Tuesday, December 06, 2016

तेस्रो सम्विधान सभा एक मात्र उपाय

एमाले को उग्र नस्लवादी व्यवहार ले देखाउदैछ देश तेस्रो सम्विधान सभा तर्फ लम्कि सक्यो।

गाउ गाउ मा निरक्षर बाहुन को खुट्टा ढोग्ने ले न लोकतंत्र न सन्घीयता न समावेशीता को कुरा गर्न सुहाउछ। बहुदल होइन सुधारिएको पन्चायत देउ भन्ने ले मेरो वाक स्वतंत्रता खोइ भन्न मिल्दैन।

यो भस्म हुनु पर्ने सम्विधान नै हो। धर्म निरपेक्षता नभएको सम्विधान पनि लेख्छ कसैले 21 औ शताब्दी मा आएर?

बाहुन ले कोरेको नक्शा नमान्ने ले आफ्नो नक्शा पेश गर्न सक्नु पर्यो। सुधारिएको नक्शा बाहुन ले नै कोर देउ भन्ने हरु ले सुधारिएको बाहुनवाद खोजेका हुन । गधा लाई गन्गा स्नान गराउ गाई बन्ला। बाहुन लाई दुध ले नुहाए पनि केही फरक पर्दैन ।

जुन ब्रम्ह ले वेद दिए त्यही ब्रम्ह को त पहिलो मानव अवतार येशु। त्यो येशु लाई नेपाल छिर्न दिएको छैन बाहुन ले। यो बाहुन कि रावण?

बाहुनवाद भनेको नै असमानता हो। लोकतंत्र, सन्घीयता, समावेशीता भनेको समानता हो। एउटा सर्वनाश हुनै पर्छ। राजतन्त्र समाप्त नगरे सम्म गणतंत्र सम्भव थिएन। बाहुनवाद समाप्त नगरे सम्म लोकतंत्र, सन्घीयता, समावेशीता छैन ।

तेस्रो सम्विधान सभा को चुनाव गर्ने अनि ह्विप नलाग्ने प्रत्येक मुद्दा मा खुल्लम खुल्ला छलफल र मतदान हुने वातावरण बनाउने। यो उट सम्विधान कुनै सम्विधान सभा ले लेखेको सम्विधान नै होइन। सम्विधान सभा बाहिर लेखिएको सम्विधान यो।

सर्वदलीय राष्ट्रीय सरकार ले निष्पक्ष चुनाव गराउने। दोस्रो सम्विधान सभा चुनाव 100% धाधली भाको हो। जगज़ाहिर कुरा हो।

मधेसी जनजाति दल ले पार्टी एकीकरण नै नगरे पनि एक पद एक उम्मीदवार मा जानु पर्छ। बरु त्यस दायरा मा नया शक्ति र माओवादी लाई पनि ल्याउने प्रयास हुनु पर्छ। एक मधेस दो प्रदेश मान्ने जति सबै आइजा ।

एक मधेस दो प्रदेश नमान्ने भनेको के? मधेसी मुख्य मन्त्री को मुनि बस्नु नपरोस भनेको न हो?

मधेस मा मधेसी त हुन्छ मुख्य मन्त्री। मधेस मा मधेसी मुख्य मन्त्री, काठमांडू मा मधेसी प्रधानमंत्री। उपेन्द्र यादव। यादव ले जातपात मान्दैन।

विष्णु को दोस्रो मानव अवतार क्रिष्ण। पहिलो राम। जसको अपमान गरी विद्या ले गएर जनकपुरधाममा।

अन्तरिम सम्विधान मा सन्घीयता थप्ने काम मात्र बाकी छ।

Saturday, November 12, 2016

मधेस आन्दोलन ले एमाले को मधेस सन्गठन ताक्नु पर्छ

अहिले सम्विधान सन्सोधन मा एमाले ले खुट्टा घिसार्ने काम गरेमा अब को मधेस आन्दोलन मधेस मा एमाले को सन्गठन सिध्याउने किसिम को हुनु पर्छ। सिरहा सप्तरी त एक दिन मा सखाप पारेको उपेन्द्र यादव ले। एमाले सत्ता मा हुदा त्यो पनि।

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Mission Madhes

American money, Israeli plan and the European technology was used for almost quarter of a century to change the demography of entire Tarai-Madhesh

Tharus lost their homeland due to rapid deforestation and Madheshis were transformed into ‘bideshis’ in the popular Gorkhali imagination through official propaganda as multiple state-sponsored resettlement programs began to fill cleared flatlands sprayed with US-funded DDT.

New Delhi continued with the policy of appeasing the ruling class and castes in Kathmandu. 

Priestly entrepreneurs have taken over from the family of potentates. Processes of transfer of power has changed from bloodline and faith to caste-line and politicking, but all other elements of prejudices against Madheshis in the state structure remain the same.

Monday, November 07, 2016

६ जिल्ला टुक्राएर कुरा मिलाउनु पर्छ

बाँकी मुद्दा मा कुरा मिलेको र नवलपरासी देखि बर्दिया थरुहट बनाउने सम्म कुरा भएको अवस्था छ। विवादित जिल्ला विवादित नै छन। भने विवादित जिल्ला टुक्र्याउनु पर्छ। समाधान आयोग र जनमत संग्रह होइन। ६ जिल्ला टुक्राएर कुरा मिलाउनु पर्छ।  अनि बल्ल देश चुनाव तर्फ जान्छ र संविधान कार्यान्वयन तर्फ।

Friday, November 04, 2016

हॉन्गकॉन्ग चीन ले फिर्ता पायो

जगजाहेर कुरा हो, हॉन्गकॉन्ग चीन ले फिर्ता पायो।

मधेश भारत को भुमि, भारत ले फिर्ता पाउन सक्छ। 1816 को सन्धि मा भनिएको छ, मधेसी सन्ग दुर्व्यवहार गरिने छैन। Human Rights Watch को रिपोर्ट र नेपाल को सम्विधान को स्विट्जरलैंड मा भएको मानव अधिकार ऑडिट को आधार मा भारत ले प्रमाणित गर्न सक्छ कि 1816 को सन्धि को उल्लंघन भएको छ। अनि चितवन सहित छ तथाकथित विवादित जिल्ला को विवाद आफ्सेआफ समाप्त हुन्छ।

लगे हाथ त्यस पछि 1950 को सन्धि खारेज गरे भो ।नेपाल ले चाहेको त्यही होइन? अनि भिसा लाग्छ ।

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

India Nepal

Consider, for example, the fact that India offers the citizens of Nepal national treatment on its soil. Nepalese are free to come and work in India including in its Central government services. India will not offer this to any other country, nor would Nepal get it from anyone else. This arrangement, of course, is unilateral. Nepal does not offer national treatment to Indian citizens. Nepal on its part allows its citizens to serve in large numbers in the Indian army. This is the kind of intimacy that you rarely see between any two nations.

Every political faction in Nepal believes it has allies in Delhi.

If Nepal has a settled constitutional framework and its elites share power on that basis and ensure peaceful political transitions, Delhi will have no reason for injecting itself into its internal disputes. 

While Delhi’s political classes see Nepal as a mere extension of India and the security establishment views the northern neighbour as part of India’s exclusive sphere of influence, the economic decision makers have treated Nepal as a separate sovereign entity. Delhi’s economic separatists have done more damage to the relationship than the political separatists in Nepal.

 They allowed the border infrastructure to deteriorate and turned an open frontier into a huge barrier for trade and commerce

Sunday, October 30, 2016

सहमतिमा पुग्न सके अति उत्तम

"सात प्रदेशलाई नै मान्दै त्यसका सिंमाकनमा सामान्य हेर फेर गर्ने, भाषाका सम्बन्धमा भाषा आयोगको सुझावको आधारमा संविधानको अनुसुचीमा राख्ने गरी चार बुदे प्रस्ताव अघि सारेका थिए ।

त्यसैगरी राष्ट्रिय सभामा प्रतिनिधित्वको सम्बन्धमा विद्यमान व्यवस्था ५/५ जना को सट्टा ३ वा ४ गर्ने तथा नागरिकतामा देखिएको समस्या सम्बोधनका लागि अन्तरिम संविधान अनुसार नै नागरिकताको प्रावधान राख्ने ढंगले संसोधनको प्रस्ताव पेश गरेका थिए ।"

नागरिकतामा अन्तरिम सम्विधान को हुबहु गरे त्यो एक मुद्दा सल्टियो। राष्ट्रीय सभा मा प्रत्येक प्रदेश ले न्यूनतम 3 सीट पाउने बाकी जनसंख्या को आधार मा गरे त्यो पनि सल्टियो। भाषा बारे आयोग बनाउने भनेको तत्काल मलहम पट्टी लगाउने भनेको हो। काम चलाउ।

सीमांकन मा तर त्यो सम्भव छैन।

केन्द्र र प्रदेश बीच शक्ति बाडफाड। आरक्षण। यी बारे त खै कुरै भा छैन ।

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

मधेस, लोकमान र छठ

मधेशमा राजनितिक दलहरुको चहलपहल वढदै | bhumionline

लोकमान प्रकरण ले देशको राजनीति तातिएको छ। चरित्र यो मान्छे को कमल थापा टाइप को देखिन्छ। तर प्रक्रिया पुर्याएर अगाडि बढेको राम्रो ।

अर्को हल्ला छ ठुला ठुला नेता सबै मुछिएका छन भ्रष्टाचार मा। त्यो त अख्तियार मा लोकमान हटेर फाइल गायब हुने होइन होला।

तेस्रो एन्गल देखाइएको छ भारत। यो त प्रचण्ड लाई पनि भारत को मान्छे भने जस्तो भएन? ओली ले प्रचण्ड लाई भारत को मान्छे भन्ने, प्रचण्ड ले बाबुराम लाई। अस्वस्थ कुरा।

सद्भावना र तमलोपा एकीकरण गर्ने हल्ला थियो। के भो। त्यो अति आवश्यक कुरा।

मुख्य कुरा त सम्विधान सन्सोधन हो। सबै पार्टी त्यस मा न आई सुखै छैन। नभए सम्विधान ढल्छ। अन्तरिम सम्विधान ब्युतन्छ।

मधेसी दल हरु सन्ग अहिले मोमेंटम छ । 2046 मा जुन मोमेंटम कान्ग्रेस सन्ग थियो त्यो अहिले मधेसी दल हरु सन्ग छ। तर पार्टी एकीकरण बेगर मोमेंटम को फायदा हुँदैन।

Monday, October 17, 2016

नेपाल प्रहरी को उपनिवेशी व्यवहार

एमपीएलमा प्रहरी हस्तक्षेप, जनकपुरधाममा रोक

सीमांकन का लागि जनमत संग्रह (2)

सीमांकन का लागि जनमत संग्रह त्यति सजिलो छैन। सम्पूर्ण देश ले मतदान गर्ने हो कि? विवादित जिल्ला मात्र भन्ने हो भने विवादित जिल्ला मधेस मा मात्र 12 वटा होला।

झापा, मोरन्ग, सुनसरी को दक्षिणी मधेसी बाहुल्य भाग मधेस प्रदेश। चितवन, कैलाली, कन्चनपुर को दक्षिणी थारू बाहुल्य भाग थरुहट प्रदेश।

विवादित छ जिल्ला टुक्र्याउनु पर्ने हुन्छ । 

जनमत संग्रह भन्दा कम जटिल यो पो हो कि?

नवलपरासीदेखि बर्दियासम्म एउटा प्रदेश बनाऔँ, एमाले पनि सहमतिमा आउँछ : कानुन मन्त्री - Ratopati

चीन, भारत, नेपाल र मधेस

भारत को ठेकेदार ले पनि काम गर्न नसक्ने, चीन को ठेकेदार ले पनि काम गर्न नसक्ने, भने पछि कस्तो देश नेपाल? आफ्नो आन्गको भैसी नदेख्ने ।

चीन दिल्ली देखि चेन्नाइ सम्म बुलेट ट्रेन बनाउन चाहन्छ। चीन र भारत को दुश्मनी भएर होइन होला।

आफ्नो आन्तरिक राजनीति आफैले मिलाउ, देश मा राजनीतिक स्थिरता ल्याउ र हामी दुबै सन्ग सहयोग लिएर देश को विकास गर। चीन ले पनि भारत ले पनि नेपाल लाई भनेको कुरा त्यही हो।

एउटै फोटो मा सी, प्रचण्ड र मोदी देखा पर्नु को अर्थ त्यो लाग्छ। र यो नया कुरा होइन। चीन र भारत दुनिया मा दोस्रो र तेस्रो रहेको विश्व हो यो।

तर नेपाल का महेन्द्र वादी हरू घुमिफिरी रुम्जाटार। चीन र भारत लाई कसरी जुधाउ भनेर ट्रिक लगाउदै बस्छ ।

India, China And Nepal meet on sidelines of BRICS-BIMSTEC Outreach Summit

Sunday, October 16, 2016

सीमांकन का लागि जनमत संग्रह

कांग्रेस केन्द्रीय समिति बैठकमा सिमांकन हेरफेरको विषयमा जनमत संग्रह गर्ने प्रस्ताव लगिने

सम्विधान सन्सोधन का लागि सबै भन्दा विवादित विषय प्रदेश सीमांकन। नेता तहमा कुरा नमिल्ने देखिएकोले जनमत संग्रह मा जानु अन्तिम उपाय हुन सक्छ।

तर त्यस अगाडि सम्विधान सन्सोधन का अन्य सम्पूर्ण मुद्दा फर्छयौट गर्नु पर्यो। पहिलो त सरकार आफैले गर्न सक्ने कुरा हरू गर्नु पर्यो । शहीद घोषणा, झुठा मुद्दा फिरता, घाइते उपचार। त्यस मा खुट्टा घिसार्ने काम गरेर सरकार ले बडो गलत सन्देश दिएको छ।

अनि प्रदेश सीमांकन बाहेक का मुद्दा मा मधेसी मोर्चा को सहभागिता मा सम्विधान सन्सोधन गर्नु पर्यो । स्थानीय सरकार दुनिया भरि सन्घीय सन्रचना मा प्रदेश  सरकार अन्तर्गत रहने, नेपाल मा केन्द्र अन्तर्गत राख्ने प्रस्ताव सारिएको छ, कहीं नभएको जात्रा हाडी गाउ मा।

देश भरि स्थानीय इकाई बराबर जनसंख्या को हुँदैन। तर स्थानीय पदाधिकारी ले राष्ट्रपति का लागि भोट दिदा प्रत्येक प्रदेश लाई जनसंख्या समानुपातिक Electoral College दिन सकिन्छ।

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

राजावाद र बाहुनवाद

राजावाद र बाहुनवाद उस्तै उस्तै हो। राजावाद भनेको राजा को छोरो राजा हुने भनेको हो। बाहुनवाद भनेको बाहुन को छोरो पुजारी हुने भनेको हो।

राजावादी हुन राजा हुनु पर्दैन। कमल थापा राजा होइन। बाहुनवादी हुन बाहुन हुनु पर्दैन। जातपात मान्ने सबै बाहुनवादी।

राजावाद परास्त भएको हो कि बाहुनवाद विजयी भएको हो? देश गणतन्त्र मा गएको हो कि बाहुनवाद मा? बाहुनवाद ले राज सिंहासन बाहेक सब थोक खाएकै थियो। अब त्यो पनि खायो। मधेसी, जनजाति, महिला, दलित वाल्ल।  

वेद लाई ढुंगा मानेर पुज्ने बाहुन त गनिनसक्नु छ तर वेद पढ़ने बाहुन कति छ? पढ़ने भनेको मोटरसाइकिल भट्याउने भनेको होइन, पढेको बुझ्ने भनेको हो।

वेद त हामी लाई खुद ब्रम्हा ले दिएको भन्छ तर त्यही ब्रम्हा को पहिलो अवतार जिजस लाई नेपाल मा पस्न दिएको छैन।

Jesus: Wisdom: Bramha

विष्णु को पहिलो अवतार राम। जानु अगाडि म फेरि आउछु भनेर गएका राम, कृष्ण को रुप मा आए। विष्णु का जम्मा दुई अवतार। ब्रम्हा को पहिलो अवतार जिजस। येशु। जानु अगाडि म फेरि आउछु भनेर गएका येशु।

जुन भारतवर्ष लाई ब्रम्हा ले वेद दिए त्यस भारतवर्ष मा आज येशु का लागि ठाउँ छैन।    

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Monday, September 26, 2016

मधेसी भारतीय, ओली दक्षिण भारतीय

मधेसी भारतीय, ओली दक्षिण भारतीय हो। मधेसी सरेको होइन, बोर्डर सरेको हो। ओली खलक बरू दक्षिण भारत बाट नेपाल कसरी आइपुग्यो?

जो चोर उसको ठुलो स्वर?

Friday, September 23, 2016

मधेसी लाई मधेसी बनाउने नै हिन्दी भाषा ले हो

मधेसी लाई मधेसी बनाउने नै हिन्दी भाषा ले हो। हिन्दी लाई नेपाल मा सरकारी कामकाज को भाषा नबनाई सुख?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

ओली नम्बर एक राष्ट्रीय समस्या

ओलीको दस्तावेजः संविधान संशोधन र सीमांकन हेरफेर गर्न नदिने

मधेसी मोर्चा र माओवादीविरुद्ध भण्डाफोर अभियान चलाउने प्रस्ताव

विकल्प हरु

1. ओली लाई एमाले ले सन्सदीय दल र पार्टी बाट घोक्रेठ्याक।

2. ओली लाई देश निकाला। मुसरफ लाई लिए जस्तै साउदी ले लिन मान्छ कि।

3. सबै ले मिलेर एमाले लाई प्रजा परिषद् बनाउने।

4. अन्तरिम सम्विधान ब्युत्याउने।

5. मधेस अलग देश।

Friday, September 09, 2016

ओली को बोली ले अन्तरिम सम्विधान ब्युत्याउछ

सीमान्कन बाहेक बाँकी सबै कुरा मिलिसकेको अन्तरिम सम्विधान ।

Sunday, August 14, 2016

बाहुनवाद चकनाचुर नपारेसम्म देश Liberate हुँदैन

बाहुनवाद भनेको के? Hereditary Bramhinism भनेको Hereditary Monarchy भन्दा 100 गुना बढी गलत कुरो, देशलाई अगाडि बढन बाट रोकने। Hereditary Monarchy चकनाचूर ध्वस्त भयो। Hereditary Bramhinism ठीक त्यसै गरी चकनाचूर ध्वस्त पारनुपर्छ। होइन भने देशमा लोकतंत्र, सन्घीयता, समावेशीता केही सम्भव छैन। प्रगति सम्भव छैन। Prosperity सम्भव छैन।

सुधारिएको राजतन्त्र भनेको के? सुधारिएको बाहुनवाद त्यस्तै हो। परमेश्वर र आम जनता बीच middle man बन्न खोज्ने बाहुन । सारा समाज लाई बन्धक बनाएर बसेको बाहुन । प्रगति को बाटो मा बाधा बाहुन।

राजतन्त्र मासेको क्रांति ले हो। बाहुनवाद मास्न क्रांति नै चाहिन्छ। सम्विधान लेख्ने क्रांति ले हो। अनुमोदन गर्ने सम्विधान सभा ले हो।

मानव ले परमेश्वर सन्ग सीधा सम्पर्क गर्ने हो। सीधा प्रार्थना गर्ने हो। The one true Living God, the Creator of Heaven and earth, the loving, kind, forgiving God, the Eternal Being.

बाहुनवादी भनेको सीधा नरक जाने झुंड हो। आम जनता लाई परमेश्वर सम्म पुग्न बाट रोक्ने हरू स्वर्ग पुग्ने सम्भावना जीरो हो। जो आफु नरक जादैछ उसले अरूलाई स्वर्ग कसरी लान सक्छ। बाहुन भनेका कन्स का सन्तति।

जातपात मान्ने जति सबै बाहुनवादी, बाहुन नभए पनि ।
जातपात भनेको शैतान को धर्म। The Devil. कर्मकाण्डी बाहुन, empty rituals वाला हरु ।

दलित सन्ग माफी माग्ने होइन कि जातपात को प्रथा नै समाप्त गर्ने हो।

पुजारी बन्न पढ्नु पर्छ, डीग्री प्राप्त गर्नु पर्छ, जन्म ले हुँदैन।

मधेसी जनजाति दलित ले क्रांति को तैयारी गरे भो। सीमान्कन सहित को अन्तरिम सम्विधान चाहियो।

Priests are not born to priests any more than kings are born to kings. गाउँ गाउँ मा क्रांति हुन्छ।

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Friday, August 05, 2016

सीमान्कन को विवाद

विवादित छ जिल्ला झापा, मोरंग, सुनसरी, चितवन, कैलाली, कंचनपुर को दक्षिण भाग मधेस र थरुहट मा र उत्तर भाग पहाड़ी प्रदेश मा मिसाउन सकिन्छ। मधेस प्रदेश मा बस्दिन भनि रहेका लाई जबरदस्ती मधेस मा बसाउछु भन्नु लोकतन्त्र होइन ।

सीमान्कन विभिन्न पक्ष का लागि prestige issue बनेको छ। यो लोकतंत्र सग सम्बन्धित issue हो।

75 जिल्ला गायब हुन्छ। 75 जिल्ला कायम राख्ने हो भने एक मधेस दो प्रदेश नै हो मिलनविन्दु।

प्रचंड को शुभ शुरुवात

कान्तिपुर समाचार- सरकार–मोर्चा वार्ता सिंहदरबारमा सुरु 

विषय प्रवेश गर्नै नचाहने ओली भन्दा सबै विषय मा खुल्लम खुल्ला छलफल गर्ने प्रचण्ड आकाश पाताल को फरक। देश सही ट्रैक मा आए जस्तो देखियो।

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Madhesi, Learn From Modi

GST passed: How fierce conflict between Congress, BJP changed into total consensus

GST Bill: How Arun Jaitley 2.0 forged a consensus and scripted history

लोकतंत्र भनेको विपक्षी मास्न नपाउने व्यवस्था हो

10 वर्ष ग्रिह युद्ध मच्चाएका प्रचण्ड र 13 वर्ष पन्चे को जेल मा बसेको के पी ओली को dynamic ले देश ले निकास पाउने नपाउने निधो गर्नेछ।

मधेसी मोर्चा ले खोजेको क्याबिनेट ले गर्ने निर्णय त तुरंत गर्न सकिन्छ। गर्यो भने ईमानदारी देखियो।

तर गुदी कुरा सम्विधान सन्सोधन हो। त्यहाँ सबै पक्ष ले लचक देखाउनै पर्छ। अहिले को सम्विधान सन्घीयता र समावेशीता दुबै को खिल्ली उडाएको सम्विधान हो।

Sunday, July 31, 2016

झापालाई South China Sea बनाउने प्रयास

एक मधेस दो प्रदेश मा नगएर, झापा कता, कन्चनपुर कता। Looking Tokyo, going London को अवस्था छ।

चीन ले अरुणाचल प्रदेश ताकेको अहिले देखि हो? अरुणाचल को मान्छे लाई भिसा दिनु परे स्टेपल गरेर दिन्छ। झापा मा तीन बिलियन को फैक्ट्री खड़ा गरेर झापालाई मधेस बाट अलग गर्नु को अर्थ के?

झापालाई South China Sea बनाउने धधक ।

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

ओली को उ अर्थात उग्र होइन उल्लु राष्ट्रीयता

केपी ओली 2006 अप्रिल क्रांति मा घाम तापेर बसेको मान्छे । कुनै योगदान छैन। संविधान लागू न हुदा सम्म क्रांतिकारी सरकार हो। क्रांति मा घाम तापेर बसेको मान्छे लाई घोक्रेठ्याक न लगाए अर्को उपाय के थियो?

अब पालो एमाले को। सन्सदीय दल को नेतृत्व बाट घोक्रेठ्याक। होइन भने देश ले निकास कसरी पाउछ? पार्टी भन्दा देश ठुलो भन्दै घोक्रेठ्याक।

प्रचण्ड का लागि सुनौलो मौका। तीन ठुला पार्टी र पाच साना पार्टी सबै लाई मिलाएर लाने मौका हो।

ओली त माफियावादी हो। भारत सग अडान लिएर बसेको होइन कालाबाजारी गर्दै बसेको मान्छे। गफास्टिन्ग मा नौ महिना बितायो।

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Why The Brahmins Need To Vacate Power In Kathmandu

Hereditary Brahminism is Satan worship. Because hereditary Brahminism is the idea that these dudes are going to stand between God and the people. These are Satan's agents on earth. And the corruption is total. In Nepal much of the government budget stays unspent until the final few weeks of the year and then, poof, it's gone. The same formula is applied to foreign aid. Donor agents talk about the incompetence and the inefficiency but can't see the utter efficiency and competence of the corruption machine. It is a fine art.

The Brahmins already had every branch of government except the king's throne. So they orchestrated a people's movement to get rid of the non Brahmin king. Now they also occupy the throne.

The Brahmins own the bureaucracy, the judiciary, the legislative branch by owning all the major political parties. The Brahmins own the media, the NGOs. The Brahmins dominate the private sector and the parts they don't dominate, they milk it.

And of course there is the Brahmin electorate. After all, Nepal is a democracy. This priestly class is not exactly Hindu. These are Vedics, the Sanatanis, followers of the original, eternal religion. There has not been a better example of spiritual corruption in world history. The corrupt priests of Jesus' time have nothing on these Brahmins.

It is hereditary. If you are not born a Brahmin, tough. They claim the Vedas contain all knowledge that humanity will ever need and more knowledge than any university, ancient or modern, has ever had. But if you are not a Brahmin you can't read the books. And these Brahmins themselves don't read and understand them either.

Most of the Vedas is simply rituals. There is a ritual for everything. Brahmins recite them mindlessly and ask for fees.

The people of Nepal will not see democracy, federalism and prosperity unless they wipe out Hereditary Brahminism. There is nothing to reform. You come to the one true Living God.

Under hereditary Brahminism the body, mind, heart and soul are completely out of alignment. You have a country and society going round and round in circles. Forward progress is not being made.

There are concrete implications to not knowing the one true Living God. You see them every day all over Nepal. The corruption is total and it is unrelenting and it will stay that way until Hereditary Brahminism is completely demolished, utterly uprooted. These are sick people, these are Satan's agents.

The non Brahmins are almost 85% of the country’s population, so obviously it is not about the numbers. You can't liberate people who are not even aware they are slaves.

Democracy is one person one vote. Right now the person does not exist in Nepal. Somebody who has not conquered death is not even a person. Somebody who has not come to realize their soul is unique in the history and future of time is not even a person. There is but one God, there always has been but one God. There is no other God but the one true Living God. That is the path to liberation and prosperity, in Nepal, in India, in China, in the Arab countries, in Pakistan.  

Ancient or modern, knowledge is wonderful and should be shared widely. You should become a priest like you become a doctor or a health care worker, not by birth but by earning a degree. But such reforms are impossible. Brahmins need the Dalit to be Dalit. There is no room for reform, and so you utterly demolish.

These are ignorant, corrupt, Satanic Brahmins, standing between God and people, between people and liberty, between people and prosperity, between people and Heaven.

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Thursday, July 14, 2016

ओली ले एमाले सन्सदीय दल को नेतृत्व गुमाउनु पर्छ

चक्रव्यूहमा मधेस

ओली ले एमाले सन्सदीय दल को नेतृत्व गुमाउनु पर्छ अनि बल्ल देश ले निकास पाउछ।

पहिलो त माओवादी र कान्ग्रेस ले मधेसी मोर्चा सन्ग कुरा मिलाउनु पर्यो ।

साथै एमाले को नया नेत्रित्व साथ कुरा मिलाउनु पर्यो।

Monday, July 11, 2016

Madhesh Has No Choice But To Disallow The Elections

There has been no revision to the state boundaries. The Terai still has not been allocated half the seats in the lower and the upper houses. The flagrant disrespect to the Madhesi marriages across the border into India is fully intact. The millions of stateless Madhesis are not only still stateless but there are designs to snatch away citizenship papers from those that have them. Nepali has been designated the only language for government work, Mahendra style. The affirmative action clause still gives preference to the ruling elite of Bahuns. A more blatant travesty of a people's movement can not be imagined.

The 2006 April movement was the biggest democracy movement in Nepal's history. Madhesh has organized three major movements of that magnitude for federalism and inclusion with zero effects.

Now is not the time to give up. To allow elections would be to allow this constitution that turns the Madhesh into a permanent internal colony to come into full effect. That is not an option the Madhesh has.

Gyanendra also played the local election card in early 2006. Oli is walking in those same footsteps. And will meet the same fate.  

Only by now the fight is not just for federalism but also against fascism. Madhesh independence has always been on the table. With equality Madhesh will stay in a federal Nepal. Without equality Madhesh will not hesitate to march to independence.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Madhesh And Nepal And God

How many Madhesi Buddhists do you know of? The Buddha, who is all over East Asia, even in Sri Lanka, is completely absent in his own birthplace. Why? Madhesis don't stop to think. The Buddha attained enlightenment in Bihar, but is absent in Bihar. The Buddha left his body in Gujarat but is absent in Gujarat. How come?

The Buddha always maintained he was a human being. But the Brahmins will tell you The Buddha was a Vishnu incarnate. Those same Brahmins wiped out Buddhism from the Indian subcontinent Rwanda style. Those same Brahmins rule Nepal today, those same Brahmins have a monopoly in all aspects of the country's affairs, in sectors public and private, the media, the NGOs, the same Brahmins are at the forefront of cashing the global brand name that is The Buddha today. The contradictions don't bother them one bit.

The caste system is 100% satanic practice. To the Brahmins the caste system is order. No caste system, no order. And they maintain it with every weapon available, peaceful as well as violent. You can not maintain something as warped as the caste system without an active, persistent threat of force. It does not come naturally to people.

The biggest misconception in Nepal is that these Brahmins are Hindus. They are not Hindus any more than Ravana was Hindu. These are Sanatanis. They despise Rama. They despise Krishna. These are corrupt priests. Jesus railed against corrupt priests. There are three million of those in Nepal. These are a priestly class of hereditary Brahmins whose specialty is to stand between God and the people. They preach of the Vedas that they don't have the capacity to read and understand. But they know no one but them should be allowed to read the Vedas. The rest should just submit to the fact that those ancient texts contain all knowledge humanity will ever need and more knowledge than any modern university has. They claim they are like God.

To claim to be like God, and to stand between God and people fits the description of The Devil. These are agents of Satan you are dealing with. The extent of their brutality as recently as last year in a country claiming to be a democracy is well documented by some leading global human rights organizations.

The Brahmins insist on offering the Madhesis a second class citizenship. Nothing else is being offered. Equality is not on the table. Unless you grasp the inherent satanic character of the Brahmins, you are too far away from the ground realities. If Madhesis intend to live with hereditary Brahminism a second class citizenship is not that different and not much worse. But if the Madhesis want equality that is every human being's right then a total rejection of hereditary Brahminism to the point of sending the Brahmins to eternal political wilderness is the only available option. It is a nonviolent but uncompromising path to total justice. It is the path of waking up to the one true Living God. There is but one God, there always has been but one God. There are no other Gods but that one God. Every human being can pray to that God directly, no middle men necessary, least of all the satanic Brahmins. These are evil people with a bottomless capacity for violent oppression. They have to be resisted.   

Madhesis ought to be uncompromising on the question of equality. That equality automatically creates common ground between the Madhesis and the Janajatis. But if it does not also bring in the Dalits and the women, then it is not a true plank of equality.

Kumar: Wake Up To God


Friday, July 01, 2016

बार असोसिएशन को मध्यस्थता ले निकास दिन्छ

गठबन्धन र सरकारबीचको वार्ताको मध्यस्थता बार एशोसिएसनले गर्ने

बार असोसिएशन को मध्यस्थता ले निकास दिन्छ

सत्ता पक्ष एउटा पक्ष। आन्दोलनरत मधेसी जनजाति अर्को पक्ष। कुनै पनि विदेशी समुह लाई पर्याप्त जानकारी हुँदैन। नेपाल बार असोसिएशन लाई त्यो समस्या छैन।

सिविल सोसायटी ले 2006 अप्रिल का लागि ठुलो रोल खेल्यो तर त्यस पछि गायब भयो। फेरि रोल खेले देश ले निकास पाउछ।

तर दुई पक्ष सन्ग वार्ता गरेर एउटा वक्तव्य निकाल्ने ध्याउन्न हो भने निकास निस्कदैन। दुबै पक्ष ले पहिला म्यान्डेट दिनुपर्यो।

कम्प्रोमाइज हुन सक्छ। तर कर्मचारी बाहुन, पार्टी बाहुन, भोटर बाहुन वाला जुन त्रिकोण छ त्यसले अहिले सम्म समानता को भाषा बोल्न चाहेकै छैन।

बाहुनवाद भनेको परमेश्वर र आम जनता बीच खड़ा रहेको शैतान हरू को जमात हो। ओली रावण पुत्र हो। यो त राक्षस हो।

Thursday, June 30, 2016

सम्विधान सन्सोधन बिना चुनाव सम्भव छैन

तीन तीन वटा मधेसी क्रांति का डेढ सय शहीद र दशो हजार घायल मधेसी क्रांतिकारी को अपमान मधेस ले हुन दिदैन।

अहिले को अवस्था मा चुनाव सम्भव छैन।

मधेसी जनजाति आन्दोलन लाई सम्मानजनक सम्बोधन गर अनि चुनाव गर।

ग्यानेन्द्र स्टाइल मा बलधकेल चुनाव गराउन चाहिरहेको ओली 2006 अप्रिल क्रांति मा घाम तापेर बसेको थियो । उ सहभागी थिएन। बाहुन ले च्याउ खाओस न स्वाद पाओस।

बाहुन ले नेपाल मा राजनीति गर्ने समय धेरै बान्की रहेन अब।


Saturday, June 25, 2016

दलित से माफी मांगने वाली बात

कुछ मधेसी जागरूक लोगो ने दलितों से माफी मांगने का अभियान चलाया है। सराहनीय बात है। लेकिन क्या यह समस्या का समाधान है?

जातपात पहाड़ में भी है। बाहुनवाद का साप सारे देश के राजनीति को जकेडे हुए है। सबसे बडे तीन पार्टी, देशका पुरा ब्यूरोक्रेसी सब उस साप के सिकनजे में है।

शोसन करने का जिनके पास ताकत ही नहीं, जो खुद अपने आधारभूत अधिकार के लिए लड़ रहे हैं वैसे लोग माफी मांग रहे हैं। ये उनकी महानता है।

जातपात का जो प्रथा है उसके भीतर समानता सम्भव है ही नहीं। तो उस जातपात को जड़ से उखाड़ फेंकने का रास्ता क्या है? इस बात पर विचार विमर्श किया जाए।

Thursday, June 23, 2016

मधेसी लाई पेल्ने खेल खेल्दै छन

उपेन्द्र यादव र मधेसी मोर्चा बीच फाटो ल्याउने, कांग्रेस लाई संविधान लेखन को समय जस्तै फेरि काखी च्याप्ने, अनि जस्तो सुकै एउटा निर्वाचन गराउने।

उसलाई निर्वाचन गराउनु छैन। जसरी हुन्छ मधेसी माथि एउटा गलत संविधान थोपरनु छ। एउटा निर्वाचन भयो कि संविधान लागु भयो। त्यो ध्याउन्न छ।

यो मुठभेड को राजनीति हो। यस ले मधेस अलग देश को मार्ग प्रशस्त गरदछ।

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Logic खै?

एक मधेस दो प्रदेश मधेस ले नपाएको प्रमुख कारण शेर बहादुर देउबा। तमलोपा को महाधिवेशन मा प्रमुख अतिथि शेर बहादुर देउबा। मधेस आन्दोलन को नेतृत्व मा तमलोपा।

प्रचण्ड ले ग्रिह युद्ध मचचाउदा चीन को बेस्ट फ्रेंड ग्यानेन्दर। दिल्ली समझौता बिना स्वाहा हुने प्रचण्ड। अहिले प्रचण्ड को बेस्ट फ्रेंड चीन।

प्रचण्ड लाई तह लगाउनु पर्दा दिल्ली को बेस्ट फ्रेंड ओली। अहिले खेर कहाँ को दिल्ली कहाँ को ओली।

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bringing White Folks Under The Caste System

The Brahmins of Nepal are more convinced than the Taliban that God is on their side. It is beneath them to carry guns. They pay people to do that for them.

The four tier hierarchy is as natural to them as the three branches of government are to the Americans. Order is not possible otherwise. It is that or chaos. They do not believe in violence, but they do believe in order. And to maintain order they are as convinced about threat of force as the police in China or the American FBI. It's just that their idea of order is different. Order is the four tier hierarchy.

That four tier hierarchy is so amazing, if you can just maintain it, order flows out of it. You don't even need the police, or very little of it. And so maintaining that four tier hierarchy is way more important than building a modern state.

And what modern state! Everything modern was already conceived and invented by their ancestors aeons ago. There is mention of missiles and fighter planes in the Mahabharata.

To them the caste system is an invention, a positive, social invention. Of course it has universal value. To them the caste system is penicillin.

They gave Nepal a constitution where Madhesis and Janajatis are rendered second and third class. The Dalits are where they always were supposed to be. They know that. They are not hiding it any more than Americans are hiding their Declaration Of Independence.

They are genuinely puzzled as to why the Madhesis are agitating, and if they are agitating, that is but a challenge to the natural order of things. And that explains the cruel use of force, human rights be damned.

Their behavior defies western logic so much westerners too often simply go in denial. There is much love in the west for Nepal. Nepal has been the most popular destination among Peace Corps volunteers for the entire existence of that program. How can it be? How could things go so horribly wrong suddenly?

Nepal gets loved for the Buddhism, but these Brahmins wiped out Buddhism from the Indian subcontinent; it was Rwanda. The Buddha rejected the caste system wholesale, any thinking person would, so these Brahmins rejected The Buddha, tit for tat. There was blood. The Buddha's rejection was peaceful and through enlightened discourse. The Brahmins were butchers.

The Buddha was a Madhesi. It is Madhesis who are agitating for basic rights.

Nepal gets loved for exotic cultures like the Sherpas and the Newars and the other Janajati groups have, all groups rendered officially second class by the Brahmins. The constitution of Nepal is fundamentally hostile to all those exotic cultures that Peace Corps volunteers have admired for decades.

The mercenary Gurkha soldiers are not Brahmins.

But they still shamelessly exploit the global brand value of The Buddha. Just like they engage in bottomless corruption of the state treasury even as they preach their spiritual ways put them above the West and its flagrant material ways. Nothing physical is real. The only life that matters is the afterlife. Wealth is but corruption, all wealth.

The 2015 earthquake has shone the headlights upon them. The world is puzzled with the behavior. Why would a government stand between global aid and its people in dire need! Makes no sense. Except you are not respecting the order. The way it is supposed to work is, you are to hand it over to them. And they will do as they please. And you have to make peace with that. They did disburse over $800 million already. Very little of it ended up with the intended recipients. The corruption is total.

The Brahmins of Nepal are all destined for Hell. Their ways are the ways of The Devil.

These are not Hindus, these are caste Brahmins. They don't give two hoots about Modi, for example. It is written on Modi's forehead in big letters, he is not a Brahmin. He was not born one, and that's the end of it.

In Bhutan they have a Gross Happiness Index. These Brahmins have a Gross Caste Index. It is the only index that matters to them. You could not scare them with talk of negative GDP growth. They don't care. The four tier hierarchy gives them direct access to the state coffers. They are not impacted.

The aftermath of the earthquake has seen the Brahmins try and bring white folks under the umbrella of the caste system. That white folks have hesitated is like some parents choosing not to vaccinate their children. Or so the Brahmins think.

It is mind boggling as to how these Brahmins managed to exploit Marxism. They used it as a tool to use the people to capture the one last remaining structure of the state that they already did not have, otherwise they also completely own the media in Nepal.

The caste system is nothing religious or spiritual, it is a sick social, political ideology. But it has served Brahmins well, or so they think. 300 years ago Nepal and America had comparable levels of per capita income.

So far the Madhesi movement has been about trying to convince the Brahmins. It is a recipe for failure. There can be no genuine Madhesi liberation unless there is a total rejection of the caste system.

The king was not convinced before the country became a republic. The former king is still not convinced.

Trying to convince the Brahmins otherwise is an impossible task. You have to make peace with the fact that a thousand years from now they might still be sticking to their casteist worldview.

The goal can not be to convince. That you try to do after you have thrown them out of power. The goal has to be to politically outmaneuver, just like with the king. Madhesis, Janajatis and Dalits are 80% of Nepal. It is lack of political homework on their part that gives the Brahmins the upper hand. The Brahmins don't want a one person one vote democracy or federalism because, strictly speaking, they are not even 13% of the country.

Hereditary Brahminism is 100 times more harmful than Hereditary Monarchy. The Hereditary Monarchy needed to be thrown out of one palace. Hereditary Brahminism needs to be said no to in every village in Nepal.

Madhesis can not achieve genuine liberty without rejecting the caste system wholesale. The caste system, by definition, is not designed to give you equality.

The Brahmins can be politically defeated easily. But they can not be convinced for a hundred years. There have been 36 rounds of failed talks. There will be 136 more of those as long as the goal remains to convince the Brahmins. What are you trying to convince them? That they should ditch the caste system? As they see it, that is 100% of their identity.  

Defeat them, like you defeated the king. That is the only available option.