Sunday, January 08, 2006

Advisors, Doers, Donors, Supporters, Cheerleaders, Spectators, Whiners

I have been trying to create a group dynamics model that throws light on the commendable work on behalf of the democracy movement being done by the Nepali diaspora in the US. Here in the diagram is my latest attempt. One important addition has been the section at the top for the advisors. There are many well accomplished Nepalis who can not see themselves with one of the projects, because all that would be too hands on for them, and they are often holding various leadership positions in the various Nepali social organizations on the continent, and these might be people who will happily donate $1000 or more because they are in the top income brackets, but their contribution can not be measured in the number of hours they might have to give. They would be kind of like the Board of Advisors if this movement and projects to do with it were a company.

Diaspora Dynamics
The Cloud Model, Not The Pyramid Model

On the other hand, I do feel there is this urgent need to expand the involvement base. What about those tens of thousands of Nepalis who are also in the country? I think many of those could pose for group pictures to express their solidarity: Flickr Tag: NepalDemocracy. And they could each donate $10.

I believe the top and the bottom have been missing in all my earlier models. I have been too focused on the immediate. So let's close in from both ends.

I think it is so much easier to get along and stay focused and productive as long as we keep focused on the intended recipient of our work: the 27 million people in Nepal. It is not about us, it is about them.

This is also of career interest to me. I have been working within the Democratic Party in a so-far small capacity to present Nepal as the Iraq for the Democrats. There is a neocon way to spread democracy, and then there is a progressive way. The model we could develop for Nepal could be replicated elsewhere in the world. Suddenly the immigrants in America from all these poor countries become small scale heroes in America, as opposed to being people who are quick subjects of demonizations and scorn from the mainstream, sometimes subject to racial harassments and more. They get to transform and become the soldiers on the cutting edge for democracy. From being nobodies working little jobs, they become freedom fighters, part time. That would contribute to their sense of self worth, don't you think?

If we can become more organized and more effective than we are, we can also hope to get substantial logistical support from the private sector, as well as the public sector. We could be talking big bucks. Money helps. We could do more for the democracy movement in Nepal with more money.

I have constantly tried to come up with a model that will allow every interested individual and organization to contribute to the max. I think the latest model is close to it, and it builds on the earlier models.

My style is to suggest all of us should go public with our names and stay public with our names. If we can not show up in the streets of Nepal, that is the least we could do. But I am understanding of those who might choose to put in the work and the money, but keep their names private.

Earlier, much earlier I have talked of 5 Steps To Democracy.

Two layers could be added to that model.
  1. The diaspora could really take the lead.
  2. The international community could help proactively, by establishing and threatening with international laws that would make all countries subject to the human rights regime, and by staying ready to recognize democratic regimes once movements give birth to them.
The movement for democracy in Nepal could have impacts for the 2006 and 2008 elections in the US.

Nepal Message To Top Democrats
Pentagon, Hexagon
The Israeli Wall Is Wrong, Hillary

In The News

Maoists detonate two bombs in Nepalgunj municipality NepalNews
RPP on the verge of split; demands clarification from leaders
Rebels step up attacks in Nepal, India
Nepal rules out possibility of talks with King Kantipur Online, Nepal
UML Organises Massive Demonstration in Birgunj Himalayan Times
UN Cautions Nepal Gov't, Maoists OhmyNews International, South Korea
Maoists bomb Nepalgunj Municipality building Kantipur Online, Nepal

Bihar's waiting for you: Nitish tells NRIs Rediff, India
Nitish seeks diaspora help to change the face of Bihar Times of India
Prime Minister Exhorts NRIs to Step Up to Help Bihar Patna Daily
Bihar to tap into its NRI base Rediff
NRI meet more hype than hope: Lalu Newindpress, India
NRIs come here for picnic: Lalu Times of India, India
Help us transform Bihar, Nitish urges diaspora Webindia123, India
Pravasi Bharatiya - What Can They Give? Patna Daily, India
Nitish plans to woo NRIs to 'happening' Bihar India Monitor, UK
Bihar to float global tenders for setting up, India


7 January08:16Telenet, Belgium
7 January09:52ICONZ Limited, New Zealand
7 January11:28Satyam Infoway Limited, India
7 January11:53Ameritech, United States
7 January14:10Versatel Deutschland GmbH, Germany
7 January16:31Swipnet, Sweden
7 January18:4672.30.177.x

7 January19:13Bulldog Communications, United Kingdom
7 January23:20Corporate Access, Iran
8 January00:30Nepal (

Saturday, January 07, 2006

चुनाव बहिष्कार बाहेक विकल्प छैन: सात दल

चुनाव बहिष्कार बाहेक विकल्प छैन: सात दल

देशको शोषण दमन गरेर विदेशी बैंकमा अथाह सम्पत्ति थुपार्नेहरूलाई देशको कुनै माया हुँदैन । तर यो देशको हितमा जसको हित अन्तरनिहित हुन्छ, उसको भविष्य यही देशसँग गाँसिएको हुन्छ । त्यसैले राजाले आफ्नो सारा असंवैधानिक, अप्रजातान्त्रिक, तानाशाही कामकारबाहीलाई समर्थन गराउन घोषणा गरिएको यो निर्वाचनलाई सक्रियतापूर्वक बहिष्कार गरी आफ्नो देशप्रतिको निष्ठा र कर्तव्यलाई पूरा गर्नु सबै देशभक्त र प्रजातन्त्रवादीहरूको पुनित कर्तव्य भएको छ ।

आदरणीय दिदीबहिनी तथा दाजुभाइहरू
आज हाम्रो देश गम्भीर संकटको अवस्थामा छ । यो अवस्था राजाको सर्वसत्तावादी निरंकुश शासक बन्ने अति महत्त्वाकांक्षा र उनका जनविरोधी क्रियाकलापबाट उत्पन्न भएको हो । जनताको चाहनाको उचित सम्मान गर्न र देशमा शान्ति कायम होस् भन्ने राजा चाहँदैनन्, उनी एक नेपालीबाट अर्को नेपालीको हत्या भइरहोस् र नेपाली नेपालीबीचको भिडन्तले सृजित अशान्तिको आडमा निरंकुश शासन लम्ब्याइरहुँ भन्ने मात्र चाहन्छन् । राजा ०४६ सालको जनआन्दोलनबाट प्राप्त उपलब्धिलाई समाप्त गर्दै मुलुकमा आफ्नो हुकुमी र स्वेच्छाचारी शासन लाद्न चाहन्छन् । राजाको आजसम्मको सबै क्रियाकलापले यिनै कुरालाई प्रस्ट गरेको छ । होइन भने माओवादीले युद्धविराम गरेर आन्दोलनरत सात राजनीतिक दलहरूसँग समझदारी गर्दै पूर्ण लोकतन्त्र र शान्तितिर र्फकने चाहना राख्दा त्यसलाई हरतरहले बिथोल्ने प्रयास गर्ने थिएनन् । लामो समयदेखि सशस्त्र संघर्षमा संलग्न माओवादीलाई शान्ति र मेलमिलापतिर प्रवृत्त गराउन लागेका राजनीतिक दलहरूलाई अनेक अनर्गल र अवाञ्छित लान्छना लगाउने आतंककारीको मतियार भनाउने जस्ता निकृष्ट एवं देशघाती कार्य गराउने थिएनन् ।

राजाले प्रतिगामी कदम सुरु गरेपछि मुलुक दिन प्रतिदिन अकल्पनीय अशान्ति र अराजकतातिर धकेलिएको छ । नेपालका सम्पूर्ण मित्रराष्ट्रहरू तथा संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघजस्ता निकायहरूले राजाको कामकारबाहीप्रति असन्तुष्टि व्यक्त गरिरहेका छन् । राजा राष्ट्रिय र अन्तर्राष्ट्रियरूपमा एक्लिएका छन् । तर राजाले यी सबैप्रति कुनै सरोकार देखाएका छैनन् । देशको हित र प्रतिष्ठाको निम्ति यो एक अत्यन्तै चिन्ताको विषय हो । यस्तै स्थिति कायम रहिरहे हाम्रो देश विश्व समुदायबाट एक्लिएर घोर अन्धकारतिर धकेलिने खतरा प्रत्येक दिन बढिरहेको छ ।

देशको पर्यटन व्यवसाय र उद्योग धन्दाहरू पूर्णतया बन्द हुँदैछन् । कृषि र अरू रोजगारीका अवसरहरू समाप्त भएका छन् । गाउँ-गाउँबाट युवाहरू पलायन भएर विदेशमा अति दयनीय जीवनयापन गर्न बाध्य भइरहेका छन् । कतिपय पहाडी जिल्लाका जनताले खाद्यान्नको अभावमा भोकभोकै रहनुपरेको छ । भ्रष्टाचार, कुशासन र मानवअधिकार उल्लंघनका अनेकौं घटनाले मुलुक क्षतविक्षत र आक्रान्त भइरहेको छ । यति ठूलो र भयावह संकट यसभन्दा पहिले, यसरी कहिले पनि मुलुकले बेहोर्नुपरेको थिएन । तर एकछत्र शासक भएका राजालाई देशको यो दुर्गतिप्रति अलिकति पनि चिन्ता छैन । उनी गरिब देशको राजस्व खर्च गरेर अनावश्यकरूपमा अत्यन्त महँगो एवं विलाशी भ्रमण गरिरहेका छन् र देशलाई सैनिकीकरणतर्फ धकेलिरहेका छन् । समग्रमा राजा देशमा शान्ति, लोकतन्त्र र समृद्धिको बाटोमा अवरोध भएका छन् ।

राजाका प्रत्येक चरित्र र कामकारबाहीले राजा महेन्द्रको सर्वसत्तावादी नीतिलाई अनुशरण गरिरहेको छ । नेपालमा पनि जनप्रतिनिधिको शासन छ भन्ने अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय जगतलाई देखाउन राजा महेन्द्रले पञ्चायती निर्वाचनको नाममा कुनै जनाधार नभएकाहरूलाई जिताएर ल्याउने नाटक गरेका थिए । अहिले यी राजाले पनि त्यही निर्दलीय निरंकुशकालका जनविरोधी एवं देशघाती तत्त्वलाई आफ्नो सहयोगी बनाएर अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय जगत्लाई देखाउनमात्र निर्वाचनको नाटक मञ्चन गर्न, गराउन लागेका छन् । तर यस्ता कृत्रिम कुराले कुनै पनि मित्रराष्ट्र तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समुदायलाई भ्रममा पार्न सक्दैन । तीनपटक संसदीय निर्वाचनमा र दुईपटक स्थानीय निर्वाचनमा स्वतन्त्रतापूर्वक आफ्नो मताधिकार प्रयोग गरिसकेका जनताले यो नाटकीय निर्वाचनमा आफ्नै हक र हितविरुद्धको पात्र भएर आफ्नो देश, आफू तथा आफ्ना सन्ततीका भलाइलाई आफैं कुठाराघात गर्न सक्दैनन् ।

आज निर्विघ्नरूपमा जनताले आफ्नो प्रतिनिधि छान्न नसक्ने अवस्थामा राजा किन नगरपालिकाको निर्वाचन गराउन उद्यत छन् ? यसलाई प्रत्येक चेतनशील नेपालीले गम्भीर भएर सोच्नुपर्छ । राजा निर्वाचन भनेको सेना र प्रहरीको घेराभित्र हुने नाटक हो भन्ने मान्यतामा आधारित भई स्वतन्त्र निर्वाचन प्रणालीलाई नै समाप्त पार्न चाहन्छन् । निरंकुश शासक बन्ने चाहनामा नेपाली जनतासँग निहुँ खोजेर नगरकोट र अरू कतिपय ठाउँको जस्तै निहत्था जनतालाई गोलीको निशाना बनाउन चाहन्छन् ।

आज नियम, कानुन, संविधान आदि सबैलाई लत्याएर राजा एकतन्त्रीय हुकुमी शासन सञ्चालन गरिरहेका छन् । यही निर्वाचनको नाटकबाट ल्याइने तथाकथित जनप्रतिनिधिबाट उनी निरंकुश राजतन्त्रलाई वैधानिकता दिलाउन खोजिरहेका छन् । निरंकुश राजतन्त्रअन्तर्गत हुने कथित निर्वाचनले मुलुकको समस्या समाधान गर्दैन, बरु यसले मुलुकलाई अझ बढी अशान्ति र अस्थिरतातर्फ धकेल्ने र स्थितिलाई थप जटिल बनाउँदै देशलाई अरू गम्भीर संकटग्रस्त अवस्थामा पुर्‍याउने प्रस्ट छ । यसरी राजा र उनका सहयोगीहरूले यो निर्वाचनलाई देशको हित र जनताको अधिकारलाई निर्ममतापूर्वक तहसनहस पार्ने हतियारका रूपमा प्रयोग गर्न लागेका बेला यो देशको इतिहास र भविष्यले हामी सबैलाई आफ्नो कर्तव्यप्रति सचेत रहन घचघच्याइरहेको छ ।

निरंकुश राजतन्त्रलाई मजबुत बनाउन र जनतालाई कमजोर पार्न प्रयोग गरिने राजाको यो निर्वाचन हतियारलाई यसरी आफ्नै घाँटीमा हामीले प्रहार हुन दिने कि नदिने ? मुलुकलाई समग्ररूपमा छिन्नभिन्न पारेर गृहयृद्धमा होम्न लागेको यो षड्यन्त्रलाई हामीले हेरिमात्र रहने कि कडा प्रतिकार गर्ने ? तसर्थ देश, जनता र प्रजातन्त्रका विरुद्ध नियोजित षड्यन्त्रका रूपमा घोषणा गरिएको कथित निर्वाचनलाई सक्रियतापूर्वक बहिष्कार गर्दै असफल बनाउनुबाहेक अर्को विकल्प छैन । यसक्रममा सात दलसँग सम्बन्धित कुनै पनि सदस्य कथित निर्वाचनमा उम्मेदवार बन्ने, प्रस्तावक-समर्थक- प्रचारक हुनेलगायत निर्वाचनको प्रक्रियामा सहभागी भएमा निजलाई कम्तीमा ५ वर्षका लागि सम्बन्धित पार्टीबाट निष्काशन गरिनेछ । साथै आमनेपाली जनता र विश्व समुदायबाट बहिष्कृत बन्दै गइरहेको निरंकुश राजतन्त्रको रक्षा कवज बन्ने र लोकतन्त्रविरोधी कित्तामा खडा भएर जनताको घृणाको पात्र बन्ने यो कथित निर्वाचनमा भाग नलिन सबै नेपाली दिदीबहिनी तथा दाजुभाइमा हामी हार्दिक आह्वान गर्छौं ।

देशको शोषण दमन गरेर विदेशी बैंकमा अथाह सम्पत्ति थुपार्नेहरूलाई देशको कुनै माया हुँदैन । तर यो देशको हितमा जसको हित अन्तरनिहित हुन्छ, उसको भविष्य यही देशसँग गाँसिएको हुन्छ । त्यसैले राजाले आफ्नो सारा असंवैधानिक, अप्रजातान्त्रिक, तानाशाही कामकारबाहीलाई समर्थन गराउन घोषणा गरिएको यो निर्वाचनलाई सक्रियतापूर्वक बहिष्कार गरी आफ्नो देशप्रतिको निष्ठा र कर्तव्यलाई पूरा गर्नु सबै देशभक्त र प्रजातन्त्रवादीहरूको पुनित कर्तव्य भएको छ ।

हामी निरंकुश राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य गरेर पूर्ण लोकतन्त्र स्थापना गर्ने आन्दोलनमा समाहित छौं । यसका लागि आन्दोलनको शक्तिले संसद् पुनःस्थापना गर्ने र त्यसको निर्णयले सर्वदलीय सरकार बनाउने, माओवादीसँग वार्ता गर्ने र सहमतिको आधारमा संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन गरी सार्वभौमसत्ता र राजकीय सत्ता पूर्णरूपले जनतामा स्थापित गराउने शान्तिपूर्ण जनआन्दोलनमा पूर्णप्रतिबद्ध छौं । सशस्त्र द्वन्द्वको अग्रगामी राजनीतिक निकासद्वारा समाधान गरेर देशमा शान्ति बहाली गर्न हामी पूर्णकटिबद्ध छौं । तसर्थ निरंकुश राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य गर्न, संविधानको गलत व्याख्या र प्रयोग गर्दै राजाले चलाएको प्रतिगामी षड्यन्त्रलाई परास्त गर्न, संयुक्त जनआन्दोलनबाट पूर्ण लोकतन्त्र र शान्तिबहाली गर्न, राज्यको पुनर्संचना गरी समावेशी र सहभागीमूलक पूर्णप्रजातन्त्रको स्थापना गर्न, सात दल र माओवादीबीच भएको १२ बुँदे समझदारीलाई अझ ठोस र प्रस्ट बनाउँदै कार्यान्वयन गर्न कथित नगरपालिकाको निर्वाचनलाई शान्तिपूर्ण तरिकाबाट सशक्त र प्रभावकारी ढंगले सक्रिय बहिष्कार गर्दै जनआन्दोलनलाई नयाँ उचाइमा लैजान सम्पूर्ण देशवासी दिदी-बहिनी, दाजुभाइहरूमा हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछौं ।

१. नेपाली कांग्रेस- सभापति, गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला
२. नेकपा (एमाले)- महासचिव, माधवकुमार नेपाल
३. नेपाली कांग्रेस (प्रजातान्त्रिक)- का.वा. सभापति, गोपालमान श्रेष्ठ
४. जनमोर्चा, नेपाल- अध्यक्ष अमिक शेरचन
५. नेपाल मजदुर किसान पार्टी- अध्यक्ष, नारायणमान विजुक्छे
६. नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टी (आनन्दीदेवी)- राष्ट्रिय उपाध्यक्ष, भरत विमल यादव
७. संयुक्त वाममोर्चा नेपाल- अध्यक्ष, कृष्णदास श्रेष्ठ

मिति: ०६२ पुस १४ गते

Satchit Is Still More B.S.

This Movement Also Against Rana Rule: Satchit Is So Much B.S.

Rajparishad conference condemns alliance-Maoist pact NepalNews ..... The three-day central regional conference of the Rajparishad concluded on Friday adopting a 9-point resolution condemning the seven-party alliance for its 12-point pact with the Maoists....... the resolution would be submitted to the King for ‘effective implementation’...... Satchit Shumsher Rana, presented a working paper in the meet that said, “The seven-party alliance should bring the Maoists to talk to the government if it is really serious about peace in the country." ..... also came down heavily on India, the USA, the UK and Belgium for "suspending arms supply to Nepal at a time when she is fighting terrorism"....... urged the agitating parties to give up ‘street demonstrations’ ...... The regional conferences in all the five development regions will be followed by a Central Conference of the Rajparishad

This so-called Raj Parishad also rattled right before the coup last year. Many people think this guy Satchit Rana is some kind of an oracle or something. If you want to know what the king will do next, listen to this guy talk.

To think of that now would be to overblow this guy's importance. He belongs in the dustbins of history.

The Parishad has condemned the seven party alliance, the Maoists, and the international community. That only reflects the regime's isolation.

The Parishad has said the parties should help bring the Maoists into dialogue with the regime. The Maoists have been calling for a roundtable conference forever.

Unless the king makes up his mind and is ready for a constituent assembly, what talks could be in the offing? Tulsi Giri is against holding talks. Is Satchit Rana for talks? Who is calling the shots now? Is it Tulsi or Satchit? The regime is exhibiting some major discordance right at the top.

If the king does not come around to the idea of a constituent assembly, I believe there is going to be a short circuit, and the country is going to skip the constituent assembly and head straight for a republic. There will still be an assembly, but that would be organized within a republican framework.

People like Satchit do not have that many cards left to play. Their time is passe.

If Satchit cares about the monarchy, he should work on the king and get him to come around to the idea of a constituent assembly. The assembly is the monarchy's only hope, if there is any left by now.

I think the monarchy might even have the option to bargain for something a little better, as in a constitutional monarchy that does not command the army stays on, and all the rest of the issues go to the constituent assembly. But even for that you have to agree to the idea of a roundtable conference, interim government and a constituent assembly.

These guys are really cornering themselves. Time is running out fast.

In The News

NC (D) deletes constitutional monarchy from statute; Deuba elected as president NepalNews Constitutional assembly must to resolve current problems: Dhungana UML general secy rules out reconciliation with Monarchy ...... "The palace has been deceiving us since 2007. The political parties will not make the mistake of kneeling down before it again." ..... We have learnt from history and our past mistakes ...... no one would be able to stop the democratic movement in the country...... expressed his disappointment over Rastriya Prajatantra Party's decision to participate in the polls ...... "The King has pushed the Maoists back to their violent ways. He believes that his autocratic regime will be extended if the war prolongs." ...... Bam Dev Gautam said the palace had always conspired to perpetuate political instability in order to gain power....... "We will not let the polls be successful at any cost. Let the government put prices on our heads and issue red corner notices against us" ...... King himself has forced the political parties into choosing the path of republicanism .... "The ongoing movement would restructure the State and bring total inclusive democracy." ......
What I Saw In My Country by Somnath Ghimire UWB .....
Even police are not secure. Some senior cops said that they were totally controlled by the army’s command. This regime has made Nepal a complete closed society-an army state. ...... People in the districts say political life has become much easier after the 12-point agreement....... What I noticed in my trip was that Maoist cadres were more serious politically and eager to involve in political debate and discussions rather than creating obstacles to political parties....... December 3. I witnessed the largest demonstration (that reminded me of 1990) as tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Kathmandu demanding the abolition of the monarchy. Many young people were against monarchy. I experienced that the elimination of the few remaining democratic rights by the government has driven even more sections of the people in the cities into firm opposition to the monarchy........ I met leaders including Girija Prasad Koirala and Madhav Kumar Nepal and discussed about the political and human rights situation...... More than 90% of the people that I met in the movement of seven parties, wanted to get of rid of the monarchy system and set up a new Nepal, Republic of Nepal.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dinesh Tripathi: In Person

I got to meet Dinesh Tripathy. He is in town for about a week. He will also show up for the 11 AM Union Square get-together on Sunday. We met up at Yak in Jackson Heights. He lives in Baltimore.

He is an accomplished person. That is so obvious. He is articulate, passionate. He has a presence about him. He sure knows his stuff. He has been taking the lead on one of the projects, the one about legal action. Most of our discussion focused on that. But we also talked about the movement in general.

We have been in regular touch these past few weeks, and I have been impressed. But he really got my attention when he mentioned he had been vice president of the Nepal Students Union at one point in time. He has the academic, intellectual bend of mind, he of course has the legal bonafides, and he also has the political instincts. That is quite a combination. Otherwise the diaspora has quite a few people who have the academic qualifications, but not the political instincts to speed things up, or rise above the petty, or make the diaspora movement more broadly mass based.

He also knows Hridayesh Tripathy who is one of my favorite people. We talked some about him. He told me a story of Daman Nath Dhungana calling Tripathy a "born parliamentarian" in the early 1990s. To that I added the story of Prime Minister Nehru calling Atal Bihari Vajpayee a "future Prime Minister," and that was back in the days when Vajpayee was with some insignificant little party.

Dinesh Tripathi exudes power. His legal expertise gives him an element of fearlessness. He wants his name to be used as widely as possible. I like that. There are others in the diaspora who want their names withheld, which would be a legitimate choice, but then they also proceed to block the work itself, whatever might be at hand.

We had a long conversation. We touched upon all aspects of the movement basically.

His is already the most specific, elaborate piece of writing at the Project Nepal Democracy page. We decided to elaborate on all that much more. That we do by starting a blog for that project: Project Nepal Democracy: Legal Action. We will invite others to join. We will work to paint pictures of all possible forms of legal action that could be taken against the regime should it opt for some kind of a crackdown. Google makes it all so easy to do. Basically it would be a blog presentation. And the work would be ongoing.

But then Dineshji emphasized the importance of pamphleteering in Nepal, and getting articles published in Nepali in Kantipur. I thought there was a message for me right there. My blog is all good, but I should really seek to get into Kantipur. Tripathi offered his contacts for the effort. I intend to use them.

"That way you reach the teashops across the country," he said.

We also discussed the ANTA. Tripthi is the president of the Balitmore-DC chapter of the organization. Both of us feel the need to work on Madhesi solidarity. This is about pride and empowerment, not any sort of exclusion. This is about political equality and communal harmony. Both need to and can go together.

Tripathi was in Nepal when 2/1 happened. He filed over 400 cases on behalf of the democrat politicians.

International Nepal Solidarity Network » Report on Advocate Dinesh ...
Comments on: Report on Advocate Dinesh Tripathi’s appearance at ...
Scoop: K. Sarup: Are Human Rights And Peace Connected?
5 Questions The Telegraph - Weekly (Nepal)
[cr-india] NEPAL - Supreme court asks government to explain FM ... - The Peace Media Research Center's e-magazine::
Legal news from nepal: May 2005
Reporters sans frontières - Nepal
Kathmandu Metropolitan City ...
Petition Spot - Free Online Petitions
Briefings :: NEPAL SCENE
Legal news from nepal
Opinion The Telegraph - Weekly (Nepal)
The Rising Nepal
The Rising Nepal
Martin Chautari
About Me
[PDF] Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ)
Comments on: A new politician born in Nepal!
Martin Chautari
Women and Armed Conflict: Reaching Towards Focused Solutions
Appendix -6
NEPAL: Petition to urge His Majesty's Government of Nepal and the ...
United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal » Blog Archive » A new ...
***** Nepalese American Journalist Association ...

(for Kantipur)

February 8 Le Dhrubikaran Nimtyaunchha
Paramendra Bhagat, New York

New York shahar ko duree bata guff phalaknu sajilo jasto dekhiyela, tara internet ko madhyam le Nepal ko samachar sajilai prapta hunchha. Nepal ma sadak ma utranu bahek prabas bata aroo je pani garna sakinchha jasto lagchha malai, ra gariyeko pani chha. February 1, 2005 ko coup ko ek barsha pugna lagyo. Appendix jasto bhayera basnu parne dhara 127 lai raja le singai sambidhan nai banai diye. Manab adhikar ko byapak hanan bhayeko chha. Satta ma Tulsi Giri jasta kukhyat tanashahi prabiti ka manchhe haroo chhan.

Maobadi ko hinsa lai maile kahile pani thik bhanina. Tara Maobadi le communist republic bata democratic republic samma liyeko saidhantik phadko, ra ektarfi yuddha biram jasta kadam lai nadar andaj garera raja ko sarkar le afno sainikikaran ko agenda tersyayeko chha. Shanti ra prajatantra ko path padhaune raja le raktapat ra ektantrikaran ko bato rojeko prashta chha.

Burma ma Aang Sang Su Kyi jail ma chhin. Pakitan ka Benazir Bhutto ra Nawaj Sharif prawas ma chhan. Mahendra ko Nepal ma party haroo pratibandhit thiye. Ahile ko Nepal ma tyo sab chhaina. Tara tyaso bhandai ma desh ma prajatantra chha bhanna mildaina. Yo sarkar gair sambaidhanik ho, ra tyasto sarkar le garaune chunaw loktantra ko pratik na bhayera tanashahi prabriti kai naya roop ho bhanne manna parchha.

Ho, January 2005 ma desh ko sthiti najuk nai thiyo. Tara tyo sthiti sachyaune niyat yadi raja ko hundo ho ta tin le Maobadi ko yuddha biram ra Maobadi ra saat party ko barah sutriya samajhdari lai sakaratmak roop le upayog garne prayas garne thiye. Maile ta teen barsha mangeko ho, ek barsha ma nai shanti ayo bhane ta mero roadmap disturb hunchha bhane jasto prateet hunchha. Tyo tanashahi manasthiti ho. Raja le loktantra ko artha nai na bujheko spashta chha.

Ma saidhantik roop le nai ganatantrabadi hoina. Yadi raja sanchai nai pranatantra ka himayati hundo hun ta, teen le saat party ra Maobadi sanga sena command na garne sambaidhanik rajtantra bahek aroo sabai mudda sambidhan sabha ma laijau bhanera bargain garne prayas garne thiye. Athwa sena lai samyukta rashtra sangha ko matahata ma na laga, baroo antarim pradhan mantri ko matahat ma rakha bhanne thiye. Tara tyasto bargain garne kunai prayas raja bata na hunu le dekhaunchha raja saat party lai gandainan. Yo raja tanashah jasto dekhiye. Tanashahi rajtantra ko bikalp ganatantra nai hunchha. RaPraPa suddha chunaw ladna hichkichai raheko bela ma spashta chha rajtantra afnai karan le kamjor huna pugeko chha. Rajtantra abasan ko bato ma lageko chha.

Saat party le sambidhan sabha ko rat sandhai bhari lagai rakhna thik hundaina. 2046 ko andolan ma euta spashtata thiyo. Bahudaliya prajatantra bhanne sahaj nara thiyo. Ahile tyasto spashtata ai sakeko chhaina. Tyo spashtata na aye samma kranti hundaina. Kranti ka lagi saat party dui shabda ma aunu parchha: loktantrik ganatantra. Dus lakh manchhe le narayanhiti gherne sthiti srijana hunchha tyas pachhi.

Ma ta tyo bhanda pani ek kadam agadi janchhu. Ma chahanchhu saat party ra Maobadi maile lekheko ra mero blog ma prakashit prastabit sambidhan lai mannon. Yas kisim ko spashtata na aye samma kranti hundaina. Janata lai sena ko, prahari ko, athwa raja ko dar chhaina. Ra hamro kranti ahimsatmak hunchha. Raja nagrik banchhan, ra unko niji sampatti unkai rahanchha. Narayanhiti rashtrapati ko niwas ra karyalaya banchha.

Yadi raja le ahimsatmak andolan mathi bandook chalayema, tyo raja lai antarrashtriya kanoon lagchha. Tyas ko tayari prabas ma byapak roop le bhai rakheko chha. Tulsi Giri le badmasee gare tyo jail jane machhe ho. BP ko hisab usle chukta garnai chha.

Iraq ma jasto hoina Nepal ma jasto loktantra sthapana garne badhi uttam upaya ho bhanera ma America ko Democratic Party bhitra awaj uthai rakheko chhu. Ahile tyo awaj jhino nai chha. Tara Nepal ko loktantrik andolan le America ko 2006 ra 2008 ko chunaw ma asar parna sakne maile dekheko chhu.

February 8 ko chunaw hamro lagi thulo mauka ho. Tyas lai shantipurna roop le bifal pardine. Saat party, nagrik samaj, ra Maobadi ek dhikka huna parchha. Ghar ghar ma pugna parchha. Rajnitik chetana bhaneko sakchharta jasto ho. Tyo afai aundaina. Tyas ka lagi prayas garnu parchha. Janata ka beech saat party ka karyakarta haroo byapak roop ma jana parchha.

Yo kranti lai dui shabda ko matra khancho chha. Dui shabda ma saat party ek dhikka bhaye pachhi yo kranti lai kasai le rokna sakdaina. Ahimsa anu bomb bhanda bhayanak hatiyar ho, tyo swatantrata senani ka haat ma parchha bhane.


4 January17:27UNISYS, United States

4 January19:00Environmental Systems Research Institute, United States
4 January19:48207.47.157.x
4 January19:54CTX Mortgage Company, Dallas, United States
4 January20:51United States Army, United States

4 January22:11Starcomms, Nigeria
5 January01:03Hong Kong S.A.R. (
5 January01:32Intel, United States
5 January02:02D. E. Shaw & Co., New York, United States
5 January02:40Chello, Netherlands, The

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

PCP: Pahadi Chauvinist Pig

A PCP uses the word "madisey" casually as well as with emotion, also words like "dhoti," and "marsya."

A PCP uses the word "madisey" and claims it is meant only for the Indians, not the Madhesis.

A PCP feels closer to the Indians in Darjeeling than to the Madhesis in Nepal.

A PCP blames the Madhesis for all affronts from India to Nepal, real and imagined, like the Muslims in India get accused of being more Pakistani than Indian.

A PCP could come in the shape of a Bahun, a Chhetri, a Rana, a Shaha, a Janajati, a Newar, a woman, and a few more.

A PCP is often looking for a token Madhesi.

A PCP does not recognize the term Madhesi, only its component castes and subcastes.

A PCP talks of the plight of women in the Terai, but not of the same in the hills.

A PCP thinks the Nepali Congress, the UML, the RPP, the Jana Morcha, the NMKP, and the Maoists are political parties, but that the Sadbhavana is a communal outfit.

A PCP warns that the Madhesis should not talk of their rights, or things could get "worse!"

It does not matter that the PCP has advanced degrees. A PCP is still a PCP.

A PCP claims to have Madhesi friends.

A PCP claims both Girija Koirala and Madhav Nepal are from the Terai, there is little the Madhesis need to complain about.

A PCP claims Hindi is an Indian language.

A PCP takes the moral high ground, "Why can't we all simply identify ourselves as Nepalis?"

A PCP claims he/she is not a Desi.

A PCP has social rewards for Madhesis who have internalized the prejudice.

A PCP asks that the ANTA be "inclusive."

A PCP claims "we are like family."

A PCP is always trying to shift Madhesi rights talks from one on policy to one on all of us just getting along.

A PCP feels visibly uncomfortable around Madhesis.

A PCP ignores prominent Madhesis, especially the vocal ones.

A PCP is still a PCP in Nepal, in Delhi, in America, in Norway, does not matter where.

A PCP asks to be hit back verbally.

A PCP worries the Bahuns might end up marginalized, and so social justice should not be discussed.

A PCP thinks to talk social justice is to hurt the cause of democracy.

A PCP thinks personal bonds, real, imagined and pretended, are reasons why Madhesis should not talk up Madhesi rights.

Chauvinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Male chauvinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Home Page For chauvinism - What is chauvinism?
chauvinism on
Family Guy Quotes - Chauvinism Quotes
Guardian Unlimited | Columnists | The new chauvinism
Americans, American Chauvinism, the American Dream, and ...
Nonviolent Chauvinism - by Sascha Matuszak
Human Chauvinism
chauvinism: Definition and Much More From

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Forget Constituent Assembly, Head Straight For A Republic

A constituent assembly is designed to provide the monarch a soft landing. But I don't believe the monarch sees it that way. And I don't blame him. The guy did not trust even the RPP to participate in the February 8 polls on its own. He inducted a bunch of RPP people into his cabinet so as to force that party to take part in the slated polls. The RPP ministers could have forced a split in the party on the issue, but instead they opted for a compromise that the district units get to decide, one district at a time. Most will likely stay out. This shows the RPP ministers see this regime going down. If they side with it too strongly, they basically say goodbye to any political futures for themselves post-democracy.

For the king a constituent assembly is tantamount to a republic. Two years back that would not have been true. But by now the political landscape has fundamentally altered. So for him to say, okay, let's go for a constituent assembly is the same as saying, okay, here, take away my crown.

What if he does not like the idea of the monarchy coming to an end? Then what?

He could opt for a bloody showdown and act irrational, and risk everything, not just his crown but possibly his life, if not life, much or all of his property, his liberty. Saddam used to be all powerful in Iraq: now a country tribunal is on its way to hanging him. The king might be above the law in Nepal, but that is not true of international law.

Or he could try and stall it for as long as possible. For now I think he is doing the latter. He is stalling.

It is not true he is doing February 8 for the international community. The international community is very aware of the sham exercise the polls are meant to be. All the so-called international community needs is basic internet access to know exactly what is going on. It is not possible to draw one picture at home and another abroad, not in this day and age.

The king is doing February 8 for himself.

I think there is some fear among the seven party alliance leaders that the king might have one last hiccup. He might try and take the irrational path, even if it might not fly. Feelings are not valid because they are logical, but because they exist. I am not going to judge them from the safety of New York City.

When I talk to the seven party leaders in Kathmandu on the phone, especially the leaders of the small parties, it is so obvious their phones are tapped, and they know it.

But I do feel as long as there is a clear adherence to non-violence, there is little that the seven party alliance has to fear.

A revolution does not always need a leader. In France much of the revolution just happened. The milk boiled over. If something similar were to happen in Nepal, I don't think the seven party alliance is going to try and calm things down. In fact, I think they are hoping the revolution will boil forth on its own.

But providing outright leadership is proving a little problematic.

The UML is one member of the seven party alliance that is taking clear lead. The UML is against the idea of holding talks with the king, and it is clearly for a democratic republic.

I don't see talks possible. The king's idea of talks is for the parties to come around to his roadmap. He is not interested in talks. He thinks of these party leaders as people beneath him. You don't talk to people beneath you.

Two words are clarity. The 1990 movement was organized around a simple phrase: multi-party democracy. This movement needs something similar. The problem with having a constituent assembly as that simple two-word goal is that it totally relies on the king coming along. What if he does not come along? That is like giving the king the power to decide if or not the movement will succeed. The king gets to have the final say on a movement for democracy, for a republic. That makes no sense.

And a constituent assembly is not exactly a revolutionary slogan. Few people know what a constituent assembly is, and I don't blame them: there are many possible versions.

The movement will have to have an action plan that leads to success regardless of what the king does or not. Right now it does not.

I suggested a Pyramid Of 10 In Kathmandu. That was a lesson learned from Ukraine.

The UML leaders want to amass a million people and then march towards the royal palace, surround it. That will work. But before that can happen, the eight party alliance will have to come around to a two word program: democratic republic. They will have to move beyond the 12 point agreement. They will have to summarize it all in two simple words.

I have offered a Proposed Republican Constitution that the eight party alliance could adopt.

I don't think there is any one roadmap that is the right one. But there are questions that have to be answered now. We have to think through things. We have to think through all possible scenarios.

One person will have to be projected as the interim Prime Minister. (Nice And Easy: President Nepal)

Asking the people to come out into the streets in the hundreds of thousands for some vague "12 point program" is a little too ambitious. You have to be able to say it in 2-5 words, preferably two. If you are instead offering an essay, you have not done your homework. The onus is still on you, not on the people.

The Nepali diaspora in the US fares even worse than the seven party alliance. There are too many armchair intellectuals talking among themselves. There is little effort so far to reach out to the masses of Nepalis in the US. I intend to work to change that. I want thousands participating.

In The News

UN ‘deeply concerned’ at end of ceasefire in Nepal Daily Times, Pakistan
NEPAL: Maoists resume war with series of bomb attacks Reuters AlertNet
India, Nepal to review transit treaty soon
Business Standard, India
Nepal steps up security after explosions rock towns; rebels end ...
Brandon Sun, Canada
China's priority for proposed Koshi-Lhasa highway in Nepal
People's Daily Online, China
People No More Love Royal Palace: Nepal
NewsLine Nepal, Nepal
Time Ripe for Decisive Agitation: Nepal Himalayan Times
Nepal Maoists abandon ceasefire
Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
Maoists abandon Nepal ceasefire BBC News

Monday, January 02, 2006

King Gyanendra, Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way

A Militarist King And A Wasted Ceasefire
Nice And Easy: President Nepal
Proposed Republican Constitution
The King Is Being Super Unreasonable
Googlebombing An Autocrat King
A War Of Words, Not A War Of Bullets
Trent Lott And Gyanendra Shaha
Why The Maoists Should Not Go Back To Violence
Robert Kaplan Is An American Cowboy
Isolating The Monarchy
Maoists Should Go Beyond Ceasefire To Peaceful Mobilization

The king and his men thought, okay, so the Maoists are in Rolpa. If we can have army folks in the surrounding districts, and then drop a few thousand troops into Rolpa from the air, we got all bases covered.

These people, they are militarists, ideologically speaking, but they are not smart militarists.

The Maoists are not in Rolpa. They are in all 75 districts.

When the experts say there is no military solution to the civil war, they are right. They are not experts for no reason. Even if there were a military solution, a political solution is preferable. But it is not really a choice.

The Maoists have done their homework. They have managed to expose all the chinks in the 1990 constitution. They have managed to show the monarchy's true face. They have brought the RNA to a standstill. No matter how many more troops the RNA hires, how many helicopters it buys, that military stalemate will still hold. Why? Because the Maoists do not fight a traditional war. Theirs is a war of a fundamental asymmetry. You send troops into Rolpa, and you get bomb blasts in Pokhara, Butwal and Bhairahwa. And these are just warning shots.

If Prachanda and Baburam were to feel they are getting personally targeted, maybe they will make an attempt on the king himself, and perhaps on Pyar Jung. So far both sides have refrained from going to that deep end. The Maoists might opt for suicide bombers if pushed into a corner.

I am not suggesting ideas to the Maoists. I am thinking up possible scenarios based on information that any average news reading person can glean from wars in other parts of the world. My analysis is not particularly sophisticated, it is basic.

Through their warning shots, the Maoists have sent their message that they are not cornered in Rolpa. They are not holed up.

"The party controls the gun," the Maoists like to say. These are primarily political creatures. The gun has always been secondary to them. They ask to be dealt with politically. There is no other way to deal with them.

The king and the RNA can realize that now, or they can wait until 5,000 or 10,000 more lives are lost. But I don't believe they even have that option.

If the king were to kickstart the stalled civil war, and 500 more lives are lost to that, the country is going to erupt. And the king is going to bear the brunt of that eruption. This man is playing with fire. He is holding the country hostage to an archaic ideology called monarchism.

He is pushing himself to a corner.

The Maoists blasted bombs in three towns. Do you think they could do it in 30 towns? Do you think they could do it on larger scales? I think the answer to both questions is yes.

I am not suggesting let us surrender. First, there is no "us." The people in power are not part of my "us." Second, my primary point all along has been that I agree with the experts, there is no military solution, so let's not even try.

Seeking a political solution and surrendering are two different things.

I am for a constituent assembly. If the Maoists are also for it, then all the glory to them. I am not for a constituent assembly because the Maoists are for it. We just happen to have common ground.

The beauty of the idea of seeking a political solution is that most of the details have already been worked out. Where else on earth have you seen that happen?

If the Maoists were going to go on the offensive anyways, I am glad they caused some minor damage to a few buildings. No lives have been lost. They did not attack some RNA installation.

They proved their point without any loss of lives on either side.

The Nepali people are watching. The Nepali people understand.

The Nepali people are smarter than the king, and the RNA. The Nepali people are smarter than the seven party alliance. The Nepali people are smarter than the Maoists. And they are watching. The Nepali people know exactly what the king is upto. This is cold hearted power play on his part: power for the sake of power, autocratic power, archaic, monarchical power.

The seven party alliance is in the lead. The alliance has a roadmap. The king has the option to try and negotiate some within that framework. But he does not have the option to reject the alliance outright.

The king's time is passe.

The train of people power is on its way.

In The News

Minor explosions in Bhairahawa, Butwal and Pokhara NepalNews
Calling off of ceasefire draws mixed reactions
Govt responsible for Maoist decision to withdraw truce: Parties
Rebels end truce, Nepal tense
Deccan Herald, India
Update 4: Explosions Rock Nepal Amid Cease-Fire End Forbes
Update 3: Explosions Rock Nepal Amid Cease-Fire End

A Militarist King And A Wasted Ceasefire

Maoists call off unilateral ceasefire (Breaking News) NepalNews Prachanda, on Monday said his party was compelled to call off the ceasefire "as the government continued its military operation even during the period of unilateral ceasefire."
Nepal's Maoist rebels call off unilateral truce Reuters India, India "The royal army is surrounding our people's liberation army, which is in defensive positions, to carry out ground as well as air attacks on us," the rebels said in a statement. "Therefore, we are compelled to go offensive not only for the sake of peace and democracy but for the sake of self defence." Combing Operations Against Maoists In Rolpa Kantipur The Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) has launched a massive combing operation against the Maoists in Rolpa district to flush out the rebels from their stranglehold area. A large number of the government troops have already entered the district's northern and western villages on Saturday. A group of soldiers has been dispatched to Thawang village in the north while another has been deployed in Bhawang village in the west. Each group of troops comprising 500 soldiers - have been formed for the combing operation mission. Army choppers dropped over 2,000 soldiers in the district from neighboring Dang and Chitwan for the operation which include the commandos of the army's special force - Ranger Battalion. each group has been deployed to the Maoist stronghold areas under the command of a Lieutenant Colonel...... the latest security operation would be one of the "deadliest" operations. "Although we have plans to conduct the operation for about a week to disarm the rebels, we will establish temporary camps in various villages" ...... RNA has also warned various representatives of development organizations in the district to refrain from going out into the village areas for few days.
Maoists Break Ceasefire Kantipur .... actions will now be targeted against the royal government only

This is unfortunate. This is irresponsible on the part of the king. The political parties have been sidelined again. The fighting is bound to be vicious. Both sides have been preparing to the hilt for the past four months.

I guess the king belongs to the school of thought that says there is only a military solution to the insurgency.

I am not sure which side will make the first move. But if the king is going to make his move in Rolpa, the Maoists are likely to strike in the east. Their strength tends to be asymmetry. They do hit and run. They might even strike in Kathmandu.

The civilians that will get caught in the crossfire will bear the major brunt of the whole thing. Chances are the Maoists will take back their word on not harming people who might contest the February 8 polls. It might be a bloody month or two ahead.

The mistake the seven party alliance has made is to not have launched a decisive movement in December, Ukraine style. Instead of a mass meeting here, a mass meeting there, it should have been a day in day out thing until the regime collapsed. But you can not do that without clarity in vision. I think it is high time for a two word goal for the movement: Democratic Republic. Forget the constituent assembly. That comes into the picture after the country is already a republic.

Two words are clarity. Two pages are an essay.

The UML has it. The other six parties need to follow.

The ground situation is about to get complicated again. This is not good. If there is an ugly fight, that sucks away the air from the non-violent movement of the seven parties, in a way. Doesn't it?

And this guy, the king, he is actually on a tour of the eastern part of the country, kind of like Nero and a burning Rome.

The monarchy must still have a substantial presence in the country. The other two forces both seem to depend on it. The Maoist ceasefire was designed to succeed only if the king reciprocated. The seven party alliance's House revival idea is totally dependent on the king. If your success depends on the king, is it a movement against the king?

A successful movement will be one where the gameplan is to succeed regardless of what the king does.

On the other hand, if the king fires the first bullet, that might anger the population. And that might aid the seven party movement. I don't know. All bets are off for now.

Things look complicated.

I don't think the RNA is in any position to crush the Maoists militarily. Instead they invite getting hit in unexpected ways.

2,000 deaths were not enough for the parties. There were 12,000 deaths before they came to the idea of a constituent assembly. How many more deaths does the king need?

I think the king has been worried that if there is peace now, that disturbs his three year long roadmap. The war has to last longer for him to stay on target.