Sunday, December 16, 2012

Agreement Close

Sushil Koirala

Sushil Koirala In Jackson Heights
Sushil Koirala, September 9

NC could accept UCPN (M)'s latest proposal: Deuba
NC could be given government leadership if parties agree to fix a date for CA election and and make appointments to constitutional bodies, including the Election Commission and the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority.
The most important thing is that elections be held in April 2013. I am glad we are about to see some movement to that end.

The all party government under Sushil Koirala has to be an attempt to bring together all the major political forces in the country. That would include the two Maoist parties, and the Upendra Yadav led front. So, all the parties in power right now, plus the Congress and the UML, the breakaway Maoists and the Upendra Yadav front.

Motorable roadway finally reaches remote Mugu in Karnali much to the delight of locals
Dahal confident of parties finalising deals for unity govt by Monday
Consensus agreement will be win-win deal: Sapkota

भट्टराई सरकारले संविधानसभा संशोधन गरेपछि कोइराला प्रधानमन्त्री
Protests will be a test of the opposition’s strength
No CA election unless ethnic issue discarded: KC

Bhattarai says he is ready to make 'sacrifice'

वार्तामा थप लचक हुने एकीकृत माओवादीको निर्णय
कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौलासंग-12.12.12
पोष्टबहादुर बोगटी र बामदेव गौतमसंग-08.12.12

PM Bhattarai warns Prez
It will be my failure if political process fails: PM
Parties would come to agreement soon: PM
Preparations for elections on war-footing: PM
Yadav: Craving for power unfortunate
Watch your step, PM tells Prez
“The only executive authority the President has is endorsing recommendations made by the Cabinet. He should not try to take unilateral decisions,” Bhattarai said.
Japan's LDP, partner on track for two-thirds majority in polls
चुनावको टुंगो छैन, आयोगले तयारी थाल्यो
'आयोगले वैशाखमा हुने चुनावमो पूर्व तयारी गर्दैछ,' निर्वाचन आयुक्त डा. अयोधीप्रसाद यादवले ईकान्तिपुरसित भने, 'सरकारबाट हामी (आयोग) आश्वस्त छौं । चुनावको आधारभूत पूर्वाधार निर्माण भइरहेको छ ।'..... 'निर्वाचन गराउन संविधान, ऐन, कानुन समयमै संशोधन भएर आउनु पर्छ,' आयुक्त यादवले भने, 'करिब एक महिनाभित्र आयोग पदाधिकारीविहीन हुनेछ भन्नेबारे सरकार र दलहरूलाई जानकारी छ । आयोगमा पदाधिकारी नरहे कुनै पनि चुनाव हुनसक्दैन ।' ..... आयोगले यसअघि नै संविधान तथा ऐन कानुनका संशोधन हुनुपर्ने बुँदा किटान गरी सरकारलाई बुझाइसकेको छ । त्यसैगरी आयोगका कार्यवाहक प्रमुख निर्वाचन आयुक्त दोलखबहादुर गुरुङ र आयुक्त यादवको पदावधि आगामी पुस २६ गते पूरा हुनेछ । आयोगका पाँच सदस्यमध्ये तीन सदस्यको पद रिक्त छ ।
मंसिरमा कानुन नआए वैशाखमा चुनाव हुँदैनः आयोग
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Friday, December 14, 2012