नेपालमा एउटा घातक political class छ जसले नेपाललाई अहिलेसम्म गरीब बनाएर राखेको हो र त्यसै रुपमा राखि रहन चाहन्छ। नेपालको नदी जब भारत पुग्छ, त्यो नदी र त्यो पानी भारतको भयो। त्यो अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मान्यता र कानुन हो। तर भारतले त्यस्ता आफ्ना नदी नालाका बारे योजना बनाउँदा शंकाको दृष्टिले हेर्ने? नदी नालाको देश हुँदैन। देश बनाएको मान्छेले हो। बिजुली उत्पादन, बाढ़ी पहिरो नियन्त्रण, सिंचाई का लागि योजना बनाउँदा comprehensive किसिमले हेर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ। बिहार मा flood control गर्न नेपालको सीमाना भित्र नै केही गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ। त्यो नेपालका लागि समस्या कसरी भयो? त्यस्ता परियोजनाबाट नेपाल का लागि पनि सकेसम्म कसरी फाइदा लिने, त्यता तर्फ सोच्ने हो। बार्गेनिंग गर्ने हो, लिंडे ढिपी नगर्ने हो। नेपालको गरीबीलाई नेपालको राष्ट्रियता ठान्ने तत्व हरु बाट सावधान।
दिल्ली र बेइजिंग का मानिस दिन भरि नेपाल बारे सोंचेर बस्छन् भन्ने भ्रम फाल्ने हो। त्यो यथार्थ होइन। दिल्ली र बेइजिंग दुवै एक अर्का को अर्थतंत्रमा योगदान पुर्याउन खोजेका ताकत हुन। दुबैको समस्या गरीबी भन्ने कुरा दुबैलाई थाहा छ। नेपाल काले पनि थाहा पाउनु पर्ने कुरा त्यही नै हो। विकासको काममा बाधा नबन्ने। Thank You भन्न सिक्ने, appreciate गर्ने।
१००% पूँजी लगाउने, १००% काम गर्ने प्राइवेट कम्पनीले त्यो परियोजना बाट उत्पादन हुने बिजुली १००% नेपाल लाई दिने कुरा त आउँदैन। १००% नेपाललाई दिन पर्यो भनेर तर्क सार्ने हरु पनि देखिएका छन।
नेपालमा गार्हो पर्यो भने भारतीय कंपनी भुटान जान्छ, गएको पनि छ। FDI देश भित्र ल्याउन compete गर्ने हो। आउन लागेको FDI लाई पनि धपाउने होइन।
Modi Noticed A "Trust Deficit"
नेपालको नदीहरुमा भारतको गिद्दे दृष्टि
South Asia’s hydro-politics
Water in them hills Bad politics should no longer prevent
Nepal and its neighbours making the most of some amazing geology
Himalayan rivers, fed by glacial meltwater and monsoon rain, offer an immense resource. They could spin turbines to light up swathes of energy-starved South Asia. Exports of electricity and power for Nepal’s own homes and factories could invigorate the dirt-poor economy. National income per person in Nepal was just $692 last year, below half the level for South Asia as a whole. ...... South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation ..... Governments think the normally rudderless body could find a purpose in energy integration ....... Research done for Britain’s Department for International Development suggests four big hydro projects could earn Nepal a total of $17 billion in the next 30 years—not bad considering its GDP last year was a mere $19 billion. ...... All Nepal’s rivers, if tapped, could feasibly produce about 40GW of clean energy—a sixth of India’s total installed capacity today. Add the rivers of Pakistan, Bhutan and north India (see map) and the total trebles. Bhutan has made progress: 3GW of hydro plants are to be built to produce electricity exports. The three already generating produce 1GW out of a total of 1.5GW from hydro. These rely on Indian loans, expertise and labour. ....... In Nepal projects were once scuppered by local politics, a ten-year civil war, suspicion of India and a lack of regulation that put off creditors. ...... the terms of the projects look generous to the host. For Upper Karnali, GMR will set aside 12% of electricity production, free, for Nepali consumers. It will also give Nepal a 27% stake in the venture. After 25 years of operation the plant will be handed to Nepal. ........ radical change that opened India’s domestic power market a decade ago. Big private firms now generate and trade electricity there and look abroad for projects ...... South Asia will have to triple its energy production over the next 20 years. Integrating power grids and letting firms trade electricity internationally would be a big help. It would expand market opportunities and allow more varied use of energy sources to help meet differing peak demand. Nepal could export to India in summer, for example, to run fans and air conditioners. India would export energy back uphill in winter when Nepali rivers dry and turbines stop spinning. ..... Governments that learn to handle energy investments by the billion might manage to attract other industries, too. Nepal’s abundant limestone, for example, would tempt cement producers once power supplies are sufficient. In the mountains, it is not only treks that are rewarding.