पनि सरकारले शान्ति-प्रक्रिया अघि बढाउने गृहकार्यसमेत गरेको छैन । .... बनेका कुनै पनि समितिले काम गरेका छैनन् भने नयाँ समिति बन्ने क्रम जारी छ । 'तिमी काम भएको हेर्न चाहन्नौ भने थुप्रै समितिहरू बनाइदेऊ' भन्ने अङ्ग्रेजी भनाइ नेपालको शान्ति-प्रक्रियामा पनि लागू गरएिको छ । ..... आपसमा संवादको कमी भयो । ..... अहिलेसम्म संविधानसभामा जाने कुनै योजना र मार्गचित्र छैन । .... छिटोभन्दा छिटो अन्तरमि सरकार गठन गरनिुपर्छ । .... अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समुदायले हस्तक्षेप गर्नुहुँदैन । विभिन्न पक्षलाई दबाब दिनुहुँदैन ।
काङ्ग्रेस एकताको चुरा एकीकृत काङ् ग्रेसले लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रका पक्षमा आफूलाई उभ्याउने हो भने संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनमा स्पष्ट बहुमत ल्याउने प्रबल सम्भावना रहन्छ । ..... जननेता बीपी कोइराला, गणेशमान र कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराईसमेतले नेतृत्व गरेको 'नेपाल राष्ट्रिय काङ्ग्रेस' तथा सुवर्णशमशेर, महावीरशमशेर र सूर्यप्रसाद उपाध्याय आदिले नेतृत्व गरेको 'नेपाल प्रजातान्त्रिक काङ्ग्रेस' को एकीकरणपछि पार्टीको नयाँ नाम 'नेपाली काङ्ग्रेस' राखियो । त्यस्तै मदन भण्डारीले नेतृत्व गरेको नेकपा -माले) र मनमोहन अधिकारीले नेतृत्व गरेको नेकपा -माक्र्सवादी) बीच एकीकरणपश्चात् नेकपा -एमाले) भन्ने नयाँ नामको पार्टी बन्यो । यी दुवै प्रयोग सफल पनि भए । तर, माधव नेपालले नेतृत्व गरेको नेकपा -एमाले) र वामदेवको नेकपा -माले) को कथित एकीकरणपछि नयाँ नामको पार्टी बनेन, नाम एमाले नै राखियो । .....
कोचिला प्रदेशको प्रस्ताव भदौ २२ गते झापाको कलबलगुडीमा सम्पन्न कोचिला राष्ट्रिय मुक्ति मोर्चाको तीनदिने राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलन ..... सम्भवतः झापा, मोरङ र सुनसरीलाई समेटेर कोचिला स्वायत्त प्र्रदेशको घोषणा गर्ने तयारी भइरहेको बुझिएको छ । .....
यो सरकार दरबारका लागि अनुकूल भयो’

Maoist leader Gajurel re-arrested in India NepalNews
Palace denies taking ‘royalty’ from UK for sending Gurkhas
Child rights groups concerned over ‘use’ of children in ANNISU-R convention
Ceasefire agreement will help peace process: Martin
National conventions of ANNFSU, ANNISU-R kick off
Cabinet decides to publicise status of disappeared people; summit talks before Dashain
PM administers oath of office to newly appointed CoAS
Parliamentary committee interrogates CoAS Katawal
The Iranian Experience: What can Nepal Learn? - By Preeti Koirala
Lawmakers criticise Moriarty’s statement; demand his expulsion
Plan of action on disability launched
Detailed study on media panel soon: Badu
Koirala, Prachanda hold talks
Over 50 injured in clash between Dalits and ‘upper caste’ people in Doti
DPM Oli meets Indian PM
Maoists continuing military recruitments; monitoring panel says trust is waning
Koirala trying to pull some NC (D) men into NC: Rijal
National assembly of FNCCI to discuss problems of industrial sector: Dhakal
Change shouldn’t affect independence of Judiciary: CJ Poudel
Landless people warn of stir

A relaxed PM, tight schedule with little indulgences
Nepal bank launches online remittances
Nepalese MPs Want US Envoy to Leave

Interim Govt by Mid-Nov, Says Nepal Himalayan Times, Nepal Nepal said that when he met Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala two days ago, he made it clear to the PM that the government's working pace was slower than that of a snail. ...... the constituent assembly poll should be held by mid-June 2007 .... any conspiracy against democracy would spark another people's movement. ....... "The monarchy that began in Nepal from Kulmandan Shah will end after king Gyanendra" .......
“Finalise CA elections soon” Nepali Times “The issues relating to disarmament, interim constitution, citizenship distribution, national and international monitors have to be finalised in the coming month,” Nepal said.
US Provides $750,000 for Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal Himalayan Times, Nepal
Over 50 Hurt in a West Nepal Temple Row Nepal human Rights News, Nepal

Summit likely next Tuesday, says Sherchan Himalayan Times
UN weighing contingency plan: Martin “It is essentially a Nepali peace process and it is for the parties in Nepal to decide contentious issues,” Martin said
Nepal Maoists Continue Recruitments in Their Army Nepal human Rights News, Nepal
Hindu fears over secular Nepal BBC News, UK


18 September15:10Old Dominion University, Norfolk, United States
18 September15:55Yale University, New Haven, United States
18 September17:00Northeastern University, Boston, United States
18 September19:21Dallas County Comm. Coll., Mesquite, United States
18 September19:23Telia Network Services, Poland

Anti Musharraf Rally

Sushil Koirala 2


Sushil Koirala 1
Sushil Koirala 2
Sushil Koirala 3

Sushil Koirala
Sushil Koirala In Jackson Heights
Sushil Koirala, September 9