The only full timer out of the 200,000 Nepalis in the US to work for Nepal's democracy and social justice movements in 2005-06.
Friday, June 15, 2007
तराईमा िहंसाको राजनीितक समाधान छ
तराईमा िहंसाको िबग्िबगी बढ्दै गए जस्तो देिखन्छ। ज्वाला, गोइत, टाइगर, कोबरा र अन्य हितयारधारी समूहहरू सक्िरय छन्। उनीहरू सबैको संगठन मजबूत हुँदै गए जस्तो देिखन्छ। यस िहंसाको समाधान सेनाको प्रयोग हुँदै होइन। त्यताितर सोंच्नु पिन हुँदैन। माअोवादी जनयुद्धको एक मात्र समाधान राजनीितक िथयो। त्यसै गरी तराईको िहंसाको एक मात्र समाधान राजनीितक छ।
अिहले तराईमा बढ्दै गएको िहंसाको बीजारोपण भएको पिवत्र मधेशी क्रान्ित प्रित त्यित बेला िगिरजा, िसटौला र प्रचण्डहरुको अपमानपूर्वक रवैयाले हो। िवश्व इितहासमा कहीं नभएको अप्िरल क्रान्ितलाई अपमनापूर्वक जनअान्दोलन दुई भनी नामाकरण गर्नेहरू त्यसै गरी मधेशी क्रान्ितलाई अप्िरल क्रान्ितको दोस्रो अध्याय मान्न तयार भएनन् र अिहले पिन छैनन्। अिहले बढ्दो िहंसाको राजनीितक कारण त्यसै अपमानलाई मान्नुपर्छ। अिहले तराईमा बढ्दै गएको िहंसाको नैितक िजम्मेवारी िगिरजा र प्रचण्डको हो मुख्य रूपले।
अप्िरल क्रान्ित जनान्दोलन दुई होइन। िवश्व इितहासको अाफ्नो िकिसमको यो पिहलो क्रान्ित हो। र मधेशी क्रान्ित त्यस अप्िरल क्रान्ितको दोस्रो अध्याय हो। अप्िरल क्रान्ितले एउटा सत्ता ढाल्यो। मधेशी क्रान्ितले ३८ शहीदलाई सम्मान गर, गृह मन्त्रीले राजीनामा देउ भन्नू जायज िथयो। गृह मन्त्रीको राजीनामा र संिवधान सभाको पूर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन मधेशी क्रान्ितको िनकास िथयो। त्यो िनकास खोज्ने प्रयास गिरएन।
अिहले तराईमा बढ्दै गएको िहंसाको राजनीितक समाधानको पिहलो खुड्िकला भनेको गृह मन्त्रीको राजीनामा नै हो। दोस्रो खुड्िकला हो संिवधान सभाकालािग पूर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको घोषणा। यी दुई कुरा गिरसकेपिछ तेस्रो चरण हो तराईका सबै हितयारधारी समूहहरूसँग अादरपूर्वक शान्ित वार्ता।
अादरपूर्वक शान्ित वार्ता भनेको के? अादरपूर्वक शान्ित वार्ता भनेको जस्तो िक माअोवादीसँग गिरयो। यी सबै समूहहरूका िगरफ्तार कार्यकर्ताहरूलाई िरहा गर्ने, सबै मुद्दाहरू िफर्ता िलने, र ियनीहरूका लडाकुहरूलाई माअोवादी लडाकुहरूलाई जस्तै क्रान्टोनमेन्टमा राख्ने व्यवस्था गर्ने, तलब भत्ता िदने। र यी सबै समूहहरूलाई अाफ्नो राजनीितक मुद्दाहरू सरकारकोमा होइन, जनताकोमा लाने, संिवधान सभाको चुनाव लड्ने भन्ने। यिद गोइतलाई तराई नामको अलग देश चािहएको हो भने त्यो नाराकासाथ उ जनताकोमा जाअोस्।
संिवधान सभाको चुनावमा तराईमा दुई िकिसमका राजनीितक पार्टीहरूको पत्ता साफ हुन्छ। एउटा हो तराईमा दूई देिख चार राज्यको एजेण्डाकासाथ नजाने पार्टीहरू। र अर्को हो अलग देशको एजेण्डाकासाथ जाने पार्टीहरू।
देशका सबै जल्दाबल्दा नया पुराना राजनीितक मुद्दाहरूको िछनोफानो गर्ने भनेको संिवधान सभाले हो। तर तराईमा बढ्दै गएको िहंसाको सकेसम्म चाँडो राजनीितक समाधान खोिजएन भने संिवधान सभाको चुनाव नै िबथोिलने ठूलो संभावना छ। मधेशी क्रान्ितका दुई अाधारभूत माग क्रान्ित शुरू भएको तीन िदनमा नै िगिरजाले पुरा गिरिदएको भए संिवधान सभाको चुनाव अिहलेसम्म भइसक्थ्यो। त्यसैले म त भन्छु यो अन्तिरम संसदले तुरून्तै दुई कुरा गरोस्। एक। गणतन्त्रको घोषणा। दुई, िगिरजाको खारेजी। अिन बल्ल देश संिवधान सभाको चुनावितर लाग्छ।
In The News
State of lawlessness could jeopardize CA polls: Martin Kantipur
Carter 'assures' to take Maoist terrorist tag issue up with US prez Bush
Bhutanese refugees' resettlement offer not for political reasons: US
Govt replying to ADB's call for suggestions to save Melamchi today
Armed group abducts former NC lawmaker
Sunsari, Morang, Saptari affected by MPRF, Maoist banda
Maoists to launch protests against killings of cadres
House all for semi-proportional system at least 68 to 82 Madhesi, 28 to 34 Dalit, 82 to 99 ethnic, 8 to 9 backward class, 68 to 82 others, and 109 to 132 women will be elected in the CA ...... if any political party wants to contend under the PS it must give the names of at least 10 percent (24) candidates to the EC. ..... a person will be able to file candidacy for at least two constituencies for the FPTP electoral system but no one shall be able to contend under both FPTP and PS electoral systems. ...... Clause 19 of the Bill has barred all blacklisted persons, who were found guilty by the Rayamajhi Commission report for suppressing the April Movement 2006, violating human rights, misusing state funds while in power during the direct rule of King Gyanendra, from standing for elections.
'कोइराला मेरो हिरो' ८२ वर्षे कार्टरले आफ्नै उमेरका नेपाली नेताको मुक्तकण्ठले प्रशंसा गरे । ..... नेपालमा शान्ति र प्रजातन्त्रको भविष्य कोइरालामै अडेको बताए । ..... बीपीको ज्यानको सुरक्षाका लागि कार्टरले आपmनो प्रशासनबाट राजा वीरेन्द्रलाई दबाब दिएको दुवै नेताले सम्झना पनि गरे । स्र्रोतअनुसार कोइरालाले कार्टरलाई त्यसका लागि आभारी दिए । ...... कार्टर सेन्टरले ९ देशका १३ जना पर्यवेक्षकहरूमार्फत नेपालभरि चुनावी वातावरणको अध्ययन गरिरहेको छ ।
समानुपातिकमा महिलालाई ५० प्रतिशत समानुपातिक प्रणालीअन्तर्गत महिलालाई ५० प्रतिशत सिट दिने ऐतिहासिक व्यवस्था गर्दै संविधानसभा निर्वाचन सदस्य ऐन बिहीबार संसद्मा सर्वसम्मतिले पारित भएको छ । ..... समानुपातिकमा व्यवस्था भएको २४० मध्ये महिलाले १२० सिट प्राप्त गर्ने भएका छन् । समानुपातिकबाट प्रतिनिधित्व सुनिश्चित भएकाले यो व्यवस्थाअन्तर्गत संविधानसभाको कम्तीमा एक चौथाइ भाग महिलाले ओगट्ने निश्चित भएको छ । पहिलो हुनेले निर्वाचित हुने र समानुपातिक गरी महिलालाई ३३ प्रतिशत सिट छुट्याउने व्यवस्था पनि ऐनले गरेको छ । ...... संविधानसभामा करिब ३६ जना मधेसी महिला, १६ जना दलित महिला, ४६ जना जनजाति महिला, चारजना पिछडिएका क्ष्ाेत्रका महिला र ३० जनाभन्दा बढी अन्य महिलाले प्रतिनिधित्व गर्नेछन् । ...... समानुपातिक सिट निर्धारण जनसंख्याका आधारमा गरिएकाले महिलाले ५० प्रतिशत सिट प्राप्त गरेका हुन् ...... समानुपातिक प्रणालीअन्तर्गत मधेसी महिला र पुरुष हरेकले १५.६ प्रतिशत, दलित महिला र पुरुष हरेकले ६.५ प्रतिशत, उत्पीडित जाति/आदिवासी जनजाति महिला र पुरुष हरेकले १८.९ प्रतिशत, पिछडिएका क्ष्ाेत्रका महिला र पुरुष हरेकले २ प्रतिशत र अन्यमा महिला र पुरुष हरेकले १५.१ प्रतिशत सिट प्राप्त गर्नेछन् । राष्ट्रिय जनगणना २०५८ को आधारमा केन्द्रीय तथ्यांक विभागले छुट्याएको 'अन्य' समूहमा बाहुन, क्षेत्री, ठकुरी र चुरौटे परेका छन् । ....... मधेसीबाट उम्मेदवार चयन गर्दा दलित, आदिवासी, जनजाति र अन्य समूहसमेतको जनसंख्या प्रतिशतको आधारमा समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व हुने गरी उम्मेदवारको सूची तयार गर्नुपर्नेछ । दलहरूले सूची जनसंख्याको आधारमा समानुपातिक रूपमा तय गरे/नगरेको माथि निर्वाचन आयोगले छानबिन गर्नेछ । नभए सच्याउनुपर्नेछ । ...... आफूले रोजेका उम्मेदवारको सूची निर्वाचन अगावै दलहरूले आयोगसमक्ष प्रस्तुत गर्नेछन् । ...... पिछडिएको क्षेत्रलाई १० सिट प्राप्त हुनेछ । पिछडिएको क्ष्ाेत्रमा अछाम, कालिकोट, जाजरकोट, जुम्ला, डोल्पा, बझाङ, बाजुरा, मुगु र हुम्ला जिल्ला मानिएको छ । मानव विकास सूचकांक र मानव गरिबी सूचकांकका आधारमा पिछडिएको क्षेत्र निर्धारण गरिएको हो । कर्णालीका सबै जिल्ला र तीसरहका अरू चार जिल्ला पारिएको छ ।
फोरममाथि प्रतिबन्धको प्रस्ताव
त्रिपाठी एकीकरण प्रक्रियाप्रति असन्तुष्ट सद्भावना नेता हृदयेश त्रिपाठीले एकीकृत सद्भावनाअन्तर्गत गठन गरिने तदर्थ राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमितिको सदस्यमा आफू नरहने जनाएका छन् । उनले बुधबार विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी एकीकरणको प्रक्रियामा षड्यन्त्र भएको जनाउँदै त्यसप्रति असन्तुष्टि व्यक्त गरेका छन् । उनी सद्भावना -आनन्दीदेवी) का महासचिव थिए । एकीकरण प्रक्रियामा गृहकार्य र पारदर्शिताको अभाव रहेको टिप्पणी गर्दै साधारण सदस्य रहेर पार्टीभित्रका अलोकतान्त्रिक, अवसरवादी र षड्यन्त्रकारी शैली तथा प्रवृत्तिविरुद्ध संघर्षरत रहने उनले जनाएका छन् । उनले आफू भारतबाट उपचार गराएर फर्केको दिन सञ्चार माध्यमबाट एकीकरण भइसकेको सुन्दा आश्चर्य लागेको उल्लेख गरेका छन् । सद्भावना नेता भरतविमल यादवले समेत पार्टी एकीकरणकै दिन उपाध्यक्ष र केन्द्रीय समितिको सदस्यबाट पदत्याग गरेका थिए । हाल उनी सद्भावनाका साधारण सदस्य हुन् । यादवले पार्टी एकीकरण प्रक्रियाप्रति असहमति व्यक्त गर्दै पदत्यागको घोषणा गरेका थिए ।
फोरम कार्यकर्ताको अपहरण
संसद्बाटै गणतन्त्र घोषणा गर्न सकिन्छ'
संविधानसभा पूर्वाधार
बन्द मधेस 'गाडी नै चढेर आएँ । तर मलाई ल्याउने चालकले जय मधेस भनेर नारा लगाए', उनले भने । मधेसी फोरमका कार्यकर्ताले गाडी रोकेर जय मधेस भन्न लगाएछन् र गाडी छोडेछन् । ..... शरीर पसिनाले निथ्रुक्क छ । हेटौंडा-पथलैयाबीच कालोपत्रे पग्लिएपछि सडक कार्यालयले मसिनो गिट्टी छरेको छ । गाडी सन्तुलनमा राख्न पुष्करलाई धौधौ परेको छ । पथलैया पुगेपछि भुपेन्द्रको प्लाष्टिक चस्माको प|mेम तातोले तन्कियो र सिसा फुत्त खस्यो छ । बन्द भने अझै निरन्तर छ । ..... तापक्रम यतिविघ्न बढेको थियो कि दिलीपको चस्माको सिसा पनि एकाएक बीचबाट चर्कियो । ....... बिहीबार बिहानै मधेसका एक प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारीले भन्दै थिए, 'हामी पनि साह्रै दिक्क भइसक्यौं । यी राजनीतिक समस्या हुन् । दलहरू समवेदनशील भए भने समाधान हुन्छ ।'
Prachanda requests Carter's help in withdrawing US terrorist tag NepalNews
Carter meets with political leaders and COAS
Moriarty stresses freedom for refugees to make decision on resettlement it is essential for refugees have the freedom to make well-informed, independent decisions regarding their future without fear of threats or intimidation. ..... the American program, beginning this year, that offers to resettle at least 60,000 Bhutanese refugees in America over the next four-five years. ...... "Third-country resettlement does not preclude the right of refugees to return to Bhutan should conditions there permit return at a later date," Moriarty told refugee leaders.
Terai life hit hard by strike Morang, Sunsari and Saptari has been affected by the separate strikes called by Madheshi Janaadhikar Forum (MJF) and CPN-Maoists
Republic through parliament will invite dictatorship, says Rana
“Secretive agreement” to bring down Maoist combatants to 15,000 the decision to build 1000 homes with the intent to accommodate only 15,000 soldiers. ..... the CPN-M is preparing to submit a proposal to the government to ban the Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF)
UNMIN, OHCHR launch probe on YCL leaders’ killing the murder of YCL central committee member Binod Panta and Rupandehi district committee member Sheshmani Lamichhane ..... The UN mission also stated that it expected that the second stage verification would proceed in the next few days.
YCL leader killed in ‘clash’ with MJF cadres Jeetendra, YCL vice-chairman of Lumbini zone, was killed in the clash that had ensued after MJF activists engaged in a verbal dispute with a team comprising YCL cadres, rights activists and media persons that had gone to inspect the barrage that India had built by encroaching upon Nepalese land in Gunwaha ......... the MJF activists used hand grenade, homemade weapons, machetes and spears against the YCL cadres. ...... YCL activists had set fire to the house belonging to MJF leader Om Prakash Yadav in Shivapur, a place at some distance from Gunwaha, which is considered an MJF stronghold, irate locals had attacked YCL cadres ...... Following the clash, armed cadres of the forum including the local residents of Shivapur village fled to India for safety. ...... large number of government security personnel have been deployed ...... reports from Jhapa say that local administration has prevented MJF from holding its central assembly in Bhadrapur of Jhapa ..... MJF’s central vice-chairman Kishor Kumar Biswas and some other leaders were to address the assembly. ...... killing of their leader Dasarath Thakur aka Rohit by cadres of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM-Goit) ...... four people were injured in a clash between Maoists and Nepali-Congress (Democratic) cadres in Ramechhap ..... The dispute resorted at the village council meeting had resulted in a violent scuffle.
Maoists discuss agendas for Carter meeting
Jwala’s men gun down Maoist district leader in Bara NepalNews
UNMIN, OHCHR launch probe on YCL leaders’ killing
Second phase PLA verification postponed
Govt says no to ethnicity based PR
'Long March' drive postponed
"Madhesis Are Fighting For Themselves, Their Identity And Nationalism" - Bimalendra Nidhi The Diaspora is positively opinionated about the establishment of federal set-up and regional autonomy as well as proportional representation according to population in the constituent assembly....... Political decision has already been made in favor of establishing Federalism in Nepal. We are however, yet to work on the modalities, such as the symmetrical or asymmetrical model which guides power allocation between the Centre and the States; the optimum number and size of the regional states; federal system based on ethnic line, or resource allocation, or based on socio-cultural distribution shaped by history, geography, population etc. We need more debates and discussions before deciding on a final structural and functional modality. I personally believe in giving more power and autonomy to the states, and hence prefer the U.S.A. asymmetric model, where the powers, authorities and privileges of central authority is outlined in the Constitution, while the remaining powers and authorities are bestowed to the States. ...... I am proud to be a Madheshi ..... Nepali Congress (Democratic) was the most proactive political party to have accepted Madheshi issue in its political agenda ...... My mother was bold enough to endure the pains of both her husband and son going to jail ...... She was very hopeful that the Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala would be affirmative in his second address to the nation in February 2007, and when I briefed her after the address, she gladly said, "I was telling you, they have to submit to our demands!", and she died, contented, the very next day.
Monday, June 11, 2007
जनजाित र दिलतले पार्टी नखोल्नु मानिसक दासता हो
अिधकार माग्नु, समानता खोज्नु, समावेशीकरणको नारा िदनु भनेको हामीलाई अिहलेसम्म पाखा लगाइयो र त्यो अब हामीलाई सह्य छैन भन्नु जस्तो हो। समानता खोज्नु भनेको राजनीितक शक्ित खोज्नु हो। लोकतन्त्र नभएको अवस्थामा राजाकोमा गएर गुहार मािगन्छ। तर लोकतन्त्रमा राजनीितक शक्ितको एक मात्र स्रोत जनता हो भन्ने बुझ्नुपर्छ।
िगिरजा कोइराला राजा होइन, रामचन्द्र पौडेल राजा होइन, माधव नेपाल राजा होइन, प्रचण्ड राजा होइन। िवश्व कीर्ितमान कायम गरेको अप्िरल क्रान्ितपिछ नेपालमा एकसे एक जनजाित र दिलत नेताहरू पैदा भएका छन् र स्पष्ट रूपले अगािड अाएका छन्। ितनीहरूले सत्ताधारी पार्टीहरूकोमा गएर अावाज उठाएका छन्, अाफ्ना मागहरू सारेका छन्। मलाई लाग्छ अगािड सार्नुपर्ने माग एउटा मात्र छ, र त्यो हो पूर्ण रूपले समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको माग।
पार्टी खोलेर बन्दूक चािहं उठाउन पाउँदैन, होइन भने पार्टी खोल्नमा कुनै रोकटोक छैन। जनजाित पार्टी खोल्न पाइन्छ, दिलत पार्टी खोल्न पाइन्छ, मधेशी पार्टी त खुिलसक्यो, दर्ता पिन भइसक्यो। पार्टी खोल्न पाउनु मानव अिधकार हो। त्यो मानव अिधकार हनन हुने गरी कानून बनाउन पाइँदैन।
भरखरै नेपाली टाइम्स पत्िरकाले एउटा राष्ट्िरय सर्वेक्षण िनकालेको छ, देशमा नेपाली काँग्रेससँग १०%, एमालेसँग १०% र माअोवादीसँग १०% जनता छन् लगभग। त्यो मैले अनुमान गर्दै अाएको कुरा हो। मधेशी, जनजाित र दिलत ती तीन ठूला पार्टीसँग छैनन्। मधेशीसँग दुइ पार्टी छन्। तर जनजाित र दिलत मतदाता कहाँ जाने? अिहले जाने ठाउँ छैन।
देशमा एक चोिट संिवधान बिनसकेपिछ त्यसलाई फेरबदल गर्न बडा गार्हो हुनेछ। केही दिलत र जनजाित नेताहरू भन्दैछन् अिहले हामी पिरपक्व भइसकेका छैनौं। दुइ चार पाँच दश वर्षपिछ खोलौंला पार्टी। उनीहरूलाई लािगरहेको छ यो संसदीय चुनाव हुन लागेको छ। यो त संिवधान सभाको चुनाव हुन लागेको हो। एक चोिट बिनसकेपिछ त्यो संिवधान सयौं वर्षसम्म कायम रहन्छ। यो अागामी ६ मिहना भनेको दमजमकालािग िवशेष िकिसमले िनर्णायक समय हो। अिहलेको तरल अवस्थामा ६ मिहना खट्नु भनेको संिवधान बिनसकेपिछ २० वर्ष खट्नु बराबर हुनेछ।
जनजाितसँग संगठन छ, दिलतसँग संगठन छ। संगठन नभएको त होइन िन। अप्िरल क्रान्ितका दौरान अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघले कमसेकम २५ िजल्लामा िनर्णायक भूिमका खेल्यो। संगठन त बडा मजबुत पो छ त।
अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघ र दिलत महासंघसँग केन्द्रीय सिमित र िजल्ला सिमित छन्। नाम पिन फेर्नु पर्दैन। खुरुक्कन लगेर पार्टी को रूपमा दर्ता गराइिदने।
अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघले रामचन्द्र पौडेलकोमा गएर अिधकार माग्नु भनेको गणतन्त्रवादीले राजाकोमा गएर गणतन्त्र िदइबक्स्योस महाराज भन्नु सरह हो। बाहुनले जनजाितलाई अिधकार िदएको छ कतै िवश्व इितहासमा? अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघ जानुपर्ने भनेको अािदवासी जनजाित जनसमुदाय समक्ष हो। पार्टी खोल्ने र जनताकोमा जाने।
नेपालमा दुिनयाको नम्बर एक लोकतन्त्र स्थापना हुन लागेको छ। जुन राजनीितक पार्टीले जित भोटल्याउँछ त्यसै अनुसार राज्यले पैसा िदने, र त्यो बाहेक पैसा उठाउन नपाउने। त्यसो भएपिछ बाहुन पार्टी रमधेशी, जनजाित र दिलत पार्टीहरू सबैलाई प्रितस्प्रधा गरने समान अवसर प्राप्त हुनेछ।
अिहलेका ठूल्ठूला पार्टीहरूकालािग यो नराम्रो समाचार होइन। मधेशी, जनजाित र दिलतको एजेण्डालाईअात्मसात गरेर मधेशी, जनजाित र दिलतको भोट िलने प्रयास गर्ने अवसर उनीहरूलाई पिन प्राप्त छ। तरउनीहरूले त्यस्तो प्रयास गर्ने कुनै छाँटकाँट मैले देिखराखेको छैन। मधेशी क्रान्ितप्रित बाहुन पार्टीहरूकोदुश्मन सरह व्यवहार रह्यो। अिहलेसम्म पिन बाहुनहरू मधेशी क्रान्ितलाई राजावादी र िहन्दू कट्टरपन्थीकोचालखेल भनेर अपमान गर्दै अाएका छन्।
ताकत ब्यालट बक्समा छ। ताकत रामचन्द्र र िगिरजाकोमा कहाँ छ र? ६ मिहनापिछ िगिरजालाई मोरङ रसुनसरीमा चुनाव हराइिदए पिछ सिकएन िगिरजाको राजनीित?
१५ वर्ष अगािडको मधेशी, जनजाित र दिलत र अाजको मधेशी, जनजाित र दिलतको राजनीितक चेतनामा अाकाश पातालको फरक छ। २०४६ पिछ सद्भावनाले प्रयास गरेको हो त, तर त्यित बेला मधेशी जनताले पत्याएनन्। त्यित बेला राजनीितक चेतना िथएन, अिहले छ। नेपाली काँग्रेससँग १०%, एमालेसँग १०% र माअोवादीसँग १०% जनता हुनुले देखाउँछ नेपलका जनजाित र मधेशी अब जािगसकेका छन्। २०४६ पिछ सद्भावना अागे, मधेशी िपछे वाला स्िथित िथयो। अब मधेशी अागे, सद्भावना िपछे वाला स्िथित छ।
अिहले छुट्टछुट्टै चुनावमा जाअौं। चुनावी नतीजाको अाधारमा देशको पिहलो राष्ट्रपित मधेशी हुने िक जनजाित हुने भन्ने कुराको िनर्णय गरौंला।
Nepali Times Poll: A Lot Of Room For New Parties
Proposed Constitution
3 Layers, 15 States, No Army, 100,000 Bureaucrats Total, Much FDI
Bimalendra Nidhi And Friends
Completely Proportional Elections To The Constituent Assembly
Girija Will Kill Another 40,000 Nepalis
द्वैध नागिरकता िबना नेपालमा अार्िथक क्रान्ित सम्भव छैन
Mayawati Has Lessons For Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit, Mahila
एक मधेशी पार्टी
In The News
Govt talks team ‘verbally agrees’ to some of Janajati demands NepalNews the government team had “verbally agreed” to their demands for fully proportional electoral system and fair representation of Janajits in the constituent assembly (CA). .... every indigenous group should get at least one seat in the CA and that the NFIN was opposed to the “mixed proportional electoral system” ..... another key demand – the federal structure of the state on the basis of ethnicity, region and language.
PM confers with NC leaders; UML wants conducive atmosphere for polls
Second-phase PLA verification from Thursday
Army chief briefs PM on security situation
Recent SC orders crucial in ending impunity: NHRC
Gupta gets clean chit from Special Court Jaya Prakash Prasad Gupta has gotten a clean chit from the Special Court absolving him of charges of corruption. ..... (CIAA) had filed charges of financial irregularities against Gupta four years ago. ... The CIAA had accused Gupta of committing irregularities worth Rs 20.8 million.
Parties issue whips to MPs to attend statute amendment discussion
Govt carrying out national policy on IDPs, says PM
JTMM-Goit seizes 435 bighas of land in Saptari of a Rana family in Saptari district. .... Morcha cadres led by 'military commander' Bikash seized the land belonging to Shree Shumsher Rana in Kamalpur ..... The two factions of JTMM have intensified their campaign to seize the properties of their political opponents and landlords in Terai districts.
Khanal Sees Threat to Eight-party Unity Himalayan Times
Top UML leader asks NC to seek alternative
PM assures "serious steps" to address NEFIN demands Kantipur
सद्भावनामा सद्भावना तर्राई आन्दोलनताका दुवै सद्भावनाका कार्यकर्ता सडकमा थिए । पार्टर्ीी आन्दोलनमा आउन आह्वान नगरे पनि उनीहरू त्यसमा होमिए । समानता प्राप्तिको आन्दोलनमा उनीहरूको सहकार्य अन्ततः पार्टर्ीीकीकरणको बीज बन्न पुग्यो । तर्राई आन्दोलन रोकिएको छैन । सतहमा शान्ति देखिएजस्तो भए पनि अन्तरमा आगोको राप छ“दैछ ।
सूचनावञ्चित प्रधानमन्त्री त्यतिबेलासम्म प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालालाई उक्त घटनाबारे कुनै जानकारी गराइएको थिएन । मन्त्री पौडेलले जानकारी गराएपछि कोइराला निकै आक्रोशित भए । वृद्ध प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाको अनुहार पसिनाले न्रि्रुक्कै भिज्यो ।
चेपाङ बस्तीमा अभियान
सुजाताको ँसपिङ्’ एक लाख ३४ हजारको ब्याग ६० हजारको चस्मा ३४ हजारको पर्स ! आफूले गुचीका उत्पादनहरू लामो समयदेखि प्रयोग गर्दै आएकाले यसपटक पनि त्यही छानेको उनको भनाइ थियो । ..... मुख्य उद्देश्य थियो, छोरा आन्द्रेयस जोस्टलाई भेट्नु । .... सुजातालाई अमेरकिामा छँदै नेपाली जनसम्पर्क समिति, युरोप शाखा गठन गर्न बर्लिनका रेस्टुराँ व्यवसायी दिल गुरुङले निम्ता पठाएको भनिएको थियो । ..... उनको दुईदिने म्युनिख बसाइका क्रममा भएको चारतारे होटलको खर्च दिल गुरुङले नै बेहोरेका थिए । ..... सुजाता म्युनिख आइपुग्नु एक दिनअघि नै उनका राजनीतिक सहयोगी रमेश धमलालाई नेपालबाट झिकाइएको थियो । धमला सुजाताका नजिकका विश्वासपात्र मानिन्छन् । सुजाताले जर्मनीमा रहेका छोरालाई खर्च पठाउँदा धमला नै बाहक हुने गर्छन् । ..... सुजाता म्युनिखमै रहँदा नेपालमा भने काङ्गे्रसको भ्रातृ सङ्गठन नेपाल विद्यार्थी सङ्घको अधिवेशन चल्दै थियो, जसबाट आउने परण्िाामलाई लिएर उनी निकै चिन्तित देखिन्थिन् । कारण थियो, गगन थापाले नेविसङ्घ अध्यक्ष पदमा उम्मेदवारी दिने हल्ला । टेलिफोनमार्फत उनी कसैलाई हप्काउँथिन् र भन्थिन्, "अरू जेसुकै होस्, गगनले कुनै हालतमा पनि चुनाव जित्नु हुँदैन । त्यसका लागि तपाईंहरूले जेजे गर्नुपर्छ, गर्नूस् । बरु प्रदीप - पौडेल) ले जिते केही फरक पर्दैन । " नेविसङ्घ निर्वाचनकै प्रसङ्गमा उनले कम्तीमा पाँच जनासँग नेपालमा लामो फोनवार्ता गरेकी थिइन् । ...... छोरालाई पकेट खर्चका लागि केही हजार युरो दिइन् । २८ वषर्ीय आन्द्रेयस जोस्ट म्युनिखको एउटा कलेजमा सूचना प्रविधिका विद्यार्थी हुन् । उनका बुबा एवम् सुजाताका जर्मन पति अहिले इजरायलमा बस्छन् । ...... बर्लिनतर्फ उडिन्, जहाँ नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसको युरोप जनसम्पर्क समिति गठन गर्ने कार्यक्रम थियो । म्युनिखदेखि बर्लिन र बर्लिनदेखि म्युनिखसम्मको सम्पूर्ण टिकट खर्च रेस्टुराँ व्यवसायी दिल गुरुङले नै बेहोरेका थिए । ..... सुजाताको जर्मनी सयरमा जेजस्तो राजसी ठाँटबाँठ देखियो, त्यसका निम्ति उनले खर्च गरेको र यसरी नै अन्यत्र पनि खर्चिने गरेको धनराशिको स्रोतचाहिँ के हो, के उनले यसको जवाफ दिन सक्छिन् ?
Govt, NFIN negotiators to sit again on Monday NepalNews proportional electoral system and the federal structure of the state on the basis of ethnicity and region ..... each Janajati group should get at least one seat in the constituent assembly
PM assures NFIN leaders to meet their demands
PM, Prachanda agree to resolve issues of dissent decided to resolve all the issues of dissent through continuous discussions .... the issue of Maoist bandh in Kapilvastu district. Maoists have imposed indefinite bandh in the district from Saturday demanding that army camp in Birpur VDC be shifted away from the house of former chief of Maoist retaliation committee.
Row over ‘Indian advice’ is now over: Prachanda
India says Bhutanese refugee stalemate is 'international problem' A week after India termed the Bhutanese refugee crisis as an issue between Nepal and Bhutan, Indian External Affairs minister Pranab Mukherjee has said the refugee stalemate has become an international problem. .... "The population of Bhutan is about 600,000. If these 100,000 people (Bhutanese refugees) enter Bhutan it would create a demographic imbalance," Mukherjee said. ..... the US embassy in Kathmandu has invited the agitating refugee leaders for a dialogue this week. ..... After reaching an agreement with the district official of Darjeeling to put pressure on Indian government for repatriation, the refugee leaders called off their Long March for a period of 15 days.
Underground outfit warns against third country refugee resettlement Bhutan Tigers Force (BTF), a group said to be active in Bhutan in an underground manner
Minister Yadav warns of 'People's War' in Terai such revolt will occur unless the state addresses the concerns raised by people of Terai. ..... Condemning the recent baton charge by police against Madhesi MPs on Thursday in front of Singhdurbar 'at the direct order of Home Minister,' Minister Yadav also threatened to agitate against Nepali Congress (NC). ..... the people have the right to rebel if the government does not work in their interests and address their concerns.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Nepali Times Poll: A Lot Of Room For New Parties
Nepali Congress 12.5%
UML 10.7%
Maoist 11.2%
Undecided 52%
I think the large parties in the country are underestimating how well the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum will do at the polls. The biggest mistake the Janajati and Dalit movements can make at this point in time is to not launch their political parties. Of course you can launch a Janajati Party. It is called the basic human right to peaceful assembly. It is not true you can't. If you could not, how was the MJF able to do it?
The Janajatis cry hoarse against Bahunbaad but they work to sustain that Bahunbaad by acting like the mantra to their future lies with the Bahuns. Wrong. Janajati nirvana is not with Girija or Madhav. It is among the Janajati voters. You don't go beg with Girija or Ram Chandra Poudel. You go to the people.
What amazes me is that they already have a mass based organization. It is called the Adivasi Janajati Mahasangh. They also have a Dalit Mahasangh. You don't even have to change the names. Just go and register them as parties like the MJF did. You already have central committees, you already have district committees. What else do you need?
You register your two parties, and then you go to the people. You go to the Janajatis, the Dalits. The key to Janajati liberation and empowerment lies with the Janajatis, not with Girija. The key to Dalit liberation and empowerment lies with the Dalits.
Dalits need a political party of their own more than most because they are scattered across the country. Look at Mayawati in Utter Pradesh. Now she is talking of becoming the country's Prime Minister. That is the way to go. She did not beg with the "Manuwadis," her term for Bahuns. She instead organized her own people.
Have faith in your own people. They have what it takes to throw the centuries old sackles of slavery and subjugation.
If you are not going to launch a political party, the Janajati movement is nothing but a drama. Not much will come out of the talks, the protest programs, the agitations. Stop begging with those in power. Instead prepare to go to the people. Work out your agenda. Work out your manifesto.
When I brought this up with Om Gurung in person, he said, but what will be our ideology? Well, what is Mayawati's ideology? Your ideology will be federal republic.
When you add the numbers for the Congress, the UML and the Maoists, they come to around 30%. They are only being able to attract the Bahun-Chhetri voters. The Madhesi, Janajati and the Dalit are not with them. The Madhesi are going to go for the MJF and the Sadbhavana in big numbers. You will see a wave. But the Janajati and the Dalit have nowhere to go right now. There is an urgent need to launch a Janajati Party, there is an urgent need to launch a Dalit Party.
You already got the name, you already got the organizational infrastructure, you already got all the political ideas you need. All you got to do is go register.
3 Layers, 15 States, No Army, 100,000 Bureaucrats Total, Much FDI
Bimalendra Nidhi And Friends
Completely Proportional Elections To The Constituent Assembly
Mayawati Has Lessons For Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit, Mahila
एक मधेशी पार्टी
Three Parties: Congress, Communist, Sadbhavana
Himalayan Foundation: Himali Saanjh
Global Federation Of Indigenous Peoples Of Nepal: Anniversary 1
Global Federation Of Indigenous Peoples Of Nepal: Anniversary 2
Global Federation Of Indigenous Peoples Of Nepal: Anniversary 3
Global Federation Of Indigenous Peoples Of Nepal: Anniversary 4
Bimalendra Nidhi And Friends 1
Bimalendra Nidhi And Friends 2
Bimalendra Nidhi And Friends 3
Bimalendra Nidhi And Friends 4
New School Madhesi Event 1
New School Madhesi Event 2
New School Madhesi Event 3
The Bahun Version Of Proportional Elections
What the Bahuns want is this. Half the seats will be directly elected. And the other half will be through proportional elections. All those Bahuns who lost when trying to get directly elected will be brought in through the proportional method.
This is bogus. This is political corruption in your face. This is Bahunbaad at its worst. This is an unheard of version of proportional elections. The Bahuns are inventing something utterly new.
What they are proposing is not proportional elections. Rather it has to be called Backdoor Elections. They want to be able to bring in the defeated Bahuns through the backdoor. What they are thinking in terms of is a total travesty to the very idea of proportional elections.
Each competing party must put their list out in front of the voters b-e-f-o-r-e the people go to the polls. They do not get to prepare their lists after the voters have already cast their votes. That they are even thinking along those lines shows the party bosses are in no mood for political reform. They are in no mood to introduce democracy and transparency inside their parties.
The Nepali people's biggest struggle yet might be against the party bosses.
In The News
Still undecided Nepali Times Support for monarchy is at an all-time low and more than 60 percent oppose secularism which may mean we are headed for a Hindu republic. ...... Nepalis are proud to be Nepalis, but increasingly identify with their ethnicity or religion. A clear majority support quotas for the excluded. Most Nepalis believe that a constituent assembly will deliver peace and development. ...... Close to three-quarters of those polled feel no closeness to any political party. ....... deep-seated distrust of those who inhabit the political sphere ..... Mostly sure elections will be free and fair
The state of Nepali democracy Two-thirds of the republican respondents wanted a government ‘ruled by the people’ or believed ‘monarchy is not necessary in the modern era’. ..... Only 7 percent of those surveyed consider the Maoists as a source of insecurity, compared with 42 percent in 2004. ...... Respondents were on board with the Maoist proposals to integrate the two armies (74 percent) and impose a land ceiling (61 percent). ......only 15 percent named the CPN-M, while 34 percent allied themselves with the NC and 32 percent with the UML. Over half said they would either decide later for whom they would vote ...... The janajati and madhesi movements appear to be genuinely mass-based. Respondents identifying with just national identity dropped sharply to 43 percent ..... a shift in favour of equal weight to both national and ethnic or regional identity, from 19 percent in 2004 to 31.5 percent ...... madhesis favoured an ethnic or regional identity (30 percent on average) over a national identity (18 percent). The figures were reversed in 2004. But identity politics do not threaten national integration—over 90 percent of respondents, including madhesis, said they ‘are proud’ to belong of their own community and also Nepali. ........ A bi/multi-language policy, however, is endorsed by over half the respondents. ..... Hill origin respondents wanted a status quo on language and the nature of government, while most madhesis wanted alternatives. Hill ethnic groups and Muslims wanted a secular state, in contrast to a majority of caste and dalit hill and tarai groups. ....... 84 percent said international supervision would ensure free and fair elections.
Big questions
What we think The popularity of various political entities in ‘thermometer ratings’ showed the seven-party alliance scoring highest with +45, followed by the UML with +13, and the NC with +10 respectively. The Maoists scored -2 and the NC-D -39. This was corroborated with popularity ratings for personalities in which Sher Bahadur Deuba scored -39 with only King Gyanendra more unpopular than him at -59. Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Madhab Nepal tied at -1 and Girija Koirala came out with +4. ..... Whereas 89 percent of the people felt the country was going in the wrong direction in June 2004, only 7 percent think so now. And while in October 2004 74 percent thought elections couldn’t happen in the next year , only 18 percent think so today. ...... when asked to name two of their main concerns most respondents said lack of jobs, followed by education and cost of living. Maoist violence came seventh, after health care and above corruption.
Vox populi
Playing with matches CK Lal Travelling by day through the tarai these days is fraught with uncertainty. Things weren’t this bad even during the conflict. ..... the tense ambience relaxed somewhat only when the bus crossed the Chure and neared Hetauda. A passenger sitting in the driver’s cabin whispered to an acquaintance, “We are only four Nepalis in the bus. All the rest are Forum.” ...... To begin with, the Maoists didn’t have much of a base in the madhes. Second, their core supporters among the marginalised communities have been left ‘untouched’. ...... the NC’s madhesi lawmakers have lost their legitimacy in the eastern tarai. The UML has been exposed as a party of pahadi priests. No mainstream party can truly claim to represent the people of the tarai today
NFIN calls off two-day bandh NepalNews
PM avoiding regular engagements after health problem Few months earlier, he had had been hospitalised for nine days after complaints of chest infection
Prachanda says YCL will continue to hunt down corrupt people Prachanda has also announced his plan to double the YCL strength from the current 250,000 members
Congress VP spits venom at YCL He said that although the Maoists would not return to jungle anymore, he doubted they would abandon tactics of intimidation.
CJ complains civil society of being prejudiced
Strike affects Kapilvastu life
Deuba wants both Congress to actively work for unity
Carter will meet with Maoist leaders the Center has advised the political leaders to reconsider the issue of ranked candidate lists in the proportional representation system. "The system presently being discussed would allow parties to give elected seats to any candidate within their proportional representation candidate list after the election result has been declared, rather than allocating the seats starting from an already ranked candidate list," the statement reads. It adds, "As both systems will allow for quotas for marginalized groups presently being discussed to be preserved, the Center encourages the political leadership to select the process which will be most transparent for voters." ..... the Maoist-affiliated Young Communist League (YCL) persist with activities that violate the May 2006 Code of Conduct
Still undecided
Sadbhavana party unites NepalNews will be known as NSP-Anandidevi. Its chairperson will be Anandidevi Singh and senior vice chairperson will be Laxman Lal Karna ...... a 63-member working committee will be formed within 15 days ..... a united general convention within three months and will amend its statute, and manifesto. ....... Karna and Rajendra Mahato said their party stands in favour of federal democratic system ..... vice chairperson of NSP-Anandidevi Bharat Bimal Yadav issued a statement expressing his dissatisfaction over the unity. He said NSP-A should not have united with NSP 'which had sided with regression in the past.' Yadav said the unity has betrayed the integrity and undermined the credentials of NSP-Anandidevi.
India visit highly successful: Nepal
Bandh affects Pokhara and Janakpur
Unidentified group murders NC cadre in Mahottari
Nepal bandh affects normal life
NFIN to continue with their protest programme
Home minister’s resignation Kantipur
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