Monday, May 18, 2015

Minendra Rijal's Joke

"There cannot be any institution more transparent of more accountable than the government, because any penny that we spend would be under the scrutiny of the parliament, would be under the scrutiny of constitutional organs and many other parliamentary committees, individuals, journalists,” said Information Minister Dr Minendra Rijal.
These were the same people who called Nepal's 1991 constitution "the most democratic in the world."

100% Online Transparency

Nepal is currently ranked 126th out of 174 countries by Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. Many Nepalese also view the country’s political parties and legislature as hotbeds of cronyism and nepotism. It’s much the same with public appointments

The Wrong Way To Facilitate Post Earthquake Internal Migration

र यो भूकम्प पछाडि नेपाल सशस्त्र प्रहरीले मधेशीहरूलाई हप्काउदै आफ्नो घरमा राख्न भनिरहेका छन्, मधेशीसँग भएको १-२ कठ्ठा जमीनमा पहाडीहरूलाई घर बनाउन दिन बन्दुकको कुन्दा देखाउँदै पिट्दै छन्। केही समय अगाडी मात्र सप्तरीको राजविराजको दक्षिण तिरका गाउँहरु नजीक सशस्त्र प्रहरी आएर पहिला क्याम्प राख्ने सुरसार कसे, र अहिले त्यहाँ पहाडबाट हजारौं मान्छेहरू ल्याएर टोल नै बसाउन लागेका छन्, मधेशीहरूको घर-घरमा राख्न दबाब दिइरहेका छन्, आफ्नो महिलाहरूको लागि मात्रै भएको शौचालय दर्जनौं पहाडीहरू जबरदस्ती आँगनमा पसेर प्रयोग गर्दैछन, र त्यसो नगर्न अनुरोध गर्दा सशस्त्र प्रहरीले मधेशीलाई कुटपीट गरेर एस.पी. कार्यालयको हिरासत मै थुनेका छन।
The Earthquake And Internal Migration

  • Use government owned land like Tundikhel, there is some of that in every town. 
  • Erect temporary toilets, can be done in hours. 
  • Set up small tent cities. 

The Earthquake And Internal Migration

This earthquake has been the biggest disaster the country has seen in its entire existence. The Nepal Army and the Maoists took five years to kill as many people as this earthquake killed in a swift minute. The civil war did not see these many damaged buildings, not even close.

There will be some internal migration as a result. And most of it will be not through the Nepal Government. People will vote with their feet. They will simply move. I never felt bad about Bhutani refugees setting up camp in Jhapa. As in, what are they doing here? Internal migrants in Nepal post earthquake will move, and will go where they might want to go. They might seek refuge many places, some of them might end up in the Terai districts, so be it. It is not like they have a choice. They will move as a last resort. Because abandoning home is not a choice people look forward to. They stay put, come high or hell water. But sometimes that is not an option.

I would prefer to separate earthquake related topics from the ongoing political debates in the country. Although I don't see why democracy needs to take a break. The back and forth of political discourse will help relief work. Federalism is a separate topic.

As for the larger question of internal migration, I want the Terai to become such an economic powerhouse that Nepalis anywhere in the country no longer feel the need to go to Malaysia or Qatar. If they go, it is as tourists, or much higher wage earners. It is within the concept of a modern nation state that citizens of a nation state can live and work anywhere in that country. That applies to Parvates, that applies to Teraiwasis. But when you drag your feet on federalism like Sushil is doing, when you knock four million Madhesis off the voters' list like Madhav Nepal did, then you get in the way of that modern state forming. As soon as you start playing with the northern boundaries of the Terai districts in the debate on federalism, you are sowing the seeds for ethnic riots in the country. Ethnic riots do not make a modern nation state.

As for the earthquake, erecting a tent city for about 50,000 in one place in some place like Chitwan might not be such a bad idea, but then this government is not exactly all about good ideas. A tent city, by definition is temporary in nature. People are expected to go back to their homes in a year or so. It would be a good idea to facilitate cottage industries, so people not only have a roof over the head, but also livelihood.

The tent city should have schools and health clinics. It should have TVs. Computers with internet access. It should have soccer and volleyball fields. Cricket, maybe. It should have regular cultural programs by visiting artists. Adults, and children, should go to school.

And if there is suitable land, heck, why not erect a permanent city for them? A city for 50,000. Build cheap earthquake proof homes. Make it a planned city. I mean, if you are starting from scratch. It might even be possible to find a corporate or country sponsor for the whole project.

Maybe the idea should be to erect multiple cities. Modi talks of "100 smart cities." And he was not responding to an earthquake. But let the earthquake be an excuse for Nepal to think along the lines of at least 10 new cities. They could be along the Kathmandu-Pokhara highway, along Arniko highway, in Chitwan, in several Terai districts.

Get 10 corporate/country sponsors and erect 10 new cities across Nepal. People get to swap their land in their wiped out villages for a house in the new city and a small loan for a new livelihood. The government takes their land and converts them into forests. Entire hillsides see new trees planted on them. These dwellers will probably have to give up farming and get into small cottage industries.

Or set up one big factory per city to mass employ a bunch of the people. Labor intensive industries might make sense. The corporate/country sponsors might help find markets and buyers.

When the old gets destroyed, weep. But after you are done weeping, see that new things are now possible. New, better things.

These are not slums, these are cities that you are trying to create.

देर है अंधेर नहीं

राष्ट्रपतिसमक्ष सेना परिचालनसम्बन्धी सिफारिस गर्ने निर्णय
सरकारले भूकम्पपछिको खोज, उद्धार, राहत, तत्कालको पुर्नस्थपना र भत्किएका संरचनाको व्यवस्थापन गर्न परिचालन भएको सेनाको भूमिकालाई अनुमोदन गर्न राष्ट्रपतिसमक्ष सिफारिस गरिने निर्णय गरेको छ । .... संविधानमा राष्ट्रपति नेपाली सेनाको सर्वाेच्च परमाधिपति हुने व्यवस्था छ । नेपाली सेनाको नियन्त्रण, परिचालन र व्यवस्थापन कानुनबमोजिम मन्त्रिपरिषद्को सिफारिसमा राष्ट्रपतिले गर्ने संवैधानिक व्यवस्था रहेको छ । नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान २०६३ को धारा १४५ ले नेपाली सेनाको परिचालन, सञ्चालन र प्रयोग गर्न राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षा परिषद्ले मन्त्रिपरिषद्लाई सिफारिस गर्ने कानुनी व्यवस्था छ । ....... प्राकृतिक विपत्तिबाहेकका परिस्थितिमा नेपाली सेना परिचालन भएकामा भने सरकारबाट भएको निर्णय एक महिनाभित्र व्यवस्थापिका–संसद्ले तोकेको विशेष समितिमा प्रस्तुत भई अनुमोदन हुनुपर्ने संवैधानिक व्यवस्था छ । यसअघि आज बिहान बसेको सुरक्षा परिषद्को बैठकले भूकम्पको महाविपत्तिपछि खोज, उद्धार, राहत र पुनःस्थापनालगायत काममा सेना परिचालन गरिएको व्यहोरासहित अनुमोदनका लागि राष्ट्रपतिसमक्ष पठाउन मन्त्रिपरिषद्लाई सिफारिस गरेको थियो ।
पुलिस र सेनाको एक महिनाको तलब काट्दिएको हो?
प्रचण्डं र बामदेव बीच देखिएको समानता

नेपाली काँग्रेस भित्र का मधेसी हरु

मधेसी राष्ट्रपतिले ढाका टोपी लगाउनु परेको छ। नेपाली काँग्रेस भित्र का मधेसी हरु लाई नमजा लाग्नु पर्ने। तर स्पन्दन नै नभए जस्तो। नेपाली काँग्रेस ले महासमिति को निर्णय अनुसार मधेसी जनता सँग एक मधेस तीन प्रदेश भन्दै वोट माग्यो, तर चुनाव पछि झापा, मोरंग, चितवन, कैलाली, कंचनपुर मधेस बाट गायब गरेको नक्शा पेश गर्दैछ। नेपाली काँग्रेस भित्र का मधेसी हरु लाई नमजा लाग्नु पर्ने। तर स्पन्दन नै नभए जस्तो। मधेसका जिल्ला का सदरमुकाम हरु सार्ने त्यत्रो षड्यंत्र हुँदैछ। नेपाली काँग्रेस भित्र का मधेसी हरु लाई नमजा लाग्नु पर्ने। तर स्पन्दन नै नभए जस्तो।

म भारतीय होइन भने के हो? चाइनीज हो?

नागरिकता र जातीयता अलग अलग कुरा हुन। खस जातीयता हो, राष्ट्रियता होइन। खस जातीयतालाई नै राष्ट्रियता भन्दिने प्रचलन उपनिवेशीता हो। त्यस सोंचको डेट एक्सपायर भैसक्यो। नेपाली भाषा खस हरुको जातीय भाषा हो। दौरा सुरुवाल खस हरुको जातीय पोषाक हो। मैले जिन्दगीमा एक पटक लगाएको छैन। कहिले लगाउँदैन पनि।

सिक्किम, दार्जिलिंग, भुटान, आसाम, बर्मा का खस लाई नेपालको खस ले "नेपाली" भनिराखेको हुन्छ।  त्यो नागरिकता भनेको होइन त। त्यो त जातीयता भनेको हो। नागरिकता र जातीयता फरक फरक कुरा हुन।

फिजी मा छ। नागरिकता फिजी को, जातीयता भारतीय भएका मानिस त्यहाँ आधा जति छन। नेपालका मधेसी भनेका त्यस्तै हुन। मधेस मधेसीको भन्ने प्रमाण रामायण मा छ। त्यो भन्दा पुरानो प्रमाण के चाहियो? नेपालका एक करोड़ मान्छे भारतमा गएर बस्दिने अनि दुई चार लाख बिहार उत्तर प्रदेश का मानिस नेपाल आएर सान्तिनो काम गर्छन भने त्यसका लागि नेपालका मधेसीले क्षमायाचना को mindset नराख्ने हो। बिहार र उत्तर प्रदेश भारतमा गरीब राज्य होलान तर दुबै नेपालभन्दा आर्थिक रुपले धेरै अगाडि छन। तर ओपन बोर्डर को करामत, तैपनि दुई चार लाख मानिस काम खोज्दै आइ पुग्छन्। समस्या के पर्यो?

अमेरिका मा छ। अमेरिका मा जन्मेको हुन्छ, कहिले भारत गएको पनि हुँदैन, आफुलाई भारतीय भनिराखेको हुन्छ। भारतीय नभएको संसारमा कुनै देश नै छैन।

म भारतीय होइन भने के हो? चाइनीज हो?


The Chinook Controversy: Crowded Airport: Lame Excuse

Nepal's PM: Ban On RAF Chinooks Is Not Politics
The Prime Minister tells Sky News the UK's heavy lift helicopters were refused permission to land because the airport is crowded..... Nepal's Prime Minister has added confusion to the debacle over permission for British Chinook helicopters to fly in Nepal. ...... In a somewhat confused answer, he said that the airport was crowded and that Nepal's terrain was difficult, suggesting that would cause problems for the Chinooks. ..... "We have had a very good discussion with the British Prime Minister only yesterday, so I have told him, 'You know, you have visited our airport, how crowded it is.' Not only that - we have one runway and it's so crowded and I told him that and not only that: the engineers, the capacity, the load capacity, 190 tonnes - the heavier choppers. It has become very difficult," he said...... "Our terrain is so difficult, you know... So I have explained everything to [David Cameron] and it is closed now."........ Prior to this comment, the Nepalese government had said it did not want the Chinooks to take part in the earthquake recovery because of concerns that the huge downdraft from their twin rotors would damage land and housing........ This concern was dismissed by the British military...... the helicopters would not need to land on the airport's surfaced area. They could operate from the ample open grass space around it. ...... The cost of flying them to the region, keeping them on the ground in India as well as accommodating the thirty to forty crew and maintenance teams has been met by the UK. ...... Chinooks are the workhorse of the Royal Air Force and have frequently been used for humanitarian relief operations....... They can carry a load of about 10 tonnes. They are designed to carry 55 soldiers but for evacuation purposes they can carry up to 70 people........

Their load capacity and their manoeuvrability are ideal for the challenges facing the people of Nepal. Many communities remain stranded and aid agencies have repeatedly complained of a lack of helicopters. Small civilian helicopters owned by local tour firms are currently carrying out a significant number of the recovery missions and are flying dangerously overloaded.

That Little Chinook Detail
The Foreign Minister Confirms My Chinook Suspicion
Bring In The Chinooks

I am not harping on the Chinook because I know a ton about the machine. I don't. I know little, much of it I learned this past week. But for me this is the tip of the iceberg. The dysfunctional Nepal Government that was in place in Nepal, if it does not fundamentally mend its ways, is going to mess up the relief and reconstruction work. The same old, same old will not work. But there's every sign they are hellbent on keeping with the same old, same old.

The Chinook could land anywhere in Nepal, airport, no airport, does not matter. It might just be the perfect air vehicle at this point in time for Nepal's relief work as it battles the onset of monsoon. There are tents and supplies that need to reach remote villages. There is no other way to get it done. If the Chinook can land anywhere in Nepal, it does not need to land at the Kathmandu airport. So crowded airport is a really lame excuse.