The only full timer out of the 200,000 Nepalis in the US to work for Nepal's democracy and social justice movements in 2005-06.
Rationale for having the position of Deputy Representative, UNMIN filled up by a WOMAN CANDIDATE, preferably from South Asia
The aforesaid was supported through signatures by 23 participants at the seminar on “Nepal : Road to Peace,”at the Asia Society, New York, on April 25, 2007, copies of which were sent to Secy. General, Chef de Cabinet to SG, SGSR to UNMI, Mr. Ian Martin, USGs DPKO and DPA UN and Ambassadors of South Asian countries to the UN.
A. Recent statements on Gender Balance / women in senior positions in the UN
March 8, 07, Int. Women’s Day
Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migoro had delivered a speech at Headquarters at an event titled “Breaking Barriers: Achieving Balance in Numbers and Work-Life.” In her remarks, the Deputy-Secretary-General is expected to say that “resolution after resolution of the General Assembly has called for 50-50 gender balance in the staff of the United Nations system. But so far, we have failed to make it a reality.”
March 6, 07 Press Briefing by Spokesperson of the Secy. General
Question: As you know, there is an important debate today in the General Assembly on the gender equality and empowerment of women. Since the Secretary-General's assumed duties in Headquarters, he has made a number of senior appointments. How many of those appointments concern women? Is there a ratio?
Spokesperson: Well, it's a little difficult to say now, because as you know the process is still continuing. As you know, the DSG is a woman and I think she's an important part of the equation. And as you know, Alicia Barcéna is Head of Management and we will know more in the next few days about other, about the ratio that you're talking about.
Feb. 26, 07 : Commission on Status of Women
The Deputy Secretary…referring to the proposals to strengthen the UN's gender architecture, as presented by the High-Level Panel on United Nations System-Wide Coherence, the Deputy Secretary-General said she and the Secretary-General agree wholeheartedly with the Panel's suggestion to replace several current structures with one dynamic UN entity focused on gender equality and women's empowerment. Such an entity should mobilize forces of change at the global level, and inspire enhanced results at the country level.
She also said she will do all she can to meet the goal of 50-50 gender balance within the United Nations.
December 14, 2006
SG had stated in his press conference on December 14, 2006 that "In making senior appointments, I will give primary consideration to individual merit, with due regard to gender balance and geographical distribution."
B. Rationale for having the position of Deputy Representative, UNMIN filled up by a WOMAN CANDIDATE, preferably from South Asia
As per the statistical chart compiled by the Office of Gender Advisor in the UN, as on June 30, 2006; the male female ratio for the senior-level positions at the USG and ASG levels were as follows, and the 50: 50 goal is as yet a far cry.:
a. USG-level: Male 39 and female 16 ; ratio is 2.5: 1
b. ASG-level: Male 41 and women 11; ratio is 4: 1
2. Now, as regards the number of women in the category of Secretary General’s Special Representatives and Personal Envoys, in the list posted on the UN website (at the USG/ASG levels), of 61 Peace-Keeping + 27 other high level appointees=88, only 4, are women, the ratio being 22:1, which is abysmally low.
3. And in the list of the 61 Peace-Keepers in Missions-- comprising SG’s Special Representatives and Deputy Special Representatives, at the USG and ASG levels, as per the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (CHD) Geneva’s report of Oct. 2006, By Antonia Potter, entitled : "We the women ; why Conflict Mediation is not just a job for Men;" “Of these 61, just 4* (6.5 %) are women—two in top jobs and two deputies (see box)….Readers will note that none of these women have come from Africa, or barring one, from Asia; but that is a story for a different paper.” (p. 4).
* Ratio is 12:1
NB: As per the names of the incumbents compiled in the box:
a. In 2005, of the 4 women, 1 (SRSG) was Swiss, 2 (SRG an DSRSG) Canadians, and 1 (DSRSG)Bangladeshi--, Ameera Haq, who incidentally is there in her position as Resident Coord.of UNDP in Afghanistan and was appointed as a Peace Keeper per se.
b. Between 2000 and 2004, of the 3 DSRSGs, 2 were Swedish, and 1 Khrgyz
c. Before 2000, of the 4 SRSGs, 1 was British, I Jamaican, I Finn, and I from Newzealand
4. Now, in the case of the UNMIN, the SRSG (USG_level) is the eminently qualified and experienced Mr. Ian Martin from Britain. As regards the position of the Deputy SRSG (at the ASG-level), yet to be filled, in view of the data above, there is a strong rationale for the position to be filled by a WOMAN,* and from the global south. As in the case of mission postings in African countries where language requirement is an important pre-requisite, in the case of Nepal, facility with local languages too needs to be an important prerequsite, which a South Asian incumbent is likely to have.
** Given the enormity of the tasks relating to Women’s issues in Nepal, having a woman incumbent, familiar with the socio-cultural settings of the region, would be a definite asset. Given below are some excerpts on UNMIN from the Secretary General’s report of January 9, 2007 to the Security Council
· The role of the SR (and presumably that of his Deputy), as outlined in the said report would inter alia involve coordinating “all activities of the United Nations system in Nepal for support to the peace process…. The advisers will liaise closely with United Nations agencies that coordinate implementing networks for the inclusion of women and traditionally excluded groups, and for child protection. Induction programmes for mission personnel will include training on gender and social exclusion issues in Nepal…” (paras 47-48).
· The report further states that “The Peace accord also called for “proportional representation of oppressed groups, regions, Madhesis, women, Dalit and other groups… The promise of 33 per cent representation for women in all decisionmaking structures has not been realized in existing peace process structures such as the Peace Committee and the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee. It is urgent that the Nepalese parties open the door to the role that women can and should play in the process, as reflected in Security Council resolution 1325 (2000).”(paras 15, 20).
Summing Up: It is hoped that the Secretary General, concerned USGs (DPKO and DPA) and the SRSG, UNMINMr. Ian Martin would consider the aforesaid requirements in making their selection for the position of the DSRSG, UNMIN