Saturday, May 02, 2015

Complaining About Tuna And Mayonnaise

But the government, complaining it has received such unneeded supplies as tuna and mayonnaise, insisted its customs agents had to check all emergency shipments.
They want cash, and they want cash in a Prime Ministers' fund. They don't want tuna. Although some of the tents have ended up in private shops. This is an attempt at corruption, pure and simple.

They are not just holding up tuna, they are also holding up tents and tarps, food and medicine.

They want cash so as to engage in party building activities.

This is not time to engage in partisan politics. This is time to rise above party politics.


सरकारले काम गरेको कि नगरेको?

मुख्य सचिवले भने मानवीय संवेदनाको ख्याल राख्नुस्, पढ्नुस् उनका कडा छ कुरा
कर्मचारीले अहोरात्र काम गरेका छन्। सेना, प्रहरीले गरे अरुले गरेनन् भन्ने छ। बिजुली कसले बनायो? भत्केको बाटो कसले बनायो? निजामती कर्मचारीको दक्षता खोज र उद्दार होइन। त्यतिकै गाउँमा खटाउँदा कुटाई खाने अवस्था हुन्थ्यो। अहिले राहत आयो। हामीले सहसचिवलाई गाउँ पठाएका छौँ। १२ घण्टामा कर्मचारी फिल्डमा पुगेका छन्। सबै मोबिलाइज भएका छन्।
Nepal customs holding up relief efforts, says United Nations
“They should not be using peacetime customs methodology,” he said, adding that material was piling up at Kathmandu airport instead of being ferried out to victims. ...... Anger is growing as hundreds of thousands of people made homeless by the quake were yet to receive aid because of logistic bottlenecks, poor infrastructure and a chaotic government response. ..... Thousands of villages have been devastated, with up to 90% of clinics and schools in some districts rendered unusable.