एक मधेस एक प्रदेश
एक मधेस एक प्रदेशको नाराका साथ अगािड बिढरहेको मधेस अान्दोलनलाई िगिरजाले अपमान गरेको छ। मधेस नामको राज्यको स्थापना हुनु भनेको देश टुट्नु हो भनेर िगिरजाले भनेको छ। मधेसी भनेको नेपाली होइन, भारतीय हो, भोिल कोही मधेसी यिद देशको प्रधानमन्त्री हुन्छ भने नेपाल िसक्िकम बन्छ, यािद इत्यािद कुरा त्यो सबै िगिरजाको ब्रह्माण्डिभत्र पर्छ। त्यो anti-Madhesi prejudice हो। त्यही सोंचका कारण िगिरजाले १५ वर्ष जित अगािड संसद बरू भंग गर्यो, तर िनिधलाई प्रधानमन्त्री बन्न िदएन।
हत्यारा िगिरजा
शान्ितपुर्ण अान्दोलनमािथ िगिरजाले बर्बर दमन गरेको छ। िगिरजामा र कमल थापामा अब के फरक बाँकी रह्यो त?
छ पहाडी पार्टी
माग जित सब जायज छन्। सात पार्टी सरकार अब हुँदा हुँदा छ पार्टी सरकार भइसक्यो। त्यो छ पहाडी पार्टी सरकारले खुरुखुरु मधेस अान्दोलनका छ माग पुरा गर्ने। एक मधेस एक प्रदेशको मुद्दामा छ पहाडी पार्टीले commitment अिहले नै देखाउनुपर्छ। सबै पार्टी गणतन्त्रमा एक भए जस्तै एक मधेस एक प्रदेशको मुद्दामा पिन एक हुनुपर्छ।
रोम जलेको छ
मधेस अान्दोलनका माग पुरा नभएसम्म यो अान्दोलन थम्नेवाला छैन। तर पहाडी नेताहरू चुनावकालािगिलस्ट तयार गर्दै बसेका छन्। रोम जलेको ितनलाई थाहा छैन।
मधेस राज्यको स्थापना प्रित छ पहाडी पार्टीले commitment गर्छन् अिन बल्ल चुनाव हुन्छ। अप्िरल १०मा नहुने त िनश्िचत नै भइसक्यो। मधेस अान्दोलनका छ माग पुरा गर्ने हो भने अब अप्िरल २० अथवा २५ माचुनाव हुन्छ। दलीय पुर्ण समानुपाितक चुनाव हुन्छ।
देश टुट्न सक्छ
अिहंसात्मक, शान्ितपुर्ण मधेस अान्दोलनमािथ िगिरजाले पुिलस दमनको बाटो नै िलइराखे पािकस्तान रबङगलादेश दुई फ्याक भए जस्तै नेपाल पिन दुई फ्याक हुन्छ। मधेस अान्दोलनले अलग देश मागेको छैन। तरिगिरजा बाहुनले मधेस अान्दोलनलाई त्यताितर धकेिलराखेको छ।
२५% भुभाग
मधेस राज्य पुरा नेपालको २५% भुभाग मात्र हो। २५% भुभागको एउटा राज्य नाजायज माग होइन।
िगिरजाले वार्ता भन्दा के बुझ्ने
िगिरजा भन्छ वार्तामा अाउ, वार्तामा अाउ। वार्तामा अाउनु भनेको के? मधेस अान्दोलनका ६ बुँदा उसलाई पढेर सुनाउनकालािग मधेसी नेता वार्तामा जानु पर्ने हो िक के हो? उसले ती छ बुँदा अाफै िकन पढ्न सक्दैन?
खुरुखुरु माग पुरा गर्ने। अरू उपाय छैन।
In The News
Talks with UDMF inconclusive NepalNews wanted the six-point demands fulfilled at any cost
RJP to boycott CA election pointing at the situation in Madhes. .... just ahead of the Election Commission's deadline (Wednesday) of filing closed-list of candidates for proportional representation-based election.
PM says all problems will be resolved on the basis of unity and understanding
Indefinite curfew in Biratnagar; Terai bandh enters day 7 Highways traversing the Terai districts remain virtually deserted as the result of the general strike. The bandh organisers staged angry demonstrations in Janakpur, Rajbiraj, Birgunj, Kalaiya and several other Terai towns. The UDMF cadres also set fire to the customs office located at Ghadiarwa, Birgunj ..... Bazaars, industries and educational institutions remain largely closed in Bara, Parsa, Rautahat, Mahottari, Siraha, Saptari, Sarlahi and Dhanusha. Districts like Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Rupandehi, Banke and Kapilvastu have been partially affected by the bandh.
Terai Agitation and the Possibility of CA Polls
PM says the EC poll schedule will not be changed
MMT's Morang in-charge arrested
Curfew in many districts, Terai turmoil deepens declared Bara, Parsa and Dhanusha as riot-torn areas. ..... the eastern districts also continue to be crippled by the indefinite general strike called by Limbuwans.
No dialogue with govt in existing scenario: UMDF leaders create a favourable environment for talks -- by not resorting to using extreme force to quell the ongoing agitations in Terai; provide free medical treatment and compensation to those injured during recent protests; and respond positively to the six demands put forward by the Front. ..... Thakur announced that the agitating parties, including his own, were not going to submit the closed list of candidates to be elected under proportional voting system in the April 10 constituent assembly election. ..... Thakur said the agitating parties had not forged any working alliance with the armed Terai groups now, but he didn’t rule out the possibility of an alliance in the future.
Terai districts face shortage of foodstuff The Terai bandh has also affected the capital Kathmandu where very few passenger vehicles were seen on the streets on Monday due to fuel shortage while the price of consumer items have skyrocketed.
Matrika, too, rejects single Madhes demand
Valley fire brigades feel effect of fuel crunch
PM ready to address Madhesi demands that are not dangerous for the country Kantipur
UML not to ally with Maoists in CA polls
UDMF condemns use of force in Terai, calls on govt to create environment for talks they were ready for talks if the government released those arrested during the ongoing agitation in Terai, withdrew the “false cases” filed against UDMF activists, made proper arrangements for the treatment of the injured and stopped suppressing the agitation through the use of force. ..... “The mobilization of armed forces and the barbaric suppression of the agitation that followed have disrupted the environment for talks.” ..... 300 protesters have been injured ....... reports of clashes between the police and the protestors in Birjunj, Bara, Janakpur and Nepalgunj ...... excessive use of force by personnel of the Nepal Police and Armed Police Force, including beating of protesters after they had been brought under control.
Curfew in Bara, Parsa, Nepalgunj on 6th day of Terai strike The indefinite curfew clamped in Banke district headquarters Nepalgunj by the district administration since Sunday afternoon is still continuing. ....... The curfew was imposed after the agitating mob went berserk following the death of a civilian in a police firing yesterday. ....... Normal life across almost all Terai districts and 9 hilly-districts in eastern Nepal has been crippled since last Wednesday due to separate strikes called by United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF), Federal Republican National Front (FRNF) and Federal Limbuwan State Council (FLSC)
Tamsaling State Council calls indefinite strike in districts around capital Tamsaling State Council, an agitating ethnic group, Monday called for an indefinite strike in the districts surrounding the capital putting forth a five-point demands including declaration of Tamsaling region as a federal autonomous republican state.
Doctors halt services at Narayani Sub-Regional Hospital Doctors at the Narayani Sub-Regional Hospital in Birgunj Monday announced to halt work for an indefinite period. The agitating doctors decided to halt all services except emergency services to protest police suppression on the protests in Birgunj on Sunday. The doctors said that the police misbehaved with the doctors and manhandled the caretakers of the injured. Life across Parsa district became tense since Sunday due to the indefinite strike called by United Democratic Madhesi Front since last Wednesday.
Fuel crunch forces schools to shutdown the schools could not run schools buses to ferry the students from their homes because of the fuel crisis that has swept the capital. .... The entire schools in the capital will be forced to close down from Tuesday if the situation does not improve ...... the number of vehicles plying the streets in the capital has significantly thinned
Call roundtable to solve tarai crisis: RPP
Resolve tarai problems: Carter Center
‘Candidates’ everywhere at UML office!
मधेस बन्दले दैनिक करोडौं नोक्सानी
पेट्रोल अभावले मध्यमर्स्याङ्दी बन्द
Thakur says no agreement yet with the PM NepalNews
PM meets Madhesi leaders Matrika Prasad Yadav, speaking at an interaction at the Reporters Club in the capital today, stated the Constituent Assembly (CA) election would be 'successfully' held on the scheduled date even if 'any individual or groups boycotts it'. ..... Sarita Giri said the groups agitating in Terai have no option but to come to the negotiating table.
Terai bandh enters third day; locals in Rupandehi resist bandh
UML lawmaker quits parliament to join Madhesh 'movement' Dan Bahadur Chaudhary, a CPN (UML) lawmaker from Kapilvastu-1, announced his resignation from the parliament as well as the party on Friday. ..... said he differed on the UML’s opposition to the “one Madhesh one province” concept. ..... In the past few weeks, a number of Madhesi MPs from different political parties have announced their resignation from the parliament and their respective parties to join in the protest movement.
RPP demands roundtable conference a roundtable conference of all the parliamentary as well as Terai-based parties to resolve Terai problems. Minister Gupta’s faction to stick with SPA The meeting of the party had delegated the authority of preparing closed-list of candidates for proportional representation-based election and direct election to party general secretary Minister Gupta. ..... the dissident faction of the NSP-Anandidevi led by Khusilal Mandal has warned of agitation
Govt formally invites UMDF for talks
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