Showing posts with label bhutan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bhutan. Show all posts

Thursday, August 05, 2021

आँशु: भीम रावल को प्रसारण लाइन, राणा प्रधान मंत्री को स्कुल कॉलेज

नेपाल मा प्रति व्यक्ति आय १,००० डॉलर छ। त्यस लाई ह्वात्त ५,००० पुर्याउने एउटा राम्रो तरिका छ, छिमेकी भुटान मा भएको पनि १० वर्ष जति अगाडि। एउटा ठुलो जलविद्युत आयोजना को निर्माण गरेर बिजुली भारत निर्यात गर्ने। तर त्यस का लागि त प्रसारण लाइन चाहिन्छ। होइन भने निर्यात कसरी गर्ने? त्यही प्रसारण लाइन एमसीसी ले अनुदान मा बनाइदिन्छु भन्दैछ। 

तर प्रति व्यक्ति आय ५,००० डॉलर पुग्नु ठुलो समस्या हो। भीम रावल हरु मार्का कम्युनिस्ट हरु का लागि। गरीबी समाप्त हुन्छ। बंद जमेको पोखरी बग्न थाल्यो भने लाम्खुट्टे हरु कहाँ बस्ने? गरीब छन र न कम्युनिस्ट छन। गरीब नै छैनन भने कम्युनिस्ट हरु कहाँ गएर आगो ताप्ने? 

यस पृथ्वी मा भीम रावल छ भन्ने कुरा चीन लाई थाहा छ जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन। तर भीम रावल लाई लागिरहेको छ उत्तर तिर चीन को ग्रेट वाल ग्रेट वाल, दक्षिण तिर चीन को ग्रेट वाल भीम रावल। यस्तो पनि हो? 

दरबार हाई स्कुल हो कि त्रिचन्द्र कॉलेज हो, बिभिन्न प्रेसर परेर राणा प्रधान मंत्री ले बनाउन त बनाए, उदघाटन गर्न पनि पुगे, तर उदघाटन गरे पछि घवां घवां रुन थाले। अब जनता का छोरा ले पढ्ने भए, बुद्धि पलाउने भयो, राणा शासन समाप्त हुने भो भनेर। 

यो प्रसारण लाइन बन्यो भने नेपाल मा गरीबी समाप्त हुन्छ र कम्युनिस्ट हरु का लागि मुख लुकाउने ठाउँ पनि बाँकी रहँदैन भन्ने चिन्ता हो भीम रावल को। यस्तो पनि? 

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

चार देशमा बायोमेट्रिक आईडि

१० बर्ष भित्र आर्थिक एकीकरण गर्ने निर्णय गरेका चार देश नेपाल, भारत, भुटान, बंगलादेश ले आफ्नो भूभाग का सबै मानिसको चार देशमा बायोमेट्रिक आईडि बनाउने तर्फ सोँच्नु पर्छ। अनि बॉर्डर क्रासिंग, एयरपोर्ट, रेल स्टेशन, बस स्टेशन जस्ता प्रमुख ठाउँ मा स्मार्ट सीसा मा ल्याप्चे लगाए जस्तो छुने गर्न सकिन्छ।  औंठा मा एंटीसेप्टिक ले साफ गर्दै ठयाप्प। अनि एउटा सेंट्रल डाटाबेस मा त्यो अंकित हुन्छ। यसले लॉ एंड आर्डर मेन्टेन गर्न मदत गर्छ नै। आर्थिक गतिविधि मा पनि मदत पुग्छ। बैंकिंग सेवा लाई गरीब से गरीब सम्म पुर्याउन सकिन्छ। बायोमेट्रिक आईडि का आधारमा मानिस हरुको क्रेडिट हिस्ट्री बन्छ। लोन लिन पाउने हुन्छ। सान्तिनो बिजनेस व्यापार गर्न पायो। बायोमेट्रिक आईडि का आधारमा बैंक खाता नभएकाले बैंक खाता खोल्न पायो। भौतिक पूर्वाधार नै नचाहिने नभएको बैंक हरु खुल्छन्। सस्तो स्मार्टफोन मा बायोमेट्रिक आईडि को आधारमा सर्विस दिने खाल का एप्प हरु बनलान। चार देशका सुरक्षा निकाय हरुले एक अर्का सँग सहकार्य गर्न सजिलो हुने हुन्छ। बायोमेट्रिक आईडि ले ecommerce फस्टाउने हुन्छ। कुना कुनामा ecommerce पुग्छ। बायोमेट्रिक आईडि ले निष्पक्ष इलेक्ट्रॉनिक चुनाव गर्न पनि मिल्छ। आफ्नो औंठा त अरुले बोकेर हिड्ने कुरा आउँदैन। चुनाव को नतिजा तुरुन्त आइपुग्छ। चार देशका नागरिकले एक ले अर्का को देशमा वोट चाहिँ खसाल्न पाएन अरु सब पायो। हुन त आर्थिक एकीकरण पछि जसले पनि गर्ने भनेको राजनीतिक एकीकरण नै हो। बायोमेट्रिक आईडि फेरि नागरिकता जस्तो होइन कि कानुन विधि पुर्याउनु पर्ने। सिंपल। बायोमेट्रिक आईडि ले चार देशमा रहेको statelessness को समस्या पनि कंट्रोल गर्न मदत गर्छ। जुन कि अति ठुलो समस्या हो र मानव अधिकार को हनन हो। जुन देशमा व्यापक statelessness छ त्यो लोकतान्त्रिक देश नै होइन।

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

४३ लाख नागरिकता पत्र वंचित मधेसी

४३ लाख नागरिकता पत्र वंचित मधेसी लाई बटुलेर मात्र एउटा देश बनाउन मिल्छ। न तिनी सँग भारत को नागरिकता छ न तिनी सँग नेपाल को नागरिकता छ, न भुटान को, न सिंगापुर न त स्विट्ज़रलैंड। "नेपाली मुल" का हरु शरणार्थी हुन भुटान बाट भारत हुँदै नेपाल आउनुपर्ने। मधेसी हरु लाई कतै जानै नपर्ने। आफु बसेको ठाउँमा बस्दा बस्दै शरणार्थी भइ जाने।

"नेपाली मुल" का भुटानी शरणार्थी ले शरणार्थी स्टेटस पाउने, मधेसी शरणार्थी ले त त्यो पनि नपाउने। त्यहाँ पनि विभेद।

Saturday, January 31, 2015

भुटानमा तराई छैन त

भुटानको दक्षिणमा रहेको समथर भाग भारतमा छ। पृथ्वी नारायण शाहले उसको गोरखा राज्य विस्तारको क्रममा काठमाण्डुका मल्लहरुमाथि पटक पटक आक्रमण गर्यो तर मधेसमाथि आक्रमण गर्ने दुस्साहस कहिले गरेन। १८१६ र १८६० मा ब्रिटिशले जुन बदमाशी गर्यो त्यो नगरेको भए नेपालको तराई भारत देशको अंग हुन्थ्यो। हामी भारतीय होइनौं हामी भारतीय होइनौं भन्ने मधेसीहरु देखेर मलाई वाक्क लाग्छ। मधेसीहरु नेपाली नागरिक हुन सक्छन तर गिन्ती गरेर एक एक मधेसी भारतीय हुन। फिजीमा पनि छन -- फिजीका नागरिक छन तर गर्वका साथ आफुलाई भारतीय भन्छन।

संस्कृति मिल्छ, भाषा मिल्छ। सब थोक मिल्छ। बेटी रोटी को सम्बन्ध छ। भारतीय मुलको भएर पनि भारतसँग त्यसरी भौगोलिक रुपले टाँसिएर बसे पनि नेपालको मधेसीले आफ्नो अधिकार लिन नसक्नु बड़ो शर्मनाक कुरो हो। जब कि नेपाल एउटा भूपरिवेष्टित होइन भारत-परिवेष्टित देश हो। चीन धेरै टाढा छ। तिब्बत चीनको होइन मधेसको हो। तिब्बत सबैभन्दा प्रख्यात दुई मध्ये एक मधेसी गौतम बुद्धको हो।

केपी ओली र सुशील कोइरालालाई दिल्ली नधाइ भात पचदैन, तर मधेसी नेताहरु तिमीभन्दा बढ़ी नेपाली म भन्ने अनावश्यक होड़बाजीमा लाग्छन्। उपेन्द्र यादव intelligent, एउटा पढ़े लेखेको मान्छे हो। तर कहिले काही मुर्ख गोवार व्यवहार गरिराखेको हुन्छ। दिल्लीबाट मान्छे भेट्न आयो भने उ काठमाण्डु बाट भागेर सुनसरी गएर बस्दिन्छ, भेट्नु नपरोस भनेर। हुटिट्याउँले आकाश थामे जस्तो। उ सुनसरी भागदा देशको सार्वभौमिकता जोगिए जस्तो। मान न मान मैं तेरा मेहमान भने जस्तो। केपी ओलीले स्याबास भनेको छैन त। बरु केपी बाजे मैं भेट्छु भनेर ताक परेर बस्छ, बकुल्ला तलाउ छेउ बसे जस्तो।

दिल्ली दक्षिण एशियाको शक्ति केंद्र हो। त्यो मधेसी पर्वते सबैले बुझ्ने हो। कसैले नबुझ्दैमा त्यो यथार्थ गायब भइ जाने होइन। तपाईंले बुझेन भन्दैमा तपाइँ गुरुत्वाकर्षण को पकड़ बाट उम्कीजाने होइन, नत्र वामे कहिले चन्द्र लोक पुगिसकेको।

भुटानमा तराई छैन त।

नेपाल देशमा हिंदी भाषालाई नेपाली भाषाको बराबरीमा नराखेको संविधान मान्य हुने छैन। आधा जनसंख्याको सम्पर्क भाषाको सवाल छ। पुरा जनसंख्याको शिक्षाको सवाल छ। भारतीय अर्थतन्त्रको महत्वको सवाल छ। भारतको ग्लोबल सुपरपावर बन्ने महत्वाकांक्षाको सवाल छ।

सीके राउत सँग मेरो कुरा मिल्दैन त। सीके राउतलाई मधेस अलग देश चाहिएको, मलाई काठमाण्डुमाथि मधेसीको शासन चाहिएको।

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Upper Karnali Deal

This news story has been covered by some major newspapers in Britain and India, but noone is saying Nepal got cheated. What's going on Comrade Narayan Kaji?

Nepal launches hydropower growth plan with $1.4bn deal
the biggest foreign investment deal in its history to build a $1.4bn project on the upper Karnali River...... Investment Board Nepal signed the agreement with Indian infrastructure group GMR for the 900-megawatt dam and tunnel system, which is expected to be the first of at least four such big projects exporting electricity to India as well as helping to end local power shortages. ....... Nepal’s hydropower potential is estimated to be about 80,000MW, of which only 700MW has been exploited. The country is one of the world’s poorest and suffers from long power cuts and a lack of exports, relying instead on remittance income from workers abroad and on tourism. Firewood accounts for three-quarters of the energy consumed ...... “It’s a major change for Nepal in that it’s actually opening up this hydropower on a large scale,” said Peter Young of Adam Smith International, which is advising the Nepalese government and financed by British aid. “It should transform the government’s financial position as well as dealing with the electricity shortage.” ......... Under the “build, own, operate and transfer” contract, the plant’s builders will give Nepal a 27 per cent free equity share in the project and provide Nepal with 12 per cent of the electricity output, also for free, before transferring the project to Nepal at the end of the 25-year operating-life concession. Construction of the project is due to be completed by 2021. ...... The projected total benefits to Nepal of the first four big hydropower plants reach about $17bn – close to the country’s annual gross domestic product – and include royalties, free energy, tax income, dividends, import duty and the value of the projects to be transferred. ...... , the four projects are worth $6.5bn-$8.7bn. “This is an important breakthrough for the country – that it’s finally managed to exploit its hydropower” ..... Bhutan, again with Indian help and with India as a market, has taken a lead over Nepal in hydropower plants, with 1,500MW of capacity already completed. The country plans to increase capacity to 10,000MW within six years

Sunday, August 03, 2014

"Nepal can become a developed nation by supplying power to India."

English: Image of Narendra Modi at the World E...
English: Image of Narendra Modi at the World Economic Forum in India (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Nepal can become a developed nation by supplying power to India."
- Narendra Modi

The government of India formally claims it has better relations with Nepal than any other country in the world. It is also true that India-Nepal have a deeper relationship than any two neighboring countries in the world, US and Canada included.

But recently as soon as news surfaced that India was trying to enter into a power trade agreement with Nepal a lot of leaders and commoners in Nepal gave a knee-jerk reaction. There was deep suspicion and mistrust. India was accused of all sorts of wrong motivations.

Where does that come from? It is very important to get to the bottom of it. Because therein lies the key to ending poverty in Nepal.

I think that parody of false nationalism is everything to do with the fundamental incompetence of the leaders of Nepal, be they political or in the bureaucracy.

When a government sends you a draft proposal, the right thing to do is to take it through wide debate and consultation among the elected leaders of the country. The parliament would have been a good place. But to date the letter of the agreement has not been made public yet, not to my knowledge. So what were the false nationalists reacting to? Nothing they had read.

You do homework months in advance to make concrete gains in a Prime Minister level meeting. You make counter proposals to any proposals. You negotiate.

India renegotiated its 1950 like treaty with Bhutan. I am sure it would be willing to do the same with Nepal. Is the 1950 treaty an issue? But not even the Maoists brought that up with India when they were in power. And they waged a decade long civil war on that (and other) issue.

Nepal is not a landlocked country. It is an India locked country.

Just like blaming India for their own incompetence and inadequacies is a staple among many Nepali politicians, the anti-Madhesi prejudice and hatred and systemic marginalization falls in the same category.
India allays Nepal’s fears over hydel proposal
the proposal was a draft for discussion “and would require bilateral negotiations prior to finalisation.” Both sides are free to propose amendments or modifications to the draft ..... Mohan Baidya said that news reports about an export-oriented PDA (power development agreement) with India, “instead of scrapping the already existing unequal treaties on Koshi, Gandak, Mahakali, Upper Karnali, Arun III, High Koshi Dam and Upper Marsyangdi, has come as a shock to all patriotic Nepalese people.” ...... The controversy over the draft has been brewing for several days now. Both the ruling and the opposition parties have come together to oppose it.
A new beginning with Nepal
No two neighbouring countries enjoy a more intimate and a more complex relationship than India and Nepal. India is where Nepalis come to study, work, spend holidays, plan weddings, invest in a second home; yet, India is also blamed for being insensitive, for meddling in Nepal’s internal affairs and often, for taking Nepal for granted. ...... accumulated cobwebs of mistrust ..... the 1950 India-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship. Most Nepalis are unaware that it was Nepal that had wanted this treaty, in order to maintain the special ties with independent India that it had with British India. Nepal’s security concerns had been heightened by the Communist revolution in China and its takeover of Tibet. The treaty provides for an open border between the two countries and allows Nepali nationals to work in India without a work permit, to apply for government jobs and the civil services (except for the IFS, IAS, and IPS), to open bank accounts and buy property. Incidentally, India had waived its rights under reciprocity as a sign of goodwill. The provisions of the “secret” side letters to the Treaty, which required Nepal to consult India on its defence requirements, which Nepalis perceive as unfair and which are often used by politicians to whip up anti-India sentiment, are no longer secret or even observed. ...... Today, the open border is used by Pakistan to infiltrate terrorists and pump in significant amounts of fake Indian currency. Although India has agreed to review and update the treaty, every time the matter is taken up, Nepal sidesteps the issue. ......... accumulated resentment over the 1954 Kosi Agreement and the 1959 Gandak Agreement, cited by successive Nepali regimes as unfair, has rendered progress on hydel cooperation impossible. Three mega-projects — Saptakosi with 5,000MW, Karnali-Chisapani with 11,000MW, and Pancheshwar with 6,500MW — have been languishing for 30 years. When the hydel sector in Nepal was opened up to the private sector, Indian companies (including Tata Power, LANCO, GMR, Jindal, IL&FS, L&T, and GENCO) won 27 survey licences for projects ranging from 100 to 1,000 MW each, but not a single one is even close to beginning construction. ........... help unlock Nepal’s hydel potential, making it one of the richest countries of the region ..... Two-thirds of Nepal’s foreign trade is with India which also accounts for half of Nepal’s foreign direct investment. The Nepali currency is pegged to the Indian rupee. Over the years, India has built highways, optical fibre links, medical colleges, trauma centres, polytechnics, schools, health centres, bridges, etc. For flood protection and embankment construction in Nepal, India provides more than Rs.75 crore annually. To facilitate the movement of goods and people, India is providing Rs.270 crore to build four integrated check posts on the border, Rs.650 crore for extending two railway links out of the five proposed, and Rs.700 crore for the first phase of rebuilding old postal roads in the Terai region. In addition, there is a second EXIM Bank Line of Credit for $250 million available and another $125 million for the power transmission line upgrades. About Rs.1,300 crore is disbursed annually to the 1.25 lakh Indian Army pensioners in addition to other welfare schemes. The provision of iodised salt, conducting cataract and trachoma camps, gifting of ambulances and school buses in the remotest of Nepali villages are initiatives that have made a difference to life in rural Nepal. ........ some Indian political leaders would push for supporting the Madhesis who enjoy a close kinship with Indians in north Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. ..... Nepali leaders publicly adopted anti-India postures — an approach started by the Palace in the 1950s and adopted particularly by the Left parties as a means of demonstrating “nationalist credentials.”
Nepal hopes for deal on power trade
The three-member panel consisting of Nepal’s Finance Minister Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat, Mr Bhim Rawal of the CPN-UML and Mr Narayan Kaji Shrestha of the UCPN (Maoist) had prepared a draft of the power trade agreement (PTA) for the two governments’ consideration. They had suggested that two countries come to an agreement only on power trade and its transmission. However, an Indian draft that suggested an integrated approach to Nepal’s power development – including hydropower and other forms of renewable energy – was heavily criticised here, forcing Indian Embassy to issue a clarification.
Modi meets Koirala, three agreements signed
A new template for India-Nepal ties
Indians and Nepalese share a common culture and terrain south of the Himalaya. Bound by languages and religions, marriage and mythology, the links of their civilisational contacts run through Lumbini to Bodh Gaya, Pashupatinath to Kashi Vishwanath, and Muktinath to Tirupati. At the people-to-people level, relations between India and Nepal are closer and more multifaceted than between India and any other country. Many partisans of Nepalese democracy also fought for India’s freedom, for which they were jailed by the British, including Matrika Koirala, B.P. Koirala, and Man Mohan Adhikari, who became Prime Ministers of Nepal........ Many Indians believe independent India never had foreign combat troops deployed on its soil. Nepalese troops were the exception. Aside from those recruited to India’s Gurkha Regiment, an outsized Nepalese Army brigade drawn from all its 18 regiments was loaned to India in 1948-49, when Indian troops were deployed in Kashmir and for the integration of Indian States. The commanding officer of this force, General Sharda Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana, was the son of the then Prime Minister of Nepal, Maharaja Mohan Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana. Yuvraj Karan Singh’s marriage to Yasho Rajya Lakshmi, Sharda Shamsher’s daughter, was arranged during the General’s stay in India. ..... In spite of per capita income levels declining towards close to half of India’s average, Nepal has done better than India on several Millennium Development Goals (MDG), including infant mortality, maternal health, child malnutrition and poverty reduction rates.... Having developed the confidence over the past decade to be able to work with any democratic electoral outcome in Nepal, India has kept the day-to-day bilateral institutional mechanisms in play. ..... These include defence cooperation and supplies, trade access and transit facilitation, river protection works, augmentation of electricity supply during the lean season, Exim bank credit for the infrastructure sector, and development projects, including construction of Terai roads, integrated check points at important border crossings and cross-border rail links. Many of these need a strong push from the two governments to speed their implementation. There exists excellent two-way cooperation between the respective security agencies to deal with difficult cross-border issues such as terrorism, smuggling (including of fake Indian currency notes), and trafficking. ..... India has been ready to receive Nepalese proposals to revise the antiquated 1950 Treaty of Peace and Friendship — unequal principally because of the one-way privileges it accords to Nepalese nationals living and working in India. Other tasks include resumption of the Boundary Working Group, signing of the finalised strip maps, and signature or ratification of a host of treaties and letters of exchange ranging from extradition and mutual legal assistance to transit, railways and communications. ........ About a fifth of Nepal’s 28 million resident population lives and works in India. The open border is a “safety-valve” for Nepal. ......... Mr. Modi would do well to propose easing remittances and exchanging currencies, reducing telephone calling costs (calls from India and Nepal to Europe or the U.S. cost less than between the two neighbours), expanding educational opportunities, ensuring more dignified border crossings, increasing cross-border social and cultural linkages, improving road and rail transportation links, relaxing rules for border trade for private consumption, better managing the Das Gaja land at unmonitored border crossing points, and improving coordination between the respective border district officials for prompt resolution of local issues. ....... The big idea on the table is for Nepal to simply tap power from the enormous body of waters that flow into the Bay of Bengal. Hydropower generation in Nepal is, unbelievably, less than half per cent of what can be produced. Nepal can become, by far, the richest country of the subcontinent, on condition that it harnesses this resource. There is recognition in Nepal today that this can transform the social and fiscal dynamics of Nepal by its employment, energy and revenue generation potential. ....... If Nepal awarded production licensing for the development of over 8,000 MW of electricity offered eight years ago to independent power producers on the basis of competitive international bidding — most of them run-of-the-river projects avoiding large-scale inundation, displacement, compensation issues and ecological surprises — at the current rate of investment of $2 million/MW, the foreign direct investment (FDI) could be a staggering $16 billion. Compare this to the $350 million actual inflow of FDI into Nepal over the last 23 years. The free power for Nepal, at a conservative rate of 12 per cent just from these projects, will be more than Nepal’s total current production, besides free equity, royalties and taxes that will flow to its exchequer. If half of Nepal’s hydro potential was to be harnessed, annual revenues could top $40 billion, over $100 million a day. Mr. Ranganathan said that in 20 years’ time his successor would have to visit Kathmandu to raise capital for the bank and not go to New York or London for it. ......... Other big ideas include Indian partnership in cooperative watershed and environment management for the protection of the Himalayan ecosystem, including soil conservation, re-forestation, and more rational land use for horticulture and bio-agriculture. On connectivity and infrastructure, India could build a road bridge over the Mahakali, extend Eximbank loans and provide viability gap funding for the Kathmandu-Terai Fast Track road, the international airport at Nijgadh and new cross-border power grids. When the hydropower revenues kick in, Nepal could build an East-West railway (prospected by RITES), along the present alignment of the highway built by India. It could become economically viable the moment it is connected to Kathgodam in the west and Siliguri in the east, significantly shortening the route from north to north-east India.
Will Modi's Nepal visit mark a change in India's water policy?
Controversies surrounding past treaties and deep-seated suspicions have held hostage mega-projects planned on Nepalese rivers that contribute up to 70% of water to India's Ganges during dry season. ...... In the latest reflection of mistrust, Nepalese politics remains heated following a controversy over a hydropower development agreement recently proposed by Delhi. Nepali politicians from both ruling and opposition parties claimed that the proposal was aimed at securing India's monopoly over Nepal's water resources, an allegation India has dismissed....... Delhi also clarified that Kathmandu was free to amend and modify the proposed document. ...... "India-Nepal relations are constantly being upset by insensitivity and blundering on the part of India and hypersensitivity and proneness to misunderstanding on the part of Nepal," former Indian water resources secretary Ramaswami Iyer wrote in the Indian Express newspaper following the latest controversy. ..... five of the 20 most water-stressed cities in the world are in India and the capital, Delhi, is second on the list...... Satellite images have shown that India's underground water tables have depleted to dangerously low levels.
India's Modi offers Nepal $1 billion loan in regional diplomacy push
Modi is on a two-day visit to Kathmandu to help speed up negotiations on a power trade pact that is at the centre of his new diplomatic drive. ..... Nepal's politicians are at odds over the proposed energy pact. Opponents say it would give Indian firms a stranglehold over Nepal's energy resources and bar other countries, like China, from investment in the sector. Modi sought to allay those concerns.
PM Narendra Modi in Kathmandu: India wants a powerful Nepal
Earlier, India had provided USD 250 million line of credit to Nepal through the Exim Bank of India. ..... Modi said India has won no war without the sacrifices by Nepalese soldiers. "I salute those brave hearts who laid their lives for India," he said...... Invoking Sam Manekshaw, the first Field Marshal in the Indian army, Modi said, "Any soldier who says I am not afraid of death would either be lying or is a Gurkha."
Modi pledges $1 billion concessional line of credit to Nepal
The concessional loan will be extended to Nepal through Indian Export Import Bank.
What Modi had for meal today in Kathmandu?
Nepal accords grand welcome to Modi (Photo feature)
Modi mesmerizes Nepal with eloquent speech (with video)
Maze of mistrust
At least since the Treaty of Sugauli between the-then East India Company and the King of Nepal in 1814-1816, suspicion of each other’s intention has remained the fundamental feature of Indo-Nepal relation. All subsequent treaties, exchanges of letters, memoranda of understanding or official transactions have centered around Nepal’s obsession with its sovereignty and the perception in India that unbridled independence of neighboring countries run the risk of becoming security threats. Sasastra Seema Bal (SSB) is a paramilitary agency tasked with patrolling Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan border. This year, New Delhi reportedly hiked its budget to over three thousand crore in Indian Rupees. Since New Delhi has almost no faith in the PEON’s ability to safeguard its security interests, it operates its independent network of informers, intelligence agencies and sundry other operatives. ..... Without planned and massive interventions upstream in Nepal in natural drainages that contribute over two-third of its flow, Premier Modi’s much-touted Mission Ganga has little future. Unfortunately, Himalayas are young; Mahabharata Ranges soft; and the Shivaliks mere protrusions of gravel. Rivers that flow through these unstable terrains are unpredictable at best. ....... In the early-eighties, professors of river engineering in universities of North India often distributed cyclostyled research sheets in lieu of textbooks. Western publications on the subject were considered to be completely unsuitable for unique nature of Himalayan streams. If global funding agencies and engineering corporations haven’t rushed to exploit Nepal’s supposed hydropower potentials, there must be some reasons behind their hesitation. Unlike commercial calculations behind prospecting for petroleum, investment in hydropower requires arrangements of political economy that only the State can guarantee. Premier Modi may think that India can’t wait forever for Kathmandu to make up its mind. Politicos afraid of PDA, PTA, and PPA will soon discover that these alphabet soups are made of carrots. Sticks remain hidden. But Modi is not too well known for exercising restrain in using instruments of coercion. Such fears seem to have made vested interests of hydro-politics even more panicky. ....... The border issue between Nepal and India has been dominated by the worldview of cartographers for far too long. Largely determined by the victors of a war—the East India Company—two centuries ago, boundary along Nepal-India land border resembles zigzag teeth of a rusted saw that cuts through families, cultures, natural habitats and inseparable economies. Plans of ‘regulating’ such a line are fraught with risks of unintended consequences on both sides of the international border. Level of trust, however, is so low that the proposal has begun to get traction in capital cities of both countries. ........ The Nehru Creed and the Indira Doctrine gave continuity to the imperial outlook of British India, which wanted to have the final say in the internal affairs of Nepal. In the name of advancing its security interests, New Delhi never refrained from micromanaging political economy of Nepal. It has created a mindset in Kathmandu that nothing can happen in this country without New Delhi’s nod. ..... When others are seen to be determinants of one’s destiny, three kinds of responses usually surface. ...... A large section of Nepali population has become indifferent. Forced by circumstances to survive in a very challenging situation, they become Jit Bahadur of Gujarat, Teriya Magar in Mumbai or struggle as ‘nearly Indian’ workers in the Subcontinent, the West Asia or Malaysia. This cohort will like India and Nepal to get even closer, but they have little or no say in the political economy of their own country.......There is a group active in administration, businesses, professions, politics and religion that considers complete submission to Indian hegemony as the best method of securing its personal and family interests. Since their stakes are purely personal, they probably do more harm than good........ The most vocal, and probably also most dangerous, are relics of the Cold War era in Kathmandu that continuously spin cobwebs of ultra-nationalism in the mistaken belief that the net will stop the sky from falling over their heads. Administrators and accountants masquerading as hydropower experts; cartographers pretending to be professionals of political boundaries; journalists in the guise of geo-strategic thinkers; consultants and NGO-entrepreneurs wearing hats of environment and humanitarian activists; brokers and dealmakers posing as creators of wealth—almost everyone in the motley crowd of self-declared nationalists deserve separate adjective. Though diminishing, they still have enough clout to sabotage any deal between India and Nepal. ...... Until the silent majority begins to assert, the opportunists lose their influence, or the pretenders have been made irrelevant, no compromise reached between India and Nepal—irrespective of the merit of the deal—will remain uncontroversial. Premier Modi’s visit has given Singh Durbar a unique opportunity to clear cobweb off its ramparts. It will take a little longer to remove meshes of the mind. But when relationships are as intimate as between India and Nepal, it’s best not to rush anything and make haste slowly.
In the past, when Buddha Air, a prominent Nepali carrier, tried to link Pokhara and Lucknow directly, the Indian side strangely declined to provide the necessary consent on the requested additional entry-exit point west of Bhairahawa. The plan had to be scrapped. The proposed Pokhara-Lucknow flight would have been of a 30-minute duration for an ATR-42 aircraft, had a direct routing (as the crow flies) been provided, but the Indian side’s insistence on following the existing airway scuttled the plans as the additional distance that needed to be traversed undermined its financial viability. ...... There is tacit understanding in Nepali aviation circles that this “airway stalemate” invariably has to do with the all-pervading influence of the Indian defense establishment. The Indian Air Force, which is the de-facto owner of the entire Indian air space, and its generals have simply remained unmindful of Nepali side’s repeated concerns to break out of its southward “air-locked”-ness and in all likelihood have been exerting pressure on its civil aviation agencies to turn a Nelson’s eye towards Nepal’s concerns. Agreed, every nation is free to tend to its national security interests in a manner it deems best but this cannot be an alibi to encroach on a sovereign neighboring country’s interest, like those pertaining to matters of civil aviation. Else, the very idea of international cooperation, as envisaged under the aegis of the international convention on civil aviation, stands utterly undermined. ...... With limited available avenues for augmenting its revenue in a sustainable manner, until large scale export of hydropower materializes in the distant future, Nepal could supplement its coffers by opening up its airspace for over-flights to dig into the proverbial pie of ever-increasing east-west air traffic along the Indian subcontinent corridor—i.e., open a parallel airway to those existing over India that connect south-east Asia to Europe. For this too, India’s willingness to designate the necessary entry and exit points, whether existing or additional ones, is essential.
Mending ties
Can this visit truly transform Nepal-India relations making it a model of inter-state relations in the 21st century? ..... Nepal-India ties cut across all aspects of state-to-state and people-to-people interactions. The people-to-people relation is such that “if one side bleeds the other feels the pain”. For instance, 5,000 Nepalis died in the Uttarakhand floods two years ago. That is why as some politicians were protesting the visit of the Indian Ambassador in one part of Nepal, people from the two sides of the border were exchanging flowers in another part to ensure that politicians do not further enlarge the chasm. The people-to-people side to our relations will continue irrespective of what politicians do. This is the strength of our relation and politicians and diplomats should learn from it........ Small events are blown out of proportions with slogans of “national independence” in Nepal or “insensitivity to Indian interests” in India. ..... unnecessary politicization of relations with India poisons the environment on the Nepali side. Indian elites recognize Nepalis as porters, security guards and Maoists. Nepal reels under protracted political transition, instability and stagnation. This is bad for both. ...... With creative thinking the rivers, roads, dams and the open border could produce mega-models of mutual cooperation. ..... Contrary to their perception as ‘anti-Indians’ Nepalis know very well that India is the only foreign country where they can travel freely, get refuge when they get persecuted and land decent jobs. Indians too have tremendous goodwill for their Nepali brothers and sisters. But Indo-Nepal relations suffer from the mindset that is unable to comprehend the vitality, complexity and sensitivity of our relations. To transform this relation the political and foreign policy elites need to be guided by popular aspirations and tremendous potential in harnessing the unalterable closeness of geography and time-honored history of mutual benefit.
The Gentleman from South
The man from south with a white beard should be given credit for not only becoming the most sought after politician of his time but also a fashion icon! ..... Personally too if we look within the country many Nepalis have had higher education in India and most come back to be involved in the development activities here as opposed to those who head towards the West for higher education. ..... The most important gift that Modi can bring is education for aspiring youth of Nepal at the same cost that Indians pay in their universities. We studied that way, but for our children’s education we need to pay in dollars as international students! Why is this so? Where have the long-lasting relation and the provision in the 1950 treaty gone? The other gift that Modi should bring is the answer to the question on why Nepal’s economy is sliding day by day whereas India’s is booming? Since 1950 India has had “friendly” economic ties with Nepal but India has reaped most of the border benefits.
Let's prosper together
She clarified that Nepal is ‘top priority’ for her government. ..... Modi is a role model for ‘development and good governance’ in India. His development formula of 5T—trade, technology, tourism, talent and tradition—was instrumental in his success in recent Indian elections. His friendly relation with China is a reflection of India’s willingness to put economy first, apart from its ‘neighbor first’ diplomacy...... Nepal too has a development formula comprising 5H—Himalayas, hydro-power, herbal, heritage and human resources. ...... Exemplary relationship with India is of importance as Nepal shares 1,800-km-long open border; six million Nepalis are working in India; all our big rivers cross into Indian territory; and we have a whopping trade deficit. Nepal is moving towards economic prosperity for which peace and stability are preconditions. Nepal wants to upgrade its status to a ‘developing country’ by 2022. It is high-time for Nepal to seek economic and development partnership with India. Efforts should be made by Nepali and Indian leaders to build trust and confidence and open up new development prospects for mutual benefit.
Nepali leaders praise Modi's speech in parliament
We are looking for investment not charity
Anyone who does not understand from history is bound to repeat it, goes the famous line. We have been repeating the history for the last 65 years. ..... Unless we undertake mega projects of national interest on the basis of broader consensus, we are bound to fail.
Biz community expecting a lot from Modi visit
I have a clear viewpoint on the issue. If you are hungry, you eat whatever you get. Our total energy demand is around 3,000 MW. Up to that mark, we should not set any conditions. After that, we can renegotiate with India. We should sign PTA with India without further delay.

Monday, May 28, 2007

2007: The Year Of The Revolution In Bhutan

Refugees plan 'Long March' to their homeland Bhutanese refugees are planning to go on a "Long March" from Monday. ..... On the first day, 15,000 refugees – out of 106,000 – of all the seven camps will be heading towards Bhutan by crossing the Mechi bridge into India . ..... at the call of National Front for Democracy (NFD-Bhutan) ..... The local eight party leaders have decided to help the refugees by accompanying them up to the mid-point of the bridge – which separates Nepal and India. Likewise, representatives of Indian MPs and civil society will receive them at that point. The refugees plan to enter Phuntsoling town of Bhutan by walking across Jayagaon of India. ....... Balram Poudel, vice president of NFD, they are planning to make the agitation decisive ...... Indian security forces are learnt to have stepped up security in the border area and has deployed security personnel on high alert
Bravo Moriarty
Moriarty Should Take His Offer Directly To The Bhutani Refugees
Tek Nath Rizal And The Bhutani Hostage Crisis
Solve The Bhutani Refugee Crisis: Send Them West

It is high time all democratic political parties in South Asia expressed solidarity to the democracy movement in Bhutan. Looks like the Bhutani refugees are finally getting to take the lead. The solution will not come out of government level talks between Nepal and Bhutan. The regime in Bhutan is fundamentally opposed to justice and democracy. A regime that engaged in ethnic cleansing is not a regime that can be trusted.

I don't think the Indian security forces have the option to stop the refugees. The refugees, on their part, have to be ready for the eventuality, and should cross the border in human wave after human wave.

Local Indian democrats must chip in and help to the fullest.

2007 should become the year when Bhutan becomes a democratic republic. Jingme has to be ousted.

Nepal received Indian help for its democracy. Now is payback time. We have to help the Bhutanis in all ways possible. All moral and logistical help has to be provided.

This movement has to be fought the smart way. Base stations have to be established in all Indian towns by the Bhutani border. Logistical help goes a long way.

2006: Nepal
2007: Bhutan

On to a democratic republic in Bhutan.

In The News

Eight-party meet inconclusive NepalNews on the CA polls date and the issue of republic ..... the Nepali Congress, NC (Democratic) and Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandi Devi) failed to put clear views on those issues. ....... the election date, electoral system and the deadlock in the interim parliament ..... differences grew on the UML’s proposal for proportional voting system. ...... separate meetings of the central working committees of the NC and the NC (D) today decided to go for mixed electoral system
UML for proportional voting system; NC, NC (D) stick to mixed system mixed voting system is the best system for representing the interests of different sections. ..... The NC also suggested the Nepali month of Mangsir (November-December) as the best time for CA polls.
Maoists, NC-D cadres clash leaves 13 injured, 2 critical At least 13 persons were injured, 2 seriously when Maoists and Nepali Congress (Democratic) activists engaged in a scuffle in Simikot, the headquarters of Humla district, Sunday following an argument in an all party meeting participated by representatives of the Maoist party and civil society, among others. ..... Maoists resorted to violence and pelted stones at the venue while the talks was in progress
MJF's report gives party clean chit in Gaur incident the March 21 Gaur incident has pointed out that the Maoist aligned Madhesi National Liberation Front (MNLF) and local administration were to blame for the carnage that took place, giving the MJF a clean sheet .... denies there were any incident of rape and that the weapons used during the incident had ‘no sharp edges’ ..... chaired by former Supreme Court judge Baliram Kunwar Singh and comprised of two other members -- Surendra Mishra and Lal Babu Yadav. ....... “An MJF programme was in full swing when cadres of the MNLF detonated bombs, explosives, and fired shots creating havoc among the programme participants. It was difficult to point out who killed whom in such a stampede,” the reports said and added “as the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (Jwala Singh) and the Terai Cobra have already claimed responsibility for the incident, it is clear that the MJF is not guilty.”
Maoists storm RPP gathering in Parbat suddenly 50 -60 YCL cadres barged into the hotel room and started thrashing us

MJF ready to negotiate if charges are dropped against its cadres NepalNews Welcoming the decision of the cabinet to form a judicial commission to probe alleged atrocities committed during Madhes agitation, president of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) Upendra Yadav has said that he is ready to negotiate with the government if charges against MJF workers and leaders are dropped and their security guaranteed. ...... He made these remarks at Jaleshwore of Mahottari district on Saturday. ..... Yadav also accused the government of floating Chure Bhawar Ekata Samaj – which has demanded separate Chure Bhawar region within Madhes – to counter it.
Police nab three Maoist activists
YCL washes off its hand from stoning incident
Cabinet forms commission to investigate terai unrest
Interaction on the Fuel Supply

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Bravo Moriarty

US starts Bhutan refugees resettlement process Kantipur KATHMANDU, March 7 - With a proposal to set up an overseas processing entity (OPE) here, the United States has finally begun the formal process of resettling over 60,000 Bhutanese refugees in the US over the next five years. ..... the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration floated a request February 13 for grant proposals to establish the OPE in Kathmandu. The OPE is expected to begin setting up operations on July 1. .... According to the embassy official, Nepal has already given the green light to the U.S. government to begin planning for a resettlement program based on the assumption that third-country resettlement will be an integral component of a comprehensive solution for the Bhutanese refugees. Over 100,000 Bhutanese refugees have been languishing in seven camps in eastern Nepal for the last 15 years. ...... The embassy official also dropped hints that setting up the OPE will be useful for repatriating other refugees living in Nepal, mainly Tibetans. "Even though the OPE is being set up for the Bhutanese refugees, it could be used to help process other refugees, if cases so warrant," said the official. Around 25,000 Tibetan refugees have also been living in Nepal.
Moriarty Should Take His Offer Directly To The Bhutani Refugees
Tek Nath Rizal And The Bhutani Hostage Crisis
Solve The Bhutani Refugee Crisis: Send Them West

This is an amazing piece of news. I am very happy for the Bhutani refugees. And I hope this also works out for the Tibetan refugees. I hope they all come over to New York City.

I recently met S K Pradhan here at the Ian Martin event (Ian Martin). He is a Bhutani democracy leader. I have been told he was big even before Tek Nath Rizal emerged on the scene. Pradhan and I are on the same wavelength. He also believes Bhutanis coming over to the US will be a huge boost for the democracy movement in Bhutan.

When I read this Moriarty proposal for the first time, I must admit I was thrown off balance. Because this really is so out of the box. I did not see it coming at all. The Nepali political establishment was also thrown off balance. The Bhutani democracy leaders were also thrown off balance. I got back on my feet pretty fast and immediately and enthusiastically welcomed the proposal. This was more than a proposal, this was a generous gift. And now it looks like the Nepali establishment has come around to it as well.

This is something really groundbreaking. Something similar would do wonders for the Palestinian crisis as well.

And now countries other than the US also need to pitch in. I remember they had already pledged. Australia, EU. All 100,000 Bhutani refugees and 25,000 Tibetan refugees need to be airlifted.

I am glad the repatriated Bhutanis will escape the desolate conditions in the refugee camps. But my interest is greater. I think they can do more for Bhutani democracy from New York City than from anywhere else.

Tibetans organized in New York City can also work towards turning China into a federal, multi-party democracy. Tibet, like Madhesh, has to become its own state.

This is an extremely smart move on the part of Moriarty. This is more than generous. This is shrewd. This will have far reaching consequences. This is a small American investment that will pay huge dividends to America itself.

I am extremely happy right now to be getting this news.

In The News

View Point Moriarty Spotlight as Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has noted: “Under President Bush’s leadership, the United States has embarked on the most ambitious development agenda since the Marshall Plan.” ...... With a potential estimated at more than 83,000 Megawatts, Nepal could become the Kuwait of hydropower, fueling economic advances throughout the country and the region. ...... How effectively will Nepal manage the vast sums when it chooses to develop its hydropower? If this undertaking is managed transparently so that Nepalis understand their government’s plans and decisions, then the money will benefit all Nepalis. ...... If developed wisely, the promise of hydropower for Nepal is high as the Himalayas . ...... . Recent disturbances in the Terai, for instance, suggest the need for greater transparency and inclusiveness to address ethnic groups with long-time grievances who feel excluded from Nepal ’s democratic transition. ...... The formula is simple: Stop intimidation. Stop extortion. Stop violence. Once and for all. ...... I cannot help but notice that Maoist leaders have stepped up their criticism of me and of my government. They charge that the United States is doing everything from supporting the King to fomenting unrest in the Terai, all in an attempt to derail Nepal ’s peace process. Nothing could be further from the truth. ...... Nepalis themselves must make the hard choices and decisions about their future.

All fired up and nowhere to go Meeting a small-time revolutionary in a small town hotel LEO BLAZE in BIHAR Nepali Times Recently we met Paswan in a bare hotel room off a muddy street in small-town Bihar, where everything he and his two companions had could fit into a small holdall. Out of consideration for his guests he left the room to smoke, though he had no compunction about spitting in the corner. He invited us to join him under blankets on the bed and passed around an old studio shot of himself, declining to be photographed as he currently appears. ........ Talking to Paswan is strikingly similar to speaking with a district level Maoist leader ...... He reeled off the short list of killings and attacks he has commissioned with apparent indifference. ..... was vice-president of the Siraha chapter of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists for six years ...... splitting from them in 2004 over the appointment of Matrika Yadav as head of the Maoist-affiliated Tarai Mukti Morcha. He formed the JTMM with Jai Krishna Goit, notionally to fight for complete tarai independence. ...... He still talks about revolution coming from poverty and suppression. But, he says, “the Maoists didn’t have a clear vision of madhesi rights. We don’t want to be devotees or partners of pahadis. If we do that, there won’t be any liberation of the tarai.” ...... Paswan soon parted ways with Goit who, he says, “was already 80, always sick, he couldn’t remember dates.” Paswan says he broke away because “the tarai movement needed sacrifice and youth”, and because it was what JTMM cadres wanted. According to one of his followers about 150 former Maoists are in the group, some with their original weapons. The JTMM-J says it has “full strength” in 13 districts and “agents” in five more. ....... earlier this year hit at least three police posts, killing a policeman called “Karki something” Paswan recalls. .... “Our front has proved that we are brave and revolutionary.” ...... Madhesi Janadhikar Forum’s ‘Uprendraji’ ..... Paswan, who has the weakest profile of the three, immediately accepted the offer. He issued a list of nine demands, and added another the next day as if as an afterthought. The first demand is an independent tarai state, which he insists must run the length of the country. But the second, fair representation for madhesis in the military, politics and administration, suggests that the demand for independence is rhetorical. ........ apparent urge for credibility ..... Our fight is for power and rights,” he says, apparently to the surprise of the two boys sitting with him. .... Paswan smoked another cigarette, explaining that he was under a lot of stress. We left the hotel together and he tramped off down the muddy street, with his two young followers and their little bag.
Not everything matters CK Lal The India-baiters have not yet insinuated that the weapons have gone back to where they believe they come from: the jungles of Chhatisgarh, the ravines of Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand’s hills, and Bihar’s floodplains. ..... a Ramshah Path firm was just awarded a Rs 2 million contract to furnish the residence of the person after whom Prachanda Path is named
Equal opportunity poverty Alok Bohara, Mani Nepal

Parliament defers passage of statute amendment bill for Friday NepalNews
Govt panel to ask royal palace to disclose property details
Normal life hit in Terai as MJF resumes agitation
NSP-Anandidevi threatens to pull out
EC demands 30,000 more hands for CA polls
No immediate action against King: Report
South Asian countries to form ‘energy ring’

Nepal government gears up to break Terai strike Hindustan Times, India Nepal's government on Tuesday started marshalling its forces to break the indefinite strike called in the Terai plains in the south by ethnic Indian protesters, beefing up security on highways to give confidence to transporters. ..... "We are fighting for our rights and our fight will continue till we get them," Upendra Yadav ...... The forum says it will not begin dialogue with the seven-party government till Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula resigns for the deaths and a high-level commission is constituted to bring to task the police officials and Maoists behind the killings. ...... On Monday, the government began a series of moves to out manoeuvre the protesters. ..... Ministers held talks with transport operators and persuaded them to ply during the strike, assuring them of enhanced security and compensation in case of damage to vehicles. ...... The trade unions affiliated to the ruling seven parties threw their weight behind the government, saying they would defy the strike call. ........ decided to withdraw the arrest warrants for the two main armed groups in the plains - the two factions of the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha ...... the fear of fresh scarcity of food supplies and fuel began stalking the kingdom. ..... rising concern among industries and businesses. ....... An earlier three-week protest in the plains by the forum had crippled Nepal's industries, cutting off the supply of raw material from India and other countries and preventing the movement of finished goods to retailers.
Southern Nepal hit hard by strike BBC News A general strike called by a regional group seeking a federal system of government in Nepal has crippled life across the southern Terai plains. ..... Markets, schools and colleges and industries have remained shut and most vehicles have remained off the road. ..... has already affected goods and fuel supplies across Nepal. ..... "Our street protests and transportation strikes will be peaceful and continue for an indefinite period until the government creates the environment for talks," news agency AFP quoted Upendra Yadav ...... most public transport has remained off the roads and effects of the strike have been felt in most Terai districts. ....... Madheshis make up 33-45% of Nepal's population of 27 million but are vastly under-represented in government and the army, which tend to be dominated by hill-dwellers.
NSP-Anandidevi threatens to pull out if the proposal to amend the constitution is not adopted on Tuesday by the interim parliament. ..... Rajendra Mahato warned that any more betrayal against the people of Madhes would be 'final.' ..... Mahato said that once the NSP-A walks out, it will impossible for the party to return.
MJF Strike Cripples Life in Terai Districts Himalayan Times, Nepal MJF has been demanding a federal democratic republic. .... Short and long routes vehicles stayed off the roads in the Terai region. ...MJF activists also staged demonstration in Birgunj.
MJF Activists Torch Two Buses in Nawalparasi
Traders Not to Pay Taxes During Bandh
NSU National Convention Put off Again
MJF strike in Tarai from today
Govt withdraws warrants Talks atmosphere with Terai rebels created Gorkhapatra, Nepal
The cabinet agreed to make public the Rayamajhi report that has recommended to take action against the persons involved in suppressing and misusing the national coffer, powers and posts during peaceful democratic movement in last April.
Nepal Terai cobra strikes, one person killed, Nepal Activists of Terai cobra shot to death Ram Briksha Raya at Gangapipra VDC of Rautahat district. .... latest among a number of organisations involved in agitation and violence in Terai such as Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), two factions of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) and Madhesi Tigers.
Connect Asia NEPAL: New rebel groups add to violence Radio Australia, Australia
Roundup: Nepali Interim Constitution amendment bill to be passed People's Daily Online, China guaranteeing the Terai region representation in the constituent assembly in proportion to its population .... the constituencies in the Terai region would be increased in proportion to its population and the seats to be elected through a proportional representation system would also be increased accordingly. .... the 20 districts in the southern Terai plains with 48.4 percent of the country's population will get 49 percent seats in the Constituent Assembly, while 51 percent seats will be divided among the 55 hilly and Himalayan districts that have 51.6 percent of the population. ..... The eight parties also agreed that all the groups in the country including Madhesi, dalits, the indigenous, women, laborers, peasants and backward classes and regions would be included in the state organs on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion. ..... Many Terai towns witnessed curfews, strikes and widespread vandalism of public and private property in the unrest.
From Chaos to Chaos in Nepal American Chronicle, CA The King referred to the achievements of his most famous ancestor King Prithvi Narayan Shah obliquely in pointing out that "Nepal is a kaleidoscope of diverse peoples." Since the unification of the country by this great king, the Nepalese monarchy has stood for 'unity in diversity' and ethnic and religious tolerance. He pledged his support for democracy on Monday, but also appealed to the countrymen to "respect history", apparently appealing for the monarchy to be retained in some form. ..... The council of ministers has now concluded that the King's statement was "undemocratic, unauthorized and unconstitutional"! ..... the politicians from the Seven Party/Maoist Alliance leave out no opportunity to attempt to put responsibility for Nepal's problems to the monarchy, reactionaries and royalists (for example, during the first flare of violence in Madhesh)
Nepal ethnic group widens strike in the plains Reuters the strike's extension had brought life to a standstill in the eastern part of the Terai ...... "Everything is closed," said Guna Dev Lamichhane, who works in a private firm in Biratnagar .... "I can see some stray cattle and a few people on bicycles." ....... At least 30 people have been killed, most of them Madhesi protesters shot by police.
Nepal government gears up to break Terai strike Malaysia Sun, Malaysia
Transporters to defy MPRF strike Kantipur Online, Nepal Half a dozen associations of transporters and workers Monday announced that they would restart running vehicles from Tuesday, in defiance of the transport strike called by the Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) in 22 Terai districts. ...... the National Federation of Nepal Transport Entrepreneurs (NFNTE), the Nepal Trucks and Tankers Entrepreneurs Association, the Independent Transport Workers' Association of Nepal (ITWAN), the Nepal Transport Workers Forum, the Nepal Transports Workers' Association (NTWA) and the All Nepal Transport Workers' Association. ..... Speaking at the press conference, Dinesh Bhandari, president of NFNTE said this is a big step towards eliminating strikes forever. ...... the government was positive towards our demands. It has also agreed to provide Rs 150,000 for a deceased transport worker, if any, during the strike," said Ajaya Rai, president of the NTWA. ..... a meeting of the Cabinet Monday has appealed to businessmen, transport entrepreneurs, schools and factory owners to continue their work during the MPRF-called strikes. The meeting asked the Home and Labor Ministers to take immediate steps to ensure smooth operation of businesses, transport and factories across the country ...... "The obstruction in transport service adversely affects poor people the most and restricts access of poor farmers to markets to sell their produce," Lekhak said. "So we have called upon all parties to halt such strikes."
Sunsari-Morang corridor industries defy MPRF strike Kantipur Online, Nepal Industries in Sunsari on Tuesday continued normal operations in defiance of the indefinite general strike announced by the agitating Madheshi people's Rights Forum (MPRF) set to begin from today in 22 Terai districts. ...... Industries manufacturing jute, readymade garments, noodles, soap, ghee, among others, began operating after Trade Unions affiliated to the Nepali Congress, CPN-UML, Jana Morcha Nepal, CPN-M launched began making on-site inspections along the Sunsari-Morang industrial corridor to ensure the defiance of the strike. ....... the trade unions had inspected some 200 industries along the Koshi Highway today as per the Trade union workers' strike-defiance campaign. ...... a large number of industries in the corridor have remained shut due to the unavailability of the necessary raw materials languishing at various checkpoints along the Indian border due the customs strike announced by the agitating forum. ....... claiming that such forms of protests have mostly affected the poor masses and laborers. ..... A 13-member committee comprising representatives from five trade unions was formed to implement the decision. G-FONT, D-CONT, All Nepal Trade Union (affiliated to People's Front Nepal) and Maoist affiliated All Nepal Trade Union Federation participated in the meeting held under the initiation of NTUC. ........ a relatively large number of buses, microbuses, trucks and private vehicles could be seen plying the eastern roads.
Nepal ethnic group widens strike in the plains Reuters India, India
Nepal ethnic group widens strike in the plains Reuters AlertNet, UK
Connect Asia NEPAL: New rebel groups add to violence Radio Australia, Australia
Roundup: Over 1 mln Nepalis get citizenship certificates People's Daily Online, China across all 75 districts of the country. ... the Citizenship Certificate Teams mobilized by the Home Ministry are working day and night to issue citizenship certificates to the rightful persons. ...... 540,741 persons dwell in 20 districts of southern Terai plains. ..... The Hilly region in the central of the country witnessed the highest number of citizenship certificate distribution, with 603,647 persons having acquired the certificates. ...... the political parties too showed the tendency to use their influence in the citizenship certificate distribution process so that to consolidate their vote banks for the approaching elections to the constituent assembly scheduled to take place by mid-June.
Indefinite MPRF strike in 22 districts from tomorrow Kantipur Online, Nepal

Eight Parties Should Relinquish Power: Youth Leaders
NSU District Presidents
Statistics On The Terai And Pahad
Lhopse In New York
Madhesis Do Not Want A Separate State: Gachhedar

Girija Warns Prachanda
In Support Of Banda: Pradip Nepal
Non-cooperation With The Home Minister
10 Lakh To Deuba
Green Forests, Maoists' Property
Why Should The Congress Follow The Moaist Dictates? Arjun Nar Singh KC

MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA: Israel and the Arabs Let's meet, maybe Plans for a peace conference on Palestine may founder on the question of refugees .... Condoleezza Rice, having been lukewarm for years, has lately caught peace fever in a big way .... the “Arab Peace Initiative”, a plan inspired by Saudi Arabia's King (then Crown Prince) Abdullah, and adopted by all 22 members of the Arab League in Beirut in 2002 ....... The plan offered Israel peace and normal relations in return for its leaving the territories occupied in 1967 and accepting a “just” settlement for the Palestinian refugees. ........ an “Arab Quartet” of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, all pro-Western Sunni states no less keen than America to counter a menacing Iran. ...... the other Quartet, comprising the European Union, the UN and Russia as well as the United States, that has been steering Palestinian peacemaking in no very obvious direction for the past several years. ...... Israel's foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, seems relatively (and, in the view of domestic critics, madly) relaxed about the reference in the Arab Initiative to the borders of 1967. ...... But she is less relaxed about the refugees. .... Israel is adamant that letting the refugees back into Israel “proper” (ie, within the pre-1967 borders) would swamp the Jewish state, so their right of return should therefore be exercised only in the new state of Palestine that will supposedly arise next door. .... Not for the first time, a chance for diplomacy may be killed by a choice of phrase.