Excellent strong reiteration of Indian message by Modi - success of constitution depends on consensus/agreement and dialogue; take everyone along
Posted by Prashant Jha on Saturday, February 20, 2016
भारतसँग गुन र दोशको आधारमा सम्वन्ध राखानुपर्छ भन्ने पत्रकारहरु दिल्ली पुगेपछी भन्दैछ भारतसँग बेती रोतीको मात्र होइन रगतको पनि सम्वन्धछ। यि मान्छे हुन कि छेपारो?
Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Friday, February 19, 2016
I strongly condemn this illegal, illegitimate and unconstitutional works of Delhi police to file case against Madhesi students. Immediately drop the charge and make them free.
Posted by Dipendra Jha on Saturday, February 20, 2016
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Friday, February 19, 2016
भारत से ८० मेगावाट बिजली आई मगर जनकपुर में अन्धकार ! विद्युत प्राधिकरण मधेश के रास्ते बिजली चुरा कर ले गई नेपाल !! अब ह...
Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Saturday, February 20, 2016
कालो झण्डाले हत्यारा ओलीको दिल्लीमा भब्य स्वागत....युनाइटेड मधेशी संस्थाको ब्यानरमा नयाँ दिल्लीमा मधेशी–थारु–आदिवासी जनजातिहरुले संयुक्त रुपमा हत्यारा प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीलाई कालो झण्डाले भब्य स्वागत गरेको छ।
Posted by Upendra Mahato on Friday, February 19, 2016
Our 22 Madheshi friends in Delhi have been slapped with IPC 107 and IPC 151 and sent to Tihar jail and will be produced...
Posted by Sujit Kumar Swatantra Madheshi on Saturday, February 20, 2016
It is not just Kanhaiya. Delhi Police recklessness continues. 22 Madhesis detained since last night and now sent to...
Posted by Prashant Jha on Saturday, February 20, 2016
बेच्यो बेच्यो नेपालका देउराली डांडा ओलीले मोदीलाई - जँहा गएपनि विनाशनै गर्छन ओलीले नेपालको नेपाल फर्केर अब राष्ट्रवादी ...
Posted by Alisha Koirala on Saturday, February 20, 2016

महतो र प्रचण्ड बीच फोनमा भनाभन, महतोले भने, २० हजार मारेको मान्छेलाई मुद्धा नलाग्ने मधेशी कार्यकर्तालाई मुद्धा लगाउने ?
प्रचण्डले प्रहरी मारिएको भन्दै त्यसको छानविन मात्र हुने भनेपछि महतोले चर्काे श्वरमा प्रचण्डलाई भने, तपाईहरु २० हजार मान्छे मारेर आएको होइन, तपाईहरुलाई किन मुद्धा लागेन, अहिले आन्दोलनको क्रममा मारिएको मान्छेलाई मुद्धा लगाउने हो भने, तपाईहरुलाई पनि मुद्धा लाग्नु पर्छ, तपाईको पार्टीको गृहमन्त्रीले कति मान्छे मारेर आएका छन्, उनलाई पनि मुद्धा लाग्नु पर्ने बताए पछि प्रचण्डले तत्कालै गृहमन्त्रीलाई फोन गरी मोर्चाका कार्यकर्ताहरुको पक्राउ तथा मुद्दा लगाउने कार्य तत्काल रोक्न निर्देशन दिने महतोलाई बताएका थिए । ...... फोनमा महतोले भने, सरकार र शिर्ष दल एकलौटी रुपमा अगाडि बढेको छ । हामीले आन्दोलनको स्वरुप परिवर्तन गरेर मधेशको माग सम्बोधन गर्न तपाईहरुलाई एउटा अवसर दिएका थियौं, तर तपाईहरु यो अवसरलाई पनि सदुपयोग नगरी एकलौटी रुपमा उच्चस्तरिय संयन्त्र गठन गरेर मधेशी जनता सँग षडयन्त्र गरेको आरोप लगाए ।Welcome PM Oli, but don’t forget what India wants from Nepal
Delhi is tempted to project the Nepal PM’s visit as a sign that all is well. But it should use the moment to have frank and difficult conversations about differences. ...... In the past six months, Kathmandu has accused Delhi of intervening in its sovereign constitutional process; of imposing a blockade which caused a humanitarian crisis; and stoking and supporting the Madhesi agitation in the plains. It has run an international campaign against India, seeking interventions from foreign capitals. .......New Delhi has accused Kathmandu of not addressing the internal political conflict in the Tarai, which has cross border security implications. It has opposed, on international platforms, Nepal’s human rights violations. It has accused Nepal of stoking ‘anti-India’ sentiment and it has been irritated, though not particularly worried, about Kathmandu’s attempt to use the ‘China card’.
...... It proposed--interestingly to Delhi, not to the agitating Madhesis--a four-point proposal. This involved amending the constitution to ensure equitable political representation to the Madhesis in the lower House of Parliament; affirmative action in state organs on the basis of proportional inclusion; clarifying other issues including citizenship and creating a mechanism to address the issue of federal demarcation within three months. ....... But Delhi--a little fatigued by the flak it was receiving domestically from the opposition and the media for ‘mishandling Nepal’--was looking for a way out and assessed Kathmandu’s proposal represented some forward movement. The RSS, it is reliably learnt, told the political leadership that anti-Indian sentiment had increased in the hills and Delhi should find a way to restore ties. India was also sceptical of the ability of the Madhesi leadership to sustain the agitation and disappointed with disunity in its ranks. It was getting feedback from the ground that while the movement was unprecedented in its depth and there was quiet determination, people also needed a break. ....... Some within the establishment felt that India must stay the course, the problem had not been resolved, Madhesi discontent remained deep and would spring back, and they still did not ‘own’ the constitution. ........ Eventually, two Amendments were passed--the establishment claims this will award 79-80 out of 165 seats to the Tarai. If this is indeed the case, it is positive. But there are competing interpretations by Madhesi lawyers who suggest that the seats would be around 70. .......... A pattern is clear. Kathmandu has not been particularly interested in reaching out to the Tarai. For all its ultra nationalist bluster, its priority was in appeasing Delhi, which is why it presented the roadmap, passed amendments and now has formed the mechanism on the eve of the PM’s visit to show to India that it is serious about addressing the internal crisis. This has partly satisfied Delhi’s desire to reasserts its centrality in Nepal. But it does not solve the problem. .......at the core, the Madhesi parties - and the Madhesi street - still do not ‘own’ the constitution and there is consensus that it is merely a matter of time before the anger blows up again.
........ Delhi wants to show to domestic critics that the relationship with the Nepali state is intact, that Oli has had to come to India first, and there has been no mismanagement. That is why they have focused on the optics ......India would do well to remember that the core problem of Madhesi and Tharu alienation persists. At the end of six months of the andolan, an entire generation in Tarai is radicalised.
And they are not willing to listen to either Kathmandu or Delhi. This generation wants to be treated as equal citizens, even as it retains its cultural practices and it wants space in Nepal’s power structure. It wants federal units carved in a manner where excluded groups can now exercise self rule within a democratic framework. It wants clarity on citizenship laws so that the roti beti relationship can be sustained. It wants representation according to population in the central legislature, and thus exercise its influence in Kathmandu. And if this does not happen, it is willing to flirt with the idea of violence and secessionist politics, which will cause huge implications across the open border for India. As soon as troubles begin again, Delhi will get dragged in.
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