Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Underworld: Jungle Raj In Nepal

यसरी जन्माईन्छन् डन ! डन, नेता र प्रहरी बिचको जालो
‘सर्वेन्द्र खनाल त बर्दिवाला गुण्डा हो यार । सिभिल ड्रेसमा पुरा गन राखेर आएको थियो, घैंटेले मज्जाले लखेट्यो ।’ कसैले भनेको शब्द मेरो कानमा परेको थियो । कुरा सायद २०६२ तिरको होला । रेष्टोरेण्ट बिक्रिमा छ भन्ने हेतुले एउटा साथिले हामीलाई देखाउन लगेको थियो । नेपालका चर्चित ब्यक्तित्व नै हुन जसलाई घैंटेले दाई भन्थ्यो अर्थात उनि हस्ति नै थिए । तर त्यो रेष्टोरेण्ट डान्स बार रहेछ, हामी त्यतिकै फर्कियौं जुन

रेष्टोरेण्टमा सर्वेन्द्र खनाल र घैंटे बिच ढुंगा हानाहान भएको थियो ।

त्यो घटनाको लगत्तै सर्वेन्द्र खनाललाई तुरुन्त उपत्यका बाहिर सरुवा गरियो । जुन घटना सायद प्रहरीको अफिसियल ड्युटी अनुरुप थिएन । यता भने समाजमा घैंटेको प्रभाव बढ्न सुरु भयो । ....... २०६२/६३ पछि ति ब्यक्तिको नाम घैंटे डन भनेर आयो । उनको कर्तुत पत्र पत्रिकामा पढें र आफुलाई पहिला छुटाउन मद्धत गरेकोमा आत्मग्लानी भयो । ...... आफु बिदेशबाट ७/८ बर्ष पछि बल्ल नेपाल फर्केको, समाजमा डनगिरी मौलाई सकेको पत्तै भएन । तर मैले बिदेश बस्दा ईटालीमा भने डन भन्ने शब्द एकदम आदरिणय शब्द थियो र हो र यसलाई सम्मान गरेर कसैलाई सम्बोधन गरेर डनब्रास्को, डनमारियो, डन पाओलो, डन फलानो भनेर गरिन्थ्यो, गरिन्छ । तर यता भने डन भन्ने शब्दले समाजमा डर लाग्दो, त्रासदीपूर्ण र कहालीलाग्दो तर्साउने रुपले हेरिंदो रैछ । ......

आम जनताले त भन्छन् डनको उत्पादन नै नेता र पुलिसले गरेका हुन् ।

डनलाई प्रयोग गरेर नेता, उद्योगपति, दलालहरुले आफ्नो आर्थिक अभिष्ट पुरा गर्न, धम्क्याउन, त्रास देखाउन र चुनावमा जित्न प्रयोग गरेका पाईन्छन् । त्यस्तै प्रहरीहरुले बालुवाखानी, बिभिन्न मेनपावर कम्पनिबाट यि डनहरुलाई नै प्रयोग गरिरहेको सुनिनमा आउँछ । ...... सम्झन्छु ति पञ्चयतका दिनहरु, सायद राजनीतिक पृष्ठभूमिका परिवारबाट नआएकोले होला पञ्च्यायत मलाई अत्यन्त स्वर्णिम युग लाग्छ । त्यतिबेलाको अखवारमा कुकुर किचेर मारेका खवर, अझ भनौं भारतमा मान्छेले दिन दहाडै मान्छेलाई छुरा घोपेर मारेका खवर महिनौं दिन सम्म घरको आँगन, पाटि पौवा, टोल टोलमा गफ चुटने बिषय बन्थे । ..... स्वर्गिय राजा बिरेन्द्रले आफ्ना भाई अधिराज कुमार स्वर्गिय धिरेन्द्र बिभिन्न सांगठित अपराधिक क्रियाकलापमा मुछिदैं आएको सर्ब साधारणको मर्मलाई महशुष गरि उनलाई अधिराज कुमारबाट हटाएकै हो । ........... एक पटक मेरो काका राजा बिरेन्द्रको एडिसि भएर युरोपको यात्रामा जाने अवसर मिल्यो । ...... पछि दरबारमा यस बिषयलाई लिएर जाबो ईन्सपेक्टरको हैसियतले गाडि कसरी मग्यो भनेर हल्ली खल्ली नै भयो । काकाको जागीर नै जाने माहोल बन्यो । काकाको स्पष्टिकरणले र दाईको पर्यटन ब्यवसाय भएको कारण तथा हुनेखाने परिवार भएकोले होला दरबार सन्तुष्ट भएछ र जागिर बच्यो । ....... अचम्म छ राजनीति, कोहि नेता साम्प्रदायिक द्ववेश फैलाउन उद्धत हुन्छन । मधेशी जाग्नु पर्यो खुँडा तरबार लिएर पहाडिको घरमा जाई लाग्नु परयो भन्छन भने कोहि नेता जनताको जिवनको अवमुल्यन गर्दै देश टुक्रयाउनेलाई शहिद घोषणा गरिन्छ, ५० लाख दिईन्छ । पैंशा आफनै खल्तीबाट दिईने हो जस्तो गरि । ....... देशमा ठूला नेता भ्रष्टाचारमा मुछिन्छन, जेल चलान हुन्छन्, लाउडा धमिजा काण्डमा देशका प्रधानमन्त्री मुछिन्छन, न्यायालयका न्यायाधिश मुछिन्छन, कानुनका रखवाला प्रहरी प्रशासन मुछिन्छन् ।

डिबि लामा पछिका प्रायः जसो सबै आईजिपि भ्रष्टचारमै मुछिएका छन् ।

........... यहाँ सबैलाई संरक्षण चाहिएको छ, संरक्षण बापत डनहरुलाई ब्यापारिक साझेदारी तथा पैंशा चाहिएको छ । अहिलेको गुण्डा तथा साधारण कार्यकर्ताको खल्तीबाट डिआईजी निस्कन्छन् ।

तल्लो दर्जाको ईन्सपेक्टर र डिएसपीलाई अगाडि राखेर तर्साउनको लागि तेरो डिआईजी मसँग मुत्छ भनि स्पिकर अन गरि फोन गर्छन ।

ठूला दर्जाका प्रहरी अधिकृत पनि आप्mनो प्रमोसनको लागि मालदार ठाउँमा जान गणेश लामा जस्ता डनलाई सर र हजुर भन्दै नजराना चढाउन जान्छन र पछि त्यहि डनको कन्डो पछाडि कुरा काटछन् । ............

चरी उड्दा एमाले तथा सुरेन्द्र पाण्डे जस्ताले बिलौना गरि नैं रहन्छन्, घैंटो फुट्दा कांग्रेस र जगदिश नरसिंह आघात नै भई नै रहन्छन् र यता एकछिनको खुशिको क्षण आम जनता बाडि नै रहन्छन् ।


के साच्चिकै प्रहरी पनि लाईसेन्सवाला डन नै हुन त ?

...... के तैले पहिलाको जस्तो अवस्था सोचेको छस् ? के तैले भ्रष्टाचार गर्न, घुस खान सक्छस्, के तैले नेताको चाकडी र गुलामी गर्न सक्छस् ? यि शब्दले प्रहरीको मान सम्मान भन्दा घृणा र बितृष्णा मात्रै पाउने रहेछ भन्ने ठानी बिदेशमा उच्च अध्ययन गर्नको लागि पलायन भएँ । ...... बारम्बार प्रश्न उठ्छ प्रहरीले फ्रेम गरेर ईन्काउन्टर गर्छ, कसैलाई लागुमा फसाउँछ । गुण्डा नाईके चक्रे मिलन लागुमा जेल चलान हुँदा प्राय जसो चल्ता पुर्जा डनहरु कहि कतै गाडि पार्किगं गर्नु परयो भने प्रहरीले पोका हालि दिन्छ भनेर गाडिको पुरै शिसा बन्द गर्नुपर्छ भन्थे । त्यस्तै रमश बाहुनले मलाई बरु ईन्काउन्टरमा मारि दिएको भए हुन्थ्यो, म जस्तालाई पोकामा फसाएर जेलमा सडाउने जुन प्रपंच छ त्यसलाई मेरो आत्माले पनि मान्दैन । उनलाई समाउने प्रहरी अधिकृतलाई त म तेरो नाम जिन्दगी भरि भुल्दिन भनेका थिए रे । जेलमै हेर्न गए पुग्छ, त्यहाँ बसेका प्रहरी गार्ड नै भन्छन

कैंदी मध्येमा ७५ प्रतिशत त प्रशासन, प्रहरी, नेता तथा ठूला बडा भन्नेले, डन भन्नेहरु एकले अर्कालाई नै फसाएर पुगेका छन् । चोर, फटाहा, जाली जति आरामले घुमेर बसेका छन् ।

......... सोझा साझा जो झेल्लि गर्न जानेका छैनन ति बिचराहरु भित्रै सडेर बसेका छन् भने चोर जाली फटाहाहरु बाहिर आरामले घुमेर बसेका छन् । अझ मुद्धा छिनोफानोको लागि दलालहरुको मोलमोलाईले त न्यायालयप्रति आम जनता सशंकित हुनु परेको छ । ....... एउटा डनको आमा त छोरा डन भएकोमा गर्व गर्दछिन् । एकजना पिडित डनबाट भेटे पिच्छे गोदाई खाई आजित भएर ति डनका आमालाई कुरा लाउन पुगेछन् । बिचरो केटो आस्वासन पाउला भनेर आशा गरेको त उल्टै पो डनकी आमाले “भो भो चुप लागेर बस्, कुटाई मात्र खा को छस् त्यसले त खुकुरीले काट्छ, बरु त्यसको छेउमै नपर” भनिछन् । झगडा पर्दा छोरालाई ला यो पनि लिएर जा भनेर खुकुरी थमाउथिन् । ....... युवा वर्गमा त चार दिन कुनै कारणले थाना पुग्दा पनि चार दिन जेल बसेर आएको भनेर गर्वको साथ भन्छन् । .......

प्रहरी प्रशासनलाई गृह, डन र कार्यकर्ताले आफ्नो खल्तीमा राख्नुको साटो पूर्ण स्वतन्त्र संस्थाको रुपमा बिकास गरेर लानु पर्दछ ।

जस्तै महाराजगंजको डिएसपी त ईश्वर पोखरेलको मान्छे रे उनले भनेको मान्छन् भन्ने मान्यतालाई पूर्ण रुपले हतोत्साहि गरि प्रहरी जनताको सेवा गर्नको लागि जनतासँगै अगाडि बढ्नु पर्छ भन्ने मान्यतालाई स्थापित गर्नुपर्दछ । ....... प्रहरी र न्यायलयमा एक आपसमा विस्वासको खाडल छ त्यो पुर्न जरुरी छ । जस्तैः प्रहरी प्रशासनले समातेर ल्याएको अपराधीलाई न्यायालयले फसाएर ल्याएको बुझनु र न्यायालयले सफाई दिदा प्रहरीले न्यायालयलाई अन्यथा बुझनु एक आपसमा बिश्वासको खडेरी देखिन्छ । त्यस्तै समाजमा अपराध र बिकृति बढेन भने हाम्रो ब्यवसाय कसरी चल्छ भन्ने मान्यतालाई कानुन ब्यवसायीले सोच्ने हो भने समाजमा अपराध र बिकृति ठप्प हुन्छ त ? कानुन त सेवा हुनुपर्ने हो, तर कानुन कसरी ब्यवसाय भयो ? ........ जब सम्म नैतिकताको घैंटो प्रत्येक समाज, घर मात्र नभई ब्यक्ति ब्यक्तिमा खुलिदैन नैतिकताको खडेरी तब सम्म परि नै रहन्छ तब सम्म देश र समाजमा त्यस्तो

घैंटो फुटि नै रहन्छन्, चरि उडि नै रहन्छन्, यसरी अपराधको चक्र घुमि नै रहन्छ ।

...... प्रहरी प्रशासनलाई राजनीतिक दल, नेता तथा जनता बाधकको रुपमा नभई सहयोगिको रुपमा अगाडि उभिन जरुरी छ । ..... चरी र घैंटे घटनाप्रति त्यसबेलाका एसएसपी पुष्कर कार्कि तथा अहिलेका एसएसपी सर्वेन्द्र खनाल सम्पूर्ण आम जनताले हार्दिक आभार ब्यक्त गरेकोमा म लेखक पनि नतमस्तक भई हार्दिक नमन गर्न चाहन्छु । यसैगरी नेपाल प्रहरीले निस्पक्ष भएर न्याय, शुसासन र समाजमा शान्ति, अमन चयन कायम राख्न भूमिका खेलि रहोस् । जय नेपाल, नेपाल प्रहरी । ............................. त्यो घटनाको अगाडि २०६०/०६१ तिरको कुरा होला एका बिहान मलाई फोन आयो र राजा हजुरले एउटा सानो काम गरिदिनु पर्यो भनेर कसैले आग्रह गरे । मलाई भनिएको कुरा यस्तो थियो, “सोह्रखुटटे थानाबाट आएका प्रहरीले राती ति ब्यक्तिका भाईलाई उठाएर लगेका रहेछन् । प्रहरीले लगेका ति ब्यक्तिलाई प्रेसर, सुगर रहेछ । बिरामी मान्छे बेला बेला औषधी खानु पर्ने रहेछ, केटा साह्रै सोझो तर अनाहकमै समातिएछ । बरु अरुलाई अनुसन्धानको रुपमा राखेपनि उनलाई चाहि छोडाई दिनु परयो,” मलाई फोन गर्ने ब्यक्तिले यसै भने । ....... आफ्नो ठुलो बुवा आईजिपि, काकाहरु डिआईजी, नातामा पर्ने प्रधानमन्त्री, बाजे पर्ने गृहमन्त्री, मामा आर्मिको चिफ हुँदा पनि साधारण हवल्दार देखेर पनि मन ढुक्क फुल्थ्यो । टिनएजको उमेर भएता पनि त्यस्ता उछृगंल, अपराधिक गतिबिधी, झैं झगडामा त्यति ध्यान जादैन्थ्यो । अझ डिआईजीपि जस्ता ब्यक्तिले तालिम केन्द्र महाराजगञ्जबाट गाडिमा फुत्त निस्केर म फुच्चे लाई “राजा दर्शन भनि सम्बोबन गरि, मेरो लवाई हेर्दै के हो हँ राजा गु को पोका झुण्डेको जस्तो पाईन्ट लगाएर, क्या हो यस्तो चाला कैचिले काटि दिउ ? ढंगको जुत्ता लगाउने हैं ” भन्दा सातो जान्थ्यो । त्यो बेला लामो कपाल काटिदिने, ब्यागि पाईन्ट काटेर कट्टु बनाईदिने, डिंगो जुत्ता काटेर आधा बनाईदिने प्रहरीले अभियान नैं थालेका थिए । त्यो बेलाको संस्कारै यस्तो थियो कि प्रहरी भनेपछि सातोपुत्लो उडिहाल्थ्यो । अझ गाउँघरमा एउटा बर्दिवाल हवल्दार पस्यो भने सोध खोजको बिषय हुन्थ्यो । गाउँघरमा फलानो गाउँमा आज किन प्रहरी छिरेछ भनेर लाज हुन्थ्यो । समाजमा शान्ति सु ब्यवस्था गर्न प्रहरी प्रशासन तथा राज्य सफल थियो । ......

नेताले डन खेलाउने, डनले प्रहरी खेलाउने फेरी प्रहरीले त्यही डन खेलाउने ! यस्तै छ यहाँको सिस्टम ।

हिन्दी फिल्म सिंगममा झैँ यहाँका सिस्टम हि ऐसा छे सर एक हवल्दार भन्दै थिए । जब सम्म राजनीतिमा फोहोरी खेल भईरहन्छ तब सम्म प्रहरी प्रशासन, समाज, ठेक्का पटटा तथा डनको सिस्टम यसरी नै चलिरहन्छ । जब सम्म नेपालमा सिंगममा झै नायक प्रहरी अधिकृत जन्मदैन, देशमा यस्तै भई नै रहन्छ । ........ डन मारेर प्रमोसन भईन्छ भन्ने नजिर जब सम्म प्रहरी प्रशासनमा स्थापित रहन्छ तब सम्म डन जन्मि नै रहन्छन् । किनकी डन, उसका गतिबिधीलाई प्रहरीले नदेखे झैं गरी उसलाई त्यो काम गर्न नदेखिदो रुपमा सुरुमा हौसला थपि दिन्छन् । प्रहरीले चाहने हो भने, यहाँ मान्छे मार्न त परै जाओस, अनुमति बिना कसैले कसैको सिन्को सम्म भाच्न सक्दैन ।

Clearing the Jungle Raj: Bihar State, India, 2005 - 2009
Nitish Kumar was elected chief minister of Bihar, India’s poorest state, in December 2005, when the state’s government was weighed down by two decades of institutional decline, widespread lawlessness and a society deeply divided by caste and religion. Improving law and order was a major priority of his new government. The main challenges were rampant criminal activity that curtailed social and economic life, a shortstaffed and under-motivated police force, widespread corruption in the ranks, and the poor image of the Bihar police. Using innovative measures, Kumar and his top police officers set out to rid Bihar of its so-called jungle raj, or law of the jungle. ........ When he came to power, Kumar worked to empower senior officers of the Bihar police to recruit, train and professionalize the rank and file. He impressed upon them the need to improve law and order as part of an effort to attract investment and stimulate civic life.

With Kumar’s backing, senior officials undertook bold measures.

.......... They developed a system that came to be known as “speedy trials” to expedite police procedures involved in convicting criminals. They invoked a little-used clause of the Indian Arms Act to target illegal possessors of firearms, who were considered most likely to be involved in other serious crimes. They created a temporary auxiliary police force by hiring retired army infantrymen.

घैंटे मार्ग? घैंटे सालिक?

काँग्रेस पार्टी ले अर्को चुनाव नमजा सँग हारने भो। एमाले लाई चरी को दशा, काँग्रेस लाई घैंटे को दशा लाग्ने भो। Anti Incumbency Factor भन्दा पनि ठोस।

को विखण्डनकारी?
आफ्नो सगोत्रीको माग सम्बोधन गर्‍या ठीकै हो, परगोत्री थारु र मधेशीको नि गरिदिया भए हुन्थ्यो नि? .... कर्णाली र मध्य पश्चिमको माग सम्बोधन गरियो र मधेशका मान्छेलाई मर्न छाडियो। .... लौ एक दुई दर्जन मरोस त्यसपछि विचार गरौंला भन्ने सोच रहेछ। देउवालाई मधेशी र थारूको नेता भन्दा पनि सुदूरपश्चिमकै नेता हुने रहर रैछ ..... जनताको मन खण्ड खण्ड पारेर भूमीलाई कति बेलासम्म अखण्ड राख्न सक्नु हुन्छ? उपेन्द्र यादव र अमरेश सिंहले थारूलाई भड्काए रे, ए बाबा तिम्रो माया यति कमजोर किन छ कि थारूहरू अरुको कुरामा लागेर तिम्रो विरुद्ध भड्किन्छ? मायाको गाँठो दरिलो बनाउ न भै‘गो नि। .....

के नेपाली राष्ट्रियताको जग यति कमजोर छ कि उपेन्द्र यादव, राजेन्द्र महतो र अमरेश सिंहले बोल्ने वितिकै कमजोर हुन्छ?

..... नेपालको स्थायी सत्ताको मजबुत कडी रहेको सञ्चार माध्यमले अमरेश सिंहलाई किन देखि नसकेको हो? जे गरे पनि जे बोले पनि उल्टो अर्थ लगाउने। .... एउटा कुरा के बुझ्न जरुरी छ भने काठमाडौंमा मधेशी नेतालाई जति खेद्यो उ मधेशमा त्यतिनै ठूलो हिरो हुने हो। .....

दोस्रो संविधानसभापछि थारूमधेशको म्याथमेटिक्स केही विग्रेको छ तर केमेस्ट्री अझै विग्रेको छैन भन्ने कुरा भारदह विद्रोहले देखाइसक्यो।


सुर्खेतमा तीन जना मानिस मरे, मन्त्रिपरिषद्ले १० लाख क्षतिपूर्तिको घोषणा गर्‍यो। घैँटेलाई शहीद घोषणा गर्नु पर्छ भन्नेहरुले राजिव राउतलाई नेपाली शहीदको स्तरमा पर्ने भने देखेनन्।

उपेन्द्र यादव र अमरेश सिंहले टिकापुरमा गरेको भाषणको संसदीय छानवीन गर्ने उपसमिति वनाउन हतारो गर्नेहरु राजीव हत्याको घटना छानविनका लागि उपसमितिको आवश्यकता ठानेनन्। ......... भैरहवामा पहाडी मधेशी लडाएर, टिकापुरमा थारु पहाडी लडाएर राज्यले कुन राष्ट्रियता मजबुत गर्न खोजेको हो? भैरहवाबाट कुटाइ खाएर गएका मधेशी गाँउ फर्किदा पुलिस चौकी र सरकारी कार्यालमा राखेको नेपाल सरकारको वोर्ड हेर्ने बित्तिकै श्रद्धाले गदगद र मेरो सरकार हो भन्ने आश कसरी गर्ने? ...... नागरिकता नदिने, अधिकार नदिने, पहिचान नदिने, सिडिओ, एसपी हुन नदिने र अनि राष्ट्रियता को अपेक्षा गर्ने? प्रदेश मागे बिखण्डनकारी हुने, समावेशीको कुरा उठाए असक्षम हुने, पहिचानको कुरा उठाए जातिवाद हुने? ..... सत्य र तथ्य परक कुरो गर्ने वित्तिकै काजी साहेव लेण्डुप दोर्जे र फीजिका महेन्द्र चौधरी हुने? कस्तो नियम बनाएको स्थायी सत्ताले? मिरजाफर हुन अस्वीकार गरेपछि घचेटेर लोण्डुप नै वनाउने कस्तो खेलको नियम हो? .... कालापानी र लिपुलेक जोगाउन नसक्ने विखण्डनकारी कि चौदह सय किलोमिटरको खुला सीमानामा एक इन्च पनि खण्डित हुन नदिने मधेशीहरु?
घैंटेको विषय लिएर गगनसहितका सभासद मानवअधिकार आयोग पुगे
कांग्रेस सभासदहरु

गगन थापा, जगदिशनरसिंह केसी, भीमसेन दास प्रधान र धनराज गुरुङ

शुक्रबार नै मानवअधिकार आयोगमा पुगेका थिए । ...... घटना लगतै कांग्रेस सभासद केसीले प्रहरीले मारेको भन्दै जुलुस लिएर शिक्षण अस्पताल पुगेका थिए ।
सामाखुसी लैनचौर सडकलाई ‘घैटे’ मार्ग नामाङकरण गर्ने कांग्रेसी निर्णय
बिहिबार प्रहरी ईन्काउण्टरमा मारिएका गुण्डा नाईके कुमार श्रेष्ठ (घैंटे) को नाममा सामाखुसी चोक बाट लैनचौर सम्मको सडकलाई घैंटे मार्ग घोषणा गर्ने निर्णय गरिएको छ । नेपाली कांग्रेसका सभासद भिमसेनदास प्रधानको सभापतित्वमा बसेको बैठकले उक्त निर्णय गरेको हो । ...... बैठकले गृह मन्त्रीको राजिनामा माग्ने, घैंटेलाई शहिद घोषणा गर्ने, प्रधानको अध्यक्षतामा कुमार श्रेष्ठ स्मृती प्रतिष्ठानको गठन गरी जगदीश नरसिंह केसी र धनराज गुरुगंलाई संरक्षक राख्ने निर्णय गरिएको छ । ...... त्यसैगरी नुवाकोटको बटार र काठमाण्डौको सामाखुसीमा घैंटेको पूर्ण कदको सालिक राख्ने, श्रीमतीलाई स्थाई सरकारी जागिर, छोरीलाई छात्रवृतिको माग गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । ..... कुमार श्रेष्ठ (घैंटे) हत्या काण्डको बिरोध गर्दै माननीय सभासद भीमसेनदास प्रधानज्युको सभापतित्वमा बसेको बैठकले निम्नानुसारको निर्णय गर्यो l

१. गृह मन्त्रीको राजिनामा माग्ने २. कुमार श्रेष्ठ लाई शहिद घोसणा गर्ने ३. माननीय सभासद भीमसेनदास प्रधानको अध्यक्षतामा कुमार श्रेष्ठ स्मृती प्रतिष्ठानको गठन गर्ने l संरक्षक जगदीश नरसिंह के.सी एवं धनराज गुरुङ ४. शहिद कुमार श्रेष्ठको पूर्ण कदको सालिक नुवाकोटको बट्टार र काठमाडौको सामाखुसीमा स्थापना गरिने ५. कुमार श्रेष्ठको श्रीमतीलाई स्थाई सरकारी जागिर र छोरीलाई छात्रवृति को माग गर्ने ६. सामाखुसी चोक बाट लैनचौर सम्मको सडकलाई कुमार श्रेष्ठ (घैंटे) मार्ग घोसणा गर्ने

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

केपी ओलीको व्यवहारमा माफियावाद

केपी ओली उप प्रधान मंत्री बन्न सक्छ। मंत्री बन्न सक्छ। त्यो लोकतंत्र हो।

तर संवैधानिक पद नखाने पर्दा पछाडि बाट अँध्यारो कोठामा बसेर पपेट खेलाए जस्तो धागो तांतून गर्दै बस्ने -- त्यो व्यवहार माफियावाद हो। त्यो संसदीय व्यवहार होइन, त्यो संविधान सम्मत व्यवहार होइन। त्यो बहुदलीय जनवाद सम्मत व्यवहार होइन।

विचार र शक्ति
Madan Bhandari: Speech
एमाले फुटेको राम्रो

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Investigative Journalism र मधेस

झट्ट हेर्दा यो लेख investigative journalism जस्तो लाग्छ ---- होला पनि --- तर यसको फुल पिक्चर के भन्दा खेरी --- कनक ले यही magnifying glass काठमाण्डु माथि तेर्स्युन्दैन। नत्र भने यो भन्दा १०० गुणा भयावह दृश्य देखिन्छ। कनक को ५ विकास/विनास क्षेत्र वाला सोंच त्यसले बुझ्न सकिन्छ।

सीके राउत को मानव अधिकार हनन हुँदा चुइँक्क नबोल्ने मा कनक पनि हो।

Thursday, July 05, 2007

No To Royal Dictatorship, No To Maoist Dictatorship, No To Mafia Dictatorship

Some things to note.
  1. Organized crime can be controlled.
  2. What we are seeing for the most part in the Terai today is organized criminal gangs who have been kicked out of Mumbai who have now formed bases in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
  3. The Nepal Police can learn from the Mumbai Police.
  4. When these criminas enter a town for the first time, it is very important for them to kill some non-complying wealthy businessman in a very public way. It makes their extortion work much easier in the aftermath.
  5. A specialized branch inside the Nepal Police will have to be constructed to deal with organized crime. That branch will also have to work to deal with the organized crime in Kathmandu valley and other places.

On The Web: How Criminal Gangs Operate In Mumbai Kenya: How to Stop Criminal Gangs Invading Our Cities cities are, and will increasingly become, the sites of disaster and conflict in the 21st century, and that the urban poor will be the main victims...... cities are becoming the preferred battlefields for both terrorists and criminals ..... urbanisation of warfare is the result of neoliberal globalisation, which has caused increasing inequalities in cities, not just between the rich and the poor but between different ethnic groups, religions and races...... "an implosion of global and national politics into the urban world"..... a general desolation of the national and global landscape has transposed many bizarre racial, religious, and linguistic enmities into scenarios of unrelieved urban terror....... young unemployed slum-dwellers get recruited into murderous gangs that hold allegiance to the fundamentalist Hindu political organisation known as Shiv Sena, which controls much of Mumbai....... Gangs in Mumbai operate much like the Mungiki do in Nairobi. They regularly extract "protection money" from the urban poor and provide a range of services to slum-dwellers in exchange for a fee, including determining which of the city's streets beggars and hawkers can occupy. Many operate in cahoots with corrupt police officers and politicians, who also demand hafta (Hindi slang for weekly bribe) from poor urban dwellers......... youthful new recruits of today don't care much for religion or politics, which makes them much more dangerous..... "an explosion of formless free-floating urban anger." ....... intensifying programmes geared towards unemployed youth and creating jobs that can absorb them. ....... When the Government is absent or corrupt, criminal gangs take over the provision of services. ....... Arrest and prosecute all corrupt Government officials and politicians and hand out stiff sentences to those found failing in their duties....... do not resort to Bush-like macho tactics.... Beefing up intelligence and security apparatus would be a more appropriate response | Daily Nation | COMMENTARY | How to stop criminal ... ORGANISED CRIME is on the rise in Chennai. Recent murders in the city have either been a fallout of inter-gang rivalry or mercenary killings...... A social worker was murdered recently in broad daylight and in public view. According to reports, the victim had mobilised public opinion against local goons and reportedly paid the price for it........ Recent killings have shown that gangsters are not just organised, but meticulous in their operations. It also gives an indication of the extent of planning that goes into the execution of a crime........ gangs have hierarchy, territorial limits, and strike strategic alliances ...... gangs indulge in various crimes like mercenary killings, robbery, theft, dacoity, bootlegging and drug peddling...... Mercenary gangs comprise hardened criminals, who murder for money and undertake criminal jobs like assaulting, disfiguring, maiming, and kidnapping of people. They loot and destroy property on assignment and their fee depends on the nature of the job and the number of persons employed to carry out the task........ gangs have organisational structure, territorial limits and a code of conduct. They possess unlicensed arms and ammunition. They use the latest communication gadgets to stay in touch with each other. They monitor the movements of the police and also their rivals. The gangs hold periodical performance evaluation and review meetings, in true corporate style to keep its members on their toes. The gangsters do their homework thoroughly and shadow their target for days before striking........... A lot of planning goes into a killing. Broadly, there are three stages of operation involved, namely surveillance, planning, organising and execution. The methods employed could be straight or ingenious. It could be shooting, stabbing or a hit and run. Total secrecy is maintained during the killing and gangsters generally wear masks to conceal identity and do not address each other by names. When they are not killing, these gangsters go as henchmen behind politicians, or caste groups or trade unions to supplement their income........ The gangs involved in committing offences like theft, robbery and burglary are equally well organised and have separate `departments' for purposes of surveillance, planning, organising and execution. The gangs have informers for collection of information, executors to conduct operation and middle agents to dispose of the stolen property. Auto drivers, taxi drivers, servants and servant maids are retained as informers. These gangs also engage some of their informers in banks, markets and cash rich places. For example, the gang would strike on receiving information that the occupants of a house are away or that there are only elderly occupants, who are soft targets for housebreaking.................. Prostitution is well organised and finely networked.... The main activities in bootlegging involve distillation, transportation and marketing........ The drug gangs operate in three layers, with the top layer comprising key members of the gang keeping themselves away from the frontline staff. ....... A separate wing should be created exclusively to deal with organised criminal gangs.............. Organised Crime Ordinance 1999. This should have tough provisions like death sentence, life term, minimum fine of Rs. 5 lakhs, permission to the police to intercept wire, electronic or oral communication admissible as evidence against the accused, long term of custody than provided in Cr. P.C......... All cases should be tried quickly and the accused should be imprisoned at the earliest. For this purpose, a court exclusively to deal with organised crime should be established...... Most witnesses do not depose before the court out of fear of the gangs resulting in acquittals for hardened criminals. Heavy security should be given to witnesses during the period of trial and also in its aftermath....... Investigation should expose investments of the criminals in various fictitious and proxy names...... The criminal-politician nexus should be broken....... sale of weapons/arms, forcible eviction of tenants, extortion..... Community policing should be organised in the neighbourhoods where theft, robbery and dacoity occur frequently..... crime prone slum neighbourhood areas should be identified and juveniles in that area should be prevented from becoming members of the criminal gangs through various welfare programmes.
The Hindu : Crime in Chennai
Indian mafia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the infamous Pashtun Mafia member Karim Lala in the 1940s, who is arguably the first real Don in the history of the Indian Mafia. ...... Mudaliar pioneered the art of cultivating official patronage for the underworld. ...... Mastan Mirza, more famously known as Haji Mastan also played a key role in structuring illegal gambling as an organised business. The first three dons were unique in that they had high standings within their own communities whose interest they looked after, each depending on their community for men and support as is the case with most Mafias...... Haji Mastan Mirza became the first celebrity gangster of the city, expanding his clout in the Bollywood. As Mastan's influence in Bollywood grew, he began to produce films and cast his mistress, an aspiring starlet into small roles. He was also known for his links with the legendary actor Dilip Kumar........ He did not know to read or write English, Hindi or Urdu....... D-Company was formed by Dawood Ibrahim, an acolyte of Hajji Mastana, and a descendant of migrants from the Konkan coast. It was amongst the most powerful criminal organisations in the world in the 80s, with many illegal and legal business ventures under Dawood's control........ the fragmentation of his criminal empire when Chotta Rajan, his lieutenant, broke away and gained support of powerful right-wing Hindu Nationalist politicians. ...... Dawood Ibrahim reportedly now lives in Karachi or Dubai...... In Mumbai, with the adoption of new police policies, crime has been going down in Mumbai and the mafia has been forced to flee the city to safer heavens. Many of its crime bosses operate from different parts of the world, controlling the Mafia within India........ Now the newest Mafia threat arises from the Northern regions of Eastern UP and the state of Bihar, which for the most part of the last five years has seen a power struggle between various groups of gangsters representing different interests and communities.......... Chotta Shakeel and Abu Salem gang, Chotta Rajan gang
528 Sandeep Pendse, The under, the over, and the middle world
InfoExport - The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service Mumbai has the highest crime rate of India's major cities .... Mumbai's crowded, bustling and wealthy environment is ideal territory for criminals, who are particularly adept at bag snatching and confidence tricks. Various criminal gangs operate extortion rackets
‘My gang is not anti-Muslim’: Chhota Rajan, The Milli Gazette, Vol ... Even my gang comprises 25 per cent Muslims who want to take revenge on Dawood .... He said he would not return to India, as the legal system in the country was a sell-out to influential people..... Asked how he managed to run his underworld empire in Mumbai by remote control, Rajan said that new technology such as Internet, fax and phones were generally used. .... He admitted that he had ordered the killing of Nepalese MP Mirza Beg .... ‘I feel I should go back (to India) but I know I will not get justice. People close to Dawood Ibrahim can reach anywhere and kill me.’
Mumbai: Weather and Much More from

Russian Mafia - Organized Crime - Part 1
Russian Mafia - Organized Crime - Part 2
Russian Mafia - Organized Crime - Part 3
Russian Mafia - Organized Crime - Part 4
Russian Mafia - Organized Crime - Part 5

Good Organized Crime Documentary Part1
Good Organized Crime Documentary Part2
Good Organized Crime Documentary Part3
Good Organized Crime Documentary Part4
Good Organized Crime Documentary Part5

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gaur: The Organized Crime Angle

Best Option For All: Elections In June
Banning MPRF: Not An Option
Homework For Om Gurung
Survey: Nepalis In New York City
Sarita Giri: Madheshi Movement In Defense Of Democracy And Madhesi Nationalism
Hamro Nepal, ANTA Press Releases On Gaur Incident
Om Gurung
Gaur: Prachanda's Reichstag Fire?
Gaur: The Madhesi Gongabu
PM, Defense, Finance: Congress, DPM, Home: UML, DPM: Maoist
Magar Event
Mainstreaming Maoist Tendencies In The Madhesh

What happened in Gaur should never have happened. And it should not be allowed to repeat. And a thorough investigation has to be conducted. And the guilty have to be brought to book.

There is some speculation criminal gangs were involved. There is talk criminal gangs have been active in those parts of the country for a long time now, that all political parties have worked hand in glove with them, Bihari style. Such a revelation would be a good thing.

There are a few possibilities.

(1) The Maoist and the MPRF cadres clashed, and the violence was not preplanned. It was impromptu. It happened on the flash. People in the leadership could not have known.

(2) The JTMM-Jwala, JTMM-Goit, Terai Cobra, Madhesi Tigers were the ones. They acted independently, and foresaw an opportunity in the impending clash, and they cashed on it.

(3) Indian criminals were hired by royalists to make hay of the situation.

(4) Organized criminal gangs on both sides of the border worked in collusion and independent of any political organization.

(5) Local criminal gangs who were used to having their say locally went overboard and did not realize that.

(6) Crime rules in Gaur. Crime has ruled in Gaur. The uncertainty of the political transition period means the criminal elements have had much more room to play. This was the underworld's way of making its presence felt upon the local people. You kill a few, you scare many for a long, long time.

(7) Maoists refusing to act like a political party, and instead acting like a parallel state that engages in extortions and abductions has led to a climate in the country where similar acts performed by criminal elements, organized and petty, do not even make the news. They have become backgrouns noise. Those criminals came home to roost in Gaur.

All these scenarios look bad, some more so than others. But the Nepali people have a right to know what happened. The local people know, and they are willing to talk. The government has to listen.

Law and order is a fundamental responsibility of the state.

It is extremely irresponsible when a political party acts like it were a criminal gang.

It is extremely irresponsible and wrong when criminal gangs can buy off the local police and the local politicians. The state has to belong to its people.

Gaur is a symptom of a much larger underlying problem that grips the country. The law and order situation is not good at all.

Dealing With Organized Crime

Petty criminals are one thing. But organized crime is a whole different ball game. When Bobby Kennedy became Attorney General in the US, organized crime was not even recognized, although everyone knew it existed. He changed all that.

How do you tackle organized crime? You use the petty criminals. When you catch them, you don't totally focus on punishing them. Instead you use them as a way to get the big dogs. You offer leniency and possible freedom and witness protection to the petty criminals if they will help you get to the big dogs.

Cross border cooperation is also essential. And it is important to make sure there is no nexus between the criminal bosses and the political bosses. Such political bosses have to be punished just like they were criminal bosses, because that is what they are.

Maoists engaging in extortions and abductions are nothing more than criminals and they must be treated just the same.

Elections In June Will Help

The country has been in a political limbo. Elections will alleviate the uncertainty. A stronger, more legitimate govenment will be born out of an election. That government can do a better job of law and order.

On The Web

Organized crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia most commonly for the purpose of generating a monetary profit. ..... defines organized crime as "The unlawful activities of ... a highly organized, disciplined association...". ..... Organized crime, however defined, is characterized by a few basic qualities including durability over time, diversified interests, hierarchical structure, capital accumulation, reinvestment, access to political protection and the use of violence to protect interests.
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Organized Crime
Rick Porrello's - - The Organized Crime and ...
Crime -
Organized Crime in the Yahoo! Directory
Criminal Justice Resources: Organized Crime
UNODC - Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice - Organized Crime
Welcome to Organized Crime Records
Nathanson Centre Organized Crime Links
Gang Land

In The News

MJF activists clash with police in Rajbiraj; over dozen arrested NepalNews The MFJ took out rallies in inner parts of Rajbiraj Municipality after the police intervention.
House passes two election-related bills
Maoists in two minds over joining interim government
Revoke the ECDC, says Sharma
Is election to Constituent Assembly possible? provision has been made in the directive principle of the interim constitution 2007 that the election will be held by mid June....... only after the elections of the constituent assembly can all other major political and social problems facing the country be solved ..... Congress, the ruling party, has become functionless ...... As the date of the constituent assembly is nearing, threats to the people are also increasing. ..... The election should have been held way back in September/October. Why it was delayed cannot be understood. Are not all eight political parties responsible for that? Even now, captured properties have not been returned. People displaced by the 12-year-long conflict have not been able to return to their homes. Thus, there is no environment of election of the constituent assembly. When no candidate can go to the people and no voter can fearlessly cast his/her vote for the party whom he/she prefers, how can we say that the election of the constituent assembly can be held in its proper time?

UML bitter over NC attitude; Mahara says alliance in difficult spot NepalNews the UML leaders accused the NC of trying to hijack the whole credit of last year's People's Movement. .... While the PM is learnt to have said that his party wants to hold defense, home and finance portfolios, the UML has said it should be given one of those. .... "The alliance has come to a difficult point. We will return to the streets if we cannot go ahead together"
EC preparing necessary directives for holding CA polls the Election Commission (EC) is drafting around two dozen directives. ..... The directives are related to duties of election officers, counting officers and others things.
Parliament passes motion condemning Gaur massacre
Four parties tussle over plum portfolios
Gaur limps back to normalcy; another suspect of Wednesday massacre held
NC-Democratic makes its finances public Nepali Congress (Democratic) became the first party to make its income-expenditure statement public and submit it to the Election Commission. The party has stated that in the fiscal year 2062/63, it earned Rs 8 million and spent Rs 7.6 million. The audited statement says that it received Rs 2.2 million as donations and the rest it earned through levies, membership fees and so on. Other parties are yet to submit their audited financial statement to the EC in accordance with the Political Parties Act.

Nepalese Americas Council
2036 S. Church St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130, USA
NAC Since 1991 Web:

March 25, 2007

For immediate release Dr. Ambika Adhikari:
Mr. Mukesh Singh:
Mr. Sagar Onta:

The Nepalese Americas Council (NAC) is deeply saddened by the Gaur tragedy in Nepal on March 21, 2007 where more than 29 people were killed and many more injured. NAC expresses is deepest condolences to the families of the victims and prays for the peace of the departed souls.

NAC expresses its strong condemnation for these heinous acts of violence. On behalf of all its member organizations, NAC notes with grave concern the continuing violence and loss of lives and properties in Nepal. NAC calls for an immediate and impartial investigation into the Gaur incident and to bring the perpetrators to face the full force of law.

NAC believes it is the primary responsibility of the government to promote democratic practices, protect human lives, preserve human rights, and provide security to every one, including the women, Madhesis, Dalits and Janjatis, so that they can fully exercise their democratic rights. In turn, all citizens have the responsibility to refrain from violence and respect the rule of law. NAC urges Nepal Government to remain vigilant in providing security to all its citizens, in particular, to those who are more vulnerable.

NAC appeals to all the agitating parties to fully commit to democratic ideals and process by completely renouncing violence and embracing peaceful means to advance their political agenda. While strongly supporting the ongoing peace process and the legitimate demands of all the under-represented groups including the Madhesis and Janjatis, NAC implores all the political groups including the CPM (M) and MPRF to join in negotiations with the government to reach a national consensus on critical issues like the future structure of the state, measures to address the demands of marginalized groups, and ways to hold the Constituent Assembly elections on time. NAC calls upon the Nepali Diaspora and Nepal’s friends and well wishers to support the peace process and to denounce any form of violence and injustice.

Dr. Ambika Prasad Adhikari
President, NAC
Phoenix, AZ, USA

Undersigned NAC Member Organizations

America Nepal Friendship Society (ANFS), New York
America Nepal Society (ANS), California
Association of Nepalis in the Americas (ANA)
Association of the Nepalese in the Midwest America (ANMA)
Association of Nepali Terain in America (ANTA)
Florida Nepalese Association (FNA)
Friends of Nepal – Los Angles (FON-LA), CA
Greater Boston Nepali Community ( GBNC), Boston
International Nepali Literary Society (INLS)
Kaligandaki Friendship Society (KFC), Washington, D.C.
Liberal Democracy Nepal (LDN)
Nepalese Association in South East America (NASeA)
Nepa Pasha Pucha Amerikaye (NPPA)
Nepal Cultural Society of B.C. (NCSBC)
Nepal Seattle Society (NSS)
Nepal Community Network of Canada (NCNC)
Nepal Center of North Carolina (NCNA)
Nepalese Society of Texas ( NST), Dallas
Nepalese Association of Houston (NAH, Houston)
Nepali American Public Affairs Council (NAPAC)
Nepalis and Friends Association (NAFA), Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada
Nepali Youth Organization (NYO), Washington, D.C.
Nepali Women's Global Network (NWGN)
Rocky Mountain Friends of Nepal, (RMFN) Denver
Society of Ex-Budhanilkantha Students - North America (SEBS-NA)
27 March22:33Nepal (
34.27 March22:45Infocom Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
35.27 March22:53Infocom Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
36.27 March22:56Infocom Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
27 March23:05Nepal (
40.27 March23:19Infocom Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
41.27 March23:21Infocom Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
42.27 March23:22Infocom Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
28 March00:31Nepal (