Showing posts with label Multi-party system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multi-party system. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2012

संविधान सभा फर्केर आउने संभावना छैन

संविधान सभा फर्केर आउने संभावना छैन। चुनावमा जानुको विकल्प छैन। अबको चुनाव संसदको हुँदैन, फेरि  संविधान सभाकै हुन्छ। बरु त्यो संविधान सभाले संविधान लेखिसकेपछि त्यसलाई संसद बनाइदिन मिल्छ।

संविधान सभालाई तुहाएको नेका र एमालेले हो। नत्र भने संघीय संविधानकालागि दुइ तिहाई बहुमत विलय भैसकेको सभामा थियो त। त्यो सभालाई कामै गर्न दिएनन्।

पछिल्लो चुनावमा तराइमा नेका छोडेर थुप्रै मतदाता र नेता फोरम र तमलोपामा लागे जस्तै अब पहाडमा थुप्रै जनजाति मतदाता र नेता नेका र एमाले छोडेर नया जनजाति पार्टीमा लाग्ने ठुलो सम्भावना देखिएको छ। संघीय समाजवादी पार्टी राम्रो नाम पनि हो। ससपा। त्यो पार्टीले तराइमा थारु समुदायमा पनि छिर्ने सम्भावनाहरु छन्।

बाबुराम भट्टराईले संविधान सभाको आयु सर्वोच्च अदालतले समाप्त गरेपछि ल्याएको रोड म्याप नै ठीक रोड म्याप हो। चुनाव गराउने भनेको यसै सरकारले हो। बरु क्याबिनेटमा एक दुई जना नेका र एमालेको राखिदिए हुन्छ। चुनावपछिको प्रधान मन्त्री फेरि पनि बाबुराम भट्टराई नै हो। मेरो जन्म थलो बिहारमा नितिश कुमारले जे काम गरेका छन्, त्यो काम नेपालमा बाबुरामले गर्ने हुन्। मैले त्यस्तो आशा राखेको छु।

कर्णालीलाई कर्णाली न भनेर खसान राज्य भन्ने विचार राम्रो विचार हो। नेपालको संघीयता बारेको बहसमा मलाई सबैभन्दा घत लागेको दलितहरुकलागि non geographic राज्य। त्यो हुनै पर्छ।

संबिधान सभाले संविधान लेखेपछि त्यो सभा संसद बन्छ। त्यसपछि राष्ट्रपतिको प्रत्यक्छ चुनाव हुन्छ। त्यो राष्ट्रपति भनेको प्रचण्ड हो। त्यत्रो alliance बनाई दिया छन्। फेडेरल alliance भनेर। देशको पहिलो निर्वाचित राष्ट्रपति बन्ने formula त्यही alliance हो। अनि तुरुन्तै state र लोकल election गराई हाल्नुपर्छ।

त्यस पछि को एक मात्र मुद्दा आर्थिक क्रान्ति हो। त्यो क्रान्ति 30 बर्ष सम्म लगातार चलिरहन्छ।

दलितहरुकलागि non geographic राज्य र महिलाकालागि एक तिहाई आरक्छन यस्ता बुंदा हुन् जिन्ले  नेपालको लोकतन्त्रलाई भारत, बेलायत र अमेरिकाको लोकतन्त्र भन्दा cutting edge बनाई दिन्छन।

तर ती दुई भन्दा पनि महत्वपुर्ण अर्को एउटा बुँदा छ। Turning Nepal into a multi-party democracy of state funded parties. कुनै पनि राजनीतिक पार्टीले जति मत ल्यायो त्यसको आधारमा समानुपातिक किसिमले नेपाल सरकार बाट पैसा पाउने। त्यस बाहेक उसले कुनै पनि fundraising गर्न नपाउने। त्यति गर्न सके नेपाल दुनिया को नम्बर 1 democracy बन्छ। Then we export revolution all over the world, we export revolution to India, to Britain, all the way to America itself. We export the multi-party and free speech concepts to China.

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Where To From Here?

A New Prime Minister

An all party government that commands at least two thirds majority in the parliament would be the best for giving the country a new constitution. When the three big parties and all the Madhesi parties get together, I think they reach that mark, although I will have to crunch the numbers.

I think it would be fair that such a government be led by a Maoist since they are the largest party in the parliament. Accepting a Maoist at the head of an all party government will also help build trust that is essential to taking the peace process to the next level.

That person I believe is Baburam Bhattarai. If the Maoists manage to secure a simple majority on their own after the next parliamentary elections, it will be entirely upto the Maoist party to decide as to who their prime ministerial candidate will be. But right now they don't have that simple majority. And so they have to be okay with letting Baburam Bhattarai be Prime Minister. He did an excellent job when he was Finance Minister. He has a clean image. His smarts are second to none. A Baburam Bhattarai as Prime Minister will give Nepal a head of state who will match the smarts of any head of state on the planet. I have my ideological differences with him, but I like the fact that he is not a dogmatic communist, but rather a thinking one. Communism is supposed to be science. You have to be willing to face facts. You have to be willing to change your thinking when new ground realities emerge. Whereas too many communists have this don't-confuse-me-with-the-facts attitude.

Army Integration

Allowing for a full debate in the parliament on the issue is the way to go. So far the issue of army integration has failed because the party leaders have tried to discuss it among themselves outside the parliament. Unless the parliament is given its due respect the army integration issue will continue to confound the leaders of the country.

A New Kind Of Democracy

Unless Nepal is turned into a new kind of democracy, one that is a multi-party democracy of state funded parties, truly a one person one vote democracy where the poorest of the poor have that same one vote as the richest people in the country, genuine peace is not possible. Parties like the Nepali Congress want to turn Nepal into a democracy like India, Britain and the United States and that is why the Maoists want to keep their army for as long as possible so they can dream of yet another revolution, armed if necessary. I don't blame them.

The kind of democracy I am talking about is a fusion of the two major ideologies of the past century. It would be a first in Nepal. Unless this political move is made, we will keep having problems with army integration.

A multi-party democracy of state funded parties means political parties in the country will have no other source of funding besides the state, and the state funds will be directly proportional to how many votes the parties earn in an election. That would be a step towards classlessness.
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Maoists And Multi-Party Democracy

English: Chinese poster with Marx, Engels, Len...Image via Wikipedia

You don't get the impression the Maoists ever got over their original dream of a one party communist republic. They want to act like it is a one party communist republic while they are leading a coalition government, they want to act like it is a one party communist republic when they get out of power. You have to wonder how they will act should they manage to get a simple majority on their own next year. And people like Kiran Vaidya who is one of the top five Maoist leaders never hide it that it is a one party communist republic that they have in mind. So do you believe Baburam Bhattarai when he says his party is committed to multi-party democracy, or do you dismiss him as a lightweight Maoist?

HKNepal Interview With Prachanda

The Maoists have had the option to try and win away enough parties from the current coalition government to try and topple this government. They have had the option to push forth the

PrachandaImage via Wikipedia

idea of an all party national unity government.

Instead they have prevented the parliament from functioning. That does not sound to me like a commitment to parliamentary democracy.

Prachanda has been waging a relentless string of political attacks on the president. That speaks of Prachanda's anti-Madhesi prejudice. It was Prachanda who was wrong in how he tried to sack Katuwal, not the president. But there are many Nepalis who do not like the idea that a Madhesi is president. Prachanda is one of them.

Lesson For Maoists: Rule Of Law
Prachanda Messed Up

Prachanda took his oath not in Daura Suruwal but in western clothes - which is fine by me - but the Supreme Court did not go after him for that. But it went after Parmananda Jha for taking his oath in Hindi.

The anti-Madhesi prejudice of the political class in Nepal is well and alive.

You have to doubt the commitment of a party to multi-party democracy if that party obstructs the parliament for months on end, if that party pelts stones at the Prime Minister. Show a black flag in protest. That would be legitimate. Those throwing stones should be arrested.

Awadh, Chitwan, Bhojpura, Mithila, Kochila = Madhesh

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