“Obviously, we seek suggestions from diplomatic missions on how to resolve the crisis. It’s also a duty of the missions to suggest possible ways,” Foreign Secretary Shankar Das Bairagi told the Post. However, Bairagi said such communication should not be taken as internationalising the issue.What Mahatma Gandhi Said to Those Who Wanted Beef Banned in India
Rajendra Babu tells me that he has received some 50,000 postcards, between 25,000 and 30,000 letters and many thousands of telegrams demanding a ban on cow-slaughter. .....How China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Will Help India Integrate South Asia
In India no law can be made to ban cow-slaughter.
I do not doubt that Hindus are forbidden the slaughter of cows. I have been long pledged to serve the cow but how can my religion also be the religion of the rest of the Indians? It will mean coercion against those Indians who are not Hindus. ........ It is not as if there were only Hindus in the Indian Union. There are Muslims, Parsis, Christians and other religious groups here. ..... If we stop cow slaughter by law here and the very reverse happens in Pakistan, what will be the result? Supposing they say Hindus would not be allowed to visit temples because it was against Shariat to worship idols? I see God even in a stone but how do I harm others by this belief? If therefore I am stopped from visiting temples I would still visit them. ..... I know an orthodox Vaishnava Hindu. He used to feed his children on beef soup. On my asking him why he did that he said there was no sin in consuming beef as medicine. ..... Can we keep the crores of Muslims in the Indian Union as slaves? He who makes slaves of others himself becomes a slave.
The dynamics generated by the new connectivity infrastructure China is pushing across Asia and Europe will impel India and Pakistan to normalise their economic relations too .... One current trend not so well recognised by analysts is that GDP in the South Asian region is growing at close to 6% per annum in the midst of a near recession in most of the emerging economies outside of China. China itself is slowing down to relatively lower levels of growth compared to its past performance, but is still expected to clock at least 6.5%. Indeed, it is in this backdrop that China is actively pursuing plans to invest an estimatedFarewell to America's Middle Class: Unions Are Basically Dead
$150 billion
on its One Belt One Road (OBOR) project connecting countries from Asia to Europe via rail, road, energy pipeline, sea lanes and port infrastructure. ........ the Marshall Plan under which the United States spent some $13 billion over 6 years to reconstruct infrastructure in war ravaged Europe ......
America used its excess industrial capacity to rebuild Europe and by the end of the exercise the US economy was nearly 50% of world GDP. It was probably the biggest stimulus package of the 20th century. China may be attempting something similar. In fact, the inflation adjusted value of $13 billion spent by the US after WWII is roughly $130 billion today
........ will create a non-linear, positive kicker for trade between the two largest South Asian economies. Recently, Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, former foreign minister of Pakistan, argued that Pakistan is the critical link which will connect India with West Asia and Central Asia. China’s OBOR project( both land and maritime) will facilitate and deepen the conectivity between South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, Europe and Africa.
South Asia could be on the cusp of an economic transformation
...... the real potential for two-way trade between India and Pakistan, if all tariff and non-tariff barriers are removed and trading in energy included, is $30 billion. This is about 15 times more than the current level of trade between the two nations ....... economic agents on the ground who, inspite of myriad restrictions on trade imposed by suspicious state actors on both sides, have enabled commerce to leap by nearly ten times in a decade. And this is achieved with all manner of trade barriers still in place. ........ Ironically, the only other country with whom India is growing its trade at such a rapid pace is China, which too has a history of disputes with India. It makes one wonder whether there is some odd correlation between political bitterness and greater trade engagement, as also seen between China and Japan over the past decades. Or is there some subtle message coming from the economic agents on the ground telling the state actors to recognise ground realities reflecting a desire for economic progress and development? ........Since Pakistan acts as a key link for South Asia to connect with Central Asia, West Asia and China, a thaw in economic ties between India and Pakistan is critical.
........ Eventually India’s generosity is what will determine the formation of a truly robust South Asia Free Trade Zone with all products flowing across the borders at zero duty and a much freer movement of skilled workers also becoming a reality. ...... The greatest irony today is that South Asian economies are separately striking free trade agreement in goods and services with nations across the seas but not among themselves inspite of sharing borders with each other.
The U.S. is one of the only rich countries that has reached the (incorrect) conclusion that organizing workers is counterproductive.
स्वतंत्र मधेशी समुदाय बीरगंजद्वारा मधेश आन्दोलनलाई अझ सशक्त र प्रभावशाली आयोजित सल्लाह सुझाव कार्यक्रममा सहभागी सदभावना पार्टीका राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री राजेन्द्र महतो
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
बारा जिल्लाको गढीमाई नगरपालिकामा आयोजित विरोध सभालाई संबोधन गर्दै सदभावना पार्टीका राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री राजेन्द्र महतो
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
बारा जिल्लाको लिपनीमालमा स्थानीय आन्दोलनकारीहरूको हौसला बढाउंदै सदभावना पार्टीका राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री राजेन्द्र महतो
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
आन्दोलनका कार्यक्रम
Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Wednesday, October 28, 2015

आम जनताको सामान्य जीवनको सुरक्षा पनि सरकारको प्राथमिक दायित्व हो । मधेशी लाई यस देशको जनता न माने पनि सम्पूर्ण देशको जनत...
Posted by Sarita Giri on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
सम्माननीय बिद्या भण्डारीलाई हार्दिक बधाई ।सम्बिधानका बारेमा अनर्गल भ्रम र जनता बीचमा नश्लीय विभाजन रोपेर राष्ट्रिय स्वाभ...
Posted by Subodh Raj Pyakurel on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Nepal elects Bidhya Bhandari, 54, as the first female president. Nepal Oil Corporation signs an agreement to import fuel from China following #Indian #blockade.
Posted by Subhash Ghimire on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Posted by Dipendra Jha on Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Get to know President Bhandari. http://www.nepalitimes.com/blogs/thebrief/2015/10/28/the-first-woman-president/
Posted by Manjushree Thapa on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
रावनले रामलाई भनेको कथन: मैले हारेको म संगै मेरो भाइ नभएकोले हो।तिमिसङ्ग तिम्रो भाइ साथमा थियो त्यसैले जित्यौ।
Posted by Bidur Adhikari on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Breaking News: नेपालले महिला राष्ट्रपति पाउँदा पाउँदै चीनबाट आयो झन खुसीको खवरhttp://nepaliheadlines.com/?p=114560
Posted by Nepaliheadlines.com on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
I wish we had a more transparent culture, devoid of 'moral' judgments, where people immediately comment on the '...
Posted by Prashant Jha on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
काठमाडौंमा नेताहरुको घर घेरुम । प्रमुख सरकारी अड्डा र पार्टी कार्यलाय बन्द गरुम । आ आफ्नो सवारि साधन बाटो मै छाडौ। २ दिन मा समस्या समाधान हुन्छ । प्रयाश गर्ने हो ?
Posted by Rajesh Ahiraj on Thursday, October 29, 2015
अमेरिकी विदेश मन्त्रालयको सोमबारको प्रेस ब्रिफिङमा बोल्दै विदेश मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता जोन किर्बीले यस्तो बताएका हुन्। प्...
Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Folks in Janakpur are determined to continue the protests. Heard some speeches yesterday that were alarming because some...
Posted by Daulat Jha on Thursday, October 29, 2015
Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Thursday, October 29, 2015
राष्ट्रपति विद्या भण्डारी अब एमालेको रहनु भएन, उहाँ सबै नागरिकको । पहिलो जिम्मा, सरकारलाई मधेसको समस्या समाधान गर्न सुझाव दिनु र घच्घच्याउनु हो जस्तो लाग्छ।
Posted by Kanak Mani Dixit on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Thursday, October 29, 2015
"म मान्छे हुँ, भगवान होइन भन्ने बोध मलाई भने छ," भरखरै बाबुराम भट्टराई बिबिसी नेपाली सेवा मा रबिन्द्र मिश्र संग । धन्न !!
Posted by Kanak Mani Dixit on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The Human Rights Watch report "Like We are Not Nepali" was brought up in the British parliament yesterday....
Posted by Daulat Jha on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
चाचा, अब तो समझ जाओ ! कब तक वार्ता करते रहोगे ? कब तक एक ही चीज के लिए आन्दोलन करते रहोगे ? २००७ साल में भी नागरिकता के ...
Posted by Dr. CK Raut on Thursday, October 29, 2015

Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Thursday, October 29, 2015
Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Thursday, October 29, 2015
Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Thursday, October 29, 2015

मध्यान्ह १२ बजे:-मधेश जागरन अभियानको क्रममा बारा जिल्लाको बैरिनिया गांउ आई पुगेका सदभावना पार्टीका राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष शिरी राजेन्द्र महतोलाई आफू बीच पाउंदा गांउलेहरू निकै प्रसन्न भई उहांको भव्य स्वागत गरियो
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Thursday, October 29, 2015
सदभावना पार्टी र संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेशी मोर्चाको निर्णय बिपरित राष्ट्रपति चुनावमा मतदान गर्ने धनुषामा सांसद माधवी रानी साहलाई कर्वाही गर्न धनुषा क्षेत्र नं ४ र धनुषा जिल्ला कार्य समितीद्वारा सिफ़ारिश।
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Thursday, October 29, 2015
हाथ बढाकर गला दबाना ! आफ्नै जनताबिरुध्द साम्यवादीहरुको प्रतिक्रियावादी सम्प्रदायिकतावादी सहमतिको भुलभूलैयामा पर्ने लोकतन...
Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Thursday, October 29, 2015
बारा जिल्लाको बैरिनियांमा आयोजित मधेश जारण अभियानको क्रममा स्थानीय आन्दोलनकारी जनतालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै सदभावना पार्टीका राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री राजेन्द्र महतो
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Thursday, October 29, 2015

सदभावना पार्टीका महासचिव मनिष सुमन पनि वार्तालाई नौटंकीको संज्ञा दिएका छन् । उनले राजविराजमा आयोजित एक कार्यक्रममा भने, ...
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Thursday, October 29, 2015
बिभेदकारी सरकार......खस आर्य उखान तुक्के सरकारले नेपाल भनेको काठमाण्डौ मात्रै हो, प्रथम दर्जाको नेपाली नागरिक नेपालरूप...
Posted by Upendra Mahato on Thursday, October 29, 2015
With power-sharing over, Nepal's political class will now get to work amending the constitution & starting earthquake reconstruction, right?
Posted by Manjushree Thapa on Thursday, October 29, 2015
I posted this because I believe Kathmandu suffers deeply & damagingly from cognitive biases about the rest of Nepal.
Posted by Manjushree Thapa on Thursday, October 29, 2015
सदभावना पार्टीका अध्यक्ष राजेन्द्र महतोले पहाडीको बाहुल्यता भएका कारण झापा, मोरङ र सुनसरीलाई मधेश प्रदेशबाट अलग गराउन नम...
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Thursday, October 29, 2015
Posted by C.k. Sah on Thursday, October 29, 2015
UNICEF: Over a million Nepali children's education at risk "We are seriously concerned that the future of millions of...
Posted by Kanak Mani Dixit on Thursday, October 29, 2015
Posted by Rajesh Ahiraj on Thursday, October 29, 2015
Today's "KANTIPUR"
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
एक बहुत हि अच्छा लेख। पढ्ने कि कोशिश करे।
Posted by Lokendra Yadav on Thursday, October 29, 2015
Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Thursday, October 29, 2015
वार्तामा सरकारी टोलीले सीमांकन बारे राजनीतिक सहमति गरि संघीय आयोग मार्फत् सीमांकन टुंग्याउने पुरानै प्रस्ताव वार्तामा गर...
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Thursday, October 29, 2015
नयाँ शक्तिको औचित्य, आधार र निर्माण प्रक्रिया http://www.onlinekhabar.com/2015/10/343388/
Posted by Dr. Baburam Bhattarai on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
अपराह्न १ बजे-बारा जिल्लाको बतरा गांउमा स्थानीय आन्दोलनकारीहरू लाई मधेश आन्दोलन र नाकाबन्दीमा सहयोग गरेकोमा आभार प्रकट ...
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Thursday, October 29, 2015

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