Showing posts with label Sujata Koirala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sujata Koirala. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

In The News (9)

कांग्रेस सत्तामा तीन कोइरालाको लडाईं
बिपीपुत्र शशांक, शेखर नोनापुत्र शेखर र गिरिजापुत्री सुजाताबीच होडबाजी र लडाईं हुने देखिएको छ । ...... १३ औं महाधिवेशनमा सभापति सुशील कोइराला अघि नबढ्दा संस्थापनबाट कसलाई सभापतिको उम्मेदवार बनाउने भन्ने प्रष्ट नभइरहेका बेला कोइराला खानदानको अबको नेतृत्वकोको लागि यी तीनै जनाले कोइरालाले दाबी र दबाब बढाइरहेका छन् । ..... संस्थापनबाट शेरबहादुर देउवालाई टक्कर दिन की सभापति सुशील कोइराला नै अघि सर्नुपर्ने होइन भने कुनै गतिलो र सबैलाई मान्य हुने उम्मेदवार खोजी गर्नु पनि चुनौति रहेको छ । सभापतिमा उपसभापति रामचन्द्र पौडेललाई उठाइए देउवाले सोझै बाजी मार्ने बुझाई सबै कोइरालाहरुको छ । यस्तो हुँदा कोइराला खानदानबाट कांग्रेसको सत्ता सधैंका लागि अर्को पक्षमा जाने डरले पनि सबै ग्रसित छन् । ...... यस्तो हुँदा कोइराला खानदानबाट योग्यता पुग्ने गरी कसलाई अघि सार्ने भन्नेमा आन्तरिक बहस भइरहेको हो । विकल्पमा देखिएका तीन जना कोइरालामध्ये बिपीपुत्र सशांकलाई सुशीलले नजिकबाट माया गरी जिम्मेवारी दिने इच्छा देखाएका छन् । तर, गिरिजाको उत्ताराधिकारीको रुपमा स्थापित हुन सफल सुशीलको यो तयारीलाई शेखर र सुजाताले पनि नजिकबाट बुझेका छन् । ...... ‘सभापतिले सशांकलाई नै बढी माया गरेको देखिन्छ अरु कोइरालालाई पनि यसको आभास भएको छ’ कांग्रेसका एक नेताको टिप्पणी छ, ‘सशांकलाई सके पार्टी सभापतिमै लडाउने इच्छा सभापतिमा छ तर, आफ्नो योग्यता नपुग्ने भएकोलेले सशांक तयार छैनन् ।’ ...... डाक्टरी पेशाबाट आएका शशांक कोहीप्रति पनि नराम्रो र रुखो बोल्दैनन् । त्यसैले सुशीलले उनलाई रुचाएको चर्चा कांग्रेसभित्र छ । सशांकको आफ्नो भित्री इच्छा पनि सके उसभापति बन्ने नभए महामन्त्रीसम्म अर्को पटकका लागि सभापतिमा लड्नका लागि आधार तय गर्ने रणनीतिक भएको ती नेताको टिप्पणी छ । ‘सभापति जित्ने भए मात्र लड्ने सशांकको इच्छा हो र तर, सुशील नै एकपटक अघि बढेर बरिष्ठ उपसभापतिमा मनोनित हुने वा नभए महामन्त्री बनेर अर्को महाधिवेनसम्म कोइराला खानदानबाट स्थापित हुने बुझेका छौं ।’ ...... डाक्टरी पेशाबाट आएका भए पनि शेखरको राजनीतिमा बढी लगानी छ । विषयवस्तुको प्रस्तुतिका हिबासले पनि शेखर राजनीतिक बढी लाग्छन् । उनले गिरिजलाई अप्ठ्ेरोमा साथ दिंदै पनि आए । आफ्नो लगानी धेरै रहेको भन्दै उनको पनि खानदानको नेतामा दाबी छ तर, माग भन्दा दिनुपर्नेपक्षमा छन् । ‘शेखरको राजनीतिमा बढी लगानी छ गिरिजालाई अप्ठ्यारा दिनमा साथ दिएका छन् वैचारिक नेतृत्व क्षमता पनि छ’ कांग्रेस एक नेता भन्छन्, ‘तर, माग्नेभन्दा आफूलाई नेतृत्व दिनुपर्ने पक्षमा उनी छन् ।’ मन नपरेको विषयमा जो कसैको पनि आलोचना गर्न सिपालु शेखरको शैलीलाई सुशीलले मन पराउँदैनन् । ....... गिरिजाको छत्रछायाँमा राजनीतिमा छाएकी सुजाताको पनि कांग्रेसको नेतृत्व अब आफ्नै पोल्टामा आउनुपर्ने भन्ने छ । यसका लागि उनले सभापतिलाई निरन्तर दबाब दिंदै आएकी पनि छन् । उपप्रधानमन्त्री भएको लामो समयसम्म पार्टी क्रियाशील रहेको भन्दै गिरिजापुत्रीका रुपमा उनले कोइराला खानदानको नेताको रुपमा आफू नै भएको बताउने गरेकी छिन् । तर, सुशील उनलाई पत्याउने अवस्थामा छैनन् । सुशीलसँग उनको सम्बन्ध नराम्रो पनि छैन् आत्मीय पनि होइन भन्छन् एक कांग्रेसी नेता । सुजाताको सम्बन्ध शेखरसँग खासै राम्रो छैन । तर, सशांकसँग नराम्रो छैन । उस्तै लाग्ने तर, एक जना कसलाई अघि लगाउने भन्नेमा सुशीललाई सहज छैन । १३ औं महाधिवेशनमा आफैं अघि बढे पनि अर्को पटकको नेतृत्वको लागि कसलाई पारिवारिक सत्ता सुम्पने भन्ने सामञ्जसमा सभापति कोइराला छन् ।
ओली-भारतीय राजदूत भेट 'विरोधले संविधान रोकिंदैन'
एमाले अध्यक्ष केपी ओलीले संविधानसभाभित्रको अधिकतम सहमतिमा साउनभित्र संविधान जारी हुने बताएका छन् । ..... अध्यक्ष ओलीले १६ बुँदे सहमति ऐतिहासिक भएकाले यसकै आधारमा अघि बढ्ने बताएको

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

कोइराला वंश नाश गर्छ यस CDO ले

शाह वंश नाश गरेको कमल थापाले, कोइराला वंश नाश गर्छ यस CDO ले

प्रेस-विज्ञप्ति: मोरंग CDO गणेशराज कार्कीद्वारा आतंक जारी: मुद्दाको मिसिल समेत दिन मानेन


"धरौटी तिरेर हिरासतबाहिर आइसकेपछि उनीहरूले आफ्नो वकीललाई लिएर पटक-पटक जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयमा गएर निवेदन दर्ता गराई मुद्दाको मिसिल माग्दा पनि उल्टै फेरि जेल कोचि दिने धमकी मात्र दिनुका साथै "मिसिल कुनै हालतमा तिमिहरूलाई न दिने, जे मन लाग्छ गर" भनेर मोरंगका सिडिओ गणेश राजकार्कीले धम्काउँदै आएका छन्।"


जेठ १८, विराटनगर । डा. सी. के. राउतलाई २०७१ साल भदौ २८ गते संथालहरूको सभाबाट पक्राऊ गर्ने आदेश दिने, डा. राउतलाई हिरासतमा यातना दिने तथा उनीविरुद्ध सार्वजनिक र राज्यविप्लव मुद्दा दायर गर्ने मोरंगका सिडिओ गणेशराज कार्कीले त्यसपछाडि पनि मोरंग जिल्लामा पटक-पटक मधेशीहरूलाई आतंकित गर्दै आएको छ। गत पुस १९ गते शनिवार विराटनगरको डिग्री क्याम्पसमा गर्न लागेको सभामा मानवअधिकारकर्मीहरूकै अगाडि डा. राउतमाथि आक्रमण गराई ज्यानै लिने षडयन्त्र पनि यिनै सिडिओले गरेका थिए, भने प्रहरीले डा. राउतको खुट्टा भाँचिदिंदा हिरासतमा राखी उपचार समेत गराउन दिएको थिएन। त्यसैक्रममा मानवअधिकारकर्मीहरूकै आँखा अगाडि निर्दोष सहभागीहरूलाई समेत समातेर हिरासतमा लिई यातना दिएको थियो, भने परमेश्वर मुर्मु, हरेराम मंडल र रामविलाश मेहता माथि सार्वजनिक मुद्दा चलाएको थियो। त्यसपछाडि पनि मधेशी कार्यकर्ताहरूलाई समात्न लाउँदै धम्काउने र यातना दिने क्रम सिडिओले जारी राखेका छन्।

चैत २१ गते झापामा जनसम्बोधन गर्न जाँदा नेपाल सशस्त्र प्रहरीले डा. राउतलाई माथि सीधै प्रहार गरेर घायल बनाएपछि छोटेलाल सोरेन, सरोज शर्मा, अंजय मिश्रा आदिले झापाबाट उठाएर विराटनगरको नोबल अस्पताल ल्याएका थिए, भने सोही अस्पतालका चिकित्सक तथा विभागीय प्रमुख डा. संजय साहले त्यहाँ उपचार गर्न मद्दत गरेको थियो। त्यो रिस साध्न त्यसको एक दिन पछाडि चैत २२ गते डा. संजय साहलाई गिरफ्तार गर्नुका साथै अन्य ७ जनालाई पनि कालो पट्टी बाँधेर शान्तिपूर्ण विरोध प्रदर्शन गरिरहेको बेलामा हिरासतमा लिएको थियो। त्यसमध्ये डा. संजय साह, डा. परमेश्वर मुर्मु, छोटेलाल सोरेन, सरोज शर्मा र अंजय मिश्र माथि सार्वजनिक मुद्दा चलाई धरौटीमा वैशाख ३ र ६ गते मात्रै छाडिएको थियो। हिरासतमा रहँदा डा. परमेश्वर मुर्मु लगायत अनशनमा पनि बसेका थिए, तर उनीहरूलाई मानवअधिकारकर्मी समेत सँग पहिला भेटन दिइएको थिएन। अनशनले स्वास्थ्य विग्रेर अस्पतालमै प्रहरीले भर्ना गरिसक्दा पनि परिवारजनसँग भेट्न दिइएको थिएन, उनीहरूको स्थान अज्ञात नै राखिएको थियो। धरौटी तिरेर हिरासतबाहिर आइसकेपछि उनीहरूले आफ्नो वकीललाई लिएर पटक-पटक जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयमा गएर निवेदन दर्ता गराई मुद्दाको मिसिल माग्दा पनि उल्टै फेरि जेल कोचि दिने धमकी मात्र दिनुका साथै "मिसिल कुनै हालतमा तिमिहरूलाई न दिने, जे मन लाग्छ गर" भनेर मोरंगका सिडिओ गणेश राजकार्कीले धम्काउँदै आएका छन्।

स्मरण रहोस् चैतमा गृहमन्त्रालयले मोरङका प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी गणेशराज कार्कीलाई मकवानपुर सरुवा गर्ने निर्णय गर्दा प्रधानमन्त्री सुशील कोइरालालाई भनसुन गरी २४ घण्टा नपुग्दै सो निर्णय उल्टाइ दिएपछि प्रधानमन्त्री र गृहमन्त्रीबीच खटपट समेत भएको थियो। प्रजिअ कार्की ओखलढुंगाका कांग्रेस नेता बाबुराजा कार्कीका छोरा हुन् र बसाईंसराईका कारण मधेश झरेकाले मधेशीहरू प्रति निकै आक्रामक देखिँदै आएका छन्। त्यही सन्दर्भमा संथाल आदिवासीहरूको वन क्षेत्र रहेको भूमि सम्बन्धी मुद्दामा संथाल अधिकारकर्मी परमेश्वर मुर्मु गत वर्ष विजय भए देखि सिडिओ कार्कीले उनलाई बारम्बार निशानामा लिँदै आएका छन् र गिरफ्तार गर्दै झुठा मुद्दा लगाउँदै आएका छन्।

मानवअधिकारकर्मी कै अगाडि निर्दोषहरूलाई यसरी गिरफ्तार गरेर यातना दिँदा तिनीहरू केही नबोल्नु आफैंमा बिडम्बनापूर्ण रहेको छ।

मोरंग प्रजिअ कार्कीको फोन नं. ०२१ ५२६९०८ (कार्यालय), ०२१ ५२५२५१ (निवास) र ९८५२०५७७७७ रहेको छ। अन्य मानवअधिकारकर्मी लगायत सम्बन्धित सबैले सो विषयमा बुझ्न चाहेमा प्रजिअ कार्कीलाई सो नम्बरमा सीधै सम्पर्क गर्न सकिन्छ।

सम्बन्धित समाचार:

मोरङका सिडिओको सरुवा २४ घण्टा नपुग्दै उल्टियो, प्रधानमन्त्री र गृहमन्त्रीबीच खटपट

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

A Tough Balancing Act

Britain And Dailekh

Girija Koirala should have set up a Truth And Reconciliation Commission soon after he came to power in 2006. He did not. That was a grave mistake. BRB should have done so by now. He has not. This is a mistake, on his part, and that of the broader political establishment. South Africa is a great example of how a Truth And Reconciliation Commission is needed to heal a country.

Sujata Is Making Sense

Sujata says NC ready to join Bhattarai govt
Sujata said, “Koirala was not interested to become prime minister but the party decided to file his candidacy for the same after CPN-UML mounted pressure on the Nepali Congress. .... She said her party and the Unified CPN-Maoist should come together to bail the country out of the current crisis. She insisted that the NC should join the incumbent government with the home ministry’s portfolio in its share as earlier proposed by UCPN-Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal. .... CPN-Maoist Secretary Dev Prasad Gurung said the president must revive the CA if the parties failed to reach consensus.
Congress and UCPN-M should bail out the country jointly
Ms. Sujata prefers to join BRB regime, Karan's idea prevails
She claimed that her party president Sushil Koirala was ready to withdraw his prime ministerial candidacy. “Under intense pressure from the United Marxist Leninist Party, Sushil da said yes to forwarding his candidacy,” said Sujata .... Sujata also opined that the Nepali Congress should immediately become a part of the present government led by Baburam Bhattarai. “Prachanda Ji has already offered home ministry for Nepali Congress. We should immediately accept the offer and join the government,” she opined. ..... “There is no alternative than unity between Nepali Congress and Unified Maoists to resolve the present political stalemate.”
Break three party syndicate to end deadlock, opines Upendra

She is making a ton of sense. The NC getting the Home Ministry is proportionate to its political weight. Most important, it would break the political impasse. Perhaps Sujata should be that Home Minister.

She speaks in the spirit of the late Girija Koirala. This is the spirit of the 12 point agreement of 2005 and the broader peace process.

NC Opting For CA Revival Would Be Great

That would be a great Plan B. Deuba and Paudel are making a ton of sense.

Opposition leaders mull options to break impasse
alternative plans on breaking the impasse .... Groups of leaders within the NC and CPN-UML have lately argued that it is high time the opposition alliance led by the NC and CPN-UML came up with some alternative plans as Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai was benefiting from the opposition´s firm stance in favor of Sushil Koirala´s candidacy and their lack of alternative options. ..... "Leaders have lately realized the need for an alternative plan. It is palpable in opposition parties but no one is ready to speak out within the NC and other parties as well" ..... Some leaders believe that the NC may choose to stand for revival of the dissolved Constituent Assembly (CA) instead of seeking yet another prime ministerial candidate because former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba and party´s Vice-President Ram Chandra Paudel are still for seeking political solutions by reinstating the elected body. ...... If the party came to a conclusion that the chances of party president becoming prime minister is slim, the party is likely to go for CA revival instead of seeking another prime ministerial candidate .... "It is the NC that should look for alternatives. UML and other opposition parties can´t do it at first because they can´t break their promise"
The State Of Nepali Politics: A Diagram
How To Revive The Constituent Assembly
Federalism And CA Revival
10 States
In A Revived Constituent Assembly
To Revive Or Not To Revive
Reviving The Constituent Assembly For Good
Reviving The Constituent Assembly

Ordinance on inclusion to be forwarded to Prez
Ruling Madhes-based parties have long been exerting pressure on the prime minister for forwarding the ordinance. .... the government has decided to provide one blanket to each of the poor households affected by cold wave across Tarai region
Policy stability is a key to hydropower development: WB
The World Bank has also pinpointed the weaknesses of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) - the state-owned regulator of hydropower in the country. "NEA has a conflict of interest,” the paper states, adding, “NEA is both a generator in the market, a developer and the manager of the market.” .... suggests the government to break this situation by establishing separate agencies for generation, transmission and distribution of hydropower in the country
Extortion creates terror in business sector
"Extortion targeted at businesspeople have gone up significantly, resembling the situation during Maoist insurgency. It is the result of gross failure of the government to maintian law and order situation," said Suraj Vaidya, president of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) .... at a time when the CPN-Maoist has ramped up donation drive ahead of its 7th convention scheduled to begin on Wednesday ..... Pashupati Murarka, vice president of the FNCCI, also said extortion has emerged as a major obstacle to doing business in the country...... "We have lost hopes as we did during the Maoist conflict when we were haplessly falling victims to extortion," said Murarka. ..... the private sector had anticipated changes to bring into operation Vishakhapatnam port and additional transit routes for overseas trade.
PM dissatisfied at Thapa's murderers arrest
Addressing a function in the capital on Tuesday, Prime Minister Bhattarai said the Maoist cadres were arrested at the “backing” of “so-called” human rights activists. The prime minister claimed that the murder accused were not arrested under instructions from the government. .... “They have been arrested at the backing of human rights activists against the spirit of Comprehensive Peace Accord,” he said. “There is no involvement of the state in their arrest.” .... Prime Minister Bhattarai also said that the arrest of Thapa´s murderers had posed difficulties for the government as an ordinance on Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Disappearance Commission are awaiting endorsement at President´s Office for the past several months

सहमतिको निम्ति राष्ट्रपतिको 'दबाब' जारी
शुक्रवारबाट निर्वाचन आयोग पदाधिकारीविहिन हुँदैछ; त्यस्ले आगामी बैशाख वा जेठमा चुनाव गर्ने संभावना टारी दिने बताइँदै छ। दलहरुको सहमतिको रटान पटक्कै फलदायी नभएको बेला यसै साता सत्तारुढ दलहरुको गठबन्धनले संविधानसभा पुनर्स्थापना गर्नुपर्ने निष्कर्ष निकालेको थियो।
'समावेशी' विधेयक मन्त्रिपरिषदबाट पारित विधेयकमा खाली भएका पदहरुमध्ये ४८ प्रतिशत आरक्षण कोटाबाट र ५२ प्रतिशत खुला प्रतिस्पर्धाबाट भर्ना गर्ने प्रस्ताव गरिएको छ। Police under pressure to release Thapa's murderers
“Officers investigating into the case have been warned of dire consequences if they continue investigation into the case.”
Two to plead not guilty in Delhi gang-rape case: lawyer

Prez consults fringe party leaders on impasse
Prez holds talks with legal experts
President Yadav had also inquired about the issue of CA revival, one of the proposals floated by the UCPN (Maoist) to end the present political deadlock
Prez role a borderline between Koirala, Deuba
Sher Bahadur Deuba and his camp hold that President Yadav cannot appoint a new prime minister without a broader consensus among the parties. ..... Deuba and his loyalists believe that any move by the President to remove the current government arbitrarily will invite a confrontation in the country. ..... Koirala, his deputy Ram Chandra Poudel and supporters are publicly urging the head of state to provide an outlet by appointing a new PM...... Deuba and his aides say the President cannot appoint a majority prime minister based on the Article 38 (2) of the Interim Constitution, as there is no parliament at present. “It is the duty of the political parties to select a prime ministerial candidate. Without a broader consensus among them, the president cannot appoint a new prime minister,” said NC leader Bimalendra Nidhi, close to Deuba. “The President is not responsible for the delay in forming a new government. A political deal has remained elusive due to the irresponsibility of the parties,” he said.
Dash for peace
there have been speculations about whether the hardline party, the CPN-Maoist, will once again decide to take up arms or opt for an urban insurrection..... The CPN-Maoist is holding its first general convention on January 9, where the party is expected to decide on its next strategy to “complete the revolution.” ..... The debate within the CPN-Maoist is focussed on whether to prepare for another “People’s War”, as advocated by party Secretary Netra Bikram Chand, or to choose the path of a “people’s revolt,” as advocated by Party Chairman Mohan Baidya and Vice-chairman CP Gajurel, as well as senior leader Dev Gurung. ...... The CPN-Maoist is frustrated by what it sees as compromises the Maoists made since the 2006 agreement, and by the lack of progress in the socio-economic transformations envisioned in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. These frustrations are shared by a large swathe of the Nepali population. The state’s institutions continue to be in the iron-grip of an establishment that is reluctant to change.
Prez should oust govt: Mahat
Mahat said that the president should even go out of the constitutional paradigms, if needed be, to get rid of the current government.
Col arrest no intervention on sovereignty: Rights activists
Rights activists Subodh Pyakurel, Charan Prasai, Govinda Bandi and Hari Phuyal explained the application of universal jurisdiction, arguing that the UK's decision came on the heels of a deteriorating human rights situation in Nepal and the refusal of Nepali officials to prosecute conflict-era cases. ..... Lawyer Bandi claimed that Friday's arrest of five district-level Maoist leaders over the murder of journalist Dekendra Thapa in Dailekh, was a 'natural' consequence of pressure generated by Col Lama's arrest. Activists also said the handover of Nepal Army Maj Niranjan Basnet, who faces an arrest warrant for the murder of Maina Sunuwar, to a civilian court would help improve Nepal's image in the international community. ..... Rights defenders have urged the government to ensure that a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and a Commission for the Disappeared is immediately formed and that they meet international standards. Laws should not provide amnesty in serious cases of human rights violations, they said. Bandi claimed that the UK might extradite Lama to Nepal only if the government can ensure that he will be held accountable under domestic laws...... international rights watchdog Amnesty International (AI) welcomed Col Lama's arrest, saying that the decision was an indication of the UK's readiness to comply with its international obligations to combat torture. The step could be an important one for victims suffering from the Nepali justice system, the organisation said in a statement.
‘President should name PM candidate’ Leaders now brainstorm ‘neutral’ govt
The idea of a non-partisan government , first publicly floated by UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, has now been taken up by PM Bhattarai, who seems dead-set against a government led by NC President Sushil Koirala. ... At least two names have come up to head the neutral government —former Speaker Daman Nath Dhungana and civil society leader and former Finance Minister Devendra Raj Pandey. Both Dhungana and Pandey are not currently affiliated with any political party and are active members of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy, a loose civil society forum. .... PM Bhattarai has personally backed Pandey for the prime minister’s post .... President Ram Baran Yadav is reportedly supportive of the neutral government idea .... If the President were to make a choice at this point, he would opt for a sitting or former chief justice to head the civilian government , sources close to President Yadav told the Post.
Assad to make rare speech as Syrian rebels draw nearer
Since Assad's last public comments, in November, rebels have strengthened their hold on swathes of territory across northern Syria, launched an offensive in the central province of Hama and endured weeks of bombardment by Assad's forces trying to dislodge them from Damascus's outer neighborhoods..... NATO is sending U.S. and European Patriot surface-to-air missile batteries to the Turkish-Syrian border. ....... Syria and allies Russia and Iran say the deployments could spark an eventual military action by the Western alliance
पारसले साढे ३४ लाख तिरे नेतृत्व हस्तान्तरणबारे विवाद जारी
बैशाख ३० गते निर्वाचन गर्ने, प्रत्यक्ष २४०, समानुपातिक २४० र विशिष्ट व्यक्ति ११ गरी ४९१ सदस्यीय संसद बनाउने, सत्य निरुपण र वेपत्ता छानविन आयोग बनाउने र संविधान संशोधनको प्रक्रिया चारवटै प्रमुख राजनीतिक समुह सम्बद्ध वकिलहरु राखेर संशोधन प्रक्रिया निश्चित गर्ने र अन्तिममा राष्ट्रपतिबाट बाधा अडकाउ फुकाउ प्रयोग गर्ने सातबुँदे सहमति बनेको थियो। .... एमाले अध्यक्ष खनाल भन्छन्, "सरकारमा हामी पृथ्वी पल्टे पनि जाँदैनौं, पृथ्वी पनि पल्टिन्न हामी पनि जान्नौं।"
Prez concerned over vacant EC posts
UML leader Oli calls on Prez Yadav
Prez not to lose composure
Upedra Yadav stresses on prez intervention
President Dr. Yadav has no alternative to sacking the current Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai and forming the election government led by a neutral person, said Forum Nepal leader Yadav.
Narayankaji discusses CA revival with Nepal
"We can promulgate new constitution, form a new government under Congress leadership based on the five-point agreement [reached just ahead of CA´s demise in May last year] and prepare ground for new parliamentary election within six months" .... the deadlock is deepening and the chances of holding new CA election by mid-May was becoming unlikely with the ruling and opposition parties hardening their respective positions.
Prez gives five more days, parties hopeless
India gang-rape victim's friend recounts attack
CA poll in May not happening: Dahal
UCPN (M), NC condemn NA Colonel's arrest in UK
प्रधानमन्त्रीको प्रस्ताव विपक्षीद्वारा अस्वीकार
फोरम नेपालमा फर्किइन् करिमा
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Monday, October 19, 2009

Finding Middle Ground

red balloon
Dahal returns from China; says dialogue is UCPN-M's priority, not protests NepalNews

Bringing the parliament back to normal is of fundamental importance. People's duly elected representatives should get back to work. The Maoist blockade of the parliament has lasted too long.

Three Things To Worry About

I don't see the Maoists picking up arms again. That is a very remote possibility. Prachanda has made it absolutely clear if anyone is going to the jungle, it is going to the NC and the UML, not the Maoists. He can not be clearer.

The second thing to worry about is if the Maoists accept multi-party democracy or not. There also I am positive. There are still ideologues in the Maoists party who unapologetically talk of a one party communist republic, but then we also have royalists in the country. That does not mean the monarchy is ever coming back. I am not worried Nepal might end up a one party communist republic.

What does worry me is the degradation of the political culture. And there we have plenty to worry about. If the Maoists maintain their ideological confusion on multi-party democracy, the country will suffer.

Will The Madhav Nepal Government Last?

As long as he has a majority in the parliament, Madhav Nepal will continue as Prime Minister. And as long as the Maoists keep acting like maybe they still fantasize about a one party state, the 22 party coalition will likely remain intact. The novelty has worn off. The Maoists are not the untested stock they used to be. In power they showed themselves to be not that different from the Congress and the UML honchos. Prachanda's nepotism put Koirala to shame. And the Maoists are fast acquiring the image of obstructionists. At this rate I don't think they will do well at the next scheduled parliamentary elections.

There are some things that could see an end to the Madhav Nepal government. If the Sujata Koirala episode goes out of hand inside the Nepali Congress, or if the Madhesi parties become disaffected with the NC and the UML, this government could get derailed. But both those are conditional upon the Maoists making the other parties feel like they are for democracy and a multi-party culture after all. Threatening an agitation to bring down this government is not the multi-party way.The Maoists instead need to be working the parliamentary arithmetic to see if they can rework it in their favor. Their best bet might be to make all the right noises on multi-party democracy and try and wean away the Madhesi parties by promising a unified Madhes state from Rapti to Mechi rivers encompassing all the Terai districts in that belt as was the case in their original map.

Ending The Deadlock

中文(简体)‬: 胡锦涛照。Image via Wikipedia
Whether or not Madhav Nepal continues as Prime Minister is not that important. What is important is that the current political deadlock comes to an end. There is a need for a compromise position. Prachanda is wrong in suggesting Ram Baran Yadav made an unconstitutional move. It was Prachanda who made a series of unconstitutional moves. But there is a political need to give Prachanda a face saving exit. And that would be for the ruling parties to agree to amend the interim constitution to (1) more clearly define the roles of the Prime Minister and the President, and (2) make it possible for the Vice President elect to take his oath in Hindi.

Ideological Fusion

Nepal has become a curious meeting ground for the two major ideologies on the planet during the past century. It is unrealistic to expect the Maoists to totally give up and come along to the western democracy ways. Instead an ideological fusion has to be sought. Nepal has to be turned into a multi-party democracy of state funded parties. That step is what will finally put our fears about the Maoists to complete rest. After that there will be no revolution, only elections.

Dahal returns from China; says dialogue is UCPN-M's priority, not protests
Bhattarai floats three options for ending deadlock
Maoist gen secy expects political breakthrough after Tihar
Deuba unhappy with Sujata’s promotion to DPM; Sujata ‘warns’ NC leaders against trying to change govt
Maoist chairman Dahal meets Chinese President Hu Jintao
PM Nepal says Maoists have kept their lust for power after being greeted with black flag
NC leaders wash dirty laundry in public, accuse party president of whimsical behavior and nepotism
Legislature parliament, CA committees take recess for Tihar, Chhath
Big three form taskforce to give way out to political deadlock
Oli for amending peace accord
Parties agree on flexible constitutional amendment procedures, but differ on national symbols
Kalikot reels under food crisis
Big Three agree to settle differences on new constitution
NC leader claims party will seek clarification from NC president on Sujata's promotion
'Katawal could get important responsibility'
Maina Sunar's father found dead in mysterious circumstances
Army chief pledges cooperation in implementing NHRC recommendations
Three-party meet inconclusive
Khanal says FM Koirala's promotion has not put govt in tight rope
PM China visit likely in November
Chinese top political advisor vows to enhance ties with Nepal, dubs Dahal's visit 'positive and far-reaching'
Don't compromise on Prez, army issue: RJP chair Thapa
Detailed discussion of draft statute begins 
Runaway PLA men arrested with arms
Norwegian support to the discharge and rehabilitation process
Dr Bhattarai again claims Maoist-led govt after Tihar
Maoists submit amendment of NC-UML consensus draft 
Army will accept the decision of the Special Committee: CoAS Gurung
BoK introduces Visa Credit Card 
CPN-M slams Defence Minister's remarks
Rehabilitation of disqualified combatants starts
Khanal hopeful of early breakthrough
PM Nepal wants statute drafting process to move in full speed, visits Army HQ
Maoist chairman Dahal leaves for China
Dahal, PM Nepal meet Koirala separately; no consensus in sight yet
Yadav predicts trouble for govt
Disqualified PLA men to be discharged
Dahal to leave for weeklong China tour Sunday
Efforts to end deadlock through consensus is still on: PM Nepal
Maoists to continue protests to uphold 'civilian supremacy'
NC CWC goes against Koirala's order; decides to hold Mahasamiti meeting
Obama bags Nobel Peace Prize
EU Troika meets President, Speaker; stresses timely constitution drafting
PM greeted with black flags in Pokhara
Sub-committee hands over draft of constitution to CC
Khanal for parliamentary debate on president’s move
Etihad to fly daily to Kathmandu 
Khanal confers with PM Nepal
'Seven BPKIHS doctors resign due to lack of security'
PM, ministers take a detour of Kathmandu on a tourist bus
House resumes after Dashain recess but no end to obstruction
Defence Minister for revision of peace accord
Maoists may even table impeachment proposal against Prez: Dr Bhattarai 
Dahal says party's 'new proposal' to resolve political deadlock
Consensus by Wednesday, says PM
Poudel hopes Maoists would agree on NC-UML draft
Arke Fly to directly connect Nepal with Europe from tomorrow
FM Koirala meets PM Nepal, assures NC's full support to the govt
Maoist 'defectors' likely to loose MP status 
CA member Rai fined NRs 5 million
Dahal says he didn't propose Koirala as PM
Second-rung NC, Maoist leaders express dismay over party chieftains' antics
PM Nepal meets Maoist chairman
Koirala, Dahal hold secret talks at former royal aide's house
Matrika to form army
RJP chief blames major parties for stalemate as he leaves for New Delhi
UML hosts tea reception; top leaders hope to end deadlock soon
UCPN-M to make more efforts to end deadlock
Maoists show black flags at President Yadav
Top leaders hopeful of breakthrough within few days
Dr Bhattarai blames NC, UML for deadlock
Big three fail to reach consensus
UCPN-M not to budge on its stance on 'civilian supremacy'
Saturday's three-party meet to finalise draft of consensus
Consensus a must for drafting constitution on time, says President Yadav
Party chiefs spell consensus to end violence
President, PM discuss prevalent politics
Sushil to run for NC president
Big three arrive closer to consensus 
Khanal, Dahal discuss ways to end deadlock
Dahal meets President Yadav to end current political deadlock 
NC-UML for joint proposal to end House deadlock
UCPN (Maoist) deputes team to talk with other parties
'Constitution-writing ought to be prime basis of political consensus'
Maoists decide to be more flexible 
President, PM, ex-King, offer Tika to people
Deadlock will end soon, says Koirala
Political consensus vital for peace process: PM
No debate on president’s move, says PM
UML-Maoist meet concludes positively
Dahal hopeful of ending deadlock shortly
UML to start talks with UCPN (M), NC from Friday
TMLP chief takes a swipe at Koirala's views on federalism
UML gen secy blames Maoists for deadlock
Defense minister instructs NA headquarters to resume recruitment
Khanal hopes for breakthrough after Dashain
Maoists to table 'no confidence' motion if compromise does not emerge by Oct 7
UML forms team to hold talks with parties
NSP (Anandidevi) tables constitution amendment bill
Dahal claims Madhesis are withdrawing support to govt
Koirala opposes 'latitudinal division' of the country
CoAS Gurung says army will maintain its 'professional autonomy'
No revolt after Tihar, Maoist leader says
Khanal confers with Koirala
Maoists pelt stones at Irrigation Minister's vehicle
'Maoists shouldn't breach understanding with political parties'
CA chair calls for end to deadlock
UCPN-M hails 'successful protests'
Australia-based Nepalis worried about situation in Nepal
CA members file note of dissent against clause allowing govt to seize land above ceiling
Big three to meet Monday
Govt forms panel to assess damages during insurgency
PM Nepal praises 'heroic acts' of NA, says it has always accepted civilian supremacy
Maoists not to return seized land
Unlike India, China is benevolent towards Nepal: Mahara
PM meets President Yadav
Army chief briefs PM
NC, UML leaders reiterate their position on Maoist demand
Dahal warns NC, UML not to ignore demand for civilian supremacy
Proposal passed by CA committee allows govt to seize land above ceiling
PM Nepal meets Koirala
Maoist cadres clash with police as they try to disrupt Minister Pandey's programmee
Dahal warns of 'decisive revolt' after Tihar
NC to seek clarification from ministers; expels rebel candidates in CA polls
JTMM-Jwala declares month-long 'ceasefire'
UML chairman downplays internal dispute
Industrial Security Force on the cards
Four parties boycott PHSC meeting
Dahal for constitution amendment to 'rectify' President's move
Court issues suspension order for army officer involved in Maina Sunuwar case
CIAA recommends action against nine police officers including IGP over parka deal; cancels tender
Govt sanctions 250 million for Kathmandu-Nijgadh fast- track
NEA seeks 100 MW more electricity from India  
Maoist chairman meets Chinese officials in Hong Kong
Pressure cooker bomb found, disposed near supermarket
Three parties meet again; solution still out of sight
Protests meant to topple govt, says Maoist leader
Maoists pelt stone at PM as he addresses TU convocation
President calls for end to violence
National security policy forwarded to cabinet
Three party meeting on House deadlock inconclusive
Combatants under state, says Minister Shrestha
UML VC hints at change in govt leadership
Political consensus to institutionalise democracy: PM
Prez Yadav in Pokhara; says violence has no place in democracy
Nepal to lag behind in meeting its poverty reduction target: UNDP
Another bomb found near Jha's residence
Maoists beat up UML leader
States to get right to self-determination except for secession
Sujata cannot at all become Prime Minister: Dr Mahat
Maoists try to disrupt PM's programme in Biratnagar; over dozen injured in police action
Socket bomb found near VP Jha's residence
CA begins discussion on Judicial System
Bogati says Maoist-led national govt only succor to nation's problem
PM Nepal stresses on consensus and understanding among parties
Ranabhat elected President of University of London Student Union
Arrested Maoist lawmakers, party workers released
ANNISU-R shuts down higher secondary schools
Maoists pelt stones at FM Pandey
Maoist-led govt possible if there's consensus: Pokharel
Time ripe for decisive revolt: Maoist chairman
Narayankaji says his party will concentrate on constitution writing
Pandey rules out timely statute by sidelining Maoists
PM claims Maoists assured him of conditional support for coalition govt  
Maoist students announce indefinite closure of HS schools
Delay in writing new statute will be disastrous: Khanal
Two more ministers inducted into cabinet
Dr Bhattarai puts civilian supremacy as precondition for national govt  
Maoist leaders raise war cry; vow to bring down UML govt
French parliamentary delegation meets former PM Deuba, warns rift between parties might adversely affect constitution making
Violence can escalate if army integration issue not taken seriously: Bhattarai
Govt-Maoists agree to discharge disqualified PLAs
Maoists putting the peace process in peril: Oli
UML proposes for 13 states; youth leaders call for CC meeting  
Maoist leader says UML govt unable to complete integration process, hopes better terms with new NA chief
NC acting chief admits lack of democratic culture in his party  
Speaker asks PM to take quick initiative to end House deadlock
PM Nepal urges his party leaders to end blame game  
'Ruling coalition not serious to end deadlock'
Dahal meets NC president
Gurung is new Army chief
UML chairman thinks 'rightists' are trying to create rift between major parties
Deuba hints Maoists out to end independent judiciary
UML 'suspends' Youth Force activities
Constitution-drafting timetable amended again
NC PP urges Maoists to allow House proceedings  
Police, Maoist cadres clash in Syangja
Dahal rules out ending house deadlock
Prez Yadav says violence and killing has no place in a democratic society
PLA reshuffles commander postings
Maoist black flags greet Prime Minister
PLA not ready to discharge disqualified combatants unless govt introduces 'package programme'
Ruling Madhesi parties deplore decision to clip VP's perks
Maoist-led national govt soon: Bhattarai
Only 12 out of 110 armed groups political: Home Ministry
PM Nepal meets Koirala
Govt claims its honeymoon was successful
Maoist combatants to be brought under the command of Special Committee
Maoists deny involvement in attacks against Indian priests
Seven MJF (D) lawmakers withdraw support to govt
Nothing can bring down govt, claims PM
Security plan aimed at taming criminal groups: Home Minister
NC president proposes Dy PM, CA member for daughter
Indian Bhattas start temple duty amid Maoist protest; Indian ambassador visits Pashupatinath
NWPP proposes Dang Valley as Nepal's capital
Govt withdraws annuities given to Paramananda Jha
CA committee finalises revenue sharing under federalism
Maoists propose dividing country into 13 states; UML, NC yet to table proposal   proposing 13 states. ..... second expansion to the proposed states by the party – from nine to 11 during CA elections and with two more addition in the latest version. ....... three-states based on regional division – Seti-Mahakali, Bheri-Karnali, and Madhes and the rest based on ethnicity – Tharuwan, Magarat, Tamuwan, Tamsaling, Newa, Kirat, Limbuwan, Kochila, Sherpa and Bhote/Lama. ........ During CA elections, the party had proposed 11 provinces after splitting Kochila from Limbuwan and Abadh from Bhojpura. This time, the party has added Bhote/Lama in the western and Sherpa in the eastern mountains. The proposal has merged Awadh, Bhojpura and Mithila regions to call it Madhes province. .......... autonomous localities within the autonomous provinces based on ethnicity. Seti-Mahakali region will have two such localities, Bheri-Karnali two, Magarat three, Tamuwan nine, Tamsaling 12, Kirat five, Limbuwan eight, Kochila nine, Madhes four, and Tharuwan two. ........... protected regions for tribal groups such as Raute and Kusunda. ..... four geographical and administrative units.  They are Ridhi, Tamakoshi, Narayani and Bijayapur. ..... the geographical and administrative units will be governed by the central government. ........ transform the existing 3,914 village development committees into 800 to 900 districts so that people will have easy access to the district headquarter.
Maoist cadres pelt stones at PM's convoy
Govt won't last long if PM makes wrong moves: Koirala
PM calls for more efforts on women rights
'PM's property details untrue'
Strike by ethnic communities cripples life across the country
Two priests appointed in Pashupati
NA refutes reports about acting CoAS' secret meeting with Maoist top brass
New ministers sworn in; VP Jha's Hindi oath-taking episode gets a re-run
Revenue collection soars by 52 pc  
Estranged teenager blocks highway for his girlfriend
Cabinet likely to be expanded today
Maoists agree to end House deadlock on condition
PM hints at cutting annuities to VP Jha  
CC starts its business on writing constitution
Formation of industrial security force falters
Protesting family members of martyrs held after 'mass suicide' threat
YCL atrocities continue
Madhesi leaders meet Koirala over oath row
Khanal says VP Jha's snub to SC has invited new crisis; MJF chair thanks Jha for his stand
Jha's position as VP defunct
Maoists form 'Shadow Cabinet'
Maoists decide to intensify agitation
KJWP leader arrested in connection with Friday's bomb attack
Jha embarrasses govt, President's office as he skips oath ceremony
Strike cripples life in Terai
VP Jha snubs Cabinet request; says he will consider re-taking oath only after constitutional amendment
Oli challenges party top brass to take action against him
NC general convention in March next year
Gachchhadar for a consensus govt
Blast outside VP Jha’s residence; one injured
MJF chairman to VP Jha: Better quit than to retake oath
Nilambar Acharya elected CC head
YCL thrash teachers in Gorkha  
‘Judges can be nominated from outside judiciary service’
UML trying to patch up differences between Maoists and NC for timely statute: Khanal  
Oli sees no alternative to current govt
Serious consequences if SC order on VP Jha case implemented, Madhesi parties warn
Big three fail to reach consensus on CC chair
Carter Center calls for national unity govt
Linguistic rights activists suggest VP Jha to take oath in Maithili
Govt's top priority is maintaining peace and security: Home Minister
Leaders of indigenous communities throw their weight behind VP Jha
Minister Mahato issues direction for smooth and fair supply of goods  
200 complaints against Maoist leaders
Dahal suggests VP Jha to resign
PLA breached peace accord: UNMIN
FM Koirala appears before NC Parliamentary Party, again says she skipped India trip due to illness
NC, UML cadres behind Maoist cadres' killing in Dhanusha, Taplejung: UCPN-M
UML chief describes VP Jha's Hindi oath-taking as unfortunate, stresses on unity to avert disaster
Govt bans Tharuhat activities in Dang
Maoist activist dies in mob fury
Koirala, Dahal agree to form high-level mechanism 'very soon'
PLA combatants arrested with weapons
Home Minister urges parties not to provide sanctuary to criminals
Dahal hints at withdrawing protest if parties agree to debate Prez's move in House
Revenue collection exceeds target  
MJF chief describe PM Nepal’s India visit as failure
Businessmen shut down Sindhuli demanding security
NC president hosts tea reception; urges leaders not to hype Sujata's case
Govt set to distribute tax ID
Special security plan will prevent bandhs and blockades: Home Minister
Dahal claims PM Nepal’s state visit is ‘shameful’
Government launches largest-ever tree-plantation campaign
Sujata had bought new wardrobe, got haircut for her cancelled India trip
Maoist chairman claims new govt will be formed soon
Govt preparing to import more electricity from India
Nepali engineers meet in London
UML-led govt will survive full term: Deuba
Dahal hopeful for a 'Maoist-led national govt' soon
Manpower export declines by 21 percent
UML govt wants to derail peace process: Maoist chairman
NRNA reiterates dual citizenship against NRN Identity Card  
Yadav stresses unity among political forces
Maoist chairman Dahal returns from Europe
Cabinet expansion deferred; FM Koirala expecting promotion to DPM
Maoist demand ill-intentioned: PM Nepal
Switzerland opens embassy in Nepal
Justices working in Terai districts to get security guards
House obstruction continues
CA completes deliberations on legislative structure; goes to indefinite recess
PLA men assault villagers
Maoists tell PM not to sign Pancheshwar agreement
Maoists continue House obstruction   

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