English: PM Bhattarai during a live talk show. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
बाबुरामको छलांग
नेपाली जनता पार्टी: चुनाव चिन्ह लाल गुलाब
बाबुराम भट्टराई र सीके राउत एकै ठाउँ आउनुपर्छ
- माओवादी पार्टी को त अब काम छैन, विगठन गर्दिये हुन्छ। काँग्रेस एमाले अब भविष्य मा राप्रपा हुन। स्वात्त खुमचिन्छन्। स्वायत्त मधेस प्रदेश। स्वात्त काँग्रेस पार्टी।
- ५० जना माओवादी सांसद हरुले राजीनामा दिनु पर्यो। ५० जना मधेसवादी सांसद ले। कॉंग्रेस एमाले एमाओवादी भित्र का मधेसी, जनजाति, दलित, महिला सांसद ले राजीनामा दिनुपर्यो। उसै पनि आश्विन नकाट्ने संसद।
- बाबुराम ले सीके राउत सँग संवाद थाल्नुपर्यो। मधेसी विरुद्ध को विभेद मेरो आफ्नै पुरानो विश्लेषण हो, मेरा पुराना लेख हरु पढ़न सक्नुहुन्छ। स्वायत्तता मानव अधिकार हो। तर संघीयता मार्फ़त मधेसी लाई समानता दिलाउने रोडमैप मा आउनुस् भनेर भन्न सक्नुपर्यो।
- संघीय गठबंधन सँग संवाद थाल्नुपर्यो। एउटै पार्टी बनेर अगाडि बढे जनता का लागि राम्रो हुन्छ भन्ने सन्देश प्रवाह गर्नुपर्यो।
- २०० सांसद ले राजीनामा दिनुपर्यो। नेपाली जनता पार्टी ज्वाइन गर्नु पर्यो।
Bhattarai, who spent his years as a student at New Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University and is said to have close links with India, has been sympathetic to the agitation launched by Madhesi parties demanding more rights and representation to the people residing in the southern plains of Nepal. .... The 61-year-old leader has indicated that he would form a new political "force" within a couple of months. ..... He also appeared to distance himself from the Maoist ideology and said Maoism has become irrelevant and obsolete in today's world. He has indicated that his new party would be democratic in nature. .... Party sources say nearly half of the Maoist lawmakers are likely to toe Bhattarai's line. .... During a press conference, Bhattarai said he would visit cities in the troubled Terai region, some of which are close to the Nepal-Indian border, in a few days to understand the situation there. ..... Bhattarai will visit Biratnagar, Janakpur, Nawalparasi and Nepalgunj in southern Nepal. But he would first visit Janakpur on Tuesday, his close aides said.Ex-Nepal PM Baburam Bhattarai quits Maoist party he founded, backs Madhesis
Bhattarai has been sympathetic to the agitation launched by Madhesi parties demanding more rights and representation to the people residing in the southern plains of Nepal.
Deepening the crisis in Nepal over the newly promulgated Constitution, senior Maoist leader and former Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai resigned Saturday from the Maoist party he founded after voicing concern over the Madhesis “being denied a say” in the very Constitution he had endorsed a week ago. ..... Bhattarai also quit his seat in parliament. He said he was resigning from the primary membership of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoists and all responsibilities he had been entrusted. Speaking to reporters, Bhattarai said he had not yet thought of his political course. But there were enough indications that he would be working to create a new force, and would be part of the movement that Madhes-centric parties have launched for enhanced representation of the region in parliament and “scientific and just” formation of provinces. .......Baburam Bhattarai calls Big 3 leaders rulers, announces to visit Janakpur
Some of the Madhes groups have openly asked Bhattarai to resign from the Maoist party and lead their movement.
..... He chose to quit the party on the eve of a crucial meeting of the party central committee scheduled for Sunday. Considered No. 2 in the party, Bhattarai informed Maoist chief Pushpa Kumar Dahal aka Prachanda about his decision. He also handed his resignation to the Speaker’s office before making the announcement. ....... Bhattarai commands support of at least a dozen of the 85 Maoist members in parliament and they are all expected to follow him soon, reducing the influence of the party in general, and Dahal in particular. ..... Chairman of the constituent assembly committee for dialogue and consensus building, he had stayed away from the celebrations after the promulgation of the Constitution. .....
Bhattarai was head of the ‘People’s Government’ during the decade-long Maoist insurgency that began in 1996.
He played a key role in joining the peace process under Indian mediation in early 2006. He has had almost a three-decade long association with Prachanda. Bhattarai was the public face of the Maoist movement despite Dahal being its chairman and supreme commander. ....... He became Prime Minister for 19 months — August 2011 to March 2013 — and quit after the first constituent assembly failed to deliver the Constitution within the promised timeframe
Baburam Bhattarai said on Wednesday that the leaders of Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and UCPN-Maoist have transformed into the ruling class. ..... “Arrogance of the ones who ruled for 24o years regarding the Madhesi demands is uncalled for,” he said .... he would visit Janakpur in order to bridge the gap that the ongoing tussle between the Madhesi parties and the major parties has created in the Tarai region. ..... Madhesis were are neglected, he said, “And if at this time nobody from Kathmandu goes there to listen to and sympathise with them then their frustration can rise, which may give birth to the separatist feelings also.”...... “People in every household is agitating,” he said, “We need to make this Constitution acceptable to all stakeholders by forcing the three parties to compromise.”Bhattarai announces his support to demands of Tarai protesters
“As most demands of protesters are similar to the note of dissents formally registered by the UCPN-Maoist in the Constituent Assembly,” Bhattarai said in a press statement today, “I express my support and solidarity to the demands.” ...... “The hills and mountains cannot sleep well while the Tarai-Madhes, which houses half of the population, is burning,” read the statement..... Reiterating that the use of force can never solve political protests, he also called the government to stop suppression....... He assured the protesting parties that the Constitution can be amended and asked them to solve the unrest through talks....... Meanwhile, the former Prime Minister said India should not be dragged into controversy over the Tarai unrest and the southern neighbour’s view on the new Constitution.बाबूराम भट्टराई का इस्तीफा, नेपाल में संकट बढ़ा
Bhattarai asked to take over UCPN-Maoist
“पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री बाबूराम भट्टराई के इस्तीफे से माओवादी पार्टी में दो-फाड़ की आशंका तेज, भारत का सीमा पर दबाव बढ़ा, आपूर्ति रोकने से जरूरी चीजों का संकट”
..... नेपाल की राजनीति में फिर हलचल तेज हो गई है। देश के नए संविधान को लेकर मचे हंगामे के बीच पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री बाबूराम भट्टराई ने यूनिफाइड कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी ऑफ नेपाल (यूसीपीएन) माओवादी से सारे संबंध खत्म करने की घोषणा की। नेपाल की राजनीति में बड़े बदलावों की ओर संकेत देते हुए बाबूराम ने आज पार्टी की प्राथमिक सदस्यता तक से इस्तीफा देने की घोषणा की। ..... इस संविधान के कुछ प्रावधानों के खिलाफ मधेशी और थारू जनजाति आंदोलनरत है। साथ ही इस संविधान से भारत भी नाखुश है। .... अगर ऐसे निर्णायक मोड़ पर पार्टी दोफाड़ होती है तो इससे भारतीय शासक वर्ग को बहुत राहत मिलेगी। ..... गौरतलब है कि बाबूराम का मानना था कि तराई मधेश क्षेत्र में दो और प्रांत होने चाहिए थे, पूर्व में मधेशियों के लिए और पश्चिम में थारुओं के लिए। संविधान से बाबूराम इस कदर नाराज थे कि उन्होंने संविधान पारित होने के बाद होने वाले किसी भी जश्न में शामिल होने इनकार कर दिया था। ....... नेपाल के संविधान पारित होने के बाद से उसके भारत से रिश्ते भी तनावपूर्ण बताए जा रहे हैं। बिना किसी औपचारिक सूचना या घोषणा के भारत ने नेपाल सीमा पर जा रही सामग्री को रोक दिया है। सीमा पर ट्रकों की कतारें लगी हुई हैं। चूंकि नेपाल तेल तथा बाकी जरूरी चीजों के लिए भारत से आने वाली आपूर्ति पर निर्भर है, इसलिए वहां सकंट बढ़ता जा रहा है। नेपाल की पार्टियों ने मांग की है कि भारत को आपूर्ति पर रोक नहीं लगानी चाहिए लेकिन भारतीय पक्ष इसके पीछे नेपाल में आंदलनकारी दलों को जिम्मेदार ठहरा रहा है। भारतीय विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता का कहना है कि आपूर्ति में बाधा नेपाल की तरफ चल रहे विरोध प्रदर्शन और आंदोलन की वजह से है। जबकि नेपाल सरकार का कहना है कि भारत-नेपाल सीमा पर समान और तेल से लदे ट्रकों को पार नहीं होने दिया जा रहा है।
As many as 14 top Madhesi leaders of Unified CPN-Maoist today urged senior leaders of the party to take the lead in accusing Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal of surrendering to the NC and CPN-UML...... Condemning Dahal’s statements, Madhesi leaders, including Ram Chandra Jha, Prabhu Sah, Ram Kumar Sharma, Mahendra Paswan, Biswonath Sah, Ram Rijhan Yadav and Ghanashyam Yadav, among others, have urged former Baburam Bhattarai to take the lead in the party...... He further said Dahal has been trying to lure Madhesi and Tharu leaders by promising to make them ministers in the new government.


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