The enemy within
We don't need India to wreck our country, Nepal's politicians are doing it just fine
Jaffna in Janakpur?The single-minded focus in Kathmandu’s corridors of power has been to deflect attention from our own shortcomings and to indulge in knee-jerk India-bashing.
...... This UML-Maoist coalition seems to take vicarious pleasure in playing victim and shifting all the blame on the blockade. Every day, ministers in the Oli administration come up with ever more outlandish statements to mask their own incompetence, such as ending load-shedding or wild promises about harnessing wind power. They are neither taking effective steps to end the crisis, nor dealing concretely with the shortages and deepening hardships. ..... Instead of expediting the petroleum purchase deal with China, opening the Kodari border and urgently upgrading the Rasuwa highway, all we get is political grandstanding and more rhetoric. Instead of executing an emergency action plan for incentives to shift to electric public transport or to accelerate hydropower projects, we get the same familiar waffling. Rather than immediately putting into place subsidies for domestic photo-voltaic systems with reverse metering, all we hear are pompous homilies. .....The overwhelming impression is that of a state machinery and its organs profiting so much from the black market economy in fossil fuels that they want the crisis to last a while longer so they can fill their coffers. Four months into the blockade, we have no plans to fly in medicines and other essentials by air. With blessings from politicians and bureaucrats, NAC, NOC and NEA have their hands deep in the honeypot — the country be damned.
...... The most callous proof of government incompetence is how oblivious it is to the plight of over 2 million earthquake survivors this winter. Politicians of the NC and the UML have locked horns over the appointment of the CEO of the Reconstruction Authority. They let the bill lapse in parliament, allowed an already appointed CEO to step down.Only seven months after the earthquake was the bill finally passed
on Wednesday. The survivors have lived through rains and are now shivering in tents, yet an uncaring state has been blissfully unmindful to their predicament for this long. ...... The Oli government will be blamed for the failure to resolve the blockade and normalise the supply situation. Which is why the NC and the Madhesi parties want to drive home their advantage, because they know time is not on Oli’s side. ..... Why haven’t we been able to hold local elections for village, district and municipal councils for 20 years? Why is the Tarai Fast-track Highway moving at a turtle's pace? Why is Kathmandu airport in the state it is in? The list is endless.
Nepal must exercise the logic of being a true buffer state
The massive extraction of groundwater across the border in the Indian plains has meant that the water table in the Tarai is receding fast. While only a few decades ago, a tubewell 6m deep would have water, it now needs to be at least 50m deep. The worse is yet to come. The only possible sources of water for the Tarai for drinking, irrigation and industrial development will be the rivers and streams flowing down from the northern mountains. .....“मधेश” आफैमा एउटा राष्ट्र हो – मातृका प्रसाद यादव, संयोजक नेकपा (माओवादी)The West Seti project will submerge 2000 ha of land and displace 16,000 people in the four hill districts of Doti, Dadeldhura, Bajhang and Baitadi, but would irrigate 360,000 ha of farmlands in the three Tharu heartland districts of Bardia, Kailali and Kanchanpur, generate 750 MW of electricity to be used mostly in the factories of the Tarai yielding an annual revenue of Rs 15 billion that could be used for the overall development of the country including the districts upstream.
बाबुरामको प्रस्ताव: बिजुली निकालौं, भारतलाई नाकाबन्दी गरौं !
'नेताहरु बुढा भइसक्नु भो, चिन्तन केटाकेटी छ'
उपेन्द्रको आरोपः प्रधानमन्त्री गल्लीको डन जस्तै बोल्छन्भारतीय नाकाबन्दीले हरेक नेपाली प्रभावित छन् । कुनै न कुनै रुपमा उनीहरुको दैनिकी फेरिएको छ र यो अझै कति दिन कायम रहन्छ, कसैले भन्न सक्ने अवस्था छैन ।
..... डा. बाबुराम भट्टराई धेरैले भन्ने गरेको विकास कहिल्यै नगर्ने ‘पाखण्डी राष्ट्रवाद’ काम नलाग्ने बताउँछन् ...... बाबुरामको प्रस्ताव छ, चिनियाँ पुँजी ल्याएर लगानी गरौं र भारतसँग उर्जा सम्झौता गरेर बिजुली बेचौं।’ यसका लागि चीनसँग पनि बिप्पा सम्झौता गर्नुपर्ने उनको भनाइ छ । सफल अर्थमन्त्रीको छवि बनाएका भट्टराई प्रधानमन्त्री हुँदा भारतसँग बिप्पा सम्झौता भएको थियो । ..... डा. भट्टराईले भनेका छन् किदुबै देशको पुँजी र प्रविधि ल्याएर १० हजार मेगावाटको नेपालको कर्णाली चिसा पानी प्रोजेक्ट बनाऔं । ५ हजार मोगावाट हामीले खर्च गरौं, ५ हजार भारततिर बेचौं ।’
...... उर्जा मन्त्रालय सम्हाल्ने हरेकले मन्त्री भएपछि एक वर्षमा लोडसेडिङ अन्त्य गर्छु भन्छन् । योपटक त प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले समेत यस्तै घोषणा गरे, जसलाई डा. भट्टराई हास्यास्पद बताएका छन् । उनको प्रश्न छ, ‘एक वर्षभित्र लोडसेडिङ अन्त्य गर्छु भन्छन्, कहाँबाट लोडसेडिङ अन्त्य गर्नुहुन्छ ?’ ..... यसका लागि ५/७ वर्ष लाग्ने डा. भट्टराईको विश्लेषण छ ....... भारत र चीन दुबैसँग बिप्पा सम्झौता गर्ने र दुबैको पुँजी र प्राविधि ल्याउने । उनले भनेका छन्-‘चिसापानी जस्ता केही प्रोजेक्ट १० वर्षभित्र ४० हजार बिजुली पैदा गरौं ।’ ..... यसरी उत्पादन हुने बिजुलीमध्ये २० हजार आफूले प्रयोग गरौं । भट्राईले भने, यसले अहिलेको ग्यास, पेट्रोललगायतमा निर्भर हुनु पर्दैन । बिजुलीबाट पकाएर खाऔैं, बिजुलीका कार चढेर हिँडौं ।’ ..... बाँकी २० हजार भारततिर निर्यात गर्नु पर्ने उनको भनाइ छ । ‘उसले जोरी खोजेर नाकाबन्दी गर्छ भने हामीले बिजुलीको नाकाबन्दी गरिदिन्छौं’पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री भट्टराईको भनाइ छ- यस्तो आत्मनिर्भर भएपछि उसले नाकाबन्दी गर्ने आँट गर्छ ? उसले नाकाबन्दी गर्न खोज्यो भने बिहार र युपीका मान्छेले विद्रोह गरिदिन्छन् । यो पो देश बनाउने तरिका हो, राष्ट्रवादी हुने तरिका हो ।’ ..... तर, हाम्रा नेताहरु बुढा र केटाकेटी बनेको भट्टराईले बताएका छन् । ‘मान्छे उमेरले बुढा भइसक्नु भो, चिन्तन केटाकेटी छ’ उनले भने । आफूले अन्यथा भन्न नखोजेको भन्दै उनले प्रष्ट्याउँदै भने,‘उहाँहरुको कुरा सुन्नुस् त, मैले यति वर्ष जेल बसेँ, ००० सालमा यो भएको थियो, गणेशमानजीले यो भन्नु भो । वीपीले यसो भन्नु भएको थियो । मनमोहनजीले यसो भन्नु भो, त्यही कथाबाहेक केही भन्नुहुन्न । अहिले के गर्ने ? भोलि के गर्ने भन्नुपर्यो ।’
'ओली सरकारको विकल्प खोज्दा मुलुकको हित हुन्छ'
‘जब जब समस्या समाधान तिर जान्छ, तब प्रधानमन्त्री गल्लीको डन र माफीया जस्तै बोल्छन् ।’ .... ‘आफू छिट्टै भुतपूर्व हुने देखेर होला, ओली विशिष्टहरुको सुविधा बढाउने तिर लागेको ।’ ....बालुवाटार र बालुवाटार नेक्ससले ब्ल्याक ईकोनोमीबाट कमाइरहेकोे र समस्या समाधान गर्न नचाएको उनको आरोप छ । उनले भने-‘सरकार आन्दोलन लामो होस भन्ने चाहन्छ ।’
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