Sunday, May 17, 2015

Stop Already

Postpone this by a few months. Start this drama again after the monsoon rains are over, maybe. But right now is not the right time.

The UML is a flat out racist organization. Khas supremacist thinking is its only remaining ideology. This is a very calculated move on the part of the Home Minister to polarize the population in the Terai. They obviously want to pit the Parvates in the northern Terai against the Madhesis in the southern Terai.

They keep doing this again and again after all that happened in Gaur. This is diversionary tactics. They have utterly failed at relief and reconstruction, so they need the earthquake victims to look elsewhere. This is beyond cynical.

संघीयता मा नजाने र तराई का जिल्ला सदरमुकाम हरु एक पछि अर्को गर्दै मधेसी बाहुल्य क्षेत्र हरु बाट झिक्दै जाने ----- त्यो नियत होला, हो ---- तर अहिले भुकम्प पीड़ित को राहत उद्धार को काम मा असफल भए पछि जनताको अटेंशन अर्कै तिर तान्न खोजे जस्तो देखियो। बामे र केपी को यो दंगाको राजनीति।

What Could Transparency Look Like

Transparency is first and foremost about fundraising. Global media might have an attention span of a few weeks, if that. TV coverage, the most effective in getting people to donate, has a smaller attention span than print media. But reconstruction work can last months, years. Fundraising will have to be ongoing and global. That is where social media comes to the rescue. If there is 100% online transparency, you are essentially creating photos, videos, texts and graphics that can be easily shared over social media.

Transparency is not top down. Everyone involved is hoping the Nepal Government will play a large, central role. But no one, not even the Nepal Government can hope to play a one door role where, if you want to help, you necessarily have to go through the Nepal Government. That one door idea is essentially a bottleneck and gridlock idea. That is the exact opposite of what needs to happen.

100% online transparency applies to every stage of relief, reconstruction, resurgence, from deliberation to delivery. Every impacted village should have solar powered phones. Information flow is key. Work getting done on the ground is what will raise money.

And, no, the democratic process does not stop. Criticisms will not and should not stop. If anything, they should go on hyper drive. 100% online transparency means any interested person anywhere in the world can play watchdog roles. That heightened interest is what will make fundraising possible.

The ultimate test is when you manage to create bonds between individual donors globally to individual families receiving help.

That Little Chinook Detail

Gordon Brown: Ruthless $570-Per-Child Traffickers Exploit Nepal Tragedy

I am really trying to understand this one. If you are trying to dig up people who might be alive but buried underneath, saying it has been a week, 10 days, and the chances anyone survived has gone down a lot makes sense, I guess. But even that line of thinking was challenged by the second big earthquake that crossed 7 on the Richter scale.

But monsoon is fast approaching, and food, shelter, and other relief supplies have not reached the remote villages. The Chinooks are perfect for that. I think they are the very best. The World Food Program asked for them.

The Foreign Minister, a CPN UML guy, came out saying, the way for a country like the UK to help is, put your cash into the Prime Minister's Relief Fund, from there it goes to the Home Ministry, run by Bamdev Gautam, a CPN UML guy, and from there it goes to the CDOs, Chief District Officers, and from there to the people. Chinooks damage that chain of command like a political earthquake. They take relief supplies from the Kathmandu airport straight to the villages, and no village is too remote for a Chinook.

Another line of thinking was, these Chinooks are so large, they actually damage houses. Well then, have them do their drops some distance from the villages. A 30 minute walk from the village is still much closer than the capital city or the district headquarters.

Then a Nepali Congress newspaper - Setopati - put out a story saying Prime Minister Sushil Koirala had talked to the British Prime Minister on the phone, and had held his own, and had brought great pride to the Nepali people in the process. Pride is good and all that, but there are better ways of bringing that about than messing up the logistics of relief.

A third line of thought made the Prime Minister look bad though. The Nepal Army Chief, unhappy that a Nepal Army honcho had been nabbed by the British Courts for civil war time crimes, made the PM refuse the Chinooks. So the Nepal Army Chief gives orders to the Nepal PM! Where's the pride in that?

Within days of this refusal, the Armed Police asked that a helicopter be bought for their needs so they can be more effective in relief work.

Send away three of the very best helicopters, then try to buy a new, small one.

This is dysfunction. This is not national pride. And if the Nepal Army Chief had anything to do with this, this is a case of the tail wagging the dog. The PM should be ordering the Army Chief, not the other way round.

The British government and citizens have been at the forefront of relief response. Why can't the Sushil Koirala government be at the forefront of receiving that help?

If you ask me, this is a hostage crisis. The corrupt elite in Kathmandu will not subject themselves to accountability and transparency. You could wait and watch people die, or you could give in and give aid and let them deal with it any way they want. When they are not outright taking a big bite out of it, they are using it as a tool of political patronage.

Nepal has a bigger presence in the British imagination than the American imagination for historic reasons.

Chinooks are big like airplanes, but they can land or hover like helicopters, because they are, well, helicopters.

RAF Chinooks recalled from Nepal quake effort without flying a mission
the three helicopters, each capable of carrying up to 55 soldiers plus equipment ..... “These highly versatile Royal Air Force helicopters and UN aircraft will mean life-saving aid supplies can be moved around Nepal and reach people in remote communities cut off by the earthquake who are in desperate need.” ...... “We are disappointed that our Chinooks will not be supporting the World Food Programme’s request for help in distributing aid ...... “The UK has been the biggest bilateral aid donor to Nepal in response to last month’s devastating earthquake, contributing over £23m, and we will continue to support the ongoing relief effort.” ..... Gurkha engineers from the British Army and a 60-strong search and rescue team have also been sent to Nepal from the UK, as well as more than 18 tonnes of shelter kits, lanterns and other essential supplies.
How can we ensure every penny of aid is accounted for in Nepal?
In the latest study by Transparency International in 2013, 90% of people surveyed in Nepal said political parties were corrupt or extremely corrupt and 85% said the same of public officials and civil servants, making these two groups the two weakest institutions in Nepal. ....... While the prime minister’s relief fund could help to better track and control aid so that it is strategically administered, it also comes with risks if there is no accountability or transparency. The fund has raised concerns with some who say that funnelling money this way risks politicising the aid distribution process. Money could end up where politicians want it, instead of where it is needed most. ....... The injection of large amounts of money into resource-poor economies where institutions have been damaged increases the opportunities for the abuse of power. ..... the aid coming into the country should be reported through the Financial Tracking System managed by the UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. ....... The website for the prime minister’s relief fund is another key piece in the transparency process, something that both citizens of Nepal and the aid community can use as a focal point of important information, if it can provide timely and relevant updates. A potential model was developed in the Philippines after the super typhoon of 2013.
One in four Britons have donated to DEC Nepal earthquake appeal

One in four Britons donated

..... the key drivers that made people donate were the large number of people impacted by the earthquake (55% of respondents cited this) and the belief that international aid is essential for helping the disaster (54%). ........ The DEC’s appeal has raised more than £50m in its first fortnight, which is higher than the £34m raised in the first three months of its Ebola appeal. ..... “Appeals triggered by earthquakes and the associated tsunami generally raise the highest totals. These are sudden and devastating events, producing a very high level of news coverage with shocking imagery. Quakes are seen as natural disasters and donors seem more likely to empathise in these cases than when we appeal in response to conflicts.” ........ 42% of respondents said that television was the most influential media channel in encouraging them to donate. The research also found that those aged between 25 and 34 were most likely to donate, with 32% in that age group doing so. ......... Cash has been the most common method of giving (32% of respondents donated in this way), followed by online channels (30%) and text messaging (22%).
Small charities are key to Nepal's recovery
It was the most terrifying experience I have ever had ..... We work directly with the Nepalese people and this way of working means we can get things done – no red tape and no bureaucracy. ...... We have much lower administrative costs, can act immediately and know how to spend money in ways that are best for remote communities. ........ The big agencies advertise on television and have prominence wherever people donate. It’s a pity that we cannot compete, when we are an organisation with deep, local roots who know and understand where the funding is needed.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

About Resettling Some People In The Terai

Map of the districts of Narayani Zone (wp-EN) ...
Map of the districts of Narayani Zone (wp-EN) in Nepal. Created by Rarelibra 19:33, 18 September 2006 (UTC) for public domain use, using MapInfo Professional v8.5 and various mapping resources. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Most people, the overwhelming majority, want to stay put. Home is home. They don't want to move. And I expect enough relief work to be done over the next few weeks that staying put might make sense for over 90% of the earthquake victims. But relocating should be kept as an open option. That might impact about 5%. That might be somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 people.

Some of them could be resettled along the Pokhara-Kathmandu highway, some in Chitwan, some in some other parts of the Terai.

Resettling people is one of many options. It should be in the arsenal. I don't think anyone is suggesting that is the only option.

After all, resettling is not just about moving bodies. They will also need livelihoods. Finding land is challenging enough, building new houses is challenging. Finding them livelihoods is a challenge. Resettling is not easy to do. But that might be the only option for about 50,000 of the earthquake victims.

The Foreign Minister Confirms My Chinook Suspicions

Send Me Your Money
Send Me Your Money (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
बेलायती उद्धार टोली रोकेकै हौं : परराष्ट्रमन्त्री
उद्धारका लागि नेपाल सरकारसँग नै हेलिकोप्टर पर्याप्त रहेको मन्त्री पाण्डेले बताए। 'मंगलबार भूकम्प आउनेबित्तिकै धेरै मुलुकले उद्धार टोली पठाउँछौं भनेका थिए', उनले भने, 'उनीहरूलाई केहीबेर पर्खन भन्यौं। ........ पछि हाम्रै स्रोतले धान्ने भएपछि उद्धारमा सहयोग मागेनौं।'विभिन्न देशमा राहत संकलन भइरहेको र त्यसलाई सरकारी नियन्त्रणमा भित्र्याउने प्रयास भइरहेको पनि मन्त्री पाण्डेले बताए।....... 'विभिन्न देशमा हाम्रा मिसन छन्, त्यसमार्फत राहत ल्याउने व्यवस्था गरेका छौं', उनले भने। राहतका लागि हाल आएको स्वदेशी विदेशी सहयोग प्रधानमन्त्री राहत कोषमा जम्मा हुने गरेको जानकारी दिँदै उनले भने, 'प्रधानमन्त्री कोषबाट गृह मन्त्रालय हुँदै जिल्ला-जिल्ला पुग्छ।'पुनर्निर्माणका लागि सरकारले गठन गरेको दुई सय अर्बको कोषमा सहयोगका लागि विदेशी मुलुक र दातृ निकायलाई आह्वान गरिने उनले बताए।
Bring In The Chinooks

The message is, don't send us helicopters, send us money, don't send us food, send us money, don't send us tents, send us money, don't send us medicine, send us money, just put all the money into the Prime Minister's Relief Fund, from where it will go to the Home Ministry.

Bamdev is beyond shameless in his attempts at corruption, but then when did t-h-a-t become news?

The British help snubbed like this makes it harder for the British leadership to later send the much larger help that is needed for reconstruction.

These idiots have similarly prevented India from building the Hulaki Rajmarga (Postal Highway) that is the Terai's lifeline. They will not do it themselves. And they will not let others do it either.

के ब्रिटिश चिनूक हेलिकप्टर फिर्ता पठाएर नेपालले ठीक गर्‍यो?
वैशाख १२ गते भूकम्प गएपछि पीडित समक्ष राहत सामाग्री पुर्‍याउने कार्यमा नेपाललाई सहयोग गर्न आएका ब्रिटिश सैनिकका तीन वटा रोयल एयर फोर्स चिनूक हेलिकप्टरले नेपाल छिर्ने अनुमति पाएनन्। पछिल्ला करिब दुई सातादेखि भारतीय वायुसेनाको चण्डीगढ़स्थित अड्डामा ति हेलिकप्टर अलपत्र बसेका छन्। ..... चिनूक हेलिकप्टरलाई नेपाल आउन किन दिइएन? आउन नदिन कसले भूमिका खेल्यो? के त्यो सहि निर्णय थियो? ..... ब्रिटेन अहिले नेपालको सबैभन्दा ठूलो द्विपक्षीय सहयोग गर्ने मुलुक हो। भुकम्प आएपछि नेपाललाई अहिलेसम्मको सबै भन्दा ठूलो राहत घोषणा गर्ने मुलुक पनि ब्रिटेन नै हो। भोलिको पुनर्निर्माण र पुनर्स्थापना अभियानमा पनि बेलायती सहयोग अपेक्षित छ। ...... तर, उच्च सैनिक लगायत अन्य स्रोतबाट सेतोपाटीलाई प्राप्त सूचना अनुशार चिनूक नेपाल प्रवेश गर्न नपाउनुको एउटा मात्रै कारण छ-नेपाली सेनाको ब्रिटेनसँग रिसिवी साध्ने मनसाय। उच्च सैनिक स्रोतले भन्यो, त्यो रिसिवीको एउटै मात्र कारण हो, ब्रिटेनमा नेपाली सेनाका कर्नेल कुमार लामाको गिरफ्तारी। ..... गैरसैनिकलाई सेनाको ब्यारेकमा गैरन्यायिक थुनुवा र यातना दिएको आरोपमा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्षेत्राधिकार आकर्षित हुने कानुन अन्तर्गत ब्रिटिश अदालतको आदेशमा कर्णेल लामा लण्डनमा पक्राउ परेका थिए। उनी अहिले पनि लन्डनमै नजरबन्दमा छन्। ..... नेपाली सेना र सरकारको कयैन पहलका वावजुत कर्णेल लामा जेलमुक्त हुन सकेका छैनन्। ब्रिटिश सरकारले अदालतको मामला भएकोले लामाको मुद्दा आफ्नो क्षेत्राधिकारभन्दा बाहिर रहेको जवाफ दिँदै आएको छ। ....... नेपाली सेनाले लामा थुनिएको रिस विपद्‌मा सहयोग गर्न आएको नेपालको सबैभन्दा पुरानो मित्र माथि पोखेको छ। यति सम्मकि चिनूकलाई नेपाल आउन दिन पहल गर्न प्रधानसेनापति गौरव समशेर राणालाई भेट्न खोज्दा बेलायतका कार्यवाहक राजदूत जोन र्‍यानकिनलाई उनले समयसम्म दिएनन्। ...... चिनूक हेलिकप्टर ब्रिटिश सेनाले नपठाई डिएफ़ाइडीले झिकाएको थियो। आफ्नो राहत सामाग्री र संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रम मार्फत भूकम्प पीडित विकट जिल्लामा खाद्यान्न पुर्‍याउन डिएफ़ाइडीले ती हेलिकप्टर मगाएको थियो। ब्रिटेनले घोषणा गरेको राहत रकम कँहा-कँहा खर्च हुँदै छ भनि डिएफ़ाइडीले सार्वजनिक गरेको चार्टमा पनि यो प्रष्टसँग देखिन्छ। ...... लण्डनमा बेलायत सरकारका प्रवक्ताले चिनूक हेलिकप्टरले बिश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रमको खाद्यान्न विकट गाउँहरूमा पुर्‍याउन नपाउने भएकोमा आफूहरू निराश भएको ...... हिजो पनि बेलायती प्रधानमन्त्री केमरूनले आँफै फोन गरेर प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालासँग कुरा गर्नुको अर्थ ब्रिटिश सरकारको ती जहाज नेपालमा राहत कार्यमा संग्लन हुन पाउन् भन्ने कत्रो चाहना थियो भन्ने देखाउँछ। ...... अहिले उद्धार र राहतको चरण सकिएको जवाफ कोइरालले दिएपनि चिनूकले नेपाल छिर्न नपाउनुको मूल कारण त्यो होइन भन्ने बेलायतलाई पनि थाहा छ। जुन दिन तीन वटा चिनुक चण्डीगढ उत्रिए, सो दिनसम्म नेपालमा समान ओसार्ने हेलिकप्टरको अभाव थियो। चिनूक त्यहाँ उत्रिएको भोलिपल्ट मात्रै चार वटा अमेरिकन ओस्प्रे हेलिकप्टर काठमाडौँ उत्रिएका हुन्। ........ विज्ञहरुको भनाईमा उच्च पहाडी भूभागमा समान ओसार्न ओस्प्रे भन्दा बोइङ कम्पनीले निर्माण गरेको चिनूकनै बढी प्रभावकारी छ। उनीहरू भन्छन्, ‘अफगानिस्तानमा सैनिक समान ओसार पसार गरेर उच्च भूभागमा चिनूकको प्रभावकारिता प्रमाणित भइसकेको छ।
बेलायती विमान भारतबाटै फर्कनु सरकारको कमजोरीः अशोक राई 'सरकारभन्दा राष्ट्र बैंक शक्तिशाली भएको देखियो'

Shifting The Capital To Chitwan

English: Map displaying Village Development Co...
English: Map displaying Village Development Committees in Chitawan District, Nepal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I just read on Facebook, and I like the idea. Chitwan/Narayanghat is ideal for capital city.

Kathmandu must be rebuilt, but the rebuilding has to be as a cultural city. Kathmandu has historic importance. And the heritage must be preserved.

But this tragedy has given the country a very real option to build a new capital city for itself. And I do think Chitwan/Narayanghat is most suited for it.

It has a central location. There is no drinking water issue there. There is no land issue. There is no air pollution issue there. It might be cheaper to build new buildings in Chitwan than to rebuild many of the damaged government buildings in Kathmandu.

Relief and reconstruction are not enough. The country has to seek resurgence from this terrible tragedy. This can also be a point of new departure for the country.

If the state is restructured for federalism, the federal government will be smaller in size, and fewer buildings will be needed.

Most buildings in Kathmandu deemed uninhabitable or unsafe following quake
More than three-quarters of the buildings in Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, are uninhabitable or unsafe following the 7.9-magnitude earthquake nine days ago, a new survey has revealed. ...... Assessments of 2,500 buildings carried out by more than 1,000 local engineers during the last four days have revealed that a fifth are no longer habitable and three-quarters need repairs before they can be considered safe....... “The sample is a random one and so representative of the city as a whole. The damage is bad. We are still discovering its extent and will have to do a full and thorough final assessment at some point,” said survey coordinator Drubha Thapa, president of the Nepali Engineers Association (NEA). ....... The new assessment indicates a much greater number of buildings will need repairing than previously estimated by the Nepalese government. Local officials have so far counted 153,000 buildings that are in ruins across the country, with another 170,000 damaged. The government of Nepal, one of the world’s poorest countries, has already said post-quake reconstruction may cost more than £6.5bn ($10bn). ...... Aftershocks continue to shake Kathmandu, convincing tens of thousands of people who are living under tarpaulins on open spaces that it is still too dangerous to return home. ...... “We have hardly met 20% of the demand of the people. We are having difficulties reaching affected areas due to a lack of vehicles and helicopters,” said Krishna Gyawali, the most senior bureaucrat in Sindhulpalchowk district. ...... “People are furious they haven’t anything,” said Uddhav Timilsina, chief district officer of Gorkha. However tensions have emerged between the international community and Nepalese officials. Major donors and western nations are frustrated by infighting within the deeply divided Nepalese government. .....

“It’s all about control, not coordination. They are not coming together to do the best they can for the people of Nepal,”

said one senior western aid official in Kathmandu. ....... Western officials have repeatedly forced the Nepalese prime minister, Sushil Koirala, 75, to overrule suggestions by ministers seeking to centralise the distribution of aid funds under government control. ...... There has also been a battle for overall responsibility for the disbursement of aid money between Ban Dev Gautam, the minister for home affairs, and the prime minister’s office. There are widespread fears that corruption too may weaken the relief effort....... “Everything is politicised, including many local NGOs,” the western official said. ..... The UN said eight million of Nepal’s 28 million people have been affected, with at least two million people needing tents, water, food and medicines over the next three months.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Two Strikes

Nepal Government's One Door Policy Was Never An Option

Everything you want to give, give to us, and we will manage: that was the Nepal government response on day one, and that was flat out wrong. Now they are saying, all we meant was we will help coordinate. Well then, why are you not doing it? Why are you not facilitating?

No, this is not the time to take a break from criticizing the Nepal government. Democracy was earned in the country after much sacrifice. The democratic process is not a problem. The Nepal Government is very much subject to criticism. It should do a good job of reporting on the work it is doing, and is planning to do. And it should respond to criticism on an ongoing basis. That will help, not hurt, the relief efforts. Democracy is a good thing also in a time of grave crisis.

A one door policy was an attempt at extreme centralization. It was a really, really bad idea. Maximum transparency is more than half of coordination work. And I don't see that coming.

Ground level accountability is what will bring in more help.

People talk of a one window policy for FDI. Instead of asking foreign investors to go run around 15 different ministries, you make it possible for them to get all paperwork done at one window. That is a good thing. But the one door policy, made to sound like a one window policy, is the exact opposite. Instead of letting 35 different governments, and 100 different INGOs and NGOs do their thing on the ground, you want all of them to just hand over their resources to YOU, and you promise to take care of it all beyond that point of initial delivery. That one door policy is the brainchild of a thoroughly corrupt elite.

Nothing prevents the Nepal Government from competing in the global space for funds for relief and reconstruction. Ordinary people in those rich countries will contribute, if end to end accountability and transparency can be shown. Money is not what is in short supply. What is in short supply is accountability, and transparency, and deliverance.

Kiva And The Nepal Earthquake