Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Accurately Named Krishna Pahadi

Krishna Pahadi is one of the heroes of the April Revolution. So is Gagan Thapa. But both have failed the Madhesi Movement. Both have failed to see this as the second, essential chapter of the April Revolution. They are both Pahadis who buy into the Pahadi propaganda that the Madhesi Movement is somehow being steered by the royalists and the Hindu supremacits.

I have not heard one slogan for the king in this movement. There has not been one slogan for a Hindu state in this movement.

This movement wants a federal republic, and it wants it now. Instead of accusing the Madhesi Movement of being royalist, Girija should look in the mirror. Look who is talking.

A revolution does not hold dialogue. A revolution gets its basic demands fulfilled. That is what happened in April, that is what will happen now. And the so-called progressives among the Pahadis will have to start making sense soon.

There are many Janajatis who have come out saying the same thing as the prejudiced Bahun-Chhetris. A Madhesi-Janajati coalition is not going to be possible if the Janajatis do not learn how to choose sides. The Janajati are going to have to stop buying into the official Bahunbaadi propaganda that this Madhesi Movement is the work of the royalists and the Hindu supremacists.

Gagan Thapa On The Terai
Devendra Raj Panday, Sunday, December 10, 7 PM, Satya Narayan Mandir
Krishna Pahadi At New York University
Krishna Pahadi November 6 Sunday 5 PM
Krishna Pahadi 1
Krishna Pahadi 2
Krishna Pahadi 3

-कृष्ण पहाडी-

१५ जनवरी २००७ अर्थात् २०६३ माघ १ गते नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान जारी भयो । अन्तरिम संविधानका केही बूँदा मधेशी विरोधी रहेको भन्दै मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरमले त्यसको भोलिपल्टै अर्थात् माघ २ गते मधेश बन्दको घोषणा गर् यो । बन्दको पूर्व सन्ध्यामा माघ १ गते राती तराइको शहरहरुमा मसाल जुलुस पनि भएको रहेछ । माघ १ गते राती विराटनगर हवाइअड्डा उत्रदा रिक्सा चालकबाटै आज शहरमा जुलुस निस्किएको कुरा मैले सुनेको थिए । जुलुसमा दुई÷तीन सय सहभागी भए पनि भोलिपल्टको बन्द सफल गराउन बलजफ्ती त्रास सिर्जना गर्ने काम चाही भएको भन्ने कुरा केही कोणबाट सुनियो ।
माघ २ गते विराटनगर लगायतका शहरहरु बन्द रहे । यसैक्रममा मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरमले काठमाडौंमा विरोध प्रदर्शनको क्रममा अन्तरिम संविधान जलाउने कार्य गरेको भन्दै सरकारले फोरमसँग सम्बद्ध करिब दुई दर्जनलाई पक्राउ गरेको समाचार प्रकाशमा आयो । धेरैले सोचे अरु जुलुस प्रदर्शन जस्तै पक्राउ परेकाहरु रिहा भइहाल्नेछन् । तर यस पटक त्यस्तो भएन ।

माघ ५ गतेसम्म अर्थात् तीन दिनसम्म पूर्जी थमाएर फोरमका एक दर्जन बढी कार्यकर्तालाई थुनिराख्ने काम सरकारले गर् यो । शान्तिपूर्ण मानिएको प्रदर्शनबाटै पक्राउ परेका फोरमका कार्यकर्ताहरुलाई तीन रातसम्म थुनेर सरकारले पहिलो भूल गर् योजसरी भए पनि निहुँ खोजेर आन्दोलनलाई अघि बढाउन र तन्काउन उद्दत एवं आतुर फोरमका कार्यकर्ताहरुले माघ ५ गते दिउँसो आपुू रिहा भएपछि पनि प्रधानमन्त्री र गृहमन्त्रीको राजीनामा र माफी माग्नु पर्ने अडान राखेर रिहा हुन नमान्नुलाई माथि उल्लेखित फोरमको रणनीतिकै अङ्गको रुपमा लिन सकिन्छ । माघ ५ गते दिउँसो देखि सिराहाको लाहानमा फोरमका कार्यकर्ताहरुको रिहाइको माग राखेर भइरहेको प्रदर्शन र चक्काजाममा गोली चलाउने अपराधिक कार्य गरेर माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले झनै ठूलो भूल वा अपराधिक कार्य गरे । विगतमा बन्दका दौरान हुने आगजनी र तोडफोडको संस्कृतिलाई माओवादीले मलजल गर्दै आइरहेको थियो । अर्काले गरेको बन्द वा प्रदर्शनमा आपुू नागरिक सरह केही समय पर्खने धैर्यता र संयम माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले देखाउन सकेको भए संभवत यत्रो स्वरुपको क्षति भइहाल्ने थिएन । तर प्रदर्शन माझ आपुू माओवादी भएको खुलासा गर्दै अघि बढ्न खोज्दा अर्को दुर्घटना भयो । माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले आपुूलाई अझै पनि नयाँ राज्य सत्ताको प्रतिनिधि वा संवाहक भएको दम्भ पालेर नै गोली चलाएको देखिन्छ ।

माओवादीको यस्तो आचरण र व्यवहारमा आमनागरिक खिन्न भएका छन् र दुःखित छन् । शायद त्यसैले माओवादी नेतृत्वले यस भूलका लागि क्षमा मागिसकेको छ । तर पनि लाहानमा सल्केको डढेलो निभिसकेको छैन । माघ ८ गतेको अर्को झडपपछि थप चारजना नागरिक प्रहरीको गोलीबाट मारिएका छन् । निहत्था नागरिकहरु मारिनु निन्दनीय छदैछ र यसले दुःखद भविष्यको नै संकेत गर्दछ । अग्रगमनका दिशामा मुलुक अघि बढेको दावा भइरहेको बेला तराइमा सल्केको डढेलोले समस्त नेपालीलाई स्तब्ध तुल्याएको छ । घटनामा आफ्नो गल्ती ढाकछोप गर्न आरोप प्रत्यारोपको बाढी यथावत छ । नेपालगाजमा पौषको दोस्रो साता भएको िहंसात्मक दङ्गाको राप र ताप लाहानमा पनि पोखिन खोजेको भन्ने टिप्पणी पनि सुनिन थालेको छ । विशेष गरेर पहाडी र मधेशी नेपालीहरुबीच घृणा र विभाजनको खेती गर्न चाहनेहरुको कृयाकलाप र अभिव्यक्तिले तराइ दिन प्रतिदिन अशान्त हुँदै जान थालेको प्रतीत हुन्छ ।

यस्तो बेला खेल्न चाहने तप्काहरु सलबलाइ रहेको पनि देखिन्छन् । तर स्थिति अझै त्यति धेरै विगि्रसकेको छैन । वार्ता सम्वादबाट सहमतिमा पुग्न सकिने ठाउँ छ । तर दमन गरेर परिस्थिति सुध्रन्छ भने सोचबाट सरकारमा बसेका सात दलका र सरकारमा आउन आतुर माओवादी नेताहरु मुक्त हुनु नितान्त आवश्यक छ

नेपालगाजबाट शुरु भएको दङ्गा वा अराजक िहंसात्मक घटनापछि लाहानमा अर्को दुःखद घटना घटेको छ । अनाहकमा कोही पनि नागरिक मारिनु राष्ट्रको छातीमा घाउ लाग्नु हो । निहत्था नागरिकहरुको हत्याले अहिले फेरी देश अर्को शोकमा डुबेको छ । यो शोकबाट उठिसक्दा नसक्दै अर्को शोकमा डुब्नु पर् यो भने झनै अनर्थ हुन्छ । एकपछि अर्को गर्दै घाउहरु बढ्दै गए भने क्यान्सरको रुप ग्रहण गर्न सक्छ । विगतका गल्तीबाट पाठ सिक्दै त्यस्ता गल्ती नदोहोर् याउन र सम्वाद सहमतिबाटै सहकार्य गर्दै राजनीतिक शक्तिहरु अघि बढनु नितान्त आवश्यक छ ।

सात राजनीतिक दलहरुले जस्तो बेला पनि आफैले खान पाए हुन्थ्यो भन्ने रुाचे अनुहार र मानसिकता तत्काल बदल्नु जरुरी छ भने माओवादीभित्रको बन्दुके संस्कृति तत्काल अन्त्य हुनु आवश्यक छ । नेपालगाज लाहानमा देखिएको घटना र प्रवृत्तिले के संकेत गर्छ भने आउँदा दिनहरुमा तराइ त्यसमा पनि नेपालगाज बर्दियाको सानो भाग कपिलबस्तु भैरहवा वीरगाज वारा सर्लाही महोत्तरी र धनुषाको केही क्षेत्र सिराहा सप्तरी र सुनसरीको इनरुवा पश्चिमको क्षेत्र अत्यधिक संवेदनशील छ । अर्थात् यी ठाउँहरुलाई प्रज्वलनशील बनाएर सलाई कोर्ने अभियान केही कोणबाट भइरहेको छ । अहिले नेपालको राजनीतिमा सत्तारुढ भए पनि सात राजनीतिक दलको यथास्थितिवादी चरित्रपूर्ण परिवर्तनका पक्षमा अघि बढ्न नसकेको मानसिकताका कारण तराइमा यी दलहरुको पकड गुम्दै गएको छ । आपुूलाई स्थापित गर्ने होडमा सद्भावना आनन्दी देवीले सरकारमा बसेरै नेपाल बन्दको आयोजना गरी आफ्नो जरो बलियो बनाउने प्रयत्न गरेको थियो । तर नेपालगाज घटना उसका लागि प्रत्युपादक ठहरियो । तराइमा आफ्नो पकड बनाउने धेयले मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरमले अन्तरिम संविधानको केही प्रावधानको विरोधको नाममा थप अभियान साचालन गर्न खोजेको देखिन्छ । तर यी आन्दोलनभित्र अहिले जे जस्तो अनुहार र प्रवृत्ति देखिदैछ त्यसले के स्पष्ट गर्दछ भने विरोधमा होमिएका मान्छेहरु न त मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरमको दर्शनबाट प्रेरित छन् न त फोरमको नियन्त्रणमा नै । स्थितिको पर्यवेक्षण गर्न गएका मानव अधिकार आयोग जस्ता निकायलाई ढुंगामुढा गरेर खेद्ने चरित्रले लाहान घटनामा आन्दोलन भन्दा पनि अराजकताकै रुपमा विकसित गर्न चाहनेहरुको वाहुल्य भएको देखिन्छ ।

तराइमा बढ्ने कुनै पनि अराजकताले िहंसात्मक आन्दोलनको चाहना राख्नेहरुलाई नै बल पुर् याउँछ । सद्भावना आनन्दीदेवी मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरम यसै पनि िहंसात्मक आन्दोलनका पक्षपाती होइनन् र यी दुवै कमजोर भएर जादा तराइमा िहंसात्मक आन्दोलनका पक्षधरहरु नै बलियो हुने संभावना प्रवल छ । लाहान घटनामा दरबारीहरुको भूमिका बारे पनि चर्चा परिचर्चा शुरु भएको छ । हिजो राजाको माघ १९ को कदमको समर्थन गर्ने र जन आन्दोलन ६३ बाट बढारिएकाहरु अहिले नयाँ आवरणमा नयाँ भूमिकाको खोजीमा तल्लीन छन् । तिनका लागि पनि मधेश माथिको शोषणको विरोधको नारा अहिले संजीवनी हुन पुगेको छ ।

केही समयपछि वद्री मण्डलसहितको प्रवृत्तिले मधेशी विरुद्ध विगतमा भएको शोषणबारे गोहीका आँसु चुहाए भने त्यो पनि आश्चर्य मान्नु पर्ने छैन । विगत १६ वर्षमा मधेशको प्रतिनिधित्वको नाममा अघाउनु सम्म अघाएका र गन्हाएकाहरुलाई अहिले मधेश हितको ज्यादा सम्झना आइरहेको देखिन्छ । खेल्न चाहनेले आपुू प्रतिगामी ठहरिने आवरण ओढेर कहिले पनि नआउने हुँदा सात राजनीतिक दल र नेकपा माओवादीले नै तराइको विषयमा ज्यादा संवेदनशील भएर २३८ वर्षदेखि विधमान खाडललाई पुर्न सकारात्मक भूमिका निर्वाह गर्नु जरुरी छ भने मधेश र मधेशीको पक्षमा आवाज उठाउने र राजनीति गर्नेहरुले आपुू दरबारिया संयन्त्रको गोटी बन्न नहुनेमा चनाखो हँुदै अिहंसात्मक आन्दोलनको सीमा र मर्यादालाई कदापि नाघ्न नहुने तर्पु प्रतिबद्ध हुनु जरुरी छ । त्यसैगरी २३८ वर्षदेखि विद्यमान खाडललाई अन्तरिम सरकारले ६ महिनामा पुरिहाल्छ भन्ने सोच आफै पनि अव्यवहारिक हुनसक्छ । यसका लागि संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन सम्म पर्खने संयम र धैर्य पनि सबैमा हुनु जरुरी छतराइमा असन्तुष्टिका केही स्वरहरु स्वभाविक भए पनि केही प्रायोजित भएको संभावना पनि आफ्नो ठाउँमा छ । यस्ता स्वाभाविक असन्तुष्टिलाई अस्वाभाविक तवरले संयोजन गर्ने काममा अहिले निलम्बित जस्तै भएको दरबार खुलेर लाग्न थालेको आवास हुन्छ । धर्म निरपेक्षताको घोषणा विरुद्ध तराइका केही नाकाबाट निस्कन खोजेको विरोधको स्वर र त्यस्तो रापलाई छिमेकी मुलुक भारतका धर्मान्ध संस्थाले हम्कन खोजेको पृष्ठभूमी आफ्नै ठाउँमा छ । माओवादीहरुले विगत एघार वर्षमा गरेको ज्यादतीको घाउ पनि मधेशमा छ जुन यदाकदा कुनै न कुनै रुपमा प्रतिविम्वित हुने गर्दछ । यसैगरी अन्तरिम संविधानमा र शान्ति सम्झौतामा निहित भूमि सम्बन्धी प्रावधान वा क्रान्तिकारी भूमिसुधार भन्ने शब्दावली वा प्रावधानले तराइका भूमिपतिहरुमा बढेको आशंका आक्रोस र आवेगको प्रतिविम्व पनि अहिले कुनै न कुनै सतहमा प्रकट हुन खोजिरहेको देखिन्छ । स्पष्ट छ अराजकता बढ्दै गयो भने दरबारले त्यहीबाट आफ्नो भविष्य खोज्ने छ र कुनैपनि अराजकतालाई प्रायोजन गर्न अघि सर्नेछ । समय हुँदै ओखति गरिएन भने घाउ निको हुनुको सट्टा बल्झिएर जानसक्छ । तसर्थ राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई तत्कालीन मन्त्रिपरिषद्को अध्यक्षको रुपमा मानवता विरुद्धको अपराधमा तत्काल कारवाही थाल्नु नितान्त आवश्यक छ भने हिजोका शाही सत्ताले जस्तै दमन र षडयन्त्रको चक्रव्यूह र मोर्चाबन्दीमा नलागी सम्वाद सहमतिबाटै अघि बढ्दै लोकतान्त्रिक र शान्ति संस्कृतिको निर्माणमा योगदान गर्नु सबै राजनीतिक दल ले आवश्यक छ ।

यसै गरी तराइमा नागरिकता वितरणमा खुकुलोपन भएको आरोप लगाई यसबाट नेपाल सिक्किम जस्तो बन्ने भो र राष्ट्रियता समाप्त हुने भो भन्ने उग्र दरबारिया र उग्र वामपन्थी बीचको एउटा गठबन्धनको आरोपले पनि तराइवासीलाई आक्रोशित तुल्याएको हुनसक्छ । यद्यपि नेपाली नागरिकता नेपालीले मात्र पाउन र यो प्रावधानको दुरुपयोग नहोस भन्ने तर्पु राज्य संयन्त्र सचेत हुनु जरुरी छ ।

शान्ति प्रकि्रयामा मानव अधिकार सम्मानको विषयलाई गंभिरताका साथ सम्बोधन गरिएन भने त्यस्तो शान्ति प्रकि्रया दिगो र टिकाउ नहुने स्पष्ट छ । समय छदै सबै पक्षले गम्भीर बन्नु नितान्त आवश्यक देखिन्छ ।


In The News

City-centred revolution in the offing, says Maoist leader Gajurel Kantipur the Maoist affiliated Democratic Students Union (DSU) of the Jawarlal Nehru University (JNU), Gajurel stated that his party’s foray into mainstream politics was also a part of their "ongoing revolution." .... the Indian Maoist affiliated intellectuals and leftist leaders who accused the CPN-M of being "unable to maintain its revolutionary image." .... He assured his supporters that Nepali Maoists had "abandoned its revolution but were instead strengthening themselves to this end and that in the recent days, the party had managed to achieve a substantial increase in the PLA fighting force." ........ “Since entering mainstream politics, we have increased our military strength from 10,000 to a 37,000-strong PLA. This in itself is a great achievement,” Gajurel said. ....... “We are now capable of launching a fresh revolt any time.” ....... if the parliament failed to get results, they would also conduct a "city-based revolution." ...... “We are going to the elections and make sure that the results are in our favour. If the oppositions capture one booth, we will capture five,” he added. ...... a "People’s Volunteers" was being formed for the party’s city-based revolutions, elections and other “strategic activities”. ....... the "People’s Volunteers" would have around 100,000 members ...... the refusal by senior leaders to participate in the interim parliament was also part of the strategy. ...... if necessary, the CPN-M parliamentarians would lead the street and city-centred revolutions. ...... his party would take up guns as soon as peaceful measures failed to get results, the Maoist leader further added that his party was capable of being "locked and loaded within an hour." ....... the interaction programme that continued till midnight in the JNU’s Sutlej hostel, in which around 100 leftist students and intellects were present. ...... While Gajurel was busy giving away the party’s internal strategy, members of his own Indian association, People’s Right Protection Committee (PRPC), however, appeared “uncomfortable”. ...... had faced criticism by representatives of Indian and international revolutionary forces who had accused his party of giving-in to a progressive outlook and forgetting the notion of class struggle ....... disclosed his party’s “masterplan” to CPN-M’s foreign well wishers ........ claimed that 80 percent of Nepali territory was still "under the Maoists’ control." ...... stated that the cordial relations with Indian government was part of a strategy, adding that his party couldn’t do its job while India remained incensed.
PM directs talks team to begin dialogue; MPRF sticks to its demand of Sitaula’s resignation
1 killed, 20 protesters injured in Birgunj
Terai sees see-saw of peace, protests; curfew continues in some regions
Nepal dubs PM's address insensitive, says it was inadequate
JTMM cadres storm police post in Saptari
Leaders flay Prachanda's comment on military solution to Terai unrest Various party leaders and locals have flayed Maoist chairman Prachanda' s comment to deploy military to resolve the unrest in Terai. During a press meet on Thursday, Prachanda suggested a joint military operation of the Nepal Army and the PLA to control the violent demonstrations there. Labelling Prachanda's controversial comment an example of "militant excess", Nepali Congress leader Dr. Ram Baran Yadav said that the comment would only fuel the ire in the agitating Madheshi community. .... Nepali Congress-Democratic leader Bimelandra Nidhi said that Prachanda's comment was against the eight party agreement. ..... "I will be raising this issue within the eight party alliance," Nidhi said adding that the notion of suppressing the Madheshi movement would be counterproductive to the nation. ...... Slamming Prachanda's recent comment as "objectionable", CPN-UML central member and Janakpur zone in-charge Ramchandra Jha commented that Prachanda's controversial statement only went to publicise the CPN-M's attitude of Madhesh. ...... Jha further warned that no army, whether it be the Nepal Army or the PLA, could silence the voice that has resonated with the genuine demands of the Madheshi people. ...... "Problems of Madhesh can only be resolved by addressing the demands of the Madheshi people, not by suppressing them with guns.
संविधान संशोधन गरिने
ठाउ“-ठाउ“मा सद्भाव र्‍याली
जनजातिको पर््रदर्शन
तर्राईका ५७ सांसदद्वारा प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई दबाब
प्रतिवेदन र्सार्वजनिक नगरे आन्दोलन
सद्भावना आन्दोलनमा जाने नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टर्ीीआ) ले सरकार र आठ दल गठबन्धनबाट मधेसका मागहरू सम्बोधन नभएको भन्दै शान्तिपर्ूण्ा मधेसी आन्दोलनमा उत्रने निर्ण्र्ाागरेको छ । सद्भावनाको बुधबारदेखि जारी दर्ुइदिने राष्ट्रिय कार्यसम्पादन समिति बैठकले मधेसका माग पूरा नभएसम्म आठ दल बैठकमा सहभागी नहुने निर्ण्र्ाामेत गर्‍यो । पार्टर्ीी शान्तिपर्ूण्ा आन्दोलनलाई उचाइसम्म पुर्‍याउन आह्वान गरेको पार्टर्ीी्रवक्ता भोगेन्द्र ठाकुरले बिहीबार बताए । केन्द्रीय सदस्य खुसीलाल मण्डलले भने आन्दोलनमा ओर्लने निर्ण्र्ाााई बाध्यताको संज्ञा दिए । 'केन्द्रीय नेतृत्व असक्षम, अदूरदर्शी र पार्टर्ीीीतिविपरीत भएकै कारण जिल्लाका सबै सदस्य पार्टर्ीीनर्देशनबिना स्वस्फर्ुत रूपमा शान्तिपर्ूण्ा आन्दोलनमा उत्रनुपरेको छ,' उनलेे भने । उनले कार्यकर्ता आन्दोलनमा ओर्लिसकेपछि पार्टर्ीीे लाज जोगाउन निर्ण्र्ाागर्नुपरेको समेत उल्लेख गरे । माओवादीले आपmनो र नेपाली सेनाको बलमा तर्राई आन्दोलन दमन गर्ने र्सार्वजनिक धम्की दि“दा पनि त्यसबारे पार्टर्ीी एक शब्द नबोल्नु आफैंमा लाजमर्दो भएको उनले बताए । यस्तै मधेसका माग स्पष्ट रूपमा सम्बोधन नभएसम्म त्यससम्बन्धी बाहेक आठ दलको बैठकमा सद्भावना सरिक नहुने निर्ण्र्ाागरेको छ । मधेस आन्दोलन, सरकार र आठ दल गठबन्धनलगायत विषयमा गहन अध्ययन गरी पार्र्टर्ीीो आगामी कार्यनीति तय गर्न राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमिति बैठक माघ २७ मा बस्ने ठाकुरले जनाए । दर्जनभन्दा बढीले आन्दोलनमा शहादत प्राप्त गरेको उल्लेख गर्दै बैठकले मधेस र मधेसीको यतिका मात्रामा जनधनको क्षति हु“दाहु“दै पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीबाट मागहरूप्रति प्रस्ट सम्बोधन नभएकोमा पार्टर्ीीई निराश तुल्याएको बताएको छ । बैठकले समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्वसहितको संविधानसभाका लागि संविधानसभा निर्वाचनअघि नै समानुपातिक वा मिश्रति निर्वाचन प्रणालीअर्न्तर्गत बहुमत पद्घतिबाट हुने निर्वाचनका लागि समान जनसंख्याको आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको निर्धारण हुन तथा राज्यको पर्ुनर्संरचना संघीय राज्य प्रणालीअनुसार हुने भनी स्पष्ट रूपमा प्रतिबद्घता व्यक्त गरी अन्तरिम संविधानमा संशोधन हुनुपर्ने जनाएको छ ।
सकारात्मक ः दलहरू
तर्राई समस्यामा नेताहरूको दृष्टि समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली र संघात्मक राज्य व्यवस्था तर्राईले मात्र नभई देशका विविध क्ष्ँेत्रले उठाएको माग हो । ..... संघात्मक राज्यबारे कांग्रेससहित केही पार्टर्ीी पक्ष्ँ मौन रहे पनि अधिकांश वाम पार्टर्ीीसद्भावना पार्टर्ीीजनजातीय समूह र बुद्धिजीवीको उल्लेख्य समूह सिद्धान्ततः सहमत छन् । तर त्यसको संरचनाबारे भने जातीय, भाषिक, सँंस्कृतिक, भौगोलिक, प्रादेशिक आदि विभिन्न रूपमा पचासौंखाले विचार, तर्क र नक्सा प्रस्तुत हु“दै आएका छन् । ..... तर्राई जनतान्त्रिक मुक्ति मोर्चाका अध्यक्ष्ँ जयकृष्ण गोइतले भनेका छन्- आफ्नो माग स्वतन्त्र र मुक्त तर्राई हो । देशलाई संघीय स्वरूपमा लैजाने सवाल गैरऐतिहासिक, गैरराजनीतिक र अवैज्ञानिक हो । यसबाट तर्राईवासीको समस्या समाधान हुनसक्तैन । जबसम्म तर्राई स्वतन्त्र हु“दैन, यहा“को आर्थिक, सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, सांस्कृतिक कुनै समस्याको दिगो र सही समाधान हुनसक्तैन । -हिमाल खबर पत्रिका १६-२९ माघ ०६३) । यस सर्न्दर्भमा गोइतले आफू नेपाली नभएको आशय व्यक्त गरेका छन् । ....... जनतान्त्रिक मोर्चाका अध्यक्ष्ँ ज्वालासिंहले आफ्नो दर्ीघकालीन लक्ष्यबारे खुला रूपमा भनेका छन्- मधेसलाई स्वतन्त्र बनाउने जनतान्त्रिकको प्रमुख माग हो । रणनीतिक दृढताअर्न्तर्गत स्वतन्त्र तर्राईको माग गरिएको छ । कार्यनीतिक लचकताअर्न्तर्गत मधेसी संगठनको मागलाई र्समर्थन गर्छु । स्वायत्तताका लागि भइरहेको आन्दोलनस“गै स्वतन्त्र तर्राईको माग पनि बलियो हु“दै गइरहेको छ । ........ माओवादी अध्यक्ष्ँ प्रचण्डले भने- यी भगौडा, रंगाइएका, प्रँयोजित गुटको कुनै महत्त्व छैन र तिनीहरूस“ग वार्ता गर्न पनि आवश्यक छैन । ..... अहिलेसम्म नेपाल राजनीतिक स्थिरतासहित आर्थिक औद्योगिक क्रान्तिमा अघि बढ्न सकेको छैन । ....... दलित, जनजाति, महिला, तर्राईवासी र दर्ुगम क्ष्ँेत्रका जनताको जागरण, सम्मान र अधिकारको माग एकदमै न्यायोचित छ । वास्तविक नेपाली रगत भएका जनता जतिसुकै ठूला संर्घष्ा र बलिदान गरेर पनि नेपाललाई बलियो विकसित, एकताबद्ध र स्वाधीन बनाउन चाहन्छन् । नेपालको विभाजनको उनीहरू कल्पना पनि गर्दैनन् भन्ने तर्राईमा निस्किरहेका सबै जातजातिका सामूहिक सद्भाव जुलुसले देखाइरहेछन् । उनीहरू नारा लगाइरहेछन्- 'पहाडी मधेसी भाइ-भाइ सब केहु मिलके नेपाल बनाइ ।' ....... राजतन्त्रका र्समर्थक बाहिरी मुलुकका धार्मिक सँम्प्रदायिक र स्वार्थी तत्वस“ग सा“ठगा“ठ गरी जनआन्दोलनभित्र घुसेर ध्वंसात्मक काम गर्न थालेका प्रमाण भेटिन थालेका छन् । 'मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम' का नामबाट केही जनर्समर्थन बटुल्न सफल भएका त्यसका अध्यक्ष्ँ उपेन्द्र यादव नै भारतीय राष्ट्रिय स्वयंसेवक संघ आदिस“ग सा“ठगा“ठ गरी नेपालमा पुनः हिन्दु राष्ट्रको स्थापनाको संकल्पसहित क्रियाशील भएका प्रमाण उद्घाटित हु“दैछन् । ...... मधेसमा अहिले भएका अनेकौं तोडफोड, हत्या, आगजनी आदिमा माओवादी अध्यक्ष्ँको गुरुपरम्पराले काम गरेको प्रष्टै छ । ..... त्यहा“ तोडफोड र आतंकबाट लाभ उठाउन चाहने थरीथरी तत्व क्रियाशील देखि“दै छन् । त्यसमा भीडको आवेशले पनि काम गरेको छ ...... काठमाडौं खाल्डोमा आफूलाई 'सुरक्ष्ँित' ठान्ने आठ दलका नेता र सरकार सुस्त मनस्थितिका रोगीझैं अलमस्त परेको देखियो । ........ चारैतिर जनताको चित्कार बढ्दै गएपछि पन्ध्र दिनमा बल्ल आठ दलको बैठक गरी प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई बोल्न लगाए तर सम्बोधनले जनतालाई कुनै ऊर्जा र निर्देश दिन सकेन । .......खसवाद, ब्रँह्मणवाद, नेवारवाद, पहाडेवाद, मधिसेवाद, जनजातिवाद आदि रूपमा वितृष्णा उरालिएकाले अब हजारौं वर्षेखि स“गै बसेकाहरूले पनि लहैलहैमा आत्मनिर्ण्र्ााो अधिकारसहितको स्वायत्तताका विषय उठाउन थाले । ..... यसैबेला कुनै निहु“ झिकेर विदेशी सेना घुसीहालेमा स्थिति के होला - प्रचण्डलाई लाग्दो हो सब ठीक गर्न अन्तमा मेरै सेना र बन्दुकले काम गर्नेछन् । देशमा जुन अनुपातमा संकट र खतराका नया“ नया“ लक्षण प्रकट हु“दैछन् तिनको समाधान दलहरूको यही जुम्सोपनले दिनसक्छ - खै नेताहरूको व्यापक दृष्टि -
तर्राई आन्दोलनले उद्योग प्रभावित

One killed, over dozen protesters hurt in Birgunj NepalNews One Dipendra Shah of Pauwaguthi, Birgunj, was killed in the police firing. .... An 11-hour curfew is in effect in Birgunj from 8 am
Home Minister’s resignation a pre-condition for talks: MFJ the Home Minister should quit owning up responsibility for the “brutal clampdown on peaceful agitations”. “Peaceful protests”, he said, would continue in Terai. ...... denied that MFJ activists had engaged in looting, vandalising of government offices and arson during the protests.
PM meets with Thakur, asks to initiate talks immediately
JTMM cadres loot weapons from police post in Saptari
Curfew continues in Birgunj and Inaruwa
Former Birgunj mayor arrested

Ethnic Madhesi killed by police in Nepal protest Reuters AlertNet, UK
Nepal ethnic leader demands autonomous state Reuters India The leader of an ethnic group in Nepal whose protests over the last fortnight ended in violence demanded an autonomous state for his people in talks with Nepali Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala late on Friday. ...... "We put our demand for an autonomous Madhesh state with the right to self-determination in a federal system during our meeting," Upendra Yadav, the forum's leader, said after meeting the prime minister. ....... At least three towns in the Madhesi-dominated Terai region were under curfew on Friday. .... Also a strike by people living in the northern and eastern mountains -- who, too, are demanding more seats in the assembly -- closed public transport, shops and businesses in many districts.
Protestor killed in southern Nepal violence (1st Lead) Monsters and, UK
Real Nepal asserts itself Organiser, India The result is that in hilly areas a constituency may have just 5,000 voters, while in the Terai region, a constituency could have over five lakh voters. This has naturally led to gross under-representation of the populous Terai in the public arena. .... In one of the most promising developments in Nepal in recent months, the Madheshi Janadhikar Forum, which represents the thirteen million people of the Terai region, has succeeded in getting Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala to agree to future federal government and fresh delimitation of constituencies on the basis of population and geography. The Forum, which sacrificed eight lives in the course of a tumultuous two week protest for adequate representation in the forthcoming June elections for a new constituent assembly, had been agitating against the gross under-representation of the nation’s food basket in the country’s elected bodies. ........ The Forum is also angry that so far the regime has not expressed any regret for the loss of eight lives in the agitation by the Terai people for recognition of their political rights. ...... Seeing the writing on the wall and rightly assessing the weakness of the Koirala regime, the Limbuwan Liberation Front, a formation of the Limbu community in the Himalayan kingdom’s eastern and northern regions, has joined the clamour for autonomy raised by the Madhesis. The Front’s three day general strike (February 1-3) may trigger off similar claims by other groups feeling sidelined by the easy walkover afforded to the Maoists by the weak Koirala regime, and thus bring altogether unexpected results in the June polls. ....... Last December, the interim government released Rs. 110 million for the management of the cantonments were the rebels are residing, with the UN ostensibly monitoring the arms and the armed cadres. ..... King Gyanendra has not been slow to fish in troubled waters, especially in view of India’s virtual betrayal of such a close ally and neighbour. The pro-monarchy Lok Janshakti Party of former prime minister Surya Bahadur Thapa; both factions of the Rashtriya Prajatantrik Party led respectively by Pashupati Shamshere Jang Bahadur Rana on one hand and Kamal Thapa and Rabindranath Sharma on the other; as also the Sadbhavna Party, are active in the Terai. For the Madhesis, the election of the new constituent assembly and the writing of a new constitution is a heaven-sent opportunity to assert their claims for political justice.
Maoist chief Nepal's new sex symbol RxPG NEWS, CA
Maoist chief Nepal's new sex symbol Telugu Portal
Maoist chief Nepal's new sex symbol Malaysia Sun
Nepal dubs PM's address insensitive, says it was inadequate Kantipur Online, Nepal CPN-UML General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal .... The Madhesi People' Rights Forum in the eastern Terai have been protesting for the last three weeks demanding federal governance set up, proportional electoral system and determination of electoral constituencies on the basis of population ...... Nepal noted that the ongoing unrest has continued unabated because the prime minister's address could not encompass the Madhesi community's demands properly. ..... all the parties have already agreed to the federal governance set up
Nepal's Royal Commission to be prosecuted for sedition, FL

PM meets with Thakur, asks to initiate talks immediately NepalNews As PM Koirala is not in good health, the meeting lasted for only around 15 minutes. PM Koirala reportedly had also met with Upendra Yadav, chief of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) on Friday night. ...... Thakur committee was formed on Friday by the government and is authorised to hold talks with all the agitating parties. The committee includes two other ministers – Local Development Minister Rajendra Pandey and Minister of State for Water Resources Gyanendra Bahadur Karki.
Curfew continues in Birgunj and Inaruwa
Former Birgunj mayor arrested

Girija Has Proven To Be A Cruel Joke Upon Nepal


Granted Girija Koirala has dedicated decades of his life to the cause of democracy in Nepal, granted he was in jail for a decade for the same, but that very democratic process asks for a frank discussion of his persona as reflected in the post-1990 period.

After the king's coup, the seven parties looked upon Girija to provide leadership, and that is great. But that also asks for a frank discussion on his role before and after.

The failures of the post-1990 period are abject. Corruption, nepotism, Bahunbaad, social exclusion of the DaMaJaMa. Girija Koirala is also the original author of the concept of a military solution to the Maoist insurgency. He is also one of the last people to come around to the idea of a constituent assembly. He has been more a follower than leader. Granted he is a sound navigator of the political chessboard of the democratic parties, and his own party, granted he seems to have a strong hold over his own party, but he has seldom been the leader on any issue of the recent past in the sense he lead and others followed. Often he has been the last to come around to the idea that ended up carrying the day.

And all this has come to bear on the Madhesi Movement.

Girija Koirala is a Pahadi. He is a Bahun. He is conservative. He is a status quoist. He has joined the ranks of those who intend to vilify and demonize the Madhesi Movement.

He is getting more people killed than the king did during the April Revolution measured on a daily basis. He is utterly dismissive of the Madhesi Movement that is but the second chapter of the April Revolution itself.

He has no option other than to go back on TV and address the nation to honor the basic demands of the Madhesi Movement. He has to stop pretending as if he does not know what those demands are. His people have to stop pretending.

This movement will now grow to include the Janajatis. They also want federalism and proportional representation, and they want it now. This is a social justice revolution. And I would like to know now who is instigating the Janajatis? Is it the Buddhist supremacists? What do the Bahuns have to say? (Madhesi Movement Invites The Dalit, The Janajati, The Mahila)

Girija Koirala's intentions are ill. What drives this man to block social progress with all his might? It must be his being wedded to Bahunbaad. Bahunbaad is the major evil force in Nepali society and politics. And it has to be defeated nevertheless. Bahunbaad is costing more lives per day in the Madhesi Movement than did feudalism during the April Revolution.

There is a need for a strong Madhesi-Janajati coalition to smash Bahunbaad to the ground. That is what this movement is about.

Compromise: Add 45 Constituencies To The Terai
Nonviolent Madhesi Movement For Equality Or Violent Ethnic Riot
King's 3 Years, Girija's 3 Years: Not Happening
Sukhdev Shah: Terai’s Fate—Looking Within!
Pahadi Bias Colors Global Media
Butchers, Stop The Killing, You Will Get Tried
Action Plan: 5 + 5
Gyane In April: 3 Speeches, Girija In Magh: How Many?
सत्ताधारी सात पहाडी पार्टीको घैंटोमा अझै घाम लागेको छैन
सरिता गिरी: अशान्त मधेस, नया नेपाल
Hamro Nepal Press Release: Only A Political Outlet To The Madhesi Movement
The Ball Is In Girija's Court: A Response To Pramod Kantha
Gagan Thapa On The Terai
ANTA Press Release: Stop The State Terror

In The News

Maoists ‘suspiciously’ bury body Kantipur
Melamchi scaled down by US$ 114m
Water pipe to PM residence sewage-polluted
EC discusses draft of CA court
Govt sets up talks team to address Terai unrest
Local authority in Bihar issues prohibitory orders, travel advisory at Nepal border area
Once parties reach consensus on poll system, election act will come in a trice: EC Uprety
Third day of strike cripples life in north-eastern districts Various organisations of indigenous nationalities Friday took to the streets in Dharan, on the third day of the eastern region strike announced by the Sanghiya Loktantrik Rastriya Manch (SLRM) which has been demanding right to self-decision, self governance and autonomy for the people of the so-called "Limbuwan" region encompassing the northeastern districts. ..... Over two dozen ethnic associations including Khumbuwan Swayatta Rajya Parishad, Tharuwan Swayatta Rajya Parishad, Swayatta Yakkha Rajyaparishad, Tamangshaling, among others participated in the rally led by the Limbuwan Swayatta Sarokar Manch. ...... stating that federal governance is the need of the hour in the nation, various other eastern ethnic associations in solidarity with the forum, have also demanded amendments in the Interim Constitution and implementation of proportional electoral system. ....... On the final day of the three day long strike called by the forum, the protesters led the rally through various city centres which later converted into a mass gathering. .... protests would continue until their demands were addressed. ....... hardest-hit districts include Ilam, Dhankuta, Dharan Taplejung, Jhapa, Paachthar, Sankhuwasabha, which the protestors have been calling the ‘Limbuwan regions’. ...... Vehicular movement has been brought to a standstill in the Mechi and Koshi highways while educational institutions, industries and marketplaces in the region remained shut.
Terai sees no respite, curfew continues in four districts
Over 300,000 acquire citizenship certificates a total of 3,00,828 people in 69 districts ..... The government had estimated that some three million people would be provided citizenship cards within two months. ..... Locals in Bariyapatti VDC of Siraha district held a mobile team captive for one night, accusing the latter of not providing citizenship cards. The team members were forced to sign citizenship cards without adhering to due procedure. The team fled the village the next day. ..... a report from Bara, locals in Parsoun village on Wednesday kept a mobile citizenship team in captivity for over three hours. The team members were accused of not providing cards to all who approached them. ....... the mobile teams have not been able to expedite the process of citizenship distribution in various terai districts including Bara, Parsa, Dhanusha, Siraha, Saptari and Mahottari.
Thakur to head govt talks team
OHCHR calls for urgent dialogue
Fuel shortage worsens in Valley Consumers in the Kathmandu Valley have started to feel the heat of terai unrest, as shortage of household and vehicular fuel has deepened. ....... failure to replenish stocks due to the ongoing Terai unrest has compelled NOC to sharply cut down supply. ...... over one dozen gas companies supplying cooking gas in the Valley have shut down their refilling plants. ....... only half the number of three-wheelers and micro-buses operating with gas plied on the streets. ...... about 60 tankers transporting some 1,000 tons of gas for almost all the companies have remained stranded at Raxaul for over a week ....... “The supply made today is mere one-third of the effective demand” ....... most of the dealers operated with 'no petrol' signs at their dispensing pumps, long queues of vehicles were visible in some two dozen petrol refilling stations that received supply from NOC. ....... NOC issued 132,000 liters of diesel and 24,000 liters of kerosene in the Valley. The regular consumption of diesel and kerosene is 240,000 liters and 300,000 liters respectively.
PM's statement insufficient: Prachanda
Local youths shoot dead Maoist cadre in Makwanpur
तर्राईमा तनाव कायम
वार्ता समिति तय सरकारले आन्दोलनरत मधेसी, आदिवासी- जनजातिलगायतका समुदायस“ग शान्तिपर्ूण्ा संवाद गरी समाधान निकाल्न कांग्रेस केन्द्रीय सदस्य एवं कृषिमन्त्री महन्थ ठाकुरको संयोजकत्वमा टोली गठन गर्ने भएको छ । ..... तर्राईका सांसदहरूको बिहीबार राजधानीमा बसेको बैठकले प्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्बोधनले मधेसी समुदाय र आफूहरूले ज्ञापनपत्र मार्फ राखेका माग पूरा नगरेको निष्कर्षनिकालेको छ । ....... बैठकमा २० सांसद सहभागी थिए । ...... एक साताअघि तर्राईका ५३ सांसदले प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई दिएको ज्ञापनपत्रमा संघीय शासन प्रणाली, जनसंख्याका आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको निर्धारण र राज्यका सबै अंगमा मधेसी समुदायको प्रतिनिधित्व गराउन आग्रह गरिएको थियो । ... 'टोलीमा मधेसी होइन जिम्मेवार पहाडीया मन्त्री राख्नर्ुपर्छ । उसले मात्र वार्तामा भएका सहमति मन्त्रिपरिषद्मा राख्न सक्छ' आनन्दीदेवीका महासचिव राजेन्द्र महतोले भने । उनले टोलीमा मधेसी मन्त्री राखिएमा उसले सहमति कार्यान्वयन गर्न मन्त्रिपरिषद्मा राख्न नसक्ने र राखेमा उसमाथि मधेसीसित मिलेको आरोप लाग्न सक्ने दाबी गरे । मधेसी नेताहरू तर्राईमा कांग्रेस, एमाले र कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का नेता र सांसद आआफ्ना निर्वाचन क्षेत्र गएर सक्रिय हुन थालेका छन् । ..... धनुषामा कांग्रेसका सहमहामन्त्री डा. रामवरण यादव, कांग्रेस-प्रजातान्त्रिक) का महामन्त्री विमलेन्द्र निधि र रामचन्द्र झा पार्टर्ीीार्यकर्ता र र्सवसाधारण जनतासित भेटघाटमा व्यस्त छन् । कांग्रेसका अर्का सांसद रामचन्द्र तिवारी आफ्नो जिल्ला महोत्तरी पुगेका छन् । ...... १५ प्रतिशत भूभाग ओगट्ने कर्ण्ााली अञ्चल ..... यादवले तर्राईमा आन्दोलनमा अराजकता फैलाउन दरबारिया र भारतीय जनता पार्टर्ीी आरएसएको घुसपैठ रहेको दाबी गरे ।
पर्ूर्वी पहाड पनि बन्द
ँप्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्बोधन अपर्ूण्ा’
समानुपातिक निर्विकल्प’
क्याथे प्यासिफिक नेपाल आउने
प्रधानमन्त्रीको पहिलो पुस्तक राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रबाट प्रतिगमन सुरु भएदेखि गत कात्तिकमा बृहत् शान्ति सम्झौता गर्दासम्मका चारवर्ष अवधिका उनका २५ सम्बोधन र अन्तर्वार्ता समेटिएको पुस्तक सहयोगी शीतल कोइरालाले संकलन र देवेन्द्र ढुंगानाले अनुवाद गरेका हुन् । ..... उनले मुख्य रूपमा आफ्ना चार विश्वास प्रकट गरिरहे ः प्रतिनिधिसभाको पुनःस्थापना, शाही शासनप्रतिको अस्वीकारोक्ति, माओवादी शासनप्रतिको अस्वीकारोक्ति र तिनको मूल प्रवाहीकरण
सद्भावना अलग्गिने
आन्दोलन स्वस्फर्ुत’
दलितको विद्यालयले स्वीकृति पाएन
बीपी राजमार्ग अवरुद्ध
गठबन्धनको चरित्र
राष्ट्रका नाममा मेरो सम्बोधन
था“तीरहेका मधेसी समस्या
मधेस आन्दोलनले सिकाएका पाठ
विरोधाभाषपर्ूण्ा माग संघीय राज्यव्यवस्था, समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली र जनसंख्याको आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र निर्धारणको माग गर्दै तर्राईमा दिनहु“ पर््रदर्शन र सभा भैरहेछन् । प्रारम्भमा आन्दोलन जुनसुकै उद्देश्यबाट जेजसरी सञ्चालन भए पनि पछिल्ला दिनमा यसको र्समर्थनमा व्यापकता आएको छ । यस प्रकारका नागरिक सहकार्यले राष्ट्रिय अखण्डता मजबुत पार्न मद्दत गर्छ । ...... जसै ती माग बलपर्ूवक हिंसात्मक ढंगले मधेसी समुदायले उठायो, सरकार त्यसप्रति नतमस्तक भयो । विधिसम्मत ढंगले उठाइने जायज मागलाई कहिल्यै सम्बोधन नगर्ने तर हिंसा र सशस्त्र बलको आडमा उठाइने त्यही माग तत्काल सम्बोधन गर्न उत्सुक हुने सरकारको यो शैलीले कम्तीमा दुइटा नकारात्मक सन्देश स्थापित गरेको छ । एउटा, बूढी मरी भन्दा पनि काल पल्क्यो भन्ने नेपाली उखानलाई चरितार्थ बनाएको छ र अर्को तिमी जस्तोसुकै हिंसा गर त्यसको अनुमोदन राज्यले गर्नेछ भन्ने सन्देश दिएको छ ।

Nepal names team for talks with ethnic protesters Peninsula On-line, Qatar
Nepal ethnic leader demands autonomous state Reuters India
Curfews imposed after 14 killed in Nepal violence
Belfast Telegraph, UK
Four Nepal towns under curfew in restive southeast
Zee News, India
NEPAL: Medicine and food shortages in Terai
Bihar asks residents not to visit Nepal
Times of India, India The state government has advised the Bihar's residents not to visit trouble-torn Nepal till normalcy is restored there. .... The DMs and the SPs of the bordering districts in the state have already been requesting people through pamphlets not to cross the border. ... the state government has sent a detailed status report about the situation in the state to Union home and external affairs ministries regarding the violence in the Terai region.
10000 Nepali move to north India due to violence at home People's Daily Online
About 10,000 Nepali citizens of Indian origin have crossed the border into north Indian state Bihar due to continuous violence at home, said an Indian government official here Friday. ....... The police in all the districts bordering Nepal have been asked to step up vigil and stop Indians from entering Nepal, said Abay Anand, the Additional Director General of Police of Bihar.
Nepal's Madhesi community want better representation in Parliament, FL
Nepal: Time for Talks as Violence Continues OhmyNews International It was in April of last year when the Nepalese took to the streets, defying curfew orders in Kathmandu to bring an end to the totalitarian rule of King Gyanendra. The smoke of the uprising hasn't disappeared yet, nor has the blood of the people been washed away. About two dozen people lost their lives in the mass movement, many are still undergoing treatment. But the people's sacrifices have gone to waste. The Nepalese should not have put their trust in these politicians who have only given, if anything, poverty, bloodshed and rank discrimination and inequality. As if the nineteen days of April Uprising and two dozen lives were not enough to build a "New Nepal," another 15 Nepalese have lost their lives in the last 14 days of the Madhesi Uprising. ......... at least five people died while scores of protesters were injured in a clash between police and protesters on Thursday. ...... Baton-charging policemen, reportedly killed at least five and injured about 50 protestors. ..... The protests and demonstrations are going on in every part of Terai -- the Madhesi Uprising has already engulfed the country. ...... "We raised the demands of federal government set-up and proportional electoral system in the country, so we support the Madhesi people's demands. We have been obliged to launch another peaceful Andolan (movement) to support their Andolan," Prachanda said. ...... PM Koirala should be blamed for asking the Madhesis to wait till the Constituent Assembly is constituted to get their rightful claims over state power. Whereas he himself did not have to wait to appoint his daughter, cousins and henchmen in the legislature, diplomatic services and political positions. ....... Maoists have also said that they don't have any objections if the government holds talks with MPRF or JTMM.
Amnesty, HRW concerned over Nepal rights violation Daily Times Amnesty International said on Thursday it was “gravely concerned” by the outbreak of violence in Nepal’s southern plains and urged Kathmandu to punish security forces if they are found guilty of rights violations. ..... The 72-page report from Human Rights Watch Asia also says the former rebels were continuing to recruit children to their ranks, albeit in smaller numbers.
Six Nepal ministers poisoned at PM’s house The News - International, Pakistan Six Nepali ministers are suffering from jaundice believed to have been caught from contaminated water at the prime minister’s residence, Nepal’s health minister told AFP on Friday. ........ KP Oli (deputy prime minister and minister for foreign affairs) is quite seriously ill ...... One of the sick ministers, Hridayesh Tripathi, resigned on Monday over the government’s handling of recent unrest in the southeast of the country. An additional 12 staff from Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala’s residence have also contracted the liver disease which yellows the skin ....... Nepal’s 85-year-old prime minister is already in fragile health but has not caught jaundice
Leader of Nepal's ex-communist rebels warns of 'peaceful revolt' International Herald Tribune objected to attempts by the government to divide voters into various classifications, saying there should be just one voters' list. ..... Prachanda said these facts proved that the government was intentionally delaying the formation of an interim government and the election.

Government says it is ready to amend constitution NepalNews "The government is willing to ensure the addition of electoral constituencies based on population and geography and adoption of federal system via Constituent Assembly by making necessary amendment in the interim constitution," Badu said. ...... the current number of electoral constituencies where elections will be held as per the existing First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) system will be increased to accommodate the increased population along with considering other factors like geography. "Similarly, the seats allocated for Proportional Representation-based election will also be increased in the same manner ..... the government will go for inclusion of all communities including Madhesi and indigenous in all organs of the state including army. ..... a three-member committee headed by Minister Mahantha Thakur was formed for the purpose of holding talks with agitating parties.
Situation in Birgunj still tense, curfew extended
Govt. forms high-level committee to resolve Terai issue
NSP-Anandidevi to boycott 8-party meetings
Strict security in Indian bordering regions
Indigenous communities take to streets demanding federal republic Even as agitation in Terai continued unabated, Nepal National Federation of Indigenous/Janajati community took to the streets of the capital demanding federal republic in the country. .... The demonstrators demanded immediate amendment in the interim constitution for the purpose. ...... a member of the Terai MPs' delegation Bijay Gachhadar, former minister and central leader of Nepali Congress (Democratic), said that they wanted the Prime Minister to issue fresh statement conceding to demands like PR electoral system ....... Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Pradeep Gyawali said that the government did not think that making population as the sole basis for delimitation of constituencies was appropriate as it could hurt the interests of remote and backward districts with less population. ...... The government has already formed a three-member team headed by minister Mahantha Thakur to initiate talks with agitators. The team has been authorised to formulate its own procedural rules and confer with the government and eight party leaders when deciding on important issues.
MPs from Terai suggest PM Koirala to amend interim constitution
Terai unrest continues; curfew in four districts
Terai agitation is spontaneous, say civil society leaders Even as the government and the Maoist leadership has pointed fingers at royalists and reactionaries for instigating Terai agitation and violence,leaders of civil society who recently completed a five-day field visit to the restive region revealed that the agitation there is largely spontaneous. ..... They claimed that Prime Minister's address will not be able to address the demand of the agitators. They said that in order to ensure representation of all at the Constituent Assembly (CA), the country must adopt the Proportional Representation system. ....... added that his team could not notice such infiltration directly. ..... due to continuous strike, people of Madhes were under heavy duress. He said that tension has risen due to absence of role by the political parties. ...... people from Madhes, indigenous community, and Dalit were engaged in movement to search for their access, ownership and identity at every level of the state
Three killed, 31 injured in Inaruwa; indefinite curfew in place
Curfew in Birgunj; demonstrations continue in terai

Nepalese ethnic group sets terms for talks, curfew in 4 towns Daily Times, Pakistan four towns in Nepal were under day-time curfew Friday as the government set up a three-member talks team to try to end ethnic unrest that has killed 13 people. .... Curfews were in force in Janakpur, Birgunj, Inaruwa and Biratnagar
MPs from Terai suggest PM Koirala to amend interim constitution Lawmakers from the Terai region met with Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala in Baluwatar today, suggesting him to go for amendment in the interim constitution to constitutionally guarantee the federal structure and proportional electoral system. ..... CPN (UML) lawmaker Dr Bamsidhar Mishra, the delegation suggested Koirala for an amendment in the interim constitution to guarantee the rights of Madhesi people including federal system and proportional representation on the basis of population. ..... PM Koirala on his part said he was positive about the suggestions of the MPs and assured that "something concrete" would come out from the government side "by this evening" regarding the Madhesi demands. ...... included ministers Mahantha Thakur and Dharma Nath Shah, Bijay Gachhedar, Ram Janam Choudhary and Mahendra Yadav ........ At least 13 people including two policemen have died
Maintain law, order in Terai: AI Gorkhapatra, Nepal
Amnesty asks Nepal to probe Terai violence Hindu
Maoist-affiliated MRMM Aims to Lead Terai Movement Himalayan Times, Nepal Mahendra Paswan, vice-president of the Maoist-affiliated Madhesi Rastriya Mukti Morcha (MRMM) and member of legislative parliament, said on Friday that the MRMM had decided to take hold of the ongoing Terai movement so that genuine demands of Madhesi activists can be addressed. ....... He urged the government to meet demands of the Madhesis at the earliest. "The announcement of a federal system and proportional representation in the constitution can help bring the situation in the Terai under control," he said. Speaking at the programme, Amaresh Narayan Jha, president of the Maithali Samaj Mahasangh, said the ongoing movement could be taken as a struggle for identity of the Madhesis, the occupants of the Terai since Vedic times, in their own land. ....... "Apparently, it is still a non-issue for the state," he said. Deepak Gupta, a student leader affiliated to the ANNFSU, said, "The Madhesis are questioned as they go to acquire citizenship at the local bodies, whereas a native of Sikkim is never questioned as his looks are similar to that of a resident of the hilly region," he said.
Federal System Can Resolve Crisis: Speaker Subas Nembang on Friday said going for federalism was the only way out of the crisis facing the country. ..... the Interim Constitution of Nepal 2007 should be amended to meet demands of the Terai people.
NSP (A) to boycott meetings it will not participate in any meeting of the eight parties (including the Maoists), except for the meetings that have agendas related to the Madeshis. .... criticised Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala’s address to the nation on Wednesday as discriminatory and unscientific. ...... The party said it was compelled to opt for a movement since the eight-party coalition failed to address the Madhesis’ demands.
Indian origin people in Terai need not fear: Nepal Maoist leader India, India Visiting Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) politburo member C.P. Gujeral Friday dismissed the current communal trouble in the Terai region of his country as an attempt to disrupt the process of electing a constituent assembly at the behest of Nepal's monarchy and said that Indian origin people living there need not fear. ........ the Maoists want a federal system that will give the people complete political freedom. ..... Gujeral said: 'Our party is very keen on a new constitution to bring in a change in Nepal. Also, Girija Prasad Koirala (prime minister) is keen on a constitution because rumours are that he is a contender for the Nobel Prize.'
Nepal Maoists turn guns on Sangh Parivar Financial Express “We have got evidence that people close to RSS and VHP are involved in creating trouble in the region. The reports say that they were regularly attending meetings of RSS and VHP and crossing the border to create trouble.
Terai unrest result of exclusion: Rana, Nepal the result of exclusion of indigenous, Janajatis and Madhesi people. .... Rana said that the unrest will not be resolved before guaranteeing a federal structure of governance and proportional election system. ..... the Prime Minister’s message was incomplete and not serious towards the real demands of Madhesi people .... the problems would not have aggravated if the home administration had not started suppression without properly hearing the agitators' demands. ...... Party vice-chair Jog Mehar Shrestha and joint general secretary Khem Raj Pundit ..... the government had failed to address genuine demands raised by Madhesi people
RPP also wants amendments in interim constitution The RPP has demanded that amendments be made to introduce provisions on federal system, proportional representation-based electoral system and reservations to minorities and marginalised communities. ...... The party has asked for compensation to families of those killed in Terai agitation and to those whose properties have been destroyed. It has also asked for free treatment of injured persons.
Terai sees no respite, curfew continues in four districts Kantipur Online, Nepal Vehicular movement has been brought to a standstill in the eastern and mid Terai region while educational institutions, industries and marketplaces in the region remained shut, making daily life all more difficult. ...... The Madhesi People' Rights Forum began the agitation some three weeks ago demanding declaration of federal setup, proportional electoral system among others. Despite Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala's address to the nation on Wednesday, the agitation continued in the Terai region unabated. ...... At least three protesters were injured when police opened fire in Birgunj this afternoon. Similarly two were injured when police rained batons to disperse the protesters. Three injured have been flown in to the capital ...... Gagan Dev Sah, Bhuvan Prasad Patel and Nagina Prasad. ..... The protesters yesterday vandalized and torched more than a dozen government offices here. ...... torched the Birgunj warehouse of the Farming Equipment Office. ..... the protesters torched the main warehouse, which was used to store the fertilizers imported by the company. ..... National Federation of Photo Journalists-Birgunj informed that the Armed Police personnel beat up photo journalists Ram Sarraf, Nitesh Mathema and Kul Narayan Pradhan. ..... The local administration in Sunsari had clamped an indefinite curfew after the protesters stormed bank, shops and even private houses. ...... Malangawa, four protesters were injured ...... An unidentified group set ablaze equipment worth rupees millions stored at Department of Drinking Water in Malangawa. The group threw a petrol bomb near the water tank. The polythene pipes used for the drinking water supply have been destroyed in the fire and water supply system has been severely affected in the region. ........ supporters of Badri Prasad Mandal, a minister of the erstwhile Royal government, today beat up the locals and threatened to burn down their houses in Madare, Pokhariya, Shisauni, Baanchhigadh and Jahada in Biratnagar ...... the protesters looted houses, shops, government offices and banks. ..... the agitators have also looted and vandalized the house of Uma Tiwari, of Inaruwa-6. ..... protesters had also vandalized and looted the office of the Agriculture Development Bank housed in the same building in addition to looting and vandalized the shop of one Krishna Shrestha. ..... In Lahan, Siraha, protests have started since the morning. ........ Krishna Bahadur Yadav, a central member of the forum has blamed royalists and Maoists for yesterday’s incident in Sunsari. ...... imposed a 10-hour curfew in Janakpur and surrounding areas to contain the rapidly deteriorating situation there. ...... in Siraha market, protests have begun from early morning. ..... in Rajbiraj, Saptari various groups like the Kurmi, Teli and Yadav Society and various government officials have started protesting, claiming that the Prime Minister’s address did not in any way provide solutions to Madhesi problems.
Prachanda Supports Terai DemandsHimalayan Times


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