Hail Comrade Premier
कसरी हुन्छ तराईका २० जिल्लामा ८० निर्वाचन क्षेत्र र बाँकी ५५ मा ८५?Progenies of King Prithvi destroyed flourishing Malla civilization with their decadent ways.
Usurper-Premier Jang turned the entire country into a giant prison for over a century where inmates toiled for the benefit of the family of jail-keepers. King Mahendra wound the clock back by at least few decades in an attempt to reestablish a family fiefdom. ......... And then Nepal got its first standup comedian as the head-of-government who claims to be a 'nationalist' of the same category in the second decade of the twenty-first century. His courtiers have to be ready with whatever are the verbal equivalents of a bedpan, a warm water jug and a washcloth whenever their boss opens his mouth to say something in public. ......... He never fails to regale his interlocutors with tall tales and Xanadu dreams. ...... Premier Oli's promises about gas pipeline into every kitchen, wind power to pull railways, multiple international airports to handle tourist influx, and metro trains for urban transport in one of the poorest countries of the world, from where youngsters are forced to escape to work in slave-like conditions in countries of western, southern and south-eastern Asia, causes amusement rather than derision. When ordinary consumers even in the capital city have to face at least 16 hours of power cut every day, they learn to appreciate black humor. ......Cylinders of LPG can only be bought in the informal market at highly inflated rates, but the poor bear the burden of having a comical Prime Minister with a grin as they chitchat about absurdities of the government with a laughter accompanying every crackle of the firewood in the makeshift hearth at the height of winter.
........ The famed resilience of Nepalis is perhaps too charitable a way to explain away the collective indifference of the people with their own sufferings. There must be a better reason behind the subjugation of an entire country for over a century by a single extended family of rulers and their loyal lackeys in society. The risible demeanor of scholars manufacturing apologia for the indefensible regime can't just be dismissed as mere hogwash. The malaise perhaps has much deeper roots in the larger society. Could it be a case of longstanding collective delusion around the idea of showcase nationalism? That probably results from being shut-off from the outside world for much of the history of the country. ........ Ganesh Man Singh .. had the courage to publicly compare the people of Kathmandu with a flock of sheep .....He knew the hollowness of nationalism in a dirt-poor country better than the most educated theorists of his time.
......... When driven into collective delusion, perfectly reasonable human beings begin to behave like rams in high heat—agitated, but their herd instinct still intact—that follow their leader in the hope of physical and psychological gratification........ Without catchphrases there can be no mass-delusion. Religions—the opium of the masses—have their holy chants, hypnotizing hymns and mesmerizing mantras. The intoxicant of nationalism runs on catchwords and labels. A patriot is the one who never questions the decision of the leader. A nationalist has to have an enemy in order to exist. A dissenter is a traitor in disguise. Quest for autonomy and self-rule is tantamount to separatism. ........ Little did the White Shirts that went to the Indian Embassy with bottles of petrol to donate realize that they were pouring the inflammable liquid over the fire of mistrust raging between two of the closest neighbors in the world.Collective delusion does that to sensible people.
...... Unless the media have been consistently ignoring their pleas, they appear to have remained conspicuously silent about excesses of security forces almost throughout the six-month protests. Catchwords have the power to energize or sedate, depending on the issue involved, even the most considerate of all activists. ........Former Speaker of the Pratinidhi Sabha Daman Nath Dhungana is an exemplary constitutionalist. Padma Ratna Tuladhar is an irrepressible rebel committed to the cause of downtrodden. Writer and commentator Khagendra Sangraula has a sterling reputation of speaking truth to power against all odds. Mahanth Thakur is one of the cleanest politicians in contemporary Nepal with impeccable integrity. When reputations of such people are brought into controversy, perhaps it's time to worry about collective health of society.
...... The media, however, is either circumspect or silent. The civil society is largely complicit in the government's diversionary discourses. When interests of the Permanent Establishment of a country are equated with the Nation itself, the resulting silence can become suffocatingly deafening.
मधेसका २० जिल्लामा ८० निर्वाचन क्षेत्र, हिमालका कम जनसंख्या भएका ६ जिल्लामा ६ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र र पहाड तथा हिमालका बाँकी ४९ जिल्लामा ७९ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र रहने ...... जनसंख्यालाई मुख्य र भूगोललाई सहायक आधार मान्ने ...... जनसंख्यालाई मात्र आधार मान्दा प्रदेश नम्बर ६ को निर्वाचन संख्या एकैपटक घटेर १० मा झर्थ्यो। मधेसका २० जिल्लाले भने ८३ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र पाउने थिए। ...... विशुद्ध जनसंख्याका आधारमा मात्र निर्वाचन क्षेत्र तय गर्ने सिद्धान्त प्रतिपादन गर्ने हो भने अहिले एउटा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा १६०,५७३ जनसंख्या पर्छ। पहाड तथा हिमाली भेगका १८ जिल्लाको जनसंख्या १ लाख ६० हजारभन्दा कम छ। ...... हिमाली भेगका ६ जिल्लामनाङ, मुस्ताङ, रसुवा, हुम्ला, डोल्पा र मुगु
को जनसंख्या ६० हजारभन्दा कम छ। त्यसैले, यी सबै जिल्ला निर्वाचन क्षेत्रविहीन हुन्छन्। ........ मधेसका २० जिल्लाले पाउने ८३ सिटमध्ये ३ सिट र पहाडका जिल्लाबाट ३ सिट झिकेर हिमालका ६ जिल्लालाई ६ सिट दिएपछि तराईका २० जिल्लाले ८० सिट र पहाडका ४९ जिल्लाले ७९ सिट पाउँछन्। ..... मधेसका २० जिल्लामध्ये झापा, मोरङ र सुनसरीमा १५ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र, प्रदेश नम्बर २ मा ३२, चितवनमा ३, प्रदेश नम्बर ४ मा पर्ने नवलपरासीको भू–भागमा २, नवलपरासीको बाँकी भाग, रुपन्देही, कपिलवस्तु, दाङ, बाँके र बर्दियामा २० तथा कैलाली र कन्चनपुरमा ८ गरी जम्मा ८० सिट मधेसका जिल्लामा हुनेछन्। ..... ‘यसरी निर्वाचन क्षेत्र तय गर्दा न तराईलाई अन्याय हुन्छ न त पहाडलाई
आदिवासी जनजाति राष्ट्रिय आन्दोलनले घोषणा गर्यो तीन महिने आन्दोलनको कार्यक्रम
आन्दोलनका कार्यक्रम काठमाडौं र प्रदेश स्तरमा गर्ने बताइएको छ जसअनुसार काठमाडौंमा माघ ११ मा कालो झन्डा प्रदर्शन र १६ गते मार्च गर्ने बताइएको छ । ......त्यस्तै अरु आदोलनकारी शक्तिहरुसँग सहकार्य र मोर्चाबन्दी पनि गरिने भएको छ । प्रवक्ता, प्रा.डा. ओम गुरुङद्वारा जारी.......विज्ञप्तिमा जनाइएअनुसार सुदूरपश्चिमको कैलालीमा माघ २३ बृहत् विरोध सभाको आयोजना गरिने छ । विरोध सभाको व्यवस्थापनको जिम्मा थरुहट/थारुवान संयुक्त संघर्ष समिति, नेपाल आदिवासी जनजाति महासंघ जिल्ला समन्वय परिषदहरु तथा जातीय संघ संस्थाहरुलाई दिइने छ । .....त्यस्तै गरेर इटहरीमा फागुन १२ र वीरगञ्जमा फागुन १४ गते प्रादेशिक विरोधसभामा गर्ने बताइएको छ । ....... काठमाडौंमा चाहिँ टोल/बस्तीमा आदिवासी जनजाति राष्ट्रिय आन्दोलनले उठाएका मुद्दाहरुप्रति आम समुदायलाई सचेत बनाउन र उनीहरुलाई आन्दोलनमा संगठित गर्न व्यापक जागरण अभियान चलाइने विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख छ ।