Aryans are not an indigenous people of Nepal; most of them have reached Nepal migrating through India. ...... Great grand mother had told me that our ancestor had migrated from far away from near to modern Iraq ..... I already felt that I was not a kurdish but i need to know that precisely. Then I started research about the matter on internet. ...... in the language tree that proto-indo-European language evolves into indo-Iranian which further divides into Old Iranian and Sanskrit language ...... From the language tree we can clearly see that the Aryans and Iranian people have a deep link, it seems as we are like separate brother/Sister just only by the time and location. ...... we Aryans were the dwellers from the Middle East Asia, I think we all know about the Indus valley civilization this is our early mother land of all Aryans. and a group of our ancestors have settled in Iran ....the great Persian Empire which was among the biggest empire in the history, which now is more reduced to Iran only due to Muslim evasion.
..... the Group of Aryans who settled in Iran became Persians, Kurdish and so on. And the same group of Aryans who also migrated to North India, These are the Aryans or Indic, they migrate from Iran to Afghanistan, to Pakistan and to north India and settled in many different places to as far as Nepal as well. ...... how Aryans brought Nepali language right from middle east to Nepal. And we can see our native Nepali Language has evolved from the old Indo-Iranian Language, to Sanskrit then t0 many there forms and to as well Nepali. i would like to remind the fact that the “Pali” language which was written and spoken at the time of Buddha is also one of the derivative of Sanskrit language. ......” The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin and more exquisitely refined than either: yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs, and in the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all without believing them to have sprung from some common source which perhaps no longer exists…” Sir William Jones (1746-1794)
........ The Aryans were remarkably expansionist, andalmost everywhere they went they conquered and subjugated the indigenous people, imposing their languages and (to varying degrees) their religious beliefs on the natives, and receiving in turn contributions from the people whom they conquered.
Aryan invasions — or more accurately, a long sequence of different invasions by speakers of Indo-European languages — swept across Old Europe beginning as early as the fourth millennium BC, and over time the conquerors and the conquered melded into specific people with distinctive languages. ........ Most of the contemporary inhabitants of Europe, along with their respective early national cultures, are the result of interaction between successive waves of Aryan invaders and culture of the particular White people that they conquered and with whom they later intermarried ....... Many of the principal figures in Greek mythology predate the arrival of Aryans ...... Europe is European because the conquerors and the conquered were members the same White race, different branches on the same family tree; India is a morass of poverty because the bulk of the conquered, with whom the Indo-Aryans eventually intermarried, were non-White Veddoids. The lesson is obvious. Even today high-caste Hindus can still be identified by their Caucasian features and light skin, and the poorest and most backward parts of India are generally the darkest. ........ Aryans are also called as “Khass” in Nepal. And the language used by the Aryans are also known as “Khass Bhasa”. Hence we can clearly see from the map and the conclusions derived from the language tree, thatthe Aryans came from middle east Asia around 1750Bc.
....... The Aryans Divided into Persians and Indic people, Persians settled in Persia known as Iran today. Where as the other group of Aryans migrated from Iran to Afghanistan to Pakistan to North India who further migrated to Nepal as well. more related to Iranian than to other races in the world
.... Iranian are not Arab they are “PERSIAN.” .....Kasmiri Pakistani (Aryans) are more related to European race than to Arabs. Which is a very interesting fact to know about.

Genetic Ancestry of Nepalis
Newars have been living in Kathmandu valley from the prehistoric times.
..... Evidence also comes from our language – Nepal Bhasa and associated Ranjana script which has combination of both Tibetan as well as Sanskrit (Indian) flavors and still used in many parts of Tibet, Nepal and India. ...... Tibet (China) and India. These neighbors represent two distinct ethnicity – the Mongols from Tibet and the Aryans from India. ....... African origin of modern humans 200,000 years ago ..... the modern human left Africa 125,000 years ago and reached the present day Middle-East Asia from where they dispersed into three different directions (at different time-scales) – one lineage to the Europe, second lineage towards China and the third lineage into South Asia (India). ..... abundant East Eurasian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages have already been detected in the northeast Indian populations raising the possibility that the East Eurasian influence could trace its origin back to the dispersal of Tibeto-Burman people who arrived at Nepal via northeast India ..... by comparing the Y-chromosome lineages between the Nepalese and the Tibetan populations, Gayden et al. have proposed that the East Eurasian genetic components had been introduced into Nepal from Tibet directly ....... “Revisiting the role of the Himalayas in peopling Nepal: insights from mitochondrial genomes”, published in March 2012, finally came up with an answer. For this, mtDNA was collected from 246 unrelated individuals from Kathmandu and Eastern Terai. ....... Different loci of mtDNA and Y-chromosome are used as genetic markers to trace the great human migration and ancestry. The mtDNA traces the maternal lineage (as mitochondria of a zygote is always contributed by the mother) and Y-chromosome of course traces the paternal lineage (as only the father contributes Y-chromosome to a zygote destined to become a male). Often Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam are referred to as the ancestors of every human being living on earth today. They are certainly not the first female and male on the earth as the Bible interprets, there were many humans in addition to Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam, but they are the only surviving genetic markers/lineage till date that has been passed on to the existing human population. ........The study revealed that genetic components of East Eurasian (36.59%) and South Asian (51.63%) ancestry have comprised the vast majority of the Nepalese gene pool.
....... 3 among 5 of the Nepalese population clustered with Tibetan population. This means that 3 of the Nepalese population are very similar to the clustered Tibetan population. ...... the Tibetans made major contribution to virtually all Nepalese populations (except for the eastern Tharu population) ...... the Nepalese share some basal or internal haplotypes with the Tibetans;..... the Nepalese harbor a number of unique haplotypes at the terminal level, most of which branched off directly from the nodes occupied almost exclusively by the Tibetan lineages and..... only a few haplotypes are shared sporadically between the Nepalese and the northern Indians......Now it is convincing that the East Eurasian had entered Nepal across the Himalayas around 6 kya, a scenario in good agreement with the previous findings from linguistics and archeology. Yes, the Tibetans (Mongols) did cross the great Himalayas to enter Nepal even before the Aryans arrived.

Bahun (बाहुन) is a local term for the traditional Vedic Brahmin of Aryan origin. Some may have been migrated to Nepal from central Asia whereas some from parts of ancient Indian region (currently India) in the early centuries. ...... The hill based indigenous ethnic groups Gurung, Magar, Tamang, Newar, Sunuwar, Rai, Limbu, Sherpa, Mananggay, Mustang-gi, Thakali, Dolpo, Walungi and similar ethnic groups comprise over 50% of the population of the Middle Hills and the Khas represent 31% of the population. ......... Bahun is a colloquial Nepali term for a member of the Pahari or "Hill" Brahmin (ब्राह्मण) caste ...... Brahmins are the second largest caste group in Nepal (12.18% of the population) ..... 'Licchavi'.. built pasupati temple, chagunarayana, Various Buddha Stoopas ....... Tibet and India were both trading partners..It is believed that the Lichhavi, having lost their political fortune in India, came to Nepal, attacking and defeating the last Kirat King Gasti. ....... Some 3,500 to 4,000 years "Before Present'(B.P.) Hari-Hara Chhetra (of present-day GandakiBasins, including Mukti Nath, Deaughat and Triveni of Western Nepal), was one of the most important centers of Vedic Aryans, who had already expanded Swarswat Vedic Civilization.The Aryans could not have advanced up to this land, without the support of Lord Shiva-the supreme Lord of Kiratas of their time (who was regarded as the incarnation ofLord Rudra, the Early- Vedic God of Cosmic Energy ....... the Aryans from Vedic Swaraswat civilization hadentered Nepal at around 4,000-4,100 years B.P. Already by this time, there seems to be the strong presence of Yakshyas in the Central Himalayas, who were in very friendly terms with Naga Kiratas of Central Himalayas. ......Arjuna was the first Aryan commander, who had reached as far east as Assam and conquered the ancient kingdom of Mani Pura and married Naga Princess Ulupi.
...... the timeofMaha-Bharata War (some 3,000 years B.P.) .....except in mithila, the vedic aryan civilization could not flourish and the rich and equitable indigenous Naga-Kirati (Bon) civilization could continue undisturbed till the medieval times.
Only in Mithila, this great Vedic Civilization could produce great philosophers like Yagnabalka, Maitree and Gargi and Philosopher-king like Janaka (of Upanishada fame, probably not Sir-Dhoj Janak, fatherofGoddess Sita). .......During Mughal as well as various Muslim invasions in India, various Hindus, mostly of Rajasthani and Punjabi origin started migrating to the Himalayas. Most of the Brahmins who had migrated to Nepal got assimilated into the already existing early migrated Brahmin society from Indian to the Nepalese hills. Many aspects of Nepali bahun is different from Indians.
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