Thursday, October 11, 2012

संगठनका कुरा (2)

संगठनका कुरा

मैले हिजो प्रभु मनी को कार्यलयमा टिपेको विश्व सन्देश को पछाड़ी पट्टी कोर्दै थिएं। विश्व स्तरमा नेपाली त्यही हुन जुन नेपालमा दमजम हुन। र त्यों कुराको झझल्को नेपाली समुदाय भित्र mass base नभएका नचाहेका तर नेतृत्व पद खाई रहेका अनगिनती ब्यक्ति हरुले दिई रहेको अवस्था छ। Living room politics बाट पद हरु बांडने पुरानो परम्परा छ।

Mass base मा जानु, democratic process follow गर्नु, पदकालागी खुला चुनाव गराउनु, संगठनको हिसाबकिताब खुला किसिमले वेबसाइट मा राख्नु, खुला बहस गर्नु -- यिनै साधारण अभ्यासले विश्व स्तरमा नेपालीहरूको empowerment हुन्छ। संगठनका अलावा agenda को कुरा आउँछ। Vision को कुरा आउँछ।

60-70 देशमा संगठन विस्तार भएको होला तर dual citizenship को कुरामा र 100 million dollar fund को कुरामा प्रगति भएको देखिंदैन। संगठन पनि mass based छैनन।

NRN (Non Resident Nepali) Association को संगठनमा थुप्रै कमी कमजोरी छन। त्यस बारे केही सुझाव दिन चाहन्छु।

(1) Pyramid of 10 --- व्यापक membership drive गर्ने। सदस्य हरू लाई कम्तीमा 10 बढ़ीमा 20 को संख्यामा संगठित गर्ने। महिना मा एक पटक house party गर्ने समुह। त्यस्तो 10 unit को नाइके को conference call मार्फत अथवा internet मार्फत अर्को समुह। And so on.

(2) Public Facebook page, private Facebook group, public Facebook group. Lots of use of photos and videos. Plenty of textual reports, discussions.

(3) Online voting. प्रत्येक सदस्यले मत दिन पाउनु पर्छ। Ohio जस्तो अनकन्टार दुर्गम ठाऊँमा 10 जना खुसुक्क जम्मा भएर राष्ट्रिय नेतृत्व चयन गर्ने चाहना पंचायती सोंच भयो। Leadership by consensus भनेको रोग हो। चुनाव नै हुन नदिने, कस्तो अचम्मको सोंच? चुनाव नहुने संगठन भनेको कहिल्यै झ्याल ढोका नखोलिने घर जस्तो हो। NRN को global leadership को पनि चुनाव नै हुनुपर्छ र त्यों चुनाव 1,000 delegate ले मत खसाल्ने चुनाव हुन सक्दैन। दुनिया भरका 20 लाख NRN हरू मध्ये व्यापक membership drive गरेर one person one vote का आधारमा आम आदमीको स्तरमा वोट हुनुपर्छ। NRNA को सदस्य हो भने global conference अगाड़ी online आउने, एक हप्ता को window हुन्छ, online गएर वोट खसाल्ने। जम्मा भएको delegate लाई पनि वोट खसाल्न नदिने कस्तो अचम्मको परिपाटी?

(4) 100% transparent, online book keeping. के कति पैसा उठ्यो र खर्च भयो त्यों प्रत्येक सदस्यलाई थाहा हुन पर्छ। Meeting को minutes online राखिनुपर्छ।

(5) NRN को न्यू योर्क चैप्टर ले Memorial Day Weekend मा प्रत्येक बर्ष convention गर्न पर्छ जस्तो मलाई लाग्छ। दुनियाको राजधानी हो यो।

Agenda अझै फराकिलो बनाउनु पर्यो। मुख्य मुद्दा dual citizenship को हो। त्यसमा नेपालका नेताहरूले बड़ो मुर्खता देखाएका छन अहिलेसम्म। त्यों बिना नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रांति संभव छैन। त्यति गहन मुद्दा हो त्यों। 100 million डलर फंडको कुरा राम्रै हो तर global financial market tap गर्ने कुरा त्यो भन्दा 10,000 गुना राम्रो हो।

नेपाली हरुले प्रत्येक देशमा आफ्नो अधिकार खोज्न पर्यो। 150 बर्ष अगाडी बोस्टन मा Irish ले नागरिक नभए पनि मत खसाल्थे मेयर कालागी। आज नेपालीले न्यू योर्क मा त्यही खोज्न पर्छ। त्यस्कालागी नेपाली समुदाय बाहिर जान पर्ने हुन्छ। Indian संग हातेमालो गर्न पर्ने हुन्छ। Chinese संग। Hispanic र African संग।

बलियो संगठन बाट पैदा हुने नेटवर्क ले सदस्य हरु लाई बिभिन्न किसिमका फ़ायदा हरु हुन्छन्।
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John Liu Could Be Mayor

Jupiter And Obama
Bobby Will Run In 2016
Nitish Is My Lula
John Liu And Being Asian American
John Liu: Mayor Of NYC: 2013
John Liu: Victory
New York City

My friend John Liu, the New York City Comptroller, the most senior Democrat in the city, could get elected Mayor next year. He stands a strong chance. About 10% of Americans are black, about 10% of New Yorkers are Asian American. And John Liu is not half white. And to be Mayor of New York City is to hold the second most important political office in America.

It would be a historic win if John wins. John F Kennedy, the first Catholic to get elected president, had brothers called Bobby and Teddy, so does John Liu. That John broke a barrier. This John is about to.

We as a community have to do the best we can to make it happen. For one, this guy loves the Nepali community. He has shown up for our events when there were no potential voters or donors in the room. And he knew, it is not like we duped him into thinking otherwise.

When John Liu ran for Comptroller, he got more votes than did Mayor Bloomberg, and John is not even a billionaire. He was not an incumbent Mayor. Tells me if he had run for Mayor instead of Comptroller he would have beat Bloomberg. The Democrats should have nominated John Liu instead of Bill Thompson to run against Bloomberg. Bloomberg would have been defeated, if that was the idea.

Last year John Liu was leading in the polls. Then a Chinese soldier in the US Army succumbed to racism, committed suicide. John Liu organized protest events, made some noise. And he got targeted. The FBI created a slight stink around him and drove down his poll numbers. It was a deliberate institutional attack. It was racist.

Goes on to show it is harder being an Asian American in this city than it is to be a gay woman who is friends with a Mayor who is not from her party, or a white guy married to a black woman, or a black guy who ran for Mayor and lost. Those would be the other top three contenders for the throne, Christine Quinn, the City Council Speaker, Bill De Blasio, the Public Advocate, and Bill Thompson, the former Comptroller.

I was Barack Obama’s first full time volunteer in New York City and I have the scars to show for it. They had me disappear the same day Barack beat Hillary and they let me out a few days after Barack beat McCain. They had me in for six months; they had Mandela in for 27 years. The racism he faced was about 50 times stronger.

I was born in Bihar. People in this city are not going to teach me the rough and tumbles of politics. Of the 200,000 Nepalis in America I was the only full timer to have worked for Nepal’s democracy movement in 2005-2006. In April 2006, over a period of 19 days, about eight million people out of the country's 27 million came out into the streets to shut the country down completely to force a dictator out. If you can deal with a dictator, you can deal with racism.

In 1996 I showed up in Bible Belt Deep South Kentucky for college and ran for Freshman Class President and got fewer votes than anyone else. Within five months of that I had myself elected Student Body President at the top liberal arts college in the South, a college record, the first time a freshman had done so. Before I came to America, too young to legally run for office, I was Vice General Secretary to a party whose General Secretary was Hridayesh Tripathy and Rajendra Mahto was a Central Committee member, junior to me. Both Tripathy and Mahto are cabinet ministers in Nepal today. They have been for years. Tripathy first became cabinet minister over a decade ago.

I am political and I am rooting for John Liu. How about you?

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