Map (rough) of the Marquesa Islands, French Polynesia, own work composed from various mapreferences Svenska: Karta över Marquesaöarna, FP (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
40% Of Americans Can't Point Out The Pacific On A Map

Geography: The lost world
If you are lost, don't ask a young person for directions - that is the message coming out of an international survey of 18-24 year olds conducted by America's National Geographic Society....... More than 3,000 young adults in nine countries were tested on their geographical knowledge - with some alarming results....... Despite a deluge of news about the prospect of a war against Saddam Hussein, only 13% of Americans tested could point Iraq out on a map of the world. ...... Perhaps even more worrying - when confronted with the same map,
only 89% of Americans could find their own country!
..... Worldwide, three in 10 of those surveyed could not locate the Pacific Ocean. ..... Apart from the Swedes, only 40% or fewer young adults could name China and India as the two countries with a population over one billion. ..... Less than 25% of French, Canadian, Italian, British and Americans could name four countries that officially acknowledged owning nuclear weapons. ...... 58% of Americans know the Taleban and al-Qaeda were based in Afghanistan, compared with 84% of Britons, but only 17% of Americans can locate the country. ..... 34% of Americans know the tiny Marquesas Islands, where the last season of reality TV show "Survivor" was filmed, is located in the South Pacific. But only 30% could point to the location of New Jersey. ......56% of Americans were unable to locate India, home to 17% of the world's population.