Showing posts with label New Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Delhi. Show all posts

Friday, January 01, 2016

केजरीवाल, मोदी और दिल्ली

केजरीवाल जब पहली बार दिल्ली का मुख्य मंत्री बने उससे पहले मेरे राडार पर वो नहीं थे। लेकिन जब वो आए, I have to admit, it was a breath of fresh air. ये जो दुसरी बार जिते हैं, तो क्लियर मैंडेट है। स्मार्ट हैं, मेहनती हैं, साधारण पृष्ठभूमि के हैं, एक क्लीन इमेज है। दिल्ली के लिए एजेंडा भी अच्छा है।

लेकिन वो बार बार शिकायत करते आए हैं कि मैंने चुनाव जिता लेकिन मोदी काम नहीं करने दे रहे हैं। तो I have taken that with a grain of salt. मोदी के rear view mirror में केजरीवाल दिखते होंगे ऐसा नहीं लगता। एक बात होता है कि बड़ा आदमी से लफड़ा लो और अपना कद बढ़ाओ। Which is cheap.

तथ्य आखिर है क्या? मोदी तंग कर रहे हैं। ये बात मेरे को मानने को मन नहीं कर रहा था। या तो मोदी का मेरा जो इमेज है गलत है या वो केजरी को तंग नहीं कर रहे। तो बात क्या है आखिर?

तो आज मेरे को जवाब मिल गया। नया साल मुबारक। मोदी को भी केजरी को भी।

मेरे समझ में यहाँ क्या हो रहा है कि मोदी केजरी को तंग नहीं कर रहे। हो ये रहा है कि केजरी ये नहीं समझ रहे कि दिल्ली के पास statehood नहीं है। दिल्ली तो केंद्र शासित क्षेत्र है। तो केंद्र सरकार का मैंडेट तो मोदी को मिला हुवा है। पटना में नीतिश जो हैं या लखनऊ में अखिलेश दिल्ली में केजरी वो नहीं हैं।

दिल्ली को राज्य का दर्जा मिलना चाहिए कि नहीं? मिलना चाहिए तो रोडमैप क्या है?  वो तो बाद की बात है। या तो केजरी को एक रोडमैप प्रस्तुत करना होगा। कि मैं मानता हुँ दिल्ली को राज्य का दर्जा मिलना चाहिए और उसका नेतृत्व मैं करूँगा। तो वो एक रास्ता हुवा। दिल्ली के राज्य के दर्जा के बारे में मेरे को मालुम नहीं। मैंने अध्ययन नहीं किया है।  तो मैं मुद्दे पर न्यूट्रल भी हुँ और अगर केजरी ये बीड़ा उठाना चाहें तो रोडमैप क्या हो सकता है उस पर मैं आर्यभट का शुन्य हुँ। I don't know.

लेकिन अभी तक जो हल्ला करते आए हैं केजरी ये मोदी के प्रति unfair है और केजरी को अपरिपक्व दिखाता है। मोदी का केजरी के साथ न कोई पर्सनालिटी क्लैश है न कोई प्रतिस्प्रधा है। And it would be out of character for Modi to harass Kejri. मेरे समझ में हो क्या रहा है कि केजरी ये नहीं समझ रहे हैं कि दिल्ली केजरी शासित क्षेत्र नहीं है, संविधान जैसा बतला रहा है। दिल्ली केंद्र शासित क्षेत्र है। तो अपना jurisdiction समझने का प्रयास करें। मोदी ट्विटर पर जा के रोना धोना करें कि देखो इतना बड़ा मैंडेट ले के आया मैं लेकिन सी जिनपिंग मेरे को चिनिया सेना का बागडोर सम्हालने नहीं दे रहा है तो कैसा लगेगा? अरे यार चीन आप का jurisdiction नहीं।

कुछ होता है ग्रे जोन। ये केजरी के क्षेत्राधिकार में है कि केंद्र के स्पष्ट नहीं होता। तो वहाँ दोनों प्रतिस्प्रधा करेंगे कि मेरा है मेरा है, वो तो स्वाभाविक है।

केजरी को एक प्रॉपर चीफ मिनिस्टर बनना है तो जाओ पंजाब जाओ। सुनते हैं वहां भी आप का अच्छा है। या दिल्ली को राज्य का दर्जा दिलाने का रोडमैप लाओ और जनता के पास जाओ। बीजेपी ने तो स्पष्ट कह ही दिया नहीं। कि हम नहीं चाहते दिल्ली अलग राज्य हो।

सबसे प्रमुख बात है मोदी पर बार बार जो घटिया और बहुत ही पर्सनल किस्म के अटैक जो हो रहे हैं उससे भारत के छवि पर असर पर रहा है। मैंने हाल ही में वाशिंगटन पोस्ट में एक आर्टिकल पढ़ा जिसमें केजरी को क्वोट किया गया है, कि मोदी psychopath हैं। ये तो लोकतंत्र की भाषा नहीं। भारत के छवि पर असर पड़ता है। और वैसे भी मोदी की कोई गलती मैं देख नहीं रहा। CBI ने खुद एक्शन लिया। गलत लिया तो वकील हायर करो। राजनीतिक मुद्दा है तो राजनीतिक भाषा बोलो।

Kejriwal is promising, but he should not punch above his weight, especially in unfair ways. और वैसे भी economic growth के मुद्दे पर केजरी कुछ नहीं मोदी के सामने। न विज़न देख रहा हुँ न एक्शन।

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

In The News (17)

हामी मधेशी थारुको माग यस्ता छन ..........?१. तराईमा दुई प्रदेशको सीमांकन हुनुपर्ने क. झापा देखि पर्सासम्मको भूभागलाई मधेश प्रदेश ख. चितवन देखि कन्चनपुरसम्मको भूभागलाई थरुहट प्रदेश२. जनसंख्या प्रतिशतको आधारमा नेपालको हरेक क्षेत्रको निर्बाचन क्षेत्रलाई निर्धारण गर्नुपर्ने ३. राज्यको सम्पूर्ण संरचनामा सबै बर्गको समानुपातिक तथा समाबेशी, सिद्धान्त पूर्ण रुपमा लागू हुनुपर्ने ४. मधेशी, थारु, मुस्लिम, दलित, आदिवासी तथा जनजातिहरुको हितको लागि एउटा छूटै न्यायिक आयोग गठन गर्नुपर्ने ५. हरेक प्रदेशलाई स्वायतता प्रदान गर्दै आर्थिक, सामाजिक, भाषिक, सांस्कृतिक तथा पहिचान सहितको अधिकार सुनिश्चित हुनुपर्नेतराईमा दुई संघीय प्रदेश भए मात्र बनेको संबिधानले दीर्घकालीन स्थायित्व प्राप्त गर्न सक्नेछन् र अनि मात्र देश शान्ति, उन्नति तथा सम्बृद्धिको बाटो अघि बढ्न सक्छन। लगभग २ महिना देखि चल्दै, बल्दै तथा धधकिदै गरेको मधेश थरुहट आन्दोलनको मूल एजेंडा नै यंही दुई प्रदेशहरु हुन। तर अहिलेको संघीय सीमांकनले तराईको भूभागलाई पहाडसंग गाभेर तराई छीन भिन्न बनाइसकेका छन। यसो गर्नु मुख्य कारक भनेको फेरी त्यही २५० बर्षीय बिभेदक शासन प्रणाली मधेशी थारु माथि अन्याय, अत्याचार, शोषण, दमन र बिभेद उपजको एउटा ठूलै खसवादीहरुमा रणनीति तथा षड्यन्त्र लुकेका छन जसलाई मधेशी थारु एकजुट भएर चिर्नु या पर्दाफास गर्नुले नै यस आन्दोलनले केहि उपलव्धता ग्रहण गर्न सक्छन। के.पि., झलनाथ, सिटौला तथा अन्य खसबर्ग समुदायहरु सबैलाई अवगत होस कि मधेशी थारु कुनै जातपात होइन। यो दुई समुदायहरु हुन जंहा बिभिन्न जातजाति तथा बर्गहरु सदियों देखि यंहा मिलेर बस्दै आइरहेका छन जसलाई अहिलेको सीमांकनले एउटा बखराको आमासंग तथा एउटा बुबाको छोरासंग सम्बन्ध बिच्छेद गराए सरह भएका छन जसको आवाज, रोदन, चीत्कार तथा पीडा खसवादी शासकबर्गहरुले सुन्ने चाहेको छैन बरु उल्टै बलिको बोका बनाएर सीधै छातीमा गोली हान्दै हत्या गरिरहेका छन।
Posted by Fight for Right on Friday, October 9, 2015

An effort of PAC Nepal during Madhesh movement in Tarai.
Posted by तराई News on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

राजनैतिक मुद्दाबाट जनताको ध्यान भ्रमित गर्न राजनैतिकर्मीहरुले राश्टृयता जस्तो मुद्दालाइ सार्दोरहेछ।अन्ततोगत्वा सत्य सबैले बुझ्दछन।
Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

कश्मीरी पृथकतावादियों को पाकिस्तान के द्वारा बुलाए जाने पर घनघोर आपत्ति करने वाली भारत की सरकार नेपाल के आन्दोलनकारियों ...
Posted by Kanakdhara Swami Swadeshanand on Sunday, December 6, 2015

केपी ओलिले सौराहामा मधेस र मधेसिलाई गाली गर्दै गर्दा त्यहाँ बसेका एमालेका मधेसी सभाषाद र नेता ताली बजाउदै थिए । सिमान्कन नै आन्दोलनको प्रमुख एजेन्दा हो । यो नबिर्स ।
Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Monday, December 7, 2015

आन्दोलन जती लम्बिदै जान्छ समाधान गर्न गार्हो हुँदैछ । मधेस प्रदेस को नारा कमजोर हुन्छ तर मधेश देश को बारा बलियो हुँदै जान्छ । फाइदा मधेदी लाई नै हुन्छ ।
Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Monday, December 7, 2015

Attack to Madhesi
Posted by Vijay Kumar Sah on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

This Elephant Calf Stuck in the Mud Symbolizes All of Our Stru...
This elephant calf stuck in the mud symbolizes all of our struggles
Posted by storyful on Tuesday, December 1, 2015

मधेशमय बन्यो दिल्ली, मधेशी विद्यार्थीद्वारा प्रदर्शन
तीन पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री सहित झन्डै १०० जना अख्तियारको फन्दामा
प्रचण्ड र शेरबहादुरजीले बोल्नुपर्छ कि खण्डन गर्नुपर्छ — प्रदीप ज्ञवाली
दुई राष्ट्रियताको जग वा समग्र मधेस प्रदेशको जगमा उभिएर गरिने तर्क भने जायज छैनन् ।

बरु म पदमा नरहुँला तर छानबिन रोकिन्न : लोकमानसिंह कार्की
अहिले बढाएको छानबिनमा अरु थुप्रैको नाम भएको र उनीहरु माथि पनि छानबिन हुने ....... ‘अख्तियारले पत्र काटेर छानबिन गर्दैमा दोषी हुने होइन,’ उनले भने, ‘अनुसन्धानपछि को दोषीको को होइन थाह हुन्छ । अनुसन्धान कै विरोध गर्नु राम्रो होइन ।’

एमाले ले पनि मधेस भित्र गएर भेला गर्न सकेन । सौरहा (चितवन्) सम्म पुगे । मधेश मा कस्तो बनाएका रहेछन त जनाधार ?

Posted by Rajesh Ahiraj on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

मशाल जुलुस प्रदर्शन .....ईनरवा, सुनसरीमा आन्दोलनमा भईरहेको प्रहरी दमनको बिरोधमा मशाल जुलुस प्रदर्शन

Posted by Upendra Mahato on Wednesday, December 9, 2015

'ईश्वर'ले कि 'इस् चोर'ले ! कसले चाह्यो भने ५,७ दिनमा नाकाबन्दी खुल्छ रे ?-The गजुReal Confusion

Posted by Manoj Gajurel on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I just wonder ! why there is anti India slogans raised time and again despite Indian's cooperation in many sectors of...

Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I just wonder ! why there is anti India slogans raised time and again despite Indian's cooperation in many sectors of...

Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

देश, जनता और संसद नाकाबंदी , मधेश आंदोलन, मधेश में हिंसा, , आपूत्र्ति मे दिखी समस्या, तस्करी, कालाबाजारी, जमाखोरी लगाय...

Posted by Sarita Giri on Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Shyam Saran at his finest: On the brazen attempt to entrench the privileged status of a high caste elite with an...

Posted by Prashant Jha on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Shyam Saran: Nepal treads a perilous path
the perilous path on which the current ruling elite in Nepal is taking the country ...... A deliberate and risky political and social polarisation is being engendered in order to camouflage a brazen attempt to entrench the privileged status of a high-caste elite with an arrogant sense of entitlement. ....... ultra-nationalism in the form of anti-Indianism is being assiduously peddled to deflect attention from a more sinister domestic agenda ....... We appear to have tacitly accepted the Pahari-Plains dichotomy and the associated perception that the latter are "Indian-origin" and thus enjoying the support of India as the Nepali government alleges. The people living in the Terai are the original inhabitants of the region and not immigrants from India. They became part of Nepal as a result of conquest and as a result of later British largesse for services rendered in the suppression of the first war of Indian independence. ......... these plains people have kinship ties with people living on the Indian side of the border - but so do most of the hill people of Nepal. There are several million Indian citizens of Nepali pahari origin who live in various parts of our country. They are proud citizens of India but also have kinship ties with their brethren living in Nepal. And over the past decade and a half, as a result of the long years of Maoist insurgency and economic deprivation, there are six to eight million Nepali citizens who have been living and working in India. They are overwhelmingly from the hill areas in Nepal. ............. There are also several thousand ex-Indian Army pensioners who are scattered across the villages and towns of Nepal. They are almost entirely "paharis" or hill people. And finally, even the high-caste Nepalis, including those claiming royal lineage, have close kinship and ties through marriage with their counterparts in India. They constitute part and parcel of the long-standing web of intimate ties that bind the people of the two countries together. .......... "janjatis" which have been equally oppressed ..... much of Nepal's power supply comes from India ... It continues uninterrupted ..... If agitating demonstrators in the south are interrupting movement across the border, it is unreasonable to expect India to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for Nepali leaders who have triggered this unrest by their short-sighted policies. ....... the people are ahead of their leaders in many ways and this means that their struggle cannot be easily suppressed ...... Ultra-nationalism based on a narrow and contrived hill identity and targeting a section of Nepali citizens as unpatriotic agents of a foreign power risks a counter ultra-nationalism, one feeding on the other. ....... The plains are the country's food basket. Much of the country's industry is located in the plains, near the vast markets in neighbouring India. The Terai and its people are precious assets for the country and will remain the foundation for its economic prosperity........ the risks to Nepal's national unity and its economic welfare may become the biggest casualties of the policies being pursued by the Kathmandu political dispensation. This is particularly so as winter descends on the country and large number of people remain without adequate shelter and food in the hill areas. The earthquake also severed the already sparse communication links with the rest of the country. .........

It is this looming human tragedy which should have been the over-riding preoccupation of the Nepali government rather than playing cynical political games to preserve the privileges of the traditional elite. India had responded to the earthquake by rushing urgent supplies and reconstruction assistance. This support needs to continue but is being hampered by the negative attitudes of the Nepali establishment.

....... Over the past month, there is little evidence that Chinese supplies may assume anywhere near the scale of India-Nepal trade and economic links. India needs to be watchful concerning Chinese activities in Nepal - but letting the Nepali government use the China bogey to pressure India to acquiesce in its current policies would be counter-productive.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Warped Reality Of Nepal's Ruling Elite

The Warped Reality Of Nepal's Ruling Elite
Or Why You Should See The Protests In Front Of The UN For What It Truly Is

Human Rights Watch Report: Like We Are Not Nepali
  • Do not be fooled by the Nepalis protesting in front of the United Nations today. If this keeps on for too long, you might as well see ISIS sympathizers, or Assad supporters doing the same in due course of time. Because these people are rooting for people guilty of similar crimes.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi did more for the earthquake victims of Nepal than any other single person on earth, and he started doing within minutes of the earthquake striking. The busiest person on earth took time out of his schedule and acted as if an earthquake had struck his own country. I’d know. I followed the earthquake’s aftermath for all my waking hours for weeks in a row. Modi’s role was astounding, heartwarming, and the only ray of hope for many for long.
  • Nepal’s ruling elite, the Khas, are people who literally all of them, 100% of them, migrated from India over the centuries, primarily fleeing the invading Mughals. Today Indophobia is their central organizing principle in Kathmandu. It is like a Harvard study showing all homophobic people are gay. How do you explain this irrationality? It is easy.
  • Nepal is not a democracy. Nepal is proof sham elections, rigged elections don’t a democracy make. The last elections held in Nepal were thoroughly rigged. The state security agencies overwhelmingly dominated by the Khas rigged the elections so as to strengthen the status quo parties.
  • Nepal is a corrupt country. 50% of the country’s annual budget is put to personal use by about 50,000 people in the country. It is a country of 30 million. It is relatives of those 50,000 people who are running up and down the street in front of the United Nations today.
  • Coming to America is social mobility in Nepal that mostly only the ruling Khas elite can afford. And these “protests” are proof. Similar protests were organized in London when Prime Minister Modi recently visited.
  • Even the corrupt, and the unfair, and the prejudiced have a right to hold rallies.
  • But this is also, at some level, casteism. Narendra Modi’s lower middle class, and lower caste background is offensive to these ruling Brahmins of Kathmandu. It is amazing how their Brahminic ideology is immune to Modi’s political stature, gifts, amazing goodwill, and sheer power. India is a large, powerful country in South Asia, and Nepal is 200% dependent on India for pretty much everything. But casteist Brahmins of Nepal seem to think he is but a passing fluke. He has not lasted a thousand years like their casteist ideology, and he will be gone in a few years unlike their casteist ideology, or so they think.
  • Within weeks of the earthquake striking the hashtag #GoBackIndia started trending on Twitter in Nepal. How do you explain that? After Modi did so much for the earthquake victims. Who is on Twitter in Nepal? Not the masses. The same 50,000 people who put 50% of the country’s budget to personal use are the people on Twitter in Nepal.
  • You’d think that after the massive earthquake the politicians of Nepal would set aside all political work to focus on relief work for something like six months. But no. They instead figured out the post-earthquake scenario was actually perfect timing to push a summarily unequal constitution down the country’s throat. The earthquake was a godsend to them. The people were deemed too weak to protest. And they were. As inhuman as that logic sounds, that is what happened. The ruling politicians immediately started acting like the earthquake did not even happen. These people were not in shock. They really are that unfeeling.
  • The international community has pledged four billion dollars in aid for the earthquake victims. That was months ago. India’s pledge is fully 25% of that offer. And they are still managing to blame Modi for the fact that that money has amazingly gone untouched. Untouched! How do you explain that? The way corruption works in Nepal is, they wait until the last minute to spend the money. And once the deadline looms, as it does in this case at the end of the year, the money then is spent in a hurry. Because in that chaos looting becomes so much easier. There are no plans to take those four billion dollars to the earthquake victims. But there are massive schemes by those 50,000 people to loot the four billion dollars. That has been their bread and butter for decades. Nothing new is going on.
  • The earthquake victims really do face a brutal winter. But the blame is being placed in the wrong place.
  • The earthquake victims are being held hostage by the ruling elite in Nepal. The earthquake victims are Janajatis who have been marginalized by the Nepali state for centuries. And that marginalization sees continuity in the country’s new constitution that was supposed to give them a path to equality.
  • The new constitution of Nepal, if it goes unchallenged, will be like a permanent earthquake to the Janajatis of Nepal. Ask the people protesting in front of the United Nations today. They are all practically relatives to the ruling elite in Nepal. These are people who feel the earthquake victims have not had it bad enough.
  • It is the Madhesis of the southern plains who are fighting for themselves as well as the Janajatis. The Madhesi protests have gone past three months now. For the first few weeks they were hounded out of their district headquarters. Close to 50 were killed in contravention to national and international law, all duly recorded in a Human Rights Watch report. These people protesting in front of the UN are the Nepali Assad supporters. They sure have a right to protest. But ask them what they are protesting. They are protesting because they think they have a right to uphold human rights abuses.
  • In recent weeks the Madhesis have resorted to protesting at the Nepal India border. It has been a weapon of last resort. The ruling elite had the option weeks ago to heed their demands and make constitutional amendments accordingly. They have refused to do so. Instead they have been doing what they have always been doing. They have been engaging in India bashing. India is being blamed for the fact that Madhesis have been protesting.
  • These people in front of the UN fundamentally believe in a hierarchical social, political order. To them that is landscape. To them that is as natural as hills. Or the craters on the moon. It is an eery reality but it is what it is. Don’t let them fool you into thinking Modi is the reason Nepal’s earthquake victims might be facing a harsh winter. The fact that the man who has done more than any other person on earth for Nepal’s earthquake victims is being blamed for the sad plight of the Nepal earthquake victims should tell you. These are people with warped mindsets. They don’t deal with reality and facts. They don’t deal with logic. 
  •  Nepal is a human hostage situation. The ruling elite in Kathmandu stands between the four billion dollars pledged by the international community, primarily India, and the earthquake victims, who are mostly Janajati, marginalized. The ruling Khas elite has inflicted massive structural inequality upon those Janajatis for over 250 years now. The earthquake has been seen as an “opportunity” by the ruling Khas elite to make those structural inequalities permanent. The earthquake victims, in a weak position to begin with, have been deemed too weak, weakened by the earthquake to protest.
  • Thank God the Madhesis are protesting, on behalf of Madhesis, but also the Janajatis.
  • The Madhesis, vastly marginalized in Nepal, are few in number in America. Close to 40% in Nepal, they are not even 1% of the Nepalis in America. They now find all so-called Nepali organizations in America are deaf to their just cause. An ideology of ethnic superiority is being espoused to project a false image that Modi is the enemy of Nepal and Nepal’s earthquake victims. True, Modi has been inconvenient to the unjust ruling class in Nepal. But then he is a democrat. He rose up the ranks listening to ordinary people. It is in Modi’s instincts to listen to the millions of protesting Madhesis of Nepal.
  • Cut through the fog. The protests in front of the UN today are designed to hoodwink you. Your sympathies should not go with these protesters, but the tens of millions in Nepal they have been subjugating for centuries. Ask them as to why they have so utterly, completely ignored Nepal’s earthquake victims for all these months. Ask them why they so refuse to meet the just demands of the Madhesis. Ask them the simple questions.
  • Modi has done more for Nepal’s earthquake victims than any other person. It is Nepal’s ruling elite that has treated those earthquake victims like enemies. It is Nepal’s corrupt ruling elite that has for months refused to touch the four billion dollars pledged by the global community for relief work for those earthquake victims. Not Modi. They should be blaming themselves. Instead they are blaming Modi. These protesters in front of the UN don’t have their facts right. Soon enough, Assad supporters are also going to march near here.
  • The very communities of Nepal that have earned so much goodwill for themselves and for the country at large, like the Sherpas, and the Tamangs, and the Gurungs, and the Limbus, are the Janajatis these ruling Khas elite are hellbent on subjugating for yet another century. Don’t be fooled by them. Stand by those Sherpas. Global voices matter.
  • Buddha was a Madhesi.

एनआरएन अमेरिकाका अध्यक्ष डा. केशव पौडेलले भारतीय नाकावन्दिको विरोध गर्दै नोभेम्वर १७ का दिन न्यूयोर्कमा हुने विरोध कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुन सबैलाई आव्हान गर्नु भएको छ ।
Posted by Baltimore Khabar on Monday, November 16, 2015

NRN USA (Non-Resident Nepali Association) protested India Government's blockade to Nepal in front of United Nations...

Posted by Pradeep Thapa on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

STOP Blockade IndiaYou Are Now Naked In Front Of World #NepalChokedByIndia

Posted by Jimmy Gurung on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

भोली बुधवार तीन दल का अध्यक्ष र मधेसवादी दल का अध्यक्ष बिच निर्नायक र अन्तिम वार्ता हुँदैछ प्रचन्द बाबु को पहल मा । छथी माइया ले सबैलाई दिमाग देओस ।

Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

१९६० पूर्व काठमाडौँबाहिर नेरु नभएर भारु प्रचलनमा थियो । त्यस्तै मधेसका स्कुलमा राष्ट्रिय गीत ‘जनमनगण नायक हे...’ थियो । ...

Posted by Souvidhya Manoz on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

FB 1151 - Chhat Pooja manayi gayi Mumbai mein samudra ke kinaare, surya ast hone ke samay ..Ek aisa tyoohaar ji adhiktar Bihar mein manaya jaata hai ..

Posted by Amitabh Bachchan on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"निगमले तेल वितरण पारदर्शी नगर्दा सरकारकै संरक्षणमा तेलको #कालोबजारी भइरहेको छ" #नागरिक

Posted by Guna Raj Luitel on Monday, November 16, 2015

जहाँ जहाँ पहादिहरुले भारत को बिरोध गर्दैछ त्यो देश को सरकार र जनता ले थाहा पाउदैछ १० जनाले बनाएको सम्बिधान र मधेस मा गरेको दमन बारे । #welcometoIndia

Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Monday, November 16, 2015

आज २०७२ कार्तिक २२ । जनकपुर में आन्दोलनकारीयों ने सांस्कृतिक झलक सहित बिरोध प्रदर्शन किया ।

Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Sunday, November 8, 2015

स्वधिन राष्ट्र नेपाल माथि भारतिय कुदिष्ट्रि प्रति नेपालीहरूको बिरोध न्यूयोर्कमा

Posted by Pramod Sitaula on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

भुकम्प पीडित को लागी आएको तृपाल्, अर्बौ रुपैया सरकारले पचाए । अहिले तेल्, गैस , अन्य खधान्न फेरी सरकारले खादैछ । जनता दुखमा , नेता र सरकार कमाउनमा! कसतो चलन ?

Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Divided by politicians united by Chhath Pooja@ Chhath Pooja Location, Ktm

Posted by Sunil Adhikari Yadav on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

In The News (33)

दिल्लीमा दूतको भीडभाड
लवजमा अंग्रेजी–हिन्दी–नेपाली मिसाएर बोल्ने अभ्यास बनाएका एकजना कार्यकर्ता स्तरका नेता अघिल्लो साता दिल्ली उत्रिए र सगर्व सुनाए— म आएको छु है, दूत बनेर। ...... लोधी स्टेट–१४ स्थित कोसियारी निवासमा कहिले राजनीतिज्ञ त कहिले पत्रकार वा टीभी कार्यक्रम प्रस्तोताको भीड लागिरहन्छ। हिन्दुवादी शुभेच्छुक, भारतीय जनता पार्टीका कार्यकर्ता र उत्तराखण्ड राज्यका नयाँ वा पुराना प्रतिनिधि/पात्रहरू यहाँ आइरहेका हुन्छन्। यही लर्कोमा नेपालबाट दिल्ली दर्शनमा आएका नेताहरू शेरबहादुर देउवादेखि पुष्पकमल दाहालसम्म कोसियारी निवासमा पुग्ने गरेका छन्। ...... अहिले पार्टी पंक्ति र सत्ताका कुनै देखिने स्थानमा नरहे पनि नेपाल मामलामा पार्टीलाई ‘ब्रिफिङ’ गर्ने तहमा रहेका ववरिष्ठ नेता भगतसिंह कोसियारी सधैंजसो व्यस्तताका माझ भेटिन्छन्। कुराकानीका समय लिएर उनीकहाँ पुग्दा दुई हातमा दुई मोबाइल लिएर कहिले यो त कहिले त्यो पालोमा फोन उठाइरहेका थिए, भगतसिंह।

‘एउटा फोन त नेपालकै लागि चाहिन्छ, तपाईको देशका सबै दलका सबै नेताहरू फोन–परामर्शमै हुन्छन्— लेखराज भट्टदेखि विजय गच्छदारसम्म,’ कोसियारीले नेपाल–ब्रिफिङ सुरु गरिसकेका थिए, फेरि अर्को हातको मोबाइल बज्यो। ‘ढकालजी, बोलिए तो’

भन्ने संकेतपछि कोसियारी कुरो अगाडि बढ्यो। ....... कुनै ढकाल थरका हिन्दुवादी, राजावादी र सन्त निराहारीको ‘कल’ थियो त्यो। ‘यता भारतीय विस्तारवाद मुर्दावाद भन्न थालेका छन्, प्रधानमन्त्री मोदीको पुत्ला पनि जलाउन थालेका छन्, स्थिति त्यति सजिलो छैन’, ढकालले एकै सासमा सुनाएको कुरो नटुङ्गिदै कोसियारीले जवाफ फर्काए—

‘जल्ने दो, होने दो।’

..... लगत्तै अर्को फोन आयो— तीनदलीय बैठकको भर्खरैको निर्णय यहाँ (कुनै कष्ट नगरी) सुन्न पाइयो। फेरि प्रचण्डको मनोदशा, सुशील कोइरालाको मुड र मधेसी दलको ७ बुँदे मागपत्रका बारे बहस सुन्न पाइयो। अर्को दिन विजय जोली, सुधिन्द्र भदोरिया, डीपी त्रिपाठी, केसी त्यागी जोसँग संयोगले भेटिए पनि उनीहरूसँग जत्तिको ‘अन द स्पट रिपोर्टिङ’ (सूचना) एउटा पत्रकारसँग हुन नसक्दा लज्जाबोध हुन्थ्यो। बरु प्राध्यापक कमलमित्र चिन्नोई, एसडी मुनी भने ‘हार्ड न्युज’भन्दा पनि पृष्ठभूमिमा लुकेका आधारहरू जोडेर नेपाल–स्थितिमा समीक्षा सुनाइरहेका हुन्छन्।

काठमाडौंको राजनीतिदेखि ससाना घटनाक्रमसम्म छिनभरमै दिल्ली मुकाममा आइपुग्छ— सन्देश बनेर।

‘मलाई सबै घटना थाहा छ, तपाईको प्रश्न के हो— सिधै सोध्नुहोस्’, पृष्ठभूमि भनिनसक्दै जिज्ञासा पनि टुङ्गिएजस्तो हुन्छ। ........ राष्ट्रले खटाएको स्थायी दूत (राजदूत) बाहेक हरेक साताको अन्तर बिराएर दिल्ली उत्रने नेता, पत्रकार, उद्यमी, व्यवसायीहरूको छनक पनि बुझिनसक्नुको देखिन्छ।

बाहिर ठूलो क्रान्तिकारी र राष्ट्रवादी छवि भएकाहरूसँग झन् धेरै दूत हुने रहेछन्।

लवजमा अंग्रेजी–हिन्दी–नेपाली मिसाएर बोल्ने अभ्यास बनाएका एकजना कार्यकर्ता स्तरका नेता अघिल्लो साता दिल्ली उत्रिए र सगर्व सुनाए— ‘म आएको छु है, दूत बनेर।’ बरु आफ्नै कामधन्दामा दिल्ली आएर सुटुक्क घर फर्केका नेताहरू डा.शेखर कोइराला र योगेश भट्टराईले मात्रै ‘स्वघोषित दूत’ भनेर आफूलाई चिनाएनन् ......... कतिसम्म भने कुनै दूतहरू (मुडअनुसार) दिल्ली केन्द्रमा सहजै भेटिने साना दलका नेताहरू र कथित थिङ्क–ट्याङ्कका प्रतिनिधि बताउनेहरूसँग राजीव चोक आसपासमा भेटेर ‘सेल्फी’ खिच्छन्। साउथ–ब्लकको ढोकासम्म पुग्नसके भने हातमा फाइल बोकेको एउटा ‘सेल्फी’ पनि लिइहाल्छन्। झन्डै दुई सातादेखि नाकाबन्दीको मार बेहोर्दै आएको नेपालका लागि यो नाका खोल्ने/खोलाउने ‘जडी’को खोजी चौतर्फी रूपमा भैरहेका बेला बिभिन्न तहमा घोषित/अघोषित प्रयास नभैरहेको पनि होइन।

तर यो कुनै दूत वा प्रतिनिधिले पकड राख्न नसक्ने ‘राजनीतिक मामला’ हो भन्ने ढिलो गरेर मात्रै पुष्टि भएको छ।

यो गुढ कुरा अलिक पहिले थाहा पाएको भए अर्को एउटा चरणमा नेपालबाट ‘दूत बनेर’ उत्रिएका आपूर्ति मन्त्री सुनिलबहादुर थापाले विहारको चुनावमा व्यस्त रहेका पेट्रोलियम मन्त्री धर्मेन्द्र प्रधानलाई फोन गर्ने थिएनन् कि? अथवा नेपालमा ठप्प रहेको आपूर्ति तथा पारवहन समस्याबारे मन्त्रीले ‘फोन–इन–ब्रिफिङ’ गरेको विषय नेपाली दूतावासको विज्ञप्ति बनेर नआउने थियो कि? ......... उपाध्यायले दिल्ली केन्द्रमा गृहमन्त्री, विदेशमन्त्री, राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षा सल्लाहकारका तहमा नियमितजस्तै भेट–परामर्श गरेका छन्। मंगलबार बिहानमात्रै सुरक्षा सल्लाहकार अजित डोबलसँग फोनवार्ता गरेर अर्को चरणमा स्थिति ‘बुझबुझारथ’ गर्ने काम गरे। ‘अघोषित भनिएको नाकाबन्दीमा राजनीतिक वा आर्थिक जड कारणहरू गाँसिएका होलान्, तर त्योभन्दा अगाडि बढेर अहिले उब्जिएको असहज अवस्था ‘मानवीय संकट’को मुद्दा बन्न लागेको छ। त्यसमाथि दशैंतिहार चाडको मुखमा उब्जिएको यो संकटले पार्नसक्ने प्रभाव झनै गहिरो (नकारात्क) हुनसक्छ’, राजदूतले सल्लाहकार डोबलसँग भएको कुराकानीबारे भने। ...... नेपालमाथि थोपरिएको अघोषित नाकाबन्दीको अस्त्र इतिहासकै सबैभन्दा ‘घातक’ रहेको टिप्पणी आइरहेका बेला

भारतीय मूलधारका मिडियाहरू भने यी सबै घटनाक्रममा ‘बेखबर’झैं देखिन्छन्।

यहाँका मुख्य अखबार, टेलिभिजन कतै पनि दुई सातादेखि नेपालमाथि लगाइएको नाकाबन्दीबारे कुनै खबर छैन। लाग्छ— भारतीय मिडियासामु यो घोर संकटको सूचना पुगेकै छैन। अर्कोतिर काठमाडौंमा पनि परराष्ट्र–स्रोतका हवालामा सूचनाको पहुँचबाट निकै बाहिर उभिंँदै ‘अरे’को खबर छाप्नेमा मूलधारकै मिडिया पनि देखिएका छन्। अचम्मलाग्दो यो छ कि

एकातिर सूचना पुगेकै छैन, अर्कोतिर सूचना भएको भन्दा निकै बढी छ— स्वैरकाल्पनिक।

China Grabs Nepali Land
China ‘assures’ agitating Tarai leaders it is not anti-Madhesi
China has told Nepal’s Tarai leadership, agitating for greater rights in the constitution, that Beijing is not ‘anti-Madhesi’ and believes that for a stable Nepal, Madhesis have to accommodated in a political settlement. It has also told them that burning a China flag does not make anyone ‘pro-India’, just as

publicly claiming China step into to compete with India in Nepal does not make anyone ‘pro-China’

. It has conveyed to Madhesi leaders India and China are in touch on Nepal ......... Beijing was concerned about the burning of a China flag during the ongoing Madhesi agitation in Nepal’s southern plains. The Madhesi parties had condemned the incident, distancing themselves from it....... “They told us China is not anti-Madhesi, just as Madhes is not anti-China. They added that while China does not speak on Nepal’s internal affairs, it wants a peaceful and stable Nepal, and for a stable Nepal, Madhes has to be accommodated” ...... by burning a Chinese flag, no one becomes ‘pro India’, just as by saying China will replace India in Nepal, as some in Kathmandu have suggested, no one becomes ‘pro China’. ......

India and China had close ties, and had even been in touch at various levels.

They even joked that in Kathmandu, Chinese diplomats have told Indian diplomats they may need their help to get fuel for the embassy.
काठमाडाैं उपत्यका मुनि ३० करोड घनमिटर ग्यास
ललितपुरको कुपन्डोलस्थित बीमा समितिको केन्द्रीय कार्यालयका कर्मचारीहरु जमीनमुनिको प्राकृतिक(मिथेन) ग्यास बालेर चिया बनाउँछन्। पहिला नेपाल बैंकको कार्यालय रहेको सो भवनमा बीमा समितिको कार्यालय सरेपछि प्राकृतिक ग्यास प्रणाली जोडिएको चुल्हो पनि समितिलाई उपहारस्वरुप प्राप्त भएको हो। न भारतले नाकाबन्दी गरेकोमा पिर छ न त ओसार–पसारको झण्झट नै। स्वीच खोल्यो, बाल्यो। ....... 'करिब ७० जनाका कर्मचारीका लागि दैनिक चिया र खाजा यही ग्यासबाट पाक्छ।' ....... काठमाडौंमा ग्यास खानी रहेको यो स्पष्ट उदाहरण हो। ..... हो करिब २० लाख बढी जनसंख्या बसोबास गर्ने काठमाडौं उपत्यकामुनि ग्यास खानी छ। दक्षिणी छिमेकीले राजनीतिक स्वार्थका लागि नाकाबन्दी गर्दा ग्यास खानीमाथि बसोबास गर्ने उपत्यकाबासी अहिले समस्या झेल्न विवश भएका छन्। ...... यो तथ्य पत्ता लागेको झण्डै पाँच दशक बित्न लाग्यो। २०२० सालताका भारतको प्राकृतिक ग्यास आयोग र २०३० मा चीनको पेट्रोलियम अनुसन्धान टोलीले काठमाडौंमा ठूलै परिमाणमा प्राकृतिक ग्यास रहेको अनुमान गरेका थियो। जापान सहयोग नियोग(जाइका)ले २०३४ सालमा उपत्यकाको जमीनमा ग्यासको अन्वेषण ग¥यो। २०४१ सालमा युएनडीपीको सहयोगमा सरकारले ५ वर्षे अन्वेषण परियोजना पनि सञ्चालन गर्याे। सबै खोज अन्वेषणहरुले उपत्यकाको जमीनमुनि ग्यास रहेको प्रस्ट देखाए। अध्ययनहरुले उपत्यकाको जमिनमुनि ठूलो परिमाणमा मिथेन ग्यास रहेको देखाएको थियो। ....... उपत्यकाको जमीनमुनि करिब ३० करोड घनमिटर ग्यास रहेको अनुमान गरिएको छ। उक्त परिमाणको ग्यासले करिब ३० वर्षसम्म २० हजार परिवारलाई खाना बनाउन पुग्छ भन्ने अनुमान छ।

'गतसाल हामीले गरेको अध्ययनले अझै पनि त्यही परिमाणमा ग्यास मौजुद रहेको देखिएको छ,'

विभागका महानिर्देशक साहले भने। ....... विभागले गत वर्ष करिब ५० लाख खर्चिएर उपत्यकाको विभिन्न ठाउँमा ड्रिलिङ गरेको थियो। पछिल्लो अनुसन्धानले पनि त्यही परिमाणमा ग्यास छ भन्ने देखाएको छ। ...... काठमाडौं उपत्यका जमिनमुनि रहेको प्राकृतिक ग्यासलाई सिलिन्डरमा भर्न नमिल्ने प्राविधिज्ञहरु बताउँछन्। यस्तो ग्यासलाई प्रयोग गर्नका लागि ग्यासको मुहानदेखि खाना पकाउने चुल्होसम्मको पाइपलाइन विस्तार गरी बाल्नु पर्ने हुन्छ। ग्रामीण इलाकाका घरहरुमा निर्माण भएका बायो(गोबर)ग्यास प्लान्ट जस्तै जमिनबाट पाइपलाइनमार्फत घरघरको चुल्होमा जोड्न सकिन्छ। विभागका महानिर्देशक सर्वजित महतो भन्छन्,'यो ग्यासलाई सुरक्षित तरिकाले कसरी प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने विषयमा हामीलाई सुझाउन सक्ने कन्सल्ट्यान्ट खोजिरहेका छौं।' ...... जमीनमुनि रहेको ग्यासले थर्मल प्लान्टमार्फत करिब ७२ वटा वेल निर्माण गरी २ मेगावाट विद्युत् निकाल्न सकिने अनुमान विज्ञहरुले गरेका छन्। ..... विद्युत् उत्पादनका लागि थर्मल प्लान्ट स्थापना तथा अन्य विकल्पबारे छलफल गर्न

विभागले विभिन्न मितिमा करिब ६ पटक बोलपत्र आह्वान गरिसकेको छ। सो प्रस्तावबारे कुनै पनि निजी कम्पनीले इच्छा देखाएका छैनन्। ग्यासको व्यवसायिक बिक्री झण्झटपूर्ण देखिएकाले निजी लगानीकर्ता उत्साहित नदेखिएको विभागको ठहर छ।

प्राकृतिक ग्यास उत्खनन् कार्यलाई अघि बढाउन विभागले सानो शाखामार्फत काम गरिरहेको छ। ग्यास उत्खनन् र व्यवसायिक प्रयोगबारे सरकारले ठोस कार्यक्रम सहित सक्रियता देखाउन सकेको छैन।

सकारी उदासिनताका कारण ग्यासमाथि बसोबास गर्ने काठमाडौं उपत्यकाबासी ग्यास अभाव झेल्न बाध्य छन्।

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pahadi Men, Take Note

English: Nepali people
English: Nepali people (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A picture taken in Bhaktapur, Kathman...
English: A picture taken in Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, Nepal. A Nepali woman smiles. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A hindu devotee in Nepal
English: A hindu devotee in Nepal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Nepali Writer Manjushree Thapa
Nepali Writer Manjushree Thapa (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Nepalese writer Manjushree Thapa explains why she burned her country’s new constitution
The new statute bars Nepalese women from conferring citizenship to their children independently of men. It also prohibits children of Nepali women and foreign men from holding high office.
I don’t know when I realised I wasn’t equal to my brother. My mother was a medical doctor, my father a PhD; there was never any question that my sister and I would have the same educational and professional opportunities as my brother. When we were old enough to understand such things ‒ I may have been nine or ten ‒ my parents explained that when the time came, they’d will their property to us evenly. My sister and I were promised that we were, in all ways, equal. But by that time I already knew that the rule of our family wasn’t the law of the land. I understood that outside the shelter of our exceptionally socially liberal family, in Nepal, my brother was more valued than I. ...... Concepts such as rights come later in life, but the feeling of our lesser worth is inculcated early in Nepali girls. Is it when we’re praised more for our looks than our achievements? Is it when the expectations of us are shaped, violently, to make us fit an impossible ideal? Is it when we’re reminded, over and over, to behave demurely, to be pleasing, to agree, to smile? The messages come from all directions, all the time. We’re taught early in life that we’re just girls. ...... I’m in my forties now, and living, for the moment, in Canada. I’ve successfully eluded the impossible ideal of Nepali womanhood. I haven’t married, I don’t have children, my family life is happily unorthodox. My mother didn’t make my sister and me spend our menarche hidden away, as girls of our caste were expected to do; we’ve never been considered untouchable when menstruating. I don’t defer to my partner; I don’t defer to men in general. From the age of fourteen I’ve identified as a feminist. ...... But by law I’m a Nepali woman, and therefore, by law, lesser than a Nepali man. Though I’ve lived in the US and Canada for half my life, I have, against the advice of well-wishers, and with some abiding, perhaps misguided, loyalty, retained Nepali citizenship......... Nepal’s civil code has been guided by Hindu law, which sees women as the property of either their fathers or husbands. There’s a Nepali adage ‒

“Women have no caste”

‒ which goes to the heart of the Hindu patriarchal devaluation of women. Our identities are defined by men; we have no essence, no identity, of our own. ...... When I first became politically aware ‒ in my early teens ‒ Nepal’s civil code was so hateful it

assigned punishment for rape according to whether the victim was a virgin, married, or a prostitute, because her worth relied on her sexual purity.

Women couldn’t inherit parental property. Abortion was illegal. There were only one or two women in government at any given time; often there were none. There was no concept of affirmative action to correct that. ......... The adage, “Women have no caste,” has been interpreted by constitution after Nepali constitution as, “Women have no nationality.” Our bodies are considered mere vessels for men to pass on their nationality, be that foreign or Nepali. ...... When I turned eighteen I obtained my own citizenship through my father, not my mother. ..... If I’d had children I wouldn’t be able to confer citizenship to them.......

No other country in South Asia discriminates between men and women’s citizenship rights; only 26 countries worldwide do. Nepal long ago ratified the UN’s Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. A young generation of Nepalis is forward-looking, progressive, embracing of social liberalism. So we really believed things would finally change.

...... all of Nepal’s major political parties, be they conservative, liberal, leftist, or radical, have consistently been united on one point: that equal citizenship rights for women threatens Nepali sovereignty. ....... in the mind of the Hindu patriarch ‒ since women have no caste/nationality, their bodies are possibly traitorous, hosts to foreign babies, and ‒ given Nepal’s open border with India ‒ specifically to Indian babies. These traitorous female bodies have to be controlled for the sake of the nation; women must not be able to confer Nepali citizenship independently of men......... In the past few years Nepal’s feminist movement did everything short of taking up arms to change the minds of Hindu patriarchs. They put on demonstrations, rallies, and marches to the point of exhaustion. They sat at meetings with party leaders, with the president, the prime minister, the speaker of the house. They led awareness drives and media campaigns. They even went on hunger strike....... When all other arguments were exhausted, Hindu patriarchs returned to

the same hateful argument: “It isn’t about women, it’s about the open border with India.”

Nationalism beats, as a final refuge, in the hearts of Nepal’s Hindu patriarchs. Incredible as it sounds, they are ruled by

a deep-seated xenophobia, a fear that Indian men will marry Nepali women, and the children ‒ born of Indian seed! ‒ will populate Nepal.

Nepal will then no longer be Nepali; it will be Indian. “We agree with you,” Nepali feminists have been told. “But you have to consider our national identity.” If women are to be loyal to Nepal, we must accept unequal citizenship rights. ....... Not only can women not confer citizenship to their children independently of men, the children of Nepali women and foreign men will be barred from high office. No such restriction applies to the children of Nepali men married to foreign women. And Nepali men can, as ever, confer citizenship to their children independently of women.......

News of this vote felt violent, like a slap, a blow, a punch to the gut. I spent days reeling, in shock, raging and impotent, bewildered and ill, thinking: a country that betrays its women doesn’t deserve women’s loyalty.

....... Unequal citizenship rights will leave more than

four million stateless

in Nepal. This means they’ll have no recourse to government services; the stateless are intensely vulnerable. ..... it feels deeply personal, as though I’ve been dealt a psychic wound that won’t ever heal now. Perhaps my shock is a post-traumatic response to having my worthlessness ‒ just a girl, just a woman ‒ reinforced every day for all of my life. As I’ve grown older, and more confident, I’ve come to feel that

being a Nepali woman is akin to being in an abusive relationship.

The relationship in this case is with a state that holds our paperwork captive, and uses its power to humiliate, demean, and demoralize women, to keep us down. ........ I’m through with being abused by my own country. I can’t accept the constitution’s privileging of the male bloodline over the female, of semen over ova. I can’t accept the empowering of the male body and the negation of the female body, the erasure of women’s agency as full human beings. ...... I read about BR Ambedkar burning the Manusmriti, the text that enshrines caste, and also gender, bigotry in Hinduism. After September 16, I followed the news of others in Nepal who were going to burn the constitution ‒ in the Madhes, in Indigenous communities. I was hoping not to have to do so myself. ....... I’d gone to the banks of Boulder Creek and quietly, without ceremony, burned it. ...... The act felt funereal rather than defiant. I was mournful rather than angry. Something in me ‒ hope, perhaps, for a better future for Nepal ‒ had died. My loyalty had faded. “Mann nai maryo,” were the only words I could speak. The fire flared, blazed briefly, and flickered out. My emotions toward my country burned away.