नाकाबन्दी सहितको आन्दोलन जारी छ....आन्दोलन उत्सवमा परिणत हुँदै
Posted by Upendra Mahato on Sunday, October 18, 2015

Posted by Pramod Kumar Sah on Saturday, October 17, 2015
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Saturday, October 17, 2015
Posted by Lokendra Yadav on Saturday, October 17, 2015
Posted by Pramod Kumar Sah on Saturday, October 17, 2015
Posted by Pramod Kumar Sah on Saturday, October 17, 2015
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Saturday, October 17, 2015
Madesh Movement
@Every1...पहाडी समुदायले मधेश आन्दोलनमा समर्थन जनाइसको र मिलेर आन्दोलन् गर्ने भनिसके ...जय मधेश...
Posted by Terai-Madesh on Saturday, October 10, 2015
म मधेशको कपूत र नालायक सन्तान हुँ।मलाई मेरो कार्यकर्ताहरूले लात हानेर मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरम लोकतान्त्रीकबाट निकाले पनि मला...
Posted by Madhesi Community on Saturday, October 17, 2015
BJP worried after two rounds of voting in Bihar, predicts close contest
Bihar polls: Two surveys give majority to RJD-JD(U)-Cong alliance
The CNN IBN/IBN7-Axis survey said the alliance of the JD-U, RJD and the Congress was expected to win 137 of the 243 seats in the Bihar assembly with a 46% vote share. ..... The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led NDA coalition was expected to win 95 seats, garnering a 38% vote share, said the survey....... Another pre-poll survey by ITG-Cicero shown on India Today TV gave the Grand Alliance 122 seats, required for a simple majority, with NDA following as close second with 111 seats. ...... The India TV-CVoter pre-poll survey projected the BJP-led NDA to win 119 seats, just three short of a majority. ...... In the Lok Sabha election of 2014, the NDA comprising BJP, Paswan’s LJP and Upendra Kushwaha’s RLSP won in 174 assembly segments. The Lalu-Nitish combine could win only in 51 assembly segments in the face of a Narendra Modi wave. ..... The CNN IBN- Axis survey, which also gave party-wise figures said the BJP was expected to win 82 seats with an error margin of five seats while its ally the LJP of Ram Vilas Paswan may get only two seats. Former chief minister Jitan Ram Manjhi’s HAM is expected to bag eight seats and the RLSP of Upendra Kushwaha three seats..... The JD-U led by incumbent chief minister Nitish Kumar was expected to win 69 seats with an error margin of 5 seats....... Lalu Prasad’s Rashtriya Janata Dal may win 48 seats with an error margin of two seats. The Congress was set to win 20 seats, according to the survey, with an error margin of one seat..... The survey, conducted between September 3 and October 4, involved over 24,000 respondents. It covered all the 38 districts and all 243 constituencies of Bihar..... Bihar Assembly polls will be held in five phases on October 12, 16, 28, November 1 and 5. Counting of votes will take place on November 8.Bihar election Modi’s biggest electoral test: US think-tank
If it prevails, this victory could provide the central government with new momentum. A win would bring BJP closer to a Rajya Sabha majority and boost its chances ahead of state elections in 2016 and 2017. ..... If it falls short, it would be a big blow, especially because Modi has associated his own reputation so closely with the campaign, even recently announcing a $ 19 billion (Rs 1.25 lakh crore) economic package for the state, the Carnegie scholars wrote. The election could also make or break the careers of the chief minister Nitish Kumar and his new found ally Lalu Prasad Yadav, the think-tank scholars said. ..... ”Kumar’s star, once among the brightest of all state leaders, has dimmed after the 2014 general election debacle. For Yadav, who will likely return to jail to serve time for a corruption conviction, a victory would maintain his and his family’s relevance in state politics,” they wrote...... ”Forming an alliance in Bihar would provide Congress some comfort for its spate of recent electoral defeats and boost the standing of the party’s heir-in-waiting, Rahul Gandhi,” they said.The subprime ‘unicorns’ that do not look a billion dollars
What the heads of the subprime unicorns really mean is that the sort of disclosure required of a public company is the picture they do not want to view. But as Ms Holmes of Theranos discovered this week, eventually there is no place to hide.Victory of Evil over Good!
Let us hope that Oli will be the last of our politicians whose only claim to fame is spending years in prison during the ‘Panchey’ days. Our dear Oli spent 14 years in prison. Maybe, he considers himself half of what Mandela was ...... Let us all congratulate KP Oli for becoming our Prime Monster. We now have another tenth grader living in Baluwatar but the only difference is that we really couldn’t understand what Sushil Da said, while now, we won’t understand what our new PM Oli meant when he goes on a rant. ...... it’s fun to be a Prime Monster in this land of ours. Even if you last a year or two, you still get freebies for life. ...... Oli’s first priority was to tell us that 350 tuins across the country would be replaced by suspension bridges within two years. We all know that out of the Rs 3 billion and more allocated for the bridges, half of it will probably go to pay off our civil servants, local politicians and mantris and anybody who has the connection to get a slice of the pie....... It has taken Kamal Dai a decade to get back into the corridors of power. So, don’t be surprised if such a mandaley becomes our Prime Monster someday......थारु-मधेसी भाइ भाइ भन्दै वीरगञ्जमा निस्कियो जुलुस
the hardworking citizens can’t afford to celebrate the festival, whereas the evil doers bathe in bideshi whiskey and free khasi from the Nepal Food Corporation.
मोर्चाको आन्दोलनमा ऐक्यबद्धता जनाउँदै प्रदर्शन
१ कात्तिक, वीरगंज । संघीय समावेसी मधेसी मोर्चा तथा संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेसी मोर्चाले आह्वान गरेको मधेस बन्दको समर्थनमा आइतबार बारा र पर्साका थारु समुदायले वीरगन्जमा प्रदर्शन गरेका छन् ।........ मोर्चाले गरेको अनिश्चितकालिन बन्दकोे ६६ औं दिन र नेपाल-भारत नाकाबन्दको २५ आंै दिन थारु समुदायले आन्दोलनप्रति एक्यवद्धता जनाउँदै र्याली निकालेका हुन् ।...... हात्ती र बाजागाजा सहित सहभागिहरुले थारु मधेसी भाईभाई, थारु-मधेसी एकता जिन्दावाद, मधेसमा हत्या हिंसा र दमन बन्द गर, मधेसीसंग भएको सम्झौता लागु गर, मधेस विरोधी सविधान खारेज गर लगायतका नारा लगाएका थिए । उनीहरु नाराबाजी गर्दै वीरगंज रक्सौलको दशगजा क्षेत्रमा रहेको मितेरी पुलमा पुगेर धर्नामा बसेका छन् ।..... संघीय समावेसी मधेसी मोर्चा र संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेसी मोर्चाका नेता, राजेशमान सिंह, निजामुदिन समानी, प्रेमबाबु पटेल, शशिकपुर मियाँ, शिव पटेल, सुधिरनाथ पाण्डे, प्रदिप चौरसिया, किशोरी यादव, प्रदिप यादव, पुरषोत्तम झा, मुस्तकिम अंसारी, राजकुमार यादव लगायतले थारु समुदायको जुलुसलाई मितेरी पुलमा स्वागत गरेका थिए ।नेतापिच्छे स्वार्थले भरिएको छ एमाले !
नेता माधवकुमार नेपाल दशौँ महाधिवेशनमा अध्यक्ष बन्ने कसरतमा छन् । Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’
Tea Party rebels are exposing the deep rifts between country-club elites and social-issue hard-liners.
Fresh chatter among Washington insiders is not about whether the Republican Party will win in 2016 but whether it will survive....... The GOP finds itself trapped in a marriage that has not only gone bad but is coming apart in full public view. ...... Americans are rapidly shifting toward more tolerant understandings of personal behavior and social values, but the Republican Party sticks with retrograde social taboos and hard-edged prejudices about race, gender, sexual freedom, immigration, and religion. ...... they can’t persuade their own base—especially Republicans in the white South—to change. .... Trumpish extremism is entertaining, but it could simply boost voter turnout among Democratic constituencies. Hard-core Tea Party types threaten to play Samson and pull down the temple if they don’t get their way. ...... an odd-couple coalition that unites the East Coast Republican establishment with the hardscrabble segregationists of the white South. ......प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले जमिन्दारी भाषा प्रयोग गरे : मधेसी मोर्चा
The traditional wing of the party— “country club” Republicans, who include corporate leaders, financiers and investors—became partners with poor, rural, church-going voters, among them the Southern “segs” who had previously always voted for Democrats.
Black Southerners didn’t count in the equation, since they were still mostly being blocked from voting....... common folks don’t worry over marginal tax rates, capital formation, or subsidies for major corporations........ .....“If they ever fully understood that their more prosperous party brethren were contemplating deep cuts in Medicare and Medicaid to pay for those policies, they would be in open rebellion” ...... Every now and then, especially in election seasons, the Republicans played the race card in dog-whistle fashion to smear Democrats, with savage effect. ..... In 1980, Ronald Reagan opened his presidential campaign at the Neshoba County Fair in Mississippi—a few miles from where three civil-rights workers had been murdered in the 1960s. Reagan announced his intention “to restore to states and local government the power that properly belongs to them.” That is Dixie’s euphemism for opposing racial integration....... In 1988, George H.W. Bush smeared Michael Dukakis with his notoriously racist “Willie Horton” ads. In 1990 in North Carolina, Senator Jesse Helms ran for reelection against Harvey Gantt, a black former mayor of Charlotte, with a provocative ad called “white hands, black hands” attacking affirmative action. Helms won, and of course so did Bush....... In 2008, when Americans elected our first black president, most of the heavy smears came after Barack Obama took office. Grassroots conservatives imagined bizarre fears: Obama wasn’t born in America; he was a secret Muslim. Donald Trump demanded to see the birth certificate. .......
It finally dawned on loyal foot soldiers in the odd-couple coalition that they were being taken for suckers.
....... Tea Party revenge took down long-comfortable legislators and elected red-hot replacements..... a provocative insight. “I finally figured it out,” he told me. “Obama created the Tea Party.” ....... Tea Party patriots observed that once again the GOP had failed to deliver on their social discontents: Abortion was still legal. Gays were getting married........ the country-club and Fortune 500 wing of the party—the last thing they want is significant economic reform. ....... a “New South” wishing it could truly escape the claustrophobic society created by the legacy of racial apartheid and the punishing social edicts imposed by demagogic preachers........ Instead of playing limp and vague, Dems can launch what Howard Dean called for in 2004: a 50-state strategy that runs on liberating issues. Instead of ignoring GOP bigotry, the Democratic ticket can promise to challenge it on every front and attack reactionary Republicans who try to impose the past on voters..... Above all, Democrats should demand that Tea Party rebels explain why they are in league with a party that intends to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in order to finance more tax cuts for billionaires. As Scott Lilly suggested, if common folks ever understand the corrupt nature of the Republican coalition, we will see a popular rebellion that makes the present chaos look like, well, a tea party.
सरकारलाई जवाफ : आन्दोलन रोकेर वार्ता हुँदैन
प्रधानमन्त्रीले कोइरालालाई भने-जुवाको एउटा पारी म बोक्छु, अर्को पारी तपाई बोक्नुस्
प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले ‘हात्ती, घोडा जे चाहिन्छ लिएर’ सरकारमा आउन नेपाली कांग्रेसलाई आग्रह गरेका छन् ।प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीको सरकार पनि चीनबाट पेट्रोल ल्याउन डरायो
कांग्रेस र एमालेको प्रतिस्पर्धा मुलुकले धान्न गाह्रो हुने
उनले बताए । ........ ओलीले एमाले सत्तारुढ र कांग्रेस प्रतिपक्षको अवस्था धेरै दिन नरहने बताए । ..... ओलीले सम्बोधन गर्दै गर्दा कांग्रेस सभापति सुशील कोइराला कार्यक्रम पुगेका थिए । प्रधानमन्त्री ओली आफैंले उद्घोषकको भूमिका निभाउँदै ‘पूर्वप्रधानमत्रीजी आउनु भो । आसन ग्रहण आग्रह गर्छु’ भनेका थिए । ..... ‘सुपारी दिएर मिठाइ चढाएर निम्तो गर्छु’ भन्दै प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले भने-‘जुवाको एउटा पारी म बोक्छु, अर्को पारी सुशीलजी बोक्नुस, आउनुस् मिलौं ।’ ......
नाकाबन्दी छ कि छैन भनेर पशुपतिनाथले पनि भन्न नसक्ने अवस्था आएको बताए ।
...... सुशील कोइरालाले प्रतिपक्षमा बसेपनि कांग्रेसले विरोधका लागि विरोध नगर्ने बताए ।
‘हामीले उतरी नाकाबाट तेल ल्याउँदा सहज र सस्तो हुन्छ भनेका होइनौ तर यसले भारतलाई झुकाउन सजिलो हुन्थ्यो भन्ने मात्रै हो ।’ ..... चीनबाट तेल ल्याउने बारेमा वाणिज्य मन्त्रालय नै इच्छुक छैन ।The sad demise of West Indies cricket
no cricket team in history is as revered as the West Indies side of the 1980s. From 1980 to 1995, the team did not lose a single Test series. The Caribbean cocktail of ferocious fast bowling and aggressive batting resonated far beyond the field ..... The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) is often blamed. “Administration in the West Indies is byzantine,” says Gideon Haigh, a cricket historian. It was ever thus. The West Indies Cricket Board of Control, the predecessor to the WICB, had just one full-time employee in the 1980s. Unsurprisingly, it failed to put in place a structure to build on success. Since then, a regular turnover of administrators, and infighting between the different Caribbean nations has added to its woes. ...... Since 2005, when seven team members missed a Test match against South Africa because of a contractual row, there have been numerous altercations between the players and the board. Last November, the West Indies pulled out halfway through a tour to India following another contractual dispute. Usually the row is about money. ....... the root cause of its woes is economic. The amount of money earned by the the big cricketing nations, such as India, England and Australia, has exploded over the past two decades, on the back of lucrative TV contracts and sponsorship. The West Indies have not been able to keep up. It might get worse. After the abandoned tour of India last year, the Board of Control for Cricket in India claimed the WICB owed it $42m. It remains unclear whether India will tour the Caribbean in the future, which could cost West Indies cricket even more in lost television rights. Worse, the way the International Cricket Council (ICC), the game’s governing body, distributes money is about to change. Australia and England will receive over $150m each over the next eight years; India over $500m. The WICB, meanwhile, will receive around $80m. Some calculate that is $43m less than they would have expected under the current system........ “It is remarkable that a region so small, disunited and generally disadvantaged should have bossed the cricket world for so long”The Paradox of the First Black President
The first black president could do only so much, and say only so much, on behalf of other African-Americans. That is the bittersweet irony of the first black presidency...... current events have broken their hearts and stretched their patience. A proliferation of videos documenting the murders of unarmed black men and women — by the very people charged with their safety — has given rise to a whole movement defined by three words and a hashtag: #BlackLivesMatter. ..... “Your man is in office, and you have this whole movement around criminal-justice reform asserting black people’s humanity?” ..... “Racism, we are not cured of,” he told Marc Maron, “and it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘n-----’ in public,” using the full word. This summer, Obama visited a prison, the first president to do so, and commuted the sentences of 46 nonviolent drug offenders............
He is now trying, with the improbable cooperation of congressional Republicans, to pass a bill on criminal-justice reform.
....... “Sometimes liberals think, Because I’m fair-minded, I know how to handle race relations,” says Marc Morial, the head of the National Urban League. “No. Handling race relations means knowing how to handle alligators and crocodiles. Apart from Valerie Jarrett, there weren’t a lot of African-American advisers in there who were experienced in dealing with race.” .......
people would refer to Obama’s advisers as “the Great White Wall.”
..... This country is still a vexed mess when it comes to race. ...... These crucial voters wanted to see Obama as a symbol of progress, of how far we’d come. Yes, we can. They didn’t want to see him as a symbol of disaffection, of how far we had to go...... Only 32 percent of McCain voters felt proud of Obama. More than half, 56 percent, felt “afraid.” By 2010, the tea party was ascendant, peddling racist imagery. “No one expected the pictures of him eating watermelon, the pictures making him look like a monkey, the Sambos,” says Arnwine. “The racism was so base.”....... “Portions of white America have literally had a nervous breakdown over a black man being in the White House,” says Anthea Butler, a religious-studies professor at the University of Pennsylvania. “I mean, herepeople are, acting so surprised about Donald Trump’s popularity. Hello? He’s the one who asked Obama for a birth certificate!”
...... how the Republican rhetoric of the Obama years has been racialized in ways both subtle and explicit. He noted that Obamacare was framed as “reparations.”....... In January 2012, Newt Gingrich declared that “more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in history,” when in fact that distinction goes to George W. Bush. When Obama criticized Arizona’s draconian immigration laws, Iowa congressman Steve King said Obama “has a default mechanism in him … that favors the black person.” And in response to the Gates incident, Glenn Beck said that Obama “has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”........“It’s smart politics for him not to talk about race.”
...... the power dynamic in this country,” she says, “and it places the responsibility on black people, who are without economic power, political power, and social power to impact their own conditions.” ...... If you are an African-American male, you stand a one in three chance of cycling through prison at some point. ...... Talk to black lawmakers, and this is the first thing they mention: How they wish Obama had made extra efforts to strengthen job-creation programs in their struggling districts, where some of those high-profile murders were taking place. ...... He said Trayvon could have been him 35 years ago. “It represented the pinnacle of where he’s been on race. It was an example of the president speaking to black America as a black American, from within our community. He made us feel like he really does get it.”....... people often fail to grasp this: how a few words from the president can crater the stock market or exacerbate a conflict....... Obama’s commencement speech at Morehouse College in 2013, in which the president said,“Nobody cares if you suffered some discrimination.”
...... “He looks weary. It’s almost like he suffers from the racial fatigue whites say they suffer from.” ...... “my husband and I would go to dinner parties in lovely homes with all these super-well-educated African-Americans, and so many of them talked about how, ‘Oh, Obama’s going to do this on race, he’s going to do this for black America.’ And my husband and I were the only two who said he has to govern the way he ran — and he didn’t run on racial-justice issues or reform issues.”....... His most impassioned speech on the subject, back in June 2007, came after he’d spent a quarter of the year trailing Hillary Clinton among black supporters. “It grew stronger when he needed black support to shore up his viability as a candidate,” writes Harris. “It grew dimmer after black supporters got behind his candidacy en masse.”..............“He’s kind of a black Reagan,”
says Anthea Butler. “He likes to believe in big, lofty things.” ......... We’re going to talk about him for the next 500 years.” ...... Jesse Jackson is not Colin Powell is not Ben Carson. “There are those of us who feel like we don’t have to make it always about race,” he says, “and then there are those for whom it’s the opposite: Race accounts for everything and anything.” ...... “I am an African-American, but not grounded in a place with a lot of African-American culture” — Hawaii, he meant. “So I’m trying to figure out: All right, I’m seen and viewed and understood as a black man in America. What does that mean?” ....... Jackson wanted to be the first black president. Powell, if he were to run, wanted to be the first president who happened to be black. ..... “I don’t think that those two are necessarily opposing,” Obama told me. “I don’t want people to pretend I’m not black or that it’s somehow not relevant. But ultimately, I’d want to be a really great president, you know? And then I’d worry about all the other stuff. Because there are a lot of mediocre or poor presidents.” ....... Obama is tremendously popular with African-Americans. Right now, his approval rate is 91 percent among them, and he’s rarely fallen below 80 percent. ..... there’s a generation of black Americans who don’t just love the president but wish badly to protect him — not just psychologically but physically. “If you talk to an older black person,” she tells me, “somebody who’s 70 or older, they’re gonna be like,‘Honestly, we just want him to get out alive.’ ”
...... “You know how many black people tell me, ‘I didn’t have health insurance until now’?” The Affordable Care Act is projected to give an estimated 2.9 million more African-Americans coverage by 2016, significantly narrowing the coverage gap between blacks and whites. ....... “Under Bill Clinton, we got the crime bill that gave us three strikes and you’re out, and the welfare-reform bill. I too would have liked to see the Obama years do more. I agree with that. But Barack Obama never gave us a bill that hurt us.”...... But her response also had the effect of lobbing the question right back to her mostly white audience. Because here’s how she followed up: “The question is: What are we gonna do? It’s a collective responsibility. This is not something where suddenly, because the country elected him president, our history just evaporates. It has to happen family by family.”...... Sharpton believes African-Americans will sorely miss the simple image of a black family going in and out of the White House each day. Obama’s triumph, as far as he’s concerned, was a mute, daily reminder of the possibility of black ascendancy, an invisible psychological superstructure onto which a whole generation of black children could unconsciously graft their aspirations.
मधेसी दलको भावना समेट्न नयाँ सहमतिको आवश्यकता : सिटौला
को हुन् गच्छदारलाई ‘गद्दार’ घोषणा गर्ने मृगेन्द्र ?
मृगेन्द्रका तीन विकल्प- तमलोपा, सदभावना वा नयाँ शक्ति
फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकका जिल्ला अध्यक्ष सत्यनारायण यादवले ५१ सदस्यीय जिल्ला समितिमध्ये सचिव भोगेन्द्र चौधरी र कोषाध्यक्ष बिन्दु यादवबाहेक सबैले एकसाथ पार्टी परित्याग गरेको बताएका छन् । ....... त्यस्तै क्षेत्रीय समिति, गाउँ समितिका पनि ९० प्रतिशतले पार्टी छाडेको यादवले बताए । यसअघि सिरहा, बारा, पर्सा जिल्लाका फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकका सम्पूर्णले पार्टी परित्याग गरिसकेका छन् । -..... स्वायत्त थरुहट-मधेश प्रदेश, जनसंख्याका आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको निर्धारण, राष्ट्रिय सभामा प्रदेशको जनसंख्याको अनुपातमा सिट निर्धारणका साथै संविधानमा रहेका अन्य थरुहट-मधेस बिरोधी प्रावधानहरुको अन्त्यका लागि जारी आन्दोलनले सार्थक निष्कर्ष प्राप्त गरिनसक्दै आन्दोलनलाई नै समाप्त गर्ने गरी गच्छदारले आत्मघाती निर्णय गरेको उनको आरोप छ । ..... “४५ जना मधेसी जनताको रगतले लत्पतिएको सत्तारुपी कुर्सीमा आफ्नै पार्टीका नेता बिराजमान हुन्छन् भन्ने कुराको कल्पनासमेत गरेको थिइनँ ।’ ...... फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकको महासचिव परित्याग गरेका यादव पुराना राजनीतिज्ञ एवं मधेसका जमिन्दार हुन् । खानदानी राजनीतिक परिवारका सदस्य यादवका पिता स्व. शत्रुघनसिंह यादव पनि पञ्चायतकालमा सकृय राजनीतिज्ञ मानिएका थिए । ...... राजनीतिसँगै दानी मानिएका उनका पिता स्व. शत्रुघनले १११ विघा जग्गा बोदे बर्साइनस्थित विद्यालयलाई २०११ सालमा दान दिएका थिए । अहिले जिल्लामै सर्वाधिक धनी रहेको यो उमाविको विकासमा यादव परिवारको योगदान जान्छ । ......... आफ्ना पिता नै राजनीतिज्ञ भएपछि राजनीतिमा होमिन सहज भएको बताउने मृगेन्द्रले शुरुमा नेपाल सदभावना पार्टीबाट राजनीति शुरु गरेका थिए । गजेन्द्रनारायण सिंहका साथमा रहेर राजनीति शुरु गरेका यादव ०६१ सालमा राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रले ‘कु’ गर्दा भने राजातिर लागे । त्यसबेला उनी सगरमाथा अञ्चलको प्रशासक भए । ....... जनआन्दोलन पश्चात केही दिनभित्रै उनी मधेस आन्दोलन पश्चात उदय भएको फोरम नेपालमा समाहित भए । पहिलो संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनमा सप्तरी क्षेत्र नम्बर ६ बाट निर्वाचित उनी मन्त्रीसम्म बन्न पाए । ....... कृषि मन्त्री बनेका यादव फोरमको विभाजनपछि उपेन्द्र यादवलाई छाडेर गच्छदारतिर लागे । फोरम लोकतान्त्रिक गठनसँगै सप्तरी जिल्ला अध्यक्षको जिम्मेबारी सम्हाल्दै केन्द्रीय महासचिवसम्म बने । फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकमा आएपछि दोस्रो संविधानसभा निर्वाचनमा उनी सप्तरी क्षेत्र नम्बर ६ मा पराजित भए । ...... यादवले तराई मधेस लोकतान्त्रिक पार्टी र सदभावना पार्टीको सम्पर्कमा आफू रहेको बताए । ...... पार्टी परित्याग गर्ने अन्य जिल्लाका नेता/कार्यकर्ताहरुसँग छलफल गरेर मात्रै कुनै निर्णय गर्नेछु,’ उनले भने, ‘नेता/कार्यकर्ताहरुले जे सल्लाह दिन्छन् त्यही गर्छु, सबैले पार्टीमै जान भने पार्टीमै जान्छौं, छुट्टै बनाउन भने छुट्टै बनाउँछौं ।’
बाबुरामले भने,नयाँ शक्तिको नेतृत्व म गर्छु’
‘मुलुकमा नयाँ संविधान आएको छ। गणतन्त्र र संघीयता संस्थागत भएको छ। राजनीतिक आन्दोलनको चरण सकियो। अब आर्थिक विकास र राष्ट्रिय उन्नतिको चरण सुरु हुन्छ। त्यसको नेतृत्व मैलै गर्छु ।’ ....... ‘यो अभियानमा एमाओवादी, एमाले र कांग्रेसलगायतका सबैतिरबाट मानिस आउँछन् । यही शक्तिले भोलिको नेपाललाई हाँक्ने छ।भारतले सोध्यो – संविधान कहिले संशोधन हुन्छ ?
‘नयाँ संविधान कहिले संशोधन हुन्छ ? १० या १५ दिनभित्रमा ?’ उपप्रधान तथा परराष्ट्रमन्त्री कमल थापासँग भारतीय विदेशसचिव एस जयशंकरले ठाडै प्रश्न गरे । ..... परराष्ट्रमन्त्री थापासहितको नेपाली प्रतिनिधिमण्डल भारतीय विदेशसचिवको प्रस्तुतिबाट रुष्ट बनेको छ । भारतीय विदेश मन्त्रालयका नेपाल डेस्क हेर्ने सहसचिव अभय ठाकुर र काठमाडौंस्थित भारतीय राजदूत रन्जित रेसहित होटल पुगेको भारतीय टोलीको सुरुआती प्रस्तुतिबाटै नेपाली पक्षले असहज महसुस गर्यो ।......नाकाबन्दी तत्काल ‘नखुल्ने’भेटपछि आक्रोशित मुद्रामा देखिएका परराष्ट्रमन्त्री थापाले भने, ‘अहिलेको भारतसँगको समस्या हाम्रा लागिमात्र नभएर भारतीयहरूलाई पनि उत्तिकै घाटा हुने खालको हो ।’
With Sher B Deuba and Ram C Paudel during my wedding ceremony, 1983
Posted by Minendra Rijal on Sunday, October 18, 2015
के पी ओली प्रधानमन्त्री हुँदा स्वाभिमानी र राष्ट्रवादी प्रधानमन्त्रीको रुपमा सबैले, अझ भन्नु पर्दा छुट्टै धार भएको नेपाल...
Posted by Milan K. Shahi on Sunday, October 18, 2015
मधेस तराईका जनताले आफ्नो राजनैतिक माङ राख्दै महिनो देखि गरिरहेका आन्दोलनले ४० जना भन्दा बढीको ज्यान गयो भने त्यहाँका जनज...
Posted by Er Satya Narayan Shah on Sunday, October 18, 2015
Posted by सदभावना पार्टी on Sunday, October 18, 2015
Very thoughtful: Romila Thapar on secularism in India.
Posted by Manjushree Thapa on Sunday, October 18, 2015
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