The only full timer out of the 200,000 Nepalis in the US to work for Nepal's democracy and social justice movements in 2005-06.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Baburam Bhattarai On The Impending Peace Talks
In case you have not noticed, I like to pay close attention to the utterances of Dr. Baburam Bhattarai. I greatly admire his writing style. He is also a top Maoist. So his words are authoritative. He is no dogmatic communist. He sees himself renewing the communist ideology for the new realities of the 21st century. When he says democratic republic, I think he means it.
"I have no love for the monarchy," Girija Koirala has recently said. I think the Maoists are painting him to be something he is not. The country is going to be a republic, but that will happen at the time of the constituent assembly elections, not now. And that is fine.
The real issue is of arms management. (Girija Prachanda Brinkmanship)
You have to walk and chew gum at the same time. It is not arms management or the political issues. Both have to go together. All Maoist arms will be confined to barracks. That applies also to arms currently in the hands of the 100,000 strong Maoist militia. I draw no distinction between militia and soldier. (100,000 Maoist Militia Must Disarm)
DDR, SSR. Baburam Bhattarai is for security sector restructuring. So am I. The Maoists are not being asked to surrender. They are being asked to become a political party. Political parties do not have armies.
The part that is not going to fly is where 36,000 Maoist soldiers will be in barracks, but 100,000 Maoist militia will still be in the villages, armed. That is a total deal breaker.
There sure is a need for an interim state. But the Maoist formula for the interim parliament of 101 seats to the Maoists, 101 to the seven parties, and 101 to civil society is arbitrary and misguided. (Interim Parliament: 101 Members Total)
My formula still gives them something close to one third of the seats. But it is fair to the seven parties. And I agree to their saying there can not be any ninth party in that parliament. The April Revolution was the work of eight parties.
The civil society has to stay outside the parliament to continue being what it is.
All three branches of government will have to be redesigned, true. But you start first with the legislature. You elect a new one. The eight parties do not have a mandate yet. That mandate can be had through the ballot box.
The modalities of the constituent assembly will be for the interim legislature to discuss and decide. The shape of the federalism can not be decided right now. That will be for the constituent assembly to decide. I urge the Maoists to not overload the summit talks.
Similarly, land reform can not be an agenda of the summit talks. Land reform will have to be tackled after the formation of a new parliament born out of a new constitution shaped by the constituent assembly. But the Maoists are free to put forth their policy proposal on the topic and try and win the hearts of the people based on that.
I am very much for land reform. I think that will be a great way to raise productivity in the agriculture sector.
I am surprised neither side is talking in terms of a Truth And Reconciliation Commission. (Land Reform, Truth And Reconciliation) I am surprised transparent party finances are not being proposed for the interim constitution. The Maoist money can distort the constituent assembly elections as bad as the Maoist arms. (Arms Management, Money Management) I am surprised the Maoists are not even thinking in terms of state funded parties. They perhaps feel they are too rich for now. (Proposed Constitution) Only with state funded parties do you take the air out of the Prachanda talk of a democratic republic being a stepping stone to something else.
Much is expected of the summit talks. I am cautiously optimistic.
Janadesh article by Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
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October 1: Sonam Sherpa Event: Movie
Date: Sunday, October 1, 2006
Show Times: 1:00 P.M., 3:00 P.M., 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M.
Event Info:
A small film could not have a bigger philosophical question: what is more important, inner development or outward social action?
In a nunnery in the high desert mountains of Mustang, a revered abbess dies, leaving signs that she will be reborn in the precious human form. Prayers and ritual must be done to help her consciousness into its next rebirth, but the nunnery coffers are empty.
The senior nuns decide that the only way out is get back money loaned out by the nunnery. A mysterious loan was made out to an equally mysterious Mr. Tashi who visited the senior nun in her last days. Given the shady rumors about Mr. Tashi, the nuns are convinced he took advantage of her in her dying state.
The two nuns assigned the mission to retrieve the money are Karma, a free-spirited nun, and her opposite, a textbook nun, Sonam. Mr. Tashi proves elusive. His shadowy trail leads them from the cloistered world of the high mountains, to the sin cities, and a host of small cruelties.
Will Karma be successful recuperating the money loaned to Tashi?
The movie, Karma – A Journey to Consciousness, is directed by Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, under whose belt is Mukundo, which was Nepal's Official Entry for Academy Awards (OSCAR) in Best Foreign Language Film in 2000. His documentary The Spirit Doesn't Come Anymore, won Best Film Award, Film South Asia (Festival of South Asian Documentary Films), Kathmandu, Nepal in 1997 and Best Indigenous Filmmaker of the Year, Parnu Anthropological Film Festival, Estonia in 1998.
Other critically acclaimed body of work includes, Tears of Torture, a documentary film about a Tibetan nun who crossed snow passes and Chinese police check posts to escape from Tibet on foot, Highway to Hell, about trafficking of girls from Nepal to India, Dignity in Exile, a documentary film about the renaissance of Tibetan culture in exile.
His latest film, which is not yet released, Karma; is a feature film about two Buddhist nuns from a remote nunnery in Mustang region of Nepal, who are sent down to track an elusive local businessman and recover the money that he owes to the nunnery. This film is 90 minutes long and is in Nepali and Tibetan with English subtitle.
As the movie wraps its tour of North America, which is organized by Ex-Mussoori Alumni Association of Nepal (, to benefit their project "Home Away from Home", it makes it final stop in New York, before it heads back to Nepal for its official release to the general public.
KARMA will be shown on Sunday, October 1, 2006 in Eagle Theater, Jackson Heights, Queens. Show Times are 1:00 P.M., 3:00 P.M., 5:00 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M.
To buy your tickets online, please visit Or you can buy tickets at following establishments.
In Queens.
Himalayan Yak Restaurant
72-20 Roosevelt Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Tel: (718) 779-1119
Om Tibet Restaurant
40-05 73 St
Jackson Heights, NY
(718) 672-3080
Tibet Mobile
73-19 A 37th Road
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
(917) 574-1443
Yeti Nepalese & Japanese Cuisine
43-16 Queens Blvd. (between 43rd and 44th Streets)
Sunnyside, NY 11104
Eagle Theater
73-07 37th Rd
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
(718) 565-8783
In Manhattan
156 Sullivan St
New York, NY 10012-3007
(212) 228-8991
48 Greenwich Ave
New York, NY 10011
(212) 255-9572
TIBET – Himalayan Gifts & Accessories
213 West 80th Street
New York, N.Y. 10024
( 212 ) 873 - 9884
Thank you for your support.
Venue: Eagle Theater, 73-07 37th Road, Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Hello All:
I am writing to you today about a movie I am asked to screen in New York as a grand finale to its tour of the USA and Canada.
The movie, Karma – A Journey to Consciousness, is directed by Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, under whose belt is Mukundo, which was Nepal's Official Entry for Academy Awards (OSCAR) in Best Foreign Language Film in 2000. His documentary The Spirit Doesn't Come Anymore, won Best Film Award, Film South Asia (Festival of South Asian Documentary Films), Kathmandu, Nepal in 1997 and Best Indigenous Filmmaker of the Year, Parnu Anthropological Film Festival, Estonia in 1998.
Other critically acclaimed body of work includes, Tears of Torture, a documentary film about a Tibetan nun who crossed snow passes and Chinese police check posts to escape from Tibet on foot, Highway to Hell, about trafficking of girls from Nepal to India, Dignity in Exile, a documentary film about the renaissance of Tibetan culture in exile.
His latest film, which is not yet released, Karma; is a feature film about two Buddhist nuns from a remote nunnery in Mustang region of Nepal, who are sent down to track an elusive local businessman and recover the money that he owes to the nunnery. This film is 90 minutes long and is in Tibetan and Nepali with English subtitle.
As the movie wraps its tour of North America, which is organized by Ex-Mussoori Alumni Association of Nepal (, to benefit their project "Home Away from Home", it makes it final stop in New York, before it heads back to Nepal for its official release to the general public.
I have arranged for Karma to be screened in Eagle Theater in Jackson Heights in Queens, New York. It will be shown on Sunday, October 1, 2006 – at 1:00 P.M., 3:00 P.M., 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Tickets are only $10.00.
As friends (and families) of mine, you are hereby requested to give me a helping hand by doing whatever you can to make this a grand success. What can you do, you may ask. Here is my wish list.
1. Organize among your friends to go to the movies together and order tickets from me or buy them from others who approach you. (You're welcome to buy them online by logging on to and pay by Paypal or any major credit cards).
2. Help me sell tickets to your friends and family. Write to me and I'll arrange to hand you over some tickets.
3. Spread the word.
I may or may not have been of any help to others in the past. I can't even assure you if I can be of any assistance to anyone in the future either. But, let me be the first one to ask you for your hand – as I have taken this responsibility to make Karma's screening a grand success, I am very aware of the fact that it is just not possible without the unconditional support by friends (and family) like you.
I look forward to positive responses from you, and seeing you all do whatever you can to make me look good. Can I have your assurance on that?
Sonam G. Sherpa
Below are some helpful links to web sites that relates to Karma – A Journey to Consciousness.
PS - My sincere apologies if you happen to get this e-mail more than once.
I would like to have 15 tickets for me. I am sure there will be many friends and families who would give a helping hand to you to make this a grand program. Beside, By seeing and promoting such movies, we will be supporting a Sherpa Film maker, a Nobel cause and wonderful story. I am glad that you have decided to organize this show.
Thank you
Tsewang sherpalama
More Sonam Sherpa Videos
More Events: Sushil Koirala, September 9
Invitation to 97th Devkota Jayanti and Poetic Evening
in New York
What: The 97th Devkota Anniversary and the Literary Evening
When: Saturday, October 14, 2006.
Time: 6:00 PM to 9 PM
Where: DHAKA MILONAYOTON (next to Haat Bazar) 37-11 73rd Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Organizer: International Nepali Literary Society ( INLS) New York Chapter
Attractions of the Program:
H.E. Mr. Madhu Raman Acharya, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the UN
Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam- Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF- New York
Mr. Murari Raj Sharma- Former Permanent Representative of Nepal to the UN
Mr. Homnath Subedi – Distinguished poet and Novelist, Washington D.C.
Prof. Mohan Sitoula, Poet, Critic, Essayist and President INLS –HQ (Washington D.C.)
Dr. Tara Niraula, Research Scholar, Columbia University
Prof .Dr. Harihar Bhattari- Writer ( NC)
Ananta Risal – President- INLS- NJ Chapter
Many Local Organizational Heads will also be participating in it
It will be a fairly large gathering of poets , poetess , youths and children and the spectators in their gala dresses
As the poets' voices will be resounding, the songs and dances of the artists will give a flavor and beauty to catch the mood of the moment .
Program's Details
Master of the ceremony
- Honor of the Seats
- Garlanding on the Photo of the Great Poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota
- Welcome speech
- Literary Presentation:
- Poetry Recitation
- Competitive and None Competitive
- Gazals
- Short poetry pieces
- Nepali Song by
- Bhaileni song by a group of artist
There will be speeches from the various speakers and the heads of the Organizations.
Vote of Thanks
Closing Remarks by the Chair
We request all the members of the Nepalese communities living in the USA and specially NY, NJ, CT, Greater DC and other vicinity areas to come to participate in it and make it successful.
Thank you
Gita Khatri
INLS- New York Chapter
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