हामी मधेशी थारुको माग यस्ता छन ..........?१. तराईमा दुई प्रदेशको सीमांकन हुनुपर्ने क. झापा देखि पर्सासम्मको भूभागलाई मधेश प्रदेश ख. चितवन देखि कन्चनपुरसम्मको भूभागलाई थरुहट प्रदेश२. जनसंख्या प्रतिशतको आधारमा नेपालको हरेक क्षेत्रको निर्बाचन क्षेत्रलाई निर्धारण गर्नुपर्ने ३. राज्यको सम्पूर्ण संरचनामा सबै बर्गको समानुपातिक तथा समाबेशी, सिद्धान्त पूर्ण रुपमा लागू हुनुपर्ने ४. मधेशी, थारु, मुस्लिम, दलित, आदिवासी तथा जनजातिहरुको हितको लागि एउटा छूटै न्यायिक आयोग गठन गर्नुपर्ने ५. हरेक प्रदेशलाई स्वायतता प्रदान गर्दै आर्थिक, सामाजिक, भाषिक, सांस्कृतिक तथा पहिचान सहितको अधिकार सुनिश्चित हुनुपर्नेतराईमा दुई संघीय प्रदेश भए मात्र बनेको संबिधानले दीर्घकालीन स्थायित्व प्राप्त गर्न सक्नेछन् र अनि मात्र देश शान्ति, उन्नति तथा सम्बृद्धिको बाटो अघि बढ्न सक्छन। लगभग २ महिना देखि चल्दै, बल्दै तथा धधकिदै गरेको मधेश थरुहट आन्दोलनको मूल एजेंडा नै यंही दुई प्रदेशहरु हुन। तर अहिलेको संघीय सीमांकनले तराईको भूभागलाई पहाडसंग गाभेर तराई छीन भिन्न बनाइसकेका छन। यसो गर्नु मुख्य कारक भनेको फेरी त्यही २५० बर्षीय बिभेदक शासन प्रणाली मधेशी थारु माथि अन्याय, अत्याचार, शोषण, दमन र बिभेद उपजको एउटा ठूलै खसवादीहरुमा रणनीति तथा षड्यन्त्र लुकेका छन जसलाई मधेशी थारु एकजुट भएर चिर्नु या पर्दाफास गर्नुले नै यस आन्दोलनले केहि उपलव्धता ग्रहण गर्न सक्छन। के.पि., झलनाथ, सिटौला तथा अन्य खसबर्ग समुदायहरु सबैलाई अवगत होस कि मधेशी थारु कुनै जातपात होइन। यो दुई समुदायहरु हुन जंहा बिभिन्न जातजाति तथा बर्गहरु सदियों देखि यंहा मिलेर बस्दै आइरहेका छन जसलाई अहिलेको सीमांकनले एउटा बखराको आमासंग तथा एउटा बुबाको छोरासंग सम्बन्ध बिच्छेद गराए सरह भएका छन जसको आवाज, रोदन, चीत्कार तथा पीडा खसवादी शासकबर्गहरुले सुन्ने चाहेको छैन बरु उल्टै बलिको बोका बनाएर सीधै छातीमा गोली हान्दै हत्या गरिरहेका छन।
Posted by Fight for Right on Friday, October 9, 2015
An effort of PAC Nepal during Madhesh movement in Tarai.
Posted by तराई News on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
राजनैतिक मुद्दाबाट जनताको ध्यान भ्रमित गर्न राजनैतिकर्मीहरुले राश्टृयता जस्तो मुद्दालाइ सार्दोरहेछ।अन्ततोगत्वा सत्य सबैले बुझ्दछन।
Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
कश्मीरी पृथकतावादियों को पाकिस्तान के द्वारा बुलाए जाने पर घनघोर आपत्ति करने वाली भारत की सरकार नेपाल के आन्दोलनकारियों ...
Posted by Kanakdhara Swami Swadeshanand on Sunday, December 6, 2015
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Monday, December 7, 2015

Posted by Seva Chandy on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
केपी ओलिले सौराहामा मधेस र मधेसिलाई गाली गर्दै गर्दा त्यहाँ बसेका एमालेका मधेसी सभाषाद र नेता ताली बजाउदै थिए । सिमान्कन नै आन्दोलनको प्रमुख एजेन्दा हो । यो नबिर्स ।
Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Monday, December 7, 2015
Posted by Bishwa B Shah on Monday, December 7, 2015

आन्दोलन जती लम्बिदै जान्छ समाधान गर्न गार्हो हुँदैछ । मधेस प्रदेस को नारा कमजोर हुन्छ तर मधेश देश को बारा बलियो हुँदै जान्छ । फाइदा मधेदी लाई नै हुन्छ ।
Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Monday, December 7, 2015

Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Posted by Pralhad Kc on Monday, December 7, 2015
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Attack to Madhesi
Posted by Vijay Kumar Sah on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
This Elephant Calf Stuck in the Mud Symbolizes All of Our Stru...
This elephant calf stuck in the mud symbolizes all of our struggleshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SauNUEw_OU
Posted by storyful on Tuesday, December 1, 2015
मधेशमय बन्यो दिल्ली, मधेशी विद्यार्थीद्वारा प्रदर्शन
तीन पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री सहित झन्डै १०० जना अख्तियारको फन्दामा
प्रचण्ड र शेरबहादुरजीले बोल्नुपर्छ कि खण्डन गर्नुपर्छ — प्रदीप ज्ञवाली
दुई राष्ट्रियताको जग वा समग्र मधेस प्रदेशको जगमा उभिएर गरिने तर्क भने जायज छैनन् ।
बरु म पदमा नरहुँला तर छानबिन रोकिन्न : लोकमानसिंह कार्की
अहिले बढाएको छानबिनमा अरु थुप्रैको नाम भएको र उनीहरु माथि पनि छानबिन हुने ....... ‘अख्तियारले पत्र काटेर छानबिन गर्दैमा दोषी हुने होइन,’ उनले भने, ‘अनुसन्धानपछि को दोषीको को होइन थाह हुन्छ । अनुसन्धान कै विरोध गर्नु राम्रो होइन ।’
एमाले ले पनि मधेस भित्र गएर भेला गर्न सकेन । सौरहा (चितवन्) सम्म पुगे । मधेश मा कस्तो बनाएका रहेछन त जनाधार ?
Posted by Rajesh Ahiraj on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
मशाल जुलुस प्रदर्शन .....ईनरवा, सुनसरीमा आन्दोलनमा भईरहेको प्रहरी दमनको बिरोधमा मशाल जुलुस प्रदर्शन
Posted by Upendra Mahato on Wednesday, December 9, 2015

'ईश्वर'ले कि 'इस् चोर'ले ! कसले चाह्यो भने ५,७ दिनमा नाकाबन्दी खुल्छ रे ?-The गजुReal Confusion
Posted by Manoj Gajurel on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
I just wonder ! why there is anti India slogans raised time and again despite Indian's cooperation in many sectors of...
Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
I just wonder ! why there is anti India slogans raised time and again despite Indian's cooperation in many sectors of...
Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
देश, जनता और संसद नाकाबंदी , मधेश आंदोलन, मधेश में हिंसा, , आपूत्र्ति मे दिखी समस्या, तस्करी, कालाबाजारी, जमाखोरी लगाय...
Posted by Sarita Giri on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Shyam Saran at his finest: On the brazen attempt to entrench the privileged status of a high caste elite with an...
Posted by Prashant Jha on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Shyam Saran: Nepal treads a perilous path
the perilous path on which the current ruling elite in Nepal is taking the country ...... A deliberate and risky political and social polarisation is being engendered in order to camouflage a brazen attempt to entrench the privileged status of a high-caste elite with an arrogant sense of entitlement. ....... ultra-nationalism in the form of anti-Indianism is being assiduously peddled to deflect attention from a more sinister domestic agenda ....... We appear to have tacitly accepted the Pahari-Plains dichotomy and the associated perception that the latter are "Indian-origin" and thus enjoying the support of India as the Nepali government alleges. The people living in the Terai are the original inhabitants of the region and not immigrants from India. They became part of Nepal as a result of conquest and as a result of later British largesse for services rendered in the suppression of the first war of Indian independence. ......... these plains people have kinship ties with people living on the Indian side of the border - but so do most of the hill people of Nepal. There are several million Indian citizens of Nepali pahari origin who live in various parts of our country. They are proud citizens of India but also have kinship ties with their brethren living in Nepal. And over the past decade and a half, as a result of the long years of Maoist insurgency and economic deprivation, there are six to eight million Nepali citizens who have been living and working in India. They are overwhelmingly from the hill areas in Nepal. ............. There are also several thousand ex-Indian Army pensioners who are scattered across the villages and towns of Nepal. They are almost entirely "paharis" or hill people. And finally, even the high-caste Nepalis, including those claiming royal lineage, have close kinship and ties through marriage with their counterparts in India. They constitute part and parcel of the long-standing web of intimate ties that bind the people of the two countries together. .......... "janjatis" which have been equally oppressed ..... much of Nepal's power supply comes from India ... It continues uninterrupted ..... If agitating demonstrators in the south are interrupting movement across the border, it is unreasonable to expect India to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for Nepali leaders who have triggered this unrest by their short-sighted policies. ....... the people are ahead of their leaders in many ways and this means that their struggle cannot be easily suppressed ...... Ultra-nationalism based on a narrow and contrived hill identity and targeting a section of Nepali citizens as unpatriotic agents of a foreign power risks a counter ultra-nationalism, one feeding on the other. ....... The plains are the country's food basket. Much of the country's industry is located in the plains, near the vast markets in neighbouring India. The Terai and its people are precious assets for the country and will remain the foundation for its economic prosperity........ the risks to Nepal's national unity and its economic welfare may become the biggest casualties of the policies being pursued by the Kathmandu political dispensation. This is particularly so as winter descends on the country and large number of people remain without adequate shelter and food in the hill areas. The earthquake also severed the already sparse communication links with the rest of the country. .........It is this looming human tragedy which should have been the over-riding preoccupation of the Nepali government rather than playing cynical political games to preserve the privileges of the traditional elite. India had responded to the earthquake by rushing urgent supplies and reconstruction assistance. This support needs to continue but is being hampered by the negative attitudes of the Nepali establishment.
....... Over the past month, there is little evidence that Chinese supplies may assume anywhere near the scale of India-Nepal trade and economic links. India needs to be watchful concerning Chinese activities in Nepal - but letting the Nepali government use the China bogey to pressure India to acquiesce in its current policies would be counter-productive.
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