Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Consensus Is Not Happening

The NC, Fair Polls And The Game Of Musical Chairs
Baburam's Options
Broadening The Ruling Alliance
Four Poles: One PM, Three DPMs

The Polarization Is A Good Thing
Mahantha Thakur For PM
A Non Political PM?
What Might The President Do?
The PM Resigning Would Be Weird
Good Move By Ram Baran
NC And UML At Fault
Ram Baran Yadav: Kasturi Mriga
The President, The Prime Minister
NC And UML Do Not Have Veto Power
Dahal's Capitulation Is Wrong

Baburam Bhattarai as the executive head of the country has to face the facts. Consensus is not happening. The sooner he realizes the better it is for the country. Now he has to forge a large coalition that includes the breakaway Maoists, Upendra Yadav's Front, Ashok Rai and the Congress breakaway Rai, and possibly other Left, Madhesi and Janajati parties to envision a seat sharing that covers about 85% of the country so as to win at least 70% of the seats in the next assembly so as to give Nepal genuine federalism. That is what this is all about.

You are looking at an arrangement whereby Baburam Bhattarai comes back as Prime Minister after the next election, Prachanda comes in as the directly elected President, Gachhedar perhaps is DPM again (or not), and Upendra Yadav, Ashok Rai, and Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal are all Chief Ministers of their respective states.

Right now the country is seeing massive polarization. And it is politically illiterate of Badal, Baidya, Yadav and Rai to not see that there are only two sides, and they need to pick one of them, and the choice is obvious.

The federalists need to act as one all the way to the elections to a new constituent assembly, and to a new constitution. After that if they so wish they might part ways. But even then I am not so sure. It might be best to stick together until every state has a state government, and local elections have already been held. After that I can see the coalition naturally breaking up.

Consensus failure a matter of shame: Prez
Baidya calls on President Yadav

तमलोपाको जिल्ला अधिवेशन सम्पन्न
अन्तरिम संविधानलाई क्रियाशील बनाएर नयां निर्वाचनमा जानुर्पछ : मन्त्री त्रिपाठी
स्वायत्त मधेस प्रदेश मधेशीहरुको साझा चाहना : भण्डारी
हाम्रो पार्टीले मधेशको बारेमा स्पष्ट धारणा ल्याउँदैछ : रिजवान अन्सारी, उपाध्यक्ष-संघीय समाजवादी पार्टी, नेपाल
मधेशमा एउटै राजनीतिक शक्ति हुनुपर्छ : जितेन्द्र सोनल, सह–महामन्त्री - तराई–मधेश लोकतान्त्रिक पार्टी

Big guns to reach President at 9 am :Sheetal Niwas
Gachhadar foresees consensus by Nov end
NC's crocodile tears
Terror in Tarai
Indian leader meeting top brass in Kathmandu
Politics for politics’ sake
UCPN (M) dangles NC mighty ministries
Prez prescribes package deal to unlock deadlock
FDRA wants govt transformed into unity one
Oli suggests majority govt may precede one of unity
Move court if Prez move is unconstitutional: Oli

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Monday, December 03, 2012

The NC, Fair Polls And The Game Of Musical Chairs

The NC has been pushing three arguments as to why a NC person should be Prime Minister.

To say the NC alone can conduct fresh elections in the country is outright slander, especially when the current government is willing to give the Home Ministry to the NC.

The second argument is that it is the NC's turn. That is hogwash. Mahantha Thakur's party has never been in power at the top. Perhaps it is his turn.

The third argument is that the NC was promised the premiership of the election government. That is true, but that is only the partial truth. The other big chunk of that truth is that once the NC had agreed to settle on all issues related to the constitution and the country had managed to get a constitution then the NC would be allowed to lead the government that would hold parliamentary elections in the country. But we are not staring at parliamentary elections. We are staring at elections to a new constituent assembly.

This third is the weirdest of all arguments. It is like some guy went shopping. The guy promised the shopkeeper he would give him money if the shopkeeper gave him the bicycle. The shopkeeper promised to give him the bicycle if the guy gave him the money. The guy never gave money, but started arguing the shopkeeper promised him the bike and was now not giving it to him. That is what the NC is doing.

UML ready to lead next govt: Khanal
'I am impatient to relinquish power'
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