Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Asteroids Are Key To Unlocking The Gridlock

This is the Anti Federal Alliance.

This is the Federal Alliance.

And these are the asteroids who belong in the Federal Alliance.

As soon as the asteroids realize they belong in the Federal Alliance, this gridlock game is over. And the federalists march on to first a political victory, and then a sweeping electoral victory.

The Anti Federal Alliance is like the king in 2005. The Federal Alliance is like the seven parties. The asteroids are like the Maoists in 2005. The king needed to be isolated through an alliance of the other two forces. Same thing now.

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The Anti Federal Alliance (AFA)

Baburam's Options
Broadening The Ruling Alliance

The FDRA hoping for some kind of a consensus with the Anti Federal Alliance would have been like the parties seeking consensus with the king in 2005. The polarization at that point was necessary. That is how progress was made, by making it the king versus the rest. The polarization today is also necessary. This is how federalism will be introduced in Nepal.
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