China spurs Narendra Modi’s pivot to Washington
The world’s largest democracy needs the investment of the most advanced one
Barack Obama’s pivot to Asia has had a bad press. The moment the US president uttered the phrase, the Middle East demanded closer attention. ...... the power of geoeconomics. .... Indians may buy German engineering and French jets but, in the game of great power politics, Europe is a bit-part player. The serious rumination is reserved for China and the US: the first viewed as a threat, the second, sotto voce, as an indispensable ally......दिल्ली धाउनु सिल्लिपन : झलनाथ खनाल (भिडियो)Modi has been nothing if not energetic on the international stage.
....... Modi does not lack ambition. It has become a commonplace to call the 21st the Pacific century. He wants to change that. We should be talking ofthe Indo-Pacific century
. ...... ..India is now growing faster than a slowing China. And while China is getting older, India’s demography promises the energy of youth. Fair enough, but the Indian economy is only a fraction of the size of the Chinese economy. Catching up demands decent infrastructure, foreign investment and cutting-edge technologies. And lots of it.......Xi’s One Belt, One Road strategy is calculated to make China the pre-eminent Eurasian power
..... For Delhi, the reopening of the silk routes to Europe and the Chinese push into the Indian Ocean feel like encirclement .... China is an untapped source of investment and infrastructure know-how. Yet Beijing’s ambitions also provide the context for the deepening of Delhi’s ties with Japan and Australia and the building of new relationships with Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. The thread through these networks is the quest for a counterweight to an assertive Beijing..... India will always be ambivalent about the US. Part of it still hankers for the “strategic autonomy” that came with leadership of the nonaligned movement during the cold war. Visceral pride says India can never be a junior partner in a US-led alliance system. The historically close relationship with Russia also matters; the habit of close collaboration with Moscow has outlasted the collapse of communism.....Yet the world’s largest democracy needs the investment and defence equipment that only the world’s most advanced democracy can offer.
.... Nehru once remarked that foreign policy is the outcome of economic policy. He was right ..... After decades as a big nation with a small worldview, Mr Modi’s India is shaping up as a nation set on remaking Asia’s balance of power.
सीमा क्षेत्रका एफएम रेडियोहरुबाट अत्यन्तै भ्रामक समाचार : माधव नेपाल
पाटन औद्योगिक क्षेत्रबाट सिके राउतका पर्चा बरामद, एकजना प्रहरी नियन्त्रणमा
मधेस आन्दोलन जारी रहन्छ : मधेसी मोर्चा, आमहड्ताललाई नाकाबन्दी भनिएको हो : महन्थ ठाकुर
राजेन्द्र महतोले भने, ‘कोही पहाडी पनि मधेस झर्दा आफ्नो जमिन साथैमा लिएर नआएको यथार्थ हो । मधेसको जमिन मधेस प्रदेशमै रहनुपर्छ ।’असफल संविधानको यथार्थ
कुनै समूहको बर्चस्वको निरन्तरताको लागि समय एक्काइसौं शताब्दीबाट सत्रौं वा अठारौं शताब्दीमा जान सक्दैन।अक्षय–अभिषेकले यसरी उडाए दिपिकालाई
साँस्कृतिक राज्य र राजनीतिक राज्य
सन् १९७०/८० को दसकमा नेविसंघका कार्यक्रममा आउने मान्छेहरु खुट्टामा चप्पल लगाएका हुन्थे । ..... त्यसबेला नेविसंघको कार्यक्रममा किताब, कापी र कलम नबोक्ने एक जना पनि हुँदैन थिए । त्यो यहाँ देखिएन । तर अहिले फोन चाहिँ सबैसँग रहेछ । ..... त्यसबेला महिला विद्यार्थीहरु कम थिए, ४० वर्ष पछि पनि त्यस्तै देखियो । यो दु:खलाग्दो कुरा हो । .... कुनै पार्टीसँग सम्बन्ध नभएकोले मलाई माले, मसाले, मण्डले सबैले बोलाउँछन् । उनीहरुको कार्यक्रममा गए भने हरेक वक्ताको बोल्ने, विचार दिने शैली एउटै हुन्छ, तलदेखि माथिको तहसम्म उही भनाई हुन्छ । कांग्रेस अथवा नेविसंघ वा तरुण दलका भने फरक हुन्छन् । हरेक वक्ताले फरक बोल्छन् । ..... महाभारतमा एउटा कथा छ । महाभारतमा कौरवहरुको विनाश भयो, पाण्डवहरु पनि विनास भए ।Four Bodies In Elmhurstमहाभारतको युद्धमा सबैभन्दा बलियो निस्किए, यादवहरु ।
...... गुजरात, द्धापरका यादव अब छैनन् भन्दा हुन्छ । यादवहरु अहिले भारतको उत्तरप्रदेश, बिहार र हाम्रो मधेसमा छन् । तर गुजरातमा वंश नाश भएर गयो । त्यो एउटा सानो दम्भबाट आएको गल्तीले भएको थियो । .... हुन त गिरिजालाई पढेका मान्छे भनेर मानिदैन । तर, उनको राजनीतिक समझ ज्यादै राम्रो थियो । उनको सुचनाको स्रोत व्यापक थिए । आजभोलीका नेताको सुचनाको स्रोत कम छन् । फेसबुक हेरे पुग्छ, गाउँमा आफ्ना काका छन्, निर्वाचन क्षेत्र हेर्ने एउटा मुनिम छ, उसँग कुरा गरे भइहाल्छ भन्छन् । हाम्रा नेताहरु आफ्ना आसेपासेका कुराबाहेक नसुन्ने । कान र नाक बन्द राख्ने र मुखमात्र चलाउने छन्, अहिलेका हाम्रा नेताहरु । ..... एउटै भाषामा समाहित गर्नुपर्छ भने दोस्रो विश्वयुद्धमा जितेको अमेरिका, बेलायत, फ्रान्स थुप्रैको पहिचान एउटै बनाउनु पर्छ भन्ने थियो । बहुपहिचानले राष्ट्र कमजोर हुन्छ भने विचारधारा आएको थियो । .....सन् १९९० भन्दा अघि उनलाई भेट्न कोही जादैन थिए, म जान्थें ।
त्यसपछि उनकामा ताँती लाग्न थाल्यो, मलाई त्यसो गरि भेट्न मन कहिल्यै लागेन । ........ जसरी कांग्रेसले समाजवादलाई पोलेर खायो, प्रजातन्त्रलाई पनि पोलेर खायो । राष्ट्रियतालाई पोलेर खाने हो कि भन्ने जोखिम चाहिँ उत्पन्न हुन्छ । त्यो मधेसवादीसँग भएको सम्झौता नेपालको राष्ट्रियता जोगाउने अवसर हो । त्यो अवसरलाई दूर्भाग्यबस सुशील कोइरालाले बुझ्न सकेनन् । ..... सन् १९९० मा गिरिजाले भनेका थिए यही टुँडिखेलबाट– प्रजातन्त्रमा कसैको हार हुँदैन, यो पञ्चहरुको पनि जित हो । यो संविधान जारी गर्दा सुशीलले कस्तो घोषणा गरिदिए भने– यो पञ्चेहरुको मात्रै जित हो । अरु यो देशमा छैन । ..... हामी विद्यार्थी हुँदाखेरि माले, मसाले, मण्डले भन्थें, ‘अनि नेविसंघहरु के त ?’ यिनीहरु कमाले हुन् । सन् १९६०/७० को दसकमा नेविसंघमा लाग्ने कमाले हुन् । बाटोमा, भीडमा नदेखिने तर कलेजमा चुनावको निर्वाचनमा जित्ने । ..... कांग्रेस यो संविधानमा कायम भयो भने प्रजापरिषद हुन्छ । देश पञ्चहरुलाई बुझाइदिएको हो । कांग्रेस अराष्ट्रिय तत्व हुँदा प्रजापरिषद् राष्ट्रवादी तत्व थियो । त्यही स्थितिमा पुग्ने हो । .....बढे–बढे साहित्यकारले के भन्छन् भने, अछामको एउटा नेपालीको घरमा पुग्दा नेपाल आए जस्तै भयो । तर सुगामा (जनकपुर) सीके लालको घरमा पुग्दा विदेश पुगे जस्तै भो ।
..... म एउटा नाम चलेका पत्रकारसँग कार्यक्रममा जनकपुरमा थिए । चीतवनमा उनले भनेका थिए, ‘मेरो विद्यालयका हेडमस्टर यतैतिरका हुन् । तर उनी नेपाली होइनन्, तपाईजस्तै हो ।’ उनी जनकपुरको मान्छे । नागरिकताबिना त हेडमास्टर हुन पाउने नियम पहिले नै हटेको थियो । घर जनकपुरमा छ, जनकपुर त भारतमा पर्दैन । पछि थाहा भयो हेडमास्टर मेरै दाई पर्ने रहेछन् । मैले पछि भनिदिए, ‘उनी मेरा दाई रहेछन्, नेपाली होइन रहेछन् ।’ ..... भुटानका नेपाली भाषी नेपाली हुने । अमेरिकामा ३ लाख नेपाली छन् । तीमध्ये भुटानका शरणार्थी एक लाख, भारतका नेपाली मूलका एक लाख, नेपालका नेपालीहरु एक लाख । मधेसी ३०/४० हजार गनिदैनन् । किनभने नेपाली कार्यक्रम हुन्छ, त्यो राजनीतिक प्रकृतिको हुँदैन, त्यो साँस्कृतिक प्रकृतिको हुन्छ । दसैंमा मधेसीले टिका लगाउँदैन ।
Google Fiber superfast Internet service may come to Chicago
Google's super-fast Internet service could come to Los Angeles
Nepal solution lies in honest search for effective federalism
Shyam Saran: Nepal treads a perilous path
We don’t get to see our face in Nepali identity: Mahanta Thakur
We don't get to see our face in the Nepali identity. Nor do they accept us. They dub us Indians, call us Bihari, raddi kaghaz, khaali botal, sir par gamchha, o Bihari bhaiya, o Madheshi bhaiya. Bhaiya literally means brother, but they mean pejoratively.Madhesis reject Nepal’s package
The Madhesi leaders said that though they had a good meeting with Ms. Swaraj at the Hyderabad House, they remained unconvinced about Nepal’s sincerity. “Kamal Thapa has proposed a three-step solution package and suggested that the issue of creation of a federal united province of Madhes will be discussed in a committee after three months. Mr. Thapa is trying to deceive us because the issue of a Madhesi province has already been suggested by two different committees that were set up earlier. There is absolutely no need to set up a new committee. The government needs to set up the province of Madhes with all due rights and safeguards for the Madhesi people of Nepal,” Mr. Mahato said. ...... “India should understand that the blockade of Birgunj border trade post is not engineered by the leadership but by the lakhs of Madhesi people who have faced continuous humiliation in the hands of the Nepali elite,” said Mr. Mahato, emphasising that soon upon going back to Nepal, the UMDF delegation will sit with Madhesi protesters to ensure that the blockade at Birgunj is not allowed to be broken by the Nepali police forces.
Abe likely to unveil Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project
a Rs. 98,000-crore loan for the ultra modern high-speed train project.मोर्चाका नेताको भारत भ्रमणपछि के हुन सक्छ !
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans
दिल्ली सामु घुँडा टेक्यो ओली सरकार : कर्ण
भर्याङमुनि साप पालेका थियौं, टोक्छ भन्ने थाहा थियो: राजेन्द्र पाण्डे
भ्रष्टाचारी प्रमाणित गर्न लोकमानलाई एमाले नेताको चुनौती
Nitish Kumar welcomes PM Narendra Modi's Bihar package of Rs 1.25 lakh crore, demands its implemention
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar today for the first time welcomed the Prime Minister's Bihar package of Rs 1.25 lakh crore and the additional investment of Rs 40,000 crore, and demanded their sincere implementation for development of the state. .... Kumar stressed that no politics should be played in the state's development and said the construction of National Highway (NH), electricity generation through Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPP) and other schemes would go a long way in fulfilling the state's aspiration for infrastructure. ..... Brushing aside interruptions by Leader of Opposition Prem Kumar who wanted him to announce bonus for paddy procurement and speak on law and order situation, Kumar completed his 75-minute speech on his dedication to the state's development through implementation of his seven-point commitment with an investment of Rs 2.70 lakh crore over the next five years. ...... the state goverment will provide electricity to all households by next year and also supply water through pipeline. ..... He said that the state government will construct pucca roads in habitats with populations of 250 and connect pathways within villages with concrete roads so that people do not have to soil their legs while going from one place to another as was the case in the rural areas now. ..... Hailing the NITI Ayog report which stated that Bihar registered 17.6 per cent growth rate in 2014-15, the highest among all states, the Chief Minister said that he will not be satisfied till the state makes over eight per cent contribution to the country's GDP. ..... Bihar's contribution to the national GDP has increased in recent years reaching 3.39 per cent last fiscal, but it was still small and the state must contribute 8.2 per cent to the GDP to showcase its development, the Chief Minister said.Guessing game on over Narendra Modi-Nitish Kumar meeting
"We expect a meeting with former PM HD Deve Gowda and take his consent on using wheel, instead of arrow, as the JD(U) symbol"भारतले नाकावन्दी खोल्ने कमल थापाको सूचना झुठो भएको खुलासा
भारतीय राजदुतले धम्क्याएपछि मधेस आन्दोलन स्थगित गरेका थियौं- जे पी गुप्ता
A Modi-Made Disaster Hits Nepal Hard
Ravindra Patil a ‘wholly unreliable’ witness, says HC; verdict tomorrow
The Judge observed that the evidence of Patil was doubtful because he had made improvements in his version later when his statement was recorded.
The Bombay High Court on Wednesday doubted the evidence of Ravindra Patil, former police bodyguard of Bollywood star Salman Khan and witness in the 2002 hit-and-run case, observing that he was “wholly unreliable.” ...... Salman, however, challenged the admissibility of the statement and said the witness was not available to him for cross-examination and contended that the trial court had erred in accepting this piece of evidence.Terai people form 51% of population, hold mere 2.5% jobs in civil services: Upendra Yadav