Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Saturday, February 6, 2016
Posted by Vijay Kant Karna on Saturday, February 6, 2016
End of the Madhesi blockade: What it means for Nepal
Trucks chugged along the Friendship Bridge after 135 days. ...... The form of protest seemed to have become ineffective – for a parallel supply chain through an illegal network, in which the Nepali state was complicit, had ensured supplies of fuel and other essentials to Kathmandu. All other border points were open and on an average, 1300-1500 trucks were moving to Nepal everyday even though the Kathmandu establishment continued to paint India as the villain imposing a blockade. ...... India too had been nudging the Madhesi leaders to rethink the strategy – for this neither seemed sustainable nor was it yielding the desired objectives. Prime minister K P Sharma Oli, who is scheduled to visit Delhi in the third week of February, and the Indian government were probably eager not to let this cast a shadow on the visit. .......The government, the advocates of a review, could be given a limited period of time. If it did not revise federal boundaries, the movement would be restarted with vigour after using the interlude to prepare.
..... Kathmandu’s current establishment will be tempted to think that it has won, there is little else to do, and the problem was all an ‘Indian plot’. This is the understanding that has been internalised by many in the top echelons of the government – including the Prime Minister. If it adopts this route, it will attempt to revert to business as usual, enhance state repression in Tarai, do little to address the remaining political concerns of Madhesis, and focus on profiteering from the state like earlier governments. ......For one, Madhesi discontent remains deep and widespread across castes and classes, urban and rural settings in eastern Tarai in particular; Tharus are relatively quiet because of state suppression but are deeply resentful as well and are preparing for an agitation. No andolan could last for six months without the popular support base of a substantial section of the population.
....... Secondly, a generation has got radicalised, and has begun seeing Kathmandu as the enemy. They feel little sense of ownership of Nepal’s institutions, symbols and this Constitution. Third, the issue has got internationalised – and the state will constantly have to face questions about its human rights record in the Tarai and the political alienation. Fourth, the state’s legitimacy has eroded in the Tarai, and is in fact absent from rural Madhes altogether except in its security avatar. And finally, given these underlying features, and the rise in radicalism, the movement could well assume more strident and violent forms, presenting a long term challenge to the state. ....... If these lessons are indeed drawn and internalised, and Kathmandu recognises thatthe end of the blockade is a comma and not necessarily a full stop
in the struggle for rights, the ruling elite should use this as an opportunity to sincerely relook at the question of political representation, federal boundaries and citizenship and give Madhes a sense of ownership of the Constitution. ....... India must remember that the fundamental problem persists: That Madhesis still do not feel politically or constitutionally integrated within Nepal’s current mainstream structure. And it must keep reminding Kathmandu to address this, for as the last few months have shown, the problem can easily assume cross border ramifications. India has to engage with Nepal government, but this must be coupled with strong pressure. ...... The Tarai parties need to get their act together, use this interlude to cement their unity, build coordination between their central and district structures, politically communicate with their constituents, and strive for broader unity – with groups representing other marginalised communities, especially Tharus and hill Janjatis; with Madhesi leaders of mainstream parties; with the more progressive civil society groups and elements of media in Kathmandu.
मधेशी जनता को मनोदशा , आन्दोलन कर्मी को चाहना , मधेशी सहिद को त्याग र नेता हरु को मनोबल ह्राश ल्याउने गरी गरिने कुनै कार...
Posted by Rajesh Ahiraj on Friday, February 5, 2016
तमरा अभियान:आन्दोलन विचलित भयो***************************आन्दोलन परिणाम बिहीन रहदै, आन्दोलनकारीसंग कुनै सम्झौता नहुदै ...
Posted by Jay Prakash Ananda on Friday, February 5, 2016

Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Friday, February 5, 2016
Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Saturday, February 6, 2016
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Friday, February 5, 2016

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