भोलि ओली र नेपालले सहमतिपत्रमा हस्ताक्षर गर्ने, अब विपक्षी गठबन्धनको जोर नचल्ने
उपेन्द्रले नमानेपछि जसपामा निर्वाचन आयोगले लियो कडा एक्सन
धेरैपछि भीम रावलको बुद्धि फिर्यो, पार्टी जोगाउन अब ओलीकै लाइनमा !
यसरी खारेज हुँदैछ माओवादी केन्द्र, पेरिसडाँडा र खुमलटारमा रूवाबासी संविधानले तोकेको अधिकतम समय साढे ५ वर्ष सम्म पनि महाधिवेशन गर्न नसकेकाले पार्टी खारेज हुने निश्चित भएको छ । ........ माओवादी केन्द्रको पछिल्लो महाधिवेशन ०६९ असार १९-२४ सम्म हेटौंडामा भएको थियो । यसको वैधता संविधानले तोकेको साढे ५ वर्षको अवधि २०७४ पुस २३ मा सकिएको छ । एमालेसँग एकता भने २०७५ साल जेठमा भएको थियो । अर्थात वैधता गुमाएको ५ महिनापछि एमालेसँग एकता गरेको थियो । एकताको समयलाई सर्वोच्च अदालतले शून्य मानिसकेको छ । शून्य माने पनि माओवादी पार्टी अब कानुनी रुपमा अस्तित्वमा रहनेछैन । संवैधानिक रुपमा साढे ५ वर्ष भन्दा पर महाधिवेशन सार्न पाइन्न। माओवादीले एकीकरण अगावै ५.५ वर्षको संवैधानिक अवधी गुजारिसकेकाले पार्टीकै अस्तित्व समाप्त भइसकेको छ । अब यसमा निर्वाचन आयोगले आधिकारिक रुपमा घोषणा गर्न बाँकी छ ।
मधेशमा चिनियाँ प्रभाव बढाउन लागिपरेका उपेन्द्र यादवलाई पार्टी बाट कारवाही गर्ने तयारी !
मधेसमा चीनको 'खतरनाक' मिसनका नाइके बन्दै उपेन्द्र यादव, ४ करोड लिएर ओलीविरुद्ध यति ठूलो षडयन्त्र ! पुस १४ गते भैरहवाको होटल मौर्यामा उपेन्द्र यादवले प्रचण्ड–नेपाल समूहको पक्षमा मधेसमा आन्दोलन गर्न चिनियाँ निर्देशनअनुसार चार करोड लिएको सार्वजनिक भएको छ । ...... होटल मौर्यामा चिनियाँ एजेन्टका रुपमा रहेका नेपाली नागरिक मनोजमान श्रेष्ठले नेता यादवलाई उक्त रकम दिएको बुझिएको छ । श्रेष्ठ अरनिको समाजका अध्यक्ष हुन् । भैरहवा विमानस्थल बनाइरहेको चिनियाँ कम्पनीसँग निकट छन् । भैरहवा विमानस्थल नर्थ वेस्ट सिभिल एभिएसन एयरपोर्ट कन्स्ट्रक्सन कम्पनीले बनाइरहेको छ । .... जसपाको मुठ्ठीमा रहेको मधेसमा पनि सोही अनुसार आन्दोलन चर्काउने र संसद पुनर्स्थापना नै गराएर छोड्ने चिनियाँ तयारी रहेको स्रोतको दाबी छ । ...... चीनले संसद पुनस्थापना गराउँने यो मिसन सफल भएपछि प्रचण्डको सरकार बनाउने र उपेन्द्र यादवलाई गृहमन्त्री बनाउने सम्मको आश्वासन दिएको स्रोतले स्पष्ट पारेको छ । ....... मधेसका जनताका लागि लड्ने भनेर गएका यादव आफ्नै स्वार्थ र सत्ताका लागि केन्द्रीत भएपछि तराईमा उनको नेतृत्वविरुद्ध कार्यकर्ता र जनता असन्तुष्ट छन् । ...... नेता यादवले चीनसँगको निकटताकै कारण सर्लाहीमा सर्प पालनमा चिनियाँ व्यावसायी प्रवेश गराएको स्रोतको दाबी छ । सिरहाको दरवार होटललाई ३ वर्षका लागि चिनियाँ व्यवसायीहरुलाई लीजमा दिन समेत नेता यादवले महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेलेको स्रोतको दाबी छ । ....... यसरी नेता यादवले चिनियाँ लालचमा परेर सोझा जनताको बाहुल्यतालाई कहिले भारतविरुद्ध त कहिले देशकै राजनीतिक किचलोविरुद्ध भड्काउने गरेको पाइएको छ । नेताहरुको मुठ्ठिमा रहेका जनताहरु अब, सचेत भएर अघि बढ्न जरुरी देखिएको छ ।
कहाँ छ उपेन्द्र यादवलाई चीनबाट आएको करोडौं पैसा? अपार्टमेन्टसहित मध्यस्थकर्ताको यस्तो छ नालीबेली! जसपा स्रोतका अनुसार उपेन्द्र यादवले उक्त पैसा लाजिम्पाटस्थित जापानिज राजदूतावास नजिकै रहेको एक अपार्टमेन्टमा राखेका छन् । उक्त अपार्टमेन्ट यादवले पछिल्लो वर्षमात्रै खरीद गरेका थिए । चीनबाट आउने आर्थिकसहित हरेक खालको सहयोग श्रेष्ठमार्फत यादवकहाँ पुग्छ। ....... त्यतिमात्र होइन श्रेष्ठले चाइनिज करेन्सीलाई नेपालीमा साटेर यादवलाई बुझाउँछन् । यसबाहेक श्रेष्ठले यादव र उनको पार्टी जसपाका कार्यकर्तालाई चीन भ्रमणको प्रबन्ध पनि मिलाउने गर्दै आएका छन् । लाजिम्पाटको फ्ल्याटलाई उपेन्द्रले पैसाको लेनदेन र अन्य गोप्य शंकास्पद गतिविधिका लागि प्रयोग गर्दै आएको उच्च स्रोतको दावी छ । हाल उपेन्द्र यादव चिनियाँ मिसन अन्तर्गत आन्दोलनका लागि देश दौडाहामा छन् ।
How Vienna built a gender equal city In the Austrian capital, all aspects of public life, including transportation and language, are impacted by Vienna's aim of being an inclusive and gender-neutral destination. .......... The strategy Vienna uses to achieve this aim is called "gender mainstreaming" ....... a tool to achieve gender equality in society based on equal structures, settings and conditions for both women and men. ........ it differs from women's policy in that it makes sure regulations and procedures take into account that there is a structural difference between women and men, mainly stemming from traditional gender roles. "Women's policy is repair work, whereas gender mainstreaming is prevention" ........ "No-one can escape," she said jokingly. "We are like a spiderweb." .......... gender mainstreaming takes many forms, such as ensuring government bodies use gender-sensitive language to communicate, or that public transportation includes illustrations of men with children to signal seats reserved for parents. A visitor to the capital might also notice the wide pavements for mothers navigating the city with prams or children, or the fact that a large proportion of the city, including the whole public transportation network, is wheelchair accessible. ............ Kail began collecting data on how and by whom Vienna's public spaces were being used and discovered that the female perspective had often been missing. She explained that the predominantly male urban planners had been basing their designs on male interests and their everyday life experiences, meaning they tended to neglect the perspectives of other population groups. ........
Kail noticed that the perspective of teenage girls in particular was missing from the city's parks
How Vienna built a gender equal city In the Austrian capital, all aspects of public life, including transportation and language, are impacted by Vienna's aim of being an inclusive and gender-neutral destination. .......... The strategy Vienna uses to achieve this aim is called "gender mainstreaming" ....... a tool to achieve gender equality in society based on equal structures, settings and conditions for both women and men. ........ it differs from women's policy in that it makes sure regulations and procedures take into account that there is a structural difference between women and men, mainly stemming from traditional gender roles. "Women's policy is repair work, whereas gender mainstreaming is prevention" ........ "No-one can escape," she said jokingly. "We are like a spiderweb." .......... gender mainstreaming takes many forms, such as ensuring government bodies use gender-sensitive language to communicate, or that public transportation includes illustrations of men with children to signal seats reserved for parents. A visitor to the capital might also notice the wide pavements for mothers navigating the city with prams or children, or the fact that a large proportion of the city, including the whole public transportation network, is wheelchair accessible. ............ Kail began collecting data on how and by whom Vienna's public spaces were being used and discovered that the female perspective had often been missing. She explained that the predominantly male urban planners had been basing their designs on male interests and their everyday life experiences, meaning they tended to neglect the perspectives of other population groups. ........
Kail noticed that the perspective of teenage girls in particular was missing from the city's parks
How Vienna built a gender equal city In the Austrian capital, all aspects of public life, including transportation and language, are impacted by Vienna's aim of being an inclusive and gender-neutral destination. .......... The strategy Vienna uses to achieve this aim is called "gender mainstreaming" ....... a tool to achieve gender equality in society based on equal structures, settings and conditions for both women and men. ........ it differs from women's policy in that it makes sure regulations and procedures take into account that there is a structural difference between women and men, mainly stemming from traditional gender roles. "Women's policy is repair work, whereas gender mainstreaming is prevention" ........ "No-one can escape," she said jokingly. "We are like a spiderweb." .......... gender mainstreaming takes many forms, such as ensuring government bodies use gender-sensitive language to communicate, or that public transportation includes illustrations of men with children to signal seats reserved for parents. A visitor to the capital might also notice the wide pavements for mothers navigating the city with prams or children, or the fact that a large proportion of the city, including the whole public transportation network, is wheelchair accessible. ............ Kail began collecting data on how and by whom Vienna's public spaces were being used and discovered that the female perspective had often been missing. She explained that the predominantly male urban planners had been basing their designs on male interests and their everyday life experiences, meaning they tended to neglect the perspectives of other population groups. ........