Showing posts with label uml. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uml. Show all posts

Sunday, December 19, 2021

कांग्रेस एमाले को पुर्वी पाकिस्तान, पश्चिमी पाकिस्तान

कांग्रेस एमाले को पुर्वी पाकिस्तान, पश्चिमी पाकिस्तान 

एमाले र अब कांग्रेस महाधिवेशन मा जे देखियो। एमाले महाधिवेशन मा त मधेसी प्रतिनिधि को खानपिन को व्यवस्था नै छुट्टै गरिएको फोटो सार्वजनिक भयो। पालै पिलो कांग्रेस र एमाले ले मधेसी लाई आफ्नो पार्टी भित्र पर जा पर जा भनेको देखियो। 

यो राम्रो संकेत होइन। 

नागरिकता नहुनेलाई मतदाता हुनबाट बञ्चित गर्नु मानवता विरोधी कार्य होः उपेन्द्र यादव निर्वाचन आयोगले नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र नहुनेको नाम मतदाता नामावलीमा समावेश नगर्नु असंवैधानिक हुनुका साथै अन्तराष्ट्रिय कानुन विपरित र मानवता विरोधी कार्य रहेको बताएका हुन् । ....... नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र बनाउनु र नागरिक हुनु दुवै फरक विषय रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै उनले नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र नभएको अथवा राज्यले दिन नसकेको कारणले मात्र कुनै पनि व्यक्ति गैरनागरिक हुन नसक्ने बताएका छन् । लाखौं जन्मसिद्ध नागरिकहरूका सन्तानलाई अझैसम्म राज्यले नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र दिन नसकेको उनको भनाइ छ । लाखौं मधेसीहरुलाई राज्यले नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र प्रदान नगरेको उनले बताएका छन् । ........ निरकुंश पञ्चायतकाल र राजाको शासनकालमा पनि यस्तो व्यवस्था नरहेका उल्लेख गर्दै उनले नागरिकताको प्रमाणपत्र दिनु पर्ने दायित्व राज्यको भएपनि राज्यले आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी पुरा नगरेको बताएका छन् । सबै नेपाली नागरिकहरूको नाम मतदाता नामावलीमा सामेल गर्नु पर्ने उल्लेख गर्दै उनले निर्वाचन आयोग र सरकारले यस्तो गम्भीर विषयमा समयमै ध्यान पुर्याउनुपर्नेमा पनि जोड दिएका छन् ।

Friday, November 03, 2017

नया संसद का लागि उपयुक्त अंक गणित

नया संसद का संभावित अंक गणित हरु

  • एमाले माओवादी सबैभन्दा ठुलो गठबंधन बन्नू तर बहुमत सम्म नपुग्नु 
  • काँग्रेस राप्रपा नंबर दुई मा आउनु तर सरकार नबनाउनु 
  • फोरम राजपा बलियो नंबर तीन गठबंधन को रुपमा आउनु र एमाले माओवादी का लागि अपरिहार्य हुनु ताकि फोरम राजपा ले खोजेको संविधान संसोधन बिना सरकार नबनोस 
  • विवेकशील साझा र नया शक्ति दुबै राष्ट्रिय पार्टी बन्नु  
संविधान संसोधन हुन्छ भने त्यस पछि देश ले आर्थिक प्रगति मा लेज़र फोकस गर्न पायो। 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

ओली नम्बर एक राष्ट्रीय समस्या

ओलीको दस्तावेजः संविधान संशोधन र सीमांकन हेरफेर गर्न नदिने

मधेसी मोर्चा र माओवादीविरुद्ध भण्डाफोर अभियान चलाउने प्रस्ताव

विकल्प हरु

1. ओली लाई एमाले ले सन्सदीय दल र पार्टी बाट घोक्रेठ्याक।

2. ओली लाई देश निकाला। मुसरफ लाई लिए जस्तै साउदी ले लिन मान्छ कि।

3. सबै ले मिलेर एमाले लाई प्रजा परिषद् बनाउने।

4. अन्तरिम सम्विधान ब्युत्याउने।

5. मधेस अलग देश।

Monday, October 27, 2014

एमालेले चार राज्य भनेको

एमालेले चार राज्य भनेको राजनीतिक tactics का हिसाबले संघीयता पक्षधर शक्तिकालागि राम्रो हो। यो कांग्रेस र एमाले बीच दुरी बढेको हो।

तर विजय गच्छेदारले नवलपरासी देखि कैलालीसम्मको थरुहट भनेको यो मान्छे ओली को उप प्रधान मंत्री बनाउने लोभमा फँसेको भन्ने बुझ्नु पर्छ। चितवन र मकवानपुर चट, कन्चनपुर चट। विजय गच्छेदार थारुको नेता हो भने घोर मधेसी विरोधी राम वरणलाई पनि मधेसी मान्नु पर्ने हुन्छ। दलीय राजनीतिभन्दा माथि बस्नुपर्ने राष्ट्रपतिले किन राज्यहरुको संख्या कम भएको राम्रो जस्ता विचारहरु दिनु परेको? त्यस्तो विचार व्यक्त गर्ने व्यक्ति राष्ट्रपति भवनमा होइन संसदमा बस्नु।

संघीयता पक्षधर हरु केपी ओली संग मात्र होइन विजय गच्छेदारसँग पनि सावधान हुनुपर्ने देखिएको छ।

संविधान निर्माण हुनु अगाडि केपी ओली प्रधान मंत्री बन्नु राम्रो हुँदैन, किनभने नेपालको राजनीतिमा मधेसी र जनजातिको नंबर एक विरोधी भनेको नै एमालेका बाहुनहरु हुन। जातीय विभेदका बारे बुझ्ने राजनीतिक अस्त्रहरु मध्ये मार्क्सवाद पनि एक हो। तर यी एमाले वाला हरुको राजनीतिक corruption को कुनै सीमा छैन। यी कुनै जमानामा मार्क्सवादी थिए होलान तर अहिले छैनन्। यिनीहरु अब त माफियावादी भैसके। गुंडा पाल्ने मात्र होइन नेपाल प्रहरीलाई भित्र बाट नै माफियाकरण गर्ने हरुको जमात एमाले हो। यसलाई बाहुनवाद पनि भन्न मिल्दैन। यो नितान्त माफियावाद हो।

देशको राजनीतिको प्रमुख प्रतिक्रांतिकारी शक्ति कमल थापा होइन। देशको राजनीतिको प्रमुख प्रतिक्रांतिकारी शक्ति एमाले हो। त्यस पार्टीको कालो कर्तुत हरुले देशको भविष्य दुर दुर सम्म ख़राब पारि रहेको छ। यो माफियावादले बाहुन क्षेत्रीको भलो कसरी गर्छ त्यो बहुसंख्यक बाहुन क्षेत्री खुदले सोच्ने बेला आएको छ।

२००६ को क्रान्तिले स्थापित गरिसकेको मानव अधिकार खोस्ने काममा प्रतिक्रांतिकारीहरु लागेका छन। मधेसी क्रांतिले स्थापित गरिसकेको संघीयतालाई खोस्ने काममा प्रतिक्रांतिकारीहरु लागेका छन। होशियार। क्रन्तिकारीहरुलाई अर्को आन्दोलन स्वीकार हुन सक्छ तर वाक् स्वतंत्रता को हनन स्वीकार हुन सक्दैन। क्रन्तिकारीहरुलाई अर्को आन्दोलन स्वीकार हुन सक्छ तर संघीयता बिनाको संविधान स्वीकार हुन सक्दैन। एमालेले चाहेको विकेंद्रीकरण देशमा अंचलाधीशहरु फेरि ल्याउने षड्यंत्र मात्र हो, त्यो संघीयता हुँदै होइन। प्रतिक्रांतिकारीहरुको अगाडि क्रन्तिकारीहरुले surrender गर्ने होइन। संघर्ष गर्ने हो।

सेनाले चुनावमा धाँधली गर्न मदत गरेको आधारमा सेनालाई संसदमाथि उछालने प्रयास लोकतंत्र बलियो पार्ने प्रयास होइन। नेपाल प्रहरीलाई माफियाकरण गर्नु मेरो राष्ट्रियताको परिभाषा भित्र पर्दैन।

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Election 2013: The People Have Spoken

English: Election logo of Nepali Congress.
English: Election logo of Nepali Congress. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One can already see the outlines of the election results.

  1. There has been an anti-incumbency wave against the Maoists and the Madhesi parties, but that does not explain their full defeat. Two and a half million people have been disenfranchised. Those were people who would have mostly voted for the Maoists and the Madhesi parties. 
  2. The Nepali Congress and the UML have won rather decisively. But this is not a mandate against federalism. This is more a mandate for peace, law and order, the democratic process, and normalcy. And this is not any clear mandate against the identity based federalism that the Maoists and the Madhesis have been known for. The NC and the UML do not have even a simple majority, let alone a two thirds majority. 
  3. A coalition of non-Maoist parties will likely come into power. That might include Madhesi parties. 
  4. On the contentious issue of federalism the mandate is no different from what it was in the last constituent assembly, that the two sides need to work together and forge some sort of a compromise. Neither a purely identity based federalism nor a purely geographic federalism is in the cards. 
  5. There has been no conspiracy. The Maoists might still have lost, but their wide loss is due to the disenfranchisement of 2.5 million voters, the anti-incumbency factor, and the people saying law and order and the economy are higher priority to them than federalism. 
  6. The Maoist split hurt them big time. I am surprised the UML split has not been hurtful. 
  7. The Madhesi parties have been punished for their numerous splits as predicted. But they still stand a strong chance of going back to power. The NC and the UML don't seem to have the numbers. Sadly the Madhesi parties might not unite even after this clear defeat.  
  8. The Maoists and the Madhesi parties will likely do better on the indirect election side. 
  9. One hopes for a new constitution by the end of 2014. Nepal needs local elections and state elections right after that. 
  10. Prachanda should be elected president. That way it would be okay to keep the Maoists out of power. What are we looking at? Sushil Koirala for PM? KP Oli for DPM? Will Gagan Thapa end up in the cabinet?

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Thursday, January 03, 2013

NC, UML Being Unreasonable

NC, UML Being Unreasonable

Consensus is not what the NC and the UML want. Those are only two parties. Consensus necessarily has to include the views of the largest party and, more importantly, the largest alliance. I feel the ruling alliance has exhibited utmost flexibility, and it might now be time to bring about a steep polarization.

Decentralization Versus Federalism

What the Nepali Congress and the UML Bahuns are for is called decentralization. King Birendra was also for decentralization. Federalism is something different.

The Unthinkable

I never imagined the Constituent Assembly would need more than its allotted two years. I never imagined the Constituent Assembly would go down after four years without having given the country a constitution. And now I fear January 9 will come and go just like that. The NC and the UML will have created a scenario whereby Baburam Bhattarai gets to be PM for far longer than even I want, and I happen to support the guy.

No independent candidate for PM, say NC, UML
The two major opposition parties, at a two-party meeting held at the NC party office at Sanepa ...... "There is no point changing our decision because Sushil Koirala is not only our party´s unanimous candidate but also the unopposed leader in the opposition alliance," Upadhayay told Republica. "Also, he [Koirala] has support from leaders of some other political parties as well, including Upendra Yadav." .... NC General Secretary Krishna Prasad Sitaula said they decided to further intensify bilateral as well as multilateral talks in the next couple of days.
Everything was settled but PM refused to go
the CA’s dissolution on May 27 and Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai’s unilateral announcement of new CA polls. The proposal for new CA polls should at least have been discussed with Nepali Congress and CPN-UML. Since, there is a fear among opposition forces that the ruling coalition wants to capture the whole state power. Bhattarai announced new polls knowing fully well CA polls was no ordinary election and they could only be held through broad political consensus. ...... there was an understanding between all parties that new polls should be held by April/May. There were agreements on 240 electoral constituencies and reduction in PR seats. The opposition parties had proposed that Bhattarai government should clear constitutional hurdles on the basis of agreement among parties. ..... The ruling coalition believes there will be no CA polls under Nepali Congress leadership. ...... more than who will win the next CA polls, NC is more worried about if there will be any election at all. Let us not forget, nearly five years have elapsed since the last polls. If there is no election now, democracy will be under threat. It is the historical duty of Congress to safeguard democracy. ..... post-split, the Maoists must know their electoral prospects are dim. They must also feel that since it was UCPN (Maoist) leadership which announced CA polls, elections should be held under the same party. I don’t think Baburam Bhattarai is serious when he accuses Congress of not wanting to hold elections. ..... If there is no broad-based agreement by January 9, the chances of CA polls by May will be significantly reduced. .... I don’t want to comment on the Madhesi parties beyond saying that they want to prolong their tenure in government. ..... If there is third-person leadership, the state of chaos witnessed in Nepal between 1950 and 1955 will be repeated. At a time a government led by the biggest party in the country has failed to hold election, how can a neutral candidate, without any public mandate, succeed? That will only complicate the situation. ..... all issues have already been settled. The only hindrance to a breakthrough at this point in time is the refusal of Baburam Bhattarai to make way. You see, there are no differences on the minimal agreement needed for May polls. This includes removing constitutional hurdles, adequately staffing the Election Commission, declaration of electoral day and establishment of consensus government to achieve these goals. ...... The interim constitution clearly provisions for a constitution of a federal, democratic republic. The new CA cannot override this principle. The current practice of accusing someone of being anti-federalist, I believe, is a part of electoral politics. No party at present is anti-federalist. ..... both had accepted the proposal that the current government would clear the legal and constitutional hurdles, after which it would make way for NC-led government .... in today’s context, I believe Baburam Bhattarai has become addicted to power.
General's brief
his alleged deal with the Maoist Prime Minister could potentially have a lasting impact on his tenure. There were sensational news reports that he had agreed to confer a colonel position to one of the absorbed Maoist combatants and a few other lieutenant colonels in return for a three star position. .... Not only the ministry, but it has also greatly perturbed opposition parties. ..... What NA lacks is a retention policy. The best and brightest within the organization are falling off the ladder. The absence of a merit-based promotion system, compounded by lack of incentives and meager pay-scale has compelled many capable officers to look for alternatives. Retaining talent is a major headache for the institution. ..... Despite fielding competent Generals like Nepal Bhusan Chand and Pawan Pande, UN has not awarded any senior position to the NA for quite some time, which is unsettling. ....... The decision to render an officer’s earnings at par with a normal soldier’s while engaged in peace keeping duties needs to be reevaluated. .... And then, there is General Rana’s Facebook page and his vision statement that explicitly avow that NA should engage in nation building. ..... Nepal has hardly added any noticeable wattage to the national grid in the last decade
Opposition ignores PM’s ‘third alternative’
The opposition has categorically dismissed Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai’s idea that the next PM should be an independent candidate. A meeting between the NC and UML on Wednesday evening decided so they would seek no alternatives to Sushil Koirala as the next PM.
Bhattarai's four pillars, Kantipur
PM Bhattarai shows no signs of discomfort and is on a confrontation course with the president, calling his statement unconstitutional ..... Bamdev Gautam says Bhattarai told him: "I have the goodwill of our southern neighbour, the Madhesi faction supports my stance, the army trusts me, and my party's earlier decisions are in my favour. Why should I quit?" ..... the Madhesi Morcha's support is the main basis for Bhattarai's staying power in government. .... PM Bhattarai also has a good relationship with COAS Gaurav Samsher Rana. ..... Rana is understood to have told President Yadav that the army's control lay with the government. ..... Political analyst Jhalak Subedi says: "No matter how grave the situation becomes, the president cannot remove Bhattarai. It would be unconstitutional to do so, and Bhattarai is staying on only because of that technical reason."
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Thursday, December 27, 2012

3 Point Package Deal

  1. On January 5 a new all party government in the leadership of Sushil Koirala is formed. It includes the NC, the UML, the UCPN(M), the CPN(M), the UDMF, the FDF. The UML gets Home, the UDMF gets Defense, the UCPN(M) gets Finance, the CPN(M) gets Sanchar, the FDF gets the Foreign Ministry. The rest of the ministries are fairly distributed among the six constituent groups. There is a Deputy Prime Minister from the UCPN(M). 
  2. This all party government on January 6 passes on to the president all election related ordinances that the president promptly approves. These details are agreed to before the all party government is formed. There are 240 directly elected MPs, and perhaps 101 elected through the proportional mechanism for a total of 341. 
  3. Elections must be held by the end of May 2013. If elections are not held by then, Sushil Koirala must resign. Such is the agreement. 

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fair Enough

Baburam Bhattarai's suggestion that the NC and the UML should join the current government and that joint government should make all changes necessary to make elections possible, and only then for him to hand over government leadership to the NC was a fair one. But the NC insisted that government leadership be handed over first. That smelled of foul play. To me it felt like the NC wants to grab the PM's chair so as to not bother with holding elections at all. That would have been a nightmare situation. I am glad that has been avoided.

Now the president has no option but to pass Baburam's election related ordinances as a reward to his having made all efforts to forge consensus. It is that or it is Baburam all the way to April 2014. I don't like the idea.

Looks like the Madhesi Morcha came to the rescue. It is because the Madhesi Morcha is much more interested in federalism than even the Maoists. The Madhesi Morcha smelled rat.

Elections In April 2013 A Must
Beyond The Three Parties
Agreement Close
Former Chief Justice Ram Prasad Shrestha
The Asteroids Are Key To Unlocking The Gridlock
The Anti Federal Alliance (AFA)

Present govt should be given national structure: FDRA
With the decision, political crisis in the country has further deepened. ..... "The meeting concluded that if the present government fails to gain national structure, the government's leadership should be given to one of the parties from the alliance."
Deal at threat as PM, Dahal rift widens
the PM's move in the afternoon was a payback as the party boss had declined his early request for a one-on-one in the morning. .... Some leaders urged Maoist Cabinet ministers to quit the Bhattarai government en masse if “Bhattarai continued to violate the party decision” for an early poll. The meeting entrusted Dahal to hold “serious dialogue” with his deputy and urge him to uphold the party's decision. ..... Leaders from the Bhattarai faction, however, said the party's first priority should be transforming the incumbent government into a national consensus one and the second to seek a prime ministerial candidate within the coalition should consensus elude for Bhattarai's continuity. A leader close to Bhattarai said Dahal is exerting pressure on Bhattarai to quit, which he said is against the party's decision. ...... PM's Political Advisor Devendra Poduel said the party has plunged into a dispute after Dahal tried to hand over the government leadership to the NC without a package deal among the parties.
Ring Road upgradation from next March
the road improvement project will upgrade the current four-lane road to eight lanes with a four-lane carriageway that will also include a two-way relief road, two-way bicycle track and two-way pedestrian path.
'SLMM to support party committed to past pacts'
Unity govt under Bhattarai best option, says ruling alliance
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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Broadening The Ruling Alliance

Dahal is an option. Mahantha Thakur is an option. It does not have to be Baburam Bhattarai, although I don't see why not?

The UML is supporting the NC candidate. But that is not enough to move the ball in the NC's favor.

The only thing the parties agree on is they don't want a non political PM.

The president can not unilaterally take action. Which means Baburam Bhattarai can not be forced to resign. And he is only willing to resign if there is a consensus on a new name. But that consensus can not be a dictation by the NC. That consensus has to have Maoist participation, a simple fact that the NC does not seem to take into account.

The extreme inflexibility shown by the NC and the UML is as undemocratic as their stand against federalism even when two thirds of the constituent assembly had put down their signatures for it. To give in would be to accept defeat when defeat is highly unnecessary.

One unilateral action Baburam Bhattarai could take is induct Upendra Yadav as a Deputy PM and offer to make Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal a Deputy PM as well. I think such a step would reduce the NC, the UML and its supporting parties to a 20% strength or less.

If I were Baburam I would also induct Ashok Rai into the cabinet. That would be a blatant blow to the UML which is being quite unreasonable.

As a last resort the president has to pass the election related ordinances and let Baburam conduction elections in April 2013. I mean, why not? What will be another sound alternative?

If I were Baburam I would reach out to Upendra Yadav, Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal and Ashok Rai and get them to participate. That would put additional pressure on the president to pass on the election related ordinances.

रोकिएलान् राष्ट्रपति?
आफैंले काम चलाउ भनिसकेको सरकार बर्खास्त गर्ने संवैधानिक बाटो नरहेकोमा राष्ट्रपतिमा कुनै द्विविधा छैन।
‘मधेशी नेताबाट प्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्भावना छैन’
दलहरु गम्भीर छलफलमा जुटेनन् सहमति नभए सबै विफल हुने राष्ट्रपतिको चिन्ता
राष्ट्रपति रामवरण यादवले थपिएको सात दिनभित्र राजनीतिक दलहरुले राष्ट्रिय सहमतिको सरकार गठनबारे ठोस सहमति नजुटाए दलहरुसंगै आफु पनि विफल हुने चिन्ता व्यक्त गरेका छन्।
सहमतीय सरकारको नेतृत्वबारे दलहरुबीच विवाद
राष्ट्रपति रामवरण यादवले अहिलेकै सरकारलाई राष्ट्रिय सहमतीय सरकार बनाउन सकिने प्रतिक्रिया दिएको भोलिपल्ट सत्तापक्षीय र विपक्षी दलहरुबीच सहमतीय सरकारको नेतृत्व बारेको विवाद झनै चर्किएको छ। .... अहिलेकै सरकारमा सबैको सहमति भए सुनमा सुगन्ध हुने भन्ने राष्ट्रपतिको प्रतिक्रिया सार्वजनिक भएको भोलिपल्ट दलहरुबीचको विवाद बढेको देखियो।
सुशील कोइरालासंग-28.11.12
Bhattarai to lead national consensus govt: UCPN (Maoist)
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