Wednesday, August 02, 2006

April Convention: Creating A Glowing Core

Primarily this is a business venture. It is a festival. We have seen it done the non profit way. Our claim is we can do it better and cheaper as a business venture. But then Chandra Prakash and I are different. We are both entrepreneurial, but he has a music background, I have a political background. And my personality is going to show on the political aspects of the convention. I am going to personally convene a forum where I invite political activists in New York City from countries that are not yet democracies.

Exporting The April Revolution

Exporting Revolution
Democracy Spreading Mechanism
The Demosphere Manifesto

Everest, Buddha, April Revolution. You can put the three in the same category. You do not have to be a Buddhist Nepali to be proud of Buddha. You don't have to be political to take pride in the magic that happened in Nepal in April.

A Festival

April Convention: Emerging Picture
April Revolution, April Convention

You pay $35, and you have fun. That is the primary thrust of the convention.

Social Justice In The Mini Nepal In America, And In Nepal

Indigenous Nationalities Peace Commission Nepal: Interim Constitution
In Solidarity With The Kamaiya Movement
Direct Elections, One Seat For Every 100,000 People, Reservations, Primaries
C.K. Lal: NRIs In Nepal
Janajati Angst
Madhesis, Social Justice, And The DaMaJaMa Equation In Nepal
Why Were The Women Beat Up?
Reform The Nepali Organizations In America

Don't put up with Pahadi chauvinism, don't put up with Bahun chauvinism, don't put up with male chauvinism. That is the message. Enough is enough. Pahadi Bahuns rule in Nepal, but then they also have ruled in the Mini Nepal of America. That is about to change. The events, conventions and organizations have been ramroaded by them. That will not fly no more. One of the great things about the Nepali community in New York City is there are so many Janajatis here. We have to harness the political potential of that crowd. We also have to take the lead on social justice on behalf of Nepal. Countries have gone to civil war on these issues that we grapple with. We have to show we can attain social justice without disrupting the peace. And we are going to take the lead on it from New York City.


The Thing About Racist Comments
Cloud, Pyramid, Glass
Leecia Eve: It’s Time to Reclaim Our Voter Power
August 16
Barack The Glass Walls, Ceilings, Smash 'Em
Three Pillars, Draft 2
Immigration, Duh
Race, A Few Different Angles
Dean, DFNYC, Daily Kos, Justin, Brooklyn, Nepal
Immigrant Power
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
Bridge Activists
2008 Countdown: Hillary-Obama
Immigration Makes Economy Sense, Democracy, Justice, Family Sense
Bill Frist's Ancestors Came From The Moon
Can't Take Back Congress Without Strong On Defense
Long War
The French Revolution And DFNYC
Race, Gender, Progressive, Conservative Divides
The Spectrum On Gender
Pan American Desi Caucus: Brown Is Beautiful
Nepal Message To Top Democrats
Michelle Bachelet: Yet Another Woman
Politics At The Speed Of Thought
Social Progress: Show Me The Money
Blacks, Hispanics At The Core Of The Democrat Rainbow Coalition
The Spectrum/Dialogue Concept Is Key To Power

There is a tendency among the Nepalis in America to look down upon the Nepalis in Nepal. I don't feel sorry for the Nepalis in Nepal. They already earned their voting rights. I feel sorry for the Nepalis in America. Blacks did it half a century ago, Nepalis have not done it yet. They have not even started to start to think along those lines. There is an utter lack of political consciousness on the part of the Nepalis in America.

Professionals who hit the glass walls and ceilings in mainstream America seek social recognition in Mini Nepal by erecting organizations that are not mass based, that are not democratic, not transparent. We have to work to change that. Organizations have to go mass based. Before Nepalis can vote in America, they are going to have to start voting in their own organizations in large numbers.

Nepal is a small country. The Nepali diaspora in America is small. But if we can offer quality in terms of how we organize ourselves, we could become the glowing core of the Blac identity. We could lead by example. That is why I insist on blogging everything. That transparency helps us reach out far and wide. It is called politics at the speed of thought. It is called leadership at lightning speed.


Micro Investment

There is an urgent need to cultivate an entrepreneurial culture among the Nepalis in America. That will be a clear undertone of this convention. Make money.

On The Web

[PDF] FW 2006
Index of Economic Freedom 2006
Freedom in the World 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Freedom House Global Survey report found that 'the people of ...
[PDF] Freedom of Information Around the World 2006
Democracy Is Spreading, Freedom House Finds - December 20, 2005 ...
World Press Freedom Day 2006 - 3 May: UNESCO-CI

Critiquing The Maoist Proposed Constitution

माओवादीको संविधान मस्यौदा

I say bravo to the Maoists. They are so much more proactive than the seven party alliance, all of them put together. Makes you think, what do the seven party alliance leaders do all day?

That is the first point I want to make. If the seven parties were also to write complete drafts of the constitutions that they would like the country to adopt, the constituent assembly process would get so much easier.

But they just will not do it. I think perhaps that is why Baburam Bhattarai claims the monarchists are regressives, the seven parties are status quoists, and the Maoists are progressives. Any and all members of the seven party alliance have the option to seize the initiative, but so far they have not done that.

I admire the completeness of the Maoist document. They will want as much of this as possible to get incorporated in the interim constitution. What can not be incorporated, they will take to the constituent assembly. I believe their proposed federalism itself will earn them a ton of votes. My map is my first choice map, but the Maoist map is easily my second choice map. None of the seven parties have put forth such maps. How lazy and fuzzy can you get? There is lack of clear thinking on the part of the seven parties. At this rate the Maoists do stand a chance of becoming the largest party in Nepal. They got the momentum.

Now let's move to the finer points.

On the monarchy likely there will be a referendum. Girija continues to espouse constitutional monarchy like Mahendra never imprisoned BP, and despite the fact that his party through a covention divorced itself from the idea. My first choice would be to declare the country a republic now through an eight party decision, but I am okay with the referendum idea as a second choice. The republican idea will have an easy win.

The Maoists have taken the clearest stand of all the major parties on federalism. I greatly admire them for doing that. They of all parties feel the pain of the oppressed groups in Nepal.

The Maoists are clearly committed to a multi-party framework: "बहुदलीय प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक शासन प्रणाली, वालिग मताधिकार, आवधिक निर्वाचन, विधिको शासन, मानवअधिकार, मौलिक हक आदि सर्वस्वीकृत लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्य र मान्यताप्रति पूर्ण प्रतिबद्धता रहनेछ ।"

On land reform the Maoists will likely have to wait for later. "'जमिन जोत्नेको' सिद्धान्तका आधारमा प्रगतिशील भूमिसुधार." After the country gets a new constitution will be the right time to go to the people with this agenda. I am a strong proponent of land reform myself. It just has to be done right. Kerala and West Bengal have done it before, although I don't know the details of how.

The commitment to a rapid industrialization is good, but I wonder if the Maoists envision too much state involvement in the economy: "तीव्र तथा व्यापक राष्ट्रिय औद्योगिकीकरण."

My favorite part of the document is the Maoist proposal to distribute citizenship papers to all Madhesis before the elections to the constituent assembly. लामो समयदेखि नेपालमा बसोबास गर्दैआएका तर नागरिकताबाट वञ्चित विशेषतः मधेसका सबै जनतालाई संविधानसभा निर्वाचन अगावै उच्चस्तरीय नागरिकता आयोग गठन गरी स्थानीयरूपमा सर्वदलीय समितिको सिफारिसमा तत्कालै नागरिकता वितरण गरिनेछ । I have a deep felt gratitude for the Maoists for taking such a clear stand. This will force the other big parties to fall in line. This is not an issue to be postponed. Nepal is a country where you can not even legitimately die without the citizenship certificate. It is criminal behavior that 6 million Madhesis have been deprived the papers. Village level all party governments should be given the authority to distribute the papers.

Another thing I greatly admire about the Maoist document is their ultra positive stands on women's rights. America as a country has been struggling for more than three decades now on if or not a woman has a legal right to an abortion. The Maoists are so clearly pro-choice, it is just amazing. Once I read an article by some "Comrade Parvati" online, and I was flabbergasted. I was so impressed. Later I learned that is Baburam's wife.

महिलामाथि पितृसत्तात्मक शोषणका सबै रूप अन्त्य हुनेछ । छोरीलाई छोरासरह पैतृक सम्पत्तिमाथि समान हक हुनेछ । विवाह, सम्पत्ति बेचबिखन, सम्बन्ध-विच्छेद वा गर्भधारण वा गर्भपतन सम्बन्धमा महिलालाई पूर्ण स्वतन्त्रता हुनेछ । राज्यसत्ताका अंगमा प्रतिनिधित्वलगायत सबै क्षेत्रमा महिला निम्ति विशेष अधिकार ग्यारेन्टी गरिनेछ ।

The stuff on languages is unclear. It is a great first step. But I want to know the technical details: मातृभाषामा शिक्षा, सरकारी कामकाज गर्ने अधिकार हुनेछ । How many languages are you talking about? All of them? So if in a district there are 20 languages spoken, all 20 would have to be the language of education and the government? How does that work? But I take this Maoist stand as a starting point. My proposal on the same is in the Proposed Constitution.

The most problematic part of the Maoist document is on property rights. प्रत्येक नागरिकलाई आपmनो सम्पत्ति भोगचलन गर्न पाउने हक हुनेछ । कसैले पनि कानुनद्वारा तोकिएभन्दा बढी सम्पत्ति राख्ने पाउनेछैन । Right to property is fundamental like right to free speech. (Right To Property, Right To Free Speech) You can not say the people have a right to free specch but only as long as they do not criticize Prachanda. Similarly you can have income taxes, you can have property taxes, you can have land reform, but you can not have a ceiling on property and income. And even the taxes and land reforms are proposals that you take to the people for their endorsment at the polls. This is like an opening to the seven parties. They have the option to take a clear stand for right to property, which happens to be a fundamental human right, and gain a margin over the Maoists.

The proposed interim parliament is problematic in its composition because 101 seats go to the seven party alliance, 101 seats to the Maoists, and 101 to the civil society. The seven party alliance is not one party: they are seven very different parties. And the civil society does not deserve 101 seats: that is too many. But I like the part about the composition's diversity. यसरी प्रतिनिधिहरूको छनोट गर्दा वर्गीय, जातीय, क्षेत्रीय, लिंगीय र अन्य समुदायको समुचित समावेशीकरणमा ध्यान दिनुपर्नेछ । How about my formula? Interim Constitution Draft

I greatly admire the idea of an interim judiciary. प्रत्येक तहका न्यायाधीशको नियुक्ति अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका वा सोही तहको जनप्रतिनिधि संस्थाको अनुमोदनमा हुनेछ । हाल बहाल रहेका न्यायाधीश अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाले अनुमोदन गरेमात्र बहाल रहनेछन् । अन्यथा पदमुक्त हुनेछन् । You can not end the monarchy, fundamentally restructure the army, redo the other two branches of government, and leave the judiciary intact. If there are qualified, clean judges that should be retained, they will be. But all will be appointed anew. The country is being born. It deserves a fresh start on all fronts.

I am not alarmed about the Maoist proposal for a new army. दुवै सेना अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका र अन्तरिम सरकार मातहत हुनेछन् र दुवैको परमाधिपति प्रधानमन्त्री हुनेछन् । .... नेपाली सेनाको समयानुकूल लोकतान्त्रीकरण निम्ति अन्तरिम कालमा आवश्यक कदम चालिनेछ ।

On the other hand, the seven parties taking part in the formation of a militia is highly problematic. दुवै पक्षको सहमतिमा मिलिसिया निर्माण गरिनेछ। What are the Maoists thinking? This is not going to happen. There will be an army, and a police, and that's it. There will be no third armed force in the country.

It is interesting that the Maoists want federalism during the interim period. किरात गणतन्त्र, मधेस गणतन्त्र, तामाङ गणतन्त्र, नेवाः गणतन्त्र, तमुवान गणतन्त्र, मगरात गणतन्त्र, थारुवान गणतन्त्र, भेरी-कणर्ाली गणतन्त्र र सेती-महाकाली गणतन्त्र गरी नौ वटा स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र प्रदेशमा विभाजित गरिनेछ र ती प्रत्येकमा अन्तरिम स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र सरकार गठन गरिनेछन् । अन्तरिम स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र सरकार गठन सम्बन्धित प्रदेशका सात दल र माओवादीको सहमति अनुसार हुनेछ । They envision eight party governments also at the local levels. That is precisely my proposal in the Interim Constitution Draft. जिल्ला र गाउँ तथा नगरमा अन्तरिम स्थानीय सत्ता गठन सम्बन्धित प्रदेश र जिल्लाका सात दल तथा माओवादीको सहमतिबमोजिम हुनेछ । You can't just have the bureaucrats running the local governments.

The Maoists have proposed the structure for the constituent assembly. नौ वटा स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र प्रदेश निमित्त १०-१० का दरले ९०, बाँकी दुई लाख जनसंख्या बराबर १ सिट गरी १२५ जना प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचनबाट र लोमोन्मुख, सीमान्तीकृत जाति र विशेषज्ञ १० जना मनोनीत गर्ने गरी जम्मा २२५ .... संविधानसभा सदस्यमा महिला, उत्पीडित जाति, दलित, अन्य अपांग आदिलाई जनसंख्याको अनुपातमा समावेश गरिनेछ । .... संविधानसभाले एक वर्षभित्र नयाँ संविधान निर्माण गर्नेछ ।

By their estimate, the country should have a new constitution by the summer of 2008. I think that is too much time. I think it can done in half that time. But I am okay if that is how much time it takes.

Proposed Constitution
Interim Constitution Draft

The most problematic part of the Maoist document is what is not even mentioned there. A party that thinks citizens should have a ceiling on their income does not talk about the finances of the political parties, and that is because right now they are the richest party in Nepal. These rich socialists seem to have zero interest in campaign finance reform. I know Baburam reads this blog. So I am sure he has read my proposal. I would like to know what he thinks about it.

Not So Fast, Indian Communists
Nepal As A Cutting Edge Democracy

माओवादीको संविधान मस्यौदा

Proposed Constitution
Interim Constitution Draft

माओवादीको संविधान मस्यौदा

माओवादीको संविधान मस्यौदा


नेपालमा अठारौं शताब्दीको उत्तरार्द्धदेखि कायम रहँदै आएको निरंकुश राजतन्त्रात्मक केन्द्रीय सामन्ती राज्यसत्ताविरुद्ध जनताले सन् १९५० आसपासदेखि सञ्चालन गर्दैआएको सशस्त्र तथा निःशस्त्र लोकतान्त्रिक आन्दोलन र मुख्यतः सन् १९९६ देखि नेकपा -माओवादी) को नेतृत्वमा सञ्चालित जनयुद्धको जग तथा माओवादी-सात पार्टी १२ बुँदे समझदारीको आडमा अपि्रल २००७ मा गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्यव्यवस्था संस्थागत गर्ने ऐतिहासिक जनआन्दोलनको जनादेशअनुरूप सामन्ती राजतन्त्रात्मक राज्यसत्ता अन्त्य गरी पूर्ण लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्यव्यवस्था संस्थागत गर्ने ऐतिहासिक आवश्यकता मध्यनजर गर्दै देशको सार्वभौमिकता, स्वाधीनता र भौगोलिक अखण्डताको संरक्षण र सम्बर्द्धनमा पूर्ण प्रतिबद्ध रहँदै, राज्यको सम्पूर्ण शक्तिको स्रोत नेपाली जनतामात्र हुन् भन्ने मान्यतालाई दह्रोसँग आत्मसात् गर्दै, देशका बहुसंख्यक शोषित, उत्पीडित वर्ग, जाति, क्षेत्र, लिंग र समुदायका समस्यालाई दीर्घकालीन ढंगले सम्बोधन गर्ने गरी राज्य र समाजको अग्रगामी पुनर्संरचना गर्नुपर्ने आवश्यकतालाई बोध गर्दै, पहाड, उपत्यका र मधेसका विविध उत्पीडित जाति र क्षेत्रहरूको आत्मनिर्णयको अधिकार र स्वायत्त शासनको नीतिका आधारमा राज्यको पुरानो एकात्मक ढाँचाको अन्त्य गरी नेपाली विशेषता अनुरूपको संघात्मक राज्य प्रणाली कायम गर्नुपर्ने तथ्य ध्यानमा राख्दै, सबै वर्ग, जाति, क्षेत्र, लिंग र समुदायको समानुपातिक र समावेशी प्रतिनिधित्व हुने गरी निर्वाचित संंविधानसभामार्फत अर्काे लोकतान्त्रिक संविधान निर्माण नभएसम्म लोकतान्त्रिक आन्दोलनकारी शक्तिहरूको बृहत् राष्ट्रिय राजनीतिक सम्मेलनमार्फत हामी सार्वभौमसत्ता सम्पन्न नेपाली जनता स्वयंले विगतमा कायम रहँदै आएको नेपाल अधिराज्यको संविधान, २०४७ खारेज गरी यो संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान, २०६३ जारी गरी लागू गरेका छौं ।

भाग १

राज्यका निर्देशक सिद्धान्त

-१) राजतन्त्र र सामन्ती निरंकुशताका सबै अवशेष पूर्णरूपले अन्त्य गरी लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्यव्यवस्था कायम गरिनेछ ।

-२) बहुदलीय प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक शासन प्रणाली, वालिग मताधिकार, आवधिक निर्वाचन, विधिको शासन, मानवअधिकार, मौलिक हक आदि सर्वस्वीकृत लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्य र मान्यताप्रति पूर्ण प्रतिबद्धता रहनेछ ।

-३) सामन्तवादी र साम्राज्यवादी शोषण-उत्पीडनका सबै रूप अन्त्य गरी राजनीतिक, आर्थिक, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक सबै क्षेत्रमा लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्य मान्यता स्थापित गरिनेछ ।

-४) आर्य-खस उच्च जातीय अहंकारवादमा आधारित सामन्ती एकात्मक राज्य प्रणालीको अन्त्य गरी उत्पीडित जाति र क्षेत्रको आत्मनिर्णय अधिकार र स्वायत्त शासनमा आधारित नेपाली विशेषता अनुरूपको संघात्मक राज्यप्रणाली कायम गरिनेछ ।

-५) राज्य पूर्णरूपले धर्मनिरपेक्ष हुनेछ ।

-६) कृषि क्षेत्रमा सबैखाले सामन्ती भूमिसम्बन्धको अन्त्य गरिनेछ र 'जमिन जोत्नेको' सिद्धान्तका आधारमा प्रगतिशील भूमिसुधार कार्यान्वयन गरिनेछ ।

-७) मजदुर, गरिब किसान, सुकुम्बासी, कमैया, हरुवा, चरुवा आदिको हितमा राज्यले विशेष व्यवस्था गर्नेछ ।

-८) तीव्र तथा व्यापक राष्ट्रिय औद्योगिकीकरणको नीति अवलम्बन गरिनेछ र राष्ट्रिय उद्यमी, व्यापारीको संरक्षण निम्ति उपयुक्त वित्तीय नीति-नियम तर्जुमा र कार्यान्वयन गरिनेछ ।

-९) पञ्चशीलका आधारमा सबै मुलुकसँग दौत्य सम्बन्ध कायम गरिनेछ र दुई प्रमुख छिमेकी भारत र चीनसँगको सम्बन्ध सन्तुलित र सुमधुर राख्न विशेष प्रयत्न गरिनेछ

-१०) सबै असमान सन्धि-सम्झौता खारेज गरिनेछन् र समानता तथा परस्पर हितका आधारमा नयाँ सन्धि-सम्झौता गरिनेछन् ।

-११) राज्यले दसवर्षे जनयुद्ध र जनआन्दोलन क्रममा सहिद हुनेको समुचित सम्मानका निम्ति आवश्यक व्यवस्था गर्नेछ । बेपत्ता हुनेको खोज अनुसन्धान गरी त्यसका अपराधीलाई उचित दण्ड दिनेछ । सहिद परिवार, बेपत्ता हुनेको परिवार र घाइते तथा अंगभंग हुनेको सुरक्षा र सहुलियतका निम्ति राज्यले विशेष व्यवस्था गर्नेछ ।

-१२) वृद्धवृद्धा, अनाथ, अपांग र दीर्घ रोगीको संरक्षण राज्यले गर्नेछ

भाग २


-१) प्रत्येकको नागरिकता प्राप्त गर्ने हक हुनेछ र कसैलाई पनि बिनाकुनै उचित कारण वञ्चित गरिने छैन ।

-२) बाबु वा आमामध्ये कुनै एकका नाताले सन्तानले नागरिकता प्राप्त गर्न सक्नेछ ।

-३) लामो समयदेखि नेपालमा बसोबास गर्दैआएका तर नागरिकताबाट वञ्चित विशेषतः मधेसका सबै जनतालाई संविधानसभा निर्वाचन अगावै उच्चस्तरीय नागरिकता आयोग गठन गरी स्थानीयरूपमा सर्वदलीय समितिको सिफारिसमा तत्कालै नागरिकता वितरण गरिनेछ ।

-४) नागरिकता प्राप्ति र समाप्तिलगायतका अन्य विषय कानुनद्वारा निर्धारित भएबमोजिम हुनेछन् ।

भाग ३

मौलिक हक र कर्तव्य

१. मौलिक हक

नागरिक कानुनको दृष्टिमा समान हुनेछन् । जाति, वर्ग, लिंग, भाषा, संस्कृति र विचार तथा आस्थाका आधारमा कसैमाथि कुनै भेदभाव गरिने छैन । नागरिक विचार अभिव्यक्त गर्न, प्रकाशन गर्न, संघसंस्था खोल्न, चुन्न र चुनिन, आवातजावात गर्न, भेला वा जम्मा हुन, कुनै पनि पेसा गर्न स्वतन्त्र हुनेछन् । कानुनबमोजिमबाहेक कसैको वैयक्तिक स्वतन्त्रता अपहरण हुनेछैन । शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, आवास र रोजगारी हरेक नागरिकको जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार हुनेछ । नागरिकलाई छुवाछूत, सामाजिक भेदभाव र शोषणविरुद्धको हक हुनेछ । महिलामाथि पितृसत्तात्मक शोषणका सबै रूप अन्त्य हुनेछ छोरीलाई छोरासरह पैतृक सम्पत्तिमाथि समान हक हुनेछ । विवाह, सम्पत्ति बेचबिखन, सम्बन्ध-विच्छेद वा गर्भधारण वा गर्भपतन सम्बन्धमा महिलालाई पूर्ण स्वतन्त्रता हुनेछ । राज्यसत्ताका अंगमा प्रतिनिधित्वलगायत सबै क्षेत्रमा महिला निम्ति विशेष अधिकार ग्यारेन्टी गरिनेछ । दलित छुवाछूतलगायत सबैखाले मनुवादी शोषण-उत्पीडनका रूप अन्त्य हुनेछ र सबै क्षेत्रमा दलितलाई विशेष अधिकार सुनिश्चित गरिनेछ । भूमिमाथि वास्तविक जोताहा र किसानको अधिकार हुनेछ । कुनै पनि प्रकारको विभेद र उत्पीडनविरुद्ध माग राख्ने, सामूहिक सौदाबाजी गर्ने, हडताल गर्ने हक श्रमिक र मजदुर वर्गलाई रहनेछ । मातृभाषामा शिक्षा, सरकारी कामकाज गर्ने अधिकार हुनेछ । प्रत्येक नागरिकलाई आपmनो सम्पत्ति भोगचलन गर्न पाउने हक हुनेछ । कसैले पनि कानुनद्वारा तोकिएभन्दा बढी सम्पत्ति राख्ने पाउनेछैन । प्रत्येक नागरिक आस्थाअनुसार धर्म मान्न वा नमान्न स्वतन्त्र रहनेछन् । स्थानीय जल, जमिन, जंगल, खानीलगायतका प्राकृतिक स्रोत साधनमा स्थानीय जनताकै प्राथमिक हक रहनेछ । नागरिकलाई हक प्रचलनका लागि सक्षम अदालतबाट प्रभावकारी उपचार प्राप्त गर्ने हक हुनेछ ।

२. कर्तव्य

नागरिकले संविधान र कानुनको पालना गर्नुपर्नेछ । राज्यको सम्पत्ति रक्षा गर्नुपर्नेछ । सेनामा भर्ती हुने र देशको रक्षा निम्ति राज्यले आह्वान गरेबमोजिम काम गर्नुपर्नेछ ।

भाग ४

अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका

-१) एक सर्वशक्ति सम्पन्न अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका रहनेछ । देशको व्यवस्थापकीय अधिकार यसै संविधान र यस संविधानमुताबिक बनेको कानुनबमोजिम प्रयोग हुने गरी यसै अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकामा निहित हुनेछ ।

-२) यसको गठन अन्तरिम अवधिमै एक बृहत् राष्ट्रिय राजनीतिक सम्मेलनले गर्नेछ । त्यस सम्मेलनको सहभागिता र त्यसको आधार नेकपा -माओवादी) र सात राजनीतिक दलबीचको वार्ताद्वारा टुंगो लगाइनेछ ।

-३) बृहत् राष्ट्रिय राजनीतिक सम्मेलनले देहायबमोजिम अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका गठन गर्नेछ ः

-क) सात दलबाट एक तिहाइको संख्यामा जम्मा १०१ प्रतिनिधि -ख) माओवादीका तर्फबाट एक तिहाइको संख्यामा जम्मा १०१ प्रतिनिधि -ग) लोकतान्त्रिक आन्दोलनमा सहभागी नागरिक समाज, जनवर्गका संगठन र देशका विशिष्ट व्यक्तित्वमध्येबाट एकतिहाई संख्यामा जम्मा १०१ प्रतिनिधि तिनीहरूको छनोट सात दल र माओवादीको आपसी सहमतिमा निश्चित गरेबमोजिम हुनेछ । यसरी प्रतिनिधिहरूको छनोट गर्दा वर्गीय, जातीय, क्षेत्रीय, लिंगीय र अन्य समुदायको समुचित समावेशीकरणमा ध्यान दिनुपर्नेछ । यस हिसाबले अन्तरिम विधायिकाको कुल सदस्य संख्या ३०३ हुनेछ ।

-४) पुनःस्थापित प्रतिनिधिसभा यो संविधान जारी भएकै दिन भंग हुनेछ र उक्त प्रतिनिधिसभाले प्रयोग गरिआएको सम्पूर्ण अधिकार यसै संविधानबमोजिम हुने गरी यो अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाले प्रयोग गर्नेछ ।

-५) अन्तरिम कालमा राज्यको सर्वाेच्च अंग यही अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका हुनेछ । यसले मन्त्रिपरिषद्को गठन, संवैधानिक पदहरूमा निर्वाचन, कानुन निर्माण, संशोधन र खारेजी, परराष्ट्र सम्बन्ध र सन्धि-सम्झौता अनुमोदन, युद्ध र शान्तिको घोषणा, बजेट पारित, संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनसम्बन्धी काम आदिबारे आवश्यक कार्य गर्नेछ ।

-६) अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाले पहिलो बैठकमा एक अध्यक्ष र एक उपाध्यक्षको निर्वाचन गर्नेछ ।

-७) अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाले सामान्य निर्णयहरू बहुमतबाट गर्नेछ भने दूरगामी असर पार्ने राष्ट्रिय हितका विषय दुई तिहाइ बहुमत वा जनमत संग्रहबाट निर्णय हुनेछन् । यसको प्रक्रिया तोकिएबमोजिम हुनेछ ।

-८) अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाको कार्यकाल निर्वाचित संविधानसभा गठन भएसम्मका लागि हुनेछ ।

-९) अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाको पदावधि बाँकी हुँदै कुनै पद रिक्त भए बाँकी अवधिका लागि पदपूर्ति हुनेछ । यसरी पदपूर्ति गर्दा जुन आधारमा प्रतिनिधित्व गरेको हो सोही आधारमा पदपूर्ति हुनुपर्नेछ ।

भाग ५

अन्तरिम सरकार

-१) अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाले प्रधानमन्त्रीको नेतृत्वमा अन्तरिम सरकारको काम गर्ने एक मन्त्रिमण्डल गठन गर्नेछ । कार्यकारिणी अधिकार अन्तरिम सरकार वा मन्त्रिमण्डलमा निहित हुनेछ । दैनिक प्रशासन सञ्चालन गर्ने सबै प्रकारका कार्यकारिणी अधिकारको प्रयोग मन्त्रिपरिषद्ले गर्नेछ । मन्त्रिपरिषद् सम्पूर्णरूपमा अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाप्रति उत्तरदायी हुनेछ ।

-२) अन्तरिम सरकारका प्रधानमन्त्रीले अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकामा प्रतिनिधित्वबमोजिम प्रतिनिधित्व हुने गरी मन्त्रिमण्डल गठन गरी कार्य विभाजन गर्नेछन् । मन्त्रिपरिषद् सदस्य संख्या अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाको सदस्य संख्याको दस प्रतिशतभन्दा बढी हुनुहुँदैन ।

भाग ६

अन्तरिम अदालत

-१) अन्तरिम कालमा न्याय सम्पादनसम्बन्धी सम्पूर्ण काम सर्वाेच्च अदालत र मातहतका अदालत र ग्रामीण इलाकामा स्थापित तथा सञ्चालित जनअदालतमा निहित हुनेछ ।

-२) प्रत्येक तहका न्यायाधीशको नियुक्ति अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका वा सोही तहको जनप्रतिनिधि संस्थाको अनुमोदनमा हुनेछ । हाल बहाल रहेका न्यायाधीश अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाले अनुमोदन गरेमात्र बहाल रहनेछन् । अन्यथा पदमुक्त हुनेछन्

-३) प्रत्येक तहका न्यायाधीश आपmनो तहको जनप्रतिनिधि संस्थाप्रति संस्थागतरूपमा आपmनो दैनिक काममा प्रधानन्यायाधीशप्रति उत्तरदायी हुनेछन् ।

भाग ७

अन्तरिम सुरक्षा व्यवस्था

-१) १२ बुँदे समझदारी र आठ बुँदे सहमतिबमोजिम संविधानसभा निर्वाचन अवधिभरको अन्तरिम कालमा नेपाली सेना र जनमुक्ति सेना दुवै आ-आपmना ब्यारेक र क्याम्पमा सीमित गरिनेछन् र तिनको अनुगमन भरपर्दो राष्ट्रिय र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय टोलीद्वारा गरिनेछ

-२) दुवै सेना अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका र अन्तरिम सरकार मातहत हुनेछन् र दुवैको परमाधिपति प्रधानमन्त्री हुनेछन्

-३) अन्तरिम सुरक्षा व्यवस्था, दुवै सेनाको रेखदेख, नियन्त्रण र परिचालनका लागि उच्चस्तरीय सैनिक आयोग हुनेछ, जसको संख्या र गठन सात दल र माओवादी सहमतिबाट तय गरिनेछ । सैनिक आयोगका एक अध्यक्ष हुनेछन्, जसको नियुक्ति अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाले गर्नेछ ।

-४) परम्परागत रूपमा राजतन्त्रप्रति बफादार रहँदै आएको नेपाली सेनाको समयानुकूल लोकतान्त्रीकरण निम्ति अन्तरिम कालमा आवश्यक कदम चालिनेछ । त्यसको ठोस रूप र विधि सैनिक आयोगलेे तय गर्नेछ ।

-५) अन्तरिम अवधिमा राज्यको कानुनी व्यवस्था नियमित गर्न र संविधानसभा निर्वाचनको व्यवस्थापन गर्न दुवै पक्षको सहमतिमा मिलिसिया निर्माण गरिनेछ । मिलिसियाको परिचालन प्रधानमन्त्रीले गर्नेछन् ।

-६) संविधानसभा निर्वाचनपछि त्यसको परिणामका आधारमा आपसी सहमतिले दुवै सेनाको पुनर्संरचना गरी नयाँ राष्ट्रिय सेना निर्माण गरिनेछ ।

भाग ८

संवैधानिक निकायहरू

लोकतान्त्रिक राज्य व्यवस्थामा जरुरत पर्ने निर्वाचन आयोग, आर्थिक नियन्त्रण तथा अनुशासन आयोग, लोकसेवा आयोग आदि संवैधानिक निकायको गठन र आयुक्तहरूको नियुक्ति अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाले गर्नेछ र उनीहरू अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाप्रति उत्तरदायी हुनेछन् ।

भाग ९


राजतन्त्र अन्त्य भएको र निर्वाचित संविधानसभाले अर्काे व्यवस्था नगरेको अन्तरिम अवधिमा अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाका अध्यक्षले देशको राष्ट्राध्यक्षको समेत भूमिका निर्वाह गर्नेछन् ।

भाग १०

स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र तथा स्थानीय निकाय

-१) नयाँ संघात्मक ढाँचा अनुसार देशलाई किरात गणतन्त्र, मधेस गणतन्त्र, तामाङ गणतन्त्र, नेवाः गणतन्त्र, तमुवान गणतन्त्र, मगरात गणतन्त्र, थारुवान गणतन्त्र, भेरी-कणर्ाली गणतन्त्र र सेती-महाकाली गणतन्त्र गरी नौ वटा स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र प्रदेशमा विभाजित गरिनेछ र ती प्रत्येकमा अन्तरिम स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र सरकार गठन गरिनेछन् । अन्तरिम स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र सरकार गठन सम्बन्धित प्रदेशका सात दल र माओवादीको सहमति अनुसार हुनेछ ।

-२) स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र प्रदेशभित्रका जिल्ला र गाउँ तथा नगरमा अन्तरिम स्थानीय सत्ता गठन सम्बन्धित प्रदेश र जिल्लाका सात दल तथा माओवादीको सहमतिबमोजिम हुनेछ ।

-३) स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र र स्थानीय निकायमा अन्तरिम सत्ता गठनपछि माओवादी नेतृत्वमा सञ्चालित हुँदै आएका जनसरकारहरू विघटित हुनेछन् ।

भाग ११


-१) अन्तरिम सरकारले निर्णय गरेबमोजिम संविधानसभा निर्वाचन यो संविधान लागू भएको एक वर्षभित्र सम्पन्न हुनेछ ।

-२) संविधानसभामा समावेशी र समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व सुनिश्चित गर्दै नौ वटा स्वायत्त गणतन्त्र प्रदेश निमित्त १०-१० का दरले ९०, बाँकी दुई लाख जनसंख्या बराबर १ सिट गरी १२५ जना प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचनबाट र लोमोन्मुख, सीमान्तीकृत जाति र विशेषज्ञ १० जना मनोनीत गर्ने गरी जम्मा २२५ जनाको हुनेछ ।

-३) संविधानसभा सदस्यमा महिला, उत्पीडित जाति, दलित, अन्य अपांग आदिलाई जनसंख्याको अनुपातमा समावेश गरिनेछ ।

-४) संविधानसभाले एक वर्षभित्र नयाँ संविधान निर्माण गर्नेछ ।

भाग १२


-१) देशका महत्त्वपूर्ण राजनीतिक, आर्थिक, सामाजिक विषयमा जनमत संग्रहद्वारा निर्णय लिइनेछ ।

-२) देशका प्राकृतिक स्रोत र साधन बाँडफाँड गर्ने वा देशलाई गम्भीर ढंगले दीर्घकालीन असर पार्ने खालका विदेशी मुलुकहरूसँग सन्धि-सम्झौता व्यवस्थापिकाको दुईतिहाइ बहुमत वा जनमत संग्रहमार्फत मात्र पारित गरिनेछ ।

-३) यस अन्तरिम संविधानमा लेखिएका विषयमा यसैबमोजिम र नलेखिएका विषयमा यसै संविधानबमोजिम स्थापित अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका र अन्तरिम सरकारले निर्णय गरेबमोजिम हुनेछ ।

-४) यो संविधान व्यवस्थापिकाबाट अनुमोदन गराई अन्तरिम सरकारले जारी गर्नेछ ।

-माओवादीले अन्तरिम संविधान मस्यौदा समितिसमक्ष पेश गरेको आफ्नो सुझाव ।)

Critiquing Pitambar Sharma's Federalism

Pitambar Sharma's Federalism
Federalism: Competing Maps
RPP For Federalism Ahead of UML, NC And NC(D)
My Federalism Is Economic, Scientific, Not Ethnic
UML Inching Towards Federalism
Monarchy, Army, Federalism

My Three State Proposal: Plus Points
  1. The demarcations are not ethnic.
  2. The current district boundaries are kept intact.
  3. It is assumed in my proposal that people will move around for ethnic reasons.
  4. There will be no water disputes between the states.
  5. The districts are given a lot of power. The district chairperson is directly elected by the people. That is the level where all the hitherto ethnic minorities will shine as a first step. Some of them will go on to become Governors and Presidents.
  6. The real challenge is to do with linguistic diversity, and the way they impact social institutions like the schools, the workplaces, the government offices, the parliaments.
  7. I believe my Proposed Constitution seen in its totality is the best deal for the DaMaJaMa as well as the others. It has been written with the goal of having universal appeal. The basic principles can be applied elsewhere as well.
Pitambar Sharma's Federalism
  1. The good news is that he sees the need for federalism. That is an important, big, first step in the right direction. The unitary state idea has been a disaster in Nepal.
  2. This Bahun has managed to realize decentralization just will not cut it. There are many others who are not there yet.
  3. Sharma wishes to redraw the district lines as well. I have not taken that step, and think it unnecessay administrative extra homework.
  4. Sharma refuses to recognize the Madhesi identity. He recognized Yadav, but not Madhesi. It is a divide and rule Pahadi mentality.
  5. The Panche Pahadi mentality is to recognize the castes in the Terai, but not the Pan Madhesi identity. Sharma subscribes to that.
  6. Only 14 of the 75 districts are such that any one caste is a majority. That is a good thing.
  7. 32% of all village units have one or other caste or group in majority. So the rest are much more mixed. That is a good thing.
  8. There are 92 languages, of which 12 are spoken by more than 1% of the people.
  9. Sharma says 55 of the districts are majority Nepali speakers.
  10. 20 of the districts are non Nepali dominated. But then those 20 might be some of the most populous.
  11. 84% of the village units have linguistic majorities of one or the other language.
  12. Less than half the Magars speak the Magar language.
  13. Maithili dominates the eastern Terai.
  14. There has been a tendency among all hill groups to migrate to the Terai. Another movement trend has been from the villages to the towns.
  15. Sharma's proposal is one for six states and 19 districts. The districts are too big. In the case of the Terai the districts are too big and populous. They might as well be called states and not districts.
  16. The largest district will have a population of 3,600,000. That is a state, not a district.
In The News

Prachanda meets PM Koirala NepalNews mainly focused on how a consensus could be forged regarding management of arms and armies of the state and the Maoists. ..... over two hours
UN Mission consults with Nepali Army, PLA officials in western Nepal
Reach consensus on alternative to parliament: ICDC; Govt. Maoist to reach consensus on arms mgmt. the committee has already completed the draft of the constitution and will finalize it once the government and Maoists reach consensus on the alternative parliament issue....... would be able to come up with a common understanding on the issue of arms management of both sides by tomorrow ..... the rebels’ army will be managed as per the constitution formed after the election of the constituent assembly. .. the armies from both the sides should be treated equally
RPP demands provision of constitutional monarchy in interim constitution Rastriya Prajatantra Party led by Kamal Thapa ..... party also demanded protection to the women, Janajatis, Dalits and Madhesi in the interim constitution...... party has also demanded to make a constitutional basis to provide citizenship certificates to all Nepalis.
NC submits suggestions to ICDC eight-point suggestion ...... the fate of monarchy will be decided by the constituent assembly polls ...... the provision of an interim parliament and involving the Maoists in the interim constitution........ the election to the constituent assembly should be mixed and inclusive. The party decided to work out how the interim constitution can be made inclusive and the possibility of transforming the current parliament into an interim one.......

Nepal probe summons army chief for questioning Hindustan Times, India
Nepal's 5-star hotel resumes service in Kathmandu People's Daily Online, China
Nepal's bodyguard opens fire, 19-yr-old killed; investigation ... Kantipur Online, Nepal UML General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal’s ..... Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Man Bahadur Adhikari opened fire at a group of teenagers "who attacked the UML general secretary’s vehicle." ..... Sanogaucharan, Gyaneshwor at around 9 pm when Adhikari and driver Govinda Uprety were returning to Baluwatar after dropping Nepal at his residence at Koteshwor...... “The assailants tried to stab the vehicle’s occupants after forcing open the driver’s side window. The knife was found still lodged into the driver’s seat” ...... Uprety had sustained knife wound in the ear...... Adhikary, who attempted to escape, was chased by the knife-wielding assailants. He then fired three shots from his 9 mm automatic pistol "in an attempt to thwart his pursuers." ...... Deceased Gurung was a Karate player and a recent SLC graduate whose father Rambahadur is a karate instructor.
Head of UN mission to Nepal expresses optimism on peace ... UN News Centre
Maoists Threaten Indians Working at Nepal Casinos Casino City Times, MA
Lest we forget Nepal Asia Times Online, Hong Kong While war unfolds in Lebanon and India's and Pakistan's nuclear-backed dispute over Kashmir dominates news from South Asia, monumental changes are under way in Nepal ....... There is more at stake than replacing monarchical rule in the small, impoverished Himalayan kingdom. No less than in the neighboring Middle East, in South Asia causes and effects of armed insurgency versus democratic nation-building are regional and global, with profound implications for regional powers such as India, the "war on terror" and even nuclear politics. ....... Throughout South Asia, further progress toward stability and democracy requires a political process that can somehow unite disparate elements including traditional elites, armed insurgents and millions of landless poor. In this sense, with insurgent violence in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and most recently bomb blasts on Mumbai's commuter rail, Nepal's tenuous peace process is an important laboratory for finding regionwide solutions. ....... CPN-Maoists long advocated total land reform - giving millions of subsistence farmers title to land they tilled for generations ....... Now, UN political observers arrive at a pregnant, delicate moment, in which the ostensible conflict resolves, only to enter a new and difficult phase of trying to reintegrate armed insurgents into the political process, with terrorism and insurgency on the rise regionwide. ........ one general lesson to draw from Latin American and African post-conflict zones is "don't rush"....... Elections, and even intermediate steps toward democracy such as truth and reconciliation commissions, may have to wait until the Maoists buy into the process and all Nepal's stakeholders have more confidence in political procedures.The more immediate task is to convene a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution that can unite its various factions. ..... The UN's monitoring role and its current reporting mission are key. International civil society can also help by keeping Nepal's transition in the spotlight and by keeping humanitarian aid flowing. ...... No stranger to factional violence, India has relevant experience doing everything Nepal now must do: convening a constituent assembly, creating a constitution, achieving open public debate and building social consensus on intractable issues such as caste, and bringing disparate elements together into a workable democratic framework. India has also addressed its own feudal past by instituting successful land reforms in Kerala and West Bengal. ....... The most evolved democracy of South Asian countries, India

Prachanda meets Koirala; Sitaula says common understanding near Kantipur Publications
Maoists have links with Naxalites: India it's official in India that Indian Naxal outfits have ideological and logistic links with Nepalese Maoists. .... Indian Minister of State for Home Prakash Jaiswal told the lower house of parliament, Lok Sava, in a written reply Tuesday said, " Indian Naxals [Maoists] are reported to have ideological and logistic links with Nepalese Maoists." The Naxals, in turn, have links with Islamic organizations like Lashkar-e-Taiba .... Over 200 districts in 14 Indian states are grappling with the menace of Naxal activities such as bombings of railway and other infrastructures and attacks on security patrols. India has adopted a two-pronged approach -- counter insurgency and economic development -- to deal with the crisis described as number one threat to national security. .....
Maoist ‘donation’ drive in Bardiya In blatant disregard of the cease-fire code of conduct reached between the government and Maoist leadership, rebels here on Tuesday announced that they would start collecting "donations" from industrialists, businessmen, employees, teachers and others in Bardiya district....... "At least 300,000 rupees is the monthly expenses just for a battalion of the "People's Liberation Army (PLA)" of Bardiya" said "Sandiv" district secretary of the party at a press meet here on Tuesday, adding, "Therefore, we are planning to launch a donation campaign which is voluntary and not forced donation." ..... "The government did not allocate budget for the PLA," said Maoist leader Bala Ram Kafle, adding, "That is why, we are compelled to collect donations." ..... would collect money in Gulariya, the district headquarters, Rajapur, Bhurigaon, Mainapokhar, Basgadhi, Sanoshri and other commercial areas in the first phase of the donation drive.
Stock market loses Rs 3b in a day
Rs 1m for Tatopani victim’s family
Maoists continue abductions, intimidation, extortions Maoists continue to violate the understandings and agreements reached with the Seven-Party Alliance (SPA). .... abducted a CPN-UML member and held him captive for more than four hours in Kathmandu. .... They took him inside a carpet factory in Gongobu where there were about 15 people. They scolded him for tearing up their pamphlet and said that if it were not a "normal period", they would punish him severely........ they released me handing over six pamphlets of Prachanda to stick at my house and said that as punishment I must provide at least two rooms for them whenever they come," he said showing a roll of pamphlets. The Maoists offered him Rs 50 as bus fare saying they would recover it from him later......... The Maoists have also asked for donations and to send all employees compulsorily to attend the national conference of ANCWU...... Locals said they feel terrorized. ..... They said they were roaming around villages to interact with the public and were seeking support for the "October Revolution" in case the ongoing peace talks failed to reach a logical end .......
हतियार व्यवस्थापन
लुटेरामा सैनिक र प्रहरी पनि
माओवादीद्वारा प्रहरीचौकी पुनःस्थापना रोक
शान्ति प्रक्रिया निणर्ायक नभए भयानक दुर्घटना ः गौतम नेपालमा सुरक्षा निकायहरूको कमाण्डको बनावट पुरातन सामन्ती प्रवृत्तिको छ र अझसम्म पनि त्यहाँभित्र पूर्ण व्यावसायीकरण र प्रजातान्त्रीकरणको अभाव छ ।' सभामा कांग्रेसका रामचन्द्र पोखरेल र आनन्द बिष्ट, एमालेका कृष्ण थापा, कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का चेतमान श्रेष्ठलगायतले नेपालमा जारी शान्ति प्रक्रियाबारे धारणा राखेका थिए ।
दलितमाथि कुटपिट
माओवादीका फेरिएका अडान
माओवादीको संविधान मस्यौदा


1 August23:29Nepal (

2 August00:14University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
7.2 August03:58Finland (
8.2 August04:33World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
9.2 August04:35World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
10.2 August05:25Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
2 August05:45Rogers Communications Inc., Canada
15.2 August06:02Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, India
16.2 August06:19Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
17.2 August06:41Telecom Italia Net, Italy
18.2 August06:58kpnQuest, Switzerland
27.2 August08:27Telefónica SA, Spain
28.2 August08:47Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
29.2 August08:49FalconStream, Kuwait
32.2 August09:37Spidernet, Cyprus
33.2 August09:38TIME Telecommunications, Malaysia
34.2 August09:40Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
35.2 August10:13Equant, France
2 August10:44Singapore (
44.2 August10:55Nepal (
45.2 August10:56Nepal (
46.2 August11:14University of Evansville, Evansville, United States
47.2 August11:18Procter & Gamble

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Baburam Bhattarai, Janadesh Article

aGb u/ of] 5n5fd / if8\oGq
—8f=afa'/fd e§/fO{

g]kfnL hgtfsf] u0ftGq, zflGt / cu|udgsf] rfxgfdfly uDeL/ s'7f/f3ft x'g nfu]sf ;+s]tx? s]xL ;dootf tLa| ultdf b]lvg yfn]sf 5g\ . bz jif]{ hgo'4sf] hu / dfcf]jfbL–;+;bjfbL !@ a'“b] ;dembf/Lsf] cf8df ePsf] tLg xKt] P]ltxfl;s hgcfGbf]ngnfO{ a}zfv !! ut]sf] zfxL 3f]if0ffåf/f a|]s nufOPkl5 /fhfjfbL k|ltudgsf/L / ;+;bjfbL oyfl:yltjfbL zlQmx?sf] gof“ ;dLs/0f sfod ug]{ / u0ftGq / cu|udgsf] dfu{df cj/f]w l;h{gf ug{] k|oTg z'? ePsf] xf] . cGt/f{li6«o zlQms]Gb|x?sf] bjfjdf zfxL 3f]if0ffåf/f d[t ;+;bnfO{ k'ghL{ljt ul/g' ToxL u'?of]hgfsf] Pp6f d'Vo s8L lyof] . k|ltudgnfO{ lg0ff{os?kn] k/f:t u/]/ cu|udglt/ km8\sf] dfg]{ P]ltxfl;s cfjZostf / g]kfnL hgtfsf] rfxgfnfO{ /f]Sg ;+;b Ao'tfP/ oyfl:ylt sfod ug]{ gof“ /0fgLlt cGt/f{li6«o zlQms]Gb|x?n] cl3 ;f/]sf lyP . !@ a'“b] ;dembf/Lsf] dd{ / efjgf ljk/Lt k'g:yf{lkt ;+;bn] j8f] gf6sLo 9+un] ;}/df]lgon df]gfsL{nfO{ ;+:yfut ug{ / k'/fgf] /fHo;Qfsf ;a} cËx?nfO{ wf]OkvfnL u/]/ j}wflgstf k|bfg ug{ u/]sf] s;/t To;}sf] cleJolQm xf] . ev{/}sf] cfGbf]ngsf] tfk, gful/s cfGbf]ngsf/Lx?sf] va/bf/L / dfcf]jfbL qmflGtsf/Lx?sf]] ;r]t kxnsf] kl/0ffd:j?k c;f/ @ ut] csf]{ P]ltxfl;s cf7 a'“b] ;xdlt sfod eof] / zflGt / cu|udgsf] 9f]sf k'gM v'n]sf] ;j{q cg'e"lt eof] . k/Gt' To;kl5 klg k|ltudgsf/L / oyfl:yltjfbLx?sf] nuguf“7f] gof“ 9+un] s:g] / cf7 a'“b] ;xdltnfO{ Pskl5 csf]{ ub}{ tf]8\g] s;/t hf/L /x\of] . hgtfsf] zflGt / k|ultsf] rfxgfk|lt ;+j]bgzLn dfcf]jfbL qmflGtsf/Lx?n] km]l/ Psk6s lhDd]jf/Lk"0f{ 9+un] /fhgLlts kxn ub}{ /fhwfgLd} cfP/ ljleGg:t/sf jftf{ k|lqmof cl3 a9fP / ;fpg % ut] zLif{:y g]t[Tj:t/sf] jftf{sf] of]hgf aGof] . t/ …nftsf] e't aftn] dfGb}gÚ eg] em} k|ltudgsf/L / oyfl:yltjfbL zlQmx? cfk\mgf] dfu{lrqdf bQlrQ g} b]lvP / zLif{ jftf{nfO{ of] jf pm axfgfdf k/ ;fg{ / oyfl:ylt nDAofpg nflukl/ g} /x] . cfhsf] ldlt;Dd l:ylt o:tf] 5 ls k'/fgf] ;Qfsf] s]Gb| sxf“ xf,] sf];“u jftf{ ug]{ xf] s]xL cQf]kQf] 5}g . o:tf] k|ltt x'G5 jf:tljs ;Qfsf] ;~rfns s'g} cb[Zo zlQm 5 , h;sf] lbJo cfsfzjf0fL lagf oxf“ s;}n] s]xL ug{ ;Sb}g . cGoq ;Qfdf a:g]x?n] ljb|f]xLx?nfO{ jftf{sf] lglDt vf]Hb} lx+8\5g\ t/ oxf“ ljb|f]xLx? zflGtjftf{ lglDt ;Qfwf/Lx?nfO{ vf]Hb} lx+8\bf klg pgLx?sf] s'g} 5]p6'Kkf] km]nf kb}{g . …sxL+ gePsf] hfqf xf8Lufp“dfÚ eg]/ o:t}nfO{ elgPsf] xf] ls <>f], xltof/ Joj:yfkgsf] k|Zg . jf:tjdf cf7 a'“b] ;xdltsf oL b'O{j6f g} lg0ff{os a'“bf x'g\ h;n] b]zdf zflGt, u0ftGq / cu|udgsf] dfu{ k|z:t ub{5g\ . To;}n] oL b'O{ a'“bfsf] lj?4df gof“ / k'/fgf k|ltudgsf/L tTjx?sf] ckljq nuguf“7f] sl:;g' s'g} cgf}7f] / c:jfefljs s'/f xf]Og . df]l/of6L{{sf] v'nf cfqmd0fsf] s]Gb|laGb' log} b'O{ a'“bf ag]sf lyP / xfdLn] ljleGg s'6gLlts lgof]usf k|ltlglwx?nfO{ e]6\bf klg k|foM ;a}n] oL b'O{ a'“bfsf af/]df xfdL;+u lh1f;f /fv]sf lyP .

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ca ;]gf / xltof/sf] Joj:yfkgsf] s'/f u/f}+ . lgZro g} of] w]/} dxTjk"0f{ ljifo xf] . lsgls Pp6f b]zdf b'O{j6f ;z:q ;]gf /xg ;Sb}gg\ / ltgsf] j}1flgs 9+un] 6+'uf] nfUg}kb{5 . oxL tYonfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ !@ a'“b] ;dembf/L / cf7 a'“b] ;xdltdf ;+ljwfg;efsf] lgjf{rgsf] cjlw;Dd hgd'lQm ;]gf / xfn} gfp“ ablnPsf] …g]kfnL ;]gfÚ b'a}nfO{ ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] cg'udgdf /fVg] / To;kl5 lgjf{rgsf] kl/0ffdcg';f/ b'a} ;]gfsf] k'g;{+/rgf u/]/ gof“ /fli6«o ;]gf lgdf{0f ug]{ cfwf lnlvt / cfwf clnlvt ;xdlt / ;dembf/L alg;s]sf] 5 . Tof] ;xdlt sfof{Gjogsf] lbzfdf dfcf]jfbL kIfjf6 OdfGbf/Ltfk"0f{ kxn klg eO;s]sf] 5 . k/Gt' of] ;xdlt ljk/Lt k'/fgf] ;Qfsf] la+8f] ;dft]sf] gof“ ;/sf/n] ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3nfO{ n]v]sf] kqdf hgd'lQm ;]gfsf] xltof/ / ;]gf cnUofpg] -…l8sld;lgªÚ_ t/ slyt g]kfnL ;]gfnfO{ rflx+ oyfjt 5f]8\g] h'g s'/f u/]sf] 5, To;n] zflGt jftf{ k|lqmofdf uDeL/ cj/f]]w v8f u/]sf] 5 . b'a} kIfsf] ;xdltn] dfq kq k7fpg'kg]{df PskIfLo / u'kr'k 9¨n] kq k7fP/ uDeL/ ;+s6 t l;h{gf u/]sf] lyof] g} . To;dfly hgd'lQm ;]gfsf] dfq …l8sld;lgªÚsf] s'/f ug'{ !@ a“'b] ;dembf/L / cf7 a“'b] ;xdltsf] 7f8f] pNn+3g / jftf{ ef“8\g] tyf o'4 rsf{pg] vt/gfs xs{t xf] . dfcf]jfbL kIfn] ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3nfO{ 5'§ kq n]v/ To;dfly uDeL/ cfklQ / lj/f]w hgfO;s]sf] 5 . o;af/] cem} uDeL/ s'/f t s] 5 eg] Pdfn] tkm{af6 pkk|wfgdGqL / k//fi6«dGqL ag]sf v8\u cf]nLn] cfkm\g} kf6L{sf] 3f]lift nfOg ljk/Lt gfp“ dfq ablnPsf] t/ rl/q gablnPsf] zfxL ;]gfnfO{ …/fli6«o ;]gfÚ eg]/ 1fg]Gb| / Kof/fh+un] eGbf klg a9\tf v/fgL 3;]sf 5g\ . of] ;fdfGo k|lqmofut jf cleJolQmsf] sdhf]/L dfq geP/ b]zL tyf ljb]zL k|ltudgsf/L zflQmx?sf] pS;fx6df ul/Psf] eos+/ ck/fw / jftf{ ef“8\g] if8\oGq xf] eg]/ hf] s;}n] ;xh} a'em\g;S5 . o;sf] ;fy;fy} ;QfkIfLo dfgjclwsf/ cfof]u / slyt zflGt cfof]un] PskIfLo?kdf 3f]lift u/]sf] …zflGt ;Demf}tfÚsf] d:of}bfdf dfcf]jfbL zlQmnfO{ cfTd;dk{0fsf/L zlQmsf] ?kdf k|:t't ug]{ h'g xf:of:kb hdsf]{ u/]sf] 5, To;n] zflGt jftf{nfO{ ;3fpg]eGbf ef“8\g] sfd g} a9\tf u/]sf] 5 . km]l/ klg dfcf]jfbL zlQmn] c;fWo} lhDd]jf/Laf]wsf ;fy b'O{ r/0fdf ;]gf / xltof/sf] Joj:yfkg / k'g;{+/rgf ug]{ k|:tfj cl3 ;f/]sf] 5, h;cg';f/ ;+ljwfg;efsf] r'gfj geP;Dd b'a} tkm{sf ;]gf / xltof/ lglZrt :yfgdf /flvg]5g\\ / ltgsf] cg'udg ;o'Qm /fi6«;+3n] ug]{5 eg] r'gfjkZrft\ kl/0ffd adf]lhd ;]gfsf] k'g;{+/rgf ul/g]5 . of] !@ a'“b] ;dembf/L / cf7 a'“b] ;xdltsf] klg ;f/tTj xf] . a? oltj]nf a9L Wofg lbg'kg]{ ljifo eg]sf] lxhf];Dd nf]stGqsf] lj?4df plePsf] / cem} klg /fhtGq / ljb]zL zlQm s]Gb|x?k|lt jkmfbf/ /x]sf] slyt g]kfnL ;]gfsf] jf:tljs nf]stflGqs/0fsf] k|Zg xf] . hgcfGbf]ngsf] a]nf To;nfO{ s'Nrg k|of]u ePsf] zfxL ;]gfnfO{ rflx …/fli6«o ;]gfÚ dfGg] t/ u0ftGqsf] kIfdf n8\b}cfPsf] hgd'lQm ;]gfsf] rflx+ …l8sld;lgªÚ jf lgz:qLs/0f ug]{ kfv08k"0f{ x7 s:g] xf] eg] zflGt jftf{ sLdfy{ cl3 a9\g ;Sb}g / To;sf] ;Dk"0f{ bf]if Oltxf;n] ltg} k|ltudgsf dltof/x?nfO{ lbg]5 .

;f“Rr} g} b]z olta]nf uDeL/ ;+qmd0fsf] df]8df 5 . k'/fgf] /fhtGqfTds ;Qf cf+lzs?kn] 9n]sf] 5 t/ k"0f{?kn] ;dfKt ePsf] 5}g . ;+;bjfbL ;ft bnsf] ;/sf/ ag]sf] 5 t/ To;nfO{ g hg;dy{g k|fKt 5 g To;sf] cfkm\g} ;]gf;lxt ;Qfsf] ;+/rgf 5 . dfcf]jfbL zlQmnfO{ Jofks hg;dy{g 5 / To;sf] cfkm\g} ;]gf;lxt hg;Qfsf] ;+/rgf 5 . t/ To;sflj?4 cd]l/sL ;fd|fHojfbnufot k|efjzfnL cGt/f{li6«o zlQm s]Gb|x? plePsf 5g\ . of] w/ftnLo oyfy{nfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ ;a} kIfaf6 OdfGbfl/tfk"0f{ k|of; ePdf zflGtk"0f{ 9¨n] cu|ufdL /fhgLlts lgsf; lg:sg ;S5, h'g cfd hg;d'bfosf] rfxgf klg 5 . t/ b]zL tyf ljb]zL k|ltudgsf/L zlQmx?sf] pS;fx6df 5n5fd, hfnem]n, if8\oGq, cfn6fn x'“b} uof] eg] hgtfsf] w}o{sf] af“w 6'6\g]5 / cfh;Dd g]kfnL Oltxf;df gb]lvPsf] hgljb|f]xnfO{ s;}n] /f]Sg ;Sg]5}g . dfcf]jfbL zlQm OdfGbf/Lk"j{s klxnf] ljsNksf] lglDt k|of;/t5 / /lx/xg]5 . t/ To;nfO{ p;sf] sdhf]/L 7fg]/ pmlj?4 if8\oGqsf] tfgfa'gf a'Gb} nluPdf bf];|f] ljsNkdf hfg pm afWo x'g]5 . ;a}nfO{ x]Ssf /xf];\ .

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In The News

PAC asks govt to recover Rs 7.5m from communication ministers of royal regime NepalNews
UN Mission not to extend Nepal stay; Mistura optimistic about broad consensus Amik Sherchan had personally requested the UN team to extend its stay here, saying that the parties and the Maoists were yet to arrive at a consensus on the issue of management of arms and armies of the government and the rebels. ...... general secretary Nepal suggested the UN team that the Maoist army and their weapons should be separated and the arms should be placed under the monitoring of the UN....... if the Maoists disagree to do so, the Maoists, along with their weapons, should be kept in temporary camps under the UN supervision....... the team intends to meet with both the Nepalese Army and the People’s Liberation Army
Nepali Congress meeting ends inconclusively discussed on the roles of the legislative, executive, and judiciary during the interim period and procedure of holding election to constituent assembly. He said that the party's stance is in favour of ceremonial monarchy in the country...... Arjun Narsingh KC, said the party will also accept if the people voted for a republic ..... the suggestion given by the Maoists also highlighted the provision of referendum to decide the future of the monarchy before the election to constituent assembly is held
NHRC starts probe into Tatopani incident
WFP starts airlifting food to drought-hit western districts; US provides USD 250,000
250 complaints of code of conduct violation the government also violated the agreement by unilaterally writing the letter to the United Nations.
Many people unaware about CA elections: Opinion poll seventy one percent of the respondents among the illiterate groups said that they are not aware about the CA election. Majority of the ethnic groups, 64 % also said that they are not aware about the CA election. ...... Thirty one percent farmers, 32 percent ethnic groups and 46 percent illiterate groups are ignorant about the technical aspects of the CA election. They don’t know the differences between this election and past elections held in Nepal ..... 60% have expected peace from the Constituent Assembly elections, followed by 31% who expect full democracy from the CA election. ..... More than 42% respondents said that there should be new Voters registration. ..... 46% respondents said that the Maoist party has to be disarmed under the supervision of the United Nations before the election for free and fair election.
Myth of Privatization: Ownership or control? - By Roger Adhikari The ‘90s road map lead to the collapse of almost all of the companies soon after they were sold to private parties. Once famous and profitable companies such as, the Bansbari Shoe Factory, Hari Siddhi Brick Factory and Bhrikuti Paper Factory etc, have either completely demised or taking their last breath. All of this has cost the country in the form of loss of thousands of jobs, a shortfall of millions of rupees in tax revenue and the damage of public confidence in the privatization............ the political machine empowered to make privatization decisions awarded the businesses to the private entities at a questionably low price ...... Fannie Mae and the Freddie Mac. Both of these companies were created and funded by the US government to help more Americans own home. Together, these companies own $3 trillion of the $6 trillion U.S. real estate mortgages and have been credited for 10 percent of Americas Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2003. Both Fannie and Freddie are run by the group of people with a very minimal ownership share in the company through proxy support......... sell small shares (5% to 10%) of the government owned business to a private entity and let the representatives of the private share holders run the company through proxy support of the government. ..... since this formula doesn’t dramatically change the government’s ownership in the business for the foreseeable future, even the Maoists shouldn’t have any problem accepting it.

UN Assist Sec Gen Gautam says DDR crucial to resolve Nepal crisis Kantipur Publications disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of both the state and Maoist rebels is crucial ...... Gautam said that the UN is ready to provide any support Nepal needs to resolve the ongoing crisis of arms management. ...... when the Nepalese feel ready, the UN would be prepared to mount yet another mission to help prepare a massive post-conflict reconstruction and development plan ...... The Mission met with the Ministers for Industry Commerce and Supplies Hridayesh Tripathi ......
Human Rights and Human Wrongs in Nepal
NC meeting ends inconclusive, suggestions to ICDC tomorrow
'PM Koirala okayed Army Chief Thapa's Pokhara visit'
UML forwards 3-point proposal for arms management UML called for the controlling of rebel arms and limiting the army to their barracks after finding out their actual number, as the first step....... "In the second phase, the rebels are to be disarmed to ultimately merge with the Nepal Army to form the National Army," UML proposed. ...... UML also stressed on the need for democratizing the Nepal Army....... arms management, forming the interim-constitution and interim-government, among others had to be completed within a timeframe of two months.....
Govt asks UN mission to extend stay
Food crisis hits Kalikot, Mugu
Army chief summoned again if Thapa misses the second summon, the commission would write to the government to "make Thapa available" before the commission for interrogation.
Rebels make return of lands conditional the Maoist rebels had agreed in the 12-point understanding that was reached with the political parties more than nine months ago to return seized lands and houses ...... The rebels have asked persons whose lands and houses have been seized to submit an application to their party. "And thorough interrogations with the persons concerned are conducted and they force us to accept the existence of their new regime," said one individual after going through the process. ........ "We will first study whether our party seized the lands without sufficient reason or it was necessary to do so to punish those concerned," said Lekhraj Bhatta, Maoist in-charge of Seti and Mahakali. ...... the lands and houses of "feudal" class people, direct or indirect supporters of regression and those "spies" who inflicted "great damage" inside their party, would not be returned at all. ...... Of over 1,800 bighas of seized lands in Kailali district alone, the rebels returned 20 bighas belonging to NC central committee member Binay Dhoj Chand. Similarly, lands and houses of nine displaced families in Phulbar, Dhan, Barchhen, Kedareshwor and Nigali VDCs were also returned
PM reacts to Thapa’s absence at HLPC; says anyone disobeying orders will be punished DPM Serchan also said that the government will investigate the absence of CoAS Thapa to record his statement at the HLPC.
Maoists accuse soldiers of opening fire at building housing their cadres
माओवादीलाई हतियार अलग गर्न सकिन्छ’
सेनाले माओवादीमाथि गोली चलाएको आरोप
वार्ताबाट निकास असम्भव ः बादल 'अब सडक आन्दोलनसँगसँगै अघि बढाउने तयारीमा जुटेका छौं ।' फेरि १९ दिने जनआन्दोलनको आवश्यकता रहेको औंल्याउँदै उनले नागरिक समाजले सडकबाट खबरदारी सुरु गरिसकेको अवस्थामा आफ्नो पार्टीले साथ दिने बताए । 'हामी गणतान्त्रिक मोर्चामार्फत सडक आन्दोलनमा जान्छौं,' उनले भने- 'अहिलेको गोलचक्कर हेर्दा दलमा आत्मनिर्णयको क्ष्ामता छैन ।' उनले वार्तामा सात दलले सहमति गर्ने र बाहिर गएर असहमति जनाउने गरेेको भन्दै असन्तुष्टि व्यक्त गरे ।
'कानुन नमाने कारबाही हुन्छ'
सांस्कृतिक अपराधमा अझै माओवादी हिरासतमा
आयोगको अवज्ञा
जनआन्दोलन घाइतेको पीडा
महिलाका पक्षमा
डी मिस्टुरातिरका आँखा
हतियार व्यवस्थापन

India asks Nepal to ensure security of its citizens Daily News & Analysis, India
India in touch with Nepal over harassment of its people Hindustan Times
Maoists are hounding out Indians Times of India
Nepal can now have Queen as Head of State Hindu, India
Nepal ends gender bias in monarchy, India
Nepal women demand greater role in peace process, UK“They [the interim government and rebels] still do not recognise our existence due to their assumption that Nepalese women are not capable at all,” said Sapana Malla, a prominent lawyer and women’s rights activist. ...... legal discrimination still prevents them from equal rights in passing citizenship to their children or foreign spouses and in relation to property, marriage and divorce. ....... Shoba Gautam, an activist and writer, said women and girls had suffered the most during the conflict in Nepal ...... “The inclusion of women took place only on Sunday when the drafting [of a new constitution] was almost finished” .... Kamala Pant .....

NC CWC Mulls Over Interim Statute Himalayan Times how should the electoral system the new constitution should uphold and promote. "It appears that we will go for a system, which is a mix of the current one and the proportional representation" ...... Sherchan also said that the Cabinet, in its next meeting, will discuss the demand by some MPs to suspend the CoAS.

BBC Nepali: कृष्ण ब. महरा र के.पी. ओलीसंग-19.07.2006

Super parliament Nepali Times The national mood tends to swing from euphoria to hopelessness. We are swayed by media headlines that magnify the messy indecision of the seven party alliance government and chronic Maoist sabre-rattling. ..... A premature laying down of arms could prompt a hardline faction to splinter off. Hence their allergy to the word ‘decommissioning’. ....... the prevalent paranoia that the Maoists are ready to go back to war after the monsoon is misplaced....... the proposal to set up a ‘super parliament’ with 42 additional seats for the Maoists seems feasible....... When civil society joins the executive, judiciary or legislative arms of the state, it is no longer civil society.
100 days of vicissitudes CK Lal the 100 day honeymoon period of the restored house nears...... The state, however, has a natural advantage over the insurgents....... The deceptive calm in the country barely hides the simmering discontent. The seven party bigwigs have appropriated all the gains of the April Uprising while the others are left with nothing. ...... Parliamentarians .. Now they are being seen as blockers rather than facilitators of the peace process...... as parliament becomes a forum to undermine the importance of the constituent assembly, the main objective of its resurrection ....... Violating clear instructions of the government, Nepal Army celebrated the birthday of the king in traditional manner. ......
Palace generals Cabinet’s move to scrap the military secretariat at Naryanhiti was made without doing any homework. As a result, the military secretary at the palace, Major General Gajendra Limbu, and other army officials continue to go to the palace everyday as they did before..... the government’s poor performance in the four months following the movement has left the people and party workers dissatisfied. Larger parties, like the NC and the UML, who came back to power saying that they would not repeat their past mistakes, are not being taken seriously any more, not even by the palace.
My letter to Kofi Kunda Dixit
The country’s future is dark Kunda Dixit
The real media story Ashutosh Tiwari For their survival, our media bodies have historically relied on getting handouts from the government to dodge the forces of the market........ why is it that the public still has not seen the names of all the journalists who profited from that 80 lakh-rupee slush fund? ..... Thanks to the falling costs of technology and content-distribution, journalism, to paraphrase Glenn Reynolds of, is becoming less of a profession and more of an activity that citizens do on the side .....