Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nepali Convention 2007 Shifted To Last Weekend In May

Your feedback requested: Management Team Digital Office

Originally it was talked about for the July 4 weekend. Then it was shifted to the April 6 weekend. Now it has been finalized for the last weekend in May, the Memorial Day weekend.

Memorial Day 2006
Memorial Day Weekend 2005
Memorial Day History
Memorial Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Memorial Day Weekend outbreak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Memorial Day Facts - Date History Reason for Memorial Day
Academic Calendar 2006-2007

The primary reason for this shift that was made today is that tens of Nepali students in the Mid-West talked to Chandra Prakash Sharma about it during his recent swing through the region. They said April will be during their Spring semester. They will not be able to come. But if the convention were to be held at the beginning of summer, that would be the best time for them. They could be done with their studies, and come to the convention before they go off for their summer jobs.

There are several advantages to this shift.

(1) It will be warmer at the end of May. That is officially the first weekend of summer.
(2) School will be over. School facilities become possible venue options.
(3) The young crowd is the largest at any convention. It is only right that they are being listened to. They are the ones who flock to the concert in large numbers, for example.
(4) It was the youth that drove the April Revolution in Nepal. They were at the forefront. They did all the strategic thinking. They took care of the logistics.
(5) Nepal is a young country. More than 40% of the people are less than 14 years old.
(6) You do not better honor the April Revolution by holding the convention in April. You honor through the guests you invite from Nepal. You honor it through the programs you do. You honor it by reenacting the April Revolution on a small scale at the convention.
(7) But this is not a political convention. It is designed to be a festival. We are going to do extensive market research to cater to the different groups of people.
(8) If the constituent assembly elections were to be held "before May 2006," we might not have been able to get many of the guests from Nepal. Now chances are the convention date is for after the elections.

We are also zeroing in on the venue options. Right now we are looking at a cluster of three places.

LaGuardia Community College (Virtual Tour)
LaGuardia Community College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LaGuardia Community College

Long Island City YMCA
YMCA of Greater New York
[PDF] Long Island City YMCA

Upcoming.org: Venue: Queensbridge Park
Queensbridge, Queens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queensbridge Park on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The official decision on the venue has not been made yet. We are just looking. And we are still open to other options.

April Convention Venue Options 1
April Convention Market Research 1
1000 House Parties
Nepali Convention: Venue Options, Website, Core 200
Community Center Idea: A Few Options
Nepali Community Center
Alliance, GFIPN: Audio, Video
Business Ideas
Chandra Prakash Sharma 2
April Convention: Creating A Glowing Core
April Convention: Emerging Picture
Chicago Convention September 2-4
April Revolution, April Convention
ANA Convention: Reflections
ANA Convention 2006: Photos

Face Time, Screen Time

Chandra Prakash tells me work on this convention is going to refine me in the face time department. I look forward to it.


The initial idea was to have a flat fee of $35. Then the idea was to have a fee of $25, and charge separate for the concert and so on. Then we went back to the flat fee idea.

Now I am looking at the facilites, and looks to me like we might not be able to do the flat fee thing.

LaGuardia Community College (Virtual Tour)

There is a large hall, 790 capacity, and a small hall, 200 capacity. And we will be looking at rooms for 100-150 for the forums. You can not push the 790 limit or the Fire Marshall gets mad at you. So even to follow that law, we have to sell separate tickets for the three evening events.

How about this?

$35 registration gets you the button. You need that to buy any or all of the following. (5,000 max)

$10 for Inauguration Ceremony (790 max)
$15 Cultural Show (790 max)
$20 Concert (790 max)

We would also need to look for a dance club in the area.

LaGuardia is 10 minutes from Times Square.

In The News

No Kathmandu bound Ukranian plane grounded in Ahmedabad: Govt. NepalNews The L/C (Letter of Credit) was placed on April 11, 2005 to buy those weapons. The government had paid $ 180,000 to the company on July 3, 2005
Govt. delays to freeze King’s land transaction: Jwala the King possesses over 100,000 ropanis of land altogether.
Export of readymade garment declines
Govt conspiring against Maoists: Mahara by trying to disarm the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) before the constituent assembly elections. ...... “Since we are a political force with arms and a parallel state power. Only constituent assembly election can lead to disarmament of the Maoists” ...... “The government has this illusion that the Maoists have joined the dialogue process for a safe-landing and it is trying to assimilate us in the existing political system.” ...... Maoist chairman Prachanda, who was supposed to inaugurate the programme, could not come due to security concerns. He said the government had started mobilizing its security forces in the capital city since Sunday.
Palace refutes allegations on arms deal
PM assures of autonomy to state-run media Koirala has expressed his commitment to give autonomy to the government-owned media as part of democratisation process in the country. .... democratising the government media and making it free from state interference.
'Buddha belonged to Tharu community!' "The Great Sons of the Tharus: Sakyamuni Buddha and Asoka the Great", written by Subodh Kumar Singh ....
400 Indian workers flee Nepal some of the Nepalese who attacked them said they were Maoists.

Dozens injured as Nepal police disperse sit-in Raw Story, MA
Maoist threats affect tourism industry in Nepal NDTV.com, India

Maoists concerned over beefed up security in capital Kantipur Publications the government's move is in "reaction to the mass meet in the capital today of the Maoist soldiers injured during the "people's revolution". .... "In an unexpected meeting of the security heads at the prime minister's residence yesterday it was concluded that Maoist soldiers were entering Kathmandu to launch an armed revolution," Mahara said
Maoists abduct 3 minors in Bardiya
Protest in front of NA headquarters at Maitighar
Maoists collect tax at Gaddachauki
अन्नानले नेपालबारे सम्बोधन गर्ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका महासचिव कोफी अन्नानले दुई सातापछि सुरु हुने ६१औं राष्ट्रसंघीय महासभा बैठकमा पहिलोपटक नेपाल मामिलालाई केन्द्रविन्दु बनाएर मानव अधिकार तथा शान्ति प्रक्रियाबारे अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समुदायलाई सम्बोधन गर्ने भएका छन् ।
प्रचण्ड सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रममा अनुपस्थित
माओवादीभित्र हतियार मोह'
ँसरकारी सञ्चारमाध्यम निजीकरण हुन्छ’
खाँदबारीमा एफएम
माओवादीद्वारा एमाले कार्यकर्ता कुटपिट
प्रधानमन्त्री राजनीतिक समस्यामै व्यस्त’ मुलुक संकटको चौबाटोमा उभिएको उल्लेख गर्दै उनले अराजकताको आगो दन्किन खोजेको र समयमै नियन्त्रण नभए त्यसले खरानी पार्न सक्ने चेतावनी दिए । .... पार्टीका सहअध्यक्ष डा. प्रकाशचन्द्र लोहनीले सात दल एक ढिक्का भएर शान्ति प्रकृयामा कसरी जाने भनेर सहमत नभएसम्म शान्ति प्रकृया अघि नबढने दाबी गरे । माओवादी र सरकारबाट जिम्मेवार भूमिका निर्वाह हुन नसकेको उल्लेख गर्दै उनले अहिलको सरकार कसको हो भन्ने नै ठेगान नभएको बताए । दुई दिनसम्म चल्ने भेलामा सुदूर पश्चिम क्षेत्रका नौवटै जिल्लाका कार्यकर्ताको सहभागिता छ ।
महिनाबारीमा अब घरभित्रै
ँअपि्रल थेसिस’ को तयारी
एक सातासम्म चलेको नेकपा -माओवादी) केन्द्रीय कमिटीको बैठक शहर केन्दि्रत आन्दोलन गर्ने निर्णयका साथ टुङ्गिएको छ माओवादीहरूले शान्तिपूर्ण तवरमा सत्ता हत्याउने सम्भावना नदेखेपछि शहरी विद्रोह गराउने 'अपि्रल थेसिस' तयार गरेका छन् ...... 'राजनीतिक प्याकेज' पछि मात्र अस् थायी क्याम्पमा बस् ने निर्णय गरेको छ । राजनीतिक प्याकेजमा अन्तरमि संविधान, अन्तरमि सरकार, संविधानसभाको चुनावी प्रक्रियाबाहेक अन्तरमि कालमा अन्तरमि सुरक्षा संयन्त्र बनाउने योजनासमेत रहेको छ । ....... केही उत्तेजक नारा अघि सारे पनि माओवादी तत्काल वार्ता प्रक्रियाबाट अलग भने हुनेछैन । ....... बैठकले घोषित रूपमा वार्ताबाटै निकास खोज्ने बाह्य रणनीति तय गरेको छ भने भित्रभित्र आफ्ना कार्यकर्तालाई 'शहरी विद्रोह' को तयारी गर्न प्रशिक्षण अभियान चलाइरहेको छ । विभिन्न जनवर्गीय सङ्गठनहरूको सम्मेलन कात्तिक तेस्रो सातासम्म राजधानीमै गर्ने घोषणा गरएिको छ ........ स् वीटजरल्याण्डबाट रुस आउने क्रममा रेलमै लेनिनले फेब्रुअरी क्रान्तिले राजतन्त्र फ्याँके पनि असली जनवाद ल्याउन 'शहरी विद्रोह' आवश्यक भएको संक्षिप्त रणनीतिक टिपोट तयार गरे । अपि्रल महिनामा लेखिएकाले त्यही टिपोटलाई कालान्तरमा 'अपि्रल थेसिस' भन्न थालियो, जसका आधारमा रुसमा अक्टोबर क्रान्ति सफल भयो । ....... नेपालका माओवादीहरूले भने गत वैशाख २४ देखि २७ गतेसम्म भारतको पञ्जावमा बसेको विशेष बैठकमा अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले प्रस्तुत गरेको शहरी विद्रोहको छबुँदे योजनालाई 'अपि्रल थेसिस' को रूपमा परभिाषित गरेका छन् । रोचक कुरा के हो भने यो अपि्रल थेसिसको पूर्ण विवरण पार्टीका केन्द्रीय सदस्यबाहेक अरू कसैलाई दिइएको छैन । ....... 'जनमुक्ति सेना' को भरणपोषणमा समस्या भएको, क्याम्पिङ् गर्दा बटालियनभन्दा माथि गर्न कठिनाइ भएको तथा सेनाका लागि विशेष योजना नभएको जस्ता समस्या .... सातबुँदे प्रतिबद्धताको तेस्रो बुँदामा भनिएको छ, 'एकपटक हतियार उठाएपछि त्यसलाई अन्तसम्म लैजाने दृढताबिना सशस्त्र सङ्घर्षको थालनी गर्नु सर्व्ाहारावर्ग एवम् आमजनताप्रति अपराध हुने कुरामा हामी दृढ छौँ । यो सङ्घर्ष जनताको स् िथतिमा आंशिक सुधार गर्ने, प्रतिक्रियावादी वर्गलाई दबाब दिई सामान्य सम्झौतामा टुङ् ग्याउने साधन बन्न कदापि दिइने छैन ।' ...... सात दल र माओवादीबीच मतभिन्नता अझ बढ्ने भएको छ । ......... निःशर्त संविधानसभा भएमा मुलुकमा गणतन्त्र आउँछ भन्ने कुरामा माओवादी ढुक्क छन् तर त्यसबेला नेपाली सेनाको एउटा तप्काबाट विद्रोह हुनसक्ने खतरा उनीहरूले देखेका छन् । ....... माओवादीहरूको कामीडाँडा बैठक चलिरहेकै बेला प्रधानमन्त्रीले राजासँग भेट गर्नु र खरदि गरएिको अत्याधुनिक हतियार बोकेको विमान युक्रेनबाट भारतको अहमदावादमा आएर रोकिनु संयोग मात्र नहुनसक्छ । ...... केही गरी वार्ता भङ्ग भइहालेमा पनि जङ्गल नजाने, बरु शहरबाटै गिरफ्तारी दिने माओवादी नेतृत्वको भनाइ ...... शहरमा जोड, वैधानिक सङ्घर्षको बढावा, खुला कार्यमा जोड, देशव्यापी सङ्घर्षको तीव्रता, राजनीतिक भण्डाफोर र प्रचार, मोर्चा सङ्गठनको निर्माण, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय जनमतको सहयोग, सहायक इलाकाको विस्तार, जनआन्दोलनलाई प्राथमिकता र विश्वव्यापी प्रचारको आवश्यकता नै शहरी विद्रोहका सशक्त कार्यक्रमहरू हुन् । ........ जबसम्म सेना वा प्रहरीमा विद्रोह हुँदैन, तब केन्द्रीय राज्यसत्ता कब्जा गर्न असम्भवजस् तै छ । .......
ँसोझै संविधानसभामा गए र ाम्रो’ ः लक्ष्मणप्रसाद अर्याल

Maoist threat 'a hollow threat': Minister Gyawali NepalNews should they call a mass uprising there is very little likelihood of it getting a good response. ..... the rebel call to keep the movement going had failed to make any impression on the masses which had quickly left the streets once the House was restored. .... “there are elements in the government favouring the status quo.” ..... urged the rebels to stop the politics of fear and intimidation. ..... the government was conducting homework for early constituent assembly elections...... Speaking at the same programme, Maoist negotiator Dev Gurung said the remarks of the minister were irresponsible......
Acharya flays draft interim constitution
not an interim constitution but a “document of disagreement.” ..... submitted the draft constitution without completing major issues like the fate of monarchy in the interim period and interim legislature among others .....
Take action against willful defaulters: FNCCI Dhakal, whose name also appeared in the black list of willful defaulters ..... “In the issue of protecting national industries, the government, the Maoists and the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) are all hopeless” ......According to Nepal Rastra Bank, 29 individuals and companies have defaulted Rs 10.51 billion from the Rastriya Banijya Bank while the Nepal Bank Limited is yet to recover Rs 4.69 billion from 25 blacklisted willful defaulters.......

Binay Shah Interviews Paramendra Bhagat 4

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Deciding Now On Monarchy And Army


Let's do the maths. The UML, the Maoists, the Jana Morcha, the Left Front, NMKP, all the left parties are for a democratic republic. The Deuba Congress is for a democratic republic. The Koirala Congress officially detached itself from constitutional monarchy at its last convention. Only another such convention can reverse that decision, and I don't see such a reversal likely. The RPP has come forth saying it will take its decision on the monarchy soon. That is code for saying the RPP also will come out for a republic.

This is a total sweep for a republic. Why am I not surprised? The republic is the mandate of the April Revolution. That was the street slogan. The idea of ending the monarchy is what brought the people out into the streets. Something to the tune of a total of eight million came out into the streets over a period of 19 days demanding an end to the monarchy, eight out of 27 million. Eight out of 12 million voters. If that is not a slam dunk for a republic, I don't know what is.

The best option would be for the king to abdicate. I mean, what is he expecting? The question is not if the monarchy will be ended or not, but how. It would be smart of him to proactively abdicate and cut a deal in the process. Land reform would apply to him also. If he owns 34,000 bighas of land, he will lose 33,980 bighas. It is called land reform. He vacates the Narayanhiti. That is to be the presidential office and residence. Property that used to be owned by Birendra and Dhirendra get nationalized. He gets to keep the rest that he owned before he became king. He will still end up perhaps the richest Nepali. That is not such a bad deal. Part of the deal could be to grant him amnesty for April. So he is no longer a king. He is a citizen and a businessman. He gets to start afresh. I think this package is the best he can hope for him and his family. And I wish him further business success.

The King Should Abdicate

If he does not proactively abdicate, the eight party alliance should make a political decision and end the monarchy. The property part might still be as I said. But there is no saying where the Raymajhi Commission interrogations will take the king as a person.

Just like the revived House secured a 33% reservation for women at all levels of government, the eight party alliance of the April Revolution should be able to take a political decision now and be done with the monarchy.


There is no possibility of a coup whatsoever. Absolutely none. Nada, nil. That certainty also comes from the April Revolution. The feudal sympathizers in the Nepali Congress need to stop trying to scare others with the coup argument.

There is homework to do here. The eight parties have to face a few simple questions.
  1. Does Nepal need to have an army?
  2. If yes, how big should that army be?
  3. How to restructure the army so as to make it inclusive of the DaMaJaMa at all levels?
  4. How to integrate the to be laid off soldiers into the civilian economy?
Arms Management: Break It Down Into Smaller Pieces
100,000 Maoist Militia Must Disarm
Monarchy, Army, Federalism


The good thing about taking care of the monarchy and the army now is then the constituent assembly can focus on the mega issue of federalism. There is a broad agreement that federalism is needed, but there is no agreement on its final shape.

All seven parties should put forth a map each for federalism. That is step one.

FM Radio: Google Search

[PDF] The Future of AM and FM Radio
Griffin Technology - iTrip
Griffin Technology - radio SHARK
FM broadcasting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Community Radio Network - FM Radio Technology
C-101.5 Mohawk College Radio
AsiaMedia :: Ban on FM radio newscasts decreases the media's reach
FM only: Low Tech FM Radios
WMBR 88.1 FM, Cambridge MA
Eton E1 XM-Ready AM/FM Radio Satellite
iBiquity Digital Corporation - HD Radio
iBiquity Digital Corporation - Company History
WUMB Site Map
WXPN.org 88.5 Non-commercial public radio in Philadelphia from the ...
Amazon.com: Griffin Technology RadioShark AM / FM Desktop Radio ...
Prometheus Radio Project
HD Radio
Griffin Technology radioSHARK : Page 1

Online Hindi Radio Station - Live365 Internet Radio ...
BBC Radio
MPR: Press Releases: Minnesota Public Radio to Launch New Music ...
Wired News: Podcasting Killed the Radio Star
Hope FM
BURST - Bristol University Radio Station
Fuse FM
Jack FM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WBEZ 91.5 FM
BRS Media's Web-Radio to Feature Christmas Radio Stations Online ...

Live365 Internet Radio - Thousands of Free Online Radio Stations
SHOUTcast | Free internet radio!
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Free Internet Radio Stations featuring XM Satellite Radio - AOL Music
AccuRadio - The Next Generation of Radio
Pandora Internet Radio - Find New Music, Listen to Free Web Radio
Radio Paradise - eclectic online rock radio
Online Phayul Radio - www.phayul.com

Urgent Need For FM Radio Station In Mithila

(email sent to a small group)

With the FM, you can reach literally everyone, literate or not, rural, urban, in the langauge they speak and understand. FM is there at the other end what internet is in New York City. FM is the best way to reach the average person, the masses.

It is my recollection that groups have tried in the past to get a license for a FM in Janakpur and have failed. The Maithili language supposedly got in the way.

Those of you at the other end in Janakpur and Kathmandu, where does this topic stand?

There is a need for a FM staiton run as a business. Binay and I were talking about it earlier. Please inform and let's get going.

This will also be a way of unifying the entire Mithilanchal, Nepal India both.

Please let us know of leads and talks.

I guess all it would take is for a few potential investors to get together and go ahead and do it.

The station could also be webcast for Maithils worldwide. And Maithils worldwide could submit material for the station as MP3 files online, so easy to do. Otherwise right now the elite are cut off from the masses.

Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav: Prachanda On Madhesi

Prachanda on Madhesi: Time to Test

Dr. Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav


We feel Madheshi should neither approve nor disapprove any promise from any leader; they should see the act and match it with promises. It is time to test. They should keep marching towards the goal; the goal of Political, Defense, Administrative, Economical, Cultural, Social, and Language independence within the boundary of Nepal, where equal opportunity for Employment, Justice, Representation and Right, in honest practice, should be available to all. A unified Madhesh state only, is acceptable. Present proposed division of Madheshi population is against the consciousness of Madheshis. Hindi should be a second national language, because it is the link language for millions of Madheshis. For Madhesh and Madheshi to date democracy is a dream.


Mr Prachanda’s Assurances and Madheshi’s Grievances

“Recently the Party has passed a concrete resolution to study the Madhesi question from a greater height and to debate, discuss and develop leaders as well to take the revolutionary movement in Madhes to a new height.”

“Expressing sadness over the fact that Madhesis are living like second class citizens, in the country despite being an indigenous group, he said, “Our party started the campaign of liberating Madhesis, and making them masters of the state right from the first year of the people’s war.”

-Maoist chairman Prachanda

Source: eKantipur.com http://www.kantipuronline.com/kolnews.php?&nid=80143


“Liberation for Madheshies” Mr Prachanda has been expressed in his lectures, and his party has recognized that;

i. Madheshis are indigenous population in Nepal,

ii. They are treated as second-class citizen in their own country,

iii. He has expressed his sadness over the pitiful situation and

iv. His party has started campaign of liberating Madheshi.

Statements appear to sound very good, as well as, attractive. Here, the concern is: whether his statements would transform into a holistic action with meaningful intention? Present scenarios look better than previously. But it doesn’t reflect Madheshi expectations; for example:-

i. Proposed boundaries of states are not in favor of Madheshi. Such divisions of Madheshi, in spite of a single unified Madhesh state, raise doubts in the peoples’ mind. “However, the question can be asked, is this division motivated to create a divide and rule policy?” Division among Madheshi, on gunpoint, reminds us of the division of family property between two brothers. The poor mother (the wife) lives with one brother, and the powerless father (the husband) lives with other brother. Just for bread, both old heads are compelled to kill their life long emotional attachment; they spend day and night with unheard cry of their souls. Similarly, such proposed state boundaries, will cause negative impact on Madheshi population. But, it is not the final, there is time left, we hope Mr Prachanda and his party will reconsider, and will make state boundary for Madheshi people according to their consciousness. In case, if Madheshi spirit is not respected, then Madheshi leaders should not accept this state boundary proposal till a right amendment comes. Like earlier, government will offer better position to some, and will not address the main issues of the Madheshi community as a whole.

In the world, there are several countries where Indian Diasporas have settled, and those country’s people and their government have with respect, accepted Hindi language. In Trinidad and Tobago, a centaury ago, Indian indenture labourers came; no one is alive among them. Still their children proudly speak Hindi and Bhojpuri. In Surinam, Hindi is second national language while Dutch is the first language. We all know among Madheshi, there are several languages; and Hindi is the only link language. Does it harm national Nepalese integrity, if Hindi is accepted as a second national language because it’s a link lauguage for over ten million in, population? In south India most people don’t know Hindi, they are doctors, engineers, and other professionals; still they are good Indians. Asking to make Hindi as a second national language, does not mean Madheshi are not as good, or as responsible as the non-Madheshis Nepalese citizens.

In this way, issues of Madheshi culture, identity, their proportionate representation in policy making bodies, implementations machinery, and judiciary system, need to be appropriately addressed. It’s very clear that proportionate representation in Parliament, Administrative services, Judiciary services, and Diplomatic representation to foreign countries, and United Nations Offices/ Agencies, that are justified as a demand. Nepal government doesn’t want to dismantle the army. In barracks of Madhesh land, there should be Madheshi youth army. Without this, the environment creates the image of colonization. It looks like a long list, but in reality, the only sufferer is Madheshi since centaury.

Prevailing Political Reality

Out of the royal family, several politicians have recorded their names in the modern history of Nepal, but history of Madhesh does not know anyone, because of all democratic Governments and Prime Ministers that have ignored the Madhesh and Madheshi in the same way. Ex Prime Ministers speak about the agony and suffering of Madheshi, but what did they do when they had responsibility to realize and the power to perform? Nothing! For Madhesh and Madheshi till date, democracy is a dream. It is a royal opportunity for Mr Prachanda and other top leaders to fulfill the promise and be Madhesh maker in the history, when time itself is writing it.

Should Madheshi be dependent?

We feel Madheshi should neither approve nor disapprove any promise from any leader; they should see the act and match with the promises. It is time to test. But, don’t wait and watch. Keep marching towards the goal, the goal of Political, Defense, Administrative, Economical, Cultural, Social, and Language independence within the boundary of Nepal, where equal opportunity for employment, justice, representaytion and right, in honest practice, should be available to all. At the same time, special opportunity should be created for back log Madheshi to bring them into the main development stream of the nation. We all must bear in mind; it is an outlook for true human independence, not to create a separate nation outside Nepal. It will be a great mistake to rely on promises, and not enhance our performance. Madheshi must remember that only Madheshi, no one else, can transform their fate and their future!

Bitter Truth

True integration of Madhesh into unified Nepal depends upon preparation of Madheshi population for independence. Reality of integration of Madhesh into Nepal is directly proportional to the strength of preparation of Madheshi population for independence. By this, we mean, total independence, one free of discrimination and being able to enjoy full human rights inside the united Nepal. They could demonstrate absolute willpower, power of sacrifice, and strength to be independent, and then only, they will be able, in reality, to be integrated with the remaining population of Nepal. Because integrity and respect are possible only between equals, it is simply based on a proverb honest friendship that is only possible between equals.

In The News

China positive about extending its railway to border: DPM Oli NepalNews
PLA won't be confined in cantonments before restructuring of state: Prachanda before the state is completely restructured. ..... Prachanda warned that the Maoists would start 'urban uprising' if peace talks failed to give solution to political problems. ...... claimed that some national and international elements were trying to push the Maoists out of the peace process...... asked the party men to be ready for new 'urban uprising' and added that his party would continue the protests unless the state made public the whereabouts of all the disappeared people. He, however, did not mention about the fate of people disappeared by the Maoist rebels. ....... the first condition of the Maoists in the high level talks with the ruling seven party alliance will be the whereabouts of all disappeared people. ...... Maoist second-in-command Babu Ram Bhattrai said constituent assembly election was not possible without restructuring the Nepali Army. ..... also warned that the Maoists would not hesitate from entering into the army barracks to find out the whereabouts of disappeared people if the government failed to do so
SAC to settle ‘Head of the State’ row on Wednesday
NHRC to pressurise govt, Maoists to fulfil demands of Maoist victims
Govt. unaware of arms purchase from Ukraine: Dr. Mahat
Don’t Repeat Afghanistan in Nepal
Rights activists call Annan to pressurize govt.
No arms management before political solution: Maoists

Nepal PM to meet Maoist chief within a week Hindu, India
Nepal rebels chief warns of 'revolution' if gov't delays peace ... Islamic Republic News Agency
The new monarchs of Nepal
Central Chronicle, India
11 Maoists released by India: Rebel sources Zee News
UN tries to resolve Bhutanese refugee issue in Nepal People's Daily Online, China
Indian help sought to resolve Bhutan-Nepal refugee problem Hindu
Rare cry for Bhutanese refugees in New DelhiKantipur Online
Nepali gov't alert to possible outbreak of epidemic in flood-hit ... People's Daily Online
No disarmament before interim gov't formed in Nepal: guerrilla People's Daily Online, China
Separate defence minister a must: Nepal Kantipur Online, Nepal since such sensitive issues as Maoists' arms management and democratisation of Nepal Army are associated with the Defence Ministry, "a visionary and competent personality" should be handed over the responsibility of the ministry...... Nepal emphasised on immediate appointments at the Election Commission and the National Human Rights Commission so as to open the doors for the elections to the constituent assembly ...... Nepal heavily criticised the government for not being able to maintain peace and security in the country and also flayed it for neglecting some contemporary issues like land distribution to freed kamaiyas and revolutionary land reform act. ..... Nepal also flayed Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala for floating statements on ceremonial monarchy .... Nepal expressed his dissent over the Maoist breaching their own pledges. Nepal suggested that the Maoists should give up the charm of weapons to establish themselves as a separate, responsible party.
Finalize interim constitution at the earliest: Nepal Nepalnews.com
Nepal govt unaware of arms consignment Zee News, India

Maoists not to disarm before reaching agreement on political issues Kantipur Publications
New species of Bird found in Koshi Tappu
China positive on extension of Qinghai-Tibet railway to Nepal: Oli
Bardia flood victims at high risk of epidemic, neonate dies of pneumonia
Bleak prospect for 1st Bote girl to pass SLC
Financing deals for Upper Tamakoshi likely this week
Before Disarming the Maoists
Maoists will lead protests if talks fail to reach political consensus: Prachanda
Deuba to meet Koirala soon to discuss unification issue
Summit meeting this week will decide on king and arms: Minister Gyawali
ँवार्ताबाट टुंगो नलागे जनआन्दोलन’
प्रक्रियाप्रति कूटनीतिज्ञहरूको असहमति
शिखर बैठक 'आउँदो साता'
मन्त्रीको आदेशमा धमाधम नियुक्ति
राजाको सम्पत्ति खोजीमा असहयोग
देउवाले कोइराला भेट्ने
संविधानसभामा प्रतिनिधित्व माग
विद्यालयमा ब्यारेक विद्यार्थी भुइँमा
नेपालद्वारा आक्रोश
बेनी-जोमसोम सडक निर्माणमा अवरोध
शान्ति प्रक्रियामा उपेक्षित जनता

Sumit Pokharel: Maps

Source: Federal Nepal by Sumit Pokharel

Saturday, September 02, 2006

All Members To The Constituent Assembly Must Be Directly Elected

The Bahuns in the eight parties are really dragging their feet on social justice issues. When the UML organized a meeting of Dalit leaders, on the surface it looked positive. But the meetig steered by the UML Bahuns concluded the need of the hour is a democratic republic, as in you don't need Dalits to make that point, the Bahuns are doing it already. The Maoists recently formed a 10 member committee. You would think it looks good that there is a Madhesi up there. But the truth is social justice says four of the 10 should have been Madhesi. There is only one woman on that committee. Half should have been women.

Along the same lines the Congress and the UML have been pushing what they are calling a mixed system. Half the MPs would get elected directly. The other half would get elected by the parties depending on each party's vote share. And in that second category the party leaders would make attempts to select representatives of groups that have been marginalized.

That is a bogus idea. That will create two classes of MPs. That will give too much power to the party leaders, the entrenched Bahuns. That second category of MPs will be beholden to those who selected them and not to the people, not to the groups they are supposed to represent. They will become like the few Madhesis who held positions of power during the Panchayat decades. They looked Madhesis alright, but their loyalty was to the king, not to the Madhesi masses.

People talk of Israel when they talk of the proportional representation system. What they don't realize is there is major discontent in Israel regarding that system. Ariel Sharon made a major push for direct elections.

Anything away from direct elections is a deviation. As the modalities for the constituent assembly are to be finalized soon during the summit talks, this point has to be made absolutely clear.

Once you decide you are going to hold direct elections for all seats in the constituent assembly, the next question is how many seats there will be, and how will they be drawn.

I think we should have one seat for each 100,000 people. So for a country of 27 million, you are looking at 270 seats.

How will they be drawn? I think the constituencies should disregard the district boundaries. Each should be as close to a circle or square as possible. The demarcation should be mathematical.

The idea that the entire country should be one constituency and people should vote for parties is bogus. That will be akin to going back to Rana rule. About a dozen Rana brother type party leaders will end up with all the power. That will not be people power. That will be diluted democracy. That will be sham democracy.

The next issue is party finances. They should be transparent. All parties have to tell the people how much money they have. They should make public their incomes and expenses.

Then comes the issue of reserved seats. This is key. This is fundamental. There has to be a formula to bring in the DaMaJaMa. You still have direct elections, but you have constituencies that are reserved. If there is a Dalit seat somewhere, all candidates in that constituency is going to have to be Dalit. Having such direct elections will also lead to ferementations in the population. Imagine all the non Dalits having to struggle to choose between a whole bunch of Dalit names. You deprive the country of that priceless fermentation when you have the party leaders selecting the DaMaJaMa MPs.

Dalit Diaspora Calls For 20 Percent Reservation
Voting Rights For Immigrants In New York City
Interim Parliament: 101 Members Total
My Work In The Ideas Department Is Complete
Who Will Tie The Bell Round The Cat's Neck
Alliance, GFIPN: Audio, Video
The Next Revolution Will Be At The Ballot Box
Federal Republic Guaranteed
Madhesi Caucus In Interim Parliament Needed
In Solidarity With The Kamaiya Movement
Direct Elections, One Seat For Every 100,000 People, Reservations, Primaries
Janajati Angst
Why Were The Women Beat Up?
Rameshwor Shah: Inclusive Constituent Assembly
June 17 Madhesi Gathering In New York City
Frustration, Chemical Imbalance, Mental Imbalance
Bahun, Chhetri, Sunni
Nepal As A Cutting Edge Democracy
Bidya Bhandari: Power Woman
Who Will Hold The Constituent Assembly Elections
Hindus, Chill
Democracy Diwali At The Nepali Mandir
Constituent Assembly Elections Before Dashain
Dr. Ram Krishna Shah
One Central Committee Member For Every Million Nepali
मधेशीसँग संख्या छ, शिक्त छैन
Internalized Racism Among Nepalis In NYC
No Short Cuts: Madhesis Will Have To March
Declare Constituent Assembly On First Day Of Parliament
My Most Controversial Blog Post To Date: On Madhesi Issue
Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population

In The News

No arms management before political solution: Maoists NepalNews warned that his party would reconsider the idea of joining an interim government if the SPA government “continues to violate the agreements”. ........ the central committee meeting, which passed chairman Prachanda’s political report ‘Historic Possibilities and Historic Challenges” with amendment, has worked out the policies and plans for a ‘people’s movement’ in two phases if the SPA fails to move towards unconditional elections to constituent assembly and democratic republican system........ isolated cases of violence and abductions were being exaggerated, the meeting decided to take strict measures to stop extortion and abductions at the lower level and make donations to the party completely voluntary. ....... 10-member committee .... Prachanda .. Dr Baburam Bhattrai, Ram Bahadur Thapa ‘Badal’, Krishna Bahdur Mahara, Dev Gurung, Pampha Bhusal, Dina Nath Sharma, Matrika Yadav, Nanda Kishor Pun ‘Pasang’ and Khadga Bahadur BK...... offices would be set up in district headquarters to facilitate the return of properties seized by the Maoists and help the displaced people return to the villages.......
Summit meeting within a week: Minister Gyawali the summit meeting would settle the political matters, the King’s position and the arms management issue ....... the upcoming summit meeting would also arrive at an agreement on the structure of the interim parliament and the process of constituent assembly. ...... complete settlement of the armies and the arms of the Maoists would become possible only after the election to constituent assembly and that the stance of representatives of some friendly nations that the rebels should be disarmed right away was not workable.
State Affairs Committee undecided on the issue of Head of the State the Parliamentary State Affairs Committee (SAC) could not decide on whether to remove the terminology ‘His Majesty’ or replace it with the ‘Head of the State’
Right activists criticise Katawal’s appointment Katawal played important role to suppress pro-democracy movement ...... rights activists have accused Katawal of penning anti-democracy articles under the pseudonym Ajya P Nath during the people's movement.......
Nepal Police publicises whereabouts of 55 people: Report security forces have released 47 individuals who were on the commission’s disappearance list ...... Three individuals are in custody at detention centres while five were killed in clashes between Maoists and security forces....... there are still about 600 unresolved disappearance and 100 abduction cases with the commission
Maoists to return captured land The Maoists have admitted to capturing 1,200 bighas of land belonging to 80 individuals in the district ..... meeting also decided to form a joint task force to encourage the activists of different political parties to return to villages, chairman of Joint Marxists, Siraha, Chandra Dev Kamat said

Nepal government caught 'lying' about arms cargo the multi-party government began denying having any knowledge of it, records showed both the government and the army were very much aware of what was going on. ..... Kosmos' transporting plane was scheduled to fly from Minsk in Belarus through Burgas in Bulgaria, Baku in Azerbaijan, India and then land at Kathmandu from where it was scheduled to depart for Rastovna-donn in the former USSR. ..... the army too feigned ignorance with the spokesperson of Nepal Army, Brigadier General Nepal Bhushan Chand, telling the media he was 'unaware of any such consignment meant for the army'..... the manufacturers of the consignment are a Belarus company, Sue Orsha, and a Bulgarian firm, Emco Ltd..... Apparently, Nepal's government decided to refurbish its arsenal despite holding peace talks with the Maoists and finance minister Ram Sharan Mahat's assertion that the government would slash military expenses.
Nepal king’s vast business interests uncovered in probe Indian Express besides owning several pieces of prime land, forest areas and farms, the king had shares in luxury hotels, a tobacco company, hydropower plants, travel agencies, food factories, textiles and tea estates. ..... amount to billions of rupees (millions of dollars) ..... Gyanendra had transferred the property of his slain brothers in the name of his wife Komal. .... and only allowed to own certain amount of land like everyone else

Nepal's communist rebels warn street protests against government International Herald Tribune, France
Maoists to launch campaign for peace NDTV.com
Nepalese rebels threaten protests Washington Post "If there is progress in a reasonable time of 10 or 15 days, it's okay. Otherwise we will go to the people and launch peaceful street protests to achieve what the people want." ....... In July the new government and rebels agreed to confine their respective armies and weapons to temporary camps and barracks under United Nations supervision. The arrangement does not include the 100,000-strong Maoist "militia" and their small arms. ...... "They know if they lay down arms they will lose the elections. So they don't want to leave their weapons"
SSB to heighten vigil on Indo-Nepal border Zee News, India
Rs 1,000 cr budget for border development schemes in 2007-08 Zee News
Nepal Police issue report on status of missing persons People's Daily Online, China
Britain may halt development work in Nepal Peninsula On-line, Qatar
Nepal will be peaceful, prosperous, democratic: minister People's Daily Online, China

Maoists will lead protests if talks fail to reach political consensus: Prachanda Kantipur Publications
Before Disarming the Maoists
Deuba to meet Koirala soon to discuss unification issue
Summit meeting this week will decide on king and arms: Minister Gyawali
Flood victims block highway, relief programmes in high gear
NA shows concern over Maoists' act of taking army man in custody
Rare cry for Bhutanese refugees in New Delhi
MPs divided on king's interim role
Donation drive spares not even students
MPs urged to formulate policy for loan recovery
NPC to publicise interim plan
माओवादी दबाबले कार्यक्रम फिर्ता
'हतियार मगाउने को हो ?'
चन्दा दिन नसकेपछि राजीनामा
माओवादीद्वारा पुनः बेपत्ता
प्यूठानमा एफएम
कैलाश-सेती राजमार्ग
आरक्षण विवाद
महिला पर्यटक ट्याक्सी चालक
सय मेगावाटको परियोजना बन्ने
खराब कर्जा उठाउन कानुनी व्यवधान हटाउन सुझाव