For the Maoists to move from "Power flows through the barrel of a gun" to nonviolent street protests like during the April Revolution was a huge, huge step. But they seem to have not completed that step, some of their old ways are still current in some of their rank and file, and, more important, they are stuck in that second step.
The next big step they need to take is to realize street agitation is not the be all and end all. Ideally speaking, there should never be any street protests. Parliamentary arithmetic should be enough to move and shake things in national politics.
Right now the parliamentary arithmetic is in favor of their two key demands. They need to tap that. They should be able to isolate Girija in the interim parliament.
If all parties big and small are formally for a republic, why can't they declare that right away? The people already spoke during April 2006. Republic was the street slogan of the April Revolution.
And declaration of a fully PR election and allowing a few more weeks to register new parties is key. After the elections were postponed the last time, no new parties have been registered in the aftermath. That is wrong. After the elections were postponed, a new election schedule should have been published that should have allowed for the registration of new parties.
A Janajati party has been formed, but I don't think it has been registered. (
Federal National Democratic Forum: The Janajati Party) There is a need for a similar Dalit party. I would call it the Dalit Adhikar Forum. All the Madhesi MPs should similarly float a new outfit and call it the Madhesi People's Party. That would be a great way to end the tension inside the Sadbhavana (Anandi). Tripathy can go to the new outfit.
The Maoists have to coalesce around the Madhav Nepal name. And Madhav Nepal must step up to the plate.
It is criminal thinking on Girija's part to suggest that if moves are made to oust him, that is akin to inviting danger to the country's sovereignty. Girija is a nobody. Nepal is much bigger than one person, especially someone corrupt, inept, and immobile like Girija.
The number one problem in the country is Gyanendra. The number two problem is Girija. Both have to be ousted. Gyanendra needs to be made a citizen. Girija needs to be sent into retirement. For one, retirement will be better for his health. More importantly, his retirement will be better for the health of the country.
Madhav Nepal Needs To Make A MoveMadhav Nepal will be palatable to the international community. India and Europe have gone out of their way to hint that Madhav Nepal would be palatable to them. Remember those visits? It is for Madhav Nepal, Prachanda, Deuba, Sherchan, Mahto and the rest to come together and oust Girija to make sure we still can have elections on November 22.
As soon as Girija is ousted, things will speed up. You will see movement in the political process. You will have a Prime Minister who regularly holds extensive consultations.
With Girija, the country has been stuck in a rut.
The Maoists can get more out of parliamentary arithmetic than through street agitations at this point.
For Prachanda, it might be about republic. For Deuba it is about his political survival. If the country does not have a fully PR election, Deuba's party will get wiped out. And if it gets wiped out once, it is not going to be able to resurrect itself in a subsequent election.
Deuba needs a fully PR election more than any other major leader on the national scene. He has to rally behind the Madhav Nepal name on that one point agenda.
Madhav Nepal, on his part, can demand better Maoist behavior on the ground.
The best part of declaring Nepal a republic right away will be that then all parties are going to be forced to offer much clearer visions on the all important issue of federalism. How many states? What shape, sizes? What kind of power distribution between the center and the states?
Evil Home Minister, Evil Prime MinisterMohit Khan's murder might have sparked the downslide, but the full-fledged riots that lasted an entire week and are still ongoing are because the state and those in power have made a conscious decision to make sure the security forces are not sent in in small measure or large.
People in power who are angry that there ever was a Madhesi Kranti have seen this as an opportunity to get even. So you had problems with our crowd control attempts during the so-called Madhesi Kranti? Great. Now we are going to stay out completely and watch you kill each other. And have fun. That has been the thinking of the Pahadi Bahuns in Kathmandu. That is criminal thinking.
That is a strong argument for a Madhesh state and a Madhesh Police.
Goal: Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties Goal: Federal Republic Of State Funded PartiesRepublic is guaranteed. Federalism is guaranteed: it is just a matter of time. What bothers me is that none of the parties, not even the Maoists are talking in terms of turning Nepal into a country of state funded parties. That is a problem.
Proposed ConstitutionRwanda, IraqAt some level, the riots in Kapilvastu that quickly took communal overtones along the Pahadi Madhesi, and Hindu Muslim lines tell us Nepal is not really that far from Rwanda and Iraq. That Nepal is not that far from the Hindu-Muslim riots like in India.
This is sad.
A fully PR election that allows for Madhesi, Janajati and Dalit parties is the best way to blow steam and let the sentiments take legitimate outlets.
The disrespect shown to the Madhesi Kranti for the longest time, the continued reluctance to engage the armed Madhesi groups in respectful dialogue has at some level led to a deteriorating Pahadi-Madhesi social dynamic in the Madhesh for which those in power have to take responsibility.
In The News Maoists trying to find alternative to PM Koirala, reveals Dev Gurung Kantipur Accusing Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala and his party, the Nepali Congress, of “complicating” the ongoing peace process ...... his party was trying to find an alternative to PM Koirala. ..... the Maoists were collecting parliamentarians’ signatures to call a special session of the Interim Legislature-Parliament so as to register a no-confidence motion against PM Koirala. ...... one-fourth MPs of the 330-member interim parliament can call a special session and the Prime Minister can be removed if the House passes a no-confidence motion against him by a two-thirds majority. ........ unless the government accepted two key demands ..... declaration of a republic through the interim parliament prior to the CA polls, and adoption of a fully proportional electoral system. ...... Gurung also proposed that the November 22 CA polls could be deferred again for sometime “if they cannot not be held by declaring the country a republic in advance, and adopting a fully proportional electoral system.” ...... the third national convention of the Maoist-aligned Limbu National Liberation Front Maoists blame administration for Kapilvastu violence; urges to take action regressive force was behind the mayhem in the district and said that a repetition of such incidents if the country is not declared a republic soon. ....... rapped the government for failing to maintain security in the country. ..... expressed his doubts that the army could be mobilized on the pretext of quelling communal violence. Kapilvastu riots can hamper free, fair polls: OHCHR-Nepal Police, local admin failed to take necessary precaution: NHRC at least 22 people were killed, over 500 houses, including 119 burnt down, destroyed, and over three thousand people were displaced over the past six days in Kapilvastu district. ...... blamed the police and the local administration of not taking necessary precaution before, during and after the violence. ..... at least 95 shops in and around Jagatpur, Ganeshpur, Manpur, Krishnanagar, Chandrauta, Bishanpur villages have been destroyed. Over 150 vehicles were vandalized. ..... Altogether 119 houses located at Bishanpur to Sukumbasi Tol and a cotton factory at Krishnanagar have been reduced to cinder ...... commissioner Ram Nagina Singh ..... human rights defenders were also not allowed to visit some places by different groups ..... NHRC said that it found people angry with the police as the latter skipped their repeated calls for security. Kapilvastu riots part of conspiracy to disrupt communal harmony: Minister Sitaula Martin urges parties to work together for peace No party unification before CA polls, if not by tomorrow: Deuba Deuba accused the NC leaders of not showing genuine interest for unification .... Deuba also said that the elections sans the Maoist participation would be useless. NSU submits memo to supplies minister, urges not to hike petro price Janamorcha Nepal begins poll campaign, rally disrupts traffic in capital Traffic was disrupted in capital’s Purano Baneshowr, Naya Baneshwor, Koteshwor, Balaju, Kalanki, Chabahil, Pulchowk MPRF demands stern action against Kapilvastu violence guilty Over the last six days, violence-torn Kapilvastu district saw huge loss of life and property. ..... The District Administration Office here has continued curfew in Krishnangar and other affected areas. At least three more persons were killed in fresh violence at Pathardaiya of Kapilvastu yesterday.प्रहरी सुरक्षाभित्रै तीनको हत्या हत्या गरिएकालाई स्थानीय बासिन्दाको उजुरीका आधारमा दंगा भड्काउन सघाएको आरोपमा प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको थियो । दंगाबाट पीडित पक्षको सहयोगार्थ आएको समूहले पथ्थरदैया गाविसस्थित जगदीशपुर चौकीमा रहेका उनीहरूलाई आक्रमण गर्दा मृत्यु भएको हो । मृत्यु हुनेमा रामेश्वर चौधरी, नुरोद्दिन मुसलमान र नाम नखुलेका एक जना छन् । घटन्ााम्ाा २४ भन्दा बढी घाइते छन् । ..... धेरैजसोका शरीरमा धारिलो हतियारका चोट छन् ...... स्थलगत अनुगमन गर्न आएका राजनीतिक दलका नेता र मानव अधिकारवादी टोलीकै अघिल्तिर आक्रमण भएकोे थियो । 'घटना नियोजित तरिकाले गरिएको छ,' उनले भने- 'राजनीतिक समूहले ल्याएको भीडले चौकीमा आक्रमण गरेको हो ।' ......
हालसम्म जिल्लाका ३ सय व्यक्ति सम्पर्कविहीन, ५ हजार विस्थापित र डेढ सय सवारीसाधनमा तोडफोड र आगजनी भएको ...... जिल्लाका महेन्द्र राजमार्ग र हिंसा प्रभावित अन्य भागमा अनिश्चितकालीन कफ्यर्ु कायमै रहेको ..... आइतबारदेखि बिहीबारसम्म कपिलवस्तुको पथ्थरदैया, भगवानपुर, वीरपुर, बिसनपुर, खुरुरिया, चनही, जगदीशपुरलगायत दर्जन गाविसमा अझै पनि हत्या, लुटपाट, तोडफोड, आगजनी र बलात्कारका घटनाहरू बढ्दै गएको छ । मृत्यु हुनेको संख्या बढिरहेको छ । गाउँहरूमा सडेका शवहरू भेटिइरहेका छन् । ....... बिसनपुरा गाविसको देवीपुर नजिकैको खोल्सामा बुधबार साँझपख आठवटा डढेका शव भेटिएका थिए । ...... शव भेटिने क्रम जारी रहेकाले संख्या बढ्ने ..... शाहीकालमा बाँडिएका हतियारहरू तुरुन्त फिर्ता गनर्ुपर्ने दल, नागरिक समाज, पीडितहरूले माग गरेका छन् । ...... यस्तै मानव अधिकारवादी तथा नागरिक समाजका अगुवाहरूले सरकारको उदासीनता, स्थानीय प्रशासनको लापरबाही तथा सुरक्षा निकायको निष्त्रिmयताले कपिलवस्तुको स्थिति झन्-झन् बिग्रँदै गएको बताएका छन् । स्थलगत भ्रमण गरेर फर्केका मानव अधिकारवादी तथा नागरिक अगुवाहरूले बुटवल पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा सरकारको उदासीनता, स्थानीय प्रशासनको लापरबाही तथा सुरक्षा निकायको निष्त्रिmयताले स्थिति बिग्रँदै गएको बताएका हुन् ।दाङमा पनि तोडफोड र आगजनी दाङ, असोज ३ - दाङको लमही र तुलसीपुरका सार्वजनिक स्थल र घरमा अज्ञात समूहले आगजनी र तोडफोड गरेको छ । स्थिति सम्हाल्न कठिन भएपछि प्रशासनले लमहीमा ४ र तुलसीपुरमा साँझ साढे सात बजेबाट कफ्र्यु जारी गरेको छ । आक्रोशित समूहले लमही बजारमा एउटा ट्रक र मोटरसाइकल तथा राप्ती टेन्ट हाउसका सामान बाहिर निकाली आगजनी गरेको छ । समूहले साँझ अबेर तुलसीपुर बजारको वीरेन्द्र चोक र पातुखोलास्थित एक-एक घरमा आगजनी गरेको थियो । बुधबार राति सिसहनियामा रोकी राखिएको ना ३ ख ५८६ नम्बरको बस पनि जलाइएको थियो ।
संसद्बाटै घोषणा हुनुपर्छ ः थापा नेकपा एकीकृतका केन्द्रीय सदस्य तथा सार्वजनिक लेखा समितिका अध्यक्ष परि थापाले तत्काल अन्तरिम संसद्को विशेष अधिवेशनबाट गणतन्त्र घोषणा गनर्ुपर्ने बताएका छन् । .... थापाले माओवादी हटेपछि वर्तमान सरकारको वैधानिकतामा प्रश्नचिह्न उठेको थापाको भनाइ थियो । थापाले सरकारको नेतृत्व फेनर्ुपर्ने पनि बताए ।
दलहरू उम्मेदवार चयनमा व्यस्त स्थानीय पार्टी कार्यालयमा दिनहुँ बैठक, भेला र छलफल भइरहेको छ । .... कांग्रेसले मोरङमा प्रत्यक्ष उम्मेदवारी निम्ति क्षेत्र १ मा पार्टर्ी सभापति गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला .... धनुषामा एमालेले क्षेत्र ५ का लागि रघुवीर महासेठ ..... ३ मा रामआशिष महासेठ, रामचन्द्र झा र जुली महासेठ छन् । ...... ४ मा रघुवीर महासेठ, शारदा झा र राजकुमार गुप्ता छन् ..... १ बाट रामचन्द्र झा र ६ बाट योगनारायण यादवको नाम ..... रौतहटमा ..... क्षेत्र २ मा मोहम्मद आफताव आलममात्र सिफारिस गरिएको छ । ....... सभापति मोहम्मद आफताव आलम ..... संखुवासभाको क्षेत्र नम्बर २ मा नेपाली कांग्रेसमा उम्मेदवार छनोट विवादमा भएको छ । बहुमत सदस्यले गरेको निर्णय लुकाएर अल्पमत पक्षले नामावली सोझै केन्द्रमा पठाएको छ । ........ बहुमत पक्षका कार्यकर्ता हस्ताक्षर अभियानमा लागेको छ ।
मुस्लिम संस्थाद्वारा ज्ञापन मुस्लिम नेताहरूको प्रमण्डलले प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालालाई बिहीबार भेटी कपिलवस्तुमा स्थिति असामान्य हुँदा पनि अकर्मण्य भएर बस्ने त्यस जिल्लाका डीएसपी र प्रजिअमाथि अविलम्ब कारबाही गर्न माग गरेका छन् । राष्ट्रिय मुस्लिम मञ्च, मुस्लिम एत्तिहाद संघ, पञ्च कस्मिरी तकिया र नेपाली जामे मस्जिदका मुस्लिम नेताहरूले सरकारसमक्ष कपिलवस्तुमा भएको धनजन क्षतिको छानबिन गरी वास्तविकता पत्ता लगाउन तुरुन्त छानबिन आयोग गठन गर्न आग्रह गरेका छन् । ....... 'मोहित खानलाई कसले मार्यो ? राज्यलाई थाहा हुनुपर्छ,' प्रतिनिधिमण्डलमा सरिक पञ्च कस्मिरी तकिया गुठीका अध्यक्ष सैययद निहाल शाहले भने- 'खानको मृत्युको एक घन्टापछि नै बुटवलमा दंगाको स्थिति आयो, यो पुर्व नियोजित हो ।' ...... घटनाको लगत्तै कपिलवस्तु र रूपन्देहीका मस्जिदमाथि आक्रमण, मानवीय र भौतिक क्षति गराई सम्प्रदायिक सद्भाव तथा धार्मिक सहिष्णुतामा खलल पुर्याउन खोज्ने तत्त्व र घटना ........ मृतकका परिवार र आफन्तले खबर पाउनुअगावै बुटवल लगायतका स्थानमा तोडफोड लगायतका शृंखलाबद्घ घटना हुनु ....... उक्त घटना हत्यारा पक्षको सुनियोजित षड्यन्त्र रहेको दाबी
लिम्बुवानले अवरोध नपुर्याउने बन्द फिर्ता
आयोग होइन, आगो नियन्त्रण गर पाँच दिनदेखि झन्-झन् फैलिँदै गएको कपिलवस्तुको हिंसा नियन्त्रण गर्न दृढ राजनीतिक शक्ति र विवेकपूर्ण सुरक्षा परिचालन आवश्यक भएका बेला मन्त्रिपरिषद् बैठकले बिहीबार छानबिन आयोग गठन गरेको छ । ..... त्यो हत्याको केही मिनेटमै, चारैतिरका स्थायी संरचनामा आगजनी सुरु भइसकेको थियो । त्यसबीच भएको जनधन क्षतिको यकिन तथ्यांक क्रमशः बाहिर आउन पनि सकिरहेको छैन किनभने कफ्र्यु जारी हुनुका साथै परस्पर अविश्वास र सामाजिक शत्रुताको मात्रा उच्च हुन पुगेको छ । ...... बृहत् प्रयत्न राष्ट्रियरूप राजनीतिक दल र सरकारले मिलेर गर्नुपर्ने हो, जसका लागि अझै पनि समय छ र प्रयत्नको झन् बढी खाँचो छ । ..... अहिलेका लागि आयोगभन्दा त्यहाँ जारी तथा फैलिरहेको हिंसाको आगो निभाउन त्यही दमकल हुनसक्छ । ज्वालामग्न कपिलवस्तु चन्द्रौटा रूपन्देहीको सालझन्डीदेखि कपिलवस्तुको शिवपुर करिब ६० किमि सडकखण्ड यात्रा गर्ने जोकोहीले चार दिनदेखि आगोले जलिरहेको चन्द्रौटा बजार त देख्छ नै, सिङ्गो देश, नेपाली जनता दुःखिरहेको अनि देश युद्धक्षेत्र बन्नथालेको आभास पनि गर्छ । ....... देश साँच्चिकै टेलिभिजनमा देखेजस्तो इराक बन्दैछ ...... हत्यापछि सीमापारिबाट आएका समेतका उच्छृङखल समूहले जसरी पहाडिया उपमा दिएर छानीछानी नेपालीका घरबस्तीमा हत्या, बलात्कार र आगजनी गर्ने काम गर्यो, त्यसले धेरैको विचल्लीमात्र होइन, बिल्लीबाठ-उठिबास लगाएको छ । ....... खाँको हत्यापछि जेजस्ता घटना भइरहेका छन्, यसप्रति सरकार गम्भीर भएको छैन ...... माओवादी सरकारबाट बाहिरिएपछि सरकार, दलहरू र राजधानी धेरै तातेको छ । ...... यो कपिलवस्तु प्रशासन र चन्द्रौटा, गोरुसिङ्गे, पिपरा तथा कृष्णनगरका प्रहरीमात्रले साम्य पार्नसक्ने स्तरको घटना होइन । ...... चन्द्रौटा बजारमा घटना भएको चौथो दिनसम्म आगोको मुस्लो कायम छ । अरू त के दमकलबाट पानी छर्ने प्रयाससमेत नभएको देखिन्छ ....... एक सयभन्दा बढी बस, ट्रक तथा जीप लगायतका सवारी साधनको अवशेषले सिङ्गो कपिलवस्तु जलेको अडकल ..... आगजनीमा परेका खुरुरियाको पथरदेइया, वीरपुर, देवीनगर मानपुर, बालपुर कटुवा, उज्ज्वलपुर र गुगौली गाउँमा न सरकार पुगेको छ, न मानवीय संघ-संस्थै । यी गाउँबाट ज्यान जोगाउन लालाबाला छाडेर भागदौड गर्दै परिवारका सदस्यसमेत बिछोडिएर आएका ५ हजार बढी विस्थापित अहिले भगवानपुर गाविस, चन्द्रौटा क्याम्प र गोरुसिङ्गे बजारका सार्वजनिक स्थलमा अस्थायी क्याम्प खडा गरेर बसेका छन् । ........ पहिलो दिनै घटना भइरहेको जानकारी पाएर पनि प्रहरी प्रशासन निरीह बनेको र त्यसपछि सरकारले घटनालाई गम्भीर रूपले लिन नसकेको ...... यस पंक्तिकार आफैं सडकमा सुत्दै चार दिन लगाएर गृहजिल्ला दाङ आइपुग्यो ...... घटनाको दोस्रो दिन यस पंक्तिकार बुटवलमा छँदा चन्द्रौटा हुँदै जानसक्ने स्थिति छैन । गोरुसिङ्गेमा गोली चल्यो, गाउँका गाउँ खरानी छन्, चन्द्रौटामा मान्छे काटाकाट गरिरहेका छन्, मान्छेहरूलाई बलात्कार गर्दै उखुबारीमा फाल्ने गरिएको छ जस्ता हल्ला चलिरहेका थिए । ....... गोरुसिङ्गेदेखि शिवपुरसम्मको राजमार्गमा खरानी परेका सम्पत्ति देख्दा मन पिरो भयो । त्यसमा पनि बसभित्रका यात्रुले 'गाडी नरोक, फेरि जलाइदेलान्' भन्दै चालकलाई गाली गर्दै थिए । काठमाडौं जाँदा चहलपहलबीच खाजा खाएर गएको चन्द्राैटा बजार र्फकंदा मुर्दा शान्तिभित्रको सन्नाटामा जलेका अवशेषमात्र देख्नुपर्यो । के अब हामीले यस्तै स्थ्ाानमात्र देख्नुपर्ने हो ? Prachanda sees ‘deadly conspiracy’ behind Kapilvastu riots NepalNews the ongoing communal tension, killings and arson in Kapilvastu ...... people of different religion and ethnic communities who lost their lives in the riots. ..... the “attempts of reactionary forces” to link the Maoists, directly and indirectly, with incitement of violence and arson in the district .... about two dozen people killed in the riots were supporters and well-wishers of the CPN (Maoist). ..... violence still continued in many parts of Kapilvastu. At least 31 people have died and hundreds have gone missing in the riots since Sunday. ...... Violent clashes had snowballed there and adjoining Rupandehi district after the killing of Mohit Khan, a leader of formerly active anti-Maoist resistance group, on Sunday. The Maoists have denied their hand in Khan's murder.Home Minister Sitaula in Kapilvastu to take stock of security situation; violence spreads to Dang the violence that has gripped the region for the past six days. .... Chandrauta, Krishna Nagar, Birpur ..... series of violent clashes between members of different communities since Sunday .... unidentified persons shot to death one Mohit Khan, a local leader of Madhesi Loktantrik Mukti Morcha (MLMM) ..... on Friday morning cadres of MLMM held demonstration against the killings claiming that YCL men were involved in it. ...... there is still fear among the people due to various rumours flying around .... break-out of looting and arson ...... Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) has issued a statement urging the government to take action against the culprits trying to create communal and religious tension in Kapilvastu. US warns Maoists against trying to 'trash' elections; Senator Leahy also speaks out India, European Union, United Nations and Japan have expressed concerns over the Maoist decision to quit the government and launch agitation to disrupt the November election, the United States, on Thursday, has come down with a strong warning to the ex-rebels against trying to 'trash' the November polls ....... the US government would continue to treat the Maoists as extremist outcasts until the movement becomes a normal political party. ...... "They need to give up the gun. They need to give up extortion. They need to give up the militant youth groups ..... US Senator Patrick Leahy, speaking at the Senate Floor in Washington DC on Tuesday, has said that "the leaders of the Congress parties and the Maoists have done little to prepare for the elections." ...... "At times, party members have seemed more interested in furthering their own personal ambitions and in derailing the electoral process altogether." ...... Leahy has said that the UML has done more to prepare for the polls. He also praised the Election Commission for its preparations. "There is no doubt that the people are eager to go to the polls, just as they were determined to put an end to the King's abuse of power." Mahara says Maoists in favour of eight party unity his party will not walk out of eight party alliance ..... We have no intention of breaking the ceasefire. We will press our demands from the parliament and the streets. Election can happen after fulfillment of our demands .... they would not support proposal to jointly approve commitment proposal in favour of republic through the parliament. They have said they stand behind their demand to declare republic by the parliament. Nine student organisations appeal for eight party unityDeclaring republic will resolve 98.5% problems of the country, claims Pokharel Leaders of Jana Morcha have backed the 22-point demands put forth by the Maoists but have said that they should not have quit the government. ..... "This parliament can declare republic and can adopt the fully proportional representation-based election system. If that is done, 98.5% problems of this country will be resolved. Only 1.5% problems will then remain."Election without Maoist participation will be meaningless, says Nidhi The general secretary of Nepali Congress (Democratic) Bimalendra Nidhi has said that holding Constituent Assembly (CA) election without the participation of Maoists will be meaningless. After the informal meeting of the central members of the party, Nidhi told media that his party had seriously noted the Maoist decision to quit the government and launch agitation that could foil election schedule. ..... The meeting also discussed agenda for the Mahasamiti meeting slated for September 25-26.Govt not sufficiently present in restive Kapilvastu: OHCHR residential areas and bazaars literally abandoned while incinerated vehicles stood on the road ..... “There are a number of IDPs (internally displaced people). Many people are crossing the border to India” Govt forms probe panel on Kapilvastu riots; 3 killed in fresh clash the killings and destruction in Kapilvastu and Rupendehi districts. ...... three-member commission headed by Rajbiraj Appellate Court judge Lokendra Mallik. ....... Rs 10,000 to each of the families of people killed in the riots as immediate relief, Rs 10,000 to families whose houses have been burned down and Rs 5000 to families that have suffered minor damages. ...... There is little information on the latest situation in many of riot-prone parts of Kapilvastu as journalists and human rights groups have not been able visit these areas. Civil society activists demand special task force to control unrest in Kapilbastu the violence that has erupted in Kapilvastu District since 16 September ..... statement issued jointly from Butwal by Dr. Gauri Shankar Lal Das, Sushil Pyakurel, Kanak Dixit, and Kundan Aryal. ...... "To this day, depending on the place, individuals from one community are continuing to attack the property of members of another community. The neglect of the national government, the negligence of the district adminstration, and the inaction of the security forces has been responsible for the deteriorating state of affairs," the statement adds. ...... the tragic events of Kapilvastu can affect communal harmony nationwide ..... the local administrtion is not capable of controlling the situation, and we have also found a grave lack in how the political parties have addressed the situation." ...... called for the immediate formation and activation of a special task force for Kapilvastu, which will work on a) investgation, b) distribution of relief, and c) controlling the situation and restoring normalcy in the district." Muslim leaders meet Koirala; demand security in riot-torn Kapilvastu at least 28 people have been murdered and over one thousand people forced to flee their homes. ..... attempts to ignite communal and religion tension in the area. .....
Police have recovered at least 20 more dead bodies in Bisanpur area, Kapilvastu, in the past 24 hours. Most of the dead bodies have been charred beyond recognition. ..... The Home Ministry has claimed adequate security arrangements have been made in restive areas. .....
Violent protests had snowballed in Kapilvastu and Butwal immediately after his killing. MJF in an election drive NepalNews Terming its recent agreement with the government as 'historic and great achievement,' Upendra Yadav, chief of the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), has appealed to the people of Madhes to participate in the forthcoming Constituent Assembly (CA) election. Speaking at a programme held in Jaleshwore of Mahottari district on Wednesday, Yadav said the election was important to consolidate those achievements. "This agreement has ensured Madhesi peoples' participation in each and every sector of state and has ensured them access to power and resources," Yadav said. Since he signed the agreement with the government, Yadav-led MJF has launched an election drive in Madhes. However, dissident leaders of MJF led by Kishore Kumar Bishwas have termed the agreement as a betrayal to the Madhesi people. Maoists' student wing, too, launches agitation