रेशम चौधरीलाई आममाफी दिने सरकारको निर्णय स्वीकार्य हुन्न : महेश बर्तौला
राष्ट्रपतिबाट गृहमै फर्कियो प्रस्ताव : मन्त्रिपरिषदबाट निर्णय भएर पुनः राष्ट्रपतिकहाँ जाने
राष्ट्रपतिद्वारा रेशम चौधरीसहित ५ सय १ जनाको कैद माफी
रेशम चौधरीको बाँकी सजाय मिनाहा गर्ने निर्णय स्वीकार्य हुन्न : एमाले सचेतक बर्तौला
रेशम चौधरीको सजाय माफी दिन मन्त्रिपरिषद्को सिफारिस
‘नेतृत्व परिवर्तनका लागि महाधिवेशन पर्खिन सकिन्न’ यतिबेला कांग्रेसले संकटबाट निकाल्न सक्दैन भन्ने निष्कर्षमा म पुगिसकें भने बाँकी कुरामा मैले किन चिन्ता गर्ने ? त्यसपछि के-के भंग हुन्छ हुन्छ । हिँड्दै जाऔं, गर्दै जाऔं ।
राष्ट्रपतिद्वारा रेशम चौधरीसहित १९ जनाको कैद सजाय माफी ४८२ जना कैदीको भुक्तान हुन बाँकी सजाय माफ ....... राष्ट्रपति रामचन्द्र पौडेलले रेशम चौधरीसहित १९ जनाको कैद सजाय माफी गरेका छन् । नेपाल सरकार मन्त्रिपरिषद्को जेठ १२ र १४ गते बैठकको सिफारिस अनुसार पौडेलले सो निर्णय गरेका हुन् । .
नागरिकता विधेयक प्रमाणीकरणबारे प्रधानमन्त्रीको अभिव्यक्ति आपत्तिजनक छः रघुजी पन्त सांसद पन्तले सो विधेयक तत्काल संसदमा ल्याएर पारित गराउनुपर्ने उल्लेख गर्दै त्यसका लागि आफ्नो पार्टी तयार रहेको समेत बताए ।
राष्ट्रपतिद्वारा रेशम चौधरीको आममाफी सम्बन्धी प्रस्ताव फिर्ता
जेलबाट रेशम चौधरीको लेख : मलाई मृत्युदण्ड स्वीकार्य छ ! अन्ततः मैले न्याय पाइनँ । कसरी पाउँछु न्याय ? थारूले न्याय पाएको इतिहास नै कहाँ छ र ? अधिकांश थारूहरूलाई हार प्रमाणीकरणको लालमोहर लगाउने नै न्यायालय हो । करिब ४ लाख पटक भन्दा बढी जमिनी मुद्दाको हार बेहोरेका छन् न्यायालयबाट थारूहरूले । सत्य यही हो, सदियौँदेखि जोतभोग गर्दै आइरहेको जमिनको न्यायिक फैसला नभएकै कारण थारूहरू कमैया बन्न पुगे । मुद्दामामिलाका कारण थारूहरूको जमिन मात्रै गुमेन, चाँदीको सिक्कासमेत स्वाहा भयो । विगतदेखि वर्तमानसम्म न्यायालय र प्रशासनको सिकार भएकै छन् थारूहरू । साँच्चै भन्दा नश्लीय शासकको नोकरवाद लाद्ने गधा बनाइएका छन् थारूहरू । ....... टीकापुर घटना राजनीतिक घटना हो । २०७२ भाद्र ७ गते थारूहरूको जुलुस टीकापुर बजारमा ‘थरुहट प्रदेश’ लेख्न गएकै हो । तर टीकापुरमा थरुहट प्रदेश लेख्ने आन्दोलनको आह्वान मेरो निर्देशनमा होइन । जेठानको देहान्त भएकाले भाद्र ४ गतेसम्म त म काठमाडौँमै थिएँ । धनगढीमा हुने सर्वदलीय बैठकमा भाग लिन गइदिनुपर्यो भन्ने नेपाली कांग्रेसका सभापति शेरबहादुर देउवा र एमालेका नेता भीम रावलको आग्रहमा म धनगढी गएको हुँ । आन्दोलन चलिरहेकाले भाद्र ७ गतेसम्म सुरक्षाकर्मीको सबै बन्दोबस्त मलाई पूर्वगृहमन्त्री भीमबहादुर रावलले नै गरिदिनुभएको हो । भाद्र ६ गते टीकापुर सशस्त्र प्रहरी उग्रतारा गणमा भएको सर्वदलीय बैठकमा सबैलाई मैले भनिदिएकै हुँ– ‘आन्दोलन मेरो नियन्त्रणमा छैन, म यो आन्दोलनको संयोजक पनि होइन ।’ ......... भाद्र ७ गते टीकापुरमा हुने थारू आन्दोलनका बारेमा प्रशासन जानकार थियो । त्यो आन्दोलनलाई रोक्न मैले कति प्रयत्न गरेँ, त्यो तत्कालीन सिडिओ राजकुमार श्रेष्ठलाई थाहा छ । जिल्ला प्रहरी प्रमुख विक्रमबहादुर चन्दलाई थाहा छ, सशस्त्र प्रहरी बलका उपरीक्षक लक्ष्मण सिंहलाई थाहा छ । टीकापुर उद्योग वाणिज्य सङ्घको अध्यक्षलाई थाहा छ, स्थानीय सबै राजनीतिक दलका प्रतिनिधिलाई थाहा छ । सर्वदलीय बैठकमै अब रेशमलाई दोष दिनुहुन्न भनेर सबैले स्वीकारेका छन् । ........ अनि म दोषी भएँ कसरी ? भाद्र ७ गते बिहान ९ बजेसम्म मैले के प्रयत्न गरिनँ ? थारू आन्दोलनको भीडमा जाऊँ, कमरेड विकासले मारिदिन्छु भन्याछन्, अखण्ड सुदूरपश्चिमको भीडमा गए मेरो कपाल पनि बच्नेवाला थिएन । सुरक्षाकर्मीसँग सल्लाह गर्न खोज्यो, तँ आन्दोलनकर्मी होस् भन्छन् । कतै केही सिप नलागेपछि म रेडियो हेर्न बर्दियातिर लागेको हुँ । ........ मेरो हकमा न्याय भएन; फैसला मात्रै भयो, पपुलिस्ट फैसला । ....... मिसिलमा उल्लेख गरेजस्तो भाला, बन्चरो कुनै थारू आन्दोलनकर्मीले बोकेका थिएनन् । कसैलाई दोषी करार गर्ने मलाई कुनै हक छैन तर वास्तविक घटना कसले गरायो, त्यो टीकापुरलाई थाहा छ ।
पाकिस्तानका स्वास्थ्यमन्त्रीले इमरान खानको मानसिक अवस्थामाथि उठाए प्रश्न पाकिस्तानी मिडियाका अनुसार मेडिकल रिपोर्टमा डाक्टरहरूले इमरान खानसँग लामो समयसम्म कुरा गर्दा उनको व्यवहार फिट व्यक्तिको जस्तो थिएन भन्ने लेखिएको छ । पटेलले खानको पिसाबको नमूनाको प्रारम्भिक परीक्षणमा रक्सी र कोकिनको प्रमाण भेटिएको पनि आरोप लगाए । मन्त्रीले खानको खुट्टामा भाँचिएको कुनै लक्षण नभएको भन्दै ‘पाँच–छ महिनासम्म किन प्लास्टर गरिएको ?’ भन्दै प्रश्न गरे । ...... यसैबीच इमरान खानको पार्टीले मन्त्रीविरुद्ध मुद्दा दायर गर्ने तयारी गरिरहेको बताएको छ ।
प्रचण्डलाई मधेसको एजेन्डा सुझाउन दिल्लीमा सीके राउतको दौडधुप आजै उनले भारतीय जनता पार्टीका विदेश विभागका प्रमुख डा.विजय चौथाईवालालाई भेटेका छन् । राउतले तीन चार दिनसम्म दिल्लीमै रहने र हरेक तहका व्यक्तिलाई भेटेर मधेसको विषयमा प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डलाई दबाब बढाउने बताइएको छ ।
सीके राउतले भने–चौतर्फी घेराबन्दीमा छु, केही समय धैर्य गर्नुहोस्
Team @acquiredotcom now an AI startup.
— Andrew Gazdecki (@agazdecki) May 27, 2023
Valuation has increased 1000% overnight.
In all seriousness check out our plug in.
Made by @sean_moriarity whose a legend.
Feedback welcomed! pic.twitter.com/ei9cRroQdK
GPT-4 for personal tutoring: https://t.co/fk3kwnJRrO
— Greg Brockman (@gdb) May 27, 2023
Attended Estonia's largest tech and startup conference @Latitude59.
— Kaja Kallas (@kajakallas) May 27, 2023
We have a very open, resilient, flexible and dynamic business environment with a strong startup culture.
So, I’m encouraging startups and tech companies to come to Estonia and discover what we have to offer. pic.twitter.com/mvqI2CR1nK
To the LSU Tigers: You did it. You are leaders, role models, and now NCAA national champions. pic.twitter.com/2qtj2JHq54
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) May 27, 2023
Probably not too much of an over-statement to say that we all owe a debt of gratitude to the often-maligned gamers for (almost) singlehandedly subsidizing @nvidia to get us to the current AI revolution? https://t.co/IxTwO7hQPl
— Scott Kupor (@skupor) May 26, 2023
This is why exit controls are such an important part of socialism – otherwise, all the greedy people will just leave, which is why all of the fairest countries have the barbed wire and guns pointed inwards. https://t.co/CRE2YpXcR6
— Zack Kanter (@zackkanter) May 27, 2023
Yesterday, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham flew to Kyiv, Ukraine to meet with President Zelensky.
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) May 27, 2023
Graham promised Zelensky that Republicans stand by Ukraine’s side in their fight against Russia, no matter what the rhetoric is that they say on the campaign trail.
Graham said,… pic.twitter.com/YlhIb17bBg
In 1926, thirteen black men put together their savings and founded Safe Bus Company, making it the largest black owned bus company at that time.
— AFRICAN & BLACK HISTORY (@AfricanArchives) May 27, 2023
It was formed in Winston-Salem to serve the black neighborhoods due to segregation and operated till 1972. pic.twitter.com/cWbk3wZCYK
God grant me the confidence of the SDR who sent me a cold outbound calendar invitation for a "quick sync" on Memorial Day
— Justine Palefsky (@JustinePalefsky) May 26, 2023
I propose a new acronym for the AI-ensconced red-hot tech giants:
— Yann LeCun (@ylecun) May 27, 2023
Meta, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple.
Tune in as I deliver the commencement address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. https://t.co/7WnEnIsQF9
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) May 27, 2023
3 years ago, I bought a $20 PDF course about agriculture (don't ask me why).
— Dela (@datafeels) May 27, 2023
I live on the 40th floor of a skyscraper and do not have an urban rooftop garden, nor do I have the intention to become a farmer.
All I remember is that organic food was trending. 👩🏻🌾
To this day, I…
The recent wealth tax increase in Norway was expected to bring an additional $146M in yearly tax revenue
— Luca Dellanna (@DellAnnaLuca) May 26, 2023
Instead, an estimated $54B-worth of ultra-rich left the country, leading to a lost $594M in yearly wealth tax revenue
A net decrease of $448M+
(sources and calculations ↓)
प्रचण्ड उवाच-जलहरिमा ओलीलाई जाेड्न उचित हैन। ओली उवाच- नक्कली भुटानी शरणार्थी प्रकरणमा बयानमा उल्लेखित माथि थप छानविन गर्न पाइँदैन । देउवा उवाच- चुप लागाै, माैन बसाै सबै पच्छ, क्यानटाेमेन्ट पनि पच्छ।नबाेलेरै पचाउन सकिन्छ किन बाेल्ने ? भ्रष्टाचारमा तीनदलीय सेन्डिकेटकाे निर्णय।
— dambar khatiwoda (@dambarkhatiwoda) May 27, 2023
Failures fail 10 times.
— Charles Miller (@charlesmiller_7) May 26, 2023
Successful people fail 10,000 times.
Think about it.
Enter generative AI.
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) May 27, 2023
Every $1 we invest in the IRS brings in as much as $12.50 in revenue by tracking down wealthy tax cheats. It’s ridiculous that Republicans want to cut IRS funding. They’d rather help the ultra-rich get away with tax dodging than help working families.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) May 27, 2023
It's interesting to see what OS people use to access internet globally:
— Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) May 26, 2023
41% - Android
28% - Windows
17% - iOS
7% - OS X
6% - Other/Unknown
1% - Linux
And just in US:
30% - Windows
26% - iOS
20% - Android
17% - OS X
4% - Chrome OS
3% - Other/Unknown
Source: statcounter
Embrace imperfection.
— Glenn (@glennwrites1) May 27, 2023
I've built a $5k/month online business despite:
•Working a 9-5
• Drinking alcohol
• Never meditating
• Waking up at 8:30am
• Having a personal life
You don't need perfect habits...
You need action.
ATACMS now or explain why not. The slow trickle and eventually, grudgingly providing weapons that could save lives and end the war more quickly now leads to many awkward questions.https://t.co/3S8wMcZMGc
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) May 27, 2023
“The woke mind virus is basically a form of cultural Marxism,” DeSantis says. «Cultural Marxism” was the favorite conspiracy theory of Norwegian Fascist, terrorist and mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. Says a lot about Republicans, doesn’t it? https://t.co/Ck9i2gdBFG
— Per M. Koch (@perkoch) May 26, 2023
Ron DeSantis vs. the ‘Woke Mind Virus’ But behind these unforced errors lie deeper failures of political judgment by DeSantis, ones that speak to a blinkered and — for all his cultural populism — elitist worldview. How else do you explain a campaign kickoff with more discussion of crypto regulation than of inflation? .......... First, there’s his inability to see what is obvious to Musk’s critics, which is that Musk, while perhaps a genius in some areas, is also often an arrogant screw-up whose projects break down in public. (See: the Tesla Cybertruck’s supposedly shatterproof windows or the explosion of the SpaceX Starship.) You have to be fairly deep in the right-wing echo chamber to believe Musk’s self-presentation as a swaggering Tony Stark figure who can be counted on to deliver. ......... Last night, after the announcement, his campaign tweeted a bizarre, music-less video that features DeSantis speaking about immigration over a montage of images of him and of Musk, as if they were running for president as a team. ......... DeSantis is betting that anti-wokeness, the belief system that ties him to Musk, is enough to power a presidential race. ......... 55 percent of Republicans said “Fighting woke ideology in our schools and businesses” was more important than protecting Social Security and Medicare. ......... the reactionary agenda he’s enacted in Florida, which includes sweeping limitations on what can be taught in public schools, a six-week abortion ban and the cruelest anti-trans policies in America. ........... anti-wokeness has different flavors. There are the worries about the erosion of what were once called “family values,” and then there are the esoteric concerns of Silicon Valley edgelords. DeSantis emphasized the latter on Wednesday night, discussing niche issues in language that I suspect is unintelligible to ordinary people, even those who might hate the brand of social justice politics derided as wokeness. He spoke, without much explanation, about college “accreditation cartels,” the “E.S.G. movement” — investing that weighs environmental, social and governance factors — and central bank digital currency. A large part of the discussion — far more than about, say, the economy or foreign policy — was about Twitter itself. ........... “The woke mind virus is basically a form of cultural Marxism,” DeSantis said later Wednesday night on Fox News. If you spend time on the right-wing internet, that is a platitude. But my guess is that for a lot of people, it’s gibberish. Now, Trump also repurposes ideas and memes from the far-right internet demimonde, but he does so with a lowest-common-denominator bluntness. “We’re going to defeat the cult of gender ideology and reaffirm that God created two genders, called men and women,” Trump said in South Carolina earlier this year. You don’t have to know exactly what “gender ideology” is to know what he means. ............ He speaks the language not of normal people but of right-wing counter-elites, thinkers and activists who come out of the same rarefied milieus as the progressive intellectuals they despise. ............ the word “elite,” to him, is not about wealth, talent or achievement. Instead, it’s an epithet for progressives, those who share “the ideology and outlook of the ruling class, which one can demonstrate by ‘virtue signaling.’” ........ a standard right-wing rhetorical move to suggest that so-called wealth creators are part of an oppressed class. The problem with DeSantis is that he seems to believe it, so when he’s speaking to plutocrats on Twitter Spaces, he thinks he’s speaking to the people.