पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरेर राज्यलक्ष्मीले भनिन्– एमालेलाई ७ करोड दिएकी छु
दिल्ली र बेइजिङका अगाडि हात नफैलाउ : उपेन्द्र यादव कमल थापा दिल्लीबाट हप्काई खाएर फर्किएको दावी
विद्या भण्डारीलाई राष्ट्रपति उम्मेदवार बनाउने एमालेको निर्णय
एमाओवादीले नन्दकिशोर पुनलाई उपराष्ट्रपतिको उम्मेदवार बनाउने राष्ट्रपतिमा एमाले उम्मेदवारलार्इ सघाउने
भारतीय कुख्यात अपराधी छोटा राजन इन्डोनेसियामा पक्राउ
Internal medicine
आफूलाई ‘भारतीय बेटी’ भएकाले सांसद्बाट राजीनामा गर्न दबाब दिइएको बताउँदै उनले आफूले कुनै पनि हालतमा राजनीनामा नगर्ने बताएकी हुन् । ..... उनले पार्टी नेताहरु गोकर्ण विष्ट, योगेश भट्टराई र प्रदीप ज्ञवालीलगायतले पटक–पटक फोन गरेर राजीनामा दिन ‘र्टचर’ गरेको पनि आरोप लगाइन् । ‘कहीले अंगीकृत नागरीकताको कुरा झिक्ने त कहिले लिङ्ग र जातको कुरा गर्ने, यस्तो अपमान सहन म तयार छैन,’ उनले उनले भनिन्, ‘मलाई के कारण सभासदवाट हटाइन लागिएको हो त्यसको प्रष्टीकरण पार्टीले दिनु पर्छ ।’ ..... ‘भुकम्पका बेला युवा संघमार्फत् गरेको र अन्य हिसाब जोड्ने हो भने १५ करोड रूपैयाँभन्दा बढी रकम एमालेलाई दिइसकेकी छु ।’ उनले सभासद् कोष र पारिश्रमिकबापतको रकम पनि पार्टीलाई नै दिने गरेको बताइन् । सभासद बन्ने बेलामा पार्टी नेता झलनाथ खनालले ५ करोड रुपैयाँ मागेको पनि उनले दोहोर्याइन् ।
दिल्ली र बेइजिङका अगाडि हात नफैलाउ : उपेन्द्र यादव कमल थापा दिल्लीबाट हप्काई खाएर फर्किएको दावी
दिल्ली र बेइजिङका अगाडी हात फैलाउनुभन्दा मधेशीको अधिकार सुनिश्चत गरे समस्या मुलुकभित्रै समाधान हुने उनले बताए ।
.... ‘दिल्ली वा बेइजिङ जानु जरुरी छैन, मधेश आन्दोलनलाई गम्भीर भएर सम्बोधन गर्ने हो भने अरु समस्या आफैं हराएर जान्छ,’ उनले भने । उनलेकाठमान्डुलाई महाभूकम्पभन्दा ठूलो कम्पन मधेश आन्दोलनले दिएको बताए ।
.... यादवले भने– ‘म आग्रह गर्छु बिदेशीलाई नबोलाउ, यो नेपालकै समस्या हो नेपाल भित्रै समाधान गर्न गम्भीर होऔ ।’ यादवले परराष्ट्रमन्त्री कमल थापा भारत भ्रमणमा जाँदा त्यहाँबाट हप्काई खाएर फर्किएको बताउँदै चीनबाट पनि मधेश समस्या समाधान गर्न नै नेपाल सरकारले सन्देश पाएको बताए ।
विद्या भण्डारीलाई राष्ट्रपति उम्मेदवार बनाउने एमालेको निर्णय
एमाओवादीले नन्दकिशोर पुनलाई उपराष्ट्रपतिको उम्मेदवार बनाउने राष्ट्रपतिमा एमाले उम्मेदवारलार्इ सघाउने
भारतीय कुख्यात अपराधी छोटा राजन इन्डोनेसियामा पक्राउ
Two quick thoughts on ways of the Permanent Establishment:As soon as Maoists dropped agenda of inclusion,betrayed...
Posted by Prashant Jha on Monday, October 26, 2015
Kathmandu Kautilyas two pronged strategy-tire out Madhesis and scare India. Some free advice - Address internal discontent, will work better
Posted by Prashant Jha on Monday, October 26, 2015
पहिलो मधेस आन्दोलन ०६३ फागुणमा सकिएको थियो । त्यसको ७ महिना पछि भदौ १३ मा २२ सूत्रीय लिखित सम्झौता भयो । पहिलो संबिधानसभ...
Posted by Jay Prakash Gupta on Sunday, October 25, 2015
भन्ने पर्नेभो फेरी- नेपालको क्राइसिस अवस्थाबारे संसारलाई अवगत गराउन 'एन-आर-एन' (एकएक व्यक्ति र संस्था)को खोई पहल? भएको भए नतिजा देखिएन नि त!
Posted by Kanak Mani Dixit on Monday, October 26, 2015
"Gentleman agreement " यानी " भद्र सहमति ""Gentleman agreement " यानी " भद्र सहमति "26-10-201513:28These days...
Posted by Vijay Kumar Singh on Monday, October 26, 2015
बिरगंज नाकाबन्दीमा एक्यबद्धता जनाउन गाउँ गाउँबाट आएका आन्दोलनकारीहरूलाई अभिवादन गर्दै सदभावना पार्टी का राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Monday, October 26, 2015

एक घण्टा पनि न बिराइकन बार्ता गरि समस्याको समाधान तर्फ अग्रसर हुनुपर्नेमा किन यति gap?
Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Sunday, October 25, 2015
Dashain celebration with Nepal Seattle Society.
Posted by Darshan Rauniyar on Sunday, October 25, 2015
Alarming report from the ground - police going back to brutal ways after brief interlude
Posted by Prashant Jha on Monday, October 26, 2015
The wise doyen of Nepali political science, who has taught generations of Nepali politicians and academics, Lok Raj Baral, has a brilliant piece today on why Nepal needs to look within
Posted by Prashant Jha on Monday, October 26, 2015
the constitution could not meet some of the demands of the Madhesis/Tharus and other ethnic communities. This provoked the Madhesis and Tharus to launch a protest movement for the rectification of the constitution....... India expected the new constitution to redress the grievances of the various communities and regional groupings until the eleventh hour before the finalisation of the statue. Two days before promulgation, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent his special envoy to persuade Nepali leadership to postpone the date for declaring the constitution by a few more days to incorporate the demands of the dissenting groups and prevent the opposition by the Madhesis. Instead, the leaders of the three parties—Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and UCPN (Maoist)—went ahead and declared the statute. Then, India merely ‘noted’ the promulgation of the constitution....... Such multiplicity of natural and structural linkages has made the countries inseparable despite being two sovereign independent nations........ To everyone’s surprise, the Madhesi/Tharu agitation has endured for a long time seeping discontent across villages and communities. The Madhesi agitation in 2007 though shortlived had produced significant results and established the Madhesi identity and power in Nepal’s political structure. In the governments formed post-2007, Madhesi leaders could tilt the power balance in their favour through their unprecedented presence in the Cabinet. The Madhesis also became the first president and vice president of republican Nepal. In addition, there has been a significant transformation in the Nepali psyche which now recognises the new political landscape where all segments of society claim proportional representation in the government...... Many Nepalis argue for raising the issue of the Indian ‘blockade’ in regional and international forums. As a realist, I do not think of regionalisation or internalisation of Nepal-India relations as a solution as it would do more harm than good to Nepal. Emotive statements and unrealistic propositions will not help to resolve the current impasse either. Mixing up my views with someone else’s, a reporter misquoted me last week and presented that I was for internationalisation of the present Nepal-India border problem....... When people fighting for democracy and human rights call for international or regional or national support, then it becomes an ‘invited’ intervention. In the current context, the Madhesi parties openly asked for Indian help and their supporters lobbied at various levels. So, as a last resort, the Madhesi parties obstructed the movement of goods near the border giving an opportunity to the Indian side to be sympathetic towards Madhesi demands.....
Political leaders of Nepal have themselves provided such an opportunity to India by not addressing the demands of the Madhesis and Tharus.
The Tarai is a region of importance because of its physical contiguity and social commonalities. Such close human relations among people of two countries are incomparable. Even the Tamil community in Sri Lanka cannot be compared with the Madhesi population in Nepal as Sri Lanka is separated by the Palk Strait with India despite its Tamil Nadu connection. Yet, India’s foreign policy is influenced by such connections and the central government of India cannot fully bypass Tamil Nadu’s concerns about Sri Lankan Tamils. Nevertheless,India did not accept the Tamil secessionist movement in Sri Lanka taking its possible fallout on the unity and integrity of India into account.
.... The Nepali political elites also need to be more pragmatic and resilient to meet the demands of the Madhesis/Tharus as a first step towards normalising relations with India. Nepalis in general have suffered a great deal. So the sooner the border problem ends, the better would be the health of Nepal-India relations. ..... it is imperative for Nepal to devise both short-term and long-term strategies to set its house in order and then to move on to reassessing Nepal-India relations.

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