Sunday, May 03, 2015

A Corrupt Elite Rattled By The Earthquake

भारतले विमानस्थल ‘होल्ड’ गरेको अमेरिकी गुनासो, ४ अमेरिकी विमान काठमाडौं अोर्लिए

नेपाल सरकारको निकम्मापन र गैर जिम्मेवारीपन कदम कदम मा देखिएको छ।

यथार्थ: सचिव श्रेष्ठले १९६ टनभन्दा बढी तौलको सामान बोकेर त्रिभुवन विमानस्थलमा विमान अवतरण गर्न नमिल्ने भएकाले राहत बोकेका केही विमानलाई फर्काइएको प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयलाई जवाफ दिएका छन् ।

भनिएको: भारतले विमानस्थल ‘होल्ड’ गरेको अमेरिकी गुनासो

यथार्थ: नेपालमा रहेका १४ वटा भारतीय हेलिकोप्टर ..... ‘यी हेलिकोप्टर सधैंका लागि आएका हुन् कि जस्तो गरी बसेका छन्, हामीले खटाएको ठाउँमा जाँदैनन्, नखटाएको ठाउँमा आफूखुशी जान्छन्, विमानस्थलमा ट्राफिक जाम यिनैले गराएका हुन् ।’ ..... भारतबाट ल्याइएका १४ मध्ये ६ वटा काठमाडौंमा छन् भने पोखरा विमानस्थलमा ८ वटा हेृलिकोप्टर छन् । तर, गोरखामा समेत उद्दार गर्ने भनेर पोखरा लगिएका ती भारतीय हेलिकोप्टरहरुले गोरखाको निशेषधित गणेश हिमाल एरियामा जानुबाहेक जिल्ला प्रशासनको संयोजनमा कुनै काम गरेका छैनन् । ........... सरकारका एक उच्च अधिकारीले अनलाइनखबरलाई दिएको जानकारी अनुसार ८ वटा हेलिकोप्टर लिएर पोखरामा बसेका भारतीयहरु प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारीसँग समन्वय गर्नु त के उनीहरुलाई सोधीखोजी सम्म गर्दैनन् । ........ नेपालसँग निजी क्षेत्रका ६ र सरकारी ६ गरी १२ वटा हेलिकोप्टर छन् । ...... नेपालमा भूकम्प आएपछि १४ वटा हेलिकोप्टरमा मात्रै होइन, महेन्द्रनगर, भैरहवा लगायतका नाकाबाटसमेत भारतीय सीमा सुरक्षा बलका जवानहरु दर्जनौं बसहरु लिएर छिरेका छन् । तर, उनीहरुको गतिविधिबारे स्थानीय प्रशासनसँग कुनै समन्वय र सूचना नभएको स्थानीय अधिकारीले प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयमा गुनासो गरेको ..... स्थानीय प्रशासनलाई हेप्दै निषेधित क्षेत्रमा प्रवेश गरेर उनीहरुले सूचना लिने काम गरिरहेका छन् ...... चीनबाट भोलि विहान हेलिकोप्टर आउने ...... नेपाल सरकारले जिल्ला जिल्लामा गएर स्थानीय प्रशासनसँग समन्वय गरी नेपाल सरकारले खाएको ठाउँमा काम नगर्ने विदेशी टोलीलाई स्वदेश फर्कन आग्रह गरेको छ । ..... ‘विभिन्न १७० वटा आइएनजीओहरुले नेपालमा काम गर्न खोजे पनि उनीहरुले आफ्नै तालमा काम गर्न खोजेको देखियो,’ समाज कल्याण मन्त्रालय स्रोत भन्छ- केही आइएनजीओहरुले यही मौकामा नेपालमा अड्डा जमाउने र क्रिश्चियन धर्म प्रचारमा काम गर्ने योजना बनाएको समेत बुझियो ।’

If this were not having impact, I would have dismissed it saying you can't be paying attention to tabloids. But this is not tabloid sentiment. This attitude is having a huge impact.

The rulers of Nepal don't just have problems with Indians, they are eager to kick out hundreds of people who have come from all over the world to help.

These are people who are frustrated that if the help goes directly to the people, there is not going to be much room for corruption. If you are an Indian, or an American, or if you are a Non Resident Nepali in America, should this not be your first priority to confront these people? This attitude is hampering relief and reconstruction work more than anything else. This attitude is the real earthquake to have hit Nepal.

Nepal has 12 helicopters. Indian sent in 14. That is help. There is rejoicing on China sending in one. That feels disproportionate. China wanted to send four or six helicopters on day two, Bamdev refused. How do you explain that?

Confronting these people has got to be top priority.



Apparently these two hashtags started trending on Twitter. The Indian media apparently was disliked in both Nepal and India.

I do not know what exactly is being talked about. What particular coverage, what article. I have yet to come across any article in the Indian newspapers I would disapprove of. So the reference must be to TV. What footage? I have not seen anyone elaborate.

Two snippets I caught. (1) A TV journalist stands next to a survivor and asks, "How are you feeling?" (2) An Indian journalist confronts a Nepali policeman at the Pokhara airport saying, "Who are you to stop me?"

India has bee the first and the largest donor. Modi was the first to respond. The Indian government has been doing exemplary work. The Indian corporate houses have been stepping in. State governments have been stepping in. Bollywood stars have stepped in. Ordinary Indians across the country have been generously donating.

Media coverage is what makes all this possible. And TV is the most powerful medium. The help that comes from the Indian government is paid for by the Indian taxpayers. The Indian taxpayers have a right to know where their money is going. And the media helps communicate.

My worry has been some idiot will blow up some cafe somewhere and the global media will rapidly lose attention in Nepal and the donations will slow down. Happened in Haiti. The world was very interested for a few days, and, as always happens, the media got fascinated by something else.

So don't be ungrateful. Thank the Indian media that they keep covering Nepal. You should pray they don't stop. Because relief work has not even begun. Reconstruction is far away.

That Pokhara airport incident: I have a feeling the police officer might have talked to the Indian journalist the way he might have talked to a Madhesi before. India is a vibrant democracy. The media there takes pride in challenging authority. Also, the state might have been trying to prevent Indian journalists from getting to parts where relief work has not reached yet. That cover up is not something a media person would be interested in. But then I don't know the particular details.

This knee-jerk xenophobia is by people whose houses are still standing and who subscribe to the Bamdev brand of "nationalism" where as long as you can badmouth India, you can be corrupt, you can be in bed with the mafia, and nobody cares.

An appropriate hashtag to trend in Nepal would be #ThankYouModi -- another would be #NepalthanksModi --- European countries thanked him for Yemen. It is not beneath Nepal to thank Modi, currently the most popular politician in the world.

After his second Nepal visit Modi said, "ट्रस्ट डेफिसिट जितना कम होगा, काम उतना जल्दी जल्दी होगा।" The guy feels it. After all, look at where he rose from. He was selling tea as a young boy. He was trying to do so much for Nepal, and people like Bame kept getting in his way. He is the busiest person on the planet. He doesn't have time to handhold you while you are busy nursing your xenophobia.

बुद्ध ले मोक्ष प्राप्ति गरेको गया मा --- गया पर्छ बिहारमा ---- बिहार पर्छ भारतमा ---- बुद्ध भारतको होइन भनेर कस्ले भन्न सक्छ? बुद्ध जन्मेको बेला नेपाल भन्ने देश थिएन। बुद्ध काठमाण्डुमा जन्मेको होइन। त्यति बेलाको नेपाल भनेको काठमाण्डु होइन? बुद्ध मधेसी। बुद्ध लाई आफ्नो भन्न चाहने ले मधेसी समावेशी राज्य (state) को निर्माण मा खुट्टा घिसारन सुहाउँछ? तिब्बती शरणार्थी लाई बुटले कुलचनेले बुद्ध लाई आफ्नो नभन्ने।

काशी लाई नेपाली ले सधैं आफ्नै भनेको छ --- पशुपति लाई भारत ले आफ्नो भन्यो, के बिगार गर्यो?

एक एक हप्ता सम्म तामांग को बस्तीमा आफुले राहत पनि नपुर्याउने अर्काले पुर्याउन खोजे रोकने हरुको hashtag हो यो Indian Go Home भन्ने hastag.