Thursday, November 17, 2022

17: Ukraine

Indonesia’s Widodo calls on G20 to work to ‘end the war’ Indonesian president appears to reference Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as he opens key global summit in Bali. ....... Indonesian President Joko Widodo has opened the G20 summit in Bali with a call for the world to “end the war” and bridge “wide differences” amid rifts over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has fuelled geopolitical tension and caused a global surge in food and energy prices. ........ The G20 groups together 19 countries and the European Union representing the world’s 20 largest economies, including Russia. It accounts for more than 80 percent of the world’s gross domestic product, and 60 percent of its population. ....... .

धमाधम आउँदै रासायनिक मल, ४ महिनामै भित्रियो डेढ लाख मेट्रिक टन
निर्वाचनपछि संघमा मात्र होइन, सातै प्रदेशमा गठबन्धनको सरकार बन्छ : धमला
भिजाएको चना खाँदा स्वास्थ्यलाई यस्ता ६ फाइदा, सधैं बिहान खाली पेटमा खानुहोस्

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