Sunday, January 04, 2015

Directly Elected President And Bipolar Politics

Sketch portrait of Ram Baran Yadav, President ...
Sketch portrait of Ram Baran Yadav, President of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have been for a directly elected president all along. There have been times when I have given ground and expressed support for the Nepali Congress version of a Prime Minister elected by the parliament, but those have been times when I felt like I was giving ground hoping the Congress would give ground on federalism. But that perhaps is the wrong approach.

The idea of a directly elected president should be a topic separate from federalism. It should be discussed in its own right, because it is a fairly important topic.

The provision of a directly elected president would turn the country bipolar. There might be more than 30 political parties, but if the executive president were to be elected directly, those 30 parties will be forced to join one of the two poles, and that perhaps would be good for political stability in the country.

3 Geographic States, 10 Identity Regions

The three geographic states should make the Congress and the UML happy. The 10 regions with identity names should make the United Maoists and the Madhesi Morcha happy. I think we are beginning to find middle ground.