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Saturday, July 25, 2015

जन प्रतिनिधि को शैक्षिक योग्यता तोक्न मिल्दैन

जन प्रतिनिधि को शैक्षिक योग्यता तोक्न मिल्दैन। तर जनता लाई चुनाव मा पढ़े लेखेका मानिस लाई छानी छानी वोट दिने पुर्ण अधिकार छ। उमेर पुगेको नागरिक जोसुकै ले चुनाव लड़न पाऊँछ।

प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी नेपालका लागि संजिवनी सरह हो

त्यही पार्टीभित्र हामीले गणेशमान सिंहको मात्र हैन, सन्त नेता किशनुजीको हविगत र दुर्दशा पनि देख्यौं

। ३६ से र ७४ रे बाट शुरुवात् भएको कांग्रेसभित्रको ध्रुविकरण अन्ततः बहुमतप्राप्त संसदको विघठन, मध्यावधि निर्वाचन, अल्पमत सरकारहुँदै सांसदको किनबेच र सुरासुन्दरीको प्रयोगसम्म पुग्यो। साँच्चै भन्ने हो भने राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रको तानाशाही उदय हुनुमा पनि उनका व्यक्तिगत इच्छा मात्र हैन, त्यस प्रणालीका विकृतिहरु पनि जिम्मेवार थिए। ......... भावी प्रधानमन्त्रीसँगै उसका भावी एजेण्डा पनि सार्वजनिक हुन्छन्। मतदाताले भावी प्रधानमन्त्रीको छवि र एजेण्डालाई हेरेर पनि मतदानको निर्णय गर्न पाउँछन्। ...... हामी कहाँ २०५६ को आमनिर्वाचनमा किशुनजीलाई भावी प्रधमानमन्त्री घोषणा गरेर बहुमत हासिल गरेको कांग्रेसको स्थिति के रह्यो? हामीले आफ्नै आँखाले देख्यौं। सरकार गठन भएको १० महिना नपुग्दै किशुनजीलाई अपमानजनक ढंगले पद छोड्न बाध्य पारियो, त्यो पनि आफ्नै पार्टीभित्रबाट। ...... बेलायतमा निर्वाचनमा पारजित भएमा भावी प्रधानमन्त्रीको रुपमा प्रस्तावित नेताले पदबाट राजिनामा दिन्छन्। अर्को निर्वाचनसम्म प्रधानमन्त्रीको उम्मेद्वारी पर्खेर बस्दैनन्, बरु नयाँ नेतालाई उदित हुने अवसर दिइन्छ। गत निर्वाचनमा लेवर दलको पराजयपछि इद मिलिवाण्डले विपक्षी दलको नेता वा पार्टी प्रमुख हुने कुनै इच्छा राखेनन्। उनले तुरुन्तै राजिनामा गरे। जबकी उनी अत्यन्तै प्रतिभाशाली युवा नेता मानिन्छन्। नेपालमा भए उनीले अझैं ५ वटा चुनाव प्रधानमन्त्री हुन्छु कि भनेर पर्खेर बस्न सक्थे। हाम्रो संसदीय प्रणालीले विल्कुलै त्यो दिशा समातेको छैन। ....... संसदीय प्रणालीमा वयस्क नागरिकले आफ्नो शासक आफंै छान्न नपाएवापत उनीहरुको सार्वभौमसत्ता संकुचन त हुन्छ नै साथै शक्ति पृथकीकरण पनि राम्ररी कार्यान्यवन हुँदैन। किनकि संसदीय प्रणालीमा सरकार संसदकै प्रतिछाया मात्र हो, सांसदहरुको इच्छा र रुचिमा सरकार बन्ने र बिग्रने गर्छ, नागरिकका इच्छा र रुचिमा होइन। त्यसरी छानिएको शासक जनताप्रति खासै उत्तरदायी हुँदैन। ऊ संसदप्रति उत्तरदायी हुन्छ। संसदीय प्रणालीमा यसरी शासक र शासितबीचको प्रत्यक्ष सम्बन्ध खण्डित हुन्छ। सांसद नामको पद शासक र शासितको बीचमा बिचौलिया (पावर ब्रोकर) का रुपमा देखापर्छ। ....... शक्ति पृथकीकरणको सिद्धान्तमा विधायकी अधिकार शुद्ध रुपमा विधायकी हुनुपर्छ। जब त्यसलाई कार्यकारी अधिकारसँग जोडिन्छ, विधायक विधायक मात्र रहँदैनन्, ती सत्ता र शक्तिका दलालमा परिणत भइसकेका हुन्छन्। संसदीय प्रणालीमा मेरिटोक्रेसीमा आधारित सरकार बन्दैन। तसर्थ सरकारमा कार्यक्षमताको जहिल्यै अभाव हुन्छ। प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीले जनताप्रति उत्तरदायी रहेर आफ्नो सरकार गठन गर्न सक्छ। ...... संसदीय प्रणालीमा हरेक सांसद प्रधानमन्त्री र मन्त्रीको दाबेदार हुन्छ। मन्त्री हुने, धन कमाउने, शक्तिशाली हुने, अर्को चुनाव खर्चको तयारी आजैदेखि गर्ने रहर र बाध्यतामा उनीहरुले गर्न हुने नहुने धेरै कृत्य गर्छन्। देशको प्रधानमन्त्री, मन्त्री र सांसद भए पनि उनीहरु कुनै खास निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा लागि देशको बजेट उपयोग गर्न पछि पर्दैनन्। फलतः शक्तिशाली र शक्तिहीन सांसद भएको निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको विकास दर नै फरक भई क्षेत्रीय असन्तुलन देखापर्छ। ....... प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीमा विधायकको सुविधा र मर्यादाक्रम मन्त्रीको भन्दा माथि हुन्छ। मन्त्री प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीको सहयोगी मात्र हुन्छ। तसर्थ विधायकहरु मन्त्री हुन मरिहत्ते गर्दैनन्। कार्यकारी र विधायकी अधिकारको पृथकीकरण सघन भएर जान्छ। ..... नेपालको विशिष्ठतामा प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित राष्ट्रपतिभन्दा प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित प्रधानमन्त्री नै बढी उपयोगी हुन्छ। ..... श्रृंगारिक राष्ट्रपति भएमा समावेशीकरणको भावना बढी मूर्त हुन्छ। राष्ट्रपतिलाई नै प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित बनाएमा राष्ट्रप्रमुख पद समावेशी सिद्धान्तअनुरुप रोटेसन गर्न नसकिने बन्न पुग्छ। ..... संसदीय प्रणालीमा पनि आजसम्म खस आर्यभन्दा बाहिरको समुदायबाट कोही प्रधानमन्त्री भएको छैन। ...... प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी जसले ५० प्रशिशतभन्दा बढी मत ल्याएर जित्नु पर्ने हुन्छ, त्यसका लागि उसलाई देशका सबै समुदायको समर्थन चाहिन्छ। नेपालजस्तो देशमा कुनै एक समुदायको समर्थनबाट ५० प्रतिशत मत पाउँन संभव छैन। तसर्थ उसले आफ्नो मन्त्रीमण्डलामा योग्यता, क्षमता र समावेशीकरणको सन्तुलन मिलाउनै पर्छ। झन बढी सार्थक समावेशीकरण हुन सक्छ। अहिले जस्तो उसले देखाउनका लागि नाम मात्रको समावेशीकरण गर्नु पर्दैन। यति कुरा हुँदाहुँदै पनि कसैले समावेशीकरण नगरि मन्त्रीमण्डल बनाउँछ भने अर्को चुनावमा उसको र उसको पार्टीको राजनीतिक भविष्य नै समाप्त हुन सक्छ। ....... प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी निक्कै लोकप्रिय पार्टीबाट मात्र आउँन सक्छ। व्यक्तिगत रुपमा पनि ऊ उत्तिकै लोकप्रिय हुनु पर्छ। तसर्थ प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीको पार्टी संसदमा अल्पमतमा नै हुन्छ भन्ने कुनै ग्यारेन्टी छैन। औसत त्यस्तो हुँदैन। प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी कै पार्टी संसदमा पनि बहुमतमा हुन सक्छ। बहुमतमा नभए पहिलो, दोस्रो पार्टीका रुपमा अवश्य हुन्छ। ५० प्रतिशतभन्दा बढी लोकप्रिय मत पु¥याउन प्रत्यक्ष कार्यकारीको निर्वाचनमा जुन साना दलहरुले उसलाई समर्थन गरेका हुन्छन, ती सहयोगी दलहरु संसदमा पनि हुन सक्छन्। उनीहरुको सहयोगमा प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीले आफ्नो बजेट, नीति तथा कार्यक्रम पारित गर्न सक्छ। .......... मानौं कि प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीको पार्टी संसदमा अल्पमतमा छ र उनीहरु कार्यकारीलाई सहयोग गर्ने मनस्थितिमा छैनन्। त्यहाँ एजेण्डा आकर्षित हुन्छ। लोकप्रिय एजेण्डामा विपक्षीहरुले पनि विरोध गर्न सक्दैनन्। त्यसो गरे अर्को निर्वाचनमा जनमत घट्ने विपक्षी पार्टीहरुलाई डर हुन्छ। विपक्षी दलहरुलाई यो प्रष्ट थाहा हुन्छ कि उनीहरुले प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित शासकलाई हटाउँन सक्दैनन्। तसर्थ कुनै न कुनै विन्दूमा सम्झौता गर्ने दृष्टिकोण उनीहरुले बनाउँनै पर्छ। पहिलो चरणमा नै बजेट, निती तथा कार्यक्रम पारित नभए प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी विपक्षी दलहरुसंग लचिलो भएर प्रस्तुत हुन र उनीहरुका पनि केही सरोकारहरु सम्बोधन गरेर जान सक्छ। ......... अमेरिकाको सिनेटसँग नेपालको राष्ट्रियसभालाई तुलना गर्न बान्छनीय छैन। अमेरिकाको सिनेटको जस्तो अधिकार बिरलै देशका माथिल्ला सदनले पाएका हुन्छन्। नेपालमा मुख्य प्रश्न प्रतिनिधिसभासँगको प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीको सम्बन्ध नै हो। ....... ऐन कानुन संसदले बनाउँछ। त्यस प्रक्रियामा प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीको पार्टीको पनि समर्थन चाहिन्छ। तसर्थ संसदमा बहुमत भएको पार्टी प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीप्रति पूर्ण रुपमा बायस भएर जान सक्दैन। ...... २०४८ को आमनिर्वाचनपछि बहुमतप्राप्त नेपाली कांग्रेसको राजिनामा माग्दै एमालेले लामालामा सडक संघर्ष गर्यो, त्यो त संसदीय प्रणालीमा नै पनि त भयो। यदि लोकतान्त्रिक राजनीतिक संस्कारको कुरा गर्ने हो भने त्यस्ता सडक संघर्ष अनावश्यक थिए। ........ प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीमा जित्न नसके पनि संसद र स्थानीय निकायको निर्वाचनमा साना दलले जित्न सक्छन। प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी कै निर्वाचनमा पनि साना दलले उम्मेद्वार दिन सक्छन। दोस्रो चरणको निर्वाचनमा दुई ठूला मध्ये कुनै एक उम्मेद्वारलाई समर्थन गर्न सक्छन। ........ ठूला राष्ट्रिय विवादहरु जनमत संग्रहबाट हल गर्ने प्रचलन स्थापित भइसकेपछि अनावश्यक सडक संघर्ष चर्काइहरनु पर्ने आवश्यकता पनि हुँदैन। ........... लोकतन्त्र अलिकति झंझटिलो व्यवस्था नै हो। ..... स्थीरता स्थीरताका लागि चाहिएको पनि हैन, सुशासन, विकास र संमृद्धिका लागि चाहिएको हो। ...... विगत २० वर्षदेखि हामी केन्द्रिय संसदको जुन हविगत देख्दैछौं, त्यही हविगत प्रत्येक प्रदेशमा पनि दोहरिने हो भने हाम्रो सुशासन, विकास र संमृद्धिको अपेक्षा तुहिने निश्चित छ। .... पार्टी संगठनको आन्तरिक निर्वाचनमा सामेल नभइकन ऊ पार्टीका तर्फबाट उम्मेदवार नै हुन सक्दैन। संस्थागत उम्मेद्वार बदनाम भए मात्र स्वतन्त्र उम्मेद्वारतिर मतदाताको ध्यान जान्छ। तसर्थ हरेक पार्टीलाई लोकप्रिय व्यक्तित्वहरु पार्टीमा जन्माइरहनु पर्ने बाध्यता बन्छ।
प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी र धार्मिक स्वतन्त्रताको पक्षमा उभिने एमाले संकेत
नेताहरुले कम्तिमा तीन प्रतिशत थ्रेस होल्ड, जनप्रतिनिधिको शैक्षिक योग्यता, संवैधानिक अंगका प्रमुख र सदस्यहरुको पुनर्नियुक्ति, वडाध्यक्षको प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचनलगायतका जनताको मतमा पनि अडान लिन नेतृत्वलाई दबाब दिएका छन् । बैठकमा संविधानमा पूर्ण प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता लेख्नैपर्ने सबै नेताहरुले धारणा राखेको ज्वालाले बताए । ..... एमालेले संविधान निर्माण भएको ६ महिनाभित्र अन्तरिम स्थानीय निकायको चुनाव गर्ने संविधानमै उल्लेख गर्नुपर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । ...... एमालेले असन्तुष्ट दलको मागअनुसार संविधान घोषणा नलम्बिने गरि नामांकन/सिमांकन गर्न पहल
‘प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित भए नयाँ पुस्ताले प्रधानमन्त्री हुन ८० वर्ष कुर्नु पर्दैन’
प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी प्रमुख प्रणालीले विकासका योजनाहरुको शीघ्र कार्यान्वयनलगायतका कुरामा उल्लेख्य परिणाम ल्याउने भट्टराईको दाबी छ । उनले प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारीले बिना राजनीतिक किचलो विकासलाई गति दिन सक्ने उल्लेख गरे । ...... प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी प्रणाली कुनै ‘माओवादी’ वा ‘कम्युनिष्ट’ एजेण्डा नभएको उल्लेख गर्दै उनले

कुनै पनि ‘कम्युनिष्ट’ मुलुकमा यो प्रणाली प्रयोगमा नभएको

दृष्टान्त राखे । ..... ‘चन्द्रमामा (अब त प्लुटोमा !) पुग्ने लक्ष्य राख्ने हो भने बयलगाडा होइन अन्तरिक्षयान नै प्रयोग गरौं !!’ ..... ‘प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक बहुदलीय राजनीतिक प्रणाली अन्तरगतकै शासकीय प्रणाली हुनाले उम्मेदवार पार्टीभित्रैबाट पार्टीले नै छनौट गर्दछ,’ उनले भने, ‘पार्टीको संगठनात्मक शक्तिकै बलमा उम्मेदवार निर्वाचित हुन्छ ।’ ..... यो प्रणालीले पार्टीहरुको आन्तरिक लोकतान्त्रीकरण, ‘पार्टी नेता’ मात्र होइन वास्तविक ‘राजनेता’ जन्माउने
हिन्दुको पक्षमा बढी सुझाव अाएकाे हाेइन : एमाओवादी सभासद
एमाओवादी सभासद मोहम्मद जाकिर हुसैन ..... ४ र ५ गतेको सुझाव संकलनका क्रममा सबैभन्दा बढी धर्मनिरपेक्षताको पक्षमा सुझाव आएको .... ‘तर बाहिर हिन्दुको पक्षमा बढी सुझाव आयो भनेर मिथ्या सूचना सार्वजनिक गरियो, यसमा षड्यन्त्रको गन्ध छ ।’ ..... उनले आफ्नो गृह जिल्ला सुनसरीको ३ र ५ नं. क्षेत्रमा बोलेका मध्ये ७५ प्रतिशतले धर्मनिरपेक्षताको पक्षमा बोलेको दाबी गरेका छन् ।

तर, कर्मचारीले प्रतिवेदन तयार गर्दा हिन्दू राष्ट्रका पक्षमा केही व्यक्तिहरुले मात्रै बोलेका कुरालाई प्राथमिकतामा राखेको उनको आरोप छ

। उनले क्षेत्र नं. ५ मा पनि ६० जना जति जनताले बोलेकोमा ७–८ जनाले मात्र हिन्दू राष्ट्रको पक्षमा बोलेका थिए भने ५० जना जतिले धर्मनिरपेक्षताको पक्षमा बोलेको उल्लेख गरेका छन् । .... ‘कर्मचारीले बुदा नं. १ मा हिन्दू राष्ट्र हुनुपर्ने लेलेका रहेछन् । मैले १६ वटै बुंदै पढ्दै जाँदा धर्मनिरपेक्षता शब्द गायब थियो । मधेशी र मुस्लिम समुदायका जनताले उठाएको नागरिकता, समानुपातिक समावेशिता सम्बन्धी मुद्दाको नामोनिशान थिएन’ उनले विज्ञप्तिमा भनेका छन्, ‘मुसलमान समुदायले उठाएका २० वटा जति मुद्दामध्ये मुस्लिम आयोग गठन गरिनुपर्छ भन्ने मात्र लेखिएको पाइयो ।’ ...... सुझाव संकलनमा सबैभन्दा बढी सुझाव संघीयताको पक्षमा अर्थात् सीमांकनको विषय टुंग्याएर मात्र संविधान जारी गर्ने विषयमा आएको ....... अंगीकृत नागरिकतालाई सहज बनाउनुपर्ने, प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित राष्ट्रपतीय प्रणाली, राष्ट्रिय जनावर गाईको सट्टा एक सिंगे गैंडा राख्नुपर्ने, वडाध्यक्ष प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित हुनुपर्ने, जनप्रतिनिधहरको शैक्षेक्षताकै पक्षमा उभिए ।’......अध्यक्ष केपी ओलीले धर्मनिरपेक्षताको विरुद्धमा प्रशिक्षण दिएपनि बामपन्थी स्कुलिङका एमाले कार्यकर्ता र समर्थकहरुले धर्मनिरपेक्षताको पक्षमा वकालत गरेको उनको दाबी छ । ‘कांग्रेसका जनजाति, मधेशी, दलित र मुसलमान कार्यकर्ता तथा समर्थक जनताले धर्मनिरपेक्षताकै पक्षमा बोलेको पाइयो’ उनले भनेका छन्, ‘एमाओवादी कार्यकर्ता र समर्थकले धर्मनिरपेक्षताकै पक्षमा वकालत गरे । फोरम लोकतान्त्रिक पक्षधर जनता कार्यकर्ता पनि धर्मनिरपेक्षताकै पक्षमा उभिए ।’

Saturday, November 01, 2014

धाँधली बिनाको चुनाव

अब राज्य स्तरको चुनाव होला। त्यसमा धाँधलीको गन्ध आउनु हुँदैन।
  • सरकारी तथ्याङ्क अनुसार नै ४३ लाख नेपाली नागरिकता पत्र विहीन छन। वास्तविक संख्या बढ़ी होला। ४३ लाखलाई नागरिकता पत्र पनि नदिने र नागरिकता पत्र बिना वोट खसाल्न नपाउने भन्दिने। नेपालको पछिल्लो चुनावमा भएको सबैभन्दा ठुलो धाँधली त्यो थियो। एउटा ठुलो चुनावी अपराध भयो। दुई तिहाईको धाक लगाउने डांकाहरु हुन, चुनाव जितेका मानिस होइनन्। सबै नेपालीलाई नागरिकता पत्र दिनु अगाडि चुनावमा वोट खसाल्न नागरिकता पत्र देखाउनु पर्ने नियम बनाउन पाइएन। 
  • दोस्रो ठुलो आरोप छ, वोट खसे पछि वोट गन्ने ठाउँ सम्म बक्सा लग्दा पार्टीहरुको प्रतिनिधिहरुलाई बक्सा सँगै जान दिइएन। सेनाले प्रहरीले पार्टी प्रतिनिधिहरुलाई तरसाएर भगाई दियो। सेनाले बक्सा गन्ने ठाउँमा लगनु अगाडि घन्टौं आफ्नो ब्यारेकमा राख्यो। त्यो धाँधली हो। दुई तिहाईको धाक नलगाउने। 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Projected Seats

English: This picture used to represent the Ne...
English: This picture used to represent the Nepali Congress. This Picture based on Nepali Congress.png (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Nepali Congress 214
UML 205
Maoist 94
Kamal Thapa 33
RPP 16
Gachhedar 11
Others 7
Nominated 26

The arithmetic makes a NC-Maoist, and a UML-Maoist government possible, not to say a NC-UML government. And the identity federalists might have dipped below the one third mark. That might bring forth some interesting tug of war on the federalism question. The Panche parties have done so much better than the Madhesi parties. Go figure.

The Madhesi parties have but one option: become one party or perish.

Good Options For Maoists And Madhesi Parties
A Majority Government Of The NC And The UML
Election 2013: The People Have Spoken
Enhanced by Zemanta

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Simple Majority Government, Ceremonial President Ramraja

A six party government of three Pahadi and three Madhesi parties would be advisable. The two thirds provision has to be scrapped. Governments are supposed to be formed and brought down with a simple majority. And as for ceremonial president, Prachanda seems to be have Ramraja Prasad Singh on his mind, and I agree with it.

Ramraja Prasad Singh is the original republican. He deserves to be Nepal's first president.

In The News

Koirala asks Prachanda to take initiation for new govt NepalNews appointment of a 'ceremonial president'
Khanal to lead UML in Assembly too
Madhesi parties to press for autonomous Madhes while amending constitution including autonomous Madhes province while amending the constitution. .... the three Madhesi parties have bagged 80 seats in the recent election.
Change in two-thirds provision unacceptable: Prachanda Prachanda said, "If they don't want to give it (government leadership) to us, they can keep it. We've no objection."
Yadhav urges consensus for a new govt Terai Madesh Loktantrik Party (TMLP) leader Hridayesh Tripathi warned that Madhesi people would prepare for the next agitation if the CA fails to ensure their rights. .... There are 204 Madhesis in the Constituent Assembly.
Armed Terai outfits holding meeting in Patna
Maoists get green signal to form govt Top leaders of NC, CPN (UML) and MJF had agreed on Wednesday to form a common stance on future power sharing -- ceremonial president after the abolition of monarchy - and amendment of the interim constitution so that a government can be formed and removed through a simple majority in the Constituent Assembly rather than the existing provision of it needing 2/3rd majority.

EC announces final PR results NepalNews the CA has 33.22 percent representation of women, 34.09 percent Madhesis, 8.17 percent Dalits, 33.39 percent Janajatis and 3.83 percent candidates from backward regions. Other groups have 33.91 percent representation. ..... The CA Court has ordered to hold the result of Mahottari-6. Victory of Sarad Singh Bhandari of Madhesi Jahadhikar Forum from this constituency has been challenged at the court.
Present cabinet cannot appoint 26 CA members: CJ
Friday's seven-party meeting to discuss govt formation the new government would come into being in the next two or three weeks.
NSP-A demands resignation of 'corrupt' Minister Gupta
EC validates PR list by Anandi Devi Anandi Devi faction had submitted the names of Sarita Giri and Motilal Dugar.
Maoists may opt out of govt if constitution amended: Minister Gurung if Nepali Congress, UML and other major parties press for constitutional amendment (as a premise for the Maoists leading the government) then the party will let them lead the new government without being part of it.
No constitutional problem in govt formation: CJ
Inflation continues to grow as food crisis deepens the world plunges into a food crisis driven by low production due to drought.
Jha resigns from UML central committee UML central committee member Ram Chandra Jha has resigned expressing his dissatisfaction over the selection of CA candidates under the PR system.
Terai parties unwilling to join new govt

EC annuls TMLP candidate's nomination for PR seat NepalNews Dr Vijay Kumar Singh .... Janakpur Zonal Hospital.
Terai parties unwilling to join new govt Madhesi Janadhikar Forum and the Tarai-Madhes Loktantrik Party have hinted at not joining the new government possibly to be led by Maoists. ....... Sadbhawana Party chief Rajendra Mahato stressed on the need to form a consensus government, but it was necessary that all parties need to participate.

MAOIST CC ENDS, FINALISES PR LIST NepalNews the party has selected all the central committee members in the closed-list for CA membership. Mahato conferred Russia's 'Manager of the Year' the Russian competition 'Manager of the Year' was organised by Free Economic Society of Russia and International Academy of Management under the support of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation since 1997. ...... the first foreign national to receive the prestigious award. As the winner of the title, he received a statuette of Catherine the Great, the Big Medal and a diploma amidst a gala ceremony held at Moscow President Hotel on April 22. ..... more than 2,000 business entrepreneurs from majority of Russian regions participate in the annual competition.
India willing to review 1950 Treaty: Menon
Mahara says Maoists ready to go alone if need be to form government the CPN-Maoist central committee decided that the party should be allowed to head the government first and negotiations on power sharing and constitutinal amendment can be discussed later.
UML leaders say their party could join next govt if given respectful place

A New Government, And A New Constitution
by Paramendra Bhagat
April 26

The April 10 elections to the 601 strong constituent assembly
formalized Nepal's tortuous peace process. Now peace feels so much
more concrete. The largest, most sophisticated, armed ultra left group
this planet saw since the end of the Cold War that fought a decade
long civil war with the express goal of establishing a one party
communist republic and at one point held sway over close to 80% of the
country's territory is now securely in a multi-party framework. The
civil war cost 13,000 lives to active combat, and twice that many to

The April Revolution 2006 made the April 2008 elections possible.
During those 19 historic days of April 2006, in a country of 27
million people close to eight million came out into the streets to
shut the entire country down. The first major revolution of the 21st
century happened in Nepal. That was one for world history. The Madhesi
revolutions of winter 2007 and winter 2008 were the second and third
chapters of that April Revolution 2006. If Nepal can now make itself a
multi-party democracy of state funded parties, it will have become the
number one democracy on the planet, better than India, Britain or
America, and the April Revolution 2006, Madhesi Revolution 2007, and
Madhesi Revolution 2008 together will compete with no less than the
French Revolution itself in the annals of world history. Nepal will
emerge the primary exporter of democracy to the rest of the world. The
formula is simple: shut your country down completely until the
dictator gives up power.

Immediate Concerns

I recommend forming a six party government of the Maoists, the NC, the
UML, the MJF, the TMDP, and the Sadbhavana. A six party steering
committee formed of the president of each party would make all the
major decisions for the government to implement. Prachanda gets to be
the Prime Minister, I think Chitralekha should be brought in as one of
the 26 appointed members to the assembly, and she gets to be the
Speaker, or she should be made the ceremonial president if we are to
opt immediately for a ceremonial president, in which case Subash
Nembang of the UML could serve as Speaker. Karima Begam of the MJF
could then be Deputy Speaker, I would recommend. The top portfolios
should be divided among all the major parties. The MJF could get Home
and Upendra Yadav could become the country's first Home Minister, the
Maoists could have a Defense Minister in Badal, Mahat of the NC could
get Finance again, and some UML person could get the Foreign Ministry.

New Constitution In A Year

Prachanda has said it is possible to give the country a new
constitution within a year. I agree. Some broad agreements could be
made among all the parties.

(1) Hold direct elections for the country's executive presidency. If
no one candidate gets at least 50% of the votes, a second round
between the top two candidates is held within a month. This is
essential for political stability, grassroots democracy, and a clean
separation of powers between the three branches of government. The
president will get a four year term. A limit of two terms for any one
person will be put in place.
(2) Eight state federalism: Khasan, Tharuwan, Magarat, Tamuwan,
Tamang, Newa, Kirat, Madhesh. Retain the 75 districts. My proposal of
the eight state federalism is only a slight modification of the
original Maoist map of nine states. I have combined two of theirs to
create a Khasan. No other party bothered to even offer a map to the
people. So we have to go by a map that closely resembles the original
Maoist map, I think.
(3) A 100 seat upper house. Party based fully proportional election.
At least every other name on a party's list must be female.
(4) A 240 seat lower house. 75 districts are turned into 75
multi-member constituencies. Half of the 240 seats are to be in the
Terai districts. It is to be noted that the multi-member constituency
is the most popular form of elections in the world because it is
considered the most democratic.
(5) All national parties are to be state funded. National parties are
those that get at least 1% of the votes for the upper house. The total
number of votes earned by a party for the two houses will determine
how much annual allowance it will get. Parties may not seek other
sources of funding.

Nobel Peace Prize

I don't know if it will happen in 2008, 2009, or 2010, but Nepal's
peace process, once Nepal has been turned into a multi-party democracy
of state funded parties, will be deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize.

30,000 Strong Army

And I hope the security sector reform means we end up with a Nepal
Army that is 30,000 strong only and it is reflective of Nepal's ethnic
and gender composition. I hope it is 40% female, I hope it is at least
30% Madhesi, for example.

Economic Revolution

Once the country gets its new constitution, a new army, a new
parliament, and a new directly elected president, Nepal will be ripe
candidate for an economic take off. We should be able to envision a
10% growth rate year in year out for the next 30 years. There is a lot
of catching up to do.

Coalition Culture

If the largest party is only one third of the assembly, chances are
Nepal is headed for an era of coalition governments into the years
ahead. India has shown under Manmohan Singh that a coalition
government can achieve economic miracles just fine. Nepal has a lot of
economic catching up to do economically.

In The News

Row Over Govt Formation Deepens Himalayan Times The Nepali Congress and CPN-UML want the CPN-Maoist to lead the next government only after a constitutional amendment allowing the opposition to dislodge the prime minister and the government with a simple House majority.

UML, MPRF underscore constitutional amendment Kantipur the need to amend the constitutional provision so as to dissolve the government with a simple majority ...... MPRF leaders Yadav, Upendra Jha, Dr Mahadev Sah and Shyamanda Suman ..... The MPRF leaders are holding discussions with the NC leaders including Ram Chandra Poudel, Bimalendra Nidhai at the NC parliamentary office
Minister Mahara, Speaker Nemwang stress on consensus
UML CC meet accepts Nepal’s resignation as Gen. Secy appointed Amrit Kumar Bohara as the acting General Secretary of the party. ...... decision to nominate Rabindra Shrestha as a central committee member.
NC Siraha district committee dissolved NC’s suspension of district committees in the wake of NC’s huge loss
India to build 1500 km road alongside border would provide easy access to the East-West Highway in Nepal. ...... Nepal was not India-locked. "You are India-open. Open to an India that is economically dynamic, a vast and growing market and a source of easily accessible skills and technology."
‘Maoists should lead new govt’
India politicians, analysts want 1950 Treaty reviewed
मधेसमा जे देखियो दसवटा गाउ“ पुगियो । त्यहा“का ग्रामीण महिलामा जुन उत्साह यसपालि देखिन्थ्यो विगतका चुनावमा कहिल्यै यस्तो देखेकी थिइन“ । जहा“जहा“ पुग्थें युवा एउटै नारा लगाइरहेका थिए- कांग्रेस-एमाले भागभाग, जाग मधेसी जागजाग । अर्काे बिर्सन नसकिने कुरा थियो- वाईसीएल कार्यकर्ताको सक्रियता । उनीहरूको स्वर सुनिन्थ्यो- सबके देखली बारबार, माओवादी के देखियो एकबार † यसरी तर्राईका गाउ“गाउ“मा माओवादी र मधेसवादी दलकै जनलहर चलेको थियो । ..... र्सलाही र महोत्तरीमा बाहुल्य रहेको कांग्रेसको यसपालि यी दुवै जिल्लामा खातासमेत खुल्न सकेन ..... मधेसबाट कांग्रेस र एमालेभन्दा बढी मत ल्याउन माओवादी सफल भयो । ..... तमलोपाको जनलहर पनि मधेसमा कम थिएन तर यसले आफूलाई मधेसी ग्रामीण समुदायमा प्रस्ट्याउन सकेन

MJF leaders meet with NC, UML, Maoist leadership; call for amendment in constitution NepalNews The MJF team led by its coordinator Upendra Yadav met with Maoist chairman Prachanda in the evening. Yadav said that the discussions focused on forging understanding regarding forming next government, constitution-making and on Madhesi issues....... the MJF leadership is reported to have pointed out the need to amend the interim constitution to allow party (s) with simple majority to form the next government. As per the interim constitution, only the party (s) with two-third majority can form a government. The MJF has also been demanding removing the provision of seven party understanding in the constitution
UML central committee approves gen secy’s resignation
Koirala rejects NC acting president’s resignation
There will be a consensus govt: Mahara
MJF ready to extend conditional cooperation to Maoists warned it could launch new revolt if Madhesi issues are sidelined. ...... the need to delete the inclusion of names of specific political parties and MPs in the interim constitution. ....... “The MJF will play its role in ending this political deadlock”

Poll post-mortem Nepali Times the incoherence and competing ambitions within the top Forum brass is already visible. ...... many in the Forum are keen to be a part of the Kathmandu establishment to recoup their huge campaign investments. ....... The defeat of the TMLP’s Mahant Thakur was a blow to his party, Madhesi upper castes and local elites in Tarai towns. ........ The Tripathis and Shuklas are too addicted to power politics in Kathmandu. ...... Madhes units of the NC are in complete disarray and the blame game has started. There are more defections in the offing. ......... For NC leaders to now say they lost out because voting happened along ethnic lines is foolish. ...... the NC faces a real threat in the Tarai. ...... The armed groups in Madhes do not know what hit them. ..... the Madhesi parties right now neither have a roadmap for Madhesi representation or a clear vision of federalism.
Among the alchemists Baburam Bhattarai studied urban planning and appears to believe that a 20 percent economic growth rate is possible ...... Dahal has declared that the new constitution will be miraculously written within one year ...... But there is also the MJF now, and they can always do to Maoists what Maoists have been doing to others for last two years: threaten to take to streets to pursue their agenda.
MPRF Chairman Yadav opposes PM Koirala as head of next govt. Kantipur the MPRF could co-ordinate with the Maoists in the next government if the Maoists agree on the previous agreement between the government and the Forum and fulfill other demands of his party. ...... MPRF emerged as the fourth largest party in the recent CA elections securing a total of 54 seats in the April 10 elections.
Rs 1 lakh relief each for 13,246 conflict dead
'सरकारको नेतृत्व कांग्रेसले गर्नुपर्छ'

Ex-minister Khadka Charged with Murder Himalayan Times
Rajkaji against Koirala at helm again
NC, UML seek new agreement with Maoists
Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML — have said they want a fresh understanding with CPN-Maoist before giving them a chance to lead the next government as the single largest party. ....... the sharing of the position of President, Prime Minister and the leadership of the CA among the major stakeholders ...... “The constitutional provision seeking a two-third majority to appoint or remove the PM is against democratic norms,” he said. “A simple majority should suffice to form or remove the government. Maoists should be given the opportunity to lead the new government only after such a constitutional arrangement is put in place” ....... Prachanda cannot lead the government as long as he remains the PLA commander

'NC won't give up govt's leadership unless Maoists dump weapons' NepalNews until the arms possessed by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) were destroyed or handed over to the national army. ....... He asked if the chief of an army organisation were ever given the leadership of the next army in the world. ..... the NC would not give up power until the Maoists garner support of two-third majority. ..... balance of power be maintained by allocating the posts of president, Prime Minister and chair of Constituent Assembly (CA) to different parties.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Six Party Government Advisable

Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) 220
Nepali Congress 110
Communist UML 103
MJF 52
Terai Madhesh Democratic Party 20
Sadbhavana Party 9

Total 514

Prime Minister: Prachanda
Speaker: Chitralekha
Deputy Speaker: Subash Nembang
Home: Upendra Yadav
Defense: Badal
Finance: Mahat
Foreign: UML

Six Party Steering Committee

The president of each party would be members of that steering committee. All the major decision of the six party government will be taken by this committee.

Basic Agreements On The Next Constitution
  1. Direct elections for an executive presidency. Winning candidate must get at least 50% of the votes cast, if not a second round between the top two candidates. Four year term. A limit of two terms for any one person.
  2. Eight state federalism: Khasan, Tharuwan, Magart, Tamuwan, Tamang, Newa, Kirat, Madhesh. Retain the 75 districts.
  3. 100 seat upper house. Party based fully proportional election. At least every other name on a party's list must be female.
  4. 240 seat lower house. 75 districts are turned into 75 multi-member constituencies. (पाँच बुँदा, पाँच चुनाव) Half of the 240 seats to be in the Terai districts. At least one third female.
  5. All national parties are to be state funded. National parties are those that get at least 1% of the votes for the upper house. The total number of votes earned by a party for the two houses will determine how much annual allowance it will get. Parties may not seek other sources of funding.

April 24

Maoists 120 + 104 = 224
NC 37 + 76 = 113
UML 33 + 73 = 106
MJF 30 + 23 = 53
TMDP 9 + 11 = 20
SP 4 + 6 = 10

Total 526

The two clear winners: Maoists + MJF

In The News

Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) 220
Nepali Congress 110
Communist UML 103
MJF 52
Terai Madhesh Democratic Party 20
Sadbhavana Party 9
Rastriya Prajatantra Party 8
Communist Party of Nepal (ML) 8
Janamorcha Nepal 7
Communist Party of Nepal (United) 5
Rastra Prajatantra Party Nepal 4
Rastriya Janamorcha 4
Nepal Majdoor Kishan Party 4
Rastriya Janashakti Party 3
Rastriya Janamukti Party 2
Communist Party of Nepal (Unified) 2
Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandi Devi) 2
Nepali Janata Dal 2
Snaghiya Loktantrik Rastriya Manch 2
Samajbadi Prajatantrik Janata Party Nepal 1
Dalit Janajati Party 1
Nepal Pariwar Dal 1
Nepal Rastriya Party 1
Nepal Loktantrik Samajbadi Dal 1
Chune Bhawar Rastriya Ekata Party Nepal 1
Independents 2

EC declares PR results; Maoists bag 100 seats, NC 73 and UML 70 NepalNews CPN-Maoist has got 100 seats, Nepali Congress 73 seats and the CPN-UML 70 seats. ..... with 22 seats Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) ..... Terai Madhesh Loktantrik Party (TMLP) and Sadbhawana Party (SP) bagged 11 and five seats respectively. ....... The new cabinet to be led by the Maoists will nominate 26 members from among the ethnic groups not represented in the assembly through the votes.
NC will lead next govt, says Dr. Mahat since none of the parties could muster two-third majority by themselves, the next government must be a coalition one and be led by NC.
UML advisors suggest party not to give up alliance; students urge it stay out of govt has demanded dissolution of the standing committee and central committee of the party and announcement of new date for the general convention. ..... has also demanded disbanding of all militant parallel organizations of the Maoists.
UML role crucial in coming days: MK Nepal Amrit Kumar Bohora said rather than who won or lost the important thing is that the Constituent Assembly election was successfully held. .... Manmohan Adhikari, the champion of leftist movement in Nepal, became the first elected communist prime minister of Nepal and South Asia when he led a 9-month long minority government formed by his party 1996.

Thursday 24th of April 2008 09:45:57 AM
1 Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) 42 198 240 23 97 120
2 Nepali Congress 26 214 240 2 35 37
3 Communist Party of Nepal (U.M.L.) 27 212 239 1 32 33
4 Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal 3 100 103 2 28 30
5 Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party 4 90 94 1 8 9
6 Sadhvawana Party 4 83 87 0 4 4
7 Janamorcha Nepal 28 175 203 0 2 2
8 Nepal Workers and Peasants Party 27 71 98 0 2 2
9 Independent 42 774 816 0 2 2
10 Rastriya Janamorcha 15 107 122 0 1 1

1 Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) 3144204
2 Nepali Congress 2269883
3 Communist Party of Nepal (U.M.L.) 2183370
4 Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal 678327
5 Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party 338930
6 Rastriya Prajatantra Party 263431
7 Communist Party of Nepal (M.L.) 243545
8 Sadhvawana Party 167517
9 Janamorcha Nepal 164381
10 Communist Party of Nepal (United) 154968
11 Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal 110519
12 Rastriya Janamorcha 106224
13 Rastriya Janshakti Party 102147
14 Nepal Workers and Peasants Party 74089
15 Federal Democratic National Forum 71958
16 Nepal Sadhvawana Party (Anandidevi) 55671
17 Rastriya Janamukti Party 53910
18 Nepali Janata Dal 48990
19 Communist Party of Nepal (Unified) 48600
20 Dalit Janajati Party 40348
21 Nepa: Rastriya Party 37757
22 Samajwadi Prajatantrik. Janata Party, Nepal 35752
23 Chure Bhawar Rastriya Ekata Party Nepal 28575

PR counting over, Maoists to bag around 100 seats NepalNews The Maoists lead the tally with 31,44,202 votes out of the total 1,07,39,088 votes cast. This is equal to 29.27 percent of vote share. ...... Nepali Congress (NC) and the Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) are in second and third positions, respectively, bagging 22,69,863 (21 percent) and 21,83,370 votes (20.33 percent). ...... The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) and Terai Madhes Loktantrik Party (TMLP) are in fourth and fifth positions, respectively, pocketing 678,327 (6.31 percent) and 338,930 votes (3.15 percent). ...... the Maoists could be pocketing around 100 seats while NC and UML will bag in the region of 60 to 70 seats each. The MJF could have nearly two dozen seats.

क्षेत्रीय दलका कारण कांग्रेस पछि Kantipur कांग्रेसको मजबुत पकड मानिंदै आएको मध्य तर्राईमा सम्बिधानसभा निर्वाचनमा क्षेत्रीय दलले उछिनेका छन् । मधेसी समस्याप्रति उदासिन रहनुका साथै गत वर्षो माघे मधेसी आन्दोलन बुझ्न नसकेका कारण जनकपुर र नारायणी अञ्चलका मधेसी बहुल क्षेत्रमा कांग्रेसको विकल्पमा मधेसी दल देखिएका हुन् । ....... मध्य तर्राईका धनुषा, महोत्तरी, र्सलाही, रौतहट, बारा र पर्सर्ाा ३६ स्थानमध्येे नौ स्थान मात्र हात परेको छ । क्षेत्रीय दलमा फोरमले ७, तमलोपा ५ सदभावना ३ गरी १५ स्थान जितेका छन् । मध्य तर्राईमा माओवादी र एमालेको खातामा ५/५ सिट परेको छ । कांग्रेस हावी रह“दै आएको महोत्तरी र र्सलाहीमा कांग्रेसको खाता पनि खुलेन । ..... महोत्तरीको क्षेत्र २, ५, र ६ बाट निर्वाचित हरिनारायण यादव, कौशल राय र शरतसिंह भण्डारी कंग्रेसबाट निर्वाचनको मुखमा फोरम प्रवेश गरेका थिए । ......... सबै दल, जात, धर्मका मधेसी सडकमा उत्रिरहेको बेला जिम्मेवार नेता राजधानीमा दरबारिया षडयन्त्र प्रमाणित गर्न प्रयास गरिरहेका थिए । ..... रामचन्द्र पौडेललाई त्ँ मधेसका समस्या नबुझेको मात्र होइन बुझ्नसमेत नचाहने नेताको रूपमा लिन्छन्
कसरी पराजित भयो कांग्रेस माओवादीले देशव्यापी रूपमा अरू दल तथा तिनका उम्मेदवारमाथि सांघातिक आक्रमण गर्ने, आतङ्कद्वारा हतोत्साही पार्ने र युद्ध वा व्रि्रोहकै हिंसात्मक शैलीमा चुनाव प्रक्रियालाई आफ्नो अनुकूल बनाउने दुष्प्रयास गरेको जगजाहेर छ । ........ माओवादीको युवा लडाकु जमात "वाइसीएल"को देशव्यापी आतङ्क, ज्यादती र माओवादीको "जसरी पनि चुनाव जित्नर्ैपर्छ" भन्ने विषयमा केन्द्रित एघार सूत्रीय निर्देशन र प्रशिक्षणलाई सरकारले खुलेआम छुट दियो । अरू उम्मेदवारलाई गाउ“ प्रवेशमा रोक लगाउने, बाटो बन्द गर्ने, अन्य दलका कायकर्तालाई निर्वाचनको दर्ुइ दिनअघि अपहरण गर्ने, व्यापक रूपबाट भौतिक कारबाही गर्न धम्क्याउने एवं हिंसाका सबै क्रियाकलाप मच्चाइयो । मतदातालाई हतियार पर््रदर्शन र व्रि्रोहको भाषाले आतङ्कति पार्दै एकतर्फी रूपमा मत दिन दबाब दिने एवं मतदानकेन्द्रलाई अघोषित र संगठित रूपले कब्जा गरेका देशभरि, विशेषगरी पहाडी भेगमा अझ उग्र किसिमले भएका छन् । ..... २०५६ को चुनावयता झन्डै एक दशकको अन्तरालमा ४० लाख नया“ मतदाता थपिए । तर नवयुवा मतदाताको भावना र आकांक्षालाई समेट्ने, संगठित बनाउने रणनीति हामीस“ग भएन । ....... गगन थापा, गुरु घिमिरे, विश्वप्रकाश शर्मा, गोविन्द भट्टर्राई, केशवसिंह, धनराज गुरुङ, उमेशजङ्ग रायमाझी, कल्याण गुरुङ, प्रदीप पौडेल, प्रभृत्ति नवयुवा एवं तरुण दल र नेविसंघका नेतृत्व तहमा पुगिसकेका अनगिन्ती साथीहरूमध्ये कम्तीमा १० प्रतिशतलाई टिकट दिनर्ुपर्छ .......... तर हामी ०५६ सालकै पर्ूण्ा बहुमतको भ्रममा जकडिरह्यौं । नया“ र युवा मतदातासम्म पुग्ने र उनीहरूस“ग हेलमेल बढाउने पार्टर्ीीीति र व्यवहार भएन । ......... जर्ीण्ा नेतृत्व, रुग्ण व्यवस्थापन र अलोकतान्त्रिक तथा अपारदर्शी कार्यशैलीले नया“ पुस्ताका आकांक्षा र आवश्यकतालाई समेटेर चल्न सक्छ भन्ने जनस्तरमा विश्वास जगाउन सकिएन ...... हाम्रो नेतृत्व यसै पनि "अर्ध च्याङकाइसेक" भइसकेको छ । माओवादीको सरकारमा जाने हो भने "पर्ूण्ा च्याङकाइसेक" भएर कुनै टापुमा शरणका लागि पलायनको बाटो लिनुमात्र विकल्प रहला । ....... यथाशीघ्र पार्टर्ीीे विशेष महाधिवेशन बोलाउनर्ुपर्छ ...... हुकुमी र हैकमी ढङ्गले होइन, संस्थागत, विधिसंगत, पारदर्शी र लोकतान्त्रिक ढङ्गबाट पार्टर्ीीे सञ्चालन ...... मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम, तर्राई मधेस लोकतान्त्रिक पार्टर्ीीसद्भावना पार्टर्ीीआदिवासी/जनजाति, दलित आदि पक्ष, वर्ग र समुदायस“ग भए-गरेका सम्झौताको पर्ूण्ा कार्यान्वयन अनिवार्य छ ...... आपराधिक क्रियाकलाप र अनेकौं विवादमा मुछिएको माओवादीको वाइसीएल विघटन हुनर्ुपर्छ

NC Split Over Joining Maoist-led Govt Himalayan Times
Madhesi Mukti Tigers Leader Arrested in Mahottari
Maoists open to power-sharing, says Prachanda “Our only concern is to avoid parallel power centres in the name of power balance,” he said, indicating the party’s wish to have total control over the state affairs.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Another Seven Party Government?

Maoists 120 + 100 = 220 (36%)
NC 37 + 70 = 107 (18%)
UML 33 + 67 = 100 (16%)
MJF 29 + 20 = 49 (8%)
TMDP 9 + 10 = 19 (3%)
Sadbhavana 4
Janamorcha 2

Total = 501

Prime Minister = Maoist
Speaker = NC (Chitralekha: bring her in as a cabinet appointment)
Deputy Speaker = UML
Home Ministry = MJF
Defense = Maoist
Finance = NC
Foreign = UML

MJF gets twice as many cabinet positions as the TMDP. The UML and the NC get twice many as the MJF. The Maoists get twice as many as the NC. The four biggest parties get to share the top portfolios.

In The News

Maoists hold on to their lead as PR counting nears end NepalNews Maoists have bagged 30,47,308 votes ..... total 1,01,86,262 votes cast. ...... The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) is in fourth position with 597,954 votes followed by Terai Madhes Loktantrik Party (TMLP) with 309,768 votes. ..... the PR vote counting could be completed by Thursday. ..... The EC has said that after calculating the number of seats for each party, the information will be submitted to the parties, who can then select their candidates from among the previously-submitted closed lists within two weeks.

30,000-strong Army Enough for Nepal: Badal Himalayan Times

FPTP counting over, Maoists win 120 out of 240 seats NepalNews The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) bagged 30 seats
Govt to conduct linguistic survey Prof Dr Tej Ratna Kansakar ..... 92 languages are spoken in the country

CPN (Maoists)
Nepali Congress
Sadhbhawana (Mahato)
Janamorcha Nepal
Rastriya Janamorcha

My suggestions to Upendra Yadav

PR counting scoreboard: Maoists, NC and UML in top three positions NepalNews Of the total voters of 17.6 million, sixty percent or around 10 million people had cast their votes in the April 10 Constituent Assembly (CA) election.
Prachanda tells parties not to shy away from past agreements work in collaboration to form a "government of consensus" .... that of forming a government of consensus.
US to remove Maoists from terror watch list the US would extend the same kind of assistance and support to the new government to be formed under the leadership of the Maoists as it had been providing to the previous governments.
UML should join new govt: Gautam insisted that the UML had not lost election and that the party could do well in the election if he were given a chance to devise election strategies. ..... the Maoist leadership was trying to meet King Gyanendra to make sure that the abolishment of monarchy is done without unnecessary hassle
BICC hall to be ready for CA meeting by May 20 as the meeting hall of existing parliamentary building does not have adequate number of seats for the 601-member CA. .... all other parliamentary activities would be carried out from parliament related offices at Singh Durbar
Defeated candidates move SC calling for re-polling in Mahottari-6
Don’t join new govt: NSU tells NC
Final vote count to be completed by Tuesday
Global food crisis increases instability in world's poorest countries
Govt to ban exports of cereals paddy, rice, wheat, maize and flour made out of them

Sunday 20th of April 2008 08:33:30 PM
Leading Party Name Female Male
Total Female Male Total

1 Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) 42 198 240 23 95 118 0 2 2
2 Nepali Congress 26 214 240 2 34 36 0 1 1
3 Communist Party of Nepal (U.M.L.) 27 212 239 0 32 32 1 0 1
4 Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal 3 100 103 2 26 28 0 2 2
5 Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party 4 90 94 1 8 9 0 0 0
6 Sadhvawana Party 4 83 87 0 4 4 0 0 0
7 Janamorcha Nepal 28 175 203 0 2 2 0 0 0
8 Nepal Workers and Peasants Party 27 71 98 0 2 2 0 0 0
9 Independent 42 774 816 0 2 2 0 0 0
10 Rastriya Janamorcha 15 107 122 0 1 1 0 0 0

सरकारको नेतृत्व मै गर्छर्ु Kantipur
सकियो संविधानसभा मतदान
मोरङ कांग्रेस विघटन
कांग्रेसमा महाधिवेशन माग केन्द्रीय सदस्य नरहरि आचार्यले र्सार्वजनिक रूपमा र अन्य नेताले सभापति एवं प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालालाई भेटेर महाधिवेशनको माग गरेका हुन् । उनीहरूले पराजयको कारण खोज्न र पार्टर्ीीई पर्ुनर्संगठित गरी नया“ नेतृत्व छान्न महाधिवेशन माग गरेका हुन् । ..... आमनिर्वाचन २०४८ मा ३७ र २०५६ मा ३६ प्रतिशत लोकप्रिय मत प्राप्त गरेको कांग्रेसले घोषित परिणामअनुसार यसपटक २० देखि २३ प्रतिशत मतमा चित्त बुझाउनुपर्ने अवस्था छ । .... कोइरालाले संविधानसभा चुनावपछि राजनीतिबाट विश्राम लिने बताइसकेका छन ..... परिवारको वर्चस्व कायम रहनेमा प्रश्न खडा भएको छ
चुनावी रणनीति असफल ः एमाले जिल्लादेखि केन्द्रीय कमिटी पुर्ुनर्गठन गर्न माग गरेका छन् ...... घोषणापत्र प्रस्ट नहुन
महोत्तरीमा फोरम र तमलोपा विजयी

Prachanda confers with Indian envoy; Maoists invite MJF leaders for talks NepalNews will move ahead by collaborating with all the political parties. ..... Maoists are all set to hold consultation with archrival Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) and have already sent a formal letter for the same. ...... The leaders of both the parties publicly said that they would leave behind their bitter past and engage in peaceful politics.
Rastriya Janamorcha chairman wins from Balgung-2
Mahantha Thakur loses in Sarlahi Shiva Pujan Yadav of MJF garnered 15,688 votes against Thakur's 15,416 .... The MJF has already bagged 27 seats and is leading in a couple of more seats. The TMLP has won in nine seats while NSP has bagged four constituencies.

CPN (Maoists)
Nepali Congress
Sadhbhawana (Mahato)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Non Maoist Government Possible, All Party Government Advisable

The Maoists will end up with 240 out of 601 seats in the constituent assembly, looks like. That is nowhere close to a majority. If all the non Maoist forces were to come together, the Maoists will be the largest but a minority presence in the assembly.

Technically speaking a non Maoist government is still possible. Politically it might be desirable that all the other parties decided they are sick and tired of the muscle politics of the Maoists.

Morally it is not advisable. The largest party should have some say. But then after Rajiv Gandhi's Congress lost in 1989, it was still the largest party, but it did not get a majority, and so it stayed out.

Practically speaking what would be best would be to form an all party government with the largest party leading. That way the Maoists don't end up with all the plum portfolios. Maoists might get Defense, the NC might get Home, the UML might get Foreign, the MJF might get Finance.

Such an all party government will be a better way to check Maoist excesses than to sit outside and watch. Imagine how much worse the YCL will behave if the Maoists have both Home and Defense. Then they will behave worse at the polls two years from now. They might bring forth another Maoist sweep. Then what? You will wait four years?

The country gets declared a federal republic on day one. Then the assembly could vote to establish an executive presidency, or that could wait and for the time being we might end up with an executive prime minister and a ceremonial president.

If it is to be an all party government, the non Maoist parties get to argue, either the Maoists get the ceremonial presidency, or the executive prime ministership, but not both.

Best would be for the second largest party to get the ceremonial presidency. I recommend Chitralekha Yadav's name. She represents a few different marginalized groups. Then either Baburam or Prachanda get to be Prime Minister. The third largest party, the UML, gets the Speakership. The fourth largest party, the MJF, gets the Deputy Speakership.

Then the country can opt for an executive president in the new constitution.

If you try to form a non Maoist government, work on the new constitution will become hard. If you stay away from forming an all party government, that will be like giving the Maoists a blank check. Their behavior at the grassroots will get worse. So join and secure the Home Ministry for either the NC or the UML.

Ceremonial President: Chitralekha Yadav
Executive Prime Minister: Prachanda/Baburam
Speaker: Subash Nembang
Deputy Speaker: Karima Begam
Defense: Maoist
Home: NC
Foreign: UML
Finance: MJF

Form an all party steering committee. We don't want a Prime Minister like Girija making decisions on whim. All the party presidents are members.

Coalition Government, But Which Coalition Partners
All Party Government, Prachanda President, Chitralekha Speaker
Nobel Peace Prize 2008: Making A Case For Nepal
Prachanda Gets To Be Nepal's First President
Permutations And Combinations

In The News

Maoists declare political revolution over, economic begins Kantipur New Nepal cannot be built without bringing about an economic revolution. ..... We will create ‘economic miracle’ in next ten years ..... “The private sector will lead the country’s economy and we will facilitate things for you (private sector)”. ... The new government will stress on new policy for tax system and end the culture of commissions and corruption ..... a new transitional economic policy with medium level development in the next 10 years, high level growth in 20 years and ultra-high level development in the country in 40 years.
YCL bullies Gagan, NC cadres Maoist-affiliated Young Communist League (YCL) on Wednesday barred Nepali Congress (NC) candidate under the proportional representation system Gagan Thapa and his team as they were traveling on a vehicle from going to Madanpur in Nuwakot district, where re-poll is scheduled for Thursday. Thapa and his team were forced to return to Kathmandu after being stopped at Kakani at about 8 pm. ..... Thapa complained that a local police did respond to the incident and a team reached there but they were helpless in front of the Maoist cadres. “This clearly shows how the situation of voters is in the place, where the re-poll is taking place”
Maoists attack, intimidate NC cadres "armed and violent Maoist cadres" allegedly vandalized and looted houses of NC leaders and cadres like Basudev Jangali and Basanta Sapkota, Area Presidents of Dang constituency-1 and 5 respectively. The Maoists also attacked and vandalized the house of Krishna Basnet, President of Rajpur village unit. .... the Maoists are still searching for persons deployed as NC representatives at the booth stations and have been continuing to attack such individuals. ...... "Around six to seven hundred NC cadres have been displaced from the district due to Maoist terror"
Mostly janajatis elected in western region The CA poll contenders from Lamjung, Manang, Gorkha, Tanahun, Gulmi, Mustang, Baglung, Palpa and Syanja districts are mainly from the ethnic groups.
Maoists unlikely to get absolute majority the Maoists are not likely to get more than 240 seats counting FPTP and PR together. .... In the remaining 16 constituencies they are likely to bag maximum of 10 seats. Because most of those 16 constituencies fall in Madhes region, where Madhesi parties are faring much better than Maoists. ..... the Maoists may require at least 62 more seats to get absolute majority ...... the NC and UML may get around 212 seats altogether.
NC, UML consult CA polls defeat the meeting has demanded local reports from the parties’ activists and agreed to take decisions regarding their participation in the future government after viewing the complete results of the CA polls.

Terai based parties bag votes in hills, mountains NepalNews MJF bagged 126 votes in Taplejung district and 114 in Sindhupanchowk district under proportionate representation system. The party has received 54 votes in Rolpa and 65 in Rukum, the heartland of the Maoists. ..... it even received one vote in the most remote district of Mustang, where the Mahanta Thakur led TMDP bagged seven votes. In Rolpa TMLP received 68 votes and 28 in Rukkum. ..... The Terai based parties did well in eastern and western Terai districts where their party activities remain non-existent such as Jhapa, Kailali and Baitadi. In Jhapa alone, MJF bagged around 10,000 votes.
Prachanda courts Nepal for UML's participation in new govt Nepal made it clear that the UML agrees to an all-party consensual government, but the decision whether the party should join the next government would be taken by its Standing Committee meeting to be held soon ...... reached a tacit understanding for a "working cooperation" between the leftist parties.
Indian envoy reassures India's 'active support' to Nepal
MK Nepal urges all to unite for establishing republican order
NC calls CWC meet to review party's defeat in polls
Repolling concludes peacefully in 45 centres
Bhattarai says King will be removed respectfully
Prachanda holds 'long and serious' talks with Indian FM He also informed that during discussion with the European Union including many other foreign countries, he avowed his commitment towards the peace process, multiparty democracy and economic development.

CPN (Maoists)
Nepali Congress
Sadhbhawana (Mahato)

25 Morang 4 Rama Nand Mandal Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 9894 Elected
26 Morang 5 Upendra Yadav Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 27508 Elected
27 Morang 6 Bhim Raj Chaudhari Rajbansi Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 17086 Elected
28 Morang 7 Bijaya Kumar Gachchhadar Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 18416 Elected

33 Sunsari 3 Bijaya Kumar Gachchhadar Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 23769 Elected
34 Sunsari 4 Muga Lal Mahato Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 19945 Elected
35 Sunsari 5 Upendra Yadav Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 23939 Elected

45 Saptari 3 Mahesh Prasad Yadav Sadhvawana Party M 10302 Elected
46 Saptari 4 Renu Kumari Yadav Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal F 12681 Elected

48 Saptari 6 Mrigendra Kumar Singh Yadav Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 14028 Elected
49 Siraha 1 Laxman Mahato Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 9814 Elected
50 Siraha 4 Shatrughan Prasad Singh Koiree Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 11779 Elected
51 Siraha 6 Raj Kishwor Yadav Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 15551 Elected

62 Dhanusha 4 Sanjay Kumar Shah Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 13422 Elected

67 Mahottari 2 Hari Narayan Yadav Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 7457 Elected
68 Mahottari 6 Sharad Singh Bhandari Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 6862 Elected

71 Sarlahi 3 Sumitra Devi Raya Yadav Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party F 11096 Elected
72 Sarlahi 4 Rajendra Mahato Sadhvawana Party M 17073 Elected

108 Rautahat 5 Govinda Chaudhari Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party M 11732 Elected

110 Bara 1 Saroj Kumar Yadav Sadhvawana Party M 8182 Elected

112 Bara 3 Pramod Prasad Gupta Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 16081 Elected
113 Bara 4 Jitendra Prasad Sonar Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party M 9624 Elected

116 Parsa 1 Karima Begam Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal F 14614 Elected

152 Nawalparasi 5 Ram Bachhan Ahir(Yadhav) Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 13641 Elected
153 Nawalparasi 6 Hridayesh Tripathi Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party M 10029 Elected

155 Rupandehi 2 Om Prakash Yadhav Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 10612 Elected

159 Rupandehi 6 Omprakash Yadav Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 12170 Elected
160 Rupandehi 7 Muhammad Okil Musalman Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 8121 Elected

162 Kapilvastu 2 Dan Bahadur Kurmi Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party M 8434 Elected
163 Kapilvastu 3 Brijesh Kumar Gupta Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party M 18126 Elected
164 Kapilvastu 4 Ishwar Dayal Mishra Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party M 10394 Elected
165 Kapilvastu 5 Abhisek Pratap Shah Madhesi People's Rights Forum, Nepal M 15694 Elected