Friday, September 08, 2006

No To Royal Dictatorship, No To Maoist Dictatorship

(sent to Kantipur)

Like many other good things for the democracy movement, it started in Janakpur. The transport workers took out a rally against the Maoist excesses. No to royal dictatorship, no to Maoist dictatorship.

The first big rally leading to the April Revolution was held in Janakpur on January 12. Nepal had never before in its history seen such a huge rally. The movement to grant citizenship papers to the Madhesis started in Janakpur. People blocked the east west highway for hours.

Janakpur has oomph.

Janakpur Gherao
June 7 Madhesi Rally In Janakpur
Janakpur Rally, Biggest In Nepal Since 1990

If the Maoists don't make sense during the peace talks, they are going to be at the receiving end of an October Revolution they have been talking about. The people will come out into the streets against them.

There can be no compromise whatsoever on the basics. The basics are multi-party democracy, rule of law, and human rights. The Maoists have been taking talk of a parallel state a little too far. In a legitimate state, the tax collector does not show up at your house with a pistol. You don't get abducted when you don't pay taxes. Maoist extortions are signs of lawlessness.

But within the basic framework of multi-party democracy, rule of law, and human rights, many good things are possible. Like constituent assembly, democratic republic, federalism, land reform, education, health, micro credit.

Power flows through the ballot box. Power does not flow through the barrel of a gun. Power should not flow through the barrel of a gun. Power flowing through the barrel of a gun is primitive, uncivilized.

Within the framework of power flowing through the ballot box, it is possible to make party finances transparent, it is possible to imagine state funded parties.

Nepal is not two states. It can have only one army, one police, one tax collection agency.

Misbehaving low level Maoist cadres are not a party discipline problem. They are a law enforcement issue. Abductions, extortions, assault, murder: these are crimes. Let the police deal with the criminals.

Arguing With The Maoists
Need To Revive The 12 Point Agreement Spirit

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मधेसी खुसी बसोवासको आधारमा नागरिकता दिने सरकारको निर्णयलाई मधेसी समुदायले सकारात्मक भनेको छ । तर कार्यान्वयन सफल हुनेमा भने उनीहरूले शंका व्यक्त गरेका छन् । मधेसीहरूले मूल समस्याका रूपमा नागरिकतालाई उठाउँदै आएका छन् । ..... विधेयकले नागरिकता ऐन, ०२० लाई संशोधन गरी गाउँ-गाउँमा टोली खटाई बसोवासको आधारमा नागरिकता वितरण गर्ने व्यवस्था गरेको छ । .... जनवादी मोर्चा महोत्तरीका अध्यक्ष्ा राजकिशोर सिंहले विधेयक कार्यान्वयन नहुन्जेल विश्वस्त हुन नसकिने टिप्पणी गरे । ... सद्भावना-आनन्दीदेवी) का जिल्ला अध्यक्ष्ा रामकुमार महतोले नागरिकताबाट वञ्चित सिरहाका करिब १ लाख २ हजार मधेसीले नागरिकता पाउने विश्वास व्यक्त गरे । दलित जागरण केन्द्र गोलबजारका अध्यक्ष्ा शिवकुमार महराले जिल्लामा नागरिकताबाट वञ्चितमध्ये ८० प्रतिशत दलित भएको बताए । उनीहरूले निर्णय स्वागतयोग्य भए पनि कार्यान्वयन हेर्नुपर्ने बताए । मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमका अध्यक्ष्ा अमिरी यादवले सरकारको निर्णय सस्तो लोकपि्रयता हासिल गर्नका लागि ल्याइएको टिप्पणी गरे । संसद्मा पास भएर कार्यान्वयनमा नआएसम्म सकारात्मक भन्न नसकिने उनले बताए । ...... जनतान्त्रिक तराई मुक्ति मोर्चाका संयोजक जयकृष्ण कोइतले विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै मधेसी आन्दोलन लाई अलमल्याउने खेल भएको टिप्पणी गरेका छन् । ..... 'लाखौं नागरिकताविहीन जनआन्दोलन-२ मा सहभागी थिए । ...... 'मधेसी समुदायको आवाजलाई सरकारले सम्मान गरेको छ,' सद्भावनाका केन्दीय सदस्य दिलीप धाडेवाले भने । ....सद्भावना-आनन्दीदेवी) मोरङले बिहीबार विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी निर्णय सकारात्मक भए पनि नागरिकता नपाउने दलित र पिछडिएका मधेसीको संख्या १० लाख मात्र भएको भन्ने कांग्रेस महामन्त्री महन्त ठाकुरको भनाइप्रति आपत्ति जनाएको छ । करिब ४० लाखसम्म मधेसी नागरिकताबाट वञ्चित रहेको तथ्यांक गैरसरकारी संस्थ्ााहरूले बताउँदै आएका छन् ।..... सद्भावना -आनन्दीदेवी) का केन्द्रीय सदस्य रामनरेश रायले भने सरकारी निर्णयको विरोध गरे । ०६३ को आन्दोलनको मितिसम्म स्थायी रूपमा नेपालमा बस्नेले स्वतः नागरिकता पाउनुपर्ने उनको जिकिर छ । जनकपुरका मधेसी अगुवाहरूले अग्रगामी कदमको संज्ञा दिँदै इमानदार कार्यान्वयनले मात्र समस्या समाधान हुने टिप्पणी गरे ।
दलितलाई मन्दिर प्रवेशमा रोक लगाउन जुलुस दिपालय, भदौ २२ - संसद्ले गरेको 'जातीय छूवाछूत मुक्त देश' घोषणाविरुद्ध केही गैर दलितले डोटीमा दलितलाई मन्दिर प्रवेशमा रोक्न लगाउनु पर्ने आह्वानका साथ जुलुस प्रदर्शन गरेका छन् । जुलुस प्रदर्शन गर्नेमा कार्यालयका कर्मचारी, शिक्षक र संघसंस्थाका व्यक्ति समेत रहेका थिए । बुधबार सदरमुकाम सिलगढीमा २०-२५ जनाले निकालेको जुलुसमा पत्रकार, मानवअधिकारकर्मीका विरोधमा पनि नारा लगाइएको थियो ।जनआन्दोलनको बलमा बनेको संसदले जातीय छुवाछूत मुक्त देश घोषणा गरेपछि खुशी भएका दलितले मन्दिर प्रवेश गर्न खोजेपछि पुजारी लगायतका केही गैरदलित कानुनलाई नै चेतावनी दिने गरी विरोधमा उत्रेका हुन् । स्थानीय दलित नेता कुमारसिंह टेलर भन्छन्, 'दलितलाई मन्दिर प्रवेश गर्न दिनु हुँदैन भनेर गैर कानुनी ढंगले प्रतिगामी तत्त्वहरूको एक झुन्डले जुलुस प्रदर्शन गर्दा पनि प्रशासन मौन बस्नुले हामीलाई अचम्म लागेको छ ।'
भुटानी आन्दोलनमा सघाउन आग्रह
भूमिहीनको आन्दोलन
विधवाको पुनर्विवाह
राज लगानीको लेखाजोखा


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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bindeshwar Yadav: Restructuring Of The State


Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav


There are evidences to support restructure of states based on ethnicity, language, region, and population. Basically the revolution is against untruth and injustice, for human right. In the spirit of the time; let the people do restructuring of the state according to their own consciousness. But impose on them responsibility to demonstrate the mechanism to maintain inter states; and state -center cordial and professional relations; along with the development of the strategies and guidelines to show a strong national bond. On the other hand, the center must play the role of the queen bee that those bees all of the team (states) must run towards the center. Therefore, states look towards the center. And it also must have the centripetal force that all states dance in circular motion with attraction towards its center. Let’s create like “United States of Nepal”. Overall, for perpetual peace we must stop ‘Negative use of Intelligence and Power’; and begin soul- search. Let our inner being to guide us all.


The people of Nepal have agreed for a federal system of government. It has brought a series of discussions about the number of the states and the boundary of the states within the country Nepal. In the context of present Nepali political discourse several doubts are arising in sensitive minds. Restructuring of states within a national boundary; unification of states to form a new nation; braking of a nation to give birth of a new nation are on going process in the history. Monarchy system has failed due to its own demerits: demerits of not discharging its honest duty towards the subjects; ruling the nation not based on the principles, which he supposed to. The monarch or king, who had has all the three principle powers of the states: legislature, executive and judiciary; as well as he had has the unsigned contract to serve the state people. With time, they became selfish and suppressor on the people; and the bond between the king and the subjects became weak. This change in the paradigm of the state administration worldwide invited the revolution, which brought changes in the governances system of the states, as well as forced the states for the restructurings. It also divided a nation; and created a new one.

It is possible for political science to suggest, “The state cannot be structured principally on the basis of fault lines (such as ethnicity, religion, population and even geography to some extent) which pose substantial threat to national unity in the event of mismanagement”. In these lines political science is just providing a theoretical principle for national integrity, but at the same time it is indicating towards the ability and effectiveness of the administration.

There are evidences to support restructure of states based on ethnicity, language, region, and population. Basically the revolution is against untruth and injustice, for the human right.

Before the British- empire, in India, there approximately four hundred sovereign states those were headed by kings/monarchs. When the kings left the serving subjects, and stated serving themselfs; the states and the subjects rejected them, it is so simple. The creation of Pakistan on the map of the world is based on the religion, further the division of Pakistan, and creation of Bangladesh is language and geography based; while discriminative administration of West Pakistan (presently Pakistan) towards the people of East Pakistan (presently, Bangladesh) was the revolution -igniting factor. In the recent years, within the Indian national boundary, several states have restructured; and new states have come into existence: such as Jharkhand state from Bihar state; Uttaranchal from Uttar Pradesh; and Chhatishgardh from Madhya Pradesh. These are evidences of creation of ethnicity-cum geography - based states. Therefore, in the present context of Nepal, it is totally baseless to say that ethnicity, religion, population and geography will be not the basis of state restructure.

For others, those who dream a united Nepal, the way the debate on state restructuring is going on, is satisfactory; as it is engaging people to think and bring new possibilities out for harmonious co-existence. As far as the issue of “identity politics” arises; identity is a basic human need, and right. Trinidad and Tobago, a twin islands, a sovereign country, in which Tobago has fifty four thousand population and 41 by 14 kilometer area; where as Trinidad has population of 1.2 million and land area of 80 by 60 kilometer. The importance of identity can be seen with the name of nation “Trinidad and Tobago”. Newly formed Indian state, ‘Chhatishgardh’ indicates a union of thirty six (Chhatish in Hindi) states, which were in existence in earlier time. Without identity man is nothing, but a mass of flesh, bones and blood. If someone’s identity is grabbed; it is quite natural that at every possible forum, he will try to get it back. Is it not a reality, millions are without identity in present Nepal?

The on going discussion on state restructuring is scientifically sound, and evidence- based. It is just based on two principles of life:

The first one: “Every action has opposite and equal reaction.”

This principle of physical science is also applied in the human life. If we have not realized it then we need to do it.

The second is: “What you sow, so you reap”.

What is happening today in Nepal, it is a just reaction of the past actions; as well as, the grown plants from the seeds those were sowing earlier by the rulers?

Evidence based states restructure

We must patiently accept the reality. Overall the interpretation of an event largely depends upon the observer’s mind. How does he articulate his own reasoning? Some see a glass half full, while others see half empty. In both circumstances, the truth is the same. Positive minds see positive aspect that is fullness of the glass; and express joy and hope; but negative minds see the negative aspect that is emptiness of the glass (and forget half glass water filled); and project the vibrations of sadness and hopelessness. In present situation of the country similarly, both sets of reasoning will emerge depending upon, how we take it.

In our view, in the country, the limitation of the monarchy within the smaller communal groups has given rise to the democratic forces, which had accommodated a comparatively larger communal political group; but their failure to accommodate all the societal forces on the widest range is the responsible for the present situation. Thus, we find that now the country is moving from smaller communal politics to a bigger communal politics. But, there is need, for the country to move from the communal politics towards true democratic process. Even, in the period of democratic government, democratic process didn’t reach to the common people; just it remained in the pockets of few politicians. The communal politics is a snake with less poison. The major poisons of the Nepal politics are Deceive (Untruth) and, Injustice. Till date it is going on. Basically the revolution is against untruth and injustice, for the human right.

A holistic view of the yesterday -Nepal spontaneously revels that it had the body of a state, and the mind and the spirit of an enterprise. It had has all the three organs of a state – the legislature, the executive and the judiciary system. That represents the body of the state. But the administration was not based on the legislative laws; and further the judiciary was not independent for the people purpose; therefore, the state had lost the spirit and thinking of service and welfare of its people. It had projected as a state and behaved as an enterprise. It is the people who provide to a piece of land the potentiality to be a state. A land without people is not a state. We see hopes in future for a better Nepal.

Our mind doesn’t digest the idea, “That said we just cannot restructure the state for a particular class, ethnic group, religion, region or language, which will prove suicidal in the long run.”

We feel that the present situation is very serious. Nepal can’t afford to act on this idea. The implementation of this thought will be proved immediate suicidal for the nation. No time to wait for long. It is like refusal of medication in the fear of side effects, and being unaware that the disease will kill in the absence of medication. About some year’s more than two centauries ago, Nepal was limited to a very small valley of Kathmandu; and over sixty principalities had been conquered and forced to constitute the modern state of Nepal. In reality: a few have availed the benefits of the union; while the rest are suffering. Millions are without citizenship; their language and culture have been eroded. Their lands have captured. We must accept that the previous governments, under the cover of unification, have developed colonization. Do they, who are colonized, have right to come out of the colonization! United Nations has declared that colonization must come to the end globally. Most of the colonial states of the world have got liberation.

State as per people’s consciousness

In the spirit of the time, it is the only suited best possible solution for the restructuring of the states that let the people decide according to their consciousness, even it based on ethnic, language, region and population. It will finally lead to democratic process. But, we must remember, the federalism is not the solution of all problems. The transformation of thinking and act, over all behaviour, of politicians and administrators, which is just a nightmare in the present context of Nepal, deciphers the existing problems at large.

We must come out of ‘Armed force- Dilemma’ that false unification of Nepal can be prolonged by the application of armed forces. People have right to go back to the history; and regain the shape of their states, what those were before the conquest. The fact is; in spite of all injustice and deceive, suffering and agony, people want to remain united; but with identity and in the spirit of real unity based on truth, justice and human right. We like to suggest:

In the spirit of the time:

  • Let the people do the restructuring of the state as per their consciousness.
  • Impose responsibility on them to demonstrate the mechanism for maintain inter states; and state -center cordial and professional relations.
  • They should also develop strategies and guidelines to show a strong national bond.

On the other hand,

  • The center must play the role of the queen bee that those all bees of the team must run towards the center. Therefore, states look towards the center.
  • The center must have the centripetal force that all states dance in circular motion with attraction towards its center.

Let’s create like “United States of Nepal”.

Ruling class were knowing very well that state is not pro-public; and it does not have maximum people participation and representation, which is the essential requirement of our state. Even, during the revolution none tried to correct, but all forces were engaged to suppress the people’s voice.

Negative use of Intelligence

Like another sovereign country on the earth, definitely, Nepal is a great piece of land. Common Nepalese are also great. Are the nation –leading people the same? Observation of one’s own weakness and strength, in national life, has high priority for top position occupying personnel in all organs of the state. Common people just follow them.

Present race of globalization provides a wide space and broad range of give and take opportunities. Again, it depends upon us, “How do we see it? How do we adopt it?”

Do we promote our valuables ‘human values’ globally; or bring home absolute materialistic concept among poor masses. We must remember the ancient teaching- once, the intellect (mind) is influenced by greed and ego, delusion appears; then intellect starts engineering untruth and injustice, which reflect in practice that, in long run, gives birth of negative use of weapon (i.e. terror with weapon).

Way forward to peace

Overall, for perpetual peace we must stop ‘Negative use of Intelligence and Armed force’, as well as engineering of untruth (deceive) and injustice in our mind; and begin soul- searching. There is always enough room to accommodate all, if we have intense inner desire. Let our inner being to guide us all.

Arguing With The Maoists

(sent to NepalNews)

You Can Not Argue Against A Constituent Assembly

The Nepali Congress might have talked of such an assembly half a century ago, but they messed up. BP Koirala gave the army to the king on a silver platter back then. He messed up.

Parties like the Sadbhavana did talk of such an assembly post 1990, but did not make any headway.

It is the Maoists who have taken the lead on the idea of a constituent assembly this past decade. The Nepali Congress and the UML both argued against the idea for as long as they could.

But a constituent assembly makes democratic sense. You can not argue against it. You can only argue for free and fair elections to such an assembly.

You Can Not Argue Against A Democratic Republic

Democracy and monarchy are like night and day. They do not go hand in hand.

You can not argue against the republican agenda of the Maoists.

And the country's mood has fundamentally shifted. The call of the April Revolution is a republic.

You Can Not Argue Against Federalism

It is long overdue. 27 million is too many people to keep under a unitary state. Nepal is too diverse.

This is the third idea on which the Maoists have taken a lead. The Sadbhavana is the only party in the seven party alliance that has had a map for federalism, but they were not listened to, not by the voters, not by the other parties.

You Can Not Argue Against Social Justice For The DaMaJaMa

The Maoists get credit here also. They sure have put this front and center, although the composition of their leadership has serious deficiencies on the same count.

You Can Not Argue Against Security Sector Restructuring

There is no escaping that. The security sector is part of the overall state. This is not something different from the state restructuring being talked about.

You Can Not Argue Against An Interim Parliament

This parliament will not organize the constituent assembly elections. Credit for the April Revolution goes to eight parties, not seven. The interim parliament should reflect that fact.

You Can Not Argue Against Eight Party Governments Also At Local Levels

If you don't do this, you are leaving a vacuum. This is also a way to dissolve the local governments of the Maoists.

It is important to have this list of things we can not argue against when dealing with the Maoists. This will make us stronger on things that we can argue against.

You Can Argue Against The Presence Of The 100,000 Maoist Militia

Arms management applies to them first and foremost. If those 100,000 Maoist militia do not give up their arms, there is no point in holding elections to anything. Party cadres of any party may not bear arms. There has to be an agreement on principle. But if some Maoist cadres disobey, they will not be a party discipline problem, but rather a law enforcement issue. The Maoist leaders are going to have to agree to that.

Parties can not be in the law enforcement business. That is not allowed.

And if the Maoists refuse, they are not serious about holding constituent assembly elections. It would be time to call their bluff.

You Can Argue Against Lenin's And Mao's Rise To Power

Lenin used a constituent assembly to his nefarious ends. Mao held peace talks, he allowed a few small, insignificant parties to coexist with his after he came to power.

My idea of a constituent assembly and that of Lenin do not match. My idea of multi-party democracy, and that of Mao do not match. And this is no 1917. This is no 1949.

There are no two ways of understanding multi-party democracy, human rights, and rule of law. The Maoists have expressed commitment to all three. Let them come clean on each.

It is important that the seven parties do not get bogged down in the wrong arguments so bad they end up not making the right arguments.

Need To Revive The 12 Point Agreement Spirit
The Maoists Have A Right To Peaceful Assembly, Peacefully Protest
Deciding Now On Monarchy And Army
Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav: Prachanda On Madhesi
All Members To The Constituent Assembly Must Be Directly Elected
Prachanda, Madhav, Devendra
100,000 Maoist Militia Must Disarm
Dalit Diaspora Calls For 20 Percent Reservation
Hamas, Hezbollah, Maoist
How To Avoid An October Revolution
Janadesh: Rumblings Of An October Revolution?
Madhesi Self Hate

The building tension has to be deescalated. Both sides have to make room for each other. The summit talks are important. They can not be allowed to fail. There should not be any need for an October Revolution.

(1) Agree on an interim parliament. Interim Parliament: 101 Members Total
(2) Agree on eight party governments at the local levels.
(3) Get the Maoists to completely disarm their 100,000 militia.
(4) Push the two armies into barracks. Agree to restructure the police.
(5) Agree on the date and modalities to a constituent assembly. All Members To The Constituent Assembly Must Be Directly Elected
(6) The shape of the federalism is to be decided by the assembly. The fate of the monarchy is to be decided through a referendum. The judiciary is to be restructured.

Need To Revive The 12 Point Agreement Spirit

Political Mistake

It has been irresponsible of Girija Koirala to come out speaking for a ceremonial monarchy. That has been a big mistake. If he were not the Prime Minister, not in the cabinet, not a member of the revived House, it would have been different. But he is the top guy. His words have consequences. His utterance has given the Maoists some ammunition.

The truth is it is not Girija Koirala who will decide the fate of the monachy. The constituent assembly will. If he does not publicly make that point, that can be seen like he were not really for a constituent assembly.

Military Stalemate

It is not possible for the state to put down the Maoists militarily. It is not possible for the Maoists to take over militarily. But if they try, the entire ground situation changes. You are looking at street warfare in Kathmandu. That will also shut down all possibilities of a political resolution. After that the Maoists will either have to win militarily, or they will have to engage in a protracted war with the security forces. Both options look bad for the country.

We will be back to square one.

I don't think too highly of Girija Koirala's political skills. He is good at taking stands and sticking by them. But he is not good at the art of building coalitions. He is not good at extended discussions, at forging consensus. And it does not help that he is physically feeble.

Seven Party Steering Committee Needed

There is an urgent need for such a committee. Right now Girija Koirala has too much discretionary power.

Violent Confrontation Has To Be Avoided At All Costs

I recommend peace at any price, almost any price. Nepal needs peace, not another round of civil war.

I think the trick is to look at the Maoists' political points on merit. Of course this House has to be dissolved at some point. Of course there is a need for an interim parliament. Of course the two armies have to be brought together and fundamentally restructured.

Girija Koirala's reluctance to appreciate these basic points is complicating things. He seems to think he was right in the late 1990s, all except for one thing, that the army did not obey him. As long as he can get the army to obey him, he is fine. That is a fundamentally mistaken view. If that is his sole goal, the guy is merely pushing the country to another round of civil war. This time it will get urban. He is being irresponsible.

Beating The Maoists Politically

I am not apologizing for the Maoists. I am not advocating dealing with them from a position of weakness. What I am saying is the seven party alliance has been doing a poor job of competing with the Maoists politically.

The Maoists put forth a proposal for an interim parliament where they get one third of the 303 seats. When they do that, you don't withdraw. You put out a counter proposal.

They said let's form an eight party government at the center, and eight party governments also at the local levels. Why is that a bad idea?

Absent State

The state does not seem to be in a position to protect citizens in the rural or the urban areas from Maoist extortions. That is an added reason to compete with the Maoists on the political front more fiercely.

Why can't the seven party alliance bring forth proposals for security sector restructuring and the larger state restructuring that are better than that of the Maoists, or at least as good?

Where is your map for federalism? Unless there are competing maps, you can not say no to the Maoist map for the interim period. Because that is the only map on the table for now. But if you have competing maps, then the issue goes to the constituent assembly.

Maoist Dictatorship

The people are not going to put up with it. But they do need proactive leadership from the seven party alliance.

Right now the seven parties have been losing the political battle. Where is the rapid response mechanism of the seven parties? Why have the Maoists managed to make it look like the seven parties are not eager to go for the constituent assembly elections?

What Will Stop The Maoists

Only a political counterbalance of the seven parties will stop the Maoists. There is an urgent need for political work.

The Spirit Of The 12 Point Agreement

It was to realize there is no military solution, there is only a political solution. That spirit has to be revived. The seven parties' getting into power in Kathmandu has not changed that basic reality.

What is the political work?

You look at all the Maoist political demands. You agree with what you agree with. You disagree with what you disagree with. When you disagree, you put forth joint counter proposals. You get proactive. It should not look like the Maoists are pushing you towards the constituent assembly. It should look like you are taking the lead.

If Push Comes To Shove

A violent takeover by the Maoists is out of question. That can not be allowed. But the people have to be made ready for any eventuality. You don't make them ready by failing to do the political work.

In Denial

Some leaders in the seven party alliance are in denial. They are refusing to see the ground situation for what it is.

Constituent Assembly Framework First, Political Polarization Later

The eight parties should not start competing now. Time for competition will be later. First work on the framework for the constituent assembly.

The Maoists Have A Right To Peaceful Assembly, Peacefully Protest
Deciding Now On Monarchy And Army
Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav: Prachanda On Madhesi
Sumit Pokharel: Maps
All Members To The Constituent Assembly Must Be Directly Elected
Prachanda, Madhav, Devendra
100,000 Maoist Militia Must Disarm
Dalit Diaspora Calls For 20 Percent Reservation
Media Can Distort Democracy
Hamas, Hezbollah, Maoist
How To Avoid An October Revolution
Janadesh: Rumblings Of An October Revolution?
Madhesi Self Hate
Arms Management, Money Management
Prachanda: Not In Tune With The April Revolution
Critiquing The Interim Constitution
Prachanda: Frank Or Scary?
Between The Maoists And The Congress

In The News

Nepal offers 12 projects at energy summit Times of India, India.... two-day meet organised by the private sector of both countries ..... range from the 20MW Nyadi in western Nepal to the 750 MW West Seti project in the far western region of the country. ..... 402 MW Arun III project in eastern Sankhuwasabha district ... the 300 MW Upper Karnali project in the farwest that is said to have nearly five Indian firms evincing interest, including Jaypee and GMR. .....
Snake god creates mass hysteria in Nepal! Hindustan Times, India
Nepal's donors urge rebels to end extortion Reuters AlertNet, UK
Nepal to give millions citizenship through new law Reuters India, India Industry Minister Hridayesh Tripathi said a draft law had been finalised allowing children born before April 13, 1990 -- when Nepal ended decades of absolute monarchy and established democracy -- to gain citizenship if either parent was Nepali..... "This is a big decision," Tripathi told Reuters. "If implemented honestly this will resolve an old problem which was getting complex every year," he said. ..... The change would benefit up to six million people mainly living in Nepal's southern plains whose problem was ignored by subsequent governments, Tripathi said....... Tripathi said the government would seek parliament approval for the draft law by the end of the year..... But some lawyers have criticised the plan. ..... "It is constitutionally and practically wrong," said Bal Krishna Neupane, a leading lawyer and activist..... "This will result in foreigners mainly Indians, Chinese and Kashmiris getting citizenship which could make Nepalis a minority.
India offers to develop 150MW energy project for Nepal Telugu Portal, India India would consider Nepal's request for supply of electricity on commercial terms during the coming winter...... Of the $100 million concessional line of credit extended by India to Nepal after Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala's visit to New Delhi in June, Nepal is planning to utilise a substantial part for augmenting power generating capacity in this country by expanding rural electrification and developing high voltage transmission interconnection to India...... With nearly 70 percent of Nepal's manufactured exports going to India, about 40 percent of foreign investments originating from India and around 40 percent tourists being from India, Mukherjee said it was ironical that "controversy, doubts, mistrust and hesitation over bilateral cooperation have existed precisely in a sector that offers Nepal a unique asset and an unparalleled opportunity to meet its own burgeoning energy demand and generate revenues from exports..... there has been more politics and less business in our engagement..... "They are more likely to make a success of cooperation than governments can," the envoy added.
Midnight murder disrupts normal life in Kathmandu Telugu Portal
ADB forecasts Nepal's growth in 2006 at 2 per cent Kantipur Online, Nepal
ISG Condemns Maoist Activities in Nepal Himalayan Times, Nepal
Nepal's sidelined monarch makes rare public appearance Haveeru Daily, Maldives
Nepal scraps King's powers Hindu, India
Media group suggests Nepal strengthen press freedom laws Raw Story, MA

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Citizenship Acquiring Process Eased

Citizenship Acquiring Process Eased
Kantipur Report

KATHMANDU, Sept 6 - The Council of Ministers has passed a bill to make acquiring citizenship more convenient to those who have been facing difficulties obtaining one.

The meeting of the cabinet held at the prime minister's residence at Baluwatar on Wednesday decided to move ahead the process to provide Nepali citizenship to those who have been residing in Nepal until the second week of April 1990 and for those having any written evidence of being a Nepali.

Talking to reporters after the meeting, Minister for Tourism, Culture and Civil Aviation Pradip Gyawali said that the government passed the bill to ease the citizenship acquiring process.

"To end the citizenship crisis permanently, the government, in the new bill, has amended the existing Citizenship Act adding some provisions to punish any illegal acquirement of one. And the citizenship acquiring process has been simplified so that no genuine Nepali shall be deprived of a citizenship certificate," said the minister.

It is learnt that with the government decision, some 4 million people living in the Terai regions will benefit from the new bill.

Now, descendants whether from the father or mother, who has Nepali citizenship and given birth to their child before 1990, will have the opportunity to acquire citizenship.

Today's bill, passed by the cabinet also has made provisions for those who have registered their names at the last national census to acquire citizenship.

This is great news. This is amazing. This has been long overdue. This comes on the heels of the cabinet decision to grant 45% reservations in the civil service to the DaMaJaMa and the disabled. Finally it feels like the seven party alliance is competing with the Maoists on the issue of social justice.

This has been the number one issue of the Madhesi community. Now go ahead and swiftly implement.

I am elated.

Now the seven parties could put forth their respective maps for federalism. That would be great.

The seven party alliance has earned itself some major political capital with this act. Now it can be more confident during the summit talks with the Maoists.

Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav: Prachanda On Madhesi
Madhesi Self Hate
Hari Bansh Jha: Inclusion Of The Excluded Madhesis
Madhesi Mahila (MaMa) Gathering In Ridgewood, NY
Hridayesh Tripathy's August Revolution
Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav: Human Rights For Half Of Nepal
Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav: Is Madhes A Colony?
Language Policy
Janakpur Gherao
Federal Republic Guaranteed
Mainstream Jay Krishna Goit Also
Dr. Ram Prakash Yadav: Facts And Figures On Madhesi Marginalization
Brikhesh Chandra Lal: Inclusive Democracy
Madhesi Caucus In Interim Parliament Needed
Hindi Is At The Core Of The Madhesi Identity
Girija, Resign

In The News

Citizenship acquiring process eased Kantipur Publications
King attends Indra Jatra festival amidst tight security
Govt talks team to finalise summit talks agendas the "final" round of summit talks ......
King's right to certify public documents clipped, king now a 'civilian king' all the constitutional, executive and legislative powers of the king have been transferred to the Council of Ministers and the Legislative
HLPC seeks extension of its term by one-and-half months
Maoists demand 50 percent collection from NEA, NT their "Bheri-Karnali Autonomous Republic Government" sent letters to four government offices in the district, demanding that they should get 50 percent of the revenue as they were running a "parallel government"....such "50 percent tax" policy has been implemented in 21 districts in the country.
Capital in traffic chaos
Kamal Thapa spent Rs 10.1m in a month to suppress Janaandolan-II. .... the spending was done without any records and without following any accounting procedure..... Rs 1.12 billion was spent in the past seven years just for hiring helicopters ...... helicopters were misused for ferrying political activists to attend party functions ......
Madi blast victims left in lurch
Foreign employment rises by 25 percent
'PM committed to smooth peace process'
CPN-M committed to press freedom: Prachanda
'संविधानसभा गराउन सत्ता देऊ'
सरकारले संयमबाटै समाधान चाहेको छ ः मन्त्री पाण्डे
नागरिकताविहीनले न्याय पाएनन्’
युद्धका छाप रोल्पाबाट
नारीवादको प्रतिनिधित्व
माओवादी विचारमा व्याप्त संकट हरेक क्षेत्रमा महिला -दलित, जनजाति, मधेसी, क्षेत्र आदि) को समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्वको माग गर्नेहरूलाई यतिखेर महराको जवाफले विष्मित बनाइदिएको छ । ...... लगभग हरेक परिवारमा पुरुषलाई व्यक्तित्व विकास गर्न जुन अनुकूल वातावरण र समय मिल्छ, त्यसको मूल्य महिलाले चुकाइरहेका हुन्छन् । ...... वैचारिक स्तर उठाउन चाहिने सबै खाले अनुकूलता र परिवेश सुरुमा भनिएजस्तै कथित उपल्ला जातका पहाडिया बाहुन क्षेत्री पुरुषस“ग बढी छ । फलस्वरूप सबै दलको नेतृत्वतहमा उनीहरूकै बाहुल्य छ सद्भावना पार्टर्ीी मधेसी नेतृत्व हुनु बेग्लै प्रसंग भइहाल्यो । मूल राजनीतिक दलहरूको केन्द्रीय नेतृत्वमा अझै पनि करिब १० प्रतिशतको हाराहारीमा मात्र महिला छन् । ..... यस्तो अवस्थामा पनि नेताद्वयको मनसाय दलको नेतृत्वमा यस्तो हुनु स्वाभाविक हो, कथित उपल्ला जातका पहाडिया बाहुन क्षेत्री पुरुषको पार्टर्ीीत्ताले नै दलित, जनजाति, मधेसी, अल्पसंख्यक र महिलामाथि भएको भेदभाव हटाउने कुरा सोच्छ र उनीहरूलाई कसरी राज्यसत्तामा प्रतिनिधित्व गराउने भन्ने निर्ण्र्ाागर्छ भन्ने बुझिन्छ । दल र नेताहरूको यस्तो मनसाय सबै क्षेत्र, जात, लिंग र समुदायका जनताको सबै क्षेत्रमा समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व हुन पाउनर्ुपर्छ भन्ने अहिले उठिरहेको मागको पूरै विरोधी तर्क हो । दबाइएका र किनारामा पुर्‍याइएका समुदायका लागि बोलिदिएर र काम गरेर पुग्ने भए अहिलेसम्म नेपालमा महिला, दलित, जनजाति, मधेसी, अन्य अल्पसंख्यक, कर्ण्ााली प्रदेशका जनता सबैको स्तर किन यति पछाडि रह्यो त - यसको जवाफ पनि सम्बन्धित नेताले दिनर्ैपर्छ ।
माओवादी हस्तक्षेप

Nepal scraps King's powers Hindu, India
Anti-king protests held in Nepal, India
Nepal’s Foreign Debt Crosses 40pc of GDP Himalayan Times, Nepal
Asia : 30,000 security personnel missing in Nepal Telugu Portal, India Reports that 30,000 security personnel have deserted their posts in the course of the decade-old Maoist insurgency have alarmed political circles in Nepal in a fragile transitional stage awaiting a new government. ...... 8,000 personnel of the Armed Police Force and 1,400 members of Nepal Police were missing. .... several reports earlier this year of police and army personnel being involved in robberies and extortion. ..... According to a former minister, the army has told senior leaders it has information that Maoist special task forces, comprising well-trained commandos, have been taking position in strategic areas.......

Republic Anathema to NC: KB Gurung Himalayan Times
Bureaucracy Reform Plan Almost Ready: Chief Secy
Bijukchhe for socialist republic
Nothing less than democratic republic: Mahara
ANNISU-R holds sit-in at army division headquarters
ADB Forecast: Nepal’s GDP to Stall at 2pc
Cabinet passes draft to amend Citizenship Act
Maoist meet brings Valley traffic to halt

ISG condemns Maoist activities; asks government to take steps to restore law and order NepalNews The Industrial Security Group (ISG), have expressed grave concern over the increasing reports of Maoist excesses.... “Maoist extortion demands, coupled with aggressive efforts by the Maoists to intimidate employees into joining Maoist unions, are pushing enterprises toward bankruptcy and putting entire sectors of Nepal's economy at risk,” adding, “Maoist demands threaten to cripple Nepal's struggling economy.”
Int'l media mission recommends reform in media laws "Provisions in Nepalese law are unduly restrictive of freedom of the media," the mission said and recommended changes in the provisions like defamation of criminal offences on charge of writing news...... The government media should be privatised or transformed into public service media with guarantee of structural independence and protection from potential interference, the mission said.....The members of the mission include ARTICLE 19, Free Voice, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), International Media Support (IMS) International News Safety Institute, Reporters sans Frontières (RSF), Open Society Institute, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC).
Transporters’ protest shuts down Janakpur, Pokhara
Maoists abduct five people: Report
10-year work plan to reform bureaucracy is in final stage: Ghimire
Government extends deadline of high-level probe commission
CPN-UML relief fund drive


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6 September19:55United States Army, United States

Sushil Koirala, September 9

Deuba Off To DC
Deuba In Jackson Heights
Deuba At Hotel Pennsylvania
Deuba At Columbia
Gagan's Talk In New York
Krishna Pahadi November 6 Sunday 5 PM
Seven Party Forum In Jackson Heights
Bharat Mohan Adhikari Is In Town

Invitation to join with Hon. Sushil Koirala!

A veteran democratic leader, Member of Parliament and Vice President of Nepali Congress Party, Hon. Sushil Koirala is currently in New York City, USA.

The Nepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA (NDYCUSA) is taking this opportunity to invite you to participate in a community reception & interaction program with Hon. Koirala. This event is a part of the NDYCUSA's long tradition of bringing our community members together and sharing our views on the current issues affecting Nepal. This important event will provide us with an ample opportunity to hear directly from Koirala and share our views on the current political development and transformation of new Nepal.


Satyanarayan Mandir hall (2nd Floor), 75-15 Woodside Avenue, Elmhurst, New York 11373 (The nearest 7, F, E, R & G train stops are 74th Street & Broadway and Roosevelt Avenue station, Jackson Heights, Queens)

Date & Time:

Saturday, September 9, 2006

At 6 Pm

We hope to see you all at the program.

Sincerely yours,

Anand Bist


Nepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA (NDYCUSA)

For more information, contact:

Ananda Bista 718-507-1393

Khgendra GC 212-947-1079

Mridula Koirala 917-604-6260

Pramod Sitaula 917-683-9760

Bisnu Subedi 646-667-9408

Other Events In The City

SUSHIL KOIRALA's Meeting with Nepali Community in NewYork

Date: Sept.9 , 2006 Saturday at 6 p.m.

Venue : Satya Narayan Mandir, 76 st.& Woodside Ave. Jackson Heights,NewYork


Murari Raj Sharma's C.D. Release Ceremony

Date: Sept.10 , Sunday

Time: 4:00 P.M.

Venue: Yeti of Hieizan Restaurant( Nepalese& Japanese Restaurant)

43-16, Queens Blvd.,SunnySide, NY 11104

Between 43 & 44 St.(By Train : #7 Train to 46 st.)


N & J Entertainment's First Anniversary Picnic Party

(Hosted by Mrs. Kamala Prasai )

Date: Sept. 17, Sunday , Time: 12:00 Noon

Venue : Queens Bridge Park, LIC, New York


Vijaya Dashami Ramailo Saanjh 2063 B.s.
(Nepali Cultural Program)

Organizer : New York Kala Manch
(Reknown artist Sapana Shree and local artists with professional live band )

Ticket: $35 (cultural program with dinner and DJ)

Date: September 30th, 2006. Saturday.
Time 7:30pm to 2 am

Venue: Dhaka Club, 59-15 37th Avenue, Woodside, NY 11377

For more info,Contact: Ram Raj Chettri, 781- 898- 0119

Nhuchche Dangol: 917- 597 -9030


Nepali Cultural Program

(Organized by Nepal Kirat Rai Association of America)

Date: October 14 ,2006 Saturday. Time: 6 P.M.

Venue: Dhaka Club,59-15 ,37 Ave. Woodside,NY 11377

ENTRY FEE: $ 30 (Ticket Available at VideoMax,Jackson Heights)


Mustang :The lost Tibetan Kingdom

( An Exhibition by Photographer Don Gurewitz and Group)

Date : Through November 30, 2006

Venue:Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, 338 Lighthouse Ave. Staten Island. Tel.: 718-987-3500

In The News

Royal couple attends Indrajatra function; ministers ‘boycott’ NepalNews
Broad political conference should be held by dissolving parliament: Mahara
Summit meeting will settle all political issues: DPM Sherchan
Cabinet asks govt. talks team to prepare for summit level talks
Traffic movement of the valley affected due to protest of taxi drivers, ANTUF convention
New civil service bill proposes 45 percent reservation
SAC deprives King from approving Public Documents
Maoist hindering peace process: UML general secy
South Asia to achieve 7.5 percent growth in 2006: ADB
Government asked to provide details of expenditure of RCCC

Discussion on Draft Interim Constitution: Pashupati Shumsher JB Rana, Shambhu Thapa, Dr Ram Sharan Mahat Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Maoists Have A Right To Peaceful Assembly, Peacefully Protest

Planned Peaceful Protests By The Maoists

The Maoists have upcoming plans for a mass mobilization of their cadres. That has to be welcomed. If the peace talks fail, and the Maoists decide to come out into the streets in large numbers peacefully, that has to be welcomed.

If they were to manage to wage another April Revolution, peaceful, we can not possibly argue against that. You could not legitimately use force against such peaceful protests.

Summit Talks Should Be Fruitful

The peace talks should succeed. Peace is the primary mandate of this government. How could they possibly think of not delivering?

Give And Take

Put yourself in your opponents' shoes. Look at the world through his or her eyes. Assist your opponent to save face. Don't burn all your bridges for some small fight. You might not be around for the big fights that matter.

The seven parties have genuine concerns. The Maoists have genuine concerns. They should articulate those concerns to each other, and both sides should be respectful of each other's concerns.

Security Sector Restructuring

I first learned that phrase from Dr. Baburam Bhattarai. And I like it tremendously. The army, the police, the armed police can not be allowed to stand as they stand today. The talk of restructuring the state does not apply only to the non security sector. How could the seven parties argue against that?

On their part the Maoists have to stop trying to imitate Lenin. Prachanda is no Lenin. Lenin was a world history figure. Noone has heard of Prachanda outside Nepal and a few pockets in India. And that will likely not change.

The Maoists have to make the seven parties feel they indeed have shifted ideologically from power flows through the barrel of a gun to power flows through the ballot box. Peaceful mobilization is the more effective way to ensure state restructuring.

Nepali Congress

You are looking at a Nepali Congress, RJP, RPP (Kamal) coalition for a constitutional monarchy if Girija will have his way. That guy single handedly wishes to reverse the decision of his party's last convention. Should not that be illegal or something?

In The News

King should remain as head of state: NC gen secy NepalNews Nepali Congress (NC) general secretary KB Gurung ..... “The country accepted a Rana prime minister in 2007 B.S to safeguard the national existence. The situation now is that the monarchy should be kept in for the same purpose” ...... “The Nepali Congress is not a pro-republic party. The people’s movement was for democracy, not for a republic”
Katawal appointed new Chief of Army Staff Tuesday’s meeting of the council of ministers took the decision to this effect. Om Bikram Rana has been appointed Inspector General (IG) of Nepal Police, Basudev Oli as IG of Armed Police Forces and Dhansingh Karki as Chief of National Investigation Department. .....
Cabbies bring traffic to a halt in central Kathmandu
Int’l media mission meets political parties, Maoists; gets commitment for press freedom
Families of disappeared people continue sit-in
Prachanda's Confidence, PM's Confusion - By Dr. Som P Pudasaini Clarity of goal and a roadmap to get there is a precondition for confidence. Without courage to pursue it relentlessly in the face of expected and unexpected odds clarity will be orphaned. Only rock-solid commitment will prevent clarity from being blurred and courage dwindled during the march to the destination ....... Prachanda, dynamic and untested in the art of governance, has accumulated massive political capital and unexpected political height in a decade with struggle and a vision of a restructured and inclusive nation. ..... the Maoists declared on 2 September 2006 that there was no possibility of arms management, including confinement of their army in camps, before "completely" resolving political issues based on an "overall political package" that includes interim statute, interim parliament, interim government and arms management. Abolition of monarchy and restructured army was declared pre-conditions for laying down arms and ensuring "lasting democracy". ........ With offices in district headquarters, existing village units, people's court, people's army and taxation or donations, a "soft" parallel government appears virtually in sight. ....... The Maoists and the government both are complaining of unwarranted army mobilization in the capital by each other lately. Interestingly, the king is rumored to be consulting with politicians and journalists close to him and plans to broaden the interactions in the future . ...... Prachanda and his group are showing better confidence and preparations, will you continue to be confused and vacillating Girijababu and SPA?

Rebel families protest against Nepal "disappearances" Reuters AlertNet, UK
Nepal appeals for 121 mln usd in flood, drought aid Forbes
Nepal seeks international assistance for flood relief Hindustan Times, India
Nepal appeal for aid for flood, drought assistance People's Daily Online, China
Controversial general named Nepal's new army chief Telugu Portal, India army chief General Pyar Jung Thapa, who retires on Sep 9 ...... Katuwal too was scheduled to retire five days later. ..... Katuwal defended himself by saying as a soldier he was simply following orders. ...... he had falsified documents to give his age as 1949-born when his actual year of birth was 1944, which puts him well past the age of retirement. ...... On Monday, 16 activists sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, urging him to take steps against the appointment, which they said would promote a culture of impunity in Nepal. ..... On the positive side, Katuwal becomes the first commoner officer to get the top army post. He comes from an indigenous group at a time Nepal's army had been traditionally controlled by the upper class Thapas, Ranas, Thakuris and Chhetris, most of whom were related to the palace. .......
Nepal stops delivery of arms from Ukrainian plane Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran worth 1,41,6000 dollars ...... The government had paid 180,000 dollars to the company on July 3, 2005 ......
Nepal Names New Chief For Beleaguered Army, Romania General Katuwal is said to be popular among the rank and file of the Nepalese army and is the first commoner to rise to head the Nepalese army. In the past, army chiefs came from the aristocratic Shah, Rana and Thapa families.
Army respects aspirations of people: Thapa Gorkhapatra
Germany provides Rs 9m to UNHCR Nepal Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran

Media Mission Meets Prachanda Himalayan Times Prachanda expressed his full support to establish press freedom in Nepal .... Federation of Nepalese Journalists(FNJ) president Bishnu Nisthuri, Toby Mendel of Article 19, Andrea Cairola of UNESCO, Jacqueline Park of IFJ, Biljana Tatomir of Open Society Institute(OSI), Sunanda of International News Safety Institute(INSI), Ashish Sen of AMARC , Faruq Faisal and Laxmi Murti of IFJ
70 pc Addicts in Nepal Are Schoolkids: Report
Bill Proposing 45pc Reservations in Civil Service Tabled 45 per cent reservation for Women, Dalits, Janajatis and other disadvantaged groups. ...... also made a provision for open competition at the under-secretary and joint-secretary levels. ..... 45 per cent quota for women, Janajatis and Dalits, Madhesis and disabled to make civil service inclusive ...... The quota will exist for the next 20 years but separate examinations will be conducted to give them chances for jobs. However, if people cannot claim in such quotas in the same year of vacancy, the government can fill the posts through normal ways and other free competitors can fight for the posts. The government has the authority to appoint women in certain posts if the posts are suitable for them....... This is the first time the government has adopted quota system. ...... The Bill has proposed 10 per cent open competition for the posts of joint-secretary and under-secretary. The Bill has proposed to scrap the provision of appointing peons in the government service ......
Ready to box in PLA till CA polls, says Mahara they would not go to the people with arms during the election. ...... He claimed a military copter recently dropped a huge amount of arms at an army barrack at midnight. ......
Govt to categorise public schools The schools will be categorised in four major groups - Ka, Kha, Ga and Gha on the basis of physical infrastructure, teachers’ efficiency, school’s responsibility and transparency and school’s achievement. ...... the categorisation committee headed by district school supervisor approves the school’s self-evaluation form covering the teachers’ qualification, number of teachers, school environment, physical infrastructure, library facility, schools’ performance and scholarship provisions. ...... The schools receiving 80 per cent and above in self-evaluation will fall under ‘Ka’ grade, schools receiving 60 per cent and above will fall under ‘Kha’ grade, schools receiving 40 per cent and above along with those schools who do not participate in the accreditation programme will fall under ‘Ga’ grade. While the schools that receive less than 40 per cent marks will fall under ‘Gha’ grade and the DoE will take necessary actions aimed at improving the quality of such schools........ the categorisation would help analyse whether the 28,000 public schools are needed for the country or not.
Maoists on tax collection drive in Jhapa The Maoists have started collecting tax in three municipalities of Jhapa district from today after five political parties and the Maoists failed to come to an agreement on dividing the tax collected by the local body. ..... Earlier, the Maoists were taking a portion of the tax collected by the DDC. The contracts given by the DDC were cancelled after the Maoists issued a separate tender notice. ..... The local body lost more than Rs 30 lakh revenue in the month of Shrawan after the Maoists began collecting tax by issuing a tender notice for contracts in local bodies. The staff of the municipalities today stopped tax-collection after the Maoists and parties failed to agree on the matter. ......

Govt appeal for $120m flood, drought assistance Kantipur Publications
प्रचण्ड सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रममा अनुपस्थित
निजामती निर्णय
अन्तरिम विधान असफलताका कारण
संविधानसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र


1 September 2006, Friday163

2 September 2006, Saturday189

3 September 2006, Sunday199

4 September 2006, Monday149
5 September09:08Iceland (
5 September11:08Fannie Mae, Washington, D.C., United States
5 September11:11University of Texas, Dallas, United States
5 September11:35University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, United States
5 September13:17SkyVision, Rwanda