The only full timer out of the 200,000 Nepalis in the US to work for Nepal's democracy and social justice movements in 2005-06.
Friday, September 22, 2023
22: North Korea
Trudeau’s Mega Pipeline Promises to Redraw Global Oil Flows Trans Mountain project to bring 600,000 barrels to new markets ...... China, India among possible top destinations for crude
Centrist Dems and McCarthy’s allies are in secret talks to strike a deal Any Democratic participation in a plan to stop a shutdown — let alone save the speaker’s gavel — would have huge conditions attached.
Thursday, July 09, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता

नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता @Pradeepgyawali @kpsharmaoli @yogeshuml55 @nksthaprakash @shankarpokhrel8 @jnkhanal @RabindraADH @Nawasilwal @cmprachanda @OnasariGharti @HisilaPost @JSPrabhakar @brb1954 @KrishnaBMahara #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता @IshwarPokhrel @BhimRawal179 @GokulPBaskota @BishnuRimal @_GokarnaBista @Jhakri_didi @OnasariGharti @SampreshanUSA #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepallockdown #nepalindia
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता @DeubaSherbdr @BimalendraNidhi @NcPaudel @daman_nath @PMSinghNC @ShekharKoirala4 @Shekharnc @DrPSMahat @Amreshjnu @nilacharya @thapagk #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता @bishwaprakash77 @BinodKChaudhary @anand_bist @moktanjyojo @drniraula @MinendraRijal @dhanrgrg @ArjunNarasingha #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia @SwarnimWagle @rameshore @Bidyabhattarai @Vijaykumarko @nilacharya @phalano @kirannepal @paudyallm @hello_sarkar @hamrorabi @KulCGautam @MilanPandey @rameshore @Dr_DKhadka
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown @upendrayadavjee @JpanandaJp @sarita_giri @drckraut @madheshvani @surendramadhesi @binay_panjiyar @rajendra20161 @sanghiyaonline @HulakiNews #Nepal
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown @HimaliniNepal @CMProvince2 @_LalKishorSah @Rmahto_Rjp @okaymahesh @realharibansha @rekhamkarna #Nepal
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown @narayanwagle @gunaraj @KanakManiDixit @kishorenepal @prashantktm @DRP39 @YubarajGhimire3 @salokya @belakoboli @DRP39 @Vijaykumarko @RishiDhamala
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown @GejaWagle @kirannepal @Shambhuojha @tpokharel @KishorPanthi @kundadixit @Prashant68 @Haribthapa @dcnepal @Nepalipost @usnepalonline @Khasokhas
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown #Nepal @Online_khabar @kantipur @Rato_pati @setopati @Annapurna_Post @YugPathak @manjushreethapa @AnupKaphle @pratyoushonta @dahalkeshab @kirannepal
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepallockdown #Nepal @khardobad @tulashah @JpanandaJp @ramNewYork @dipjha @prashantktm @bpsah91 @digitalsubway @upendrayadavjee @rajendra20161 @madheshuk @surendramadhesi
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown #Nepal @dambarkhatiwoda @brb1954 @HisilaPost @MahendraLawoti @HulakiNews @Rajesh_Ahiraj @dhanrgrg @hamrorabi @matrikas
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
नेकपा को अराष्ट्रिय राष्ट्रियता #NepalIndiaBorder #nepali #nepalicheenibhaibhai #nepalindia #nepallockdown #Nepal @Sagunlawoti @KTnepal @PashupatiShams @rmaharjan72 @RabindraMishra @SuryaRAcharya @ujwalthapa @subunabasnet @RabindraMishra @BibeksheelSajha
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) July 9, 2020
Martin Wolf: The western-led world order is in crisis. If the US re-elects Donald Trump, this will be terminal
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) July 9, 2020
Thursday, June 18, 2020
नेपाल का किम जोंग उन हरु
Bijaya Babu Shiwakoti is one of the most sensible people I have ever met in my life. The following article demonstrates his quiet, underrated but very useful common sense.
Posted by Ashutosh Tiwari on Tuesday, June 16, 2020
For a reset in India-Nepal relations
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) June 18, 2020
थाहा खबर: नक्सा प्रकरण : उल्टो बाटोमा सरकार, आफ्नो खुट्टामा आफैं बन्चरो हान्यो
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) June 18, 2020
आबस्यक परे भारतसँग युद्ध गर्न तयार छौ : रक्षा मंत्री ईश्वर पोखरेल
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) June 18, 2020
Based on the current trajectory of the epidemic, the situation on the ground in Nepal, and the how virus has been behaving globally, it is my estimate the situation in Nepal is going to be dire.नेपाली सेना की तरफ से अंधाधुंध फायरिग, खेत में काम कर रहे एक भारतीय की मौत, दो जख्मी via @News 24
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) June 18, 2020

कोरोना भनेको रुघाखोकी जस्तो हो : प्रधानमन्त्री
Posted by Setopati on Thursday, June 18, 2020
वहाँँहरुले यस्तो सभामा भन्नु चाँही के हुन्छ होला? (फोटो कसले खिच्नुभएको हो बिर्सेंं। फोटो क्रेडिट दिन नसकेकोमा क्षमायाचना सहित)
Posted by Biswo Poudel on Sunday, June 14, 2020
Monday, November 09, 2015
ओली नेपाल लाई नार्थ कोरिया बनाउन चाहन्छ
आत्म निर्भरता लाई कोरियाली भाषा मा के भनिन्छ? त्यो त्यस देशको घोषित सिद्धांत नै हो। दुनिया मा कसैले पुछारथ नगरे पछि मरता क्या न करता!
The Political Philosophy of Juche
नेपाली जनता उत्तरी कोरिया बन्नु हुन्न। बरु ओली लाई सधैं भरि का लागि प्योंगयांग पठाई दिउँ। हामीलाई चाहिन्न, तिम्रो आइडियोलॉजी मिल्छ तिमी नै राख भन्दै।
ओली ले मिसाइल सीसाइल पनि बनाउने योजना छ कि? अमेरिका तर्साउन काम लाग्ला!
उत्तरी कोरिया --- अंधकार युग मा चुर्लुम्म डुबेको देश।
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Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Dealing With The CPN(M)
Peaceful Protests
All peaceful protests should be allowed, encouraged, welcomed. BRB should be very welcome to holding talks and negotiations. After all, these are people he personally knows. Staying engaged is key.
UCPN(M): Best Candidate
The UCPN(M) is best positioned to deal with the CPN(M). It is the political responsibility of the UCPN(M) to make sure the CPN(M) does not fall by the wayside and go the way of an armed insurgency.
In Agreement
I agree with Baidya and Badal that turning Nepal into an India like republic was never their goal. Where they are being ignorant is in not realizing that is an important milestone. It is a big achievement that needs to be protected and nurtured.
Turning Nepal into a multi-party democracy of state funded parties is the right answer to the Baidya-Badal deviance. At that point any future revolution becomes unnecessary. Then you contest elections to get into power to do good by the people in terms of generous education and health programs, aggressive job creation programs and a selective partial ownership of corporations as necessary. You actually work to cure poverty instead of simply getting the poor to rally behind you in endless sacrifices with no concrete achievements.
Will it be peaceful way or armed struggle?
"Our struggle programs will be through the people´s movement. I cannot say what would be our compulsions. If forced by the government or the situation, we will be ready for a people´s revolt or people´s war," said Pampha Bhusal, party spokeswoman, when asked what would the party´s political line be. .... The party has invited representatives from fraternal parties in various countries including USA, China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Canada, Italy and India. The inauguration program will be held at the Khulamanch on Wednesday and processions will converge there from seven different points in the capital...... The CPN-Maoist declared the UCPN (Maoist) as ´neo revisionist´ and Dahal and Bhattarai as ´red renegades.´ .... around 3,500 UCPN (Maoist) leaders and cadres joined the CPN-Maoist on Tuesday. General Secretary Ram Bahadur Thapa welcomed them at the party head office at Buddha Nagar.Thousands take to street in protest against PM
India has set 'evil eye' on Nepal's sovereignty: Baidya
Mohan Baidya admired China for respecting Nepal’s sovereignty while accused India of setting an ´evil eye´ on it. .... the chairman demanded that India scrap ‘unequal’ bilateral treaties that are threat to Nepal’s sovereignty. “We are in favor of fresh treaties with India, acceptable to both,” Baidya said. .... his party will never compromise with American imperialism and Indian expansionism ..... Despite uprooting monarchy and declaring the state as secular, the people’s aspirations are yet to be fulfilled, the chairman said.
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