Showing posts with label Ahmedabad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ahmedabad. Show all posts

Thursday, December 04, 2014

मोदीलाई शङ्का गर्ने ठाउँ छैन

Modi Has Been A Blessing For Nepal
Modi Noticed A "Trust Deficit"

मोदीले जस्तो सोशल मीडिया प्रयोग गर्ने नेता विश्वमा अहिले अर्को छैन। मोदी नंबर एक नै हो। (Politician Number One: Modi) मैले भन्न खोजेको मोदीले के गर्न खोजे, कहाँ कति बेला के बोले, ती सब खुद मोदीकै मुखबाट सुन्न सकिन्छ। मोदी खुद आफैमा मीडिया हो। र मैले मोदीलाई बड़ो नजिकबाट फॉलो गर्दैछु। मोदीको नेपालसँगको अन्तर्क्रियाको मैले गहिरो अध्ययन गरेको छु।

नेपाल र मोदीबारे सबैले बुझ्नु पर्ने कुरा के हो भने मोदी संसारकै सबैभन्दा व्यस्त मान्छे। मोदी नेपाल आउनु अगाडि १७ वर्ष भारतको कुनै पनि प्रधान मंत्री नेपाल नआएको कारण छ: समयको अभाव। मोदी भने नेपाल दुई पटक आउन भ्याइ सके, फेरि आउँछु भन्दैछन्। मैले विश्वका थुप्रै देश घुमें, तर नेपालमा मलाई जुन किसिमको माया प्राप्त भयो त्यो कहीं पनि प्राप्त भएन भनेर भनेका छन।

मोदी जस्तो मान्छे नेपाल आएको नेपाललाई लाटरी परेको हो।

मोदी नेपाललाई ठग्छु भनेर हिंडेको मान्छे होइन। भारतलाई पनि First World Country बनाउँछु, साथै नेपाललाई पनि First World Country बनाउँछु भनेर हिंडेको मान्छे मोदी। मोदी पाउन भारतका जनताले वोट दिनुपर्यो, नेपालका जनताले वोट नै नदिकन पाइ राखेका छन। फोकटमा। यो त धन्यवाद भन्नु पर्ने कुरा हो।

संसारका धनी भन्दा धनी देश आफ्नो देशमा FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) भित्र्याउन तँछाड़ मछाड गर्छन। भारत, चीन, अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन -- सबैले। मोदीले भकाभक तीन महिनामा दुई बिलियन डॉलर नेपाल ल्याइदिए, अर्को ६ बिलियन डॉलर पनि ल्याउन लागेका छन। यो यदि हिंदुत्व हो भने मलाई यस्तो हिंदुत्व अझ चाहियो।

भारतमा मोदीले विकास बाहेक धर्मको कुरा गरेका छैनन् --- नेपालमा त झन गर्ने कुरै भएन। नेपाल धर्म निरपेक्ष राज्य हो --- आज पनि हो, भोलि पनि हो। त्यो छलफल समाप्त भयो। २००६ को अप्रिल क्रांतिको त्यो आदेश थियो।

प्रचण्डलाई एक जनाले सोधे, संसारका अधिकांश देश कुनै न कुनै धर्म सँग आबद्ध छन, नेपाल हिन्दु राष्ट्र भन्दिए के पो बिग्रिन्छ? प्रचण्डले भने ----- संसारमा जति बिकसित देश छन ती प्रत्येक धर्म निरपेक्ष नै छन। देशलाई निरक्षरताबाट साक्षरता तर्फ लाने हो, साक्षरता बाट निरक्षरता तर्फ होइन।

नेपालमा लगभग बढ़ीमा १,००० जति मानिस छन ---- पुलिस, प्रशासन, सेना, पार्टी, मीडिया, NGO आदि इत्यादिमा ---- जसको राष्ट्रीयताको परिभाषा नै नेपाललाई सकेसम्म लामो समय सम्म गरीब बनाएर राख्ने भन्ने छ। एउटा कुन चाहिं राणा प्रधान मन्त्रीले कॉलेज उदघाटन गर्दा रोए जस्तो। मान्छे टाठा बाठा हुन्छन् अनि हामीलाई टेरन छोडछन भन्ने डर। यसै १,००० मान्छेको जमातले मोदीलाई सकेसम्म गाली गरेको अवस्था छ। यो मोदीले देश झिलिमिली पार्ने भो, आपत पार्ने भो भनेर यो १,००० मान्छेलाई निल्नु नओकल्नु भइ राखेको छ।

नेपाल भारत को कुरै छैन, तराई पहाड़को कुरै होइन। राष्ट्रियता त हुँदै होइन। चार वर्षमा एक पटक वोट खसाल्नु बाहेक जनताको महत्व छैन भनठान्ने यो १,००० को अलोकतांत्रिक चरित्रको जमात। तर मोदी grassroots बाट माथि आएको मान्छे --- यो सानो १,००० को जमात र तीन करोड़ नेपाली जनता बीच फरक छुट्याउन सक्ने मान्छे हो।

हुँदा हुँदा यो १,००० को जमातले भारतबाट भाड़ाका टट्टू झिकाइ झिकाइ मोदीलाई गाली गर्न लगाउन थालेका छन।

मोदीकरणको नेपाली रूप

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Gandhi Also Refused To Pay Bail

वामदेवके कुत्ते ब्रिटिशसे भी दो कदम आगे हैं जो कि सीके को एक राजनीतिक बंदी का इज्जत नहीं दे रहे हैं।

His first satyagraha in India was in Champaran, in Bihar, where he went in 1917 at the request of a poor peasants to inquire into the grievances of the much exploited peasants of that district, who were compelled by British indigo planters to grow indigo on 15 percent of their land and part with the whole crop for rent. The news that a Mahatma had arrived to inquire into their sufferings spread like wild fire and thousands of peasants left their villages to have his darshan and to tell him of their woes. The vested interests were up in arms and the police superintendent ordered Gandhi to leave district. Gandhi refused and was summoned to appear in court the next day. Thousand of peasants followed him there. The embarrassed magistrate postponed the trial and released him without bail, for Gandhi refused to furnish any.

Later, the case was withdrawn and Gandhi proceeded with his inquiry. Along with the inquiry, he educated the peasants in the principles of satyagraha and taught them that the first condition of freedom was freedom from fear. He sent for volunteers who helped to instruct the illiterate and ignorant peasants in elementary hygiene and ran schools for their children. This kind of activity was typical of Gandhi. Even as he taught people to fight for their rights, he taught them to fulfill their obligations. A free people must learn to stand on their feet. But the more he worked for the people the less was his presence welcome to the Government who were at last obliged to set up a committee of inquiry. The report of the committee of which Gandhi was a member went in favour of the tenant farmers. The success of his first experiment in satyagraha in India greatly enhanced Gandhi's reputation in this country.

Hardly had his work in Champaran been done when Gandhi was called to his ashram at Sabarmati by an urgent appeal from the textile workers of Ahmedabad whose dispute with the mill-owners was taking a serious turn. Having satisfied himself that the workers' demands were legitimate and mill-owners' refusal to submit the dispute to arbitration unreasonable, Gandhi asked the workers to strike, on condition that they took a pledge to remain non-violent. They agreed, but after a few days their zeal began to flag and Gandhi feared that they might break the pledge and resort to violence. Since it was the fear of starvation which drove the workers to desperation, Gandhi decided to starve himself. He declared that he would not touch food until a settlement had been reached. At the end of three days, both parties agreed on an arbitration amid general rejoicing.