Sunday, November 01, 2015

In The News (2)

Listen to the people
Protests could flare up if the government does not amend the faulty federal design and carve two provinces in the Tarai

बीरगंज में मधेशीयों का सांस्कृतिक जुलुस

Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Sunday, November 1, 2015

Me: "A troll called me anti-national." @yeti2yeti: "Oh. Then who's Uncle National?" #Nepal

Posted by Manjushree Thapa on Sunday, November 1, 2015

"किन थारुमाथि गोली चलाउनुपर्‍यो ? तिनीहरु सत्याग्रही थिए । आन्दोलनकारी थिए । किन मधेसमा थिबर्बर सरकारी शक्ति प्रदर्शन गु...

Posted by Khushbu Dhoti Mishra on Sunday, November 1, 2015

पहिला ६ प्रदेश, फेरि ६ बाट ७ प्रदेश बनाउँदा कुनै विज्ञताको जरुरी परेन। त्यसका लागि दाहाल, सिटौला र खरेलहरु सर्वविज्ञ थिए...

Posted by Luisang Waiba on Sunday, November 1, 2015

नाकाबन्दी सहितको आन्दोलन जारी छ....संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेशी मोर्चाको निर्णय १. शहिदहरू प्रती हार्दिक श्रद्धांजली२...

Posted by Upendra Mahato on Sunday, November 1, 2015
Call on International Community to Address Humanitarian Crisis in Nepal. ____________________________________________________

Dear friends,

This appeal needs a wider support and circulation. Still many people around the globe are not aware of the Indian blockade in Nepal. Let us do our best to internationalize it. Please share, if you care.


We undersigned citizens are deeply concerned that the de facto economic blockade of the past two months by India has resulted in a grave humanitarian crisis in Nepal. We appeal to the concerned parties of Nepal, and to the international community including India to recognise this crisis and take effective steps to bring it to an immediate end.

As is well known, the people of Nepal have been struggling to overcome the impact of the devastating earthquake of six months ago. Coming at the heels of such a catastrophe as well as disruptions caused by political unrest in the Tarai-Madhes plains, the extended blockade by India has crippled the economy of Nepal and led to great human suffering. Vital social services have been disrupted, hospitals have run out of essential drugs and supplies, and UNICEF estimates that more than 1.6 million children have been deprived of schooling over the past two months.

All over, industries as well as small businesses are closed and development activities, including construction of vital infrastructure, are at standstill. Tourism has been severely disrupted during what would have been peak season. Employment prospects have diminished nationally, forcing hundreds of thousands more to consider job migration to India, the Gulf and Malaysia.

The fuel crisis caused by the blockade has cut the food supply chain, causing shortages in all parts of the country. It has disrupted transportation at the height of Nepal’s national holiday season, preventing millions from travelling to ancestral homes. There have been many deaths from traffic accidents caused by dangerously overcrowded public transport, with passengers including women, children and the elderly forced to travel precariously on rooftops of buses.

We 12 citizens denounce the Indian blockade and disagree with the claim that the obstruction at the border is solely the result of agitation within Nepal. There is ample evidence to the contrary, as observed in the go-slow at custom checkpoints, the refusal by the Indian Oil Corporation as monopoly supplier to load fuel tankers from Nepal, and reports in the Indian press quoting border security Seema Shuraksha Bal officers that they have been asked to impede shipments.

We are pained that India, a country that extended such immediate and unstinting support after the April 2015 earthquake, has seen fit to carry out a blockade that has halted the urgent reconstruction efforts that will make people even more vulnerable during the imminent winter season. If the earthquake hurt the Nepali economy to the tune of USD 7 billion, it is estimated that the cumulative loss from the blockade thus far significantly exceeds that amount.

Nepal, a friendly neighbour with deep historical and cultural ties with India across the open international border, is being penalised for something as above-board as promulgating a progressive, democratic, federal and republican constitution through an elected, representative and inclusive Constituent Assembly. Meanwhile, an entire generation of young Nepali citizens, born after the earlier Indian blockade of 1989-90 and harbouring only goodwill towards the neighbour, has been exposed to New Delhi’s harsh action.

Like all other constitutions of the world, the Constitution of Nepal-2015 is not perfect, and we the undersigned too demand certain amendments to bring it fully in line with pluralistic democratic norms and values. The leading parties have already introduced proposals to amend provisions in order to address key demands of disaffected groups, including proportional representation in state institutions. We believe that the complex matter of provincial demarcation in a country of many communities with cross-cutting demands must be resolved peacefully through political negotiation and democratic constitutional process. Meanwhile, we stand for an effective probe into violent incidents of the past two months with the goal of bringing those responsible to justice.

As a sovereign nation-state and a society that believes in due process,

Nepal is fully capable of dealing with its internal challenges, including addressing anxieties of its Madhesi, Tharu and other communities through consultation, negotiation and constitutional amendment.

The solidarity between the communities of Nepal is strong, and they are capable of managing their interrelationships for greater good without the involvement of external actors.

India’s ongoing blockade goes against the principles of Panchsheel, the spirit of regional cooperation under SAARC and BIMSTEC, the internationally recognised rights of land-locked countries, as well as India’s obligations under the bilateral transit treaty of 1991. The blockade contravenes the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, to which both India and Nepal are signatory. New Delhi’s actions amount to unilateral coercive measures with serious negative impact on the enjoyment of human rights covered under various UN resolutions.

It is our considered view, which we believe is shared by millions of Nepalis from mountain, hill and plain, that India’s action of blockading Nepal cannot be justified under any pretext. This unfortunate step has deepened the humanitarian crisis in Nepal and is unworthy of the leadership role that we know India seeks to play on the world stage.

We demand the immediate lifting of the blockade against Nepal and restoration of good neighbourly relations. We call upon the international community to take all necessary measures to end the humanitarian crisis that the country and its people are facing.

Signed: Nilamber Acharya, Megh Ale, Kanak Mani Dixit, Kul Chandra Gautam, Chandni Joshi, Dr. Arjun Karki, Anuradha Koirala, Dr. Bhagwan Koirala, Kedar Bhakta Mathema, Sushil Pyakurel, Kapil Shrestha and Dinesh Tripathi. Released: 10 AM, 30 October 2015, Kathmandu

Ha ha ha....aba suru bhaye jasto chha..

Posted by Abhishek Shah on Sunday, November 1, 2015

मधेश आन्दोलनमा सक्रीय भूमिका निर्वाह गरेकी जुझारू महिलाहरूलाई स्वागत गर्दै-जनकपुर

Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Sunday, November 1, 2015

संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेशी मोर्चाको निर्णय-जनकपुर

Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Sunday, November 1, 2015

दिल्ली र मधेसीमोर्चाले लाज जोगाउने उपाय भेटेका छैनन्, शिंहदरबारलाई पहाडी जनताको नजरमा गिर्ने डर । यसैले यो त्रिपक्षीय द्...

Posted by Deepak K Khadka on Sunday, November 1, 2015

काठमाण्डौमा आज कार्तिक १५ गते सम्पन्न वृहद अन्तर्क्रियाका झाँकीहरू!

Posted by Dr. Baburam Bhattarai on Sunday, November 1, 2015

नाकाबन्दी जारी हैमहोत्तरीको भिठ्ठामोड नाकामा सदभावना पार्टीका राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री राजेन्द्र महतो

Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Saturday, October 31, 2015

देशको बर्तमान अवस्थाको निकास खोल्न तत्पर न हुनुको पछाडी के षड्यन्त्र हो भने प्रत्येक नेपालीले प्रश्न गर्ने समय आइसकेको छ |

Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Friday, October 30, 2015

I am attaching an excerpt from Krishna P Bhattarai's book "Notes From Prison: Sundarijal Gaol." His note of Chaitra 17,...

Posted by Minendra Rijal on Saturday, October 31, 2015

आमाको दुध खाएर नअघाउनेहरू अब बाउको घुँडा चुसेर अघाउँछ .....दिनहु जस्तो भारतबाट १००-१५०-२०० ट्यागंकर पेट्रोलियम पदार्थ ...

Posted by Upendra Mahato on Saturday, October 31, 2015

संयुक्त लोकतांत्रिक मधेशी मोर्चाको जनकपुरधाममा हुने बैठकमा सहभागी हुन सदभावना पार्टीका राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री राजेन्द्र महतो भिठ्ठामोड नाकाबाट जनकपुर तर्फ प्रस्थान गर्ने क्रममा

Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Saturday, October 31, 2015

वार्तापछि सञ्चारकर्मीसंग कुरा गर्दै सरकारी वार्ता टोलीका नेता उपप्रधान तथा परराष्ट्रमन्त्री कमल थापाले मधेसी मोर्चाको सीमांकन सम्बन्धी मागलाई सरकारले पहिलो पटक 'रिकग्नाइज' गरेको टिप्पणी गरे ।

Posted by eKantipur on Sunday, November 1, 2015
चीन भारतको विकल्प हुन सक्छ ?
भावनमा हैन ! तथ्याङ्कका आधारमा यर्थात विश्लेषण गरौ !

(1) जहानीय राणा शासन र निरंकुश राजतन्त्र हटाएर गणतन्त्र स्थापना सहयोग गर्ने भारत !
राजतन्त्र ने ठीक हो भन्ने चीन

(2) १ हजार किलोमिटर खुल्ला सिमा भएको भारत
उच्च हिमाल क्षेत्रमा २० किलोमिटर खुल्ला सिमा नभएको चीन

(3) पूर्वको झापादेखि पश्चिम धनगढीसम्म १९ वटा भन्सार नाकाहरु भएको भारत
पूर्वको ताप्लेजुङबाट दार्चुलासम्म ३ वटा भन्सार नाका भएको चीन

(4) १२ महिना आवत जावत गर्न सक्ने भारत
वर्षको ३ महिना मात्र आवत जावत गर्न सक्ने चीन

(5) नेपालीले उपभोग ८० प्रतिशत सामान ल्याउने भारत
विद्युत र सामान्य लताकपडा मात्र ल्याउने चीन

(6) नागरिकता देखाएर भ्रमण गर्न सक्ने भारत
भिसा र पासपोर्ट देखाएर मात्र भ्रमण गर्न पाउने चीन

(7) भाषा र संस्कृति मिल्ने भारत
भाषा र संस्कृति पटकै नमिल्ने चीन

(8) भारतीय सिनेमा हेर्ने र हिन्दी गीत गाएर नाच्ने नेपाली
चाइनिज सिनेमा नहेर्ने र चाइनीज गितमा नबुझ्ने नेपाली

(9) ऐ मधिसे ए धोती भनेर झिस्काउदा हुने भारत
अलिक बढी बोले तुरुन्त रिसाउने चीन

The Indian Century Begins In Madhesh

(In reply to How Nepal Was ‘Lost’)

The Indian Century Begins In Nepal
by Paramendra Bhagat

For the first time in my life I feel like the word Madhesi exists in Patna, Lucknow and Delhi, for the first time an Indian Prime Minister, an Indian Home Minister, an Indian Foreign Minister have taken personal interest in the Madhesi cause. This is supposed to be bad news?

The ruling elite in Kathmandu, the Khas, all of them came from India over the centuries, but now Indophobia is their number one organizing principle in Kathmandu. The Madhesi are native to Madhesh. The term Madhesi does not exist in Bihar or Uttar Pradesh. It is a term peculiar to Nepal. But the cultural affinity across the border is unmistakable and cross border marriages are the norm, the most famous obviously being the Ram Janaki marriage. There is an open border like exists nowhere else on the planet, but one hopes will exist everywhere perhaps in the 22nd Century, because it is so cutting edge.

All South Asian borders are unnatural, thanks to the British. You find the same people living on two sides of the border everywhere, be it the Pakistan India border, the India Bangladesh border, or the Nepal India border in Nepal's western hills. The Madhesis are not unique.

There is sheer pragmatism. Should the conflict go the militant way, maybe 10,000 Madhesis might pick up arms, but likely three million might flee to the south and swamp Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Would that be a welcome scenario for Delhi?

And there is the no small issue of doing what is right. All Madhesis are asking for is equality. Or are they supposed to give ground and go the way of the Rohingya?

This is also about India coming of age and going toe to toe with powers like China and the United States and projecting itself on the global stage.

I try to look at China with an open mind. China has lifted more people out of poverty than any power in history and I respect that. I want India and Africa also to lift large numbers of people out of poverty. America ploughed its surplus into Europe and built infrastructure there after World War II. China seems to want to plough its surplus into building infrastructure across Asia and in Africa. And that is a good thing. I can see why China might feel jittery about the South China Sea. You could practically choke the Chinese economy by obstructing that sea route through which it gets all its oil supplies. But the sea lanes have to be kept open and safe for commerce, not just for China, but also the smaller powers. Europe and America seem to do just fine in the Atlantic. India, China and Africa should be able to together handle the Indian Ocean. Indian origin minorities may not be put to harm by local powers in countries like Sri Lanka, Burma and now Nepal. China can not be seen to be taking sides against the Madhesi if it aspires to see an Asian Century. China is the next America, India is the next China, and Africa is the next India. For me it is not an ego issue. It is an issue of global poverty elimination. Poverty robs people of basic dignity. Poverty is offensive.

India is an eight trillion dollar economy, measured for Purchasing Power Parity. That is not a small economy. India's time is not in 20 years. India's time is now.

China is not a democracy. It can appear to speak in one voice. India, on the other hand, is a democracy. It is but natural that the opposition in India will seek to speak against Modi on every issue imaginable, including the Madhesi issue, and it does. It does not disturb me to see that. Democracy is what makes India great and appealing. I will not have it any other way. Those voices are but normal. But the counter arguments have to be made. If Madhesh were a separate country and Modi could run for Prime Minister, he would collect 90% of the votes in Madhesh right now. That is how right he has been for the Madhesis who are fighting for 20th century rights in the 21st century. This is still pre-1947 for the Madhesh. It is like the British never left.

Modi is but in his second year in office. Independent of the Madhesh issue I think he is poised to rule India for 20 years and turn it into a First World country. This is your Deng Xiaoping, India, this is your Lee Kuan Yew. During his first year in office he has put India on the global map. Indians should take pride that their Prime Minister is currently the most popular politician in the world. A 200 billion dollar expenditure on defense can not buy you something like that. There are some things money cannot buy. We live in the era of soft power. And Modi, by that account, has conquered the world. Victory is yoga going to every town on earth, and we are already halfway there.

As a last resort Modi has to be ready to do a Bangladesh on Madhesh. He pulled a Rajiv Gandhi in 2014 by getting the wide popular mandate. Maybe he will get to pull an Indira Gandhi on Madhesh. And if I am proven right and he does rule for 20 years, he will also have pulled a Nehru.

Call me an Indian Imperialist, but my vision does not clash with the basic premise that all human beings are equal. My imperialist thoughts are about deepening Indian democracy, not subjugating peoples. There are too many countries where minorities get meted out second class treatments for no reason other than that they are Indian. That can not stand.

I am an Indian Imperialist in that I live on a planet where the sun never sets on Indians. I have seen more of America than anyone who ever ran for President Of The United States. There is not one town anywhere in America where you will not find at least one Indian family. I think Indians deserve political equality no matter where they are, not to say right in India's backyard, and ultimately it is India’s responsibility to make that happen. India can and should become a 240 trillion dollar economy by 2050, all it would take is a sustained double digit growth rate, and I personally would like to play my small part through my tech entrepreneurship and digital activism. I envision a Madhesi rule in Kathmandu and an eventual Nepal India political economic union. I would like to see a casteless Hinduism created in India and taken across the globe. I want Buddhism taken to all parts of the world. After all, Buddha was born a Madhesi like me. Yoga should be taken to every town on earth. I want to see a total, peaceful spread of democracy, and I want to see India take the lead there.

The Indian Century beings in Madhesh.

(Paramendra Bhagat, a Madhesi from Janakpur, is an early stage tech entrepreneur in New York City.)