अप्िरल क्रान्ित क्या खाक क्रान्ित थी
इस माघे क्रान्ितको देखो
मधेशका कोइ एेसा गाँव नहीं
शहरका कोइ कोना नहीं
जहाँ सर पर कफन बाँधके
नहीं िनकले हो लोग
सयकडों वरष से
दबाके रखे गए थे
उस दर्दको
िगिरजा कोइरालाका वार्ता
क्या खाक सुलझाएगी
कैसी मरहम पट्टी लगाएगी
क्रान्ित वार्ता थोडे करती है
क्रान्ित तो िवजयकी अोर बढती है
बढ रही है
मधेशी हम लेंगे सौ में पचास
संिवधान सभाके चुनावके िलए
अाधा िनर्वाचन क्षेत्र लेंगे
मधेश नामका राज्य लेंगे
वार्ता िकस बातकी
िगिरजाको बोलो
कान खोलके
सडकका अावाज सुने
अप्िरलमें राजा
माघमें िगिरजा
दोनो िभलेन हैं
उल्टे चोर कोतवालको डाँटे
संवैधािनक राजतन्त्रका बात करता िगिरजा
उल्टे कहता है मधेशमें राजावादीका घुसपैठ है
वीपी ने कहते हैं कहा िगिरजा हवल्दार है
हवल्दार कहाँ ये तो चोर है
उल्टे कोतवालको डाँट रहा है
कहता है िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थीयोंका घुसपैठ है
िदल्लीमें इस बातको लेकर
बीजेपीवाले गुस्सा हो गए हैं
वाजपयी अौर अाडवाणीका मुड अफ है
भाँडमें जाए संिवधान सभा
गणतन्त्रका घोषणा अभी करो
नहीं चािहए पहाडी राजा
हमें तो मधेशी राष्ट्रपित चािहए
िगिरजाका पत्ता साफ करो
माधवका पत्ता साफ करो
सुबथाका पत्ता साफ करो
प्रचण्डका पत्ता साफ करो
काँग्रेसको हटाअो
कम्िनष्टको हटाअो
राजावादीको हटाअो
गुलामीकी जंजीरको तोड दो
पहाडी पार्टीयोंको छोड दो
िवराटनगरमें िगिरजाकी जमानत जब्त करनी होगी
कृष्ण कोइरालाका राजनीितक किरयर समाप्त है
संगठन िवस्तार करो
संगठन िवस्तार करो
क्रान्ितको िवजय
िवजयको शक्ितमें
िवस्तार करो
मधेशकी िमट्टीकी कसम
मधेश नामका राज्य लेंगे
सारे नेपाल पर शासन करेंगे
डटे रहो
िहंसा के पथ पर मत जाअो
अागजनी मत करो, तोडफोडको रोको
लेिकन सडक पर तो डटे रहो
बहुुत हो चुकी गुलामी
अाठ पार्टी सरकारको माँगे पुरी करनी परेगी
क्रान्ित वार्ता थोरे करती है
क्रान्ित तो िवजय की अोर बढती है
बढ रही है
बढने दो
गृह मन्त्रीका राजीनामा लेंगे
बराबर जनसंख्यावाला २०५ सीट लेंगे
अारक्षण लेंगे
६० लाख नागिरकतापत्रिवहीन मधेशी के िलए
नागिरकतापत्र लेंगे
अफ्तब अालमको गृह मन्त्री बनाएंगे
अालमसे ज्यादा भोट नेपालमें कोइ लाता ही नहीं
अाठ पार्टी सरकार घोषणा करो
नहीं तो सद्भावना (अानन्दी) को
सरकारसे अलग हो जानी होगी
मधेशी जनािधकार फोरमको
राजनीितक पार्टी बना दो
जनता दल वा वैसा ही कोइ नाम दे दो
गाँव गाँवमें संगठन िवस्तार करो
वार्ड वार्डमें संगठन िवस्तार करो
क्रान्ितको शक्ितमें बदलो
वो कहते हैं मधेशी राजावादी हैं
िकसी भी मधेशीको पहाडी राजा भला क्यों चािहए
गणतन्त्रका पाठ मधेशीने पहाडीको िसखाया
जनकपुरमें महेन्द्रके गाडी पर बम फेंक्नेवाला
मधेशी ही तो था
समान अिधकारके साथ
गणतन्त्रका भी तो नारा लगाअो
गौतम बुद्ध एक मधेशी था
लेिकन वो कहते हैं मधेशी
िशव सेनावाले, िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थी, बीजेपी टाइप हैं
धर्म अपने जगह पर है
लेिकन ये क्रान्ित तो राजनीितक क्रान्ित है
गुलामीकी जंजीरको तोडनेकी क्रान्ित है
अप्िरलमें कहाँ कहा उन पहाडी नेताअो नें
िक सडक पर उतरे मधेशी
राजावादी हैं, िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थी हैं
िगिरजा है जो सेरेमोिनयल राजतन्त्रकी बात करता है
हमें तो गणतन्त्र अाज क्या अभी चािहए
वैसे मैने दुिनया के कोने कोने के िमिडयाको िलख िदया है
अप्िरलकी तरह
लेिकन तुम अपना िमिडया खुद बन जाअो
क्रान्ितका, सडकमें उतरे लोगोंका
िडिजटल फोटो अौर िभिडयो
इन्टरनेट पर रखो
शहर शहरमें
गाँव गाँवसे
िवश्व समुदायको हमारे पक्षमें लानी है
इस क्रान्ितको सडकसे िवजय घोषणा
िवजय घोषणासे संगठन िवस्तार
संगठन िवस्तारसे चुनावी िजत तक ले जानी है
िगिरजा, माधव, देउवा, प्रचण्ड, सुबथा
प्रत्येकका मधेशसे जमानत जब्त कर दो
संिवधान सभाके पहले सभाको
नेपालका पहला राष्ट्रपित मुझे
एक मधेशी दे दो
पहाडी पार्टीयोंको छोड दो
गुलामीकी जंजीरको तोड दो
शान्ित वार्ता क्या, िवजय घोषणा करो
अप्िरलमें राजाने भी कहा
अाअो, शान्ित वार्ता करो
तुममेंसे एक प्रधानमन्त्री बन जाअो
सडक खाली कर दो
कुर्सी ही चािहए तो ले लो कुर्सी
अाज िगिरजा कह रहा है
अाअो, बालुवाटारमें अाके चाय िप लो
सडक खाली कर दो
प्रचण्ड कह रहा है
ये राजावादी हैं, ये िशव सेनावाले हैं
कोइ अौकात है इनका जो इनसे वार्ता
राजाने भी अप्िरलमें कहा
दो चार मर गए हैं, कोइ बात नहीं
पाँच दश लाख दे देंगे
सडक खाली कर दो
बालुवाटारमें अाज शहीदके खूनका
मोल लगाया जा रहा है
पहले तो शहीद घोषणा करो
क्षितपूर्ित तो बादकी बात है
शान्ितपूर्ण जुलुस पर लाठी चलायी, गोली चलायी
गृह मंत्रीका राजीनामा एेन वक्तों के िलए ही तो है
नहीं तो माअोवादी भी गोली चलाए, काँग्रेसी भी गोली चलाए
िनहत्थे मधेशी पर
ये क्या जुल्म है
ये लगता है हडताल हो रहा है तुम्हें
ये तो क्रान्ित है
तुम नेता लोग जेलमें थे, घरमें थे
इसीिलए तुम्हें नहीं मालूम
अप्िरलमें भी यही तो हुवा था
सारी दुिनया जाग गयी थी
न्यू यर्कके सबवे ट्रेनमें
नेपालकी बात होने लगी थी
वही तो िफर हो रहा है
ये तो क्रान्ित है
क्रान्ित वार्ता नहीं करती
क्रान्ित तो िवजयकी अोर बढती है
बढ रही है
प्रत्येक मधेशीको नागिरकता दे दो
नहीं तो टुटी देशकी िजम्मेवारी तुम्हारी होगी
संिवधान सभाके िलए २०५ सीटको
बराबर जनसंख्याके अाधार पर बाँटो
नहीं तो टुटी देशकी िजम्मेवारी तुम्हारी होगी
ये बन्दरका खेल थोडे है
ये तो क्रान्ित है
क्रान्ित वार्ता नहीं करती
क्रान्ित तो िवजयकी अोर बढती है
बढ रही है
Monday, January 22, 2007
मधेश जल रही है
अाग लग गयी है मधेशमें
देखो मधेश जल रही है
सडक पर उतर अाए लोगोंको देखो
नेता कार्यकर्ताकी तो बात ही नहीं है
अप्िरल क्रान्ितमें जनतानें नेताको नेतृत्व िदया
इस मधेशी अान्दोलनमें भी वही हाल है
जनता अागे नेता िपछे
शहीद हो गए हैंंं बहुतन
हमें शहीद नहीं चािहए, हमें शान्ितं चािहए
हमें तो शान्ितपूर्ण क्रान्ित चािहए
हमें एक िनर्णायक मधेशी अान्दोलन चािहए
हमें मधेश नामका अलग राज्य नहीं चािहए
हमें मधेश नामका अलग देश नहीं चािहए
हमें तो पुरे नेपालका एक प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वािचत
मधेशी राष्ट्रपित चािहए
हमें समानता, शान्ित अौर समृद्िध चािहए
हमें अपना अिधकार चािहए
इिसिलए दे दो हमें एक िनर्णायक क्रान्ित
अा जाअो सडक पर हात िमलाअो
गले लग जाअो
नारा लगाअो
िचर के रख दो अाकाशको
तािक भावी पीिढ तक अावाज पहुँचे
गाँव गाँवमें संगठन िवस्तार करो
वार्ड वार्डमें संगठन िवस्तार करो
पर्चा बँडबाअो, पोस्टर लगबाअो
गले लग जाअो
नारा लगाअो
ये अार िक पारकी लडाइ है
मधेशी अिधकार: अभी नहीं तो कभी नहीं
ये िनर्णायक संघर्ष है
इसीकी तो इन्तजार थी हमें सिदयो से
क्यँू इतनी इन्तजार करवायी
िवराटनगर, राजिवराज, लहान
जनकपुर, जलेश्वर, मलंगवा
वीरगंज, भैरहवा, नेपालगंज, धनगढी
सब एक एक कर कब्जा कर लो
मधेशकी िमट्टीकी कसम
अा जाअो सडक पर
ये सडक तुम्हारा है
िफर से कह दो एक बार इन्िकलाब
िफर से कह दो एक बार इन्िकलाब
मधेशके िमट्टीकी कसम
तूफान खडी कर दो
ले लो कब्जे में
झापासे कञ्चनपुर
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
बगावत हो जाएगी
छयालीस सालकी बात थी
गजेन्द्र बाबुने कहा
पहाडी राजाने पहाडीयोको प्रजातन्त्र िदया
हमें क्या िदया
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
लोकतन्त्रकी बात करते ये पहाडी
लेिकन उनके लोकतन्त्रमें
एक व्यक्ित एक मत नहीं होता
नहीं तो बराबर जनसंख्या पर
संसदीय सीटे होती
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
सात सालमें मधेसीको बन्दूक थमाया कृष्ण प्रसादनें
क्रान्ित की मधेसीके कन्धे पर बन्दूक रखके
छयालीस सालमें प्रधानमन्त्री बना तो उसने कहा
मधेसी कायर होते हैं
इसी िलए नहीं भर्ती करते हम सेना में
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
दश साल पहले पहाडीयोनें अाँकरा बनाया
बयालीस लाख बगैर नागिरकता पत्रके हैं
अाज वो दश साल बाद तीस लाखको नागिरकता पत्र
देने जा रहे हैं
ऐसी बर्ताब रही तो टूट जाएगी देश
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
िकसी भी मानवको नागिरकता पत्रसे वञ्िचत करना
मानव अिधकारका हनन है
िलखा है मानव अिधकारके घोषणापत्रमें
लेिकन पहाडी मानव अिधकारवादी संगठनें
चूं नहीं बोल्ते
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
पृथ्वी शाहके राजा बननें से हजारो साल पहले
एक राजा जनक हुवा करते थे
अाज ये िमिथलावासीको भारतीय कहनेका
दुस्साहस करते हैं
ले लो वतन या दे दो वतन
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
जनसंख्या है हमारे पास
एक व्यक्ित एक मतका लोकतन्त्र अा जाए
तो राज्य पर होगा हमारा कब्जा
लेिकन वो कह रहे नहीं चािहए वैसा लोकतन्त्र
ले लो उसे िछनके
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
पत्ता साफ करो मोरङसे कोइराला खान्दानका
राणा गए, शाह गए, कोइराला भी जाएंगे
जमानत जफ्त करो माधव नेपालका
रौतहटमें, प्रचण्डको कहो काठमाण्डुमें ही रहे
िचतवन हमारा है
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
हेम बहादुर धनुषासे िजते
शरद िसंह महोत्तरीसे
ये क्या नौटंकी है
िजता है क्या कोइ यादव
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
एमालेवाले चीनका हँसुवा हथौडावाला झण्डा
टाङ्ते है
कोइ अापत्ित नही िकसीको
सद्भावनाके झण्डाको कहते हैं
भारतका ितरङ्गा है
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
अपने अापको मधेसी क्यों बोल्ते हो
नेपाली बोलो कहते हैं
बोलो उनको, मानवताके उचाइको देखो
संकीर्ण िवचार छोडो, मानव बोलो,
नेपाली क्यों बोल्ते हो
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
िहन्दी ही तो है मधेशकी पहचान
नहीं तो मधेशी, भोजपुरी, अविध, उर्दुमें बँटे हैं
िहन्दी ही तो है पुरे मधेशको एक करती है
सम्पर्क भाषा है
िहन्दीको उसकी जायज जगह दो
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
अिधकार भीख की तरह नहीं माँगी जाती
अिधकार तो िछन्ना परता है
तमुनेे अप्िरलमें जैसे िछना
अप्िरल क्रान्ितका शंखघोष तुमने
जनवरी १२ को जनकपुरमें िकया
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
ललकारो उन मधेशीयोको
जो अात्मघृणाका भाषा बोल्ते हैं
गाँव गाँवमें जाअो
संगठन िवस्तार करो
उजाला फैलाअो
एक क्रान्ित िफर से कर दो
मधेशके िमट्टीकी कसम
िफर से कह दो एक बार इन्िकलाब
पहाडी मधेशी दंगा
सद्भावना रोडम्याप
नेपालमा दमजम अान्दोलनको अावश्यकता
नेपालमा संसारको नम्बर एक लोकतन्त्रको स्थापना हुन सक्छ
राजतन्त्र, बाहुनवाद र भर्ष्टाचार समाप्त पारौं
वीपी र िगिरजाको कहानी
िगिरजा, माधव, प्रचण्ड सब एक जैसे हैं
मधेशीसँग संख्या छ, शिक्त छैन
ितमीले देखाइ िदयौ
कर्फ्यु तोड्न आह्वान गर्नेले
जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गर
क्रान्ितलाई नबुझ्नु, बुझ पचाउनु
ये तो क्रान्ित है
यो सडक ितम्र्ो हो
संघीय गणतन्त्र
अहिंसाका प्रश्न
मधेशी अधिकारको कुरामा पहाडीहरुको सहभागीता
मधेशी पहचान
देशव्यापी पम्फलेटिङ
प्रहार गरिहालौं
अइ आन्दोलनमें मधेशी अधिकारके बात
लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र नै किन?
Thought On Minimizing Madhesh's Current ConflictsJanakpurdham - the heart of Madhesh or Terai is disturbed since last three weeks. The markets remain closed. No signs of activities are being observed in markets. Excepts the mass of political rallists only the stray dogs are visible even around the Janaki temple. People have started pouring in on roads on daily basis expressing different demands. In spite of such a big protests on daily basis it is highly pleasant to not that there has been no destructive attempts either to physical properties or with common people from the side of ralliests. Instead the local administration, particularly the police have beaten people mercilessly, fired guns on innocent observers, a insulted and assaulted the human rights commission representatives etc. So far more than 300 people have suffered from these brutual attacks of the local police. Out of these 300 about seven are in critical condition. One has been referred to PMCH-Patna, another to DMCH-Darbhanga of Bihar (India) and one is Teaching Hospital Kathmandu for special treatment. Some are still in zonal hospital Janakpur. The on going revolt by the people is a sign of spill over effects of suppression faced by Madhesies during the past 200 years. This revolution would get calmed only after getting the full due rights as claimed by Madhesies. If the genuine demands of Madhesies are not addressed immediately Madhesh may go for a complete but independent state away from Nepal. To conclude existing revolution is hovering around in following two demands.The decision to reallocate national assembly seats on the basis of equal proportional representation of people. On the basis of geographical consideration the separate state of Madesh with full rights for self determination except suzerainty, Foreign policy & Physical policy of the country. The conflicts being observed in Madhesh at present is completely a political one. There is not a trace of truth in the rumor that the conflicts have been due to communal feelings or infused by any vested interest. In fact the Madhesies are awoken for their political, economic, human rights etc as per the established principles of democracy all over the world. Suggestion:Roughly 50 percent of the country's population is residing in Madhesh. Hence as per the essence of Millennium Goal of the UNO the Donor Agencies should think in contributing their resources at par in Madhesh to educate for social justice and ameliorate the economic condition of Madesh and Madheshies on a sustainable basis. Satya Narayan ShahExecutive DirectorSODEP
In The News Police firing leaves 3 dead in Malangawa, 21 injured in Birgunj Kantipur
Jwala Singh led JTMM cadres kidnap 10 passengers from Rajbiraj MPRF will sit for talks if Sitaula resigns: Raya All-party meet on Terai unrest today All the legislator of the eight parties including the Maoists, members of the government talks team and the members of civil society, who recently visited the Terai region, among others are expected to participate in the meet being held at the parliamentary secretariat later today. .... the meeting would focus on the Terai violence and will prepare grounds for dialogue as well as make concrete decisions to resolve the unrest. ...... leaders of the civil society who had visited different parts of the strife-torn Terai region recently have concluded that the Terai unrest was spontaneous and urged the government not to suppress the demonstrations. ..... amidst the ongoing Madhesi movement, Speaker Nembang today urged the eight parties to formulate an interim constitution amendment proposal as soon as possible. ...... Nembang today made an appeal to the government to address the problems of the agitating Madhesi community. ....... Minister Oli, meanwhile, informed that as per the High Level Probe Commission (Raymajhi Commission) report, some names of those involved in suppressing the April movement have already been submitted to the Prime Minister. ...... Oli, who is presently undergoing treatment at T.U. Teaching Hospital for typhoid and jaundice, is leaving for Bangkok today for further treatment. Silver lining still eludes Terai; curfew clamped in Sunsari, Biratnagar MPRF cadres thrash journos in Biratnagar brutally beat up five journalists who had gone to cover a goodwill rally organized in Biratnagar. ..... the cadres surrounded the press men in a tight circle before proceeding to beat them up. ..... Binod Bhandary of the Kantipur National Daily, Mohan Manadhar of the Nepal Television, Shambhu Bhandary of Nepal-1, Bikram Luitel of the Samacharpatra Daily, and editor of Birat Darpan, Bijaya Pathak. ...... The forum members beat the reporters, alleging them of not writing news stories in the favor of the MPRF. Petrol crisis deepens Petrol crisis deepened in the Kathmandu Valley as leading transits through which the product is imported remained closed for the 18th day on Saturday, due to the terai unrest. ........ In the absence of sufficient stock, the corporation this week pumped out 60,000 liters of petrol in average every day in the market, a mere one-third of the effective demand. Distribution of diesel and kerosene was still less. ...... the supply situation could worsen further if the unrest is not addressed soon ...... the corporation currently has enough stock of diesel and kerosene to meet demand for 10 days. ....... consumers in the Valley have already started feeling the shortage of cooking gas. Some one-dozen gas companies supplying cooking gas in the Valley have shut down refilling plants as they have run out of stock. ....... a sharp decline in the number of three-wheelers and micro-buses (operating with gas) plying on the streets. Nepal police fire on Madhesi protesters, two killed Reuters.uk, UK
Nepal police fire on Madhesi protesters, 5 wounded Reuters AlertNet
Clamour for Nepal minister's ouster, Terai toll rises RxPG NEWS
3 protesters killed in police firing in southern Nepal Zee News, India
1 killed, 12 injured in police firing in Nepal's Terai region Indian Muslims
1 killed, 12 injured in police firing in Nepal's Terai region Islamic Republic News Agency
Nepal violence continues Hindu
Nepal Trans Woman Gains Dual Sex Papers 365Gay.com
Nepal gives legal status to transgender for the first time Zee News
Nepal Issues First Citizenship ID For Transgender Persons 247gay.com
Nepali becomes both man and woman BBC News
India hopes peaceful solution in Nepal Kantipur Online, Nepal
Three more killed in Nepal violence, journalists attacked (Roundup) Monsters and Critics.com, UK
Protestors Attack Journalists In South East Nepal Playfuls.com
Protester killed in Nepal violence Gulf Times
More killed as violence escalates in southern Nepal PeaceJournalism.com
NEPAL: Journalists, aid workers and rights activists under threat Reuters AlertNet, UK
Nepal:FNJ seriously concerned over attacks on media PeaceJournalism.com
Journalists under attack in Nepal Guardian Unlimited
Press Freedom Gorkhapatra
Bihar CM asks people to resist from traveling to Nepal PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal
Bihar asks residents not to visit Nepal Times of India
10000 Nepali move to north India due to violence at home PeaceJournalism.com
ADB’s Programs in Nepal’s Development PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal
Nepal police fire on Madhesi protesters, two killed Reuters India, India
Nepal Issues First Citizenship Certificate For Transgendered Person All Headline News
2 Protesters Killed in Sarlahi, Over 20 Hurt in Birgunj Police Firing Himalayan Times
Janakpur Protester Succumbs to Injuries According to Rabindra Thakur, central member of MJF, Pawan Kumar Shah, 20, a resident of Janakpur municipality – 2 of Dhanusha district succumbed to injuries at a hospital in Patna. Thakur said that dead body was being brought to Janakpur. India Hopes Nepal Problem will be Solved Curfew in Four Terai Districts Continues
Protesters Attack Journalists, Ambulances in Biratnagar
Gajurel Warns against Delay in CA PollsNSP (A) Behind Failure of 8-party Meet: CP Mainali Tuesday’s eight-party meeting ended inconclusively after Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandidevi) insisted on “decreasing” the number of electoral constituencies in the hills and adding the number of constituencies in the Terai. ...... “The NSP (A) did not sign the statement, insisting that the number of electoral constituencies in the hills be decreased,” Mainali, who came down heavily on the party for fiercely pursuing its demands, said at a programme here on Saturday. ....... Criticising the party leaders for making a “childish” decision to boycott all eight-party meetings in which Terai does not figure, Mainali urged the NSP (A) to stop branding people as the Madhesis or Pahadis. “I urge the party to keep in mind that we all are Nepalis first.” ....... “It will be unwise to even think that the interim constitution should only meet your party’s demands,” he added. He added that he smelt rat in the ongoing Terai movement, saying the same could be a conspiracy to disintegrate Nepal. Terming the electoral system proposed in the interim constitution discriminatory, NSP (A) general secretary Rajendra Mahato said the country had to go for a federal system of governance to avoid any untoward incident. Uma Kanta Chaudhary of the Nepali Congress (Democratic) suggested amendments in the interim constitution, saying that holding elections to constituent assembly would be “meaningless” if demands of the Madhesis were not met.Maoist People’s Revolutionary Council Reshuffled The Joint Revolutionary People’s Council, a political front of the CPN-Maoist headed by Dr Baburam Bhattarai, has reshuffled its central committee with a view to fighting “feudalism and imperialism”. ...... a 33-member central committee of the council. ...... Dev Gurung has been appointed member-secretary of the council while KB Mahara, Dinanath Sharma, Matrika Yadav, Nanda Kishor Pun, Lekh Raj Bhatta, Khadga Bahadur BK, Shivraj Gautam, Tilak Pariyar and Jayapuri Gharti are secretariat members. ....... Chiefs of all sister and other fronts affiliated to the CPN-Maoist have been made members of the council. ...... Prachanda, decided to “expose the conspiracy of the royalists who are inciting violence in the name of the Madhesis, indigenous people and nationalities”, but decided to support the just demands of the Madhesis, indigenous people and the nationalities. ...... The party also reinforced the need to immediately declare the country a democratic republic, go for a proportionate representation in the constituent assembly polls and take action against those indicted by the Rayamajhi Commission Thakur Renews Call for Talks on Terai Issues Convenor of the government talks team and Minister for Agriculture and Co-operatives Mahanta Thakur today called those actively involved in protest programmes in Terai region for talks to see a peaceful solution to the problems facing the region. ....... "A decade-long insurgency ended recently. This is an opportunity for a peaceful settlement of conflicts," he said, adding, "Terai unrest can also be settled through dialogue and the government has already formed a team for the same." ...... Speaking at a programme organised by the Nepal Youth Society, Thakur said the team would proceed with talks once the agitating party come for dialogue. "Through dialogue we can attain what we cannot gain through violent means," he said. Terai Unrest May Force Postponement of NSU Meets
Demands of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum: Some Highlights United We Blog, Nepal The Madhesi Janadhakar Forum’s behavior starkly differs from the list of demands they have put forward. The behavior is inflammatory and aims at disrupting communal harmony. ...... The Prime Ministerial Address of expressing acceptance of federal governance structure intent and earlier arrest of main actors of ‘regressive elements’ will subdue the Madhesi movement has belied the expectations. However, strict enforcement of curfew in some of the affected areas since few days have given a hope that anger will pacify in time. At the same time, widespread arson, destruction of public property and vandalism has continued abetted in some of the affected areas. ........ Madhesi Peoples’ Rights Forum (MPRF)], which had initiated the movement, had completely lost control over the movement. ....... attractive list of carefully worded demands such as: (1) federal democratic republic; (2) proportionate electorate system; (3) autonomy to Madhes region; (4) end of internal colonization; (5) regional autonomous governance system that includes right to self-determination; (6) rights on the land, natural resources and biological diversity of madhes; (7) racial and regional discrimination; (8) provide citizenship certificates to all madhesis without discrimination. ......... The concluding speeches at the end of the demonstrations (aam shabhas) are invariably in Hindi whereas they could have had spoken in native Maithili or Bhojpuri. Maithili are spoken about 13% of the population, Bhojpuri by about 8% as mother language whereas Hindi is spoken merely by 0.47% (as mother tongue) according to the Population Census, 2001. Maithili and Bhojpuri are similar and there is no difficulty in comprehension. ........ None of Hill-origin Terai communities have participated in this movement because the MJF already excluded these communities by their slogans and labeling them ‘pahadiya’. ...... Maithili communities such as Jha, Mishra (who are considered aboriginal) or other aboriginal communities such as Tharus, Rajbhansis, Dhimals, Jhagars have not shown any inclination to participate in this movement. In fact, Tharu community (6.8% of the total population) has already informed through press-release that it does not consider itself madhesi community. None of the Terai-based Dalit communities such as Mushar, Dom, Chamar, Harijan etc have found reasonable existence within the MJF. .......... The central committee membership and its activists belong to Yadav, Mahato, Mehta, Gupta, Kamath, Sah, Das communities. Unfortunately, it has now become community-based politics instead for Terai region. In comparison, the Maoists had more diversified ethical participation than the MJF. ...... Geographically, Terai is at advantageous position because of plain and fertile land with maximum of economic activity concentrated in that area. The entire transport network linking whole nation is based in Terai. In other words, the resources of the entire nation are in Terai. And, if it decides to segregate, then rest of Nepal will be landlocked doubly – first by India and then by independent Terai country. Aspirations for autonomous regions with right to self-determination such as Limbuwan, Magarat, etc will have nothing to gain and can merely exist on its own in economically integrated world if Terai segregates. The situation can be most unfortunate with huge disadvantages. ........ Second fatal demand is the stoppage of internal colonization. ........ MJF is signaling at a condition wherein commercial transactions such as buying land and setting up of businesses will be legally closed to other communities (as in J&K, Arunachal in India) and these activities can be only undertaken by madhesis as defined by MJF. ......... the blame squarely lies in the shoulder of the Maoists who during their people’s war had sowed the seeds of communal hatred. Many cadres were lured to support the people’s war with a promise of ethical autonomy and political division on the basis of ethnicity. Doing Justice Right Nepalnews.com, Nepal those born with silver spoons in their mouth just by the virtue of being hill- dwellers or the Pahadis, but also for the Madhesis for whom honor, human worth and dignity has been a far-fetched dream. ....... the most awaited interim constitution that everybody hoped would be fair and inclusive, appeared a sham - the final straw that broke the camel's back. ....... The demands of the Madhesis are simple and humble- right to self-determination, proportional representation in the constituent assembly, restructuring the constituencies based on population, federal system with regional autonomy, and elimination of all forms of discrimination practiced by the state mechanism. Yet, the response have been high-and-mighty: the news about casualties and violence against the Madhesis have been suppressed to keep the world unaware of such incidents; Madhesis have been killed, looted, attacked, vandalised and their houses have been burnt with the support of and backed by Nepal police; curfews have been imposed in Madhesi towns and their basic rights suspended to choke-off their voices; peaceful protesters are hurled into custody and tortured without any legal basis... and the torment continues. According to different sources, at least 10 Madhesis have already been shot dead, about 350-400 injured and dozens of them in serious condition, and the numbers are mounting each passing day. ....... the Prime Minister's address to the nation on January 31 st turned out a poem full of ambiguities. That “the federal structure of the nation will be created during the formation of new constitution after the election to the constituent assembly” is hard to pin one's faith on. Moreover, to say that constituencies will be added based on population increase seems to be merely an attempt to mislead Madhesi people. ........ In all this topsy-turvy and the circumstances where cards seem stacked against the Madhesis, one thing that seems intact and bound is the unity of Madhesis all over the globe. ...... Observing the Madhesi unity and the solidarity shown by some empathetic Pahadis, Madhesis can hope for light at the end of the tunnel.