CIA - The World Factbook -- Nepal a 330 seat Interim Parliament was formed on 15 January 2007 following the promulgation of an interim constitution .... NC 85, CPN/M 83, CPN/UML 83, NC/D 48, RPP 9, NSP/AD 5, NWPP 4, People's Front Nepal (Amik Sherchan Group) 4, People's Front Nepal (Chitra Bahadur K.C. Group) 3, UFL 3, People's Front Nepal (Chitra Bahadur Ale Group) 2, NSP 1Middle Ground: PR Election Now, Republic Later
I think it would be a great idea to change Nepal's Prime Minister right now. If Gyanendra is villain number one, Girija is villain number two. Girija symbolizes all that was wrong with the 1990s, the corruption, the inept ways, the nepotism, the lack of social justice for the DaMaJaMa. The political culture that says the oldest person in the room gets to be the leader is not how things should be. It should be about the arithmetic in the interim parliament. The alignment should be issue based.
This is how the arithmetic would work right now.
The Maoists should agree on Madhav Nepal as Prime Minister since some Maoist can not hold that post right now. The global powers are not going to be able to digest a Maoist Prime Minister.
Madhav Nepal should grab the opportunity. That will be a big boost for him and his party.
Deuba should realize it has never been Girija's intention to unite the two Congress factions. The whole unification drama that Girija and his coterie have played has had one goal: to prevent Deuba from expanding his party's organization.
Deuba needs a fully PR election more than any other large party, more than the Maoists, more than the UML. If fully PR elections are not held, Deuba's party will get wiped out. And that is why Deuba should throw his 48 MPs behind the new alignment.
The new alignment would have a two point agreement. One, to pass a commitment resolution to a republic, to be passed after the elections. Two, fully PR election with the provision to allow a week or two to register any new parties.
You need a physically agile Prime Minister if the country is to still have elections on November 22.
Prachanda should realize the solution is not in street agitation. The solution is inside the interim parliament. They have to play the arithmetic in the interim parliament.
The mixed election is not in the best interests of even the Koirala Congress. Koirala's party will get 15% of the votes if it is lucky. The days of his party securing 30% of the votes in the country are over.
Fully PR election was Madhav Nepal's idea. It makes no sense for him to not make it possible now when he can.
I am glad the Maoists are calling a special session of the interim parliament.
Land Reform
The only way there is going to be meaningful land reform in the country is if the UML and the Maoists go for it together. Koirala's Congress is going to be the primary hurdle to meaningful land reform in the country.
It makes no sense that Prachanda and Madhav Nepal can not see eye to eye right now.
Middle Ground: PR Election Now, Republic Later
Not UML-Maoist Unification Or Unity, But A One Point Agreement On PR Election
Baburam Bhattarai Is Right About UML-Maoist Unity
एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
Madhav Nepal Needs To Make A Move
In The News
New political basis needed to bolster eight-party unity: Mahara Kantipur “The leaders of the seven parties were not serious about our demands till yesterday. We found them somewhat concerned today after we declared the agitation,” Mahara said after the eight-party meeting today, “But, this realization must be taken to a meaningful conclusion if the eight-party unity is to be strengthened.” ........ “A new political basis has to be discovered to bolster the eight-party unity. The recent developments have already proved that the eight-party unity cannot be upheld on the old basis ..... “The (November 22) elections are merely an illusion. They won’t be possible without a new and strengthened unity among the eight parties.” ....... “We have certainly not pulled out from the peace process. We are still in the eight-party alliance. We have only stepped down from the government ...... the Maoist central secretariat meeting this afternoon had mulled over ways to push for a special session of the interim parliament to declare a republic through the House.
Eight parties agree to keep unity intact
OHCHR-Nepal Representative visits sites of violence in Kapilvastu
NC, UML urge Maoists to rejoin govt, call off agitation
Kapilvastu death toll reaches 20 None of the eight bodies have been identified yet as their bodies have been disfigured beyond recognition .... Among the seven found this morning, the deceased have been identified as Hari bahadur Basnet, Jhabinda Khanal, Shovaram Sunar of Bisanpur VDC, and Mohit Bahadur Magar of Shivagadi VDC-3. ..... Property worth millions of rupees were destroyed in the riots ..... In Chandrauta bazaar alone, 85 vehicles were torched whereas 16 others were torched in Krishnanagar.
माओवादी सरकारबाहिर
माओवादी निर्णयबाट नेताहरू चकित
पहाडमा अवरोध तराईमा चहलपहल प्रचार अभियानसँगै जोडेर जिल्ला अधिवेशनमा व्यस्त एमाले अरू दलभन्दा प्रचारमा अगाडि देखा परेको छ । ..... कञ्चनपुरमा भदौ तेस्रो साता एमालेका नेता झलनाथ खनालको चुनावी सभापछि एमाले पूर्णरूपले निर्वाचनमा होमिएको हो । पार्टीका स्थानीय नेता यतिबेला गाउँघरतिर प्रचार अभियानमा छन् । 'संगठन सुदृढीकरण सँगै पचार प्रसारका लागि कहीँ कतै अवरोध छैन,' एमाले कञ्चनपुरका सचिव राजेन्द्र रावलले भने । ...... दार्चुलामा अरू पार्टीभन्दा एमाले प्रचार प्रसारमा अग्रस्थानमा रहेको छ । गएको साता सम्पन्न एमालेको पाँचौं जिल्ला अधिवेशनले पनि राजनीतिक सरगर्मी बढाएको छ । ..... एक साता भित्रै जिल्लाका ४१ वटै गाविसमा चुनाव प्रचारप्रसारको टोली जाने तयारीमा रहेको नव निर्वाचित एमाले जिल्ला सचिव गणेशसिंह ठगुन्नाले बताए । ..... कांग्रेस र प्रजातान्त्रीक कांग्रेस भने पार्टी एकीकरणलाई पर्खेर बसेका छन । दुवै पार्टीका अधिकांश नेता कार्यकर्ता लामो समयदेखि राजधानीमा रहेका छन् । ...... आन्दोलन वा चुनाव स्पष्ट नभएकाले दुविधामा छौं' एक माओवादी जिल्लास्तरीय नेताले बताए । ...... कैलालीमा अरू जिल्लाको तुलनामा चुनावी प्रचार प्रसारको गति तीव्र छ । एमालेले विभिन्न उपसमिति गठन गरी चुनावी तयारीको जिम्मेवारी समेत बाँडफाँड गरिसकेको छ । जिल्लाको ६ वटै निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा एमालेले चुनाव परिचालनका लागि संयोजक तोकेर जिम्मेवारी दिएको हो । कैलालीमा अन्य दल जनमोर्चा र अन्य बाम घटकसँगै सद्भावना आनन्दीदेवी पनि कार्यकर्ता प्रशिक्षणसँगै उम्मेदवार चयन र प्रचार प्ा्रसारको तयारीमा जुट्न थालेका छन् ।
प्रहरी-मोर्चा भिडन्त
नेपालको स्वतन्त्रता खतरामा’ किन बोले प्रधानमन्त्री ? नेपालका राजनीतिक शक्ति, मिडिया, नागरकि समाज, पेसागत क्षेत्रलगायत यत्र-तत्र-सर्वत्र कुनै बाह्य शक्तिको परम्परागत प्रभाव छ भने त्यो दक्षिणको छिमेकी नै हो । .... कोइराला सकेसम्म राजतन्त्रप्रति निरपेक्ष रहेरै चुनावमा जाने र संविधानसभाको गठनपश्चात् आवश्यक परे मात्र गणतन्त्रको कार्ड खोल्ने पक्षमा थिए ..... कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराईले एउटा कार्ड फ्याँके, "राजतन्त्रको अन्त्यले देशमा विभाजन र विखण्डनको बीउ रोप्छ ।" ..... बाह्य अभिरुचिमा राजतन्त्रलाई समाप्त पारएिमा नेपालको राष्ट्रिय अखण्डता खतरामा पर्ने भएकाले त्यस्तो निर्णय नगर्न सेनाको उच्च तहबाट प्रधानमन्त्रीसमक्ष निरन्तर सुझाव/दबाब आइरहेको थियो । तैपनि अपेक्षाविपरीत काङ्ग्रेस गणतान्त्रिक बाटोमा हिँडेपछि सैनिक नेतृत्व झसङ्ग भयो । सुरक्षा-स्थितिको 'बि्रफिङ्' गर्न प्रधानसेनापति रुक्माङ्गद कटवालको नेतृत्वमा देशैभरकिा डिभिजन प्रमुखलगायत दर्जनौँ उच्च जनरलहरू भदौ २३ गते बालुवाटार छिरे । अनि प्रधानमन्त्रीले सेनाको मनस्थिति राम्रैसँग बुझ्न पाए । ...... काङ्ग्रेसको निर्णयबाट राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र मात्र होइन, सेनासमेत सन्तुष्ट नरहेको कोइरालाले बुझिसकेका थिए । .... तराईमा ४८ प्रतिशत निर्वाचन क्षेत्र राख्न आफैँद्वारा घोषित निर्णय उनको चाहनाबाहिरको कदम थियो भने काङ्ग्रेसका मधेसी नेताहरूलाई फुटाएर छुट्टै पार्टी बनाउन गरएिको प्रयासले त उनलाई झनै तर्सायो । ...... संविधानसभा निर्वाचन हुन नसकेमा अन्तरमि सरकारको वैधानिकता सिद्धिने भारतीय राजदूत शिवशङ्कर मुखर्जीको चेतावनीविरुद्ध त कोइरालाले दिल्लीमै असन्तुष्टि जाहेर गरसिकेका छन् । वर्तमान सरकारको वैधानिकता सिद्धिनु भनेको कोइराला सरकार ढल्नु हो । ....... गणतन्त्रको निर्णय गरएिलगत्तै प्रधानमन्त्री-पुत्री सुजाताबाट राजतन्त्रको पक्षमा वकालत सुरु हुनुले धेरैमा सन्देह पैदा गरेको छ । .... चुनाव नहुनु भनेको काङ्ग्रेस र माओवादीबीच कटुता बढ्नु हो । त्यस्तो अवस्थामा राजालाई आफ्नै क्याम्पमा राखेर विगत लामो अवधि राजतन्त्रप्रति बफादार रहेको सेनामार्फत माओवादीको मुकाबिला गर्नुपर्ने आकलनसमेत कोइरालाले गरेका हुन सक्छन् । .... मुखर्जीले राजासमक्ष उनी र छोरा पारस 'भोलिन्टियर रटिायरमेन्ट' मा गई नाति हृदयेन्द्रलाई 'सेरेमोनियल मोनार्क' बनाउन उपर्युक्त हुने सुझाव कूटनीतिक भाषामा दिएका थिए । तर, राजाले त्यो प्रस्ताव अस्वीकार गरेलगत्तै काङ्ग्रेसबाट गणतन्त्रका पक्षमा प्रारम्भिक निर्णय भएको छ । ..... सेनाका कतिपय जनरलहरू पनि यसको पक्षमा देखिन्छन् । समग्र देश गणतन्त्रतर्फ गइसक्दा पनि राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रचाहिँ नाति-राजाका पक्षमा पनि छैनन् । "नाबालक राजाको रजिेन्ट -राज्य सहायक) को हुने ?" दरबारले भन्ने गरेको छ, "बेबी किङ् भनेको राजतन्त्र उन्मूलनको पहिलो कदम हो ।" ...... राजनीति बिथोलिँदै गएमा कुनै विन्दुमा पुगेर आफ्नै भूमिका र्फकनेमा राजा विश्वस्त छन् ...... भारतको राजनीतिक तहको आश्वासन नै बढी भरपर्दो हुने शाही विश्वास टुटेको देखिँदैन । .... प्लेनमको पूर्वसन्ध्यामा भारतीय नेतृ सोनिया गान्धीले पठाएको प्रतिनिधिले माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डसँग भैरहवामा वार्ता .... त्यसलगत्तै भारतको सिलीगुडीमा भारतीय गुप्तचर अधिकारीहरूसँग माओवादीको वार्तालाप भयो । ... भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्रीका विशेष दूत श्यामशरणले पनि गत साता प्रचण्डसँग लामो फोन-वार्ता गरे । .... संविधानसभामा काङ्ग्रेस र एमालेपछि आफूलाई तेस्रो नम्बरको शक्ति बनाउने भारतीय खेल आफूले बुझेको माओवादीको भनाइ छ । ..... भारतमा आधारति मधेसका सशस्त्र समूहहरूलाई वार्तामा ल्याउन प्रयास गर्दैछ । उपेन्द्र यादव नेतृत्वको मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमसँग भारतकै पहलमा सरकारले सम्झौता गरेको दाबी माओवादी मन्त्री देव गुरुडले गरेका छन् । ....... मधेस आन्दोलन र अन्य उपायमार्फत कमजोर पारएिका माओवादीलाई यसैबेला चुनावी बाटोबाट मूलधारमा ल्याउने भारतीय योजना रहेको छ, ताकि उनीहरू तेस्रो स्थानमा मात्र रहून् र मूलधारबाट अलग्गिने, जनविद्रोह गर्ने हैसियत पनि गुमाउन । माओवादीसँगै राजालाई पनि चुनावको वैधानिक बाटोबाटै ठेगान लगाउन सकिने दिल्लीको आकलन देखिन्छ । र, त्यसप्रति अमेरकिाको पनि समर्थन छ । ....... काङ्ग्रेसलाई गणतन्त्रको पक्षमा निर्णय गराइएता पनि थियो त्यसले माओवादीलाई चुनावतिर लगेन । अब भारतले दोस्रो कार्ड खोल्न सक्छ । त्यो हो, संसद्बाट गणतन्त्रको निर्णय । यद्यपि भारत हालसम्म त्यस्तो निचोडमा पुगिसकेको छैन । तर, संसद्बाट त्यससम्बन्धी निर्णय गर्ने र त्यसको अनुमोदनचाहिँ संविधानसभाको पहिलो बैठकबाट गराउने सहमति हुनसक्ने सम्भावना पनि छ । ......... कुनैबेला गिरजिाप्रसाद कोइरालाले भनेझैँ, नेपाली सेनाले सकेन भने चीन वा भारतको सेना बोलाउने ..... "वास्तवमा नेपालको सार्वभौमिकतामाथि कतैबाट खतरा छ भने त्यो भारतको समर्थन नलिई सत्तामा पुगिन्न भन्ने पार्टीहरूको सोच र शैलीबाट छ" ....... चुनावको विषयमा जति विदेशीहरूले चासो दिएका छन्, त्यति राजनीतिक पार्टीहरूले दिएका छैनन् । ..... चुनाव हुनुपर्छ, नत्र सरकारको वैधानिकता सकिन्छ ..... नेपालमा 'सिभिल ड्रेस' मा अमेरकिी सेना व्यापक छ भन्ने सुनिन्छ । .... काङ्ग्रेसमा २०१२/०१३ सालतिरै गणतन्त्रको प्रश्न उठेको थियो ।
Death toll in Kapilbastu climbs to 17 NepalNews 300 homes and 100 vehicles have been set to fire by mobs ...... the ensuing violence that took a communal colour
Eight parties agree to maintain unity Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, Maoist chairman Prachanda, UML general secretary Nepal, Nepali Congress Democratic president Sher Bahadur Deuba, Janamorcha Nepal chairman Amik Sherchan and other leaders were present at the meeting. ..... The meeting was shortened in view of ‘bad health’ of the Maoist chairman
Maoists want special session of parliament; mull ‘no-confidence motion’ against PM a proposal will soon be registered at the parliament secretariat demanding the special session, apparently to push for republic. He said the party would possibly table 'no-confidence' motion against Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala. ...... one fourth of lawmakers can call the special session. The Maoists have 83 MPs in the 330-seat interim parliament.
Deuba furious over delay in unity, NC-D Mahasamiti meeting on Sep 25-26 Deuba stated that if the unity is not announced by September 22, the Congress unity will never materialise. ..... NC-Democratic has also decided to hold its Mahasamiti meeting on September 25-26. The party's general secretary Bimalendra Nidhi issued a statement appealing to all Mahasamiti members to attend the meeting.
MJF dissidents to restrict Yadav from entering Mahottari The dissident faction of the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) led by Kishor Kumar Biswas has announced that rival faction's chief Upendra Yadav will be barred from entering Mahottari district. Mahottari district headquarter Jaleshwor remains tense since morning after the dissident faction announced ban on Yadav's entry in the district and followers of the split group are campaigning against Yadav. Yadav was scheduled to address a mass meeting in Jaleshwor as part of his party's political campaign for upcoming constituent assembly elections. The party has split after Yadav signed an agreement with the government and vowed to work for holding the constituent assembly elections on time.
PM hopes for new consensus; parties begin internal discussions The central committee meetings of the Nepali Congress and CPN-UML are undergoing. UML leaders have said their party would propose for a commitment resolution for republic through interim parliament to be approved by the constituent assembly. NC leaders said their discussion primarily focused on desertion of the Maoists from the interim government and possible ways to reach towards a new consensus. People's Front president Amik Sherchan said they would propose for a commitment proposal for republic from the interim parliament. He said it could later be approved by the elected constituent assembly.
Maoists' 22-point demands were legitimate, says Amik Sherchan Saying that the demands for PR-based electoral system and declaring the country a republic through the interim parliament – both of which feature high on the 22 point pre-requisite of the Maoists - were first raised by People's Front Nepal, chairman Sherchan said it was unfortunate to see the Maoists failing to convince the coalition partners to approve it while there was still time.