Indian Blockade: Gamechanger
यता प्रतिगामी संविधान बन्नु, उता चीनले झापामा ३ खर्ब को फैक्ट्री बसाल्ने निर्णय गर्नु
If this is to be the
Indian Century, it begins in
Nepal, it begins with the Madhesis attaining political equality in Nepal, and the Madhesis capturing
Kathmandu through democratic means. The ballot is supreme. Only a
Madhesi capture of central power in Kathmandu will make possible the harnessing of the immense water resources of the country. Without that a fundamental transformation of
Bihar and
Uttar Pradesh is not possible. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh need about 20,000 MW of energy. Through proper river management in Nepal, and through massive reforestation to the tune of a 50% forest cover in Nepal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh can be made flood-free.
At some point the ruling
Khas elite has to wake up to the fact that they are all 100% Indian. They all came from
India. The Madhesis are local. The Janajatis are local. But the Khas are all immigrants. And that is not a problem. But they need to lay their
Indophobia to rest. Enough is enough.
Nepalis are a sorry lot across the world. And the only cure to that situation is if
Hindi becomes the sixth
UN language. But the official hatred of Hindi in Nepal is total. That can not stand. Hindi is central to the Madhesi identity, and will attain equal status with Nepali. A recent Harvard study showed practically all homophobic people are gay. All Indophobes in Nepal draw their ancestry deep in India.
China is more than welcome to invest in Nepal to its heart's desire. But democracy is a homegrown fruit in Nepal. Federalism is an extension of that democracy. Why only Nepal? China has a role to play in India's economic transformation. China could play a key role in India's North-East, which could also use 20,000 MW of energy.
Democracy is to be an export item for India. And Nepal is as good a playground as any.